Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figurre 10. Catabby Road. Encro oachment of veggetation B 4.3. Crash Histo ory Crash history h for thhe section off Brand Highhway in the vicinity of the t proposedd mine site for f the 5 year peeriod 1/01/066 to 31/12/10, shows two t vehicle crashes. One related tto a right tu urn thru movemeent and the other was a single vehiicle incidentt. Neither crrash resultedd in any fataalities or medicall treatment innjuries, onlyy property daamage. The crash c historyy does not inndicate any abnormal a statistics. 5. Intersection Requirrements 5.1. Brrand High hway and Mimegarrra Road In ntersection 5.1.1. Location The Braand Highwayy at Mimegarrra Road is a 7.0m wide sealed carriaageway with 2 x 3.5m wiide lanes and 2.55m wide graavel shoulderrs. There is a crest on the highwayy approximaately 150m north of Mimegaarra Road and a a slightt down graddient (Apprrox 1%) to the intersecction. South h of the intersecction, Brand Highway is essentially level l through h to a bend in the road aapproximateely 750m from thhe intersectioon. Sight diistance to thhe north is approximate a ly 350m annd to the sou uth it is 13 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs approximately 750m m. The graveel on the shoulders is faairly loose and a the highw way has som me slight v of Mimegarra M Rooad. deformaation in the vicinity There iss a culvert crossing c Brannd Highwayy 25m north of the centrre line of Miimegarra Road (inlet and outtlet very oveergrown) andd signs of water w pondin ng within thee grass to thhe south/wesst of the intersecction. Figuree 11. 14 | P a g e Brandd Highway, Norrth from Mimeggarra Road Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figuree 12. Figure 13. 15 | P a g e Brandd Highway, Sou uth from Mimeggarra Road Brand Highw way / Mimegarraa Road Intersection. Looking w west Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figure 14. Brand Highw way / Mimegarraa Road Intersecction. Looking eeast ance – Mim megarra Ro oad 5.1.2. Approach Sight Dista ASD) is the minimum m lev vel of sight distance d whiich must be available a The Appproach Sightt Distance (A on the minor m road appproach (ie. Mimegarra Rd) R to ensurre that driverrs are aware oof the presen nce of an intersecction. For truucks the Appproach Sighht Distance is equivaleent to the Stopping S Sigght Distancee (SSD) (Austroads Guide too Road Desiggn Part 4A, Section 3.2.1.) Mimegarrra Road has a gradient of o 0% on Acceleration and decelerration of the appproach to Brrand Highwaay. ASD is therefore as follows: (A combinaation vehiclees – Roaduseer Systems Ptty Ltd Aug 2004.) 2 Veh hicle Size / Weight Road Grad dient Vehicle Sp peed (km/hrr) ASD (m) B Double D / 70 tonnnes Levell 60 90 Doubble Dog / 110 toonnes Levell 60 95 Table 3. 3 ASD Requirements R The exiisting approaach of Mimeegarra Road to Brand Highway H has a fairly shaarp bend closse to the highwayy. The ASD is only approoximately 500m. This is acceptable a for current trafffic use as th here are a number of advancee warning siigns to slow w the trafficc prior to reeaching the intersection and no 16 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs unaccepptable risk too road userss is likely, however h willl need to bee reviewed dduring the geeometric design of o the upgradding of the inntersection. 5.1.3. Stopping Sight S Dista ance – Bran nd Highway y ng at the Stoppinng Sight Disttance (SSD) is the distannce required for a normaally alert driver, travellin design speed s on a wet w pavemennt, to perceivve, react and brake to a stop s before rreaching a haazard on the roadd ahead. The gradient of the t road has minimal imp pact on SSD. (Especiallyy at -1%) SSD is as follows: (Austroads Guide to Road R Design n Part 3, Seection 5.3 annd Accelerattion and ms Pty Ltd Auug 2004.)) deceleraation of combbination vehhicles – Roadduser System Veehicle Type Vehicle Speed d (km/hr) Required SSD (m) Available SSD (m) Truck 100 250 Approx 350 3 Car 110 260 Approx 350 3 Table 4. 4 SSD Requirements R The Stoopping Sight Distance forr the current location of th he intersectioon is acceptaable. 5.1.4. Safe Inters section Sight Distanc ce mum distancce that shouldd be provideed on the The Saffe Intersectioon Sight Disttance (SISD)) is the minim major rooad at any inntersection. (A Austroads Guide G to Road d Design Parrt 4A, Sectionn 3.2.2.) The folllowing criteeria were ussed for the assessment of the interrsection of B Brand Highw way and Mimegaarra Road wiith regard to trucks: • Rate of deceeleration of trucks t (at nigght): d = 0.29 9, • Height of veehicle driverrs eyeline: h1 = 2.4m, • Height of obbstacle beingg sighted: h2 = 1.25m, • Decision tim me (= Observvation Time + Reaction time) t = 5.5 seec • The calculattion is independent of thee size and weeight of the truck t Based on o the above,, the followinng requiremeents were dettermined. 17 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Vehiclee Speeed km/hr Required SIS SD (m) Level Requireed SISD (m m) -1% % Avaailable SISD (m) Truck 100 290 2995 Appprox 350m Car 110 285 2885 Appprox 350m Table 5. 5 SISD Requirements R The Saffe Intersectioon Sight Distance for the current locattion of the inntersection iss acceptable. 5.1.5. Minimum Gap Sight Distance Minimum m Gap Sighht Distance (MGSD) ( is the critical acceptance gap g that drivvers are prepared to accept when w underrtaking a crrossing or turning t man noeuvre at intersections. This measure is independdent of road gradient buut varies accoording to thee size and weight w of thee vehicle maaking the turning movement. m D Different sizeed vehicles will w be used for the haulage of the H HMC north an nd south which reesults in a diffferent MGSD in either direction. d MGSD looking soutth for trucks heading norrth: North bound b haulagge will utilisse a Double Dog truck configuration c n, turning froom Mimegarrra Road into Braand Highwaay. Mass of a Double Dog D configu uration is appprox. 110 tonnes. The distance throughh which the vehicle v has to travel in order to gett into the lanne is approxximately 50 to t 55 m. (This is the length of o the truck plus p the lenggth of the turrning path innto the lane on Brand Hiighway.) Estimated time to manoeuvre m innto the lane on o Brand Highway is appproximately 16 seconds.. (Report to MRW WA; “Accelleration and decelerationn testing off combinatioon vehicles.”” 13/8/04. Roaduser R Systemss Pty Ltd.) MGSD looking nortth for trucks heading south: b haulagge will utilisee a B-Double truck conffiguration. Mass M of a B-D Double confiiguration South bound is approox. 70 tonness. The distance through which w the veh hicle has to travel t in ordeer to get into o the lane is approoximately 400 to 45 m. (T This is the leength of the truck t plus thhe length of the turning path p into the lanee on Brand Highway.) Estimated tiime to mano oeuvre into the lane onn Brand Hig ghway is approximately 12 seeconds. (Repport to MRW WA; “Acceleration and deceleration teesting of com mbination vehicless.” 13/8/04. Roaduser R Syystems Pty Lttd.) MGSD:: (Austroads Guide to Rooad Design, Part P 4A, Table 3.5) The MG GSD requirem ments are shoown below: 18 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs n on MGSD Direction B Brand Hwy froom Mimegarra Rd R Turniing vehicle size Approaching g vehicle speed d (km/hr) Required MGSD (m) Availab ble MGSD D (m) South Douuble Dog (norrth bound) 110 485 Approx 750 7 North B--Double (souuth bound) 110 365 Approx 350 3 Table 6. MGSD Requirements R MGSD southwards for the currrent locatioon of the in ntersection iss acceptablee. In the norrthwards direction the availabble MGSD iss borderline. As Austroad ds is a designn guide as oppposed to maandatory requirem ments, the diistance of 350m could bee deemed suittable, howevver if any impprovements could be made it would be addvisable. Hennce an alternnative locatio on for the inttersection is rrecommendeed which his is at the top of the sllight crest referred to is approoximately 1550m north off the existingg location. Th in Sectiion 5.1.1 whhich would provide p sighht distance in n excess of 500m in botth directionss. It also results in i a slight doown gradiennt in both dirrections awaay from the intersection i w which will assist a the truck movements m e entering Braand Highwaay. (See Seection 5.1.9.) The creattion of a staggered intersecction would also separatee the traffic on Mimegaarra Road, eaast of Brandd Highway, from f the mine rellated traffic using u Mimeggarra Road too the west. 5.1.6. Auxiliary Lanes L Auxiliarry lanes incclude turningg lanes, accceleration an nd decelerattion lanes. T The requirem ment for auxiliarry lanes is baased on three assessmentss: 1. The operatioonal level off service of thhe intersectio on, 2. Traffic flow w, and 3. Safety a are adddressed in Sections S 5.1.33, 5.1.4 and 5.1.5. 5 These aspects 5.1.7. Operational Level off Service As stateed in Sectionn 4.1.1, the trraffic flow distribution d for fo Brand higghway indicaates that the morning and afteernoon peakk hours occuur towards the t middle of the day. Whereas thhe peak trafffic flow associatted with the mine operation will be 5am 5 to 6am and 6pm to 7pm; the maajority of thee vehicle movemeents being reelated to staff ff transport too and from th he accommoddation camps. The eveening traffic flow on Brrand Highwaay is higher than the eaarly morningg traffic flow w, so the intersecctions were analysed a for the t 6pm to 7pm 7 time perriod. Existingg traffic voluumes during this t time slot are about 5% off the AADT. (Approximaately = 50 veehicles in eacch direction iin 2020.) Traffic associated with w the minee: 25 vehicles entering from the northh to pick up staff and retu urn back 19 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs to accoommodation camps, 10 dayshift staaff that com mmute leavinng site, 10 nightshift staff that commutte arriving foor work and 3 service relaated trips arrriving and leaaving site. The oveerall traffic flows fl predicteed at the inteersection are shown in Figure 15. PM PEAK B Brand Hwy N 75 80 32 47 1 Mimegarraa Rd 41 32 1 8 3 1 1 1 41 Mimegarra Rd 8 42 3 1 51 56 B Brand hwy S Figure 15. Traffic flow ws at Brand Hw wy / Mimegarraa Rd intersectionn The inteersection wass analysed ussing the interrsection capaacity modelliing tool, SID DRA. SIDRA is an interrsection-moddelling tool commonly used by traaffic engineeers for all types t of RA outputs are a presentedd in the form m of Degree of Saturatioon, Level of Service, intersecctions. SIDR Averagee Delay and 95% Queue.. These charaacteristics aree defined as follows: • Degree of Saturation: This is thee ratio of thee arrival traaffic flow to the capacitty of the approach duuring the sam me period. The Degree of Saturatioon ranges froom close to zero for varied traffiic flow up to one for satuurated flow or capacity. • Level of Seervice: This is the qualitative measurre describingg operationall conditions within a traffic streaam and the perception by b motoristss. In generaal there are 6 levels off service, 20 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs designated from f A to F, F with Level of Service A representting the bestt operating condition c (i.e. free floow) and Leveel of Service F the worst (i.e. forced or o breakdownn flow). • Average Delay: D This is the averaage of all trravel time delays d for vvehicles thro ough the intersection. • 95% Queuee: This is thee queue lengtth below whiich 95% of all a observed qqueue length hs fall. hout turning lanes as show wn in Figuree 16. The The inteersection wass analysed ass 4-way interrsection with results of o the analyssis indicated that the inteersection wou uld operate at a a Level off Service A on o Brand Highwaay and Level of Service B on Mimegaarra Road. Seee Figure 17. Figuree 16. 21 | P a g e Brandd Hwy / Mimegaarra Rd intersecction layout Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Movement Performan nce - Vehicles s Mov ID Turn T Demand d Flow w veh/h h South: Bra and Hwy S 1 L 8 2 T 44 4 3 R 1 Approach 54 4 East: Mime egarra Rd E 4 L 1 5 T 1 6 R 1 Approach 3 North: Bra and Hwy N 7 L 1 8 T 49 9 9 R 34 4 Approach 84 4 West: Mim megarra Rd W 10 L 34 4 11 T 1 12 R 8 Approach 43 3 All Vehicle es 184 4 HV Deg. Satn % v/c Avera age Dellay s sec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.028 8.4 8 0 0.2 8 8.6 1 1.6 LOS A LOS A LOS A NA 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0 0.16 0 0.16 0 0.16 0 0.16 0.82 2 0.00 0 0.95 5 0.15 5 48.9 56.8 48.7 55.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 11 1.5 11 1.1 11 1.3 11 1.3 LOS B LOS B LOS B LOS B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.20 0 0.20 0 0.20 0 0.20 0.84 4 0.87 7 0.92 2 0.87 7 45.9 46.3 46.1 46.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 8.4 8 0 0.2 8 8.6 3 3.7 LOS A LOS A LOS A NA 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 0 0.15 0 0.15 0 0.15 0 0.15 0.72 2 0.00 0 0.83 3 0.34 4 48.7 56.8 48.5 53.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.050 11 1.1 10 0.6 10 0.9 11 1.0 4 4.9 LOS B LOS B LOS B LOS B NA 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 0 0.14 0 0.14 0 0.14 0 0.14 0 0.15 0.90 0 0.93 3 0.97 7 0.91 0.43 3 46.2 46.6 46.4 46.3 51.7 Figure 17. Level of Service 95% Back of Queue Q Vehicles Distance D veh m Prrop. Effective e Queu ued Stop Rate e per veh Average Speed km/h Brand Hwy / Mimegarra M Rd intersection. Leevel of Service. PM 5.1.8. Traffic Flow y, will have on through ttraffic is asssessed in The imppact that traffic, enteringg and exitingg a roadway accordaance with thee warrants foor turn lanes as per Austrroads Guide to Road Dessign Part 4A,, Section 4.8. The estimated traffic voluume on Brannd Highway in 2014 (baased on a 3% growth factor) f is d 7pm in 1,575vppd. The peakk period for tuurning moveements as staated in Sectioon 5.1.1 is beetween 6 and the evenning, duringg which timee approximattely 32 rightt turn movem ments into M Mimegarra Road R are forecastt. During thhis period thhe traffic floow on Brand d Highway would be aabout 50vph in each direction in 2020. wn in Figure 18, these traaffic volumess fall to the left l of the reed line, indiccating that no o turning As show lanes aree required froom a traffic flow f perspecctive. 22 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs F Figure 18. A Austroads Warrrants for Turn Lanes L 5.1.9. Safety The opeerational level of servicee of the interrsection and the warrantss for turn lannes, indicatee that the intersecction could operate o in itss existing connfiguration. However coonsideration needs to be given to the speeed of the trafffic on Brandd Highway and a the high percentage of o truck movvements currrently on the highhway. Brandd Highway is known ass a high speeed “aggresssive environnment.” The existing configuration of thee highway (m minimal side roads and acccess points,, good visibiility, etc) is such s that motoristts using the highway havve an expecttation to trav vel close to thhe speed lim mit and exhib bit a high level off frustration when w faced with w impedim ments to the traffic t flow. m of the speed att which 85% % of the trafffic is travellling. As The 85tht percentile speed is a measure shown in Figure199, the 85th percentile p sppeed for Braand Highwaay in the viicinity of Cataby C is approximately 110kkph. ie. Thee same as thhe posted speed and inndicates thatt it is a hig gh speed environment, even though t there is a high vollume of truck k traffic on thhe road. 23 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figure 19. B Brand Highway 85th Percentile Speed There arre two aspeccts to consideer for the safe fety of motorists at the inttersection. The firsst safety issue is the highh number of turning t moveements in annd out of Mim megarra Roaad during the morrning and eveening peak hours. h Sectionn 4.1 estimattes approxim mately 40 vehhicles turning g in, and a similaar number tuurning out, of o Mimegarrra Road duriing the peakk hours. Thiss will result in slow moving, and in som me instances stationary, s v vehicles turniing right intoo the mine siite, creating a hazard mended thatt a right turn n lane be for soutth bound vehhicles on Brrand Highwaay. It is thereefore recomm provided for vehiclees turning intto Mimegarra Road. The seccond safety isssue is createed by the haaul trucks enttering Brandd Highway annd the time they t will take to reach their travelling sppeed. Sectionn 5.1.5 conffirmed that there t is suffiicient sight distance, d both norrth and southh on Brand Highway, H forr the trucks to t pick a gapp in the oncom ming traffic which is sufficiennt for them to safely make the turnn movement onto the higghway. How wever the tru ucks will need ann accelerationn lane in botth directionss to enable th hem to reachh a speed thaat will not cause c too much diisruption to the t through traffic. t The lenngth of acceeleration lanee required is covered in n Austroads Guide to R Road Design n Part 3, Section 9. Figure 9.5 applies too the pocket road train (6 67.5t) while the Truck w with 2 x Dog g trailers 24 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs configuration (107.55t) falls betw ween Figures 9.5 and 9.6. There is a slight dow wn gradient from f the ( 1%) The graphs indiccate that for flat or minim mal down gradients, g intersecction in both directions (< these laarge size truccks will onlyy reach a speeed of around d 80km/h oveer a distancee in excess of 1.5km. The graaphs also shoow that the trrucks will reaach a speed of o between 65km/h 6 and 770km/h over a length of 700m m and the inccrease of speeed beyond 700m 7 is extrremely graduual. Based onn the low nu umber of daily truuck movemeents to be geenerated by the t mine operation (9 noorth and 16 south) and the t good visibilitty along thiss stretch of the t highway, it is recom mmended thaat a lane lenggth of 700m m will be sufficiennt. A diagrammatic layyout of the inntersection is included in Figure 20. A more detailed concept layout is includedd in Annexurre B. Figure 20. Proposed Brand Highw way / Mimegarrra Road Interseection – Diagram matic layout Street lighting: l Too improve driver awarreness of th he intersectiion and saffety at nigh ht, it is recomm mended that street s lightinng be provideed approxim mately 200m either side oof the interseection in accordaance with MR RWA Lightinng Design Guideline. G Some further f notess regarding safety of thhe intersectio on – which should be iinclude in operating o proceduures: • Trucks must not track diirt or gravel onto the high hway on theiir tyres. • Loads to be secured to ensure e no heaavy mineral concentrate c i dropped onn the road. is • Intersectionn to be inspeccted regularlyy to ensure surface, s roadd markings, ssigns, etc aree in good and clean coondition. 25 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs 5.2. Brrand High hway / Cataby Road d 5.2.1. Operational Level off Service p traffic flow f associatted with the mine operatiion is expectted to be As stateed in Sectionn 5.1.1, the peak betweenn 6pm and 7ppm. The trafffic flow on Brand B Highw way during thhis time period is estimatted to be approximately 50vpph in each direction (22020.) The traffic t on Cataby C Roadd will be th he traffic modation cam mps (150vph h) plus the exxisting trafficc (=10% of 165vpd = associatted with bothh the accomm 17vph.). Predicted tuurning moveements are shhown in Figu ure 21. AM PEAK Brand hwy 60 16 44 55 60 16 44 55 Brand Hwy 39 39 78 888 Cataby Rd PM PEAK K Brand hwy h 75 366 399 80 80 36 39 Brand Hwyy 4 44 44 88 78 Catabyy Rd Figure 21. 26 | P a g e Predicted Tu urning Movemeents 75 Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs The inteersection waas analysed, using SIDR RA, as a T-in ntersection with w the existting turning lanes as shown in Figure 22. The anallysis was foor the period d 6pm to 7ppm. The ressults of the analysis w operatee at a Level of o Service A on Brand H Highway and Level of indicateed that the inntersection would Service B on Catabyy Road. See Figure F 23. Figuure 22. Brannd Hwy / Catab by Rd intersection layout Movement Performan nce - Vehicles s Mov ID Turn T Demand d Flow w veh/h h South: Bra and Hwy S 2 T 38 8 3 R 41 Approach 79 9 East: Cata aby Rd 4 L 46 6 6 R 46 6 Approach 93 3 North: Bra and Hwy N 7 L 41 8 T 38 8 Approach 79 9 All Vehicle es 251 HV Deg. Satn % v/c Avera age Dellay s sec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.019 0.031 0.031 0.0 0 8 8.7 4 4.5 LOS A LOS A NA 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.8 0 0.00 0 0.17 0 0.09 0.00 0 0.64 4 0.33 3 60.0 47.9 53.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.104 0.104 0.104 11 1.5 11 1.4 11 1.4 LOS B LOS B LOS B 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.9 2.9 2.9 0 0.20 0 0.20 0 0.20 0.87 7 0.93 3 0.90 0 46.0 46.0 46.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.022 0.019 0.022 0.104 8.2 8 0 0.0 4 4.3 7 7.0 LOS A LOS A NA NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.10 0.67 7 0.00 0 0.35 5 0.55 5 49.0 60.0 53.7 50.4 Figure 23. 27 | P a g e Level of Service 95% Back of Queue Q Vehicles Distance D veh m Prrop. Effective e Queu ued Stop Rate e per veh Brand Hwy / Cataby Rd inttersection. Leveel of Service. P PM Average Speed km/h Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs The Caataby Roadhoouse is on thhe west sidee of Brand Highway, H appproximatelyy 250m nortth of the Cataby Road interseection and will w not impacct on the opeeration of thee Cataby Roaad intersectio on at all. modation cam mps will walk to the It is also not anticippated that peeople stayingg at either off the accomm Roadhoouse resultingg in a safety hazard to thhem or moto orists on Brannd Highway. The distancce to the Roadhoouse is considered sufficiient to discoourage peoplle from walkking. Howevver it is posssible that some peeople may cyycle to the Roadhouse R deepending on what facilitiies are availaable at the Camps. C If this is the case, coonsideration should be given to co onstructing a cycle pathh adjacent to Brand Highwaay from Catabby Road to the t Roadhouse. The vehicle speed, cooncentration of trucks and d lack of surfacedd pavement width w for cycclists would make cycling g on Brand Highway H pottentially hazaardous. There iss also a farm m operation, Carpenters,, east of Braand Highwayy with a crooss over opposite the Roadhoouse. Existinng vehicle movements m a appear to bee minimal annd will alsoo not impactt on the operatioon of the Cattaby Road inntersection. However H Carrpenters havee plans to esttablish an ab battoir on the site with access to t Brand Higghway via a cross over on n Cataby Rooad, 500m froom Brand Hiighway. Informaation provideed by Carpeenters indicaates the follo owing estimaate of vehicle movemen nts to be generateed by the esttablishment of o the abattoiir: Truck movements: m O Only two truucks in and tw wo out during the day. Light veehicles: The operation wiill have 40 em mployees. Assume A 30 veehicles in andd out each daay. Other seervices / deliiveries: Assuume 2 trucks in and out eaach day. The houurs of operation for the employees e will be 7am to o 3pm. The vehicle v moveements will therefore t occur outside o of thhe peak timees for traffiic movemen nts associatedd with the ttwo accomm modation camps. The establishhment of thee abattoir willl therefore not n add to thhe traffic flow ws during peeak times and willl have no adverse impaact on the opperation of Cataby C Roadd or the inteersection witth Brand Highwaay. 5.2.2. Acceleratio on and Deceleration Lanes a the interseection of Cataaby Road. There T is a Turningg lanes are allready providded on Brandd Highway at left turnn lane for soouth bound traffic and there t are two o lanes northh bound, thee left lane being b for traffic too pass vehicles turning right into Cattaby Road. The T left lane then becomees a left turn n lane for Caro Rooad to the noorth of Catabby Road. Althhough the ad dditional lanees are not reqquired in acccordance with Auustroads Guuide to Roadd Design Paart 4A, baseed on trafficc volumes, they are co onsidered warranted from a saafety aspect due d to the prooximity of th he Cataby Rooad House annd Caro Road d. 28 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figure 24. Brand Higghway northbound approach to Cataby Road Figuure 25. 29 | P a g e Brannd Highway / Cataby C Road inttersection Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figure 26. 2 Brand Highway H lookin ng north towardds Caro Road 5.2.3. Sight Dista ance The new w mine operaation will only result in heavy h haulag ge vehicle moovements onn Cataby Roaad during construcction of the accommodat a tion camps, which w will be b the transpoort of the porrtable buildin ng units. These will w be underr escort and associated a traaffic manageement. No heeavy truck m movements will w occur on Cataaby Road duee to the mininng operationns. The existing intersecction has turrning lanes annd is well deefined. p Sections 5.1.5, 5.1.6 and 5.1.7) Sight diistance requirements (as per • SSD Minim mum 260m • SISD Minim mum 290m • MGSD (forr light vehiclles / small buusses) 305m m (Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4A, Table 3.5) The actuual sight disttance at the intersection i i 300m nortthwards and 450m southw is wards, and as a such is adequatte. The existing intersecction is show wn in Figuress 24 to 27. 30 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figure 27. Cataby Road - Approach to intersection with Brand Highw way 5.3. Cataby Roa ad / Tiwes st Camp 5.3.1. Location west camp from f Caro Road R to a siite on Catab by Road It is proposed to relocate the existing Tiw m east of Braand Highwayy as shown in n Figure 28. approximately 2.7km l andd has a crest in the vicinity of the Cataby Road is a 6.3m wide seaaled carriageeway at this location westernn boundary off the proposeed site. 31 | P a g e Con nsulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, R Risk Managerrs Figure 28. Figure 29. 32 | P a g e Propossed site for Tiw west Accommoddation camp C Cataby Road – Looking L west frrom proposed access a to Tiwestt camp This is an unlicensed copy of Split Pdf This page will be appended to every output in unlicensed mode only. For purchase information see our website Thank you,