Course Syllabus - NYCTD :: New York Center For Teacher

New York Center for Teacher Development, Inc.
Credit Hours:
EDZU 9065 Discover and Create Your Own Virtual Field Trips
3.0 credits / 45 hours
Kevin Keller
Course Description
Tight budgets, transportation, time constraints and distance are obstacles that educators face when
planning field trips. You can let your students experience the world in a whole new reality with your own
customized virtual field trip! This course will enable teachers in any grade level to use Internet resources
to design effective and engaging "virtual field trips" that extend and enrich their curriculum. Participants
will become familiar with the strategies, resources and tips that educators use to develop these field trips
and allow students to “visit” any place in the world. Learn how to create your own trip that fits your
style, curriculum and unit and is aligned to state and national standards. This class is open to all grade
Course Goals
To Know
1. and become familiar with the key terms related to using the Internet.
2. the different methods and designs used for virtual field trips.
3. how to save text and graphics on the Internet to use in a virtual field trip.
4. the effective strategies for searching the Internet.
5. how to incorporate video and audio into a virtual field trip.
To Understand
1. how to integrate specific strategies to develop virtual field trips that align to state and national
2. how to apply knowledge of the Internet to customize virtual field trips that relate both to
curriculum and specific intelligences.
3. how to broaden and deepen the learning experience by creating virtual field trips that provide
information and experiences on the same general theme or concept.
and To Be Able To
1. learn how to assess students’ technology skills.
2. how to organize specific virtual field trips within their existing curriculum and hold students
accountable for their experience.
3. to create a positive and effective environment that engages multiple intelligences.
4. learn the various options for Internet security.
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Course Outline
Student Introductions and expectations of course
a. Discussion of the advantages and difficulties of using the Internet in the classroom
b. Relate/Discuss personal experiences with technology
c. Research strategies to optimize classroom use of the Internet as a teaching tool
Key Computer and Internet Terms
a. Defining and describing the Internet
i. What is the Internet
ii. Brief history of the Internet
iii. Understanding the top 10 Internet terms
iv. Researching the mostly used computer terms
b. Introduction to Virtual Field Trips (VFT)
i. What is a virtual field trip
ii. Identification of legitimate virtual field trips
Strategies for Developing a Virtual Field Trip
a. Effective Search Strategies
i. Search Engines
ii. Subject Trees
iii. Graphics and Video
b. Saving Internet Resources
i. Understanding how to save graphics and text
c. Locating Virtual Field Trips Online
i. Searching for a virtual field trip that aligns to a specific curriculum
ii. Effective strategies that assess websites
iii. Citing Internet sources
Creating a Theme for a Virtual Field Trip
a. Boolean Searches
b. Foundation of a Virtual Field Trip
i. Objectives for a themed VFT
ii. Pre-lesson and post-lesson activities
c. Deciding on a Theme
Methods for Virtual Field Trip Design
a. Researching factors that will influence the method of design
i. Audience
ii. Knowledge of technology
b. Using PowerPoint to develop a virtual field trip
c. Creating a VFT as a website
Organization of the Virtual Field Trip
a. Creating a storyboard (step-by-step sequence of trip)
i. Using a Flowchart or Concept Map
b. Researching templates to organize and plan the VFT
Creation of a Virtual Field Trip
a. Enhancing the VFT with additional elements
i. Importing and editing files and pictures in PowerPoint
ii. Inserting video and audio files in PowerPoint
b. Creating a Virtual Field Trip
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Methods of Instruction
Teachers enrolled in this course will research and evaluate sources to become familiar with the different
types of virtual field trips. Teachers will develop strategies to align a virtual field trip to curriculum and
state standards. Teachers will be responsible for identifying and locating technology resources and
evaluating them for accuracy and suitability. They will prepare learning objectives, learning outcomes
and a detailed flowchart that will be utilized to create a virtual field trip that can be used in the classroom.
They will complete assignments that assess their understanding of using multimedia music, sound,
graphics, video and interactive content that will be included in their own customized virtual field trip.
Students will connect with each other throughout the course within forums and various other types of
online feedback options built into each class.
Methods of Assessment
All in-service students must complete all of the assigned readings and assignments. In order to earn a
“B” in the course, a student must complete all of the assigned readings and assignments. In addition, they
must write a detailed lesson plan that corresponds to the virtual field trip they developed in the course.
The lesson plan should include the audience level, overview and purpose, educational standards, learning
objectives, materials, procedure and assessment. All graduate students working for an “A” in the course
must complete the following: Students will complete all of the assigned readings and assignments.
Students will create a detailed lesson plan as cited above. Students must design an assessment that can be
utilized to measure student understanding of the customized virtual field trip they created in the course.
Instructors are online each day of the course and correspond with students through the course itself,
feedback on assignments, e-mail, and by phone.
Time Validation
(in hours)
Students will review resources regarding various types of virtual field trips being used in the
classroom. They will discuss the link between virtual field trips and the increase of
standardized testing.
Students will review resources to be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages
of virtual field trips. Students will reflect upon their school/district policies and how these
policies relate to their implication of technology in the classroom.
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Students will navigate through a provided resource to locate 5 field trips/activities that can
be utilized in their classroom. They will develop an assessment (quiz, test, worksheet,
scavenger hunt, KWL chart) for one of the field trips that can be used in their classroom.
Students will embark on a customized virtual eCruise to Acadia National Park in order to be
exposed to a specific type of virtual field trip format. Students will then develop an
assessment that can be used to assess student knowledge of the virtual field trip.
Students will review resources and navigate through a provided website to understand the
differences and benefits of specific virtual field trip designs. Students will analyze and
respond to questions regarding the virtual field trip provided.
Students will navigate through a provided resource that will expose them to an eHike to
Zion National Park. Students must respond to various questions that will influence and
expose them to various facets of virtual field trips they may use during the creation of their
own virtual field trip.
Students will complete a boolean operator tutorial. They will investigate the use of boolean
operators to effectively search for information on the internet.
Students will investigate 3 search engines to determine which search engine will provide
the optimal results for their research on the development of their customized virtual field
Students will begin to enhance their virtual field trip by learning how to search for images
and videos to be used in a PowerPoint presentation.
Students will learn how to copy and save images/videos into a designated folder. These
crucial elements they save will be directly applied to their own virtual field trip.
Any images or multimedia components that students saved in prior assignments will be
imported into the virtual field trip.
Students will research videos that will enhance their virtual field trip. They will acquire the
necessary procedure of saving videos onto their computer using a provided resource.
Students will learn how to import the saved videos from the prior lesson into their
customized virtual field trip.
After reviewing resources regarding the decision making process, students will determine
the theme of their virtual field trip. In addition, students will create various learning
objectives that correspond to the virtual field trip.
Students will develop an itinerary for their virtual field trip. The itinerary will include all
attractions/sites the user will visit.
Students will review resources regarding the importance of accessing their students' prior
knowledge about the topic/location. Students will then create a pre-lesson activity that will
help them gain this information about their students.
Students will develop a post lesson activity that allows their students to reflect on the virtual
field trip, express their newly gained knowledge and provide them with an overall
consensus of how the trip was perceived and its effectiveness.
Students will review resources to learn the proper method to cite their sources by using
APA format. Students will create a works cited list for their virtual field trip.
Students will analyze and respond to questions regarding the target audience of their
customized virtual field trip. In addition, students will determine how they will evaluate the
success or failure of the virtual field trip.
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Students will create an outline of the virtual field trip that will help with the progression of
the trip based on the navigational tools they implement. Students will develop questions for
each slide in the outline that will be presented to their audience.
Students will develop their own virtual field trip by using the knowledge they acquired by
completing the prior assignments in the course.
Total Time
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