Is black coat color in wolves of Iran an evidence of admixed ancestry with dogs? Rasoul Khosravi, Marzieh Asadi Aghbolaghi, Hamid Reza Rezaei, Elham Nourani & Mohammad Kaboli Journal of Applied Genetics Microorganisms and Organelles ISSN 1234-1983 J Appl Genetics DOI 10.1007/s13353-014-0237-6 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at”. 1 23 Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics DOI 10.1007/s13353-014-0237-6 ANIMAL GENETICS • ORIGINAL PAPER Is black coat color in wolves of Iran an evidence of admixed ancestry with dogs? Rasoul Khosravi & Marzieh Asadi Aghbolaghi & Hamid Reza Rezaei & Elham Nourani & Mohammad Kaboli Received: 12 August 2013 / Revised: 6 May 2014 / Accepted: 23 July 2014 # Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan 2014 Abstract Melanism is not considered a typical characteristic in wolves of Iran and dark wolves are believed to have originated from crossbreeding with dogs. Such hybrid individuals can be identified with the combined use of genetic and morphological markers. We analyzed two black wolves using a 544 base pairs (bp) fragment of the mtDNA control region and 15 microsatellite loci in comparison with 28 dogs, 28 wolves, and four known hybrids. The artificial neural networks (ANNs) method was applied to microsatellite data to separate genetically differentiated samples of wolves, dogs, and hybrids, and to determine the correct class for the black specimens. Individual assignments based on ANNs showed that black samples were genetically closer to wolves. Also, in the neighbor-joining network of mtDNA haplotypes, wolves and dogs were separated, with the dark specimens located in the wolf branch as two separate haplotypes. Furthermore, we compared 20 craniometrical characters of the two black individuals with 14 other wolves. The results showed that craniometrical measures of the two black wolves fall within the range of wolf skulls. We found no trace of recent hybridization with free-ranging dogs in the two black wolves. Dark coat color might be the result of a natural combination of alleles in the coat-color-determining gene, mutation in the K R. Khosravi Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran M. Asadi Aghbolaghi : E. Nourani : M. Kaboli (*) Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran e-mail: H. R. Rezaei Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, Gorgan University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran locus due to past hybridization with free-ranging dogs, or the effect of ecological factors and adaption to habitat conditions. Keywords Black wolf . Hybridization . mtDNA . Microsatellite . Artificial neural networks Introduction One of the most documented variations among wolves that occupy different habitat types is color pattern. Mech (1970) described coat color in wolves ranging from white, buff, tawny, reddish, and gray to black, with gray being the most common pelage (Apollonio et al. 2004). Anderson et al. (2009) showed that dark color in North American wolves living in forest habitats is the result of apparent selection for the melanistic KB allele due to past hybridization with the domestic dog. Also, many authors have suggested that anomalous morphological traits in wolves, such as atypical color patterns, dewclaw, body proportions, or dental anomalies, might be reliable signs of hybridization with free-ranging dogs (Boitani 1992; Ciucci et al. 2003). By surveying three hybrid samples, Milenković et al. (2006) identified some atypical malformations, such as incompletely developed permanent teeth P1, spongy bony tissue in the foramen infraorbitale, semicircular lines of the hind part of the forehead in adult wolves, and atypical appearance of the sutura frontalis skulls, which were unusual for typical wolves. Andersone et al. (2002) found black coat color in a litter of seven mongrel pups in northern Latvia, whose individual genotypes showed that most of the alleles were common with dogs. Randi and Lucchini (2002) analyzed two wolves with black coat color and found that one had mixed ancestry in the dog gene pool. On the other hand, Apollonio et al. (2004) showed that the occurrence of the black coat color in wolves is not necessarily a result of interbreeding with free-ranging dogs and can be due Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics to the natural combination of wolf alleles in the gene that determines coat color. The results of these studies showed that coat color in wolves is a complex mechanism affected by both ecological and genetic factors. Various studies showed that ecological features are more significant than geographic differences in determining the genetic and morphometric variations in wolf populations (Geffen et al. 2004; Carmichael et al. 2007; Musiani et al. 2007; Bennett 2010). Wolves and free-ranging dogs are isokaryotypic, fully interfertile, and have been shown to mate in the wild as well as in captivity (Wayne et al. 1995; Vila and Wayne 1999). Therefore, being able to detect hybrid individuals is important from a management perspective (Vila et al. 2003). Polymorphic regions of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have successfully been applied to examine genetic relationships between populations within and among closely related species (Tsuda et al. 1997). Since mtDNA markers have shown a small rate of wolf– dog hybridization, the use of mtDNA alone cannot provide any information about the introgression of hybrids of crosses between a female dog and a male wolf in wolf populations. Recent studies involving nuclear markers have shown that hybridization occasionally occurs in the wild (Andersone et al. 2002; Randi and Lucchini 2002). Therefore, the combined use of biparent and autosomal markers can be more helpful in detecting hybrid individuals in wolf populations. The gray wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) is one of the most important carnivores in Iran. This species has evolved to survive in a variety of habitats, from arid deserts to mountainous habitats and woodlands (Ziaie 2008). Diverse habitats, such as the Alborz and Zagros mountain ranges in the north and west, central deserts, the Caspian Sea, and the Persian Gulf coasts, cause a lot of variation in morphological traits in wolves (Khosravi et al. 2013). The black phenotype is not considered a typical characteristic and has never been observed in the past. Nevertheless, recently, in western Iran, especially Hamadan and Zanjan provinces, few black individuals were observed. The presence of a black wolf could be a possible sign of crossbreeding with domestic dogs or a natural combination of wolf alleles (Apollonio et al. 2004). This study presents an application of mtDNA, microsatellite, and morphological markers to describe genetically and morphologically the occurrence of black wolves in western Iran. The genetic composition of two black specimens at 15 microsatellite markers were compared with those expected in pure specimens and in hybrids. The artificial neural networks (ANNs) method was applied to microsatellite data for classification and assignment. The ANNs are universal approximations of functions and have been successfully used in various fields (Ermis et al. 2007; Zangeneh et al. 2010; Azadeh et al. 2008), but less in ecology and population genetics (Cornuet et al. 1996; Aurelle et al. 1999). An ANN is expected to be capable of classifying individuals in populations belonging to the same subspecies which are relatively similar genetically. Materials and methods Tissue collection A total of 30 tissue samples was collected from roadkill and illegally hunted wolves. Two of the specimens were completely dark. One (W13) was an adult female shot in July 2010 in the region of Bahar, Hamadan province in western Iran (34′ 46′ N; 48′ 35′ E). Another (W16) was a subadult male, shot in September 2010 in Ghidar, Zanjan province (36′ 40′ N, 48′ 30′ E). Village and purebred dog tissue samples (28) were obtained from private owners, roadkill, and feral individuals. Moreover, samples were obtained for four wolf–dog hybrids (H38, H39, H40, H41) from local people in western Iran. Finally, 16 wolf skulls (two black wolves, nine adults, and five subadults), from natural museums and private owners, were examined. Genetic analyses DNA extraction Total DNA was extracted from tissues using the AccuPrep® Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Bioneer, South Korea). Microsatellite Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for 15 microsatellite loci (Andersone et al. 2002; Randi et al. 2000; Verardi et al. 2006) was performed in 12-μl volumes with the AccuPower® PCR PreMix kit (Bioneer, South Korea) using a Perkin Elmer 9600 thermal cycler. PCR products were separated on 8 % polyacrylamide gels, visualized with silver staining, and photographed with the Molecular Imager® Gel Doc™ XR system. Images were analyzed by Gel-Pro Analyzer 6.3. mtDNA sequencing The 544 base pairs (bp) of the inner mtDNA control region was PCR amplified in all samples with the external primers Lpro (5′-CGTCAGTCTCACCATCAACCCCCAAAGC-3′) and H-Phe (5′-GGGAGACTCATCTAGGCATTTTCAGTG3′) (Douzery and Randi 1997). The PCR mix (AccuPower® PCR PreMix kit, Bioneer) in the volume of 25 μl included 20 ng DNA, 1U of Euro Top DNA polymerase, 1.5 μM MgCl2, and distilled water. The PCR was carried out on an Applied Biosystems thermocycler with an initial step of denaturation at 95 °C for 10 min, followed by 35 cycles of 94 °C for 30 s, 58 °C for 30 s, and 72 °C for 60 s, and, finally, by a further extension step of 72 °C for 10 min. Amplification products were purified from low-melting agarose gel with the AccuPrep kit (Bioneer). Double-strand cycle sequencing was performed by the BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics Kit version 3.1 (Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the external primer L-pro and internal primer H-576 (5′-TTTGACTGCATTAGGGCCGC GACGG-3′) (Randi et al. 2000). The results of sequencing were registered in GenBank (KC540917–KC540944) (Aghbolaghi et al. 2014). Microsatellite data analyses Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) for each locus per sample and linkage equilibrium (LE) between pairs of loci using the Markov chain method (Guo and Thompson 1992) were computed separately for wolves and dogs using GENEPOP 4.1 (Raymond and Rousset 1995). Scoring errors, large allele dropouts, and null alleles were checked using the program Micro-Checker version 2.2.3 (Van Oosterhout et al. 2004). Significance levels were adjusted using the sequential Bonferroni method to apply multiple tests on the same dataset (Rice 1989). The classification of individuals of different populations is a prerequisite for the study of genetic interactions (Aurelle et al. 1999). The genetic structure and classification of the wolf and dog samples were investigated using ANNs. Khosravi et al. (2013) showed that, although there are numerous shared alleles between wolf and dog populations, microsatellite markers are variable enough to separate the two species. An ANN consists of interconnected identical simple processing units called neurons. Each neuron is connected with the neighboring neurons by synapses. Each synapse can have a different level of weight of the connection (Heidari et al. 2011). Each neuron integrates the signals received from the former neurons and sends a new signal to the next ones. This network of neurons and synapses stores the knowledge in a “distributed” manner: the information is coded as an electrical impulse in the neurons and is stored by changing the weight (i.e., the conductivity) of the connections. A classical multilayer feedforward network (MLFN) consists of three layers: an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. An MLFN model that consists of a single hidden layer can be formulated as: !! H I X X yk ¼ f 2 wk0 þ wkjf 1 w j0 þ wji xi ; j¼1 i¼1 where xi is the input value to node i of the input layer, Hj is the hidden value to node j of the hidden layer, and yk is the output at node k of the output layer (O). An input layer bias term I0 =1 with bias weights wj0 and an output layer bias term H0 =1 with bias weights wk0 are included to permit adjustments of the mean level at each stage (Heidari et al. 2011; Omid et al. 2009). In our study, incoming signals in the input layer corresponded to the code of samples based on 187 alleles. Each individual was scored as 0.0 (the allele was not observed), 0.5 (the individual was a heterozygote), or 1.0 (the individual was a homozygote). The outgoing neuron of the output layer corresponded to the category where the studied individual was assigned by the network. Based on direct observation and morphological traits, the data were grouped into three categories, including wolf, dog, and known hybrids. Therefore, the output layer consisted of three neurons. The expected scores for the three output neurons for the three predefined classes were (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), and (0, 0, 0), respectively. We run an ANN with these layers to train the network. In this study, an MLFN was trained based on an error backpropagation (BP) algorithm and gradient descent momentum (GDM) for error minimization using NeuroSolutions 5.07. We used a holdout procedure (Kohavi 1995) to test the validity of the network. Therefore, a dataset with known categories was divided into two parts. The first part was used for training the network and the second part was used for testing. To test and evaluate the model, we used data that were not used for learning. We used the holdout procedure, despite the small dataset, because we were confident in the preclassification of samples, the composition of samples was well known, and there was no possibly of heterogeneity. The performance of the network was evaluated using the mean squared error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (R2): 2 1X Y Estimated −Y T arget R2 n i¼1 n MSE ¼ n X i¼1 ¼X n Y Estimated −Y T arget Y Estimated −Y T arget 2 2 MAE ¼ 1 Xn jO −Pi j; i¼1 1 n i¼2 where YTarget and YEstimated are the actual and estimated output signals for the test dataset and n is the number of test samples. When the best model was determined and the network was verified as being well suited with no over-fitting of the learning data, it was applied to unknown data for correct determination (black samples). After the best model was determined, each individual was assigned to a category based on the scores in the three output neurons. For example, individuals with an observed score of one in a group (for example 0, 1, 0) could be considered as quite accurately classified. However, the interpretation of individuals with intermediate scores (0.5, for example) was not as easy as individuals with a score of zero to 0.1, which were considered to be incorrectly grouped. Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics mtDNA data analyses SeqScape 2.7 (Applied Biosystems) was used to reconcile chromatograms of complementary fragments and to align sequences, using the ClustalW algorithm. The sequence data were analyzed using the maximum composite likelihood model with the MEGA 5 program (Tamura et al. 2007). Haplotypes were obtained and FST were calculated in Arlequin 3.5 (Excoffier et al. 2005). The phylogenetic tree, based on the obtained mtDNA sequences, was constructed in the MEGA 5 program by the neighbor-joining (NJ) method. As an outgroup, we used the corresponding control region sequence of a jackal (AY289997). Morphometric analyses Based on del Zorro Rojo (2005), Milenković et al. (2006), Milenkovic et al. (2010), and Khosravi et al. (2012), 18 cranial and two mandible characters of two gray wolf skulls were measured (Fig. 1). Craniometric measurements were taken with a digital caliper with 0.01 mm accuracy. The cranial Fig. 1 The wolf cranium and mandible dimensions employed in this study: 1, cranial length; 2, greatest length of the nasals; 3, least length of the nasals; 4, maximum zygomatic width; 5, cranial width; 6, postorbital constriction; 7, frontal breadth; 8, distance between holes in the under socket; 9, rostrum width; 10, basal length; 11, maximum width of characters of black wolves were compared to 14 other adult and subadult skulls. Results Genetic analysis Microsatellite Some of the microsatellite loci showed a deviation from HWE. LE between pairs of loci after sequential Bonferroni correction showed that all comparisons were at LE in both sample groups (except for one comparison in dogs and two in wolves). The examination of genotyping errors using MicroChecker revealed no evidence for large allele dropout or stutter band scoring at any of the 15 loci. A total of 187 alleles were scored in dog, wolf, and known hybrid specimens. All microsatellites were polymorphic, showing five (locus CPH22 in dogs) and 17 (CPH8 in wolves) alleles per locus, with an overall average of nine alleles per locus. The number occipital condyles; 12, least diameter of the auditory bulla; 13, greatest breadth of the palatine; 14, carnasil length; 15, height of the upper canine; 16, length of P2 to M2; 17, length of the cheektooth row; 18, length of the upper tooth row; 19, mandible length; 20, length of P1 to M3 Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics of private alleles varied between the two populations (34 in wolves and 14 in dogs). Various MLFNs included different hidden layer neurons and arrangements were trained to find the best model prediction for classifying wolf, dog, and hybrid samples. A total of 15 configurations with different numbers of hidden layers (one or two), different numbers of neurons for each of the hidden layers (2–15 for one hidden layer and 2–12 for two hidden layers), and different interunit connection mechanisms were designed and tested. Therefore, ANNs with 187 inputs and three outputs have been trained to estimate the network parameters. The results of the MLFN trained for different networks showed that, among the trained networks, the (187-8-16-3)-MLFN, a network having 187 input variables, eight and 16 neurons in two hidden layers, and three output neurons, resulted in the best-suited model classifying wolf, dog, and hybrid specimens. The coefficient of determination (R2) between the output of the ANN model (estimated) and the actual (observed) value for the three outputs was 0.90, 0.50, and 0.20, respectively. For this configuration, the MSE and MAE for class 1 were 0.04 and 0.16, for class 2 0.13 and 0.25, and for class 3 0.14 and 0.23, respectively. The percentage of correctly classified individuals by holdout was 100 % in the global comparison between wolf and dog samples. Based on the best network, the scores of W13 for the three classes (dogs, wolves, and hybrids) were 0.05, 0.90, and 0.05, respectively. This result showed that W13 was correctly grouped in class 2 (wolf). The score of W16 for the three classes was 0.20, 0.74, and 0.1, respectively. Based on this score, W16 was also grouped in class 2. This finding showed that the black wolves were genetically close to wolf samples and individual assignments based on autosomal microsatellites also indicated that the two black wolves were located in the wolf cluster. mtDNA In this study, 544 bp of mtDNA control region sequences were obtained for the wolf and dog samples. Overall, 25 haplotypes were identified, including 12 in dogs, ten in wolves, and three shared haplotypes between wolves and dogs. The phylogenetic tree, constructed as shown in Fig. 2, separated wolves and dogs into two distinct groups. The two black individuals (W13 and W16) were positioned in the wolf haplotype. Morphological analysis At first glance, the subadult black male skull (W16) looked like a typical dog skull. We observed an added tooth in the lower tooth row and completely dark general shade of the fur, especially on the head. The rostrum width (36 mm) and greatest breadth of the palatine (32.1 mm) were clearly smaller than even the minimum values for subadult male wolves. However, other craniometric characters such as the length of the M2, zygomatic width, and postorbital width fell in the range of wolf skull measurements, suggesting a close relationship with wolf samples. Contrary to the subadult male skull, the appearance of the black female (W13) specimen did not deviate from a typical wolf and was not craniologically different from pure wolves in the region. This specimen had a large skull with completely dark fur, especially on the head and sides. The maximum width of occipital condyles (47.9 mm) and the least diameter of the auditory bulla (27.9 mm) were slightly larger than the maximum values for adult female wolves. However, other craniometric characters fell in the range of measurements for this species (Table 1; Fig. 3). We did not observe a typical malformation, such as incompletely developed permanent teeth P1, spongy bony tissue in the foramen infraorbitale, semicircular lines of the hind part of the forehead, and atypical appearance of the sutura frontalis, in either of the black wolves. These findings showed that the two skulls, both in appearance and in craniometric parameters, did not deviate from the typical wolves; therefore, they cannot be identified as hybrids. Discussion The existence of wolf–dog hybrids is rarely reported [see Andersone et al. (2002), Randi and Lucchini (2002), Ciucci et al. (2003), and Verardi et al. (2006)]. While some traits like dewclaw, color pattern, and long tail can be considered as the signs of hybridization between wolves and free-ranging dogs (Apollonio et al. 2004), wolf–dog morphological traits are not predictable. Color pattern is one of the most commonly documented variations among wolves. North American wolf populations, for instance, show different color patterns, ranging from white in the Arctic regions to black coats observed in the northwest USA (Brewster and Fritts 1995). In Iran however, melanism is not considered a typical characteristic. To understand whether two black wolves identified in western Iran were hybrids or purebred, we analyzed them both genetically and morphologically. ANNs provided important information about the genetic structure and classification of wolf and dog populations. When samples were defined well based on morphological traits and direct observation, the results of ANN analyses showed that, when applied to microsatellite data, neural networks give reliable results. ANNs based on allele frequency and holdout procedures showed a clear distinction between wolf and dog populations. Based on the ANN results, individuals with intermediate scores could be hybrids, and when such individuals are present in a population, the network is able to recognize them. The scores of two black specimens predicted by the best Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree of mtDNA haplotypes. The dark specimens (W13 and W16) and the four probably hybrid individuals (H38, H39, H40, H41) are shown in ellipses and rectangles, respectively network grouped them into the wolf population with a high score. ANNs showed that black wolves were genetically close to wolf samples and individual assignments based on autosomal microsatellites showed that the two black wolves belonged to the wolf cluster. Based on the results of the mtDNA analysis, although wolves and dogs share certain haplotypes, wolf and dog groups could be well discriminated. Some shared haplotypes between the two groups might be the result of interbreeding during dog domestication or interspecific hybridization in previous generations (Ardalan et al. 2011). Four individuals (H38, H39, H40, H41) identified as hybrids based on the results of microsatellite analyses had three different haplotypes and belonged to the same haplogroup composed of dog and wolf sequences. Two samples, H38 and H41, shared a common haplotype. The results of analyzing mtDNA markers, which are maternally inherited, points to the possibility that the hybrids were mothered by dogs and fathered by purebred or hybrid wolves. Based on observations in the study area and interviews with local people, these four individuals (H38, H39, H40, H41) were the results of hybridization. Behavioral and genetic studies show that mating among various genera of canid species is asymmetrical and differs among species based on the direction and intensity of gene flow (Vila and Wayne 1999). Since mtDNA markers determine hybrid individuals, it is not possible to use them in determining the exact intensity of the presence of hybrids within wolf populations in nature (Vila and Wayne 1999). The mtDNA results were in concordance with the results of microsatellite analysis. The two dark wolves (W13 and W16) showed two separate haplotypes and were placed in two distinct haplogroups. The results of mtDNA sequencing, a method commonly used to trace maternal lineage in domestic and wild populations (Freeland 2005), showed that the black coat color does not indicate recent genetic flow between wolves and dogs. Moreover, the morphometric results showed that unusual black wolves, both in appearance and in craniometric parameters, do not deviate from the typical wolf characters. Our results support evidence of no inevitable direct relationship between the presence of coats darker than usual in wolves and recent hybridization with dogs. Our results support Randi and Lucchini (2002), who stated that dark color in Italian wolves could have been fostered by the past demographic decline and expansion after a bottleneck. Apollonio et al. (2004) reported that 22 % of observed and 23 % of all dead wolves in a 3,300-km2 area were completely black. Their analyses showed no evidence of hybridization in ancestry and suggested that the occurrence of the black phenotype in this area may be derived from a natural combination of wolf alleles in coat-color-determining genes, and not necessarily from crossbreeding with the domestic dog. There are many factors that determine coat color in dogs, a mechanism which is quite complex (Sponenberg and Rothschild 2001). Apollonio et al. (2004) suggested that it is unlikely that a single event of hybridization with dogs in recent years in any case would produce a black wolf and that black color in wolves is likely to result from a combination of dominant alleles. On the other hand, Anderson et al. (2009) compared the genes of wolves from Yellowstone National Park and the Canadian Arctic to those of domestic dogs and coyotes. They found that, in each species, the black individuals had the same mutation, which first arose around 45,000 years ago, and molecular analysis showed that the oldest mutation happened in dogs, suggesting it originated in dogs and was then introduced to wolves and coyotes through interspecific hybridization. Anderson et al. (2009) showed that the KB allele which codes for black coat color in wolves is more common in packs that inhabit forests than those occupying the tundra. These findings show that traits selected in domesticated species can influence the morphologic diversity of their wild relatives. Environmental factors are more important than geographic distance in determining the genetic and morphometric variations in wolf populations (Bennett 2010). Environmental gradients such as vegetation type and vegetation cover in a habitat or type of prey available can influence the genetic Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics Table 1 Minimum and maximum values (mm) of 20 cranial and dental characters in ten purebred wolves and two black wolf specimens (female from Bahar in Hamadan province, male from Ghidar in Zanjan province, both in western Iran) Measurements Subadult male (5) Female (9) Min Max Min W13 W16 Max Male Female 1 Cranial length 100.64 130.24 121.22 140.24 110.9 139.36 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Greatest length of the nasals Least length of the nasals Maximum zygomatic width Cranial width Postorbital constriction Frontal breadth Distance between holes in the under socket Rostrum width Basal length Maximum width of occipital condyles Least diameter of the auditory bulla Greatest breadth of the palatine Carnasil length Height of the upper canine Length of P2 to M2 Length of the cheektooth row Length of the upper tooth row Mandible length 71.32 64.3 95.1 66.28 33.42 49.9 38.46 39.08 161.54 35 20.22 32.6 20.1 19.14 54.72 65 79.4 143.72 82.22 72.48 128 75.22 43.94 61.98 47.46 43.64 190.12 40.22 24.9 41.38 23.4 22.2 70.14 78.74 96.2 177.86 82.98 72 118.7 69.54 40.7 54.62 45.78 39.22 210.86 39 21.98 36.4 23.4 18.64 58.36 74.68 91.62 182.56 100.46 88.9 138.24 86.55 51.24 70.34 55.86 55.86 240.24 47.34 27.0 42 26.5 25.3 75.24 85.12 110.2 225.16 77.2 65.9 110.5 72.72 38.26 55.36 45.04 36 187.96 36.12 22.4 32.1 22.6 22.64 64.1 73.16 88.34 154.56 89.32 77.56 136.36 78.9 48.98 66.88 49.5 48.46 220.1 47.9 27.9 41.74 25.5 25.2 72.76 80.12 101.84 182.18 20 Length of P1 to M3 71.66 87.44 78.58 96.26 78.3 82.82 makeup of local wolf populations. Musiani et al. (2007) found that 93 % of wolves from tundra populations exhibited light coloration, whereas only 38 % of boreal coniferous forest wolves had this type of coloration. These findings showed that genetic and phenotypic differentiations among wolves can be caused by prey–habitat specialization rather than distance or topographic barriers. Pilot et al. (2006) examined the effect of ecological factors on the genetic structure of European gray wolves. They found that the genetic differentiation among local populations was correlated with climate, habitat type, and wolf diet composition. This result indicates that ecological processes may strongly influence the amount of gene flow among populations. Carmichael et al. (2007) stated that the genetic structure in wolves correlates strongly with habitat type, and is probably determined by natal habitatbiased dispersal. Although this study showed that the two black wolves did not have a sign of hybridization in first or second past generations, this result is not accurate enough to exclude the possibility of more ancient hybridization. Anderson et al. (2009) found no evidence of hybridization in black wolves using over 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and suggested that hybridization occurred at least hundreds of years ago. Wolves in Iran occupy a wide range of habitats and are absent only in the central deserts and Dasht-e-Lut. Variation in Fig. 3 Lateral view of the skull of two black wolves. Subadult male (W16; a) and adult female (W13; b) Author's personal copy J Appl Genetics color patterns might be due to the great diversity of habitats which is caused by the existence of two large water bodies in the north and south and the vast mountain ranges expanding in the north and west. In western Iran, due to the existence of the Zagros mountain range, variation in color can most probably be resulted from ecological traits. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that black coat in wolves in western Iran is not necessarily the result of genetic pollution by domestic genes in recent generations and could be caused by habitat variation, local adaptation, and natural combination of wolf alleles and introgression of the KB allele from dogs into wolves due to past hybridization with free-ranging dogs. Considering the limited sampling, however, the obtained results should be interpreted and generalized with caution. Further investigations (SNP data) are needed for assessing more ancient hybridization between wolf and dog populations in Iran. Acknowledgments This research was supported financially by the Iran Department of Environment, Hamedan Provincial Office. We thank Ali Shaabani, Vahid Nouri, and Shahabaddin Montazami for their help. The authors also thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comments on an earlier version of this article. References Aghbolaghi MA, Rezaei HR, Scandura M, Kaboli M (2014) Low gene flow between Iranian Grey Wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs documented using uniparental genetic markers. Zool Middle East 60:95– 106 Anderson TM, vonHoldt BM, Candille SI, Musiani M, Greco C, Stahler DR, Smith DW, Padhukasahasram B, Randi E, Leonard JA, Bustamante CD, Ostrander EA, Tang H, Wayne RK, Barsh GS (2009) Molecular and evolutionary history of melanism in North American gray wolves. Science 323:1339–1343 Andersone Ž, Lucchini V, Ozoliņš J (2002) Hybridisation between wolves and dogs in Latvia as documented using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA markers. Mamm Biol Z Säugetierkd 67:79–90 Apollonio M, Mattioli L, Scandura M (2004) Occurrence of black wolves in the Northern Apennines, Italy. 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