1936 Complete Catalog

1 9 3 6 Complete Catalog
Public Address
E Broadcasting
Amateur and Commercial
Hearing Aids
Scientific and Industrial
Each instrument is guaranteed to be
free from mechanical and electrical
defects for a period of one year from
date of shipment from the factory,
provided all instructions are complied
with .fully.
are products of specialists. They are designed and produced at "Microphone Headquarters," where all effort is
devoted exclusively to Microphones and closely-related
Out of this specialized activity have come such outstanding
developments a s the "Wave-Equalization" of microphone
response . . . the "Spheroid" Non-Directional crystal microphone . . . the "Curvilinear" microphone diaphragm . . . a
new improved piezo-electric "Stethophone" . . . and many
others. As a result, Shure Microphones have achieved
world wide recognition for their outstanding quality and
moderate cost.
Continued forward-looking research and development of
this high type is your assurance of advanced performance
in every Shure Microphone.
Form No. 138--43615H
Printed in
. I r n
Leading Sound
E a u i ~ m e n tManufacturers
Model 3B Two-Button
Advanced engineering and
controlled quantity pro*
duction have made possible
thls ful1,slze TwoeButton
Microphone with quality
performance never before
available at such extremely
low cost! Designed for
spring suspension. Rigid
cast framcs and b u ~ l t - i n
prorcctlve grill, finished in
bright nickel plate overall. Has the wel1,known
Shure "Quickway" Hooks. May he used as a
singleebutton microphone. Fsame diameter, 3".
Net weight, 1/1 Ib. Shipping weight, 3/4 Ib.
Model 3B. Two,Button. Code: Ruciv.
List P r i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model 10B. Convertible Hand h41cro.
phone. Convenient general purpose
P.A. microphone, convertible from
hand to 3B type for stand mounting by
removing mounting ring and inserring
four "Quickway" Hooks. Black enam*
eled handle. Overall length, 8'/sN.
Net d h t , 3/4 kb. Shipping welght,
1 Ib. Complete with 6 feet of three*
conductor cable and 4
Hooks. Code: Rucor.
List Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Madel 1 O S . Convertible Hand M i *
crophone. Sawe as Model 10B hut in,
cludes a concealed switch which auto,
matlcally cuts off the microphone when it is placed
in a horizontal position.
Code: R m s . List Price. . . . . . . . . . .
Model 3A Two-Button
A small low,cost two-button microphone. Suitable
&ere voice reproduct~onis the main requirement.
Screen,protected diaphragm. Nickel plated. Frame
diameter, 2%". Net weight, 5% ozs. Shipping
weight 3/4 Ib.
Model 3A. Two.Button Microphone.
Code: Rucim. List Price. . . . . . . .
Model 2A. Slngle,Button Microphone, Same size
and appearance as Model 3A.
Code: Rucil. List Price .
Model 5B Two-Button
A ful1,size two,button mi*
cropbone (diameter overall
33/4", thickness I&", weight
15% 02s.). Regular full,size
precision adjustable buttons
and special diaphragm assure
exceptional quality of repro*
duction. Ideal for low cost
sound svsterns. Attractive
modern -desien. finished in
chromium plate.
protected diaphragm and "Quickway"
Shipping weight, 1% Ibs.
$ 000
Model 58. Code: Rucit. List Price. .
Model 70H
Model 70s
The Shure 70H sets :,he "stand,
ard of pcrlormance
for dm,
phragm-type c r y s t a l micro,
phones. Adopted by leading
Curvilinear" diaphragm
and 1:Bimorph" crystal, "Cantilever actuated. Beautiful cast
case, chromium~plated overall.
Mounts direct on any Sbure
Stand or in carbon ring. Cable
may be brought through stand tubing or outside
as deslred. Convertible to a Hand Microohone
with X40A Handle. Complete -71th removable
close4ittingn ring, 4 "Quickway" Hooks and
shielded single-conductor rubber jacketed cable.
Model Cable Length Code
7 feet
li/2 lbs.
70H.25FT 25 feet
2 Ibs.
70H.35FT 35 feet
.- Ibs.
- - ~
.-Model 70HP. "Push-Pull" Crystal Microphone.
Same as 70H except cable is two,conductor
shielded. Recommended for amplifiers with push,
pull Input.
Model Cable Length Code
7 feet
I ?$ lbs.
7OHP-25FT 25 feet
2% lbs.
iOHP,35FT 35 feet
Model A40A (formerly 71BH). Handle. Remo\zable handle which fits iOH Crystal Micro,
phone for hand use. Shipp:ng weight, 1/, lb.
Code: Rurij.
~ 1 s tPrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150
Specially deslgned for high,eficiency
voice communication In Commercial
and Amateur radiophone systems.
Doubles side-band power on impor*
tant intelligibility speech frequen,
cies-clear, crlsp, powerful signalscuts through noise and static. N o
transmitter changes-connect
as you
would an ordinary crystal micro*
phone. Finished in polished chromium plate and
baked rubber black enamel. Complete with in*
tegral Desk Mount and 7 feet of sh~eldedtwoconductor, rubber,jacketed cable. Net welght, 2
Ibs. Shipping weight, 2% lbs.
Model 70s. Code: Rurak. Llst Price . .
Model 7OSP. Same as 705, but without Desk
Mount. includrs 7 ft. Tuw,Conductor shielded
cable and 4 Quickway" hooks. Code: Rural.
~ 1 s Price.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22.50
Model 7OSH-25FT. Sanlr as 70SP but with 25
fect of single,conductor shieldrd cable.
Code: Rurap. List Price. . . . . . . . . .$24.30
Model 70D
70H-79AC Demountable
A complete unlt conssting of the
7UH Crystal Microphone with plug
attachment, and Stand Receptacle.
lnstantly ~nstalled! Instantly remov*
able for safekeeping or use elsewhere. Cable Strain Relief included.
Net weight, 1 lb. S h ~ p p i n gweight,
1% Ibs. N o cable furnished.
Model 7OH-79AC.
Code: Ruram. List Price . . .
Model 73A Lapel
H i g hE l y efficient
a~ n d
falthful in volce repro*
duction, due to new
Shure diaphragm des~gn
and improvcd mcchan,
ical systcm. Free from
"background" noise and
v~bratlonpick,up. Dlameter only 2". Weight, less cord,. under 2 oz.!
Baked rubber-black finish. Eouloocd wlth snecial
sprlng lapcl cl:p and 25 fcet' d'shielded &gle,
cnnducror black mercerized cotton,covcred cord*
age. Shipping weight, 3/4 lb.
Model 73A. Code: Rulap. L!st Price. . .
Shure "70" Crystal M ~ c r o .
phone Head, with the added
utility of integral two,stage
preamplifier. Invaluable tor
overhead use.
Mounts on
standard Shure Stands. Height
111/8"; Complete with two
type 76 tubes, suspension
adapter, and 12 ft. of cable.
Shipping weight, 634 Ibs.
Model 70D. Code: Rurad.
Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Consists of Shure "70" Crystal
Microphone Head with ~ntegral
twwstage preamplifier in attrace
Ive, modernistic "camcra type"
case. Rubber-black finish. Height
7%". Complete with two type
'76 tubes, suspension adapter,
ind 12 ft. cable. Shippingweight,
3% Ibs.
Model 7OC. Code: Rurac.
List Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$TO
M o d e l 7 0 ~ ~ Crystal
Microphone. 70H with
Flange Type mounting as used on model 70C.
Code: Rurit. List P r ~ c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25
Model 70E(withRemote Preamplifier)
Model 22B Two-Button
Embodies refinements formerly found only in more
costly instruments. Genuine cathode,sputtercd
gold-spot diaphragm, carefully stretched and sclentifically damped. Chromium platcd. Nct weight,
1 Ib. Shipping weight, 1% Ibs.
Mode1 228. Code: Rudip. List P r i c e . . . .
Model 27N Two-Button
Professional type twoebutton microphone in every
respect. Beautiful case,richly finished in chromium
plate. Thickness 1%".
Diameter overall 3V4".
Net weight, 1% lhs. Shipping weight, 1)/4 Ibs.
Model 27N. Code: Rubal.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ode1 33N Two-Button
T h e most highly developed
two button microphone.
Used in Broadcast Stations
because of its excellent
frequency response, rug.
gedness and dependability.
Massive b r a s s f r a m e s .
Dural diaphragm with gen*
ulne cathode-sputteredgold
spots. carefully stretched
a n d aged. C h r o m i u m
plated. Thickness If&". Diameter overall 4&".
Net weight, 2?/2 lb. Shipping weight. 3 Ib.
Model 33N. Code: Rulit.
~ i s Price..
Model 11B Two-Button
Hand Microphone
Use our unique Microphone Repair Service
Write for Data Sheet
Model 70A Crystal Preamplifier
High quality two.button "close~talk~
ing" hand microphone. E s p e c ~ a l l ~
pit able wherever the level of
crowd" or background noise is
high. Modern chrome,finished case:
rubher,black handle. Suspension eye
at top. Case diameter 3&". Length
9". Net weight, 1% lb. Shlpplng
weight, 1% Ibs. Complete with 6 f t .
color,coded tbree,conductor cord.
Model l l B . Code: Rudil.
List Price . . . .
Model 11BS. Same as 1 1 ~ but
with push,button
switch, Code: Ruhas.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650
Model 1 I C . A "non close,talking" type twobutton hand microphone.
Code: Rubom. List Price.. . . . . . . . . . . .$1500
Model IICS. Same as Model 11C, but with
"press-toqtalk" switch in handle.
Code: ~ u b o t . List Price. . . . . . . . . . .
Model W l O A (formerly 124). Carbon Granules.
Recommended for experivental work only. Packed
in capsule or vial. Code: Rugun. List Price. . $1
phones are
d e r p a t ents
3V4 Ibs.
Model 70A. Code: Ruraf. List Price.
Model 41L Power Supplv
-- -
Operates from 1IT volt, 70 to
60 cycle A . C . line and supplies all voltage requirements
for all Shurc Preamphfiers and
model Micro*
phones except 40 Series. Free
from hum. Length 8", width
33/4", height 6%". Complete
with '84 tube, lug for microphone cable, and
A.C. cord and plug. Shipping weight, 5 9 Ibs.
Model 41L. Code: Ruwis. List Price. . . . .$20
Model 41LZ. Same as 41L, but for 220v.. i0.60
cycles. Code: Ruwip. List P r ~ c e . . . . . . . . .$2O
Data Sheets are Available
on All Items
Shure I> a t e l
' 1 '
- U s e d in Thousands o f S o u n d
Installations Throughout the W o r l d
Model 74B "Spheroid
Volume Controls
for Crystal Microphones
Now, for the first time, speakers.
soloists, and announcers can control
the volume of a crystal microphone
. . . smoothly . . . noiselessly . . .
with complete freedom from un,
wanted "tone*control" effects! A
new capacity attenuator, developed
by Shure engineers, has made t h ~ s
possible. T h e unit is small and
compact (4" by 2" by 2") and
mounts on any Shure Stand. Finlsh
is standard rubber,blackwith chrome
and black "Volume"
Convencent ON,OFF switch. ~ n d e ,
pendent of volume control 1s pro,
be run throuah
--.. ~mav
- stand tubing if de'sired.
Shure Volume Controls are suppl~ed
In two types: "Demountable." with
receptacle for 74B a n d 70H-79AC Microphones.
and "Coupling" type threaded S/n"-27
for Model
7OH. Both types are suppl~edwith 21 or 10,foot
lengths of single,conductor, rubber,jacketed shielded cable. For best results the cable should not be
lengthened or shortened-use
the full length sup~ l l e dwlth the unlt.
Model V21A. Crystal Mlcrophone Volume Con,
trol. "Demountable" Type w1t11 25.ioot cable.
S h ~ p p i n gweight, 2% Ibs. Code: Rugos
Llst Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model V22A. Crystal M ~ c r u p h o n eVolume Con,
trol. "Demountable" Type wtth 10,foot cable.
Shlpping weight, 3% Ibs. Code: Rugat
Llst P r ~ c e . . . . . . . . .
Model V l l A . Crystal Microphone Volume Con,
trol. "Coupling" Type wlth 25,foot cable.
Code: Rugap.
~ 1 s tPrice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model V12A. Crystal Microphone Volume Con,
trol. "Coupling" Type with 50,fuot cable.
Code: Rugar.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model 7OH-V11A. Crystal Microphone with
Volutne Control. Shure 70H mounted on Volunle
Control with 25,foot cable. Shipping weight. 3%
Ibs. Code: Rugow.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model 7OH-V12A. Crystal Microphone
Volume Control. Shure 70H mounted on Volume
Control with 50,foot cable. Shlpping weight, 4'/.
Ibs. Code: Rugoy.
List P r i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For the first tlme-a
crystal ml,
crophone comb~ntfg Hlgh Out.
put Level, true Wide-Range"
Reproduct~on and Non,Dlrectlonal Plckup! Sound reaches
the small Curvilinear d~aphragm
through a complete angle of 360
degrees wtth a frequency response from 40 to 10,000 cycles.
Response 1s non,directional for
sound approaching from any
angle. Special
Grafoll" BI*
morph Crystal. "canSileverM-actuated. lowers cable
losses. Overall diameter 2%". Rubber,black fin*
~ s hwith chromium circles. Furnished with new
locking, shielded, nioi~ture,~roof3-conductor plug,
convertible receptacle for stand or suspension use,
and cable strain relief. ( N o cable furnished-see
ClOA and C20A listings.) Net w e ~ g h t ,7 % o r .
Shipping weight. 1 Ib.
~ o d e 748.
"Spheroid" Crystal Mlcrophone.
Code: Rugor.
List P r i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Wave-Equalized" M o d e 1s
All Shure High*Fidelity Wave,Equalized Models
l~sted below are flat wlthin only 2 db (for the
crystal type) and 4 d b (for the condenser type)
from 10 to 10,000 cycles.
Model 77D Crystal
Model 43D Condenser
High,Fidelity instruments with the
Shure"Wave,Equalized" principle.
May be suspended overhead or
mounted on stand. High output
level and standard 200,ohm out*
put impedance. High-galn integral
two-stage preamplifier. Complete
wtth one '6C6 and one '76 tube.
25 ft. of shielded power cable and
suspension adapter.
Model 43D. Condenser Micro.
phone. Code: Rulet.
List Price. . . . . . . . . . . .
Model 77D. ,Crystal M~crophone.
Code: Ruric.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 1 50
Model 75A Spherical
Crystal Microphone
A new econom~calShure Non,
Directional Crystal M~crophone
wlth wide,range response! Acou,
stlc streamlining and sclentlfic
placement of the small curvillncar diaphragm Insure non,
dlrestional resoonse for sound
approaching fkom any angle.
Crystal element 3s a gmulne
"Blmorph" unit. "Cantilever"
actuated. Only 2%" In d~ameter.
Rlch rubher,hlask h u s h . Mounts
on anv Shure Stand. Comnlete
with "side cahle outlet" and 25 fict of s h ~ d d e d
single-conductor, rubber jacketed cable. S h l p p ~ n g
welgnt, 1!/2 Ibs.
Model 75A. Spherical Crystal Microphone
Code: Rugus. List Price.
Model 77E Crystal
Model 43E Condenser
~Code: Rujel.
Model 77E.
Code: Rurid.
Model A80A Stand Switch
New handy stand-mountlng on,off swltch
which can be used with any type micro,
phone. Small attractive cast,alumlnum
caw, with rubber*black enamel finlsh.
Standard 5/nr1,27 thread fits all Shure
Stands. Overall height, 21/2". S h i p p ~ n g
weieht, 9'' Ib.
Model A80A. Stdud Sw.tch Code Rudam.
Llst P r ~ c e
Shure Model 71AS
:rystal Hand Microphone
i c e n s e d un-
of The Brush
t Company.
tts p e n d i n g .
type. Handsome
chrome-finished case with rubberblack handle. "Push,to,talk" switch
in handle. 7 it. of special shielded,
slngle conductor cable. D ~ a m e t e rof
case 3rl;". Ovcrall length 9". Ship,
plng w e ~ g h t ,1% Ibs.
Model 7lAS. Code: Rurec.
Llst Price
Model 71A. Crystal Hand Micro,
Samc as Model 71AS
but without switch.
Code: Rureb. List Price . .
Model 71BS. Crystal Hand Microphone. Nan,
type. "Push-to-talk"
In handle. 7 ft. of special cable.
Code: Rurih. List Price
Model 71B. Crystal Hand Microphone. Same
as 71BS but without switch.
Code: Rurig. List Price
. . . . . . . .
$ 1 65
$ 1 65
Model 77F Crystal
Model 43F Condenser
Shure "43.' Condenser
or "77" Crystal Head
mounted on S32C Mod*
ermstic Desk Stand with
a special high,gain two.
stage "Wave,Equalized"
preamplifier. Furnished
y t h one '6C6 and one
76 tube, 7 ft. of low,
capacity cable with plug,
and 25 i t . of shielded
power cable.
List Price
Crystal M icrophone.
. . . . . .
List Price
Model 60C Contact-Type
Crvstal Micronhone (formerly 72B)
For sound and vibration
pickup In stcd.es of m a
chine nolse and vibration.
reproduction of str1ng:d
musical Instruments. Inter.
c e ~ t i o nof sound throuah
walls In crlminal investigation work, and niany
other applications. High efficiency obta~nedw ~ t h
minimum acoustic pickup. I)/!" long, 1" w ~ d e .
3/4" high. Mounting lugs provided. Chronlium
plated. Complete with 7 feet of slngle~conductor.
ruhber,iacketed shielded cable. Net weieht. rnc l u d i n i c o r d , 1 or. Shipping wcight. lo'/; or
Model 60C. C o d e Rutac.
Llst Prxce
Model 65A "Stethophone"
Shure "43" Condenser or "77" Crystal Head
m o u n t ~ don S59A Floor Stand wlth high~gaintwo*
stage Wave,Equallred" preamplifier in base. Includes one '6C6 and one '76 tube. and 25 f t . of
sh~eldedpower cable.
Model 43F. Condenser Mlcrophone.
. . . . . .
Code: Rujem. List Price
Model 77F. Crystal Microphone.
Code. Rurif. Llst Price
$1 90
Model 77H Sound-Cell
Crystal Microphone
Hlgh quality "wide range" crystal microphone.
Consists of a genulne Brush Sound,Cell, specially
mounted in a beautifully designed chromium plated
case. Complete with "close-fitttng" ring and 7 ft.
of shtelded' low,capacity cable
Model 77H. Code: Rurib.
List Price.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
A new ~ m p r o r e d , non.
acoustlc piezo.electric device for p ~ c k u p of heart
and chest sounds for re,
production or recording.
High output lev,,l achieved
t".ough new design prin,
ciple. 3%"
long. Net
welght (not ~ n c l u d ~ nthe
cable). onlv 71% 02. Con.
trasting chrom-irlm and
black finish. Has "press*to,listen"
switch. Furnished complete with removable strap
(useful when making long ohservat~ons)and 7 feet
of shielded single-conductor cable. Shipplng
weight J/4 Ih.
Model 65A. "Stethophone."
Code: Rutab. List Price.. . . . . .
Model 78HB
Wide Range
Sound-Cell Type
A small, demountable WideRange crystal microphone. Ex,
cellent frequency response from
30 to 10,000 cycles. Contains
a genuine Brush Sound*Celln o d i a p h r a g m . Chromium
plated overall. Only 11/4" in
diameter. Height 2". Corn,
plete with integral plug, stand
receptacle and strain relief.
Cable not included.
Model 7BHB.
Code: Rulad. List Price
Plugs and Receptacles
Shure Stands, designed by microphone specialists familiar with every phase of microphone service,
have become the accepted standard d u e t o their convenience, distinctive modern d e s ~ g n , rugged
construction and moderate cost. A complete range of types and styles solves every microphone mounting
Model PIOB. Plug. Three.conductor type.
Threaded locking ring and watereproof
strain,relief gasket cap. May be used to
convert "non,demountable"
to demountable type. Chromlum plated.
Shipping weight, '/4 Ib. Code: Rulab.
List P r i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
All stands (except Model 5308) are now listed without rings, which must be ordered separately. Unless
otherwise specified, standard finish is a beautiful rubber black with chromium plated trim. Special
finishes are available t o order a t additional cost. Standard thread on all stands and fittings is 5h"-27.
Model P20B.
ductor type, complete with
strain,relief gasket cap. Fits
Chromium plated. Shipping
Ib. Code: Rulam. List Price
Desk and Banquet Stands
Floor Stands
All Shure Floor stands have the exclusive "Automatic Friction Lock." You simply raise, lower or
turn the microphone
no thumb screws or wing
nuts . . . no rattling or sudden dropping! The
proper degree of friction is adjusted by rotating
the chromium collar a t the t o p of the barrel.
Cables may b e run through tubings, or outside with
a P50A Side C a b l e outlet. Effective height adjustment 43" t o 68". Finish is standard rubber-black
with chromium plated trim. Standard 5/8"-27
thread. Rings are not included, and must b e
ordered separately.
Model S30B (formerly 6 0 N ) . " S p e
clal" Desk Stand. A small desk
unit for Carbon Microphones complete with 5" ring. Modern bevelcdged design, beautifully fin~shedin
chromium plate overall. Cord en*
trance in base. Complete wlth 8
rustproof springs. Base diameter,
Height overall. 7".
w e ~ g h t 1 Ib. S h i p p ~ n gweight. 1%
Ibs. Code: Runep.
List P r ~ c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model P41A. Receptacle. ThrecConductor type.
Mounts in f t " hole on chassis or panel. Fits PlCB
Plug. Nickel plated. Shlpplng weight, L/4 Ib. Code:
Rutop. List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..TOc
Model 79P. Plug. Two,Conductor Telephone Type.
Fullv shielded. Chromium plated. Shipping a e ~ g h t .
% lb. Code: Rurik. List Prlce. . . . . . . . $2.25
Model 79R. Receptacle. Fully.sbielded cable,con,
nector type receptacle for 79P Plug. Chromium
Shipping weight, \/4 lb. Code: Ruril.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50
Model S31A. Desk Mount. A short.
desk,type mount of
proper height for operating table. Cord
entrance in base. Rubber black finish
overall. Base diameter 4%".
Net weight, 1 Ib. Shipping
weight, 1Y4 Ibs. Code: Rujab.
List Price . . . . . . .
Cable Fittings
Model P40C. Stand Receptacle. Lock~ne
fully shlelded type.
Mounts on any Shure Stand. Useful, for
phones to "demountable" type. A P51A
Strain Rellef (See description below) is in*
Standard rubber,black finish.
S h l p p ~ n g weight, '/4 Ib. Code: Rulir.
List Prlrc . . . . . . . . . $1.25
Model S41A (formerly 6 1 A C ) . Banquet Stand.
A lightwe~ght "utility" stand, finished In polished
nickel plate. Non,adjustable. Cord entrance In base.
Base diameter, 4%".
Height 10". Nct weight,
1 Ib. Shipping weight, 1% Ibs.
Code: Rujak. List Price. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model S57B
(Formerly T3TC)
Model P51A. Strain Relief. Used with
Stand Receptacle when cable 1s run inslde
tubing. Prevents terminal strain. Cadmlum
plated. Codc: Rupat. List Price
Model S32C (formerly 5 I D C )
Moderntstic Desk Stand. A ne\r
adjustable desk stand with the ex,
clusive S h ~ j r e "Automatic Friction
Bear~tlful modern design.
with three chromium circles on base
contrasting wlth the rich rubber,
black finish. Base diameter, 6".
Height, adji~btablefrorn 7" to 11".
N e t weight. 3% Ibs. Shipptnc
weight, 3% Ibs. Code: Rudes. $650
List Price . . . . . .
Model S58A
(Formerly 5SSC)
Model S54B
(Formerly 63AC)
Model S56A (formerly 53RC). Floor Stand.
"Round" Base. Base Diameter. 101/4". Net weight,
11 Ibs. Shipping weight, 12% Ibs.
Code: Ruvos. List Price. . . .
Model S42C (formerly 52DC).
quet Stand. A companion unit
listed above, useful where greater
Height range. 15'' to 22". Net
Shipping weight. 4% Ibs. Code:
List Price . . . . . . . . .
Model S57B (formerly T3TC). Floor Stand. 3.leg
"Tri,Perl" Base. Leg spread. 1T%". Net weight,
13% Ihs. Shipping welght, 17% Ibr.
Code: Rugart.
- 4I cis0
uLiar Price
. . . .
PIOB Plug.
weight, '/4
. . . .$1.00
Model P50A. Side Cable Outlet. Brings
cable outside stand. Self strain-relief
. . . . . .75~
Rupak. List Price
Model P52A. Cable Guide. Holds cable neatly beside stand. Attached to tubing near base. Rubber,
black finish. For S54B (formerly 6 3 A C ) Floor Stand.
Shipping weight Y4 Ib. Code: R~ijov.List Price.$1.00
Modernistic Ban,
to Model S32C
height is needed.
weight. 3% Ihs.
Model P53A. Cable Guide. For S56A
(73RC). S57B (53TC). S58A (53SC)
and S59A (F3RC). Floor Stands Code:
Rujor. List Prlce . . . . . . . .$1.00
Model S5RA (fornicrly 53SC). Floor Stand. Large,
heavy "Modernistic" round base. Base diameter.
12y2". Net weight, 14% Ibs. Shipping weight.
16 Ibs. Code: Ruvim.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1750
Model S59A (formerly T3BC). Floor Stand. Mod,
ernistic extra-heavy base, with spacc in base for
preampl~fier or power supply. Effective height ad*
justment 48" to 73". Base diameter, 17". Net
weight. 29% Ibs.
Shipping weight. 33% Ibs.
Code: Rudal.
List Price . . . . . . . . . . .
Model R2OB (formerly TO). Stand,
ard Ring. A sturdy ful1,size. 6" ring
for carbon microp,bones. Attractive
beveleedge design. Quickway" Hooks
(Pat. Pend.) for q u ~ c k mounting.
Chromium plated. Complete with 8
rustproof springs. Shipping weight.
1 Ib. Code: Ruket. List Price $2.50
Model S54B (formerly 63AC). Floor Stand. A
light weight Utility stand with three extensible
sections. Modernistic base, 10%" in diameter,
finished in black "Wrinkle" enamel. Height ad,
juetment 251/:" to 62%".
Net weight, 8 % Ibs.
Shipping weight. 8% Ibs. Code: Rucov.
. . . . . . . .
List Price
~ o d R~~~
~ l (formerly 60R), Ring, A light T,,
for small carbon mi crop hones^ Chromium
plated, shipping weight, % Ib, Complete with
rust.proof springs. code: ~
~ Listj price
~ $2.25
Model RIoB. Ring. Same as R ~ O Abut bright
ntckel plated. Code: R u j ~ m . List Price . $2.00
Stand Adapters
Model A2OA (formerly T IYRCA). Adapter. Fur
mounting microphones with %" Pipe Thread on any
Shure Stand (7$"-27
thread). White nickel plated.
Shipping weight % lb. Code: Rudap List $1.00
Model A21A (formerly TITCRY). Adapter. For
iounting microphones with L/s" Pipe Thread on any
:hure Sta?d (%"-27
thread). Chromium plated.
Code: Rujec. L i s t . . . . . . . . . .
. . .$1 .DO
*ode1 AlQA. Flexible Coupling. Reduces pickup
shock and vtbration. Installed between micro*
i. ine and any Shure Stand.
Ca.le: Ruvor. List Price . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
Good cable is essential for proper operation of
crystal m~crophones.
Shure Crystal Cables a i e specially designed for low
capacity and high ~nsulation resistance, manufactured t o rigid standards and carefully tested and
~nspected. Recent developments have m a d e possible
a cable with still lower capactty than was previously
Available in bulk any length, or in special convenient trimmed lkngths a t no extra charge.
Rings and Springs
Model A30A (formerly 54M).
~ ~ $ , 2 0 ~ i ~ i " p ~ ; e e R ~ ~ t ~ p ~ o oyod
A ~ ~(formerly
Model ClOB (formerlv BIL). Crystal Microphone
Cable. ~ ~ n ~ l ~ ~ c o n d type,
u c t o rshielded with overall
ruhher jacket. Diameter, 7 / 3 2 " , Weight, 3 Ihs. per
I00 feet. Standard trimmed lengths are 7 , 20, 25, 35
m"dn feet. Code: Rurim. L ~ s tPrice, per foot. l 0 c
Model C20B (formerly 80L). Crystal Microphone
Cable. Two,Conductor type, shielded, with overall
rt~bher jacket. Diameter. l/4". Weight. 4 lba. per
Inn feet. Standard trimmed lengths are 7, 20. 25. 35
and TO feet. Code: Rubat. List Price, per foot. . l 5 c
Model C l l A (formerly 84L). Crystal Microphone
Cable. Llght, flexible, single*conductor type, shielded,
with black cotton braid. Used on 73A Lapel Micro*
phones. Diameter, & ' I .
Weight! 1% Ibs. per 100
feet. Standard trimmed length 1s 25 feet. Code.
Rwiv. List Price, per foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10c
~ ' , ~ ' O L ~ ~ p " ; i c ~ u ~,Code:
t ~ p ~Ro$&o f ~
Model A35A (formerly TOA). Suspension Adapter. Chromium plated.
thread. Shipping weight.
Ib. Code: Rudem. Llst Price $1.50
Model C50B. Power Cable. Five conductors and
shield. Heater leads twisted. Overall cotton bmid.
Available in Zi,foot lengths. Diameter, &". Weight,
6 Ibs. per 100 feet. Code: Rubam.
. . .30c
List Price, per foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Microphone Headquartersw
91 5 W. Huron St., Chicago, U. S. A.