Sensors, Instrumentation, and Micro/Nanotechnology Focus Area Upper-Level Engineering Courses – updated March, 2016 EN.510.311 EN.510.313 EN.510.314 EN.510.316 EN.510.403 EN.510.407 EN.510.421 EN.510.422 EN.510.430 EN.520.216 EN.520.315 EN.520.345 EN.520.349 EN.520.353 EN.520.372 EN.520.401 EN.520.407 EN.520.410 EN.520.424 EN.520.425 EN.520.432 EN.520.433 EN.520.435 EN.520.447 EN.520.448 EN.520.450 EN.520.454 EN.520.465 EN.520.483 EN.520.491 EN.520.492 EN.530.354 EN.530.414 EN.530.420 EN.530.421 EN.530.446 EN.530.646 EN.530.672 EN.540.403 EN.540.440 Structure of Materials Mechanical Properties of Materials Electronic Properties of Materials Biomaterials I Materials Characterization Biomaterials II: Host response and biomaterials applications Nanoparticles Micro and Nano Structured Materials & Devices Biomaterials Lab Introduction To VLSI Introduction to Information Processing of Sensory Signals Electrical & Computer Engineering Laboratory Microprocessor Lab I Control Systems Programmable Device Lab Basic Communication Introduction to the Physics of Electronic Devices Fiber Optics & Devices FPGA Synthesis Lab FPGA Senior Projects Laboratory Medical Imaging Systems Medical Image Analysis Digital Signal Processing Information Theory Electronics Design Lab Advanced Micro-Processor Lab Control Systems Design Digital Communications I Bio-Photonics Laboratory CAD Design of Digital VLSI Systems I (Seniors/Grads) Mixed-Mode VLSI Systems Manufacturing Engineering Computer-Aided Design Robot Sensors/Actuators Mechatronics Experimental Methods in Biomechanics Robot Devices, Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control Biosensing & BioMEMS Colloids and Nanoparticles Micro/Nanotechnology: The Science and Eng. of Small Structures 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 EN.580.434 Bioelectricity EN.580.441 Cellular Engineering EN.580.442 Tissue Engineering EN.580.451 Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab EN.580.456 Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering EN.580.457 Rehabilitation Engineering Design Lab EN.580.471 Biomedical Instrumentation EN.580.472 Medical Imaging Systems EN.580.495 Microfabrication Lab EN.580.571 Honors Instrumentation EN.580.616 Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems EN.580.688 Foundations of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics II EN.600.445 Computer Integrated Surgery I EN.600.446 Computer Integrated Surgery II Contact the department advising office for course additions. 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 Sensors, Instrumentation, and Micro/Nanotechnology Focus Area Non Upper-Level Engineering Courses (maximum of 3 credits from this list may count in focus area) EN.520.213 Circuits EN.520.214 Signals & Systems I EN.580.112 BME Design Group EN.580.211 BME Design Group EN.580.212 BME Design Group EN.580.311 BME Design Group EN.580.312 BME Design Group EN.580.411 BME Design Group EN.580.412 BME Design Group EN.580.413 Design-Team, Team Leader EN.580.414 Design Team/Team Leader EN.580.580 Senior Design Project EN.580.581 Senior Design Project Students may use a maximum of 3 research credits as a non-upper-level engineering course. 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 Undergraduate education should first and foremost have a balance of math, basic sciences, core engineering, and some level of specialization. At the senior level, however, this is your chance to taste advanced courses and specialization and get ready for novel technologies and emerging fields and thus get ready for research or becoming practicing engineer, or technically competent hands on physician someday. To pursue very advanced electives such as Honors Instrumentation, Computer Integrated Surgery, Biosensing and BioMEMS or Instrumentation: Molecular/Cellular, VLSI Design and Prototyping, and Micro/Nanotechnologies, you will need some prerequisite courses, so do plan a series of courses beginning junior year to prepare well and have some depth. On one hand some specialization like this may make you stronger and make it possible to be a practicing engineer in the industry due to hands on skills or prepare you better with research tools. But on the other hand, it is important not to specialize too early and be too narrow in your focus. Such focusing can be done at graduate level. Try to supplement this coursework with laboratory research or industrial/medical internship experience. The Sensors, Instrumentation and Micro/Nanotechnology track is suitable for students who have strong engineering interests, mapped to various engineering disciplines and careers in industry, entrepreneurship, and certainly grad/med schools. As this concentration gives plenty of opportunity to go deeper in to engineering theory and practice, culminating in several hands on and practical courses, it can prepare you for a career in medical device industry, research, entrepreneurship, and use of advanced technologies as a clinical scientist. Depending on the specialization you choose,, you will get to further focus your education and refine your career choices. These concentrations are Electronic Circuit, Device (ECD) specialization – aligned with ECE, giving extensive training and experience in use and design of sensors and instrumentation development, research and building systems for medical applications. Signals, Systems and Controls (SSC) specialization – aligned with ECE and ME, giving more theoretical and mathematical foundations to deal with biomedical signals and control systems, providing rigorous foundation for research as well as data analysis. Robotics and Surgical Systems (RSS) specialization – aligned with ME and CS, with extensive education and training in mechatronics and computer aided systems and automation in medical applications, including surgery. Medical Imaging (MI) specialization – aligned with ECE and CS, giving both theoretical and practical exposure to variety of imaging technologies, from optical to X-ray, MRI etc; this track combines both theory and practice, preparing you for careers in industry R&D, as well as academia. Micro-Nanotechnologies (MN) specialization – aligned with Materials Sci & Eng, ChemBio, as well as ECE/ME. Focus is on micro/nano materials, fabrication, and research at the interface of cells and tissue. Well suited for graduate research and or leading edge entrepreneurial careers. Materials and Cell-Tissue (MCT) specialization – aligned with Material Sci & Eng, ChemBio as well as overlapping with the Cell & Tissue Engineering track in BME; well suited for BME graduate school and medical school, and careers in more basic biomedical technology research For further questions, please consult Prof. Nitish Thakor, ECD – ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS, DEVICE specialization – You can select a cohesive set of course, not all of course, to advance your knowledge and capability to design circuits, electronics and instrumentation. In particular VLSI design and CAD and so on are advanced approaches to design integrated circuits. Biomedical Instrumentation is a very practical culmination. This area is good for students who are focusing or double majoring in EE, like design and hands on experience, considering either industrial or research/graduate career paths. Several other areas, such as microfabrication, optical and computer integrated surgery complement this focus area. 520.216 520.345 520.349 520.345 520.372 520.407 520.424 Introduction to VLSI (3) ** ECE Laboratory (3) Microprocessor Laboratory (3) Programmable Device Laboratory (3) Physics Electronic Devices (3) FPGA Synthesis Laboratory (3) 520.425 520.448 520.450 520.491 520.492 530.414 580.471 FPGA Projects Laboratory (3) Electronics Design Laboratory (3) Advanced Microprocessor Lab (3) CAD of Digital VLSI Systems (3) Mixed-Signal VLSI Systems (3) Computer-Aided Design (3) Biomedical Instrumentation (4) SSC - SIGNAL, SYSTEMS, CONTROL SPECIALIZATION – If you are interested in analysis of biomedical signals such as from the ear, brain, doing research on how brain codes for information, use the basic principles for imaging as well. Other related areas are instrumentation and imaging. Math courses such as linear algebra and matrix theory can be nice complements. This specialization is more theoretical than hands on and provides for a good preparation for research and graduate studies. 520.401 520.435 520.447 520.454 520.465 580.471 580.472 580.616 Basic Communication (3) Digital Signal Processing (4) Information Theory and Coding (3) Control Systems Design (3) Digital Communications (3) Biomedical Instrumentation (4) Medical Imaging Systems (3) Intro to Linear Dynamical Systems (3) RSS - ROBOTICS and SURGICAL SYSTEMS - This is clearly a specialized area, although an area in which JHU has many strengths. This is your path to linking ME, EE or CS approaches, learning about sensors, actuators, robotics, mechatronics, and find applications of all this in advanced medical robotics. The field can open your interest in research and some level of industrial applications and careers. However, it can also be too narrow a specialization and may be better followed at the graduate level. The complementary areas are Instrumentation, Imaging and so on. Being good at hands on and instrumentation design or theoretically strong, or strong programming can all be helpful. Computer integrated surgery is of course provides a culmination for this field. 520.345 ECE Laboratory (3) 520.432 520.448 520.450 530.414 530.420 530.421 530.646 580.471 Medical Imaging Systems (3) Electronics Design Laboratory (3) Advanced Microprocessor Lab (3) Computer-Aided Design (3) Robot Actuators and Sensors (3) Mechatronics (3) Introduction to Robotics (3) Biomedical Instrumentation (4) 580.472 580.616 600.445 580.616 600.446 Medical Imaging Systems (3) Linear Dynamical Systems (3) Computer-Integrated Surgery I (4) Computer-Integrated Surgery II (3) MI - MEDICAL IMAGING – This concentration is focused on building the mathematical and technical foundations of medical imaging; i.e. both mathematical methods for image analysis and image reconstruction and practical and theoretical aspects of machinery such as X ray CT and MRI. The courses require strong math background with linear algebra, matrix analysis, Fourier transform and other signals methods are desirable. Students may purse graduate studies or may seek medical career. Industry may also like this background, but advance studies at Masters or PhD may be desirable. The signals area, and perhaps instrumentation area, complements this focus area. 520.345 520.401 520.432 520.433 520.435 520.465 580.472 600.445 600.446 ECE Laboratory (3) Basic Communication (3) Medical Imaging Systems (3) Medical Imaging Analysis (3) Digital Signal Processing (4) Digital Communications (3) Medical Imaging Systems (3) Computer-Integrated Surgery I (4) Computer-Integrated Surgery II (3) MICRO-NANOTECHNOLOGIES – This is an emerging area that often attracts students, but careful consideration should be given concerning your interest. The field involves a lot of experimental techniques/lab oriented courses and newly developed courses covering technologies form micro/nano scale. This is a very good area for studies if your goal is to go to graduate school. The biology side complements the course as you can do device fabrication to experiment with cells and molecules and tissue engineering. In that sense this complements the biology/physiology well, and usually sets up good research opportunities at graduate level. While there are advanced industries/startups in this area, you have to be careful about using or expecting this preliminary knowledge to get a job. Microfab lab is a must, Biomedical Instrumentation is a core course, and advanced courses, such as Biosensing and BioMEMS can be taken. 510.316 520.448 530.672 540.440 580.425 580.441 580.442 580.451 580.471 580.495 580.571 Biomaterials I (3) Electronics Design Laboratory (3) Biosensing and BioMEMS (3) Micro and Nanotechnology (3) Ionic Channels in Excitable Cellular Engineering (3) Membranes Tissue Engineering (3) Cell & Tissue Lab (3) Biomedical Instrumentation (4) Microfabrication Laboratory (4) Honors Instrumentation (2) MATERIALS, CELL-TISSUE INSTRUMENTATION Specialization - This area of specialization is for students who plan to build a strong foundation of biomaterials and micro/nano technologies for interfacing to the cells and tissue in the body. Knowledge of biomaterials, including synthesis and characterization, to biocompatibility of materials, and to various applications of biomaterials is critical for developing implanted medical devices and interfacing to biological samples (cells/tissues and organs). This training overlaps and complements well with the Cell/Tissue Engineering track. Here, you can also develop a focus on the technological aspects of interfacing with cell and tissue at the micro and nanoscale, include designing of MEMS and nanoparticles. 510.311 510.313 510.314 510.316 510.313 510.403 540.403 540.404 510.407 510.421 510.430 530.672 540.440 580.441 580.442 580.451 530.445 530.448 580.495 Structure of Materials (3) Mechanical Properties of Materials (3) Electronic Properties of Materials (3) Biomaterials I (3) Mechanical Properties of Materials (3) Materials Characterization (3) Colloids and Nanoparticles Therapeutic and Diagnostic Colloids Biomaterials II (3) (3) Nanoparticles (3) Biomaterials Lab (3) Biosensing and BioMEMS (3) Micro and Nanotechnology (3) Cellular Engineering (3) Tissue Engineering (3) Cell and Tissue Laboratory (3) Introductory Biomechanics (3) LLLLTissuLaEngineeringLaboratory Biomechanics II (3) (2) Microfabrication Laboratory (4)