Health and Safety Policy

General Note
In this Statement the Company recognise that in addition to their responsibility for the
health, safety and welfare of the people it directly employs, it has a responsibility and
commitment for those other people who are under its supervision or control whilst on
their premises or on training courses and/or training secondments which take place
on premises not owned by the Company.
For convenience:
Other Persons
refer to people other than direct employees who are for a period
of time under the supervision or control of Company personnel
(e.g. Learners, Course Delegates of all ages, sub contractors
may be interpreted as being not only the employees' normal
place of work, but also as the normal place of learning or place
of work for other persons.
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an employer
and subcontractor for ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable the Health, Safety
and Welfare at work of all its employees and any other persons who may be affected
by the Company activities - including sub-contractors and learners under the
Company supervision.
It is the Company’s intention that the policies and systems described here should be
implemented and the policy, organisation and systems be periodically reviewed and
amended to ensure that they are appropriate and up to date.
Health & Safety
The Health and Safety at Work etc., Act 1974 and all other subordinate legislation,
imposes a statutory duty on employers to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable,
the health and safety of their employees whilst at work. This duty also extends to
others who may be affected by that work.
The promotion of Health and Safety is not the exclusive responsibility of
management. Every employee and other persons are under a legal duty to take
reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves and their fellow workers.
Compliance with the Company’s Policy and Procedures will ensure that appropriate
safe methods of working are employed and help individuals fulfil their statutory
It is the Company's intention to sustain a progressive and comprehensive Health and
Safety strategy in respect of its employees, learners of all ages and other people who
may be affected by its operations.
To enable these duties to be carried out, it is PAMOVA Cymru's will, to ensure so far
as is reasonably practicable, that responsibilities for health and safety matters are
effectively assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels within the organisational
PAMOVA Cymru General Services Limited recognises and accepts its responsibility
as an employer for providing a safe and healthy workplace and work environment for
its employees and others who may be affected by its work.
PAMOVA Cymru General Services Limited undertakes to comply with all statutory
health and safety requirements.
PAMOVA Cymru General Services Limited wishes to adopt all other reasonably
practicable means to eliminate hazards and reduces the risk of injury to its
employees and others and the risk of damage to its property.
The stated Policy of the Company is to provide and maintain for employees and other
persons working conditions that are safe and without risk to health. This will be
ensured as far as is reasonably practicable by:
Adequate resources are provided to ensure that proper provision can be
made for health and safety.
Systems of work are provided and maintained that are safe and without risks
to health.
The place of work is safe and that there is safe access to and egress from
the workplace.
Arrangements for use, handling, storage and transport of articles and
substances at work are safe and without risks to health.
All employees are provided with such information, instruction, training and
supervision as is necessary to secure their safety and health at work and the
safety of others who may be affected by their actions.
The provision and maintenance of all plant, machinery and equipment is safe
and without risk to health.
Health & Safety
Risk assessments are carried out and reviewed periodically.
Health surveillance is provided where appropriate.
The working environment of all employees is safe and without risks to health
and that adequate provision is made with regard to the facilities and
arrangements for their welfare at work.
Monitoring of work activities is undertaken to help maintain agreed
performance standards.
The ultimate responsibility for the Safety, Health and Welfare of employees and other
affected persons rests with the Director, Mr Kerry Jones, who recognises that support
must come from the highest level if systems are to be effective.
Implementation of the stated Policy and Procedures is overseen by the Director for
its implementation. In addition individual directors, managers and supervisors within
the organisation have a responsibility for the Health and Safety of those employees
and others who come within their sphere of control or influence as part of their
normal duties.
Each individual employee has a responsibility for the health and safety of themselves
and others who may be affected by their actions.
Organisation of Health and Safety Responsibilities
The Director is the persons that retain ultimate responsibility for the health, safety
and welfare of employees and other persons who may be affected by the Company’s
The Director is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the health, safety
and welfare policy and procedures throughout the Company’s operations.
Individual employees within the organisation are responsible for the health, safety
and welfare of their colleagues and other persons who they manage or come within
their sphere of operation or influence.
The Director is responsible for the provision of a safe working environment and for
the health, safety and welfare of all staff, learners and other persons on the training
courses that are organised.
Individual employees will monitor the effectiveness of the Company’s welfare
procedures and make recommendations to the Director as appropriate. They will
also be responsible for the health, safety and welfare of staff learners and other
persons on all training programmes that the Company organises.
All training Programme Managers have a responsibility for the health, safety and
welfare of staff, learners and other persons using sites other than those owned by the
Company and to learners on work placements that form a part of the courses they
Health & Safety
Duties of Employers, Learners and Other Persons
To take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons
who may be affected by their acts or omissions and to co-operate with PAMOVA
Cymru with regard to any duty placed on PAMOVA Cymru to enable the discharge of
its duties under the Act and any Regulations and Codes of Practice.
Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety.
To understand that non-compliance with either of the points above may lead to
disciplinary action.
Visitors and the General Public
The Company also recognises a responsibility towards visitors to Company premises
or programmes and to the general public.
Visitors and the general public also have an equal responsibility to take care of
themselves and others and are required to co-operate with Company’s personnel
and practices to ensure compliance with statutory requirements.
It is recognised that the provision of Safe and Health working practices and
environment is a normal task of management. Accordingly all managers will as part
of their duties ensures that safe working practices and environments are maintained
and all persons under their control are aware of their responsibilities and information
that they need. This includes visitors, sub-contractors or learners on training
programmes within their control.
In particular they will ensure that all new employees or other persons are aware of
the company’s policies and procedures and that Health, Safety and Welfare
provisions are maintained and reviewed regularly.
The Company Director (Kerry Jones) will have an overall monitoring role and will act
as adviser to individuals, as well as carrying out an annual review of practices. He
will also carry out annual risk analyses of Company practices or specifically when the
need arises.
General Procedures
To enable a safe working environment to be maintained, certain key areas have safe
working practices or procedures that have been established and will be maintained.
Details of the procedures are to be made available and be communicated effectively.
Health & Safety
Fire Procedures
A procedure exists for all personnel (employees and other people) to be made aware
of the arrangements that exist for their protection in the event of fire or other similar
The Company will ensure that all premises meet the minimum
requirements regarding the provision of equipment, systems and information to meet
the threat of fire or similar hazards.
Accident Recording Procedures
All employees will be made aware of the need for the reporting of accidents or
potential accidents and the procedure for doing so. The Company will ensure that an
effective system exists for the recording and investigation of accidents. The results
of these investigations, together with recommendations for any changes, will be
presented to the Director for regular review and the Director will undertake to act
upon the findings where/when necessary.
First Aid
All personnel will be made aware of the procedure that exists for obtaining First Aid
and medical treatment on the premises at which they are sited. The Company will
ensure that effective First Aid facilities exist for each site, together with a facility or
procedure for obtaining medical attention when required. All Tutors, when providing
training will carry an emergency First Aid box to each training site.
Notification Of Known Hazards
All employees will be made aware of the need for care and attention and not to use
machines or equipment for which they are not qualified to use. They will also be
made aware of the known hazards on the site.
Training And Supervision
All persons will receive adequate information and training on any processes,
machines, plant or equipment on which they will be expected to work and will be
properly supervised by an appropriately qualified person.
Provision of Safety Equipment
All employees will be made aware of the need for and the provision of equipment
identified for the protection of their health and safety. The Company will ensure that
any equipment required for the health and safety of employees will be freely available
and properly maintained. Employees will be reminded of their duties to use and care
for any such equipment.
Hazardous Substances
All employees will be made aware of all substances or articles used on site that
maybe hazardous or injurious to their health and safety. The Company will ensure
Health & Safety
that satisfactory arrangements exist for the safe use, handling, storage and
transportation of any articles and substances likely to be hazardous to health.
Safe Working Practices
The Company will ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable, safe working
procedures are adopted and used on sites used by its employees. Particular
attention will be paid to the need for any lifting and where appropriate employees will
receive training in correct lifting techniques.
Information To Individuals
All employees will be kept informed of any changes that occur in the safety
procedures, which may affect them. The Company will monitor any changes in
materials, plant or processes used to identify how they may affect the health and
safety of its personnel.
Health & Safety is reviewed annually with staff at their appraisal, additional training
can be provided at any time if requested.
Good Housekeeping
All personnel will be kept informed of the need for good housekeeping. The
Company will ensure that good housekeeping procedures are in place on all sites
used by its employees.
Tutors will ensure there are water / drinking facilities available for the learners, at the
venues, throughout the duration of the training courses.
Application to Other Sites
These requirements apply not only to Company sites, but also to other sites used as
training venues and at work placements and secondments. Amongst the duty of
managers is that of ensuring that other sites meet the required standards of Health,
Safety and Welfare.
Date Reviewed
Review Date
August 2014
August 2015
Health & Safety
Health & Safety