From PrincipalSecretiryto Govt.of Haryana lndustrialTrainingDepartment To The DirectorGeneral, IndustrialTraining,Haryana, Chandigarh. lTls Memo No. K0ft-zlUpgradationof 1396-ppfl ZO}g-tOljcl Datedi&l-ol-'t o11,, Subiect:- Revised delegation of Powerc oJ 2@,6admission to rMC-societiesof GlTls covered under the Project "Upgradation of 139G GoW. lTls through PublicPrivatePartnership(PPPy'. Referenceyour note 3482-Dlr dated 3L-o7-2oL3onthe subject cited above. Govt.of Haryana is pleased to accordsanctionof 2}o/o admission to IMC Societies of GlTlcoveredunder"L3}6.PPP"projectin supersession of the previousletter No. KC/T-21Upgradation of 1395lTlsl PPPIClarification / Og-tOdated06-01-2010 with followingtermsandconditions: 1. As per DGE&T, Gol,clarification dated28-01-2010 ,z}%admissionout of sanctionedseatsto be madeby |MC-Society shouldcoverall the tradesrunningin the institute. 2. Revised fee for theseadmissions will be charged@ Rs.600/-permonth pertraineeandtotal fee amountshouldbe depositedin the accountof tMC-Society a{r- lndustrialTrainingDepartment Endst.NI:KC/T-Z/Upgradation of 1396tTtslppp/ ZOOg_tOl Dated , aglotlpul $og A copyof aboveis fonuardedto the followingfor informationand furthernecessary action: 1.. AdditionalDirector(Tech.) at H.e, 2. Deputy.Director(Training)at H.e. 3' DirectorGeneral,Employment Training Ministryof Labour& Employmenfshram _& ShaktiBhawan, RafiMarg,NewDelhi. 4' Principals/G.l.lncharge/Headmistress of ail 52 GlT|scoveredunder,!3g6-ppp, project narnely, rr Bahadurgarh,Ganaur, sadhaura, Narnaur,Mohindergarh,KaithaL Kurukshetra, Bhiwani,F/hirka,Meham,.Hassangarh, Nagina, Rewari(w), Ambara cantt, Kalkaat Bitna,Barwara,Hathin,Faridabad(wlrai*rat(w), Adampur,Adampur(w), Hansi(w), Bahadurgarh(w), Bhiwani(wi,sohna Narwa, Gurgaon(w),Hissar(w), ' Rohtak(w),Jind(w),samalkha(w), Bararaat Holi,Kalkaat Bitna(w),KundManethi, Makrauli Kalan,Ballah,NissingSirsa(W), Tohana(W), trlathusari if,opir, Chautala, Jhajjar at Guda(w), Mohindergarh{w),sonepat(w), Tosham(w), Narnaur(w), Kurukshetra(w), Panipat(w), charkhloadri(w),pundri,paliat Faridabad Bhaproda. & 11t) r}%a,* Assistant Director (projects) fgqDirectorGeneral, Industriat TrainingDeptt,Harya na Contd...2... --2-- Endst'No.KClr-2lupsradation of 1396ffrs/ ppp/2009-19/K$? actionple-se: oatea: z_ g.{ 61 ,u t y f A copy of aboveis forwardedto followingfor information & further necessary 1. Dy. commissioner,Rohtarc { chairmanrMC-societies of Govt.rr Meham Hassangarh & MakroliKalan). 2. Dy.Commissioner, Mewatat trtuh{Chairrnan tM._society of GoW.lTl Frh,rka). 3' Sh' HarishYadav{chairmanlMc-societies of Gow.tI Bhiwani& Bhiwani(w}vicepresident {HR.& lR)M/s GrasimBhiwaniTextitesUrntted,Bhtwani 4. :Sh.Satwant Grover (Chairman.tMc_Soci€ties of tTl B/Garh,(W) B/Garh& shaproda) M/s'Reliance, HaryanasEzLirnited,s'i Froor,AmbiencecorporateTower, AmbienceMall Complex,Amblencelceland,N.H.g, €urgaon. 5. Sh R,BSlngh,{ChairmantMC Societvof lTl Nagina} M/s Sona Koyo StreeingSystem Limited,3g/6,DelhiJaipurRoad,Gurgaon 6. sh. sudeshr(. Ag8arwar(chainnanrMc-societies of rr Narnaurand Mahindergarh) clo Deepak6upta, H. No,73_R, ModelTown,Rewari 7' sh Rajiv sardana,{chairmanrMc society of rr Sadhaura) M/s yamuna power & Infrastructure Llmlted,Sardanattagr,ArnbaiaRoad,Jagadhrl 8. Sh M'S. Johar{Chairman IMCSocietyof lTl Gannaur}M/s OSRAMIndiapvt Limited11th Floor,Tower-B,Signatures,south City_|,Gurgaon _ 9' Retd.Brlg' sh. ved parkashJchairrnan rMCS-cciety of rfl Hathin)D.G.M.M/s Hi-techGears [imited plot No. 24-25=26 Sector7, lMT,ManesarGurgaon. 10. sh Rameshsuri {Chairrnan rMcsocietyof rr sohna}Mt suBRosLimitedGF, worrd rrade Centre,BaraKhambaLane,NewDelhl 11. sh. R.pJrndar,Ex€cutive Director(chairmanrMc societiesof rT|Narwa and w) Hisar)M/s JindalStainless umited,0. p. JindatMar& Hlsar 12' 5h PawanjitslnghAhluwalia ttvtcsocietiesof tT| Ambalacantt and Kalka {chairman= at Bitna)M/s premiershierdp. rimited,premier House,146,lajpat Nagar,NewDerhi 13. Mrs. Anuradhayadav,Head _ H.R.,{Chairman of tMc-societyof GlTl Rewari(W)}M/s DE DiamondElectriclndia pvt ttd, prot.No, 3g, sector- 5, phase- lr, HstDc Hrowthcenter, Bawal Haryana. 14' 5h Sureshsachdev{chairrnan rMc societies of fi Kaithai{w), Fridabad{w)Rohtak Jind {w} - _ !P-"P l.r"atkha(w))M/s Raifoundation, n_,ciJ.,r, rr"thur" Road,New Dethi 15' 5h Rajeshuppar,ChiefGe.nerar Manager, ri lchairmanof rMc-societies of rr (w) curgaon & (w) Jhajjarat Guda)M/s Marutisuiuki tnaia lto, parmGurgaonRoad,6urgaon. Mrigeshshastri{chairmanrMc societies of trt'xatkaat Bitna(w) Bararaat Hori& Kund Manethi)M/s FCSsorutionsLimitedJ-7,Rajeev Gandhirr, park,chandigarh. 17' 5h UmedsinghtchairmanrMc socreties oi errt.h, Nissing& (w)Mohindergarh)Regional polnt ifi"oi,il1i.t"trer lnfosvstem Limited, tt. r'ro.ues (s"cono rroJriiectof-37', 18' M' SikhaMehta (chairrnan_ rMc-Societies of m{w) 'g sirsa,Nathusarichopta,chautala& (w) Tohana)M/s. EspireInforabspvt. rimiieg, -tt/t, r*cnoettri l*a*iur-a ioad, New 19' Ms' Nitya Reddytctra]r1-a1*rfrc-societies of lr{w} Tosham& (w} Narnaur)M/s. Aura Institurtonspvt. limited,,M,-17455,2"d Flo;tpui.f iorr", connaughtplace,New oethL 20' 5h' Harshavardhan Reddy{chairmanrruc-soci*iesof rt(w) Kurukshetra & (w) panipat} pvt. Limlted, .a_rza!!,r;; Floor,pqnjH"rr;,;;;;,;ght place, [f ffillnstitutions 21' Sh'Mr' Anirsharma,{€tailm.allyc{ociery of tT|{w} sonepat) Generar Manager, M/s, NewHorirons lndiallmited,A_12, Sector 5i Noida.lo$o1. _22' sh.Alok6upta{chairman rMc-societies gow. or m pundri,pariat Faridabad & (w)charkhi Dadri)'M/s' A2ZInfraservices umited,protr,ro.qq, institutional Area,sector3a Gurgaon, Bansal{chairman rMc-societies of covt.rTrsAdampur, Adampur (w) Barwara & Director, M/srNBsteet ffiXl Industries il ;,;. ptotNo.s"rr,i"o"ili--rr, ",."r_ 24. sh. s.x.Aggarwar { chairmanrMc societyof Grr (urukshetra) -'-' prot, M/s GNG LTD.. No.596phase-V, 97,UdhyogVihar, Gurgaon (g".Vr".t,-_ 25' Sh.NarinderKumarMrgranr, lcrrairman io.r.,v of Grfl Kaithar) M/s tekh Rajnarinder Kumar{Rice Millers& Exporters}, "*c rrarrg,i<",,nrr-n6027, OIdUdyog Haryana. rt f: '\l\'*frr\r\ Assistant Director {prcijects) Genera l, Ind ustria I tra iningDeptt., l.laryana ,ft?Dir.ctor HaryanaIndustrialTrainingDirectorate, : handigarh H e a d qu a r t e r sC To principals/G.l.lncharge/n.u. of alt GlTls covered under "1396-PPP"project namely, Kurukshetra, Bahadurgarh,Ganaur, sadhaura, Narnaul, Mohindergarh, Kaithal, Nagina Rewari(w), Ambala cantt, Kalka at Bhiwani, FlJhirka,Meham, Hassangarh, Bitna, Barwala,Hathin, Faridabad(w),Kaithal(w),Adampur,Adampur(w), Hansi(w), Bahadurgarh(w),Bhiwani(w), Sohna Nalwa, Gurgaon(w), Hissar(w), Rohtak(w), Jind(W),Samalkha(W),Barara at Holi, Kalka at Bitna(W),Kund Manethi, Makrauli Kalan, Ballah, Nissing,Sirsa(W),Tohana(W),NathusariChopta, Chautala,Jhajjarat Guda(W),Mohindergarh(W),Sonepat(W),Tosham(W),Narnaul(W),Kurukshetra(W), panipat(w),charkhiDadri(w),Pundri,Paliat Faridabad& Bhaproda. of 1396-lTlslPPPl2}09-t1l3S5l Memo No. KC/T-21Upgradation Dated: tAfr,lrtt regarding- Reviseddelegationpowersof 2Q%admissionto IMC-Societies Subject:- Clarification of GlTlscoveredunderthe Project"Upgradationof 1396Govt.lTlsthroughPublic PrivatePartnershi P(PPP)". of 1396-lTlslPPPl2}ogKindlyreferto this officeendst.lettersno. KC/ T-2/ Upgradation on the subjectcited above. 10/ 308-309dated 2B-O1'-20I4 It is clarifiedthat, the Govt.ordersissuedvide endst.lettersunder reference,s h a lbl e i . e . ; 2 0 1 4 - 1(5s e s s i osnt a r t sf r o m A u g u s t2 0 L 4 )a n dthe fee a p p l i c a b lfer o m t h e n e x te n s u i n gs e s s i o n t i . e ' ;R s .300per s t r u c t u r ef o r t h e s t u d e n t sa d m i t t e di n s e s s i o ny e a r 2 0 L 3 - 1 4r e m a i n su n c h a n g e d m o n t hp e r c a n d i d a t e ) . T h i si s f o r y o u r i n f o r m a t i o n& l u r t h e rn e c e s s a rayc t i o np l - Ul,X r'F,Ie*utAA w{, F,^o!.: t Harva na 5r,o',...,J,.'S,.?X;:il:l:f'T'TL of 1396lTls/PPP/2009-IOl336 Endst.No.-KC/T-2IUperadation Dated, tEl4>-ty A copy of above is forwardedto followingfor information& further necessaryaction please: r ,o h t a k( C h a i r m a InM C - S o c i e t i oe fsG o v t .l T l M e h a m ,H a s s a n g a r&h M a k r o l i 1 . D y .C o m m i s s i o n eR Kalan), of Govt.lTl F/Jhirka). IMC-Society Mewat at Nuh (Chairman Z. Dy. Commissioner, i B h i w a n(i W ) V i c eP r e s i d e n(tH R . 3 . S h .H a r i s hY a d a v{ C h a i r m a InM C - S o c i e t ioefsG o v t .l T l B h i w a n& & lR)M/s GrasimBhiwaniTextilesLimited,Bhiwani 4 . S h . S a t w a n tG r o v e r ( C h a i r m a nI M C - S o c i e t i eosf l T l B / G a r h , ( W ) B / G a r h & B h a p r o d a ) M/s.Reliance,HaryanaSEZLimited, sth Floor, AmbienceCorporateTower, AmbienceMall , . H . 8 ,G u r g a o n . C o m p l e xA, m b i e n c el c e l a n dN 5. Sh R.BSingh,(ChairmanIMC Societyof lTl Nagina)M/s Sona Koyo StreeingSystemLimited, r o a d ,G u r g a o n 3 8 / 6 ,D e l h i J a i p uR Contd.-----2 ---2--C/o Deepak 6 . s h . s u d e s hK . A g g a r w a(l C h a i r m a InM C - S o c i e t ioefsl T l N a r n a ual n d M a h i n d e r g a r h ) Gupta,H. No 73-R,ModelTown, Rewari 7. Sh Rajivsardana,(chairmanIMCsocietyof lTl sadhaura) M/s YamunaPower& Infrastructure Limited,SardanaNagr,AmbalaRoad,Jagadhri 8. Sh M.S.Johar(ChairmanIMC Societyof lTl Gannaur)M/s OSRAMIndia Pvt Limitedlt'n Floor, City-|,Gurgaon Tower-8,Signatures,South 9, Retd. Brig. Sh. Ved Parkash(ChairmanIMC Societyof lTl Hathin)D.G.M. M/s Hi-techGears Limited Plot No. 24-25=26Sector7, lMT, Manesar Gurgaon. L i m i t e dG F ,W o r l d T r a d e 1 0 .S h R a m e s hS u r i ( C h a i r m a nI M C S o c i e t yo f l T l S o h n a )M / s S U B R O S Centre,BaraKhambaLane,New Delhi ) /s Jindal e i r e c t o (r C h a i r m aInM CS o c i e t i eosf l T l N a l w aa n d W ) H i s a rM , x e c u t i vD 1 1 .S h .R . PJ i n d a l E Limited,O. P.JindalMarg,Hisar Stainless I M C S o c i e t i eos f l T l A m b a l aC a n t ta n d K a l k aa t B i t n a ) 1 2 .S h P a w a n j i tS i n g hA h l u w a l i a( C h a i r m a n M/s PremierShieldP. limited,PremierHouse,146,LajpatNagar,New Delhi 1 3 .M r s . A n u r a d h a Y a d a v , H e a d- H . R , , { C h a i r m aonf I M C - S o c i e t oy f G l T l R e w a r i ( W ) } M / sD E H r o w t hC e n t e rB , awal D i a m o n dE l e c t r i cl n d i aP v t L t d ,P l o t .N o .3 8 ,S e c t o -r 5 , P h a s e- l l , H S I I D C - Haryana. ( W ) R o h t a(kW ) J i n d( W ) 1 4 .S hS u r e s hS a c h d e v( C h a i r m a InM CS o c i e t i eosf l T l K a i t h a(l W ) , F r i d a b a d M/s Raifoundation, A-4I MCIE,MathuraRoad,New Delhi and Samalkha(W)) o sf l T l { W ) G u r g a o n& nf I M C - S o c i e t i e l a n a g e rl,T ( C h a i r m a o 1 5 .S h R a j e s hU p p a l ,C h i e fG e n e r a M ( W ) J h a j j aar t G u d a )M / s M a r u t iS u z u kIin d i aL t d ,P a l mG u r g a o nR o a d ,G u r g a o n . 1 6 . S h M r i g e s hS h a s t r i( C h a i r m a nI M C S o c i e t i eos f l T l K a l k aa t B i t n a ( W ) B a r a r aa t H o l i & K u n d Manethi)M/s FCSSolutionsLimitedJ-7,RajeevGandhilT, Park,Chandigarh. & ( W ) M o h i n d e r g a r hR)e g i o n aHl e a d , , issing 1 7 .S h U m e dS i n g h( C h a i r m a InM CS o c i e t i eosf B a l l a hN Chandigarh. M/s CarrerPoint Info SystemLimited,H. No. 1183(secondFloor)Sector-37B, 1 8 .M s . S i k h a M e h t a ( C h a i r m a nI M C - S o c i e t i eosf l T l ( W ) S i r s a ,N a t h u s a r iC h o p t a ,C h a u t a l a& Tohana(W)M/s. EspireInfolabsPvt. Limited, B-ll/1,MCIEDelhi Mathura Road,New Delhi. 1 9 .M s . N i t y a R e d d y ( C h a i r m a nI M C - S o c i e t i eosf l T l ( W ) T o s h a m & ( W ) N a r n a u l )M / s . A u r a Floor,PunjHouse,ConnaughtPlace,New Delhi. fnstitutionsPvt.Limited,M-17/L55,2nd ) /s. 2 0 .S h .H a r s h a v a r d h aRne d d y( C h a i r m a InM C - S o c i e t ioefsl T l ( W )K u r u k s h e t r&a ( W ) P a n i p a tM Floor,PunjHouse,ConnaughtPlace,New Delhi. Aura InstitutionsPvt. Limited,M-L7lL55,2no ) e n e r a lM a n a g e r ,M / s . N e w 2 1 .S h . M r . A n i l S h a r m a , ( C h a i r m IaM n C - S o c i e toyf l T l ( W ) S o n e p a t G HorizonsIndiaLimited,A-12,Sector59, Noida-201301. d (W) Charkhi 2 2 .S h . A l o k G u p t a ( C h a i r m a nI M C - S o c i e t i eo sf G o v t .l T l P u n d r i ,P a l ia t F a r i d a b a & Limited,Plot No.44,InstitutionalArea,Sector32, Gurgaon. Dadri).M/s, A27Infraservices 2 3 .S h . R a k e s hB a n s a l ,( C h a i r m a nI M C - S o c i e t i e o sf G o v t . l T l sA d a m p u r ,A d a m p u r( W ) B a r w a l a& Hansi(W).Director,M/s JNB Steel IndustriesPvt. Ltd. Plot No. 51-52,Sector 27-78,HisarL225044. 24. Sh. S.K.Aggarwal{ChairmanIMC Societyof GlTl Kuruksetra}Mls GNG Ltd., Plot. No. 595-97, UdhyogVihar,Phase-V, Gurgaon(Haryana). 2 5 . S h . N a r i n d e rK u m a r M i g l a n i ,{ C h a i r m a nI M C S o c i e t yo f G l T l K a i t h a l }M / s L e k h R a j N a r i n d e r Kumar(RiceMillers& Exporters), Old UdyogMarg,Kaithal-136O27,Haryalla/ - t' ' I 4'^c-\'''- cctft orr 4' J.,ft.'wau,W N/x JointDirector(projects) for .Dir ector Industr ial H ar yna a Gener al, Tr aini ng, o(ttl contd.----J ---3--- ,Vlrl>-\ Dated E n d s tN . o . -K( of 1396lTls/PPPI2009.101 2l Upgradation 33+ A copy of H.Q.for in (Trg.) at above is forwarded to Addltional Director (Tech')at H.Q. & Dy. Director actionplease. ion & further necessary v o€ l.J+" wt^ if , ' roin*Di,"L*f"jects) forrDirectorGeneral, IndustrialTraining,Haryana @q$/ E n d s tN . o . -K A copy of ShrarnShakti -21Upgradation of 1396lTls/PPPI2OO9-I}/'33 k , lfitfrurg Dated aboveis forwardedto 5h. NareshChandra,JointDirector(Tech.f,DGE& T, Gol, an, RafiMarg, New Delhifor informationplease. n E*.-0.',-C-o .rf k-[to, u"J-s^>'J' CC.- PA to DG for informationplease. JointDirector(Projects) for DirectorGeneral,lndustrialTraining,Haryana d\]/