Structual and thermoelectric properties of undoped IV-VI epitaxial films alloyed with tin J. Kdnig, J. Nurnus, R. Glatthaar, H. Bitttner, A. Lambrecht Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM) Heidenhofstr. 8, 791 10 Freiburg, Germany email: jg4qbi4lllugiplll$g.dg Abstract Iv-Vl-compounds are well known materials with favourable thermoelectric properties at elevated temperaft[es (-700 K). Using related mixed crystals the thermoelechic properties can be optimised due to alloy scattering which leads to a decreaseof tJIethermal conductivity without changing the other thermoelectric properties significantly. This method is well known as Joffe concept. The Joffe concept is about 50 years old and successfi.rllyproved several times using bulk crystals. But only few data exist about semiconductor thin fihns. Here we report on stuctural (SEM-, EDx-, XRD-, FTIR-analysis) and in particular thermoelectric properties (Seebeck coefficient and Hall-Effect measuremenlsfor canier concentration, conductivity and mobility) of molecular beam "Joffe-systems" epitaxy (MBE) grown thin film based on dle (Pb,Sn)Se and (Pb,Sn)Te. Special care was taken to evaluate the in-plane thermal conductiyity of insulated fre€ standing (Pb,Sn)Sethin films. With increasing tin concenEations increasing charge carrier concentration as well as increasing thermopower values were observed. The bandgap decreased with increasing tin concenhation - shifting the optimum operating temperatures towards room temperature - and also the lattice thermal conductivity decreasedas expected due to alloy scattedng. All these effects strongly improve the thermoelectric properties of Sn-alloyed IV-VI epitaxial layers in the room temperatue region. FOM will be determined by the dlstribution of the crystaltographic orientations of the grains weighted wift tle respective thermoelectric properties in the direction of the force (t€mperature gradient for respective driving thermogenerators or electric current for Peltier coolers). Although high FOM-values for V-Vl-superlattices ul were reported up to now no devices exploiting these enhanced matedal properties are known. For the case of polycrystalline V-VI materials with an reduced average FOM miniaturized Peltier coolers [2] were successfiily realized. For IV-VI - based superlattices a high FOM has been reported by Harman [3], however no practical devices with this material are realised so far. In contrast to the V-Vl-compounds IV-VI-based compounds possess the cubic NaCl-crystal structue and almost isofiopic physical properties. Therefore in this rxaterial system polycrystalline thin films could be as good as - or due to a reduced thermal conductivity becauseof grain boundary scattering even better than - polycrystalline v-VI thin films. An epitaxial map (energy gap vs. laftice constant) of the lead salts compared to conmonly used substrate materials for lead chalcogenide epitaxial gro\a'th and possible temary components is shown in figure 1. Introduction For applications in the region of 300 K normally V-VI compounds based on solid solutions of Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3are used. Up to now thesecompounds show the highest figures of merit (FOM) and therefore have the best efficiencies in thermoelectric devices designed for room temperature use. A striking disadvantage of these V-Vlcompounds is the lamellar crystal structure leading to shong anisotropies of alrnost all physical properties relevant to thermoelectric (e.g. thermal and el€ctric conductivity) and thin film gowth (e.g. linear ihennal expansion coefficient). These anisotropies complicate the use of V-VI compounds in thin film thermoelectric devices. Either the favourable proPerties of single crystalline hlms are found parallel or perpendicular to the substrate. Therefore - depending on the crystalline orientation of the substratesused to deposit epitaxial thin filrns - only applications exploiting in-plane (e.9. thermopiles) or cross-plane (e.g. Peltier coolers) will show optimum performance. In tlrc case of a polycrystalline thin fihn the l.+ti& an.t.nt . Ihml Fig. l: Epitaxial map of the lead chalcogenides, possible temary components and common substxatematerials. In the fotlowing the struchral and thermoelectric properties of undoped epitaxial Pbr-.Sn'Se and Pb1-,Sn*Te thin films grown by MBE are be investigated. IV-VI epitaxial thin filn growth and characterisation The investigatedfilms were grown in an EPI 930 MBE systemequippedwith a PbS€anda PbTecompotmdsource,a tellurium source and a seleniumcracker cell necessaryio the Se--or Te-lossin the compoundsource.Prior compensate to the gro&'th1 cfif BaF2substrateswerefreshly cleavedand fixed to the substrateholder using an InGa eutectic.In the load chamber the substrates\ /ere heated to 180'C for 18 minutesto remove water from the subshatesurface.An additionalthermalcleaningstep (425 'C for 25 minutes)was donein the grox'tl chamber,Thenthe substrateswerecooled down to grora{h temperature of 370'C (thermocouple reading).The flux ratiosof the PbSe(PbTe) andSe(Te) were chosenas 10:1 to guaranteea sufiicient stabilization.The gro\trthratewasabout1.4pm per hour. were used for tlte X-ray diffractometry-measurernents determination of lasice constants and O/2Gscans are (figure performedfor phaseanalysisfor the Pb1-,Sn*SeJayers 2). In Figure 3 lhe decreaseof the lattice constanta0 with increasinstin contentin PbSnSeis shown. .q, E 10' '; g ,", - )t 70 80 90 2s l'1 Fig. 2; X-ray diffraction @/2@scan (Cu Kar) of a on a (111) BaF2substrat€measued at Pb6.eaSn6.q6Se-filn Fraunhofer-lAF. ? szsH E g .9 ,?5E o g I 8 bulk PbS€ a a Fig. 3: Lattice constantao and full width at half maximum (FWHM; of PbSnSefilrns on BaF2(l1l) at 300K det€rmined by X-ray difftaction rneasurementsversus Sn-contentin data[15], [16]. comparison with literature After the gro*th the layerswereinvestigatedusingFomier transforminftared specfoscopy(FTIR) in order to determine of the absorptionedgeof the Pbr-"Sn"Seand tlrc dependence Pb1,"Sn"Telayers on the tin concentration.Figure 4 shows measuredinfrared transmissionspectra of the Pbl-*Sn*Se layers and of an uncoated BaF2 substrate.Besides the t) absorptiorsdue to BaFz(- 700 cm the interferencefringes with an almost equidistantspacingdo = n d/2 (n = reftactive index, d = frlm thickness)can be seenclearly. Knowing the refractiveindex of the thin filn|, the film thicknesscantllus be d€terminedin principle from the FTIR spectrum.Since the reftactiveindex of the filrns dependson the Sn concentration the film thicknesswere determinedby secondaryelecton microscopy(SEM) as shown in figure 5. Besidesthe film thicknessalso surfacemorphologywas determinedby SEM wasinvestigatedusingEDX up analysis.The Sn-concentration to frs at% accuacy. Using these Sn-cont€nts the compositionsof the sampleswerecalculated. 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 E 0.4 0.3 o.2 0.1 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1&0 M 2N 24cp 2ffi 2ffi wavenumber [cru-'] with samples of Pb1-"Sn*Se FTIR transmission specEa Fig.4: andof an uncoatedBaFzsubstrate. differentSn concentrations The measuredcharge carrier concentrationsare aknost temperatureindep€ndent,with^ increasing Sn-content the risesup to 4.l0r8cm3 for PbSnSe(x=0.08) concentration cmr. andfor PbSnTe(x = d.12)up to 6.101E -150 I ) = -zm 3 3 -zso f l,/ -3m of a 4.16 Fm thick Pbr-.Sn"Se Fig.5: SEM measurement samplegrownon a (111)BaF2substrate. The thermopowersof the sampleswere measuredat room a temperaturegadient temperature.During the measurement of 10K was applied to generatethe Seebeckvoltage. The resultsare shownin figure 6. It is obvious,that the measued with increasingSn-content. thermopowervaluesdecrease The electricalconductivitiesandchargecarier concentrations were determined by temperatue depetrdent Hall using the van-der-Pauwmethod,The samples measurements werethennally contactedto a cooled copperheat sink using silver glue,the electricalcontactswererealizedby gold wires solderedonto the corners of the samplesusing In-solder. During the measuerEnt electrical curents in the region of *5 rnA and magneticfrelds of 0.2 Tesla were used. The measuredmobilities and chargecarrier concentrationsin the terperature rangefrom 40 K to 320 K are shownin figure 7a and b. With increasingSn content the mobility at room t€mperatureincreaseswhereastlre mobility rise towardslower derreaseswith increasingSn content. iemperahnes - d Pb",Sn;Se Pbt' SnJe / o.@ 0.04 0.06 o.04 0.10 0.12 Sn clntent x Fig. 6: Room temperature tlermopower values of the investigatedPb1-,SnSeandPbl-"Sn'Tesamples. In order to conplete the thermoelectricproperties,in-plane using a bridge method thermal conductivity measurements were performed on the PbSnSe samples.Details on the are given elsewhere[4], thennal conductivity measurements t51. 10000 g z 2io'o E ll 5 E E E 5 rxroll 8no" 5do't 100 temperaturc[K] 150 2@ 2500s0 o Pbe.e76Sn632aSe; Fig. 7: Temperature dependentmobilities (a) and charge carrier concentrations O) r Pbq.e57Sno.oa3Se; -Pbo.rrsoo.ors"; v Pb9.$Sne.q62Te a Pb6.q6Sne31aTe; o Pb691sSne.662Te; o Pbs376Sn6.12aTe; ' Pbq.913Sno.0E2Se; ^ For the evaluation of the measurementsan emissiyity of the samplesof e=0.3 - independentof tlle Sn content of the samples - was assumed. The resulting itr-plane therrnal conductivity values are shown in figure 8. Within the experimental error the total thermal conductivity l, decreases with increasine Sn content of tle films. grown under non-equilibrium conditiors significantly differ from those single crystals. To=3nX aPbse SrierdL t .q 0.26 uJ 0.24 aPbsf- Rnvichet al, v -! r.l n-PbSei p-PbSe 'Uox"' -+ " 1.3 1.1 1.0 -1.0 {.5 Ph - -orr- Sn ^;' l-horrrSno*"S" , Pbo.-s\r,S" i* 0.0 0.5 1.0 Sc 0.0.3-- 1.5 2.o 2.5 3.O 3.5 4.0 4.5 at% Sr Fig. 8: Measured in-ptane trermil conductivities of the investigated Pbr "Sn Se samples. [7], [8] Results and discussion The absorption edge of the investigated IV-Vl-samples decreases with increasing Sn-content @g. 9). Although the determined absorption edges are not conected for the MossBurstein-Shift [6] - which would qualitatively result in slightly lower energies at higher charge carrier concentrations - a good agrcement with literafire data [9] - [13] can be found. It is well knowr! that materials with a band gap of E - 4 fu T (kB: Bohzmann constant) are well suited for applications at a temperatureT (e.9.Bi2Te3:E" - 150 mev - 6 kB'300K) Therefore the decreased bandgap in the investigated Sn-rich samples should result in an enhanced room te[perature thermoelectric efficiency. It is known, that for binary PbTe and PbSe epitaxial films the optimum charge carrier concenfiations for high FOMs are in the region ftom 8.1018cm'3 to l'10recm3. Since on the one hand side increasing Sn-contents result in increasing charge carrier concenfations and on the other hand increasing Sn-contents result in decreased band gaps, Sn has a double function in undoped lead chalcogenide films: It reduces the band gap and at the sane time acts as a dopand. According to phase diagams that can be found in the literature [14], [i5] valid for crysials grown under equilibrium conditions p-type doping is found for Se (Te)-stabilized Pb1-*SnSe (Pbr-"SnTe). The non-equilibrium MBE grown samples show n-type doping for Se-stabilized thin epitaxial films. The same effect was fotmd for undoped, Te-stabilized Pbr-.Sn'Te epitaxial films and confirmed by thermopower and Hall-measurements.Therefore the emplacement of Sn in our IV-VI compound thin films ,9, 0.26 Lil o.24 PbSnTeHarman -PbSnTeAnderson --'... PbsnTeHewes r P D S nt € l . r 6 t e r PbSnTeShani PbSnTe this work Fig. 9: Energy of the absorption edge of Pb1,"Sn*Seand Pb1*Sn"Te samplesrespectively in comparison with literature data tel- t13l Using the experimentally determined charge carrier concentrations the electronic contibution l. of the thermal conductivity was determined under the assumption of parabolic energy bands. The effective masses m* used to calculate the reduced Fermi energies and Lorentz-numbe$ L were taken from [14]. The lattice thermal conductivities calculated bV l,r = l,-l'" for the Pby *Sn Se thi! films are shown in figrue 10. The effect of reduced 7,,yvalues due to alloy scattering is obvious. For the sample with the highest Sn a lattice thermal conductivity of content Pbo92Sno.oESe - 1 wmrlf is found. Compared to tlle binary PbSe I this corresponds to a compounds with l,r - 1.4 WmtI( reduction of }'l by approxirnately 30 percent. asfor low Sncontentsin this regionZT valuesof 0.8 at 300K are expectedfrom the exfapolateddata within the systemof unintentionallydopedepitaxial Pbl *Sn*Setlin films. Similar results are expected for Pbr-*SnJe. The powerfactorfor Pb1,*Sn"Te is higher than that for Pbr,"Sn"S€ with a comparabletin cont€nt,but the thermalconductivityis expected to be higher too. Thermal conductivity frJmsarein progress. measurements of thePb1-,Sn*Te Further improvementsof the FOM are expectedwith PbSnSe/PbSnSeTe- or PbSnTe/PbSnSeTe-superlasices, similar to the results with PbSeTe-PbTe- SLt19l and PbTeSe-PbTe Quantum-Dot-Sl[3]. To=300 K V r.s h*"tS\rrr& Pbors?sno4.3se - t.l 1.0 Pborrsno"rse Pboersqirrse 0.8 0.7 -0.010.00 0.01 0.@ 0.0€ 0.(X 0.05 0.06 0-07 0.04 0.09 0.10 Sum.maryand outlook Sn cootrat x Fig. 10; Lattice thennal conductivities calculated from the measuredtotal thermal conductivities by 1,1= l,-1,". The room temperature properties of the investigated "undoped" IV-VI epitaxial films alloyed with tin are sumrnarized in table I and compared with other for high FOM optimised IV-VI thin films. Binary PbSe filrns with carrier concentrations optimised for room temperahle (- 1 10tecn3) have FOM < 0.3. Witi increasing Sn content the FOM of the samples increases strongly even in these "undoped" samples. For Pbe.elsSne.$2Sea very high value of ZT = 0.6 was determhed. A number of details are very promising that even higher FOMs can be realized within those rmintentionally doped Pb1"Sn Se epitaxial films: Optimised FOMS are expected for canier concenftations in the region of 1.101ecm-3. The experimental data presented indicate tlat these concentrations (s. table 1). For this could be reached for Pbe325Sne.175Se compound a band gap of - 100 meV - 4.kB.T - that means almost ideal for room temperatue applications - is expected. The extrapolated Seebeckcoefficient for this concentation is - 135 pV/K. Finally due to the almost constant mobilities conductivities of 1400 O'rcm'r may be anticipated. Even though the lattice thermal conductivity is not reduced as much n-type Material x EDX PbSnse 0-o2l PbSnSe o.o24 PbSnSe PbSnSe 0.043 0.082 0.014 It has been shown, tlat epitaxial Pbr,"Sn"Seand Pbr*Sn*Tequasibinaryfilms can reachthermoelecbicfigures of merit ashigh as0.6 at room temperature.Main reasonfor this is the multifunctionaleffect of Sn in the thin film: Sn reduces the band gap towards values ideal for room temperature applications,Sn acts at the sametime as a dopandincreasing the chargecarier concentrationtowardsl0r9 crl3 andlastbut not least reduces the thermal conductivity due to alloy scattedng.The emplacementmechanismsfor Sn in IV-VIbasedcompoundnon equilibriumMBE samplesis not known up to now. Exhapolatingthe present€dresultsshows,that ZT = 0.8 could thin films. be reachedwithin this systemfor Pbq.s25Sno.175Se This value is still smaller than those known ftom standard BizTe.:-basedV-Vl-compounds, neverthelessthe expected isotropy of the Pbr-"Sn"Secompoundscould be a striking advantage.Due to isotopy suchhigh - or due to enhanced phonon scatteringat grain boundaries- even higher FOMs should be found in polycrystallinematerials.Thereforethe complicateddepositionof single crystalline compoundsfor theusein high efficientthin film thermoelectricdevicescould be overcomeby tlre materialsystempresentedin this paper. 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