Slide -1 Capacitor Values Which is Better: Use One Value Capacitor or Three Different Values for the DPN? "and why this is the wrong question. Dr. Eric Bogatin, Signal Integrity Evangelist, Bogatin Enterprises Copies of this presentation are available on 5/1/2012 Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -2 Capacitor Values Overview • Decoupling capacitors and the PDN • The Problem we want to solve • The key performance metric: the impedance profile • The Bandini Mountain • Impact of capacitor values Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -3 Capacitor Values The Power Delivery Network Courtesy of Altera Corp • All the interconnect from Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) to pads on the chip • Purpose: Provide stable voltage to chip pads from DC to > BW of the signals (rail collapse) Provide low impedance return path for signals (ground bounce, SSO, switching noise) To help mitigate EMI emissions Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -4 Capacitor Values One Problem from Noise on the PDN 500 MHz clock Core PDN voltage noise– 200mv/div Period of each clock 350ps • 500 MHz clock (2 nsec period) • Multiple drivers drawing current through PDN at 500 Mbps, PRBS • PDN noise causes clock jitter 100ps jitter/vertical div In this case, ~ 1 nsec/v jitter Ex: 100 mV PDN noise 100 psec jitter noise Courtesy of Altera Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -5 Capacitor Values How to Break a PDN: It’s the Peak Values that Cause Problems Courtesy of Altera Corp Core – 100mv/div Measured impedance profile from the chip 600 mV core PDN noise! Yikes! Peak impedance at 33 MHz 30 nsec Core Logic activity Microcode drives current draw with high 33 MHz component Courtesy of Altera 5 Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -6 Capacitor Values Robust PDN Design Goal- Keep Peak Impedances Below Target Threshold 1.2 1.0 If impedance profile is everywhere below the target impedance, PDN noise will always be in spec. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1E1 -0.2 0 20 40 Impedance, Ohms Voltage 0.8 60 time, nsec 1 80 100 Target impedance 1E-1 1E-2 PDN impedance profile 1E-3 1E2 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8 1E9 1E10 freq, Hz Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -7 Capacitor Values Examples of Measured Bandini Mountains L of the package leads, C of the on-die capacitance SRF of the on-package capacitors Courtesy of Altera Corp Measured Impedance profile of core Vdd From Intel Technology Journal, Nov 2005 Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -8 Capacitor Values The Bandini Mountain: The On-die Capacitance and Package Lead Inductance Parallel Resonance Connection to the board impedance Bumps Balls PCB Planes & Vias & Vias C on-die = 100 nF Load Package Capacitor Note: Lower L means lower peak impedance! On-chip Capacitance Changing package lead inductance L = 1 nH With the board impedance a dead short “Bandini Mountain” – Steve Weir L = 0.1 nH L = 0.01 nH L = 0.001 nH Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -9 Capacitor Values Why PDNs Often “Work” Target impedance = 2 Ohms Target impedance = 0.4 Ohms LVRM = 100 nH RVRM = 0.005 Ohms Con-die = 50 nF Bulk C On-chip What the Chip Sees Even with NO Decoupling Capacitors VRM • Why PDNs often work If target impedance is high enough, may not need any board level decoupling capacitors If target impedance is low, current spectrum may not have any large amplitudes at frequencies where impedance is high May be sufficient on-chip or on-package decoupling capacitance Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -10 Capacitor Values Which is Better: 3 caps, same value, 3 caps, different values? VRM Bulk capacitors Ceramic decoupling capacitors PCB Planes Package Which is better? Chip Including the whole ecology How lucky do you feel? What if the on-die cap is larger, smaller? What if the package lead inductance is larger, smaller? Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -11 Capacitor Values Engineering the Bandini Mountain • Changing package lead inductance Chip-package design tradeoffs: Increase on-die capacitance Increase on-package capacitance L = 1 nH Decrease package lead inductance • L = 0.001 nH At the board level Not much: even a dead short shows a peak! Reduce capacitor inductance (only if package lead inductance is low) Board as a dead short R=1Ω Make the board impedance look like a resistor (decreasing the Q, damping the resonance) R = 0.001 Ω Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -12 Capacitor Values Impedance Magnitude and Phase C L R L The flatter the impedance profile, the more it looks like a resistor R C Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -13 Capacitor Values Impedance Profile and Phase 1 capacitor value 10 capacitor values • Phase of the Impedance profile If you know the impedance profile, you know the phase as well Capacitive impedance, phase is -90 degrees Inductive impedance, phase is +90 degrees Flat impedance, phase is ~ 0 degrees The more resistive the impedance profile, the less the Bandini peak impedance Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -14 Capacitor Values Impedance Profiles and the PDN Ecology Pkg + die Pkg + die • To minimize the resonance peaks, make the board impedance look resistive = flat impedance profile @ pkg-die resonance • If you don’t know the package L or on-chip C, try to make the board level impedance profile flat up to ~ 100 MHz • The flatter the impedance profile, the luckier you can get Just single value capacitors Just multiple value capacitors PDN ecology PDN ecology How do we sculpt a flat impedance profile with capacitors and decrease ALL peak impedances? Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -15 Capacitor Values Summary • PDN noise contributes to bit errors and to jitter • Worse case voltage noise occurs when chip current spectral peaks overlap impedance peaks • Peaks are the biggest problem to engineer away in PDN design • If you don’t engineer the impedance profile compared to the target impedance, your design principle isO “how lucky do you feel? Key ingredient Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012 Slide -16 Capacitor Values For More Information SI Library Webinars, feature articles, presentations, hands on labs Class schedules Blog: @beTheSignal Published by Prentice Hall, 2009 Bogatin Enterprises, a LeCroy Company 2012