Ovid 2010 年 1 月 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 歡迎瀏覽我們最新一期的 C+T+S 更新電子報,發行電子報的目的是為了讓您迅速掌握 Ovid 的新期 刊、書籍與資料庫資訊、新搜尋與發現平台 OvidSP 的最新消息以及其他 Ovid 科技工具的資訊。以 下資料包含 2009 年 12 月至今更新的內容及技術。 在本期電子報中 OvidSP 新聞 為了強化搜尋平台的在地性,OvidSP 中文版於 12 月中 旬正式推出。此外,近期 OvidSP 連結功能進行了一連 串更新,請別錯過。 期刊新聞 提供由新出版夥伴 AHC Media 出版的 33 本新期刊及電 子報的詳情,涵蓋範圍包括醫院管理、心臟學、婦女 健康及其他領域,以及 2 本 LWW 新期刊資訊。 書籍新聞 Books@Ovid 現在提供近 60 本新書,包括 46 本由 Royal Society of Chemistry 出版的有機體、生物學、無機體及 其他化學學門新書。此外,也提供 LWW 經典書籍的 最新版本! 資料庫新聞 甫於 1 月 4 日完成重新整理作業。請持續鎖定 MEDLINE 重 新整理的最新消息,掌握 SilverPlatter DVD 版的資訊。 ©2010 Ovid Technologies 1 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 OvidSP 新聞 現在提供中文版 OvidSP 介面 您和使用者現在可以選擇簡體或繁體中文 OvidSP 介面,來進行各項研究工作。若要從英文版切換 成中文版介面,只要按一下選取資料庫和主搜尋頁面右上角的兩個連結之一即可。如果您希望將預 設介面設定為中文,方便使用者運用,請與 Ovid 支援小組聯絡:support@ovid.com. 相關海報於 Ovid 資源中心的圖書館員工具包當中提供, 可以協助您在所屬單位宣傳全新中文介面 (請記得將圖書館員工具包的網址加入書籤,方便日後使用)。 OvidSP 連結功能強化 Ovid LinkSolver、連結管理工具(Links Admin Tool)及其他 Ovid 連結特色與功能,於 2009 年的 最後三個月陸續推出一系列的瀏覽及顯示增強功能。 期刊 A-Z 依序排列清單工具 • 從任一標籤連結至期刊,並在新視窗中開啟期刊 • 尋找期刊標籤允許您以任何順序在搜尋框內輸入一個或多個搜尋字詞,即可產生標題包含所 輸入任一字詞的所有期刊清單 • 在 [依標題瀏覽] 標籤中,提供額外的排序及顯示增強功能 外部連結處理工具 • 改善主頁面期刊標題的顯示方式 • 遵行 Shibboleth 標準 • 支援 HTTPS 存取 • 提供新配置選項,可以繞過 LinkSolver 中介頁面,直接讀取全文 • 提供新配置選項,管理員可以控制使用者登出 LinkSolver 之後,會看見哪一個網頁 • 延伸支援額外 OpenURL 1.0 元件 連結管理工具 • 根據 ISBN 支援電子書連結目標 • 匯入及匯出功能附加省時增強功能,包括將包含全文的目標匯出為一般標籤限定檔案的新選項 如需詳細資訊,請聯絡客戶支援小組:support@ovid.com。 期刊新聞 此外,也提供由 LWW 出版的一本新期刊資訊。 ©2010 Ovid Technologies 2 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 心臟學 Clinical Cardiology Alert; AHC Media Each issue contains 6-8 abstracts of developments in cardiology combined with expert physician commentary. 輔成與另類醫學 Alternative Medicine Alert; AHC Media This 12-page monthly newsletter is dedicated to providing clinicians with evidence-based, clinically sound information on complementary and alternative medicine. 危重症醫學 Critical Care Alert; AHC Media Each monthly issue reviews nearly 30 relevant journals, extracting key findings that can improve the delivery of patient care. 牙科醫學 Dental Implantology Update; AHC Media Each issue of Dental Implantology Update is illustrated with four-color photos and offers advice and opinions from expert clinicians in the field. 急診醫學 ED Management; AHC Media This unique publication keeps emergency department directors, administrators, physicians, and nurse supervisors on top of developments in the business and management of emergency medical care in a concise, easy-to-read format. Emergency Medicine Reports; AHC Media Each peer-reviewed issue gives readers a practical, comprehensive and authoritative review of a tough clinical presentation commonly encountered in the emergency room. ED Nursing; AHC Media Provides a concise, easy-to-read format for discovering the latest, safest, and most effective and efficient care for patients that, if implemented, will result in positive clinical outcomes. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Reports; AHC Media This monograph offers fully referenced, meticulously written, in-depth reviews of current issues faced by physicians dealing with pediatric emergencies. Topics include airway emergencies, trauma, metabolic disorders, fevers, toxicology, and more. Practical Summaries in Acute Care; AHC Media This monthly newsletter provides reviews of the latest published articles affecting the emergency medicine/acute care practitioner in an easy-to-read, abstract-and-commentary format. Trauma Reports; AHC Media This bimonthly clinical monograph focuses on emergency care of adult and pediatric patients with moderate and severe traumatic injuries. The articles are thoroughly researched and undergo a rigorous peer review process. ©2010 Ovid Technologies 3 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 傳染病學與公共衛生 Travel Medicine Advisor; AHC Media Packed with the latest research and data on preventing, diagnosing, and treating travelrelated diseases. You will learn the latest on new outbreaks and epidemics, changes in recommended immunization practices, new vaccines and drugs for travel-related illnesses, special advice for children traveling abroad, therapy for malaria and other common diseases in travelers, and much more. 老人醫學 Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy; LWW The official journal of the Section on Geriatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association is a peer-reviewed journal and leading source of clinically applicable evidence for achieving optimal health, wellness, mobility, and physical function for aging adults, across the continuum of health care settings. 傳染病 AIDS Alert; AHC Media The definitive source of AIDS news and advice for healthcare professionals. Infectious Disease Alert; AHC Media Each issue includes 6-8 abstracts of current literature combined with expert physician commentary. Coverage includes hospital epidemiology, microbiology, travel medicine, HIV, and AIDS. Monthly special features keep you apprised of the latest advances and most effective methods for diagnosis and therapy. 內科醫學 Internal Medicine Alert; AHC Media Twice a month, Internal Medicine Alert delivers 6-8 abstracts of developments in internal medicine accompanied by expert commentary. 管理與醫院管理 Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvement, AHC Media Provides you with the best benchmarking and quality tools and initiatives being developed and used in health care today in a concise, easy-to-read format. Healthcare Risk Management; AHC Media Provides the most practical, authoritative guidance available for healthcare risk managers covering the broad range of challenges they face. Hospice Management Advisor; AHC Media Inside each monthly issue you’ll learn from the experiences of successful hospice managers and obtain critical how-to information. Hospital Access Management; AHC Media The only publication designed to provide the most practical, comprehensive, and accurate coverage on the full spectrum of access management challenges. Hospital Case Management; AHC Media Tap into the resource that brings together managers and directors nationwide to share strategies, insights, successes, and failures from inside the hospital walls and beyond. ©2010 Ovid Technologies 4 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 Hospital Employee Health; AHC Media Provides the critical information you need to administer an efficient and effective employee health program. Hospital Home Health; AHC Media Each monthly issue is devoted to the business, regulatory, reimbursement, and clinical concerns of hospital-based or hospital-affiliated home health agencies. Hospital Infection Control & Prevention; AHC Media • Stay up-to-date on the Joint Commission’s increasing focus on infection control as a critical aspect of patient safety • Learn tips to cut hospital costs without compromising infection control • Benefit from our regular supplements and stay fully informed on breaking issues in the Joint Commission and infection control beyond the hospital setting • Get expert compliance improvement strategies for new CDC guidelines and recommendations Hospital Peer Review; AHC Media For more than 25 years, this has provided the latest news, techniques, and protocols for quality managers across the country. You have practical news and advice on how to help your hospital meet the accreditation and credentialing demands of today’s ever-changing healthcare market. IRB Advisor; AHC Media Each month IRB Advisor addresses the topics that affect the practitioner the most, including current regulatory activities, informed consent, and administrative and management issues. Medical Ethics Advisor; AHC Media When making medical ethics decisions, concerns about patient confidentiality, consent, competency, potential liability, treatment costs, and family wishes often are compounded by the conflicting demands of government, the judiciary, health care providers and patients. Occupational Health Management; AHC Media Delivers the expert advice, news, and latest regulations that will help you successfully manage your occupational health program, build loyalty in the community, and expand market share for your facility. 神經學 Neurology Alert; AHC Media Each issue contains 6-8 abstracts of developments in neurology combined with expert physician commentary. Special brief alerts save you time by summarizing noteworthy studies in digest form. 婦產科醫學 OB/GYN Clinical Alert; AHC Media Each issue includes 6-8 abstracts of developments in obstetrics and gynecology, with expert commentary added by the physician editors. ©2010 Ovid Technologies 5 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 腫瘤學 Clinical Oncology Alert; AHC Media Each practical, time-saving issue brings you 6-8 abstracts of developments in oncology, combined with expert physician commentary. 藥理學 Drug Formulary Review; AHC Media Brings you field-tested programs, implementation strategies, and proven ideas that are guaranteed to reduce costs in your hospital pharmacy — without sacrificing quality patient care. 基層護理 Primary Care Reports; AHC Media The multidisciplinary demands of primary care make this monograph newsletter a musthave for busy physicians who want to stay up-to-date on the latest treatment protocols and diagnostic methods. 婦女健康 Alternative Therapies in Women’s Health; AHC Media This newsletter contains science-based information for clinicians. Contraceptive Technology Update; AHC Media This publication provides objective analysis of the latest research and news on existing and emerging contraceptives so you can immediately apply what you’ve learned to patient care and counseling. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy; LWW The official publication of the Section on Women’s Health of the American Physical Therapy Association provides information primarily to physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, and physical therapy students. 書籍新聞 向下捲動查閱 12 本分別由 Clinical Publishing、LWW 及 Oxford University Press 出版的全新 書籍;以及 19 本由 LWW、Oxford University Press 及其他神經學、護理學及其他領域頂尖出 版商出版的新版書籍。 心臟學 Problem Solving in Hypertension; Kennedy, L.; Clinical Publishing, 1st Edition; 256 pages ISBN-10:1846920221, ISBN-13: 9781846920226 With over 40 clinical presentations covering the most common yet challenging cases seen by specialists, Problem Solving in Hypertension focuses on both primary and secondary hypertension. Echocardiography in Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease; Eidem, Benjamin W.; Cetta, Frank; and O’Leary, Patrick W.; LWW, 1st Edition; 688 pages, ISBN-10: 0781781361, ISBN-13: 9780781781367 ©2010 Ovid Technologies 6 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 Written by expert pediatric cardiologists at the Mayo Clinic and other leading institutions, this book provides a comprehensive review of echocardiographic evaluation and diagnosis of congenital heart disease in pediatric and adult patients. 內分泌學 Therapeutic Strategies in Diabetes; Stehouwer, C.D.A.; Schaper, N.C.; Clinical Publishing, 1st Edition; 256 pages, ISBN-10: 1904392873, ISBN-13: 9781904392873 Benefits of this volume include: • Explores both current practice and emerging therapies for diabetes • Summaries of alternative management approaches included • Evidence-based solutions provided by experts in the field 腎臟學 Manual of Nephrology: Diagnosis and Therapy; Schrier, Robert W.; LWW, 7th Edition; 336 pages, ISBN-10: 0781796199, ISBN-13: 9780781796194 Now in its seventh edition, this best-selling manual is a practical quick-reference guide to the diagnosis and treatment of renal disorders. 神經學 Subcortical Stroke; Donnan, Geoffrey; Norrving, Bo; Bamford, John; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition; 364 pages, ISBN-10: 0192631578, ISBN-13: 9780192631572 This is a new and revised edition of the 1995 Lacunar and Other Subcortical Infarctions. The book reviews the considerable advances in our understanding of the stroke process as a result of advances in the fields of neurochemistry, imaging and genetics, and highlights the implications for new therapeutic approaches. 護理學 Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing; Castledine, George; Close, Ann; Oxford University Press, 1st Edition (2009); 1,280 pages, 111 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199231355, ISBN10: 0199231354 Written for nurses, by nurses this highly regarded book gives concise, practical and expert advice on all aspects of the nurse’s role. Written for both practicing and student nurses, it is a comprehensive and reliable guide to the care of adults with chronic and acute illness. 眼科醫學 Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology; Denniston, Alastair and Murray, Philip; Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition (2009); 965 pages, 52 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199552641, ISBN-10: 0199552649 This volume continues to be an unparalleled source of knowledge, providing immediate access to the detailed clinical information needed—in casualty, clinic, theatre, and on the wards. 整形醫學 Rockwood and Wilkins’ Fractures in Children; Beaty, James H.; Kasser, James R.; LWW, 7th Edition; 1,096 pages, ISBN-10: 1582557845, ISBN-13: 9781582557847 The thoroughly revised, updated seventh edition remains the gold standard reference on pediatric fractures. 疼痛管理 Bonica’s Management of Pain; Fishman, Scott M.; Ballantyne, Jane C.; Rathmell, James P.; LWW; 4th Edition, 2,064 pages, ISBN-10: 0781768276, ISBN-13: 9780781768276 ©2010 Ovid Technologies 7 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 The fourth edition of this leading textbook and clinical reference has a new editorial team. An international group of the foremost experts provides comprehensive, current, clinically oriented coverage of the entire field. The contributors describe contemporary clinical practice and summarize the evidence that guides clinical practice. 緩和醫學 Time for Listening and Caring, A: Spirituality and the Care of the Chronically Ill and Dying; Puchalski, Christina M.; Oxford University Press, 1st Edition; 480 pages, 15 Illustrations, ISBN-10: 0195311787, ISBN-13: 9780195311785 This book is a thoughtful, informative, and practical guide for anyone involved in caring for the seriously and chronically ill or dying. It is critical that healthcare providers who interact with seriously ill patients know how to address their spiritual needs. When Treatment Fails: How Medicine Cares for Dying Children; Bearison, David J.; Oxford University Press; 1st Edition; 312 pages, ISBN-10: 0195156129, ISBN-13: 9780195156126 In addition to a discussion of questions surrounding whether to withhold or withdraw curative treatments, this volume explores the crucial concerns of those medical practitioners who care for dying children: education and training, relation with one another, communicating with patients and families, and finally, coping and moving on. 放射醫學 Clinical Imaging: An Atlas of Differential Diagnosis; Eisenberg, Ronald L.; LWW; 5th Edition; 1,600 pages, ISBN-10: 0781788609, ISBN-13: 9780781788601 Dr. Eisenberg’s best seller is now in its fifth edition and includes brand-new material on PET and PET/CT imaging and expanded coverage of MRI and CT. 新版書籍 生物統計學 Health Measurement Scales: A Practical Guide to Their Development and Use; Streiner, David L. and Norman, Geoffrey R.; Oxford University Press, 4th edition (2009); 428 pages, 40 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199231881, ISBN-10: 0199231885 Clinicians and those in health sciences are frequently called upon to measure subjective states such as attitudes, feelings, quality of life, educational achievement and aptitude, and learning style in their patients. This fourth edition enables these groups—who often have limited knowledge of statistics—to both develop scales to measure non-tangible health outcomes and better evaluate and differentiate between existing tools. 危重症醫學 Oxford Handbook of Critical Care; Singer, Mervyn; Webb, Andrew; Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition (2009); 696 pages, 33 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199235339, ISBN-10: 0199235333 The fully revised, third edition of this bestselling handbook describes best practice of critical care in a succinct, concise, and clinically-oriented way. 腎臟學 Handbook of Kidney Transplantation; Danovitch, Gabriel M.; LWW, 5th edition; 496 pages, 100 illustrations, ISBN-10: 0781793742, ISBN-13: 9780781793742 This popular handbook is a practical guide for physicians, surgeons, nurses, and other professionals who manage kidney transplant patients. ©2010 Ovid Technologies 8 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 Handbook of Nutrition and the Kidney; Mitch, William E.; Ikizler, T. Alp; LWW, 6th edition (2009); 336 pages, 55 illustrations, ISBN-10: 0781795176, ISBN-13: 9780781795173 Thoroughly revised and updated for its sixth edition, this handbook is a practical, easily accessible guide to nutritional management of patients with acute and chronic renal diseases. Oxford Handbook of Dialysis; Levy, Jeremy, Brown, Edwina, Daley, Christine, and Lawrence, Anastasia; Oxford University Press, 3rd edition (2009); 984 pages, 30 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199235285, ISBN-10: 0199235287 Provides a patient-centered and comprehensive guide to all aspects of dialysis, covering everything from patient preparation and details of both haeom- and peritoneal dialysis, to continuous haemofiltration techniques and complications of end stage kidney disease. 神經學 Merritt’s Neurology; Rowland, Lewis P. and Pedley, Timothy A.; LWW, 12th edition (2009); 1,216 pages, 325 illustrations, ISBN-10: 0781791863, ISBN-13: 9780781791861 The thoroughly updated edition of this classic retains the organization, practicality, and readability that makes Merritt’s Neurology one of the most popular texts among neurologists, primary care physicians, and residents reviewing for psychiatry or neurology boards. In 183 short chapters, the book provides the essentials clinicians need on symptoms/signs, diagnostic tests, and neurologic disorders of all etiologies. 護理學—參考書 LPN Facts Made Incredibly Quick!; Springhouse; LWW, 2nd edition; 188 pages, ISBN-10: 1605474711, ISBN-13: 9781605474717 The second edition of LPN Facts Made Incredibly Quick! is the point-of-care reference that every LPN needs. Incorporating popular features of the Incredibly Easy! Series®, this pocketsized book provides instant access to information nurses need quickly every day. Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick!; Springhouse; LWW, 2nd edition; 188 pages, ISBN-10: 160547472X, ISBN13: 9781605474724 Now in its second edition, Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick! is the point-of-care reference that every nurse in every specialty needs. It provides instant access to information that nurses need quickly. 護理學—技能與程序 Nurses’ Guide to Clinical Procedures; Smith-Temple, Jean; Johnson, Joyce Y.; LWW; 6th edition; 968 pages, 250 illustrations, ISBN-10: 078177795X, ISBN-13: 9780781777957 This handy reference, now in its sixth edition, delivers step-by-step instruction on about 200 of the most commonly performed nursing skills. 腫瘤學 Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology; Abraham, Jame; Allegra, Carmen J.; Gulley, James L.; LWW, 3rd edition; 688 pages, 82 illustrations, ISBN-10: 0781795583, ISBN-13: 9780781795586 Written by clinicians from the National Cancer Institute and other leading institutions, this comprehensive, clear, concise oncology handbook is designed specifically for quick bedside consultation. ©2010 Ovid Technologies 9 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 整形醫學 Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults; Bucholz, Robert W.; Heckman, James D.; Court-Brown, Charles M.; Tornetta, Paul; LWW, 7th edition (2009); 2,296 pages, 3,900 illustrations, ISBN-10: 1605476773, ISBN-13: 9781605476773 In its thoroughly revised, updated seventh edition, Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults is the established gold-standard two-volume reference on fractures. More than 80 of the world’s foremost authorities provide comprehensive coverage of all bone and joint injuries, thoroughly discuss alternative methods for treating each injury, and present their own preferred methods. 緩和醫學 Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine; Cherry, Nathan I., Christakis, Nicholas, N.A., Fallon, Marie, Kaasa, Stein, Portenoy, Russell K., and Hanks, Geoffrey; Oxford University Press, 4th edition (2009); 1,704 pages, 126 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780198570295, ISBN10: 0198570295 Each edition has received widespread critical acclaim, and the book is used across the world by the wide range of health care professionals involved in the care of patients with a terminal illness, or chronic, progressive conditions. Existing readers who automatically turn to the textbook will welcome this updated edition of their familiar reference, while it will prove a fascinating read to a new generation of palliative care professionals. 藥理學 Drug Facts and Comparisons, Pocket Version 2010; Facts & Comparisons, 2009, 14th Edition; ISBN-10: 1574393073, ISBN-13: 9781574393071 Abridged from “Drug Facts and Comparisons,” Drug Facts and Comparisons: Pocket Version 2010 is the ideal resource for the drug information you need at the point of care. It includes up-to-date information on more than 600 generic drugs, with more than 2,000 representative trade names. Features abbreviated monographs to facilitate quick lookup. 基層護理 Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis; Llewelyn, Huw, Aun Ang, Hock, Lewis, Keir E., and Al-Abdullah, Anees; Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition (2009); 800 pages, 4 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199232963, ISBN-10: 0199232962 This book shows how to justify intuitive diagnoses clearly and logically in an evidence-based way. It provides the differential diagnosis of every symptom, physical sign and initial test result, and uses ‘pattern recognition tables’ which enable the reader to scan the page to see which diagnostic explanation would apply best to a patient or case history. 精神病學 Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Therapy; Labbate, Lawrence A., Fava, Maurizio, Rosenbaum, Jerrold F., and Arana, George W.; LWW, 6th edition (2009); 320 pages, 3 illustrations, ISBN-10: 0781774861, ISBN-13: 9780781774864 Thoroughly updated for its sixth edition, Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Therapy is one of the most popular guides to the essential facts about all drugs used to treat anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, substance abuse disorders, sleep disorders, dementia, and attention deficit disorder. ©2010 Ovid Technologies 10 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 公共衛生 Oxford Textbook of Public Health; Detels, Roger; Beaglehole, Robert; Lansang, Mary Ann; Gulliford, Martin; Oxford University Press, 5th Edition (2009); 1,922 pages and numerous illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199218707, ISBN-10: 0199218706 Two new editors, Mary Ann Lansang and Martin Gulliford, join the established editor team of Roger Detels and Robert Beaglehole, representing a truly global outlook from four continents. With contributors including Dr. Margaret Chan, Director of the World Health Organization, this book offers a globally comprehensive picture of modern health. 肺部醫學 Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine; Chapman, Stephen, Robinson, Grace, Stradling, John, and West, Sophie; Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition (2009); 880 pages, 67 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199545162, ISBN-10: 0199545162 The second edition of this comprehensive handbook has been revised throughout, with additional material on avian flu and respiratory medicine in pregnancy and updated references to the latest British Thoracic Society guidelines. 泌尿學 Oxford Handbook of Urology; Reynard, John; Brewster, Simon; Biers, Suzanne; Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition (2009); 816 pages, 110 illustrations, ISBN-13: 9780199534944, ISBN-10: 0199534942. The new edition covers a wide spectrum of diseases and their treatment in the field of urology and surgical aspects of kidney, bladder, prostate, and scrotal disorders. 資料庫新聞 Ovid MEDLINE 年度重新整理作業 Ovid MEDLINE 年度重新整理作業已於 1 月 4日(週一)順利完成並部署。雖然本次重整並未提供 新欄位,但現在 ISSN 連結(IL)欄位已經填入資料。以下是 2010 Medline 重整資料庫功能表中 顯示的部分領域清單,同時提供更新的領域年份: Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 至每週> MEDLINE(R) <每天> MEDLINE(R) <2006 至每週> MEDLINE(R) <1996 至每週> MEDLINE(R) <1996 至 2005> MEDLINE(R) <1988 至 1995> MEDLINE(R) <1980 至 1987> MEDLINE(R) <1950 至 1979> MEDLINE(R) 審查中及其他未納入索引的參考資料 <每天> MEDLINE(R) 更正 OLDMEDLINE(R) <1948 至 1965> ©2010 Ovid Technologies 11 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月 領域與涵蓋範圍: 領域名稱 MESX MEDL MED4 MED3 MED2 MED1 MEDC MEDO PREM Multi-Segment Name MESD MEDX MESZ MEZZ MEDF MEDB PMOZ PMEZ POMM PRMZ PRMF OMES OMME PMED 涵蓋範圍 每天 2006 – 現在 1996 – 2005 1988 – 1995 1980 – 1987 1950 – 1979 所有更正 OLDMEDLINE (1948 – 1965) 所有審查中及其他未納入索引的參考資料 涵蓋範圍 更正,每天,Daily, 1950 – 現在 每天,1996 至現在 更正,1950 至現在 1950 – 現在 1996 – 現在 1950 – 1995 審查中及其他非 MEDLINE 資料,每天,更正,1950 – 現 在,OLDMEDLINE 審查中及其他非 MEDLINE 資料,每天,更正,1950 – 現在 審查中及其他非 MEDLINE 資料,更正,1948 – 現 在,OLDMEDLINE 審查中及其他非 MEDLINE 資料,更正,1950 – 現在 審查中及其他非 MEDLINE 資料,1996 – 現在 每天,更正,1948 – 現在,OLDMEDLINE 更正,1948 – 現在,OLDMEDLINE 年份=2000 此外,請按一下這裡 (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/introduction.html#changes) 取得 2010 年 MeSH 重大變更完整說明。 ©2010 Ovid Technologies 12 www.ovid.com - 內容+工具+服務更新 2010 年 1 月