Numerical Simulation of Seeding Extra-Area Effects of Precipitation Using MM5 Zhen Zhao (1) and Heng-Chi Lei (2) (1) Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China, E-mail: (2) Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China, E-mail: 1. Introduction 2.1 Silver iodide seeding The question of “extra-area” effects is prominent among those questions most commonly The simulation of silver iodide seeding that was posed included in the MM5 two-moment cloud scheme follows regarding cloud seeding to increase precipitation; that (Chen and Orville, 1977; Hsie et al., 1980). Brownian is, whether seeding will affect the weather beyond the (Sbc and Sbr,) and inertial impact (Sic and Sir) collection targeted temporal or spatial range. A number of rates (due to cloud droplets and raindrops, respectively) researchers have suggested that extra-area effects as well as deposition growth rate (Sdv) could be may have occurred during intensive modification calculated as follows. 1) Collection due to cloud droplets and raindrops programs (Elliott et al., 1971; Meitín et al., 1984). Field observations over the central Sierra Nevada reported are that the effects of cloud seeding with silver iodide persisted for over 90-min after seeding and 100 km S bc = ΔX s = −2πDs X s N c Dc Δt , S ic = ΔX s π = − D c2 X sU c E cs N c , Δt 4 downwind of the seedline (Deshler and Reynolds, 1990). The hypotheses that attempt to explain these effects range from direct microphysical effects to mesoscale dynamic effects; however, the cloud seeding extra-area effects have not been investigated using fully interacting mesoscale models yet. The importance of mesoscale processes to the modification of stratiform clouds is the most obvious because the ∞1 ΔX s = −4πDs X s ∫ Dr nr dDr 0 2 Δt , N Γ(2 + α ) = −2πDs X s 0r 2+α r r S br = λr clouds themselves are directly formed from mesoscale meteorological processes. ∞π ΔX s Dr2U r ( D)nr dDr = − X s E rs ∫ 0 4 Δt ⎡ a Γ(3 + α ) π = − X s E rs N 0r ⎢ 0 3+α r r 4 ⎣ λr S ir = 2. Model description The three-dimensional non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 was used to test the extra-area effects of stratiform cloud two-moment seeding microphysical with silver iodide. parameterization A for + a1Γ(4 + α r ) λ4r+α r + a 2 Γ(5 + α r ) λ5r+α r + a 3 Γ (6 + α r ) ⎤ ⎥. λ6r+α r ⎦ mixed-phase clouds has been established in MM5 where Xs is the mixing ratio of the seeding agent, Nc is (Zhao et al., 2005). The scheme uses a gamma the number concentration of cloud droplets. The distribution law for rain and for all of the ice species, raindrop size distribution is assumed to follow a gamma which distribution function of the form predicts mixing ratios and number concentrations of cloud droplets, raindrops, cloud ice, snow, and graupel. A two-moment scheme with the seeding agent field and its effect on clouds was developed in MM5. n r = N 0r D α r exp( −λ r D ) . 2) The activated seeding agent as deposition nuclei when the air is saturated with respect to water is dN aD (ΔT ) dt , ∂[ X s N a (ΔT )] =w > 0, 5°C ≤ ΔT < 20°C N a (20°C )∂Z and number concentration Nx are the following: N aD (ΔT ) Δt , N a (ΔT ) = Xs , ΔT ≥ 20°C N a (20°C )Δt ∂p∗ Nx = −ADV( p∗ Nx ) + DIV( p∗ Nx ) + D(Nx ) + p∗ Nx0 ∂t . ∗ Nx + p { (Sbc + Sic + Sbr + Sir − Sdv )} Xs S dv = mx ∂p ∗ X s = − ADV ( p ∗ X s ) + DIV ( p ∗ X s ) + D( X s ) , ∂t ∗ ∗ + p X s0 + p ( S bc + S ic + S br + S ir − S dv ) S dv = mx where mx is the mass of an AgI particle, and Here the source terms Xs0 and Nx0 represent the Na(∆T) is the number of nuclei active at the seeding agent added at the time of seeding. Thus, the supercooling ∆T (∆T =273.15-T). The Na(∆T) is added latent heat due to silver iodide seeding is dθ = Ls Pisv + Lf ( Pisc + Pssr ) . dt computed by (Blair et al., 1973) ⎧0, ΔT < 5°C ⎪ 3 2 ⎪10 exp( −0.022 ΔT + 0.88ΔT − 3.8), N a ( ΔT ) = ⎨ 0 ⎪5 C ≤ ΔT < 20°C ⎪1.6 × 10 5 , ΔT ≥ 20°C ⎩ The equations for the mixing ratio of water vapor, cloud water, rainwater, cloud ice, and snow and for the number concentrations of cloud water, rainwater, cloud ice, and snow are modified to include seeding effects. The silver iodide particles released in the model interact with cloud water, rain, and water vapor fields to produce ice crystals and snow. The processes in the Interactions with rainwater and center of Shaanxi Province and moved across the number concentration center of Shanxi Province; this was associated with a (designated by Nqqq) from rainwater to snow due to mid-latitude low trough that developed mid-level seeding are stratiform cloud bands. The model simulation was (designated by Pssr = −qr (Sbr + Sir ) and Between 1200 UTC 12 September and 1200 UTC extended from the east of Gansu Province to the north The transformation rate of the mixing ratio Pqqq) Results 3.1 Method of simulation 13 September 2002, light and moderate rainfall model are described as follows. 1) 3 Na (ΔT) P ρ mx−1ρ , N ssr = ssr Na (20°C)Nr ms0 performed during the same period with a three-domain . interactive nested grid domain. The computational domains consisted of a 30-km grid with a mesh size of 2) Interactions with cloud water 109×112 (D01), a 10-km grid with a mesh size of The rate at which cloud water transforms to cloud 94×112 (D02), and a 3.3-km grid with a mesh size of ice due to contact nucleation can be written as 133×109 (D03). The three grids had 33 full-sigma Na (ΔT) P ρ Pisc = −qc (Sbc + Sic ) mx−1ρ , N isc = isc Na (20°C)Nc mc levels in the vertical. Grid-scale precipitation was . 3) Deposition nucleation determined using the mixed phase scheme for D01, the Reisner-2 scheme for D02 and the two-moment scheme for D03. This process is only considered under conditions The simulation of the release of the seeding of saturation with respect to water. The rate (Pisv, Nisv) is material was performed for the finest grid only. In the Pisv = N aD (ΔT )a1m a2 x , N isv P ρ = isv . mi0 2.2 Silver iodide conservation equations The equations for the silver iodide mixing ratio Xs seeding simulation, the horizontal domain of seeding in the D03 was 8×8 grid points centered on the grid point at Yan’an station (36.6°N, 109.5°E). The AgI was released continuously for 30-min at the -5 to -10°C level at 720 min into the model run. Seeding rate was set to 0.2 g s-1 in this case. the supercooled liquid water has been depleted to 0.3 g kg-1 in the seeded downdraft region where a dissipation Distribution and transport of silver iodide zone is obvious. The decreased supercooled cloud The simulation of AgI seeding was carried out in water regions have expanded from the seeded levels to the cloud supercooled layer. The updrafts were very the upper levels of cloud. The cloud water content 3.2 -1 weak with vertical motions of approximately 10 cm s . starts to decrease rapidly at about 810 min (60 min Figure 1 shows the distribution of seeding agent at 750 after seeding), and after 180 min the depletion ability min and 810 min. The AgI drifted with the westerly becomes weak. A large amount of cloud ice of more upper-level wind and was transferred to a downdraft than 300 L-1 increases in the region of supercooled area while moving downward at about 20 m s-1. At 750 water. The expanding of the cloud ice region -7 min (Fig. 1a), a maximum AgI mixing ratio of 1.2×10 g corresponds to reductions in the supercooled cloud kg-1 was the value imposed at the center of the seeding water region. Cloud ice, via the Bergeron process and domain. As time progresses, the AgI mixing ratio contact freezing, acts to diminish the liquid water in the decreased as the seeding agent moved. Most of the seeded model cloud. The values of the snow mixing AgI particles acted as deposition nuclei in the model. ratio increase to 0.2 g kg-1 in the seeded case. The The contact nuclei were captured primarily by cloud more cloud ice that is formed, the more snow that is droplets, produced via ice conversion. Rain water increases by mainly through the Brownian motion mechanism, although this amounts to less than 5%. more than 0.1 g kg-1 in conjunction with the increment regions of snow, which indicates that extra snow melting has enhanced rain formation. Figure 1 Horizontal cross sections of AgI mixing ratio (10-7 g kg-1) and vectors of horizontal winds at 500 hPa (top). Vertical -7 -1 Figure 2 Vertical cross sections of the differences of (a) cross sections of AgI mixing ratio (10 g kg ) and cloud water mixing ratio (g kg-1), (b) ice number concentration temperature (dashed lines) along 36.8°N (bottom). (L-1), (c) snow mixing ratio (g kg-1), and (d) rain water mixing ratio (g kg-1) with and without seeding and temperature 3.3 Evolution of cloud and precipitation processes in seeded and unseeded clouds (dashed lines) along 36.8°N. The output of the microphysical processes that The effect of cloud seeding on microphysical describe the interaction of the seeding agent with the quantities was quite significant by 0200 UTC 13 cloud yields the following results. Deposition nucleation September 2002. Figure 2 shows the differences in is the most efficient mechanism for additional cloud ice cloud hydrometer parameters between the seeded and formation. The increase in the snow melting rate due to unseeded cloud. Two hours after the start of seeding, seeding contributes mainly to rain enhancement. Figure 3 shows the distributions of unseeded Deposition nucleation was the most efficient precipitation and enhanced precipitation after seeding mechanism for additional cloud ice formation. The at the surface for a period of three hours. The value is model results indicated that seeding could cause between 0.1 mm and 0.7 mm, which corresponds to a extra-area effects that may increase precipitation by 5%-25% precipitation enhancement over the unseeded 5%-25% in the area downwind of the target location case, extending to distances varying from 80 km to 250 km. and the figure shows that considerable redistribution has occurred. An increase in precipitation occurs downwind of the seeding area with distances Acknowledgements varying from 80 km to 250 km. The simulated seeding extra-area effects are caused by downwind transport of This research was supported by the National silver iodide from the seeding source to an area well Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. removed from the intended area of effect. 40805056) and the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-EW-203) References Blair, D. N., B. L. Davis, and A. S. Dennis, Cloud chamber tests of generators using acetone solutions of AgI-NaI, AgI-KI and AgI-NH4I. J. Appl. Meteor., 12, 1012−1017, 1973. Chen, C.-S., and H. D. Orville, The effects of carbon black dust on cumulus-scale convection. J. Appl. Meteor., 16, 401−412, 1977. Deshler, T., and D. W. Reynolds, The persistence of seeding effects in a winter orographic cloud seeded with silver Figure 3 (a) Distribution of simulated precipitation at the iodide burned in Acetone. J. Appl. Meteor., 29, 477−488, 1990. surface for unseeded and (b) the augmented precipitation at Elliott, R. 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