Presented by CTE Administrators, CTE Specialists and CTE Teachers from the Gulf Coast CTE Area 6 Group. Contact Information: Jennifer Chiles, 281-084-0073 PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) is implementing changes in the PTCB Certification Program. The new changes will advance pharmacy technician qualifications by elevating PTCB’s standards for national certification and recertification. These changes are being phased in with the year 2020 as the deadline for all training sites to comply. ! ASHP (American Society of Health System Pharmacists) worked with NPTA (National Pharmacy Technician Association) to develop new accreditation standards. These standards are to be in place by 2020. ! All training sites must be accredited by ASHP. ! The new training site standards can be found at: Regulations-Standards/Pharmacy-TechnicianEducation-and-Training-Programs.pdf ! By 2020 all students sitting for the PTCE (Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam)must have completed their training from an ASHP accredited pharmacy technician training program. ! The revised exam was administered starting in 2014 using the newly accredited education requirements. ! 844 students in Texas passed the revised exam. ! The Texas State Board of Pharmacy requires PTCB certification before being registered as a Pharmacy Technician. ! There is another national certification exam given by NHA (National Healthcareer Association) but it is not recognized by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. ! Program Director with 5 or more years of experience working in a pharmacy. This person can oversee several sites. ! Faculty/Instructors at each site (under the direction of the Program Director) must have 3 or more years of experience working in a pharmacy. ! Experiential Coordinators at each site (under the direction of the Program Director) must have 3 or more years of experience working in a pharmacy. ! The training schedule must consist of 600 clock hours of health- related education and training, extending over a period of 15 weeks or longer. ! The period of training must include: ! Didactic – 160 hours – Classroom hours – Curriculum that does not require a separate simulated or experiential setting. It must progress from basic to complex information. ! Simulated – 80 hours – Skills practiced in the classroom without impact on real patients, must be done before Experiential hours. ! Experiential – 160 hours – working in 2 different types of pharmacies. (Hospital and Traditional) ! Staffing ! Utilizing current staff ! Hiring new staff with Pharmacy Tech certification ! Site Upgrades (Curriculum and Equipment) Questions to consider: 1. How many campuses have Pharmacy Tech programs? 2. Do you have a teacher with Pharmacy Tech experience? 3. What can current teachers do to become eligible? 4. Will your programs be able to comply with the new training schedules? 5. How is your district planning to comply with the changes (curriculum, teacher qualifications, site upgrades)? ! Current teachers without Pharmacy Tech experience can work or volunteer at a pharmacy for 3 or more years (before 2020) in order comply. These teachers would need to pass the PTCE. ! CTE Administrators could recommend that PTCB create a 2 week intensive summer training course for districts unable to find candidates with Pharmacy Tech experience. This training would give districts the flexibility to hire candidates with health related bachelor degrees in order to teach other Health Science courses.