/. o BE \1\ ~. ~"'\\{ SUBSITITUTE \/ BEARING SAME No. AND DATE Additional Chief Secretary to Govt.Haryana, Industrial Training Department. To 1. All the Divisional Commissioner cum Chairman in state ofHaryana. Ambala City, Hisar, Rohtak and Gurgaon. 2. Peincipal cum Member Secretary, Industrial Training Institutes, Ambala City, Hisar, Rohtak and Gurgaon. 3. The PrincipallHeadmistress/Group Instructor Incharge, All Industrial Training Institutes,! Industrial Training Institutes (Women), In the Haryana State. Memo No.KCfTEIDC rate lall ITI's/Admn.-III/IIO Dated 2.2.2015 Su bject: Criteria for filling up the vacant posts of Instructors in ITI on.Contractual basis.. On the above subject, it is brought. to your notice that Govt.has decided that: 1. The vacancies of the Instructor in ITI's shall be filled @ Rs.14000/-Per Month on contract basis by the IMC society concerned through approved Selection Committee. . 2. The Principal of Industrial Training InstituteslIndustrial Training Institutes. (Women) where society has not been constituted yet, will forward the vacancies position of their institutes to the Principal-cum- Member Secretary to the society at their zone. SELECTION COMMITTEE 1. Divisional Commissioner cum Chairman ofI.M.C.Society of divisional level of Govt.ITI or his representatives. 2. Representatives of Director General, Industrial Training 3. One trade expert from I.T.I, (preferanbly GI level) 4. Any two principals of Distt.level Govt.ITI's (other than Divisional level Govt.ITI) 5. Principal cumMember Secretary ofIMC society of divisional level Govt.ITI. - Chairman Member . Member Member Member Secy. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION Sr. No 1 Qualification Essential Qualification for Diploma in relevant Trade or Degree in relevant Trade or ii) NTCINAC and CTI Score/Marks Max.-Score;:50 Above 50%,1 Score for per increase in %age . For 51% in diploma, score=l . For 52 %n diploma, score=2 For 53% in diploma, score=3 And so on with maximum score of 50 lOR I I ~core:=C%agein NiCINAC-50)+C%age in CTI-50 I Max. Score=50 I I Max. Matriculation 2 (W- ..-::: 1.__ .- ____~. _______ .._-.J Score=30 Above 50%, 1 score for per increase in %age For 51 %age, score= 1 For 52 %age score=Z and so on with ma~imum score 30 ----- 10+2 Max.Score=20Above 60 %age, 1 score for twoincrease in %age I For example for 62%age, score=I Extra qualification over and above essential qualification 4 5 Skill Test 6 . __ '- ~ 7 - Industrial! Teaching Experience over and _above. the .required essentIal expenellce Interview For example for 64 %age, score =2 And so on with maximum score of 20 .~ Max.Score=10 (Qualification i.e. BEl B.Tech /Diploma/ CTII Graduation in relevant subjects) -Max.Score=20 It will be mandatory to obtain min. 60% marks in skill test otherwise the candidate will be treated not fit for recruitment and above 70% marks in skill test and below 60% marks in skill test I speaking order may be passed by committees. Max. Score=10 (2 Marks for each extra year -of experience with I maximum score of 10) . --.----------------------------------~ Max. Score=If) Total score=150 I I I I However,in order to eliminate any possibility of misuse of weightage assigned to interview IMC -Society may be directed that extreme marks should be avoided and the interview board-should record reasons in writing in the marks for interview either exceeds 8 or goes below-Z, Existing essential qualification _foi: the vacant post as approved by Govt.shall be applicable directorate may be consulted for any clarification regarding essential qualification' if required for the post of the Instructors can be seen on the departmental web site www.itiharyana. govt.in. Final Selection List must be got approved from society after the final selection. -.~ Member Secy.Principals The concerned ITI will send the name of selected candidate alongwith I copy of documents and joining report in the directorate before accepting the joining of the candidates, the agreement as per C.S.outsourcing policy dated 16.02.2009 must be-obtained by the Principals. It may also be mentioned in the agreement that their services will be temporary I1dterminated as and when regular candidates joins or regular surplus candidates is available I II' the concerning relates trade is closed for any administrative reasons against their posts. Yoq are therefore, directed to fill-up the sanctioned vacant post of the Craft Instructors . I HI x - ntractual basis by following the above criteria @ Rs.14000/-Per Months as approved by 1'.1 ).i.lS reI' requirement of your ITI or demand received from other ITls in the Zone. This is for your kind information and strict compliance. -~~ Super~nt:n~e}~t'c II~T.) for Additional Chief Secretary to Govt.Haryana, ~ustrial Training Department.