FPS Mentored Regions Calendar 2016-17

FPSPI Mentoring Calendar 2016-17
Mentored Coach Annual Fee required of all coaches
Program Materials provided within 5-7 days of registration on ROCS with payment (credit card, Pay Pal,
Purchase Order, or check)
Register no later than February 15th. Evaluation will be provided for work submitted by the dates
indicated below.
GIPS Practice Problem #1 (Educational Disparities) Due – October 28, 2016
Assessment Provided PP #1 – November 11, 2016
GIPS Practice Problem #2 (It’s All in the Genes) Due – December 30, 2016 (If not registered for PP #1,
register no later than December 1, 2016)
Assessment Provided PP#2 – January 13, 2017
Qualifying Problem (3D Printing) Due – Between February 15 – March 1, 2017 (2 hour timed competition
begins when logged onto ROCS) (If not registered, register no later than February 1, 2017)
Assessment provided Qualifying Problem – Between March, 2 - 15, 2017 (two weeks after completion)
Affiliate Problem (Identity Theft) Due if invite extended; additional fee will be assessed (On-line or at
applicable Affiliate Final/Bowl - TBD) – Between April 1 - 14, 2017
Assessment provided Affiliate Problem with determination of Invite to IC – By April 21, 2017
Register no later than December 1.
Progress Report – By December 14, 2016
Project Feedback Provided – By January 4, 2017
Project Submission – By March 1, 2017
Assessment provided with determination of Invite to IC by March 15, 2017
Register no later than December 1.
Scenario Submission – By February 6, 2017
Assessment provided with determination of Invite to submit to International Scenario Writing
Competition (additional fee required) - By February 20, 2017
Register no later than December 1.
Scenario Performance Submission – April 3, 2017
Assessment provided with determination of Invite to IC – By April 17, 2017
*Calendar applies to areas with school beginning in August or September.