Lecture 12 Caps & RC Circuits 10-­‐23-­‐11 Midterm Grades • Mean = 80, Median = 83, Mode = 95 • Standard DeviaBon = 14 DescripBon of a Capacitor • A capacitor is a passive element designed to store energy in its electric field. UE = 1 2 r r D ∫ • E dV V € • A capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulator (or dielectric). 3 DefiniBon of Capacitance • Capacitance C is the raBo of the charge q on one plate of a capacitor to the voltage difference v between the two plates, measured in farads (F). and • Where ε is the permittivity of the dielectric material between the plates, A is the surface area of each plate, d is the distance between the plates. µF (10–6) • Unit: F, pF (10–12), nF (10–9), and 4 Some Typical Capacitors Voltage across a Capacitor • If i is flowing into the +v terminal of C – Charging => i is posiBve (> 0) – Discharging => i is – (< 0) • The current-voltage relationship of capacitor according to above convention is and Energy Stored in a Capacitor • The energy, w, stored in the capacitor is • A capacitor is – an open circuit to dc (dv/dt = 0). – its voltage cannot change abruptly (depends on integral of i). 7 Voltage across a Capacitor Example The voltage across a 5-­‐µF capacitor is v(t) = 10 Cos(6000 t) V. Calculate the current through it 8 Parallel Capacitors • The equivalent capacitance of N parallel-­‐connected capacitors is the sum of the individual capacitances. 9 Series Capacitors • The equivalent capacitance of N series-­‐connected capacitors is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual capacitances. 10 Series and Parallel Capacitors Example 3 Find the equivalent capacitance seen at the terminals of the circuit in the circuit shown below: Answer: Ceq = 40µF 70µF 11 Source-­‐Free RC Circuit • A first-­‐order circuit is characterized by a first-­‐order differenBal equaBon. By KCL Ohms law • • Capacitor law Apply Kirchhoff’s laws to purely resistive circuit results in algebraic equations. Apply the laws to RC (and RL) circuits produces differential equations. 12 Source-­‐Free Response of an RC Circuit • The natural response of a circuit refers to the behavior (in terms of voltages and currents) of the circuit itself, with no external sources of excitaBon. Time constant Decays more slowly Decays faster • • The time constant τ of a circuit is the time required for the response to decay by a factor of 1/e or 36.8% of its initial value. v decays faster for small τ and slower for large τ. 13 First Order DE SoluBon for RC Circuit v dv +C =0 R dt • Use t lnv = − + ln A RC • Manipulate equaBon and • Integrate v t € ln( ) = − • Manipulate A RC and exponetiation both • ExponenBate −t −t • Define Bme constant v(t) = Vo e RC = Vo e τ where τ = RC € sides SoluBon of DE for Source-­‐Free RC Circuit The key to working with a source-­‐free RC circuit is finding: where 1. The initial voltage v(0) = V0 across the capacitor. 2. The time constant τ = RC. 15 Source-­‐Free RC Circuit Example Example 1 Refer to the circuit below, determine vC, vx, and io for t ≥ 0. Assume that vC(0) = 30 V. Answer: vC = 30e–0.25t V ; vx = 10e–0.25t ; io = –2.5e–0.25t A 16 Source-­‐Free RC Circuit Example Example 2 The switch in circuit below is opened at t = 0, find v(t) for t ≥ 0. • Please refer to lecture or textbook for more detail elaboration. Answer: V(t) = 8e–2t V 17 Unit-­‐Step FuncBon • The unit step func<on u(t) is 0 for negaBve values of t and 1 for posiBve values of t. 18 Abrupt Change (Switch on or off) Represent an abrupt change for: 1. voltage source. 2. for current source: 19 DE for Step-­‐Response of a RC Circuit • The step response of a circuit is its behavior when the excitaBon is the step funcBon, which may be a voltage or a current source. • Initial condition: v(0-) = v(0+) = V0 • Applying KCL, Node or • Where u(t) is the unit-step function 20 Step-­‐Response of a RC Circuit • IntegraBng both sides and considering the iniBal condiBons, the soluBon of the equaBon is: Final value at t -> ∞ Complete Response = = Natural response (stored energy) V0e–t/τ + Initial value at t=0 + Source-free Response Forced Response (independent source) Vs(1–e–t/τ) 21 Finding the Step-­‐Response of a RC Circuit Three steps to find out the step response of an RC circuit: 1. The initial capacitor voltage v(0). 2. The final capacitor voltage v(∞) — DC voltage across C. 3. The time constant τ. Note: The above method is a short-cut method. You may also determine the solution by setting up the circuit formula directly using KCL, KVL , ohms law, capacitor and inductor VI laws. 22