Regulations Governing Time, Place, and Manner of Meetings

Administrative Regulation 9:1
Responsible Office: Vice President for
Student Affairs, Director of Student Center
Date Effective: 6/9/2015
Supersedes Version: 5/22/2000
Regulations Governing Time, Place, and Manner of Meetings,
Demonstrations, and Other Assemblies (Interim Regulation)
Major Topics
Demonstrations, Meetings, or Assemblies
Reservation of Facilities
Outdoor Spaces
Areas Requiring a Reservation
Prohibited Spaces
I. Introduction
Consistent with the United States and Commonwealth Constitutions, all members of the University
community have a right to free expression, assembly, and advocacy. The University shall not impose
restrictions on speech except where such restrictions are reasonable, justified without reference to the
content of the speech, narrowly tailored to serve a significant university interest, and leave open ample
alternative channels of communication. This Administrative Regulation is established in order to facilitate
the effective use and enjoyment of University facilities for the exercise of such rights and to minimize conflict
between the form of their exercise and the rights of others in the effective use of University facilities.
II. Demonstrations, Meetings, or Assemblies
Planned or spontaneous demonstrations, meetings, or assemblies may be conducted in those appropriate
areas of the campus that are regularly available to the public, provided such demonstrations, meetings, or
other assemblies:
A. Are conducted in a lawful manner;
B. Do not prohibit vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
C. Do not interfere with the normal operations of the University (classes, other scheduled meetings,
events, ceremonies, and other educational processes); and,
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D. Are conducted only with specific authorization when held in areas described in Section V of this
III. Reservation of Facilities
Reservation of appropriate University grounds, areas, facilities, or other University property for the purpose
of conducting a demonstration, meeting, or other assembly shall be granted, subject to the restrictions
contained in Section II, to certain organizations and/or individuals. In all instances, the organization’s
representative or the individual shall be present when the facility or area is being utilized pursuant to the
reservation. University organizations, groups, and individuals may reserve space:
A. Registered student organizations, in accordance with the "Regulations Governing the Use of
University Facilities by Registered Student Organizations" (AR 9:2);
B. Members of the University faculty and staff, for extracurricular events related to their University
duties; and,
C. Official alumni groups and similar University-related organizations, and colleges, schools,
departments, and other units of the University, for events directly related to the University’s mission.
IV. Outdoor Spaces
The University of Kentucky shall not impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of speech that
occurs in the outdoor areas of the University’s campus and is protected by the United States and
Commonwealth Constitutions unless the restrictions are reasonable, are justified without reference to the
content of the regulated speech, are narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest, and
leave open ample alternative channels for communication of the information.
Speech in the outdoor areas between university buildings is subject to the following reasonable contentneutral restrictions:
A. Speakers may not be in the streets, parking lots, or on those sidewalks.
B. Speakers may be in areas adjacent to sidewalks provided the speaker and audience do not block
pedestrian traffic.
C. Speakers may not be in the Patterson Plaza (the area south of the Patterson Office Tower, north of
Miller Hall, east of the Main Building, and west of the White Hall Classroom Building), the area within
the fence at Maxwell Place, and the outdoor areas immediately adjacent to the University of
Kentucky Medical Center (including University of Kentucky Good Samaritan Hospital).
D. Speech involving the use of tables, stationary displays, or the exhibition of images, or the
amplification of sound is limited to areas designated by the Vice President for Student Affairs and
requires a prior reservation.
E. Speech after 7:00 P.M. and before 7:00 A.M. is limited to areas designated by the Vice President for
Student Affairs and requires a prior reservation.
F. The University temporarily may restrict expressive activities in areas that are otherwise open for
expressive activities when those areas have been reserved for a University approved function.
G. The volume and direction of sound amplification equipment is under the supervision of the Director
of the Student Center.
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V. Areas Requiring a Reservation
The following restricted areas may be utilized on a reservation-only basis:
A. All areas within a building or university athletic stadia;
B. Intramural fields and other recreational areas;
C. Amphitheaters;
D. Parking lots and Parking Structures;
E. Courtyards and areas immediately adjacent to residence halls;
F. Main Building Lawn; and
G. The Patterson Plaza (the area south of the Patterson Office Tower, north of Miller Hall, east of the
Main Building, and west of the White Hall Classroom Building)
A list of available University facilities and the offices responsible for reserving such facilities is set out in the
appendix. Necessary forms for completion and specific procedures and regulations regarding the use of
such facilities may differ from building to building or area to area; appropriate forms may be obtained from
the person designated as responsible for reserving the specific facility or area listed.
VI. Prohibited Areas
No unauthorized demonstration, meeting, or other assembly shall take place within or upon the following
prohibited areas:
A. The University of Kentucky Medical Center (including Good Samaritan Hospital) and its adjacent
grounds, sidewalks, and parking areas;
B. Maxwell Place and its adjacent grounds, sidewalks, and parking areas; and,
C. All streets and driveways utilized for vehicular traffic.
VII. Enforcement
A. Responsibility for enforcement of this Regulation rests with the Vice President for Student Affairs, or
designee. If the Vice President or designee believes that an area or facility is being improperly used or
believes the users of the area are acting imprudently, the Vice President shall take appropriate action.
B. Failure to comply with the directions of the Vice President or designee may result in charges of violation
of the Code of Student Conduct, or of other University regulations in the case of non-student members
of the University community, being placed by the Dean against offending parties. Those failing to comply
also are reminded that they may be found in violation of the law if so determined by a law enforcement
official on the scene.
References and Related Materials
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AR 9:2, Regulations Governing the Use of University Facilities by Registered Student Organizations
Code of Student Conduct
Revision History
7/1/1983, 1/3/1985, 5/22/2000, 6/9/2015
For questions, contact: Office of Legal Counsel
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University Facilities and Responsibility
for Reservation Thereof
Responsible Office
Agricultural Science
Management Operations Office
Alumni Gymnasium
Director, Campus Recreation
Director, Student Center
Buell Armory
ROTC Office
Carnahan House
Conference Center Office
Conferences and Institutes
Center for the Arts
Concert Hall
Reception Room
Recital Hall
Office of the Director
Chemistry-Physics Building
Office of University Registrar
Office of University Registrar
College of Business and
Economics Building Auditorium
Office of University Registrar
College of Law Courtroom
Dean, College of Law
Complex Commons
Assistant Director of
Programming for the
Office of Residence Life
Guignol Theatre
Department of Theatre
Laboratory Theatre
Department of Theatre
Medical Center Auditorium
Memorial Hall and Amphitheatre
Office of Communications
Director, Student Center
Open Areas
Director, Student Center
Parking Lots and Parking
Director, Student Center
Patterson Office Tower-
Office of University Registrar
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1st Floor Conference Rooms
Patterson Office Tower
18th Floor
Vice President for Administration
President's Office
Seaton Building
Director, Campus Recreation
Soccer Field
Director, Campus Recreation
Student Center
Director, Student Center
Taylor Education Building
Associate Dean of Education
University of Kentucky Alumni Association Facilities
Alumni House
Director, Alumni Association
University of Kentucky Athletic Association Facilities
Commonwealth Stadium
Memorial Coliseum
Shively Sports Center
Director, Administrative
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