Dear Dealership, Thank you for your interest in Shindaiwa! Below you will find the factory paperwork that must be completed by any dealership applying to become a Shindaiwa dealer. Please complete and sign the New Dealer Update Form, the Shindaiwa IMA forms, and the appropriate Service Dealer Application and return the completed paperwork to LEPCO. You will notice there are two service dealer types (Authorized Service Dealer and Silver Service Dealer) and each has a separate application. The requirements for each dealer type are described on the forms. Please return only one Service Dealer Application with your paperwork. If you have questions about the differences and benefits between Authorized Service Dealers and Silver Service Dealers, please contact your LEPCO Territory Manager. Mail hardcopies to: OR Scan and email to: LEPCO Attn: Jasmine Bryan PO Box 466 Marietta, PA 17547 Please contact your territory manager if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jasmine Bryan Assistant Marketing Manager LEPCO – Lawn Equipment Parts Co. New Dealer (Update) Form This form must be completed for any and all dealer additions, deletions, or changes. DISTRIBUTOR NAME DATE DEALER INFORMATION ECHO Inc. Dealer # Sales Contact Dealer Name E-mail Address Mailing Address Service Contact City E-mail Address State Format: mm/dd/yyyy Phone # Zip DEALER STATUS New Dealer Delete Dealer Reinstate Dealer Change Dealer from to Dealer information change only BRANDS (Check all that apply) ECHO Shindaiwa Bear Cat SGD Signature Elite Dealer (1) SSD Silver Service Dealer (2) ASD Authorized Service Dealer (1) (2) 56V Kubota SD Selling Dealer RD Rental Dealer ND Non-Dealer Submit completed Signature Elite application with Dealer Update Form (subject to Corporate Warranty Manager approval). Submit completed Silver Service application with Dealer Update Form (subject to Corporate Warranty Manager approval). A SIGNED INTERNET MARKETING AGREEMENT (IMA) MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL DEALERS. “DEALER LOCATOR REFERRAL” Authorizing Signatures: Yes (Service Manager) No (Sales Manager) This form must be filled out completely and signed by both the Service Manager amd the Sales Manager. Form will be returned without both signatures. Completed form should be uploaded to the Dealer Profile on the Business Portal 99922204150 07/2015 Shindaiwa® Internet Marketing Agreement Signature Elite Dealers, Authorized Servicing Dealers and Sales Only Dealers This Shindaiwa® Internet Marketing Agreement is between the Shindaiwa distributor and the Shindaiwa dealer below. It sets forth limitations upon the display by the Shindaiwa dealer of Shindaiwa products on any website and participation by the Shindaiwa dealer in e-commerce transactions involving Shindaiwa products through any website. Shindaiwa Product Displays on Dealer Websites The Shindaiwa dealer may promote and advertise Shindaiwa products on their website with MSRP, pictures and product descriptions for the purpose of educating customers and / or encouraging customers to purchase these products at their physical dealer location. These displays may include approved Shindaiwa logos, other Shindaiwa trademarks and copyrighted materials; provided that all logos, trademarks and copyrighted materials are used in accordance with the Shindaiwa policy for same. E-commerce Via Dealer Websites and / or Other Third Party Websites The Shindaiwa dealer is not authorized to accept orders for Shindaiwa equipment over the internet, to solicit telephone orders via the internet or to solicit mail orders via the internet for delivery to locations other than the physical location of their dealership. The Shindaiwa dealer is not authorized and may not knowingly sell Shindaiwa products to any person with the purpose being the future re-sale of said products on any website as new equipment. It is not presently contemplated that Shindaiwa brand products will be sold through any official manufacturer sponsored website; therefore, Shindaiwa dealers will not be participating in any e-commerce transactions concerning Shindaiwa products. By execution of this Agreement, the Shindaiwa dealer acknowledges that he / she has read through this Agreement and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth herein. The Shindaiwa dealer agrees that all rights, if any, to sell Shindaiwa products as an authorized dealer may be terminated by the Shindaiwa distributor upon any violation of this Agreement. The rights and terms hereof are subject to cancellation or modification at any time upon notice to the Shindaiwa dealer. Dealer Name (print): Dealer Number: Dealer Principal Name (print): Dealer Principal Name (signature): Date: Distributor Name (print): Distributor Principal Name (print): Distributor Principal Name (signature): Date: ECHO/Shindaiwa Authorized Service Dealer Application Dealer Name Address City State Dealer Signature Title ECHO Inc. Dealer No. Date Submitted (Format): mm/dd/yyyy Zip The above dealership acknowledges that their current “Retail Posted Shop Labor” is ____________ $ per hour. Authorized Service Dealer (ASD) status is the minimum requirement to perform warranty repairs. ASD dealers will be reimbursed for warranty repairs at their retail posted shop labor rate, not to exceed $ 60.00 per hour (or appropiate conversion to Canadian dollars).* *Where warranty labor reimbursement rates are not subject to state regulation. STIPULATIONS: A. ASD status is only available to those dealers who participate in ECHO/Shindaiwa technical service training. Dealers are encouraged to attend hands-on service training classes annually. However, if the annual hands-on service training class is not completed, the ECHO/Shindaiwa service training requirement can be satisfied by participation in the on-line service training for that year. Online service training two years in a row does not qualify for ASD status; hands-on service training must be completed at least every other year. Service Dealers who do not complete this annual training curriculum will be removed as a Service Dealer. The Distributor has the option of retaining this dealer as a Selling Dealer (SD) only. B. Posted Retail Shop Labor Rates are only payable to Service Dealers who are registered ECHO/Shindaiwa Business Portal website users. C. Shop labor rates will be paid at the prevailing retail labor rate (up to $60.00 per hour or vappropriate conversion to Canadian dollars). D. The shop labor rate may be adjusted once per year, on or after the anniversary date of this labor rate schedule by the Distributor Service Manager. NAME OF DISTRIBUTOR: APPROVALS DISTRIBUTOR SERVICE MANAGER By: Date (Format): mm/dd/yyyy ECHO Incorporated By: Date (Format): mm/dd/yyyy ECHO USE ONLY: Last Service School Attended: Completed application should be uploaded to the Dealer Profile on the Business Portal 99922204148 01/2015 ECHO/Shindaiwa Silver Service Dealer Application Dealer Name Address City State Dealer Signature Title ECHO Inc. Dealer No. Date Submitted (Format): mm/dd/yyyy Zip The above dealership acknowledges that their current “Retail Posted Shop Labor” is ____________ $ per hour. Silver Service Dealer (SSD) status is a requirement to perform warranty repairs under the terms stated henceforth. SSD dealers will be reimbursed for warranty repairs at their retail posted shop labor rate, not to exceed $70.00 per hour (or appropriate conversion to Canadian dollars).* *Where warranty labor reimbursement rates are not subject to state regulation. STIPULATIONS: A. SSD status is only available to those dealers who participate in ECHO/Shindaiwa technical service training. Dealers are encouraged to attend hands-on service training classes annually. However, if the annual hands-on service training class is not completed, the ECHO/Shindaiwa service training requirement can be satisfied by participation in the on-line service training for that year. Online service training two years in a row does not qualify for SSD status; hands-on service training must be completed at least every other year. Silver Service Dealers who do not complete this annual training curriculum will be removed as a Silver Service Dealer. The Distributor has the option of retaining this dealer as a Selling Dealer (SD) only. Posted Retail Shop Labor Rates are only payable to Silver Service Dealers who are registered ECHO/Shindaiwa Business Portal website users. B. C. Shop labor rates will be paid at the prevailing retail labor rate (up to $70.00 per hour or appropriate conversion to Canadian dollars). D. The shop labor rate may be adjusted once per year, on or after the anniversary date of this labor rate schedule by the Distributor Service Manager. E. Silver Service Dealer must complete all required service training, process warranty claims and product registrations on-line, use all required service tools, and provide warranty support for National and/or regional retailers, private label, and OEM branded products. NAME OF DISTRIBUTOR: APPROVALS DISTRIBUTOR SERVICE MANAGER By: Date (Format): mm/dd/yyyy ECHO Incorporated By: Date (Format): mm/dd/yyyy ECHO USE ONLY: Last Service School Attended: Completed application should be uploaded to the Dealer Profile on the Business Portal 99922204149 01/2015