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Lecture 12 Caps & RC Circuits 10-­‐23-­‐11 Midterm Grades •  Mean = 80, Median = 83, Mode = 95 •  Standard DeviaBon = 14 DescripBon of a Capacitor •  A capacitor is a passive element designed to store energy in its electric field. UE =
r r
∫ • E dV
•  A capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated
by an insulator (or dielectric).
3 DefiniBon of Capacitance •  Capacitance C is the raBo of the charge q on one plate of a capacitor to the voltage difference v between the two plates, measured in farads (F). and
•  Where ε is the permittivity of the dielectric material between
the plates, A is the surface area of each plate, d is the distance
between the plates.
µF (10–6)
•  Unit: F, pF (10–12), nF (10–9), and
4 Some Typical Capacitors Voltage across a Capacitor •  If i is flowing into the +v terminal of C –  Charging => i is posiBve (> 0) –  Discharging => i is – (< 0) •  The current-voltage relationship of capacitor according to
above convention is
Energy Stored in a Capacitor •  The energy, w, stored in the capacitor is •  A capacitor is
–  an open circuit to dc (dv/dt = 0).
–  its voltage cannot change abruptly (depends on
integral of i).
7 Voltage across a Capacitor Example The voltage across a 5-­‐µF capacitor is v(t) = 10 Cos(6000 t) V. Calculate the current through it 8 Parallel Capacitors •  The equivalent capacitance of N parallel-­‐connected capacitors is the sum of the individual capacitances. 9 Series Capacitors •  The equivalent capacitance of N series-­‐connected capacitors is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual capacitances. 10 Series and Parallel Capacitors Example 3 Find the equivalent capacitance seen at the terminals of the circuit in the circuit shown below: Answer:
Ceq = 40µF
11 Source-­‐Free RC Circuit •  A first-­‐order circuit is characterized by a first-­‐order differenBal equaBon. By KCL
Ohms law
Capacitor law
Apply Kirchhoff’s laws to purely resistive circuit results in algebraic
Apply the laws to RC (and RL) circuits produces differential equations.
12 Source-­‐Free Response of an RC Circuit •  The natural response of a circuit refers to the behavior (in terms of voltages and currents) of the circuit itself, with no external sources of excitaBon. Time constant
Decays more slowly
Decays faster
The time constant τ of a circuit is the time required for the response to decay
by a factor of 1/e or 36.8% of its initial value.
v decays faster for small τ and slower for large τ.
13 First Order DE SoluBon for RC Circuit v
•  Use t
lnv = −
+ ln A
•  Manipulate equaBon and
•  Integrate v
ln( ) = −
•  Manipulate A
and exponetiation both
•  ExponenBate −t
•  Define Bme constant v(t) = Vo e RC = Vo e τ
τ = RC
SoluBon of DE for Source-­‐Free RC Circuit The key to working with a source-­‐free RC circuit is finding: where
1.  The initial voltage v(0) = V0 across the capacitor.
2.  The time constant τ = RC.
15 Source-­‐Free RC Circuit Example Example 1 Refer to the circuit below, determine vC, vx, and io for t ≥ 0. Assume that vC(0) = 30 V. Answer: vC = 30e–0.25t V ; vx = 10e–0.25t ; io = –2.5e–0.25t A
16 Source-­‐Free RC Circuit Example Example 2 The switch in circuit below is opened at t = 0, find v(t) for t ≥ 0. •  Please refer to lecture or textbook for more detail elaboration.
Answer: V(t) = 8e–2t V
17 Unit-­‐Step FuncBon •  The unit step func<on u(t) is 0 for negaBve values of t and 1 for posiBve values of t. 18 Abrupt Change (Switch on or off) Represent an abrupt change for:
1.  voltage source. 2.  for current source: 19 DE for Step-­‐Response of a RC Circuit •  The step response of a circuit is its behavior when the excitaBon is the step funcBon, which may be a voltage or a current source. •  Initial condition:
v(0-) = v(0+) = V0
•  Applying KCL,
•  Where u(t) is the unit-step function
20 Step-­‐Response of a RC Circuit •  IntegraBng both sides and considering the iniBal condiBons, the soluBon of the equaBon is: Final value at
t -> ∞
Complete Response =
Natural response
(stored energy)
Initial value at
Forced Response
(independent source)
21 Finding the Step-­‐Response of a RC Circuit Three steps to find out the step response of an RC circuit: 1.  The initial capacitor voltage v(0).
2.  The final capacitor voltage v(∞) — DC voltage
across C.
3.  The time constant τ.
Note: The above method is a short-cut method. You may also determine the
solution by setting up the circuit formula directly using KCL, KVL , ohms law,
capacitor and inductor VI laws.