Electromagnetism - Lecture 3 Magnetic Fields • Magnetic Fields • Integral form of Ampere’s Law • Differential form of Ampere’s Law • Magnetic Vector Potential • Methods of calculating Magnetic Fields • Examples of Magnetic Fields 1 Magnetic Field The magnetic field B is defined by the force on a moving charge: in units of Tesla, T=NA−1 m−1 F = qv × B Force on a current element: dF = Idl × B = J × Bdτ The directions of F, B and dl using the left-hand rule: B is in the direction of the thumB Idl is in the direction of the Index finger F is in the direction of motion and of the Middle finger 2 Ampère’s Law for B The integral of the magnetic field round a closed loop is related to the total current flowing across the surface enclosed by the loop. I B.dl = µ0 I = µ0 L Z J.dS A Integral must be round a closed loop! Lines of magnetic flux are closed loops around currents. Direction of B relative to I given by corkscrew rule For symmetric problems can assume that |B| is the same at all points around loop 3 Differential Form of Ampère’s Law Applying Stokes’s theorem to the integral of the magnetic field round a closed loop: Z Z I B.dl = ∇ × B.dS = µ0 J.dS L A A Removing the integral over the area gives the differential form of Ampère’s Law: ∇ × B = µ0 J At any point in space the curl of the magnetic field is proportional to the local current density In electrostatics the equivalent statement for the electric field is: ∇ × E = −∇ × ∇V = 0 4 Magnetic Vector Potential Because ∇.B = 0, the magnetic field can always be expressed as the curl of a magnetic vector potential A (“div curl =0”): B=∇×A ∇.B = ∇.(∇ × A) = 0 Using Stokes’s theorem over a closed loop gives an integral relationship: Z I A.dl = B.dS = ΦB L A The magnetic flux through a surface is the integral of the magnetic vector potential around the loop enclosing the surface. Direction of a contribution dA is parallel to a current element Idl 5 Poisson’s Equation for A Replacing B with ∇ × A in the differential form of Ampère’s Law: ∇ × B = ∇ × ∇ × A = µ0 J Using the identity “curl curl = grad div - delsquared”: ∇2 A − ∇(∇.A) = −µ0 J The choice of ∇.A = 0 is made for static fields This is known as the Coulomb gauge It leads to Poisson’s equation for A: ∇2 A = −µ0 J At any point in space the second derivatives of the magnetic vector potential are proportional to the local current density 6 Calculating Magnetic Fields 1. By summing the contributions to B as components of vectors µ0 (J × r̂)dτ µ0 I(dl × r̂) = dB = 4πr 2 4πr 2 This is known as Biot-Savart’s Law 2. By summing the contributions to A as components of vectors µ0 Jdτ µ0 Idl = dA = 4πr 4πr and then taking the curl B = ∇ × A Note that there is no method summing a scalar potential 3. By using Ampère’s Law Z I B.dl = µ0 I = µ0 J.dS L A For symmetric problems and uniform charge distributions 7 Notes: Diagrams: 8 Magnetic Field of an Infinite Wire Apply Ampère’s Law to a circular loop around wire By symmetry there is only a component Bφ around the wire Outside a wire carrying a current I there is a 1/r field: µ0 I 2πr and the magnetic vector potential is obtained from the only non-zero contribution to the curl: ∂Az µ0 I Az = − ln(r) Bφ = − ∂r 2π Bφ 2πr = µ0 I Bφ = Inside a wire with uniform current density J: µ0 Ir 2 µ0 Jr 2 Az = − =− 2 4πR 4 µ0 Ir µ0 Jr = Bφ = 2πR2 2 9 Magnetic Field of a Current Loop Along the axis of the loop only a Bz component by symmetry Using Biot-Savart’s Law the contributions to Bz are: µ0 Idl sin θ dBz = 4πr 2 where the sin θ comes from dl × r̂ Integrating round the loop: µ0 I2πa sin θ µ0 Ia2 = Bz = 4πr 2 2(a2 + z 2 )3/2 At the centre of the loop: Bz (z = 0) = µ0 I/2a At a large distance from the loop there is a 1/z 3 field: µ0 Ia2 Bz (z >> a) = 2z 3 10 Notes: Diagrams: 11 Notes: Diagrams: 12 Magnetic Field of a Solenoid A solenoid consists of n circular current loops per unit length. Calculate axial Bz from sum of individual loops: Z µ0 nIa2 dz Bz = 2 2 3/2 4(a + z ) Trick is to change from dz to integral over θ: Z µ0 nI sin θdθ Bz = 2 For an infinite solenoid there is a uniform axial field: Bz = µ0 nI This result can also be shown using Ampere’s Law 13 Magnetic Field of a Toroid A toroid is a solenoid bent in a large circle of radius R It looks like a doughnut with a hole in it There are n circular loops per unit length round the large circle Use Ampere’s Law round a loop of radius R: Bφ 2πR = µ0 (n2πR)I Bφ = µ0 nI Inside and outside the circular loops B = 0 from Ampere’s Law The magnetic field is contained inside the loops of the toroid 14 Notes: Diagrams: 15 Notes: Diagrams: 16