Otago Times Daily Ko Y8 ...' . . . . -. .... - . .- . . .. . . , . . -jc- .'. :■' :'i "' ..'^!il'tfi' inlCi.3. i*ife ." I) "'" "■"; i' :■ ii'S'Miii.N -'.'. MON O.\ .. ~.fiKLJ.ii-.-tf^ ';j *:; ititrsaixh .isev;!;p,.': ■■■■■■ i',...AVaIL 'i.4, ib(>2 ji X'£j: A'JS L>' Vk il l'"i>"0 il 'is, .tonis, Bird. & Oj.V,""Auctioneer. .\tu ihVtiVH u.s'ai.a'p;.,-4i,.-.c0., KK.LDiUKIM. KUaTHKHS... | :>: Ait ■■'■'"' Importers' of .., Cattle. Salesman, and'Gci.ehil .Couiniis^imi 'Wholesale De.iilvrs General Importer.' nW<f and' :' ri>-il''l-S--neV '~ begs j "Agent, " .BOOTS, to'intimate to the iiilmbitailts of iJuiicjriin >.-. -. ~..-; IMPORTERS,- '.".C/.Y"'"'" .SflOJiS.. CLOTHING, &c. -■2, High street, Opimaite Commercial Hotel, Kfj;fc~.i3St^p^Si^ ■>X steamer, is iiow hiiurly' (Over Jones 6c Wdiiamsuii's, Princrj-streel, and.the publicof Ota'go generally,-that he .will cojrry looked fur, find will be apain v u'.K'n d.in' i~ ■'.. ". ! on as A^^ii3^si^> business usual...and, Ir.ists.from his long exppri j GOOD 1-KiLiAY EXCURSION.'". l=^-S3K>^';&fel^Js»i despatched for Melbourne! two JJiiHftlhi.J Anil 62! Queen-street,Mclbouriie, \ i erice i:i Victona hud in ibis' Province, to receivge » ,-. .'; ?A ; ON SALE—A M ERIC ANBO OT S continmuice iioss & Vohnston;, of..t;ie jMei- days iifte^ arrival.;freight r '; OK hitkerto-so liberallyibe; .;.„. Beg to an;;ounceto their custpiners.tliat 'they have « 'largt qf.thatpatronage, ALWAYS liA^D ■ \ .'-'"■" For jiassage or of gold apply to bimnie Hotel,.iViicnf^mi-street,.respee^ully Napoleons mul varied Assorfiiiimt ofr- t ,:,,, I nUwea upon the'; firm. "■-"■■"i removed to the large Wooden* Store at.the rear of ; -Hiding Boots: .■"■"■ and the^publiu ~.- . ."".. ~A,.O.(I'IIOi[.SOX&;CO., i j.ones, and.Sjiyj-r.VVutclie* s, i..i..iiiato to their friciuis,. patrons, this _.. ,: ■,;,"., ..:. ...X'old i „ ~ .." ~-, '~ ■"■'T VTtiU-flaghta. RAiABOW a...ASfiita, ']' '! geueialiy, that U.ev have ch.'iterea : 'Clocks and .few.!.1! Ifry ' 'Ca'ftle Salesman,anil Messrs';Perkins & Co.; Princes-street. '"'" t!< Auctioneer, ,yOuigu.. Bluchers,-, lieads and .'■ ; Si,-,lVar.l-streH.' steamer for n piiasurutrip to the Pocket Cutlery ....« ;.; .-'■.■"" i GeneralCommissionAgent. ..The entrance is from the' SecondHigiit-of--\vay off *" Wellingtons of everydescription a(:jiicc...i loeiuititsoii Guou,Fr;day, ._ Electro-pjnted O(«J.d» .i '.' Table.and ; i i VOX AiJii.HO OuJS:K i ■ ! ~ ', i_ Rattray-streot, where they will effect a r ".-.'". ::■ ■, -.-" >■ ty -:-i'■'"'-. v r: Women's and Children's Cloth and Len-ther 'Tqbaccoiiist's Ware arid Fancy - ■'. ooods, of6yery! 'i'lio proprietuis* design, in originating this Excur- -.■: . .' , V-T H E. D 1 G. G-EIUS' -E .X. P R=E'iS|S.' "'■ Boots,&c, &c., &.c. ■ t-jif^-vtvc-'"■" " "Vt/TE .are,, tlii^t day.booking .desi-riptiou sion, ha f»r its' iiuriiei.ia.e| object tl\e .re :uuipu| nudr j \ Pass-engftrs, Pilot" Jackets'" ! -of 'their"■■ENTlßE enjoyment of ivs.i.ieut eoipiiists. per r, vor ■ : ; CLEARANCE STOCK CmmtryOritfr.il Pyprfiinlh/ Attmttrif to\ I a^F^-^if^Ss. »'»N ER AL J E»stf i ":' rMoleskin Trowsers. ... ; ; ihe attractions 'of scenery,-, combined with; the G^ i "--- ; EAS-T- T A I Kit I.': i ■- ;"■:.. . , ..-.OF. ..DRAPERY,. AND "-SiS^tSt,. Passengers to. go. on board at' ScotchTwillShim ..','" SLOES -:. "" 0fc.10p.k..;.Apply novelties mciueiual to a ]>ie;i. ure excursion,will,' it is DAILY. "-"" ! fpiir. anil'i)oa IJIPOKTANT NUTICK TO PAINTERS, . .-; ;". (i v» ; t» ... ":. Scot«;hTweed Suits / '■ X .EAY.INQ;"Anderson aiid Stoddart's, Bakers, i h-.ped, coi.stit ite an i'rivaisliitile ami genuine.niijuct:0HISIIOLM.& ADAMS,! "" Twebd^aiid i>oe Truwsers <; irieiit to tliu c.imuiuiiity.of l)uii,ediu to avail itself of I -.-At. SrPat'y reduced rates. ~„.; "-: '"'■""■'■. G'LAZ.IERSJ &c&c, ';;': j\" "' ;XJ. Geprge-sti'eet, at.2-45 p.m. -...:. -. " „ i CrimeanShirts so .favorablea.'i/.oppoi.-tiniity for.u'nall^eii s..cial relloi\se, Land, Estate,.Sliipjiiiig, andOcimuiissipn """"" .' .:' Taierij '' East at Leaving Walker-stt-eet, ■<■■'"■ Reliance,Hotel, 8.30 a.m. npiIOS.. PLEDGER,~:.Painter, 8-4 Grey Calico' '■■"■■■ „ Asei.ts ;. ! .X laxation,converse, and' enjoylueut.,. has on sale '■.■-, | ...;...-. fares: —; '*._■ ■■■■- ■ ■■■ ",. -. Blankets : ■ ■■-"". ■~■ :: ~ ~ ; ,". ., No. 1,Miiuiers-lane, ■ White lea»l. of the best quality i ,_ :..,....-..■-.; .S. -d.! ■■■ -■■ .! : ...w :.; ..; a.banp'.wjLl.accompany; Flannels, &c. HE CENTS-HIP M E N T a-y -~'. . Duneclin... : Raw aiui boived oils ■ i .;..-: -"'"- L. SAMrSON. To GreenIsland 2 6! MR. ~ ■ ..;. glassof Winilow .."".i/.ExuWett*m and; .City ofi-Hobart, size; NOTIJE TO (JOKSIoNEKS. '' \~~■ ..,-.. Likewise a spleiHtid every f To SadiUdHill :. 4 0 j Fauk:—7s. 6d. tiieke a:.d back..:. '. paperhangassoi^inent ot AND U^KFUL GQODS [ To Kob Roy Jlotel "..,". ..r. ,:..-. 5 6^ OF'■' SEASONABLE VviTTKOWSKI iiHOTUEHS, ~ ings. ■. ",! ~,.... NOW 'ON* SALE >! j rfilTE"iitt'WrVne.'Hioried Goods, now in the Storesof N.H.r-.Tlie.'abuvearticles \ Hotel, eighteen miles ■~■*£] wholesalhTtobac( onists, ■. ToKelance -V? are warranted the best in Refreshmets.'of riichei\.li6 'quality1 X tiVrf Un.te-fsigued—"_ "V ".'.;',,' ....„■"-. ,8 0 from Town .-...'■ i .; >.t 'procurable on AfoiTabove"o', in cliauiond^ C uiic^e.", J. 5I ■■■■ Duuedin,and at the lowest prices :. * ..{ t AND /MPoIiTEHS, ! I N.B.—The Proprietor of .the Diggers' Express ■;; rr'i; '■■; ';.'■'.' | boarU atmoderate ;rates; !i; w (Of "■' .stationery ,I)iiiie<lin) 4 cases '' "" The isainbow will'at mu'.er wnyfrtiin the StafiordObservethe-address— Melbourne,."Ballai-at,.and ! Jiaving.made.an arrangenn.'nt with.the.Boatmen, Pasi i jk> to ■'' iitteution the Tobiicconists. paper, same'brand,et Pi'.is^.ia, from. -" ""' at TMPORTANT. TO' FARMERS.; Snnit in Wheat. street Jetty-as1half-past'l)'o"el6ck -1-Balel can be convened to the Woolshed Diggings peeiyely."'." j '" THOS. 'PLEDGER, ! '" BK(JStorecall*"the " sirfil' iJotel'Keepers of JDunetliu andjthc ;sengers ,; .GlasgOW- >:,...'..'.> ; i X Smutin W)ie:it eiitisely/preve'iited. By Royal """ For tickets'iip.piy to Back of Siuitirs Cihpp. VV'-aiker-at.ve.it. a reasonable rate. .. "■ .■:..-, >~--, guriefaUy, 'to vlieir WholeSiiie E stablishment WGX i'Vovince ..;. -cuttming;'lu.mb. r '~"'..■ J AMES'CA-RMICHAEL, Letters Patent; Day's Faiiher"s Friend, fnr"prevents-'co.; ■': ! «.:.; r.n :, ~,."; .IXu. -i.'w..: a i in Flindur's Lane, next to Lazarus' Bo.id, Stoffoiu ■ .:.:. .'.-.: ■ :.-... ..: ■■' :■■::■ ■"' V JOIHUetOl1. ingsniiit.in' wheat, and lavnges JVom' sliips, pn<bs, ' .; ;.■■..■"". 1 ease boots,ox Al.iinga. ED A R. CE D AR. ■HJE DA- It. --'--■■T--Street^ ■■. ~---■." ....'..."■> ~ .- r apliit, wire, sfiissqr worms, anil'other ins-vets,supcri -■;" -tjjuimSn. "'' ; TT^HE undersigned ofTer'their services for the pur- ■s.edini|^tlie ;" J. \YA?fI)EL'S,'MHna&cr. ljlue'stjiiej and Will be sold .to uefray-expauies, unless renij.ived /^ old way of piokjirig [ before j ~ST.k.UI..'JO TUB TAiEKL. Ist .Vav. V .; .Vlnch. '■' '"■' \ ->> I in the'Melbourne Market;! as all oilier'preparations; haver known' to* }'atj,l .jiaviiig V\iT'i'Kt/Vt tiivl Jiiltui JiJiivo. ! 'chase of TEA i paddle "' ""' DALGEDY, IIATTRAY, -, steamer ' " "■ *do. [ and CO., its.reputation and famein,these'''colonies, f^jt^,. vjifs; -.TliillE fcvourito on, .Sail;. 1 olihcco,—lp's, half-poutids, they make this'article a speciality,"they are in'a posi- .established ■"■■" """ ""; ...,... ~.-. v\ do. '"""""-."■: ! -i:t "",!«.' in':" '-.VValkerrSviee ;-■ needs no further,comment. get the best value.' <■>."► tion to "; Hoiiey and' and i Cayendisli,' reuuiavi.y ■■"■-"■■ !■ Twists, Dew, V(H\<j i li-do.-'■ '.. 'A'roniiitic. "'". "" *I^M{l^S^^s- w'" rilll '*'i? Tlie cUtes:of Tea'tliat has-been shipped to Dunedin Price 2s. per packet, procurable .through chemists 4\'':AjN'l'EU Coii!iis:.e'es:'for ihe ioiio.ifn^ go>Vl», " ".' 2 do. *: S certainly Xa*!&&£xJg3!zsS&& .l>u.i!i'.iliii;at!(l.! ttft,T-iiieri jen'y" ■«-VV"" does not require judgment, as the greater and. store!;ivjpers. Observe, none genuine unless ex*'-\Viiiil)g Lass,''.'' L'apC'lS'ioliolsoii, frjuir..,:.,.,, ; ami deliver head of.VVajhplaXakK. jFor 3- do.: i-;>;> ! of low portion shipments bearing character; .'«■"■"-■—.■"■■'■ of th'i' havebeen a at each end.facsimiles, of Proprietor's signa"' <:\VI'I'TIiOWSKI BROTHERS, ■ j '""' AluJbourtie.— treijjhf orpiissaiic apniy t0.;.;. "' .1 ;; ....-...! i -Doors, sashes> kaurie and hardwood,lime !" on Salt-^l'liieii-^-Chy,' Wood; and they would, however,recommend a better clas^ oil ture,.. I&innfiictttred only by, sole .pate,ute,e,.anil,proTU in diamond,D oli'riglifc.—l ease vestas: ;Bui.ders'ironmongery, ic.,&o.' | ", (MfHEpK.^B.KEBY!, .". to be purchased-; and -as 'they tuste everydrop prietor, CharlesDay, M"P;S.G,.B., Agricultural OneMeeriie'tialmil/'plairi P case Tea ; in uiaiuund. UKus.-i aiKi^i ou. do. :...-.■ ■"■■■ and-niotihteil. pght+-2 . -..■;" ■■■: ...,>'..■ ■■..";< i at R. 8., Al.artiii.,&Cp.,'s oJilco^Ujgji^tftt T; -; that arrives here, and haying a full knowle Ige of ,the mist, 27 Lo.isdalo;street,. Shipped by Luv.y.Brothi'i:s.-a.,d conaiyucd to oriiui. t.^^J Jtelbourne.i give .Genuine Jlorse and. Cattle .Medicine,Cheeses various qualities,'"ttiey feelconviiiced'tliey would and rsVflE " EXTERT" "■Stdanier Unless,the ahove are ckiiuied-within 14days i'roni ■"; :_: vgray.''smith;&;"co.'s, ,JSR6THERS, cvtev^v AL ! WITTIS,O'SYSK.I.. v; *:■-■■"" ■JBfJ^i^tpSJi.'*^ ''on Sale—Matches, '. Butter coloring., .: ~ r they will besolil furfreight and charges.: ; Rattj-ay-street Siiuber Yard,; nnd \Vax satisfaction.?"' "' -h -will run--with "l'ttsseJigera this date.><:..-. Agent for Dunedin: : ~ (xeiieral Stock-of Tobacconist's Brokerage, one per cent., buying:and forwarding, and JAIIJiS C. UAiVi'lUiLi.6: "i \ (Opposite ) LO.; .. Coiuinercia Vestas, ;,;.. " "Jm|S^£.-fi:i.m-©UN-EI)lN:'to--lUliT ,W.i i Sale.Ya^ds Ware. , .■ -A^^^yJ,.>-fl-or.J. stiei;t ;" OWAL-JI-ElO. ""foi the satisfactionof the Importer, i j T^. ...,;,..,- .'.. ~jrr., G-IJO..C.4RPER, "",.'... t j■* References i^..:^,.,.'-.-'J,': 'Steamer"will leave Duriedin at U o'clock a.m.j and Piinedin, ,11th April, 15C2..... .,,,.. ;.'...■ ROJiKRTS.ON&.EYERARD, i ■'. Austfulian Store. ! WITTKOWSKI'' .., WILSON, BROTHERS, i .. : ,. ; ;■;. j o'clock p m. . :. ...Tea .Brokeia, ! : -"" ■*'"■,! '■ lioonvariil-iA-dtjloakjw.in. ■'," ..;> o'elnek on Sale—lijinrsi—Manilla, Swis»s, ~. ..' Melbourne. ! ,"". '. es, followinagoodii, e^x 12 for the 69'CoHins-street.west. ANTED.pon.'jijit.iees !R, PortfUi.;lr. \IT R--S E -B-A Z A--A MR.->BARR^.POEMS. "■"' ■■■■ -I'area and Habana. _.. ßegalias, Media Ue,uajias, -*V f', :L /"JidWard, * Captuia' Siiwiiie, -''fainJi jfti'el-' HE..ißublisliiug .Committee.,beg' to stateuthat .:.,- ..r.ii!;,;:. -...,...;, j Moi'crate?.""1' ■■":■■■'■■ j ■'■:--: "liou^iie:""' ~:. i.;:,;.., ■"" v-- -'■ ¥rensados," "<-......-...; Copiesof Qiieehs,Cabanas, HOPE STREET. I-REE S^OHES. f the above.work ;m»y:now be -had at -. ; Londrcs, Trabuco's, iuiv 'iiiJi 'I'Aii.ki j<jsii«v .ar'u ;ca;i.huLx\." DM in diainohdi*No.'Gon left",D'on" right ; extensive and centrally situated Stores .tue.following.iilaeesi, viz. .v*■.-..";■side^l. "" ■ : STAFFORD-STREET: r fHUE Fine Powerful. Sttjaiuer "<.■'"."«■—"-.■■->'"' : OOUJS'TRYAND TOWN ORDERS PROMPTLY '-ease vestal M'Leodand (Jibson's store, Princes.sti-eet.- ~it ; '■' '.*.- .i 'aroi \' X :.' RAi.NBO W,'" I Shipped by Lfery-BrotherS, and[consigned to order/ j "' H O'RS E S,'" C ARE 1A <QK;s; =&e.,|: ATTBNDEIi TO.' Smitn and Marshall's > do.. ■ do.' N do. "N. 9? -i9--'?i"? i 'JSlMl^lfilg^ wiir"tmle"r4;nVa':!i 'fc^-eeii SHIPPING SITPPLIED'.; Mercer's.. I do. do.. do. UntasiS'the'abaveis-claimed"'"w'ithiu 14 days from, .....-...■ ■<. On Hire'and:Sale. To receive Artrciiandise only. Ki'iTy, ir (' '■ :Andrew I;'"">;!".'."i%"(!..^',?. lrih'ej iiext'to Lazarus Bond, <a^^^^s^^^. Address —FJiutiers ?JohnMcilison's: freight and eharjresi this it will be sold for i do. : do. ; do. ; .f'tAnd ..., ■■„ .: date, tfelivoriiijj iFooils ;it t\Vn li >'n. h a y,; c o.r'-n," &i., -" !;. "^rf.a.fJ.Wr-! j ! Street*" "'" Lambert's .Stationery Warehouse,Stafford-street. "'"' J;ASi<Ul.;l?AMl*a-IiLL-'&CO., Agents,; ~Nd' Ilazardo'tis Goods A'diiiit'ted. ; p v;'.-'ii'.-AU'.Xi M'LKOiJj Sunretn.-v. Stafford-street. Wholesale and Retail. ; ~.. liENRV HOUGHTON, 'A'P-TMK' STORES OF THK -.:JAMES. KILGt)UH,;TriaJUrer. insurance Obtainableat Ordinary "Hates. ;'"■ i v js i.;:-.;,. | "" \\ alki.'i'-»trei't, -P^hedinIIM April. 18(^."-'■"''' ■'-'' v "■UN'DKHS'i-GN-Kl»;—**":' "." " ! Dunedin, ISth. li'ebruary, ltiiii t ;i la' n d c d.:, ''■■! '■ !Srt.fe'fS:'li'.'T.M.i<o v r,..'s^o|ps. J.,,jL.K.Ji JSi.i'iJACtl. AUVj\,,(.!oinii'i!i!ij:oii,:,Jjhipping, and r v st WIJS'I'S, ANU SPllllTS/ANli tIQUKtUS. X X n M s :— I ■|'--.--i1 1 l')a'w¥|iii's*a|i', in hulk .',;,. >iei.eial Ajiei\Vt> ;-.j j *J;^....■"-.,..: ~.. t.-.E* MSco,xijl,'\ ■{' "" KEKOSENE Olf/aVd"tMP'ttOVBD ptrrcr,' i'KR ton peu week;. .'.' .. ( W KKE. ; U^Vi: !1 nine' ,i ari ILWh i KEROSENE LAMPS. AND ON j ', ■',"■'.Buss's ale,"in 'bottle ," <;': SALE, '-.','■. WAX Jilt TAJSK. i'OKT (JiiALMI'.KS.' SALE,a large.vkrietyofthe'tibove, including Byass's ale,iii'boftle'" " ;.;" ; Si CO., supply the Shipping.with Iland'Oiiie ! (pjautities'ab'ove Twenty Tons.a discount will be I1'' "■i'I'Y'OFIt'OBABT." On Byass's sf out, In bottle " B?ibrt6bt Table-stand, Mall, Uaiifiins, Si.le, Bracket, n otice,; WATER' oh'tftfe and ;ik'i<as..E '"' w!tff».i):;,;^^XN!6;;K;oiß'TE|s. PIiESH allowed as per agTeemeut.1 ! ." Bedrooin^Hotel,1Billiard,-and dUtinguishiug Pulpit Lampsi' ChanGeneva,red and utppu cases ! irjj^-i/gr'' 'f JVlii'PS'v-,'rliluif vvn ni'd ifavo- at a""moderate charge. Signal—lirst.:ji'*..' , ' .' ■ ' . , Kcandy, dark and pali-, in hulk delier.-j, ami Lantenu,'.-.-a' ' . ..""■■ 11. CO. '& Perfdirnt.^"-'.;' LI^TILE jafM^rt^^^x:-'X"'"«" stipmiiev is'periiftiiiv-mly1 |"..:'' l;': : ';Arrangements nn> made ..with Mr. Tomlinpon, 1: T' ' l' Brainiy,i)i \Vii)ks,-'■-■"' various'-lirnhds High-streit jfiifl i ■ eines,1 :.'■■'"' ; Also, Shades,Globes,Chimneys, &c, ka. itaml IMi'l1 'M''s^&&si&§&>- '!lill .Ij'.twi'eiris,-i'xpected whereby Importers of Goodsmay be released from all AND STEVENS, Slicny, iiuc;a:-es and <in-.ca.-iks ! .trouble to'nr-' /S-"O )j,GE :Kl X.G.STO i\ r ,:Mr.ppin}ri «nd .General t»hc and loss;ol,time.■ ,'". ; ■~-";' ! Importers\SHEELOCK <E^^!^^^^^^^^"lri'aii'i'o:' j * ,\jr.nGoniniis.sii)u;Aj|fi.iit> I,'ort thalmers. ..Jjullast <)r.-ciisks in nnd \\ Port, ■ rhi)lesale:Dealor^,'"loo Bourke street rive h<-vi- about the Kill,' nv.d -n'iH':bf*(li'!=[i!^HlHl and water supplied.i ,■■.....'■ .■■-r-.-c y.i-v ■ :yKX.^'ALD'IN(SA";ANIxHQMEO.7 i* nave .Bum. :10,1ml:50.,0.P,.Wn5tIndian> ■ ! As the-HOPti-STREET-'FREE-STORES ,''. East; Mcl bourne, Victoria. npnwwithilid!usuaipunctiialily :two days after her Whisky, Kirkliston, GreenoekDistillery Co.j in been built exclusively for Wareliou-ins MwehauOise, Also, So'eAgents in Australia and New Zca'and VICTORY. ;■■■■■ arrival. SUilJi-\V~Si:.KA'It-»iSHTP t .:■i " ......■■. ■■".■■ .. are offered to'tiiosc: for W iiealt":" and Wilson's celebrated new'i improved ...:.. case and bulk ■ :. : i ■■ niitiiy »4vrmtagus. and (fiiuilitiea havingbeen finally conchid«d. V AUTUMN AND WINTER'FASttIONS.! tli'e'Ajrents FiVi- Fvcic'lit oi-'paviijri''arpiv"tr> i 1 .":...■: -■ using1flitiu. . >„"* -beg liock—sparkling iloselle T) respectfully S])ai'Klhi<i UTEMENT-& CO. to '.call ; Family .Sewing Machines. ;eiiprineer; G0...;, JMi\}^cbtt,:tl.ei mi ..Milfor the. C'Qnijjanj's '■ i n.!'li. MARTIN k ■■' ('ld -■■■ <jr.-casks. Apply " Jl of-the of. Kuneiiiii in ... at the. vicinity floating the attention LiidiuS und .. Tom, ; : : - j " "" *~ N 0 T~rc~E^ ~ pioeeediii'j: with the"worlt of raisiiig.atid : MiXT SHIP FOll MKLBU.UKNE. HOPK STREET FREE STOHES; of <Autumn and Winter .Claret,.incases.~. .-. .. abo.ve,. shijj, .all. ,pws<}ns,l«uTug A]jpli.ed;.for shines, to their ciioice assortmentpersonally selected;in JlelOr, to .-EDWAKD .CASPEH & C0.,~ j clipper ship CERES, are requested to paythe firstcalf of L:i .pen share,on Goods,which havebeen .'n^lJE.Al -.; "" ■ ;; OTHERS. j :■* PROVISIONS ?ND GHOCERIES. : ■-.. Exchange SalesRoom,j TO ■ ■ ■' ...;i . . :.■■.""■-■■■ *(" Uo'cliraiie,"coiuinandt}r, to.' orrbelore ,the first April, at'the.-oJlwe of Messrs. It. B: bourue.Ladies'millinery X " NsS' ■■ Hisrh-strept. | and straw bonnete Robinson's V ■ ■ superior" VVarfng's' Aiaitiu.aiid Co.,.otherwisetheir .shares will be for-hams—bacon, "ISili Aprik This-! ' ROY A L.ttOAT E L, »JlSZl^^ sail' ■'.' -■ ■„ ■■-- .-■ hats SmokedlifiiThijis^-li'i'sli'lii'tThigs „> "- felt Piii;i I ; I'3 yearsship, haviiur eyeryl v.on.r. rfeitert.,...; ~,...:■"_.'"...'■■ i. .-■Weatherstone's Wulley. *> Loinoti and oranire peel, in tins Geoj '■■■■' >" "- Child-en'sdo.; trimmed and untrimmed i; WILLIAM C.:VVAHLANP. Architect and venience. for "rarrj-.ing .pa.ssen.Keis,. will b.e'despatched respeijtfully intimates that he Garside,; Habits'hatS'amUioo.ls starch— blue 'and VVhybiws' pickles—Cplniau's, ; ;:,...;■ Secretary; nn'd Surveyor. Office, Stafljrd'.street, five from Putt Chaliiiersto Jlclhpiin/e' (Kruct iJunctually on v ■."■■■■■■"■ opened the ;ibove first class hotel, and has Ladies' head-dress iiow ilre^s-caps : :uid mustard : : Hotel. doors above the'Provincial ">' j ;". ;_^_ Dunedin, 18th. March. 1802. lyth'Aprii., ,' ■■"." ■; .: ,~ i lie hopes by attention to business,uud keeping Ladies', .children's, sealskin and kloth. Sardines.lla'!ves and quarters strict ■ ■ ;<■■-. and DAIJGETYy BVTTRAY.& CO., : nothing \i\\%lir^t-classarticles,'meet with a share of r(jENKT;'"Airdfioneer, General Commantles anil paletots -.■ i Nevas,full Hi '" Candtes,Brandon's,I lilies', and fc STEWARDS public suji'iort.. Agents. EDW'Alip PRbVipOItES. ..";. .:, ■.'.. .Wuiker-street, ■'"V TO CAPTAINS, Agent, light weiglits Shipping Quay, missiun and Norwich .' and jackets"wiiijrlits, .■**■. v "?, -" Garibaldi '■,''■ ~ Spirits, Beer," &c.V are of the best The ■-.»-, ;; :' Lytteltom-.-' - .i ■■■ pints; and quarts—Capers. ■' /|TH.K. VICrOUIAN .IJUTCHK.US' Ct)M Salad(iil, ; ■"- -;"■ ■ Cashmereshawla: ; | K.B.^ —PasseTigers' '...., -Luggage and Merchandise care-, ■ KOK LONDON JjIUECT.... . 1. J'ANY beg- to draw the attention offall quality,Wines,' and the stock will be kept supjilied from tho Feasts' sauces—-Cairn'roti's Children'suresses ! ■ vine.trar '■■ ClipprTShip, !! *■ V" ;1fully So;'ali,y part fact'tlmt'tliey-nre ifT\HKiiiiifriilficciit I<^ FAM E." of the settler ■ Wincey robes ■ ■ : pre- best'-hrands.-"- ■'"" ■*.. »... ;}:"[.■ :stor.ed,iami for-wiirded ; Vestas,in tins awrplaid boxes-—Currie'powder - those arriving in Qtiuro, to llic" H.A HIOT O Am«vitK)t—Patna ripe—castor oil-—trurrants. tuent or neipliborinp colonies, on reasonable terms. Hunse and Cooking Department under the managepared to supply shipping' with despatch, and at JS^r^fS:-■;..■ French merino i r 6t'-good!cook. ...-lii^O Toiwßcfrfstcri ment Mrs. assistance ~ 1"-'^"-^i of M'Donald, with French twill '"■■■";" Ainericau bPdOins—alum—honey, -in ■ tiiiis—/ reasonable.., prices. ■ : ': *\T' ""■ BCIUjiiWS, l^ractfcaV'Saiimakcr aiid Ship gi^^feg^^^iit A. Keiui, Esq." A cumfm'tfthlemeal alwaysready from the hcurfe of 6 r " .:-, STAFFORD STREET. j nutuii'gs—sauo Cotlirg- .;-.■■*. :" ■ > ■■ ■-.. !■;..: ; »sri*^"'rM«ssa-«<&~" ; Ron isCommander. ~,{ ~- t < '- Fancy TN Cliandji-r.J^'Vt ClmliiKirs.;. Op,,osite the Provincial Hotel. a.m. till 10 p.m. Cape raisins—Thins'jams, ■■ in tins :■ ' Orleans; ■ and pitch," 'spuvyartij "oaliiim," m arlin, ■Well aired beds. ■ '. ■'■ Plain and striped wincey ; Dunlop and Swisscboes<>Ul6b>ters' One (if tl:o clippers of tlu^celblit-ntpc! White Star :' Tar,hou'.-infr. ~.:■; '■"■■' '■'■ -~,.,V "-■ : Welherstone'Si January lSth. 1862. CANDLES, at 7d pbk til. Repp skirts ■■. Bottled fruits—salt,in jars Line of I'Hc-ket.^, and hi well kiiimli for her Vi'inark■ ! I?liip_ai;(l spin's; ", boat's ■:" :". Fanry velvet,in pieces Tea, in chests,half- chests,:and 'quarters, and TTrHO,LE.sALE AT WATER OF LEITH nble pit.^i^es' from, Livirpoi.l to1 Melbourne in 07 New and,S(:e6iid-liaud ship mid schooner'4Kail* ; pekoe ■■■ WORKS. NOTICE OF __. . -; boas, dkyr.' .Children's :■: orange VV CANDLE REMOVAL.' '"' '"' boat sails ,".,.." ""..■';" ;■ .::.. .' ,' "' ■ Irish and CaiilbvUinn oats—salmon CAMEKuN & THOirsON,' ; The' f>a!«'On' areonni'ortniiblis'of the' "Cbrtviot of A large assortment of Trimmings ; CHISHOLM & ADAMS' lies tdf noOld Yurp-ing, blocks,lie., always on hand tii'y that they havereiuoved "from High-street AHxi-iJ spice—cocoa—.salt Great■Kiiijr-Ssti'cet. l-'nric" nii- unriviiPcd'. They nfi-'spaeioiiS. sml fully. 'W. ii'.— '.irdi-rs "puiicliially tOj. »Y*ry "ntteiided aiid Moll"way's ;".}' and■treueralas-wtttipntofdrug>i''linderj3-laue. B;-and Co. would particularly call the attention.of familii'S. The' puWu- possible dispiitrh Pills, 'to m 6.1, equal to tie i i qifiic liipnts '" '; „' "'"" Ladies purchasiiig triven. -Honan's butter, in cloth-r-confectionery pi-i* will he jiiovidcd v;iih bctfs,Rddiliujr,&c; to their superior stock of Under0 N AND' SONS] '"■■■■ i■■ ■■ ■ Tartarie acid;—carhonate of soda—split peas j AN D Eil'S ; I SCREW STEAM:SHIP VICTORY. clothing and Babies' Linen. ,CHISnpUI.&..AP,AMS. A niilcli ri-\v if placed on board. (Late Alilerspij), Hall and \ Bleached yiujrer—Adelaide flour, silk dressed Tlifiii'!i'hiii'ili«tt''anfl HUNDRED SHARKS are still unallotted Shipping, and Commission ADDRESS,—liJeorge-street, Dunedin. TANIs'ERS AND CUURIERS,, ; ; House,Land, Estate, Sugars—Java, Chinese, Victoria Company's ■":■■"■■'''Application-to be made to Messrs. R. B. Mararc unsurpassed by nnythiiiir itflort't.-■ Thehe<lii-raiy Aleuts. -ttaiinfacturers' iin3' Importers' ot Cossipore: ".'■' tiikcn tin and tin., beforeIst April, enclosing the first call and scales are most lil-eral.'smd pii at Oan- will ■ Mauritius, J No. 1, Flindei-s-lane, "VTOW LANDING/ex " Oliver Cromwell," fromr D L E R Y,—H A' R: NES; S, be of the best de- "of-£2'per share." ""'■ that all aWielus \<i lie Mipplicd "■'■"" ■" ::.-■: .'. ".Dunedin.. :', Wayne's Patsnt Breaking Saddles 1M London,.andFOR.SALE at the Storesof, the 40 Bales pn-ey sheetings, 72 in. ".. (jEO1 J ■■"> Crimean uciiption. .'."' .' ■■■." Garside, Li ndersigned: and otherPack Saddles ■ clgnrs, :--. and Havannah IN PB,:U£S! pxpevVtwd 'nouonipanics -ship. FUfjrcon the Swish, M anilla, tobacco, ttIIEAT REDUCTION Secretary An ■'-■-.:■ ■' ■■"',"" ". ■ Pai-afiu ""'■■' ■'■ : oil, "-.....■ Boots and Shoes --■ ■■■.■■" "-■■■■' apniy , n> -.-■"■ \ ""&<;.. -.' Foriieiuht and pa«sap-c Duiiedin. 18th March, 1302. .' ■ :■ ■: ■ "- ■ ' AT ■, "''.""■■;■ V Reading books ~ Enajnelled and Japanned.Leathers ■', I)AI:GETV,KATTiIAVv & ICO. Giugerbeer and emouade bottles.: -. THE BOOT WAREIIOpSE^ Bullock hames ; ■ " ("AHGiLL & CO. TO CONSIGNEES OF GOODS. Moroccos, Roans, and...all. other Fancy ; "<J".i .„ Octagon Bullock chains ; Leathers V. TAGCiART &-CO.,pass entries,and atW. CAIUI YOUNG, IRONMONGERY, &c. ..: ..nil '■""■; ■"-"■' I'LQYD, ,.". '. : Cart traces . ~'.'... .Mill Belts—Accout'-ements..-: a ; ;, ; delivery receipt the of .'.:":,:■ pum])s—r:buckets—Colza J tend to of Goods/ on oil .■"■' " ■ ■ ■ And : * ■ ;i,iijjs,o.l'Lading.:, o'hVes,Jetty-street,;below the I'o&tDoufrlas ~ George Stkekt. ';! '. Plough traces Grindery and Saddlers'Ironmongery JOHN JONiS i: CO., Bai' iron, allsizes—tin'-platcs—;-zinc» ; Bh.ckcart harness [ rp F. 'ADAMS informshis Friends and the Pub221,'ElizabetlL-strcet, Sydney. "_ Ap'ijts. ---'olni-e. Quicrksiiver- picks—hatchets—^galvanized iron Galvaiim.'d\viieelljaiTow» ; Black a';id Polar Oils'always on hand, i JL lie, that he is sellingoff his; present'Stock at t), 7, and 8 feet ..:....■. ~ '; TA(iuAii'i' t.ou S.hiplirofcers, OusVinegar -....■ (jfreatly Uoduccd Prices, iv order;to make room for ". : cTiTßiof"ok fame; ! liiOl'W; Ewhank's nails,all .sizes—American nails <■■<■■-"■■■ ■■""; -1 toms Lighter, and General Commission by the Durham mustard Fresh Arrivals ■ v,'' NOTICE TO PASSKNGKRS AND SlilPl|EßS shovels., Long public and short handled t<> inforiri fhe aiid DONA-ANITA \ Agents, Jetty-street. ...■"., Salad oil .■ ■ M...A,.I^KKi-,bi'f[s -.- "■": OF GOLD. white lead—boiled oil, raw oil general, that jthe Red lead, ■ inliabitants of Dunedin in ■' . French Sauces ANl> : : : ■ & CO., Stevedores, Port ChslColzaoil—paint^brushes—sashhooks—jruttering United ' " States Hotel and .Diinediu Restaurant is now si, will clear at the ACKBAR: capers ;,, Pipinir—zinc.-nails—galvanized iron—hinges! ♦*4-~r-ii^ r|"VHlS'.\;fssel open to receive boaniera and lodgers at the most Vessels discharged-.-with despatch. < nii-rs. Cuirypiwder ... I (Ji'istoiu lfou.seon_MoN]j>A>Y,-i ;Stock., ■-..'.. boxes Cart, hopes supUallast axle-trees—hoiseshoe nails—bass strict by carefully.. landed Water and ruasonable term's, and attention,' WAA'ERLEY HOTEL,'MORAY PLACiJ. West Imiia arrowroot the sth -May, and proceed to sea .-..-■ :'" i^~®"~^^^fl ~. brooms ■ ■ ■ .. a,share oCsupport. respectfully merit .-."■■ iutiuiiites *'!','"'.'" : .""-:.'.. ■ "' t 0 that he has Auchovy paites on iVnir.-uay"lunrni {.'., the Stii. ami bloater t^^SKa^^wP^' ■; fron columns,solid and hollow—bridle posts [ Proprietor, ; opeued" the-aboVu 11 bn.<e;replete with all ■"'" M. A. LEE, Walker-street. Pi»bie'.i:t.-rs must be on Iwanl oil tl.e o'lli. : i/AJtVi iiNT, ■it CO., Ship orokcri, Cum Castoroil ■ spaciou^" lujcessary TheRooms 'areand CO., JONES & Pickles V .."-"■ Factors, and General CommissionA cents.. | .lofty, and comfort.. ..JOHN; :■■;" .■ every attention beoU>wed-iu nuisl/iiig and. Bottled fruits- '..'.. '.-..' Importers direct of. Adelaide Flour, Wheat, j?ran, Audits. TIMBER. I ".',"■'. """ ....-.." furuishiug, to merit a.sliare.of patronage. ('OXC.ERN. : r: Jiims NOTICE WHOM IT MAY ~.-.-■ TO StattVird-strcet, Dmie^in,opposite Messrs. Camp.".. Flooring boards,£ in., ij, 1 '.in'.,ljl A faw gentlemea JJoarllcrs can. be rccommoJatod ; ; v ; .&c. DdNA ANITA, the Hydraulic Press, now lnyinpr in .lames Paterr. Yarmouth blonters,etc., etc. be.H aid flq.V :■:.-. :■.■;£ Uwswwi and. undressed weatherboards Fioiu Ldimon. ..' i son jiiiii Co'.'s.l?reini«flsi is not removed,and the charges 'moderate. v' '■'.'".'.''.". \\\'.\ i .FREDERICK MUSS.& C0.,, A xSJ Slii]>pin.i« .i.-xt Mi Qunrteriiiu',4x3, ix 2,.8 ■ vegMeli paid is. entered the KINGSTON, Msslcrs, on the same within one month from thi> VTines and .-Beers.-or Thp Best Biiands. -'riTll-vS Princes-street. chiiriri's iA^-* '""..-. T and G .-,... .>.. lumber—shelving-... ..." ami I'iisspnjjer. Agents, Jetty ilcfravjexpcnscs. Hoose. Consignees Dunedin, will be sold to Api-i1,.-aßtii „ J'^t'7 .+.:\; A Custom it date, Dunedin,?th ■:■: --~. will please T-iiv-s Entries without nn'd Port Clialmers. JJalliL>t and \Vater Supplied. JAMEb rATERSON<&: CO. *:>»-*&i"~«~~%^-■ de'aj"' —Macp-nire's nucpets ROBERT WILSON, American kip grain boot;S Highest price given.' E;Naihai, WatchFi eight-must' be paid .-. j Dunedin, March sth. ~,.■.,■■" CLEVE'& CO.. Manse-street. cu:.iiiiivo; t.umh," & co., port " ': m" maker and er, vcnc r "a l i. Jeweller, Princes-stieet,''6 uoui3 bc-lV.re delivery. '' '. .'" tMfii'.Bm'Kjius, l.urn M'Luoda.id Uibsou'sV ";■ t'the rev,■j-HARbraa, '.'"."■ j JOHN JONES & CO., ■ ■ Kieeiisrd Li^ltt'er,' Customs, m id ' Cummibsion O a .11 8 L General i .'A:■■■.; E : ; Wesleyan j street, -■ Stafford .' -.\ ", -S-TUAMSHIP WESTIiIJN.. Messrs; .. , " ... : ■ ■ ' ' '.Z. . . '." ' ■ . "■ "■ . - ■ .". ■ "■ ■ "■■ '■■ , . "" ■ iS^tS^ ' '■ '■ .. -■ : . . . ...j : ," ' . j> , " : _- . ROBJ-aiX'SON < _ , , '' ' ; , .- . .- - . . .... .. . ". . . . . .. . ■ ■" ■■ "■ ■ : ... " ' '"'" '■ ': , ■ ' '' ' .,. .■ "■■- ' " S'JuNlS'Xate ' , " .. ■ " HAVE ki ■" .. '■■ . . t ' —. ■ ■"■■"' : ...... ■ .""-■ " ,; ■ ■ ' ' ■." ■ "■ ! '"■■- > .- -, .. '■■*■ ' . ""' "■■" ■" -■' "■ . . . :: . ' . , "'" ■■'■. '■" ■'■ . ... . ■" . . .. . .. . .. ' ■"■= ' , " , "-"■ ' " . .,~ .. " ' ' ... . . . . .... ■■' '■ ' s of' . . ' ' ' , " : ' ■: -■ - , ■ " ■ HAYK■ * ' ' " . . " ... ' ' ' '■ "' ' HA'VJ'I , ;. ' :i I , , , ' ' eAVI* ' " '" ; . . ... . . , ...... '... HO'': — ", ■ HAVE T - '" -, . .. " " THESE " ' w. .. . ' ... ' , " " " "' " ~ , ,' ' ' ' 9N ■SAIJK:; , .. ' ON -''' ' ~' '" ; ' ' ' , : I ; ' " " ' ,', , '' ■■ : ' , e'AVK ' "" ■' ' '■" ■ ~. '■"' '. . ' ' - : . i. : , '" '"' : ' ' <, " . ... '■■■■ .- " .. "■■'■ ' ;,.. ■" t ,, "■ ■' .. . . .- . . ■' ■■■" ■ .".■ . . . .. . . . , . . . . , , ' . ' .. " '' . . . - , .. . . . .. ," " ".... .. . . . . . . . . ' ' ' .. ' ' ''' ~ ' "' . . . ''' ' .. . . . . " , ' ' " ' . .. .. . .., ' , ,. '' . .. . , ' . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . ... . . . . ' , , . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' . . . ' .. '. .'. . .. . - . .". . , . , . . . ' ' ' ' . ' . . ''" ' . " , . " -' ' , , . ' , , , ' ." - ""' .' -." ,. . . .. .-. '' ' , . ' , " . ' , -. ' . , , . ., .. ' ' . ', , - - . ', ' '' ' " "', , . . ..... " , ' , , . . . . . ' '' '" . ., ' '' " ...... ' ■. ." , ARIIANG-KJIKNX-fS i■ ■ i^f-^r^ ■. x .. - " -.-""■■ ■ ■ .. ■"- . v ■■- .■ - : "■ .'. ~ : .- " ■ "". " ' "" ' t . ' ". - i " "' ' ■F*C*€^ ■ ..... EOJ3EKTSON , J-. ' '' \ Clipper1 Agents. ".-■ SYDNEY'DikECT., "-.'. "■ ■ : c" ■ ' " AjrMits, -■■ ■■■■' 2,'Fi.indeks Lank,"Dunkdik. ■> : ■■ ' '■ ■ _ ■' "■" — " .. » .... :IF ' . . . TBIIiCH ' ■ ■:" : '" . ■ ' :" t .. .. GOLD.— : ~ Minister, T> ESlDENCE,t.ii_ye,.minutes' walk from RattrayXV street, past Kiigour's bakery.. Enquire of J. .or., of,.Booiu and.--Evans, Gtrky,, Con/fectioner, "Draught.and light harness horses' Freight/waggons :.-. .■...- :: ■'■. .■ ' ~ ''. . . ■■ ":■ ■ ■ " SA^E, ' . .' ■' '' WMARItIS . ' ' .... . . . . ; "'' ~ ;' *«:/ '■' ■:' /.":./-■■-■' ' PER' ' ■ „ IF ~ '■'"" : ... Has on Sale— Shamrock. Mills Flour ■■..-■ ■■' Clyde Mills " do.' Sundry brands do. -" '■■" 'Oats -■'' Ale l!ran Porter ■~ Hay; ■..■-"-Butter " ; Chaff;. ''..-■' ''" V Hams. ,: .. - ■" '■ -," ' . "" , " " : "" : ... ...... ■ ' -" ■■ MESSRS. ' ■ "... "'" — .■■■"■ " — M " DOWNEri S^^^^^S1■ "' "' "..'.-- .... ' " ■ ""■ ■ JM'DONALD . ■""■■ '■ ..:...." ' '< _.: ONE .. DIGftERs/TRAVKLLERS/AND ■"■ ■ : :" MR. "' '' "■ ... ;. .-" ■".<" ■ "■ ' ... . . '-■ ri ■■■"■"■"- -■""■.. .■■" "■■ ■ For Sale; "; ;.' ■■< American busies ; Rattray-street. VALUBALE PiiE.Uiiks. (irocers, '-*-. B.UfiINEdS Express waggons-. ■"'.'.."'" '. ..' immediate de i>alcli ftr **2fcy"^iS^- will liave pon. » An assortment of harness and corn Backs. SALE,,the lease.or the Y';U\' VALUABLE j^^^^^^^^g- tlie abo.ve T (JKE& TRUMAN beg most respectfully'to in-COBB & CO. COIiNHR WtEAIibES iv PuiNCiis-SritKEr, JLj form the-Merchants,-'Traders, and Storekeepers For tVuiuiiu or Lijssige, apply to ' Barracks, and ciiraui nf Walkeropposite the .). A.'& R. BAIRD. of Dunev.in. that they have commenced business' as su-iet, in theI'olice occupation.of tlie undwsijiued. and CO. have FOlt; a Agents. Shipping,, House Commission,. and. DIRKCT, ~~~,; '"nPulftiYDK'- V General, pt£tidiii corner site lias a' li-(*ula^« of 46 thet to This yard, George-istifeet their lielowUei-rge'Hotel, and and Co., ■gggriKiOTaa«iaMwi.lMufl<as3P&yeayw»^ll«^F*WT!WgywatMiiw '.'.,,. ■'""'"■"■T.-'aiid ii:. lumber in the bilic'erC Manse-street;next'Cleye." ■'■' and 5(1 fei:t to WaJkcr-sleijur, inuludTMO fsnil on ,Tuesilay/ 15th, .' ; by attention.and.purscvera they hope Princcs-atreet,. tjit t,.. ice,to.business,, -■■ irig'twoutioV'cilpfijd; pieces'bf land, available for enShelving, doors,sashes '. .'.' ." to meritcon&lence"aiidsuppoit. '■ > of thu "' premises. Miscellaneous. ! liii-ffeuii'iit remilar trader, , .LUKE & TRUMAN, iil£-A-Z&iS:< Tl>e ivelUki'iownOF Archiuaves,4, 5. and 6 inch Bacon, -■'■ '■'■■ Apply'to'J/'K. Fiiv, I'rinces-strcet. :■ r Cornicemoulds,.."iih. ■■■■'■ ■ SS&iasalilii&sr 'fIIANE FIFE, '■ \ ROBERT Mouldiiigs,.s 1} WILSON, to Captain David Hiiglfi.'&V "'" inch ■'■"■■■ X '■■" ; " FOU'SALE; :' ■" .110 B I N.S;ON,, .JI.AHT lliCO,; ; fittings" '." 'Builders'ironmongery ". This favoritevessel -Ihiviujtk!1 her passenger Stafford-street. TO UP-Cv/UNTRYSTOR'KEEPERS, PUB- -. STAFF.ORD-STKKET.:lot of-Miked Cattle, to be "'^ delivered staiiui:)}!, offjis nii;re iiii.ii o^-diiiary accommodation, isoits. ...LICANS, .&C. ( '"' lIAVK 'on SALE,. -. on the Asiiburtou.' ■" -.-*■ ."-'-.. < j and will sairpunetually to date. MAHY E. RAY, TO I'U'XAToJio !--. i O'i'AToKri-n POTATvi.6 !: i A LL orders entrusted to Luke and Truman Ifo 32ti tlead of Very superior Cattle) of mixed ages Counters; and White MHO ARRIVE ( For fi-efcht*vi' J>:l.ss:me' apply to at.." .'. "'< Gave-Vailey,1' '-Flour Balls." will be sexes, ii.j carefully-.and,promptly■ Guiipbwder Crysials, very Con»ou mid J. LKA.YE MELBOURNE 21st IN execution and One including Teas, on the ST. line -■ J:A.-.feß-. BAIRD; lull. Most of the cows are broken young Potutpe, ask>forCaveValley tended to. Jihd lv'Xf-s 10,000superficial feet4.J xlj to yon prefer a good■■■■■■ Jeti; and I'rinees-Mrtet. ciiv»>ti> Cork r Dunedin. '■■' Address—ManserStreet, l>ale. : ■ in: " 10.000 " ,:',v '" b::ti6r 4x2 Flour Bails. .'; „ Otago 20.000 ix in ? Dmik'p „" DALGETY, RATTIIAY cliecse' 3 -Which are the best Potatoes FOR SALJi. K. AATriAN, & CO. ! " .-„;' 20,000 4J x the Cave- Valley Flour Balls. J'atrass curn.nts r .. 3 Decidedly and Jeweller (late Svith: T. COALS' FOR. SALE. ,"■'.' Ciitfte in tins 60' deals,9x 3. 1 cut be supplied b.vthe undersigned, who '""VTTA-TCH-MAKEJl1 - -. . Families"can doors from rnHE Cargo of {^1--^- rn'JE,Sc!iooner .ritOJII'.T,. 160 "' Princes-streef,Duneiiin,3 Geelong,'' from yV Reid).Gibson's. Wallsend Coalsexv";Witch of the -4- ■■ tons burthen, ,oaktiuslt; and '50 '9x3i 2 ■„'■■■ Sar.iiaes,.y'dhd \' "' receives weekly supplies per ~, -;' ";; M'Leotl arid -"' A. Tee-.," is on saley inquanutiesto suit steamers. 1 ~. newly, c oppered jams '"" been and had a 50 ..IL..X Uauiaru. -'"■■-■ Knglisli h^ 3, ■' ■ : : despatch. with nml ~i:-.-,: repaired Apply to, Watelics accuracy ■,-...-, ..".■.-... ".:,.-.;" -' B»ysaßg»Kß3Ss^ t .oroiigh oypyhaui .within, the last „ „ A. MKRCICK, 50 11 3, 2 . V-. ~: Ovßtbrs, 21bB. ~~. Cornerof High-street. DALGETY, RATTRAY & CO. Sperm tia "dies '55,000'fe-1 T>v G American lumber \ wo moi.ths. Admirably iulapteu to the timber,trade. UIUIOVAL;— Mr. H. Hqurhton ; 1 OF " "\T-O-TICB '-""'■■■■■ (Jurry puwiler Apply to '''''. 2-in. clear pine ' ■i.0.00 "'„■ half-iiiuh lias removed ir< nr Walker-street to the Stores AUSTRAL] AN -. %W HS.. Scotchflooring, (!| x J "ticklk & co. oil'and Si'Usitz'powders.".■ fJG.OOO LuNDO-N PRICES NET, Medical and. oN ':.. ' C:v.*ti?r of Mesa's. Henry Driverand Co., Stafford-street.' JjtOll SALE, U,OUO very fine. Austr-il.ian Maiden Coiire'ctibn'ijry iii'linUlw1 '."'.'.,■! 54,000 three-quarter inch Scotch flooring,-'Scientific Books. "English and Foreign" —■''^pieus I t Ewes, and 4 tooth,now landing-ex "iSriiLb discount, allowed to public and other institutions. .."..' ifi'fnniiyea! tomis' ■, <u*r pnvt'iei'ship hitherto- p^istinpf l*twfeh the Trident" at Port Chalmers. NU'iMUK TU I'ASSIiNUKRS 'Also Yiurgar in'ijri' ca-k's '-.""■.■'■ Oruers to tiie .extent of x.lO and upwards sent fI^HE jL undcrsifiried,carrying' on business as Biik'-rs, in DALUJiTY, RATTRAY & CO. t»»-r"" :i>s A I. tlio re.i'[uuit< ufa''liirgs numDoors. baUieisi &c. Jiiutiird.*'»tiiri;h "alid blue .''"'■ carriiiße tree. Catalogues, gratis, by post?Cd. *F. Mohviii-'s Gully, Tifapeic'a, iva< disso vod -p'u the 29i.h Arivjwroot antl saf;o "c-i^^t-X^S;^- -C3L ''ber of Merchants and ShipCLEVE «c CO., "' Bailiiere, 85 Collinsstreet east, Melbourne,.London,-. f2. the liiti*" firm will FOR SALE, -^r5 March,118 The debts due ny books im- be paid by Archibald Ritchie, who will continue to 'Manse-stt'eet. libtiloil fruits anil'sirices Paris, New-York, and Madrid. .-Any best quality at 325. per ' namely, ioi-- Looking London to i»ime terms, ported to order on Barrel.* Addi-uss-i-HoGH Oaxw'ur, Cumberpassengers Sahul oil Hiul assinleil essences 'carry'oil the l;usineis. "...'".""' ,",' L .'.''."."'.' all (.aiuot; i\ow Zealand -ami the- Australian O "'" It S A ■, ■ColoT? E. prices. iand-stine^'oiipiKitr' thi'FouiM)i-y:*' aiid wax imitches. in great Tanety Signed Woii'd nies. .JJ 1 liandsotne Cottnge Piainiforte,walnut wood '■-' So:i])—.Liverpool .iii(i. fancy ; ATtCHIBAtD WITCH 18, 2, qiahofjany. Hsirmoniums,5^ octaves J ii6stnj.-crb.can secure ticki-te.by first class, sailing .. VICTORIAN PAI'EKiIANGING \VAUEnOUSE lii-finily in i'ase and wo d, various brand* j ; i .i SHEEP. STATION FUR SALE.4 , " GILBEHT PRESTOiN.; -■' ; Sliij s 01 CiteKiucru. at our ulVices, "Flute Harmonium's j ''''" " at f 11HE Ui.-tr»i}riied Have for sale,at a "very mode(>e.ievii aui oldtoiu , Maclaooan-Street, .'.''.' ", jyitiifssra'tosignatures— * Tm'ptka .". _L „ Organ Accordeons ""-■ vate price, a HUjV of 10,0(11) Acres fine country ■-■"■MViiihky' '.. T" Buildeus,Paint«rs and Others. '*'";. ■. WeT.iier&toiie'f! . ? Fiutina.'et'c.' FEijDHEIM; in the Northern partToftliis Province, together with Toi-t and ginger wine ATK[NS>,-"havingjust imported, i "W/MoiTisoii, ,,J.. \Vfflthi;r!y, ' ^ ' ~ ",,■>' ■ ",' ' ■ ' ] .' ' ■ ' ■ ' . .' ' . ';' '"._ Wi.iUiiaiuu oUlK) ; -BROS., ... Sheep .-. '" und-Lambs. Oliainpaj;ue, pints and quarts a large assortment of sutperior' Papertaigiiigß, AVaipuii "DALGEtYV'TIATTRAV, & CO. 2i High-street. are 'prepared Putatoi-s a:.cl onioiif, splundid*anipl« '' ; ■EDUCATION A'ND;;BOARD. ,( to serve the abuvu at Alelbourne UOBB & GO. ■■": ' >m .-. LIKBVVISK.— '- "■■■'.'"■'■:.■"■■. k CO. have on Sal^.'' BookiiiCOfiice. I'rovim-inl Kotet. Diinediri' ..-v, Whites Valley extra siik dressed Adelaide P.ieeti. JAMES a: -t^WIS, Schoolmaster, of N. FOR SALE. Assorted stationery... .Glassware POTATO £S .Flour E. Harbor. District;.; is,.prepared to -receive. tpV.'O A'CRiES'FUEiiHOLO. .PROPERTY in AiS'D ijrqwn lioljovyarev /WATIUt 'I.AKK ;" paper and.paper -dp-, ; dp m IiALLAST..-LIGHTEKS.. do inWhis family -, Bnttirw:oirtli'B a " who will have X Caversham,within twentyminutes' walk of the few^Pupil'' Boarders; , _ . ', ~, '_~, Bnisl(war« tons Sale.-' '.. '"baiaj" 5 for, (-'at?' a' aPd. Irish '.i "': the opportunity of, ejijpyjng. the.combined advantages Post Office,to which' the attention of parties desirous Table iirict pocketcutlery\ Filial corks '"."■ GOLDIE...& CO. are prepared to supply *'" ,: -;S. "POEMANv { Apply, of Public and "Private*iitetructibn,and of acquiring of a suburban residence is requested. Fiwli \Vat.Li- liy die '■Euiiua" yiaiei-tu:,k, and WUile and sol.J chiiia Bitter cups ; $1 Arcade. ? "■;'.■. 'ano, a sound 01 ssicil i^rid Commercialliduciition. Th<jjj,'>»ve is oiieS of the'-fiiieatsites for a privaterelil;i w!se l.iil-ii^ l>y lifluere. kc, ii-iils &c. ' Aiiiiii'iciii'nirvfoluttE 'lie.'," Quartering, Deal a.-s'\frel! as b(iys,wiH be repeiveH us- Boaftlers, siiipiioe, »'*d commands some of the most splendid f)oa:tPi-K ni. iiing iiuji. Diiiicdin cnn lie snj-plieil Pla'.c.i'.vare Chandlery. Wca.t!ierl):ards, Shin 15ritania..Motal and Electro ■„ ":■ :" '"-'Girls',l ljlatet.l GopiU,. 15illiard Tables,and 4 and C ■.Limnjjrboardß. AlouUings. Skirtings; Buikler*' and the Education uftne lbhiierwill-be sirj^ei'iiAendc'd vie»s- b>.t..'e ini&hbouiho6tl of--thetown. vitli witter aiiil 1>; ilabt ill any v.. iifhor, !>>" con.iiif; to pidliSeerKngintw, all of the best make. j 10 inch i'ost boring' Afauliiiie, Timber \\aggon, Sole by a Hi-at-class' Ftiuale Teacher from the Edinburgh 'I'Sel'c « a)*o a iiiuall Cottage and a valuable Freea.. ::no'iui' by the (xiiiird-.-liij., I'u.n at :i mo fIR SOU"), n HAHfiAiiV. a T.'iU, 24 x IV, lnsiitution. :_L quit« uuw. Ajip'.y G. '" UKKikl'Utt' (.ba'ij.e :iii"i will) ie |;itni-. stone V^ur«ry on thepryuerty. Apply to J.-DAHW-EN.T..& CO., 'Leiither, Buottrees, Hoots (colonial), Houki, Shue- Morilial Li.'Mß, ie CO., t'audeia to JsmSs'A; Lewis, F.E.1.5., apply terms, For IlOlili CALDER tppjs,. tons 100 tons ballast Forty ifioDso, iv.Ji. fiesb wa.er aud Lane. Staffordrstiieet v F.OKM&.& '."'.', makeiV .second liana^ Sekdplliouse, "N. i"; Harbor,"Dunedin. ";* ii.■*:%...: ..-,■!■..'....-.." JJuilCler,iDuuedini > -. (Opposite J. C. Caiapb«U&Co.V »lßOHci,'"'Waik«r-»treet, ",,..;; ~.^v ,,; can be delivered daily. ■- "■-.■""», ..Q.'IXJWk, CO. , '.., f -<. ■ ■ - VnjlE ■■ wyll-kuown AY '■' TtlA-NK OF FlI'E" ■ ""■■ AtrPiifs,-in Port flinlnirrs— '■'■ TUli'KflSS. -.Mc.-HKAN & CO. / -iAIM'AIS -,:.!)." ..FL[«HT; kW.YSE. & CO.' V>^ Coinmission Agents. Stevedores,and Sliip'pinj; Masters, i'ovt Chalmers. ! :" .lirtlUistiujicarefully attended to. ''■ -. " ■ ■ : ■" ■ ■ " " ~ : MA-DHITIUS-tiU^AKS,-. ! .... ' :~ ■ ■ ■ "■" " * ■ ■' "■ Sft»si333ElK3Sr--.meuis ■ "'" :' ■■ ' ' - ~„ ...-..■-." ■:: ." GAREY, . - ~ ~ - -;■ x : ■ : ~ ,■ ' ■ '" "--,.. ' '"' ■ ■ : . ' JDARWENT ..... >t ,r .. ., . „ ■ ■ ■ " -■ " — ■■" ■ ■' -" '■ ■ '"' ■■■"■■■■"■"-■ "■■ ' i "' " ; ' ' ; ■ : . ' ' ' ""''''' ~ ..' ■■: PORTLAND CEMEN'J, "■"-" """■" "-.- ■~. ' ' MR. ■ _' ' DRESSETj , ■ ■■ "POTATOES. .. " ■ ■" ' BORTIIWICK'ik .. ■ ■' AT .;.,; .'- " : , : S'DI'ERIOR- "".. „ : " : ' ' ■ ~ ... ■: ... ■"'-'"" FOR ;" "'■""■ ". ■ ■ .. . . ■■" ' '" '~' ' ' :' ; i.^'ftiid ' ~ ■' ■" .'.; - v '" . ' " ': ' . " "'' . 2 j All-in actions. S, A^niTi. It..lflft2-. DAI LV -TIMtSH OTAGQ AUOUCiIIS. Auctions- UC'lOllS . . WEDNESDAY, IGth APRIL, 18S2. NOTICR. mUE TOWNSHIP of (JLENORE, attheWOOLMARINiV I L L A G X Eligible Leasehold Prope:ty. X SHED. The Uay of Saleis on WEDNESDAY, j Of WILLIAM CARR YOUNG has received APRIL 23rd. on the ground at 12 o'clock. To New-comers re i-iiriu ; dvssirible Villa instrn tion. to sallb.> Auction at hi? Store,on To Builders, New Arrivals, and Others. DALKEITH,. Plans are now ready aud can be obtained at our Monday foliuwiug the luh at the valua p.m., inst., i Within Ten Min..tcs' Walk of the Jatty, at Speculators, and others. office. Residences, & TO. will soil by puliiie To Gentlemen, Siiui.tters. Merchants, Fanners, ble Freehold Propeity. R. I). MARTIN & CO. POUT CHALMERS. M irkc-t (jiardene .s. New and rooms, in Walker-street,tin at their Arrivals, instructions to auction, DANIELS & CO. i...ye leceived SectionNo's. 2-1, 25, Wock XT., Duuedin. Monday, th<> 14'h iuMaut, at 12 o'clock sha-p, by seli by auction,at the Commercial Sale llouras, Suburban SectionNo. IS, Block VII, Andermost rAA SALE strong FINE WETHERS on 200 Acres of the Finest Land and ihe April, at 1 ONE TWO-ROOMED COTTAGE, CAMPBELL & CO.have received instructions son's Bay District. delightful loi-ality near Town only 2$ miles fom O\J\J the undersigned; can be seen at Bellevue. Prinres-olrrut, on 'I hursdny, the 17th ;. from John Thomson,Es<i Port Chalmers, 20 Id x 8. o'clock sharp. Sections35," 36, 37, 38, Block VIII, Townthe Post Ollice,now surveyed and subu.vide 1 in fe CO. by auctiou,on the groundadjoining this Town R. B. MARTIN Galvanized Iron roof. to sell unexpired Complete—with of lease oi 33 ieet Ilawkesbury. 14 V.aib' terra ship of Blocks of fi-i-in 10 to 50 acres. irontaye to Castle-stiect,by 100 feet in IJelr, on Wednesday, the Kith hist., at 12 o'clock, the MAKTIN & CO. have bern favo.\d with 'I UIS DAY, for 14 years,of his valuable landed property SALE B* AUCTION. lease, depth," iisq Terms at Sale. ,to tie for instructions from .7. Bortou. SuburbanSe tion No. 02, subdivided into lot- to suit MONDAY,. APKIL 14. WiiU 'I cottages erected theteon, finishedin the nle by auction,on Thursday April i7ch,at uneo'clouk ■ho ice of intending purchasers, siluuUd PROPERTY. eonvei.ie let to complete present manner at FREEHOLD most Clearing Saleof Fancy Goods,Tray Glasses, lv whole of this c .Hy vnlimblu property. ;tnd o (side the Town Belt, on the Diinediiiroad, Buj weekly tenants, at :iUs. each. THIS DAY. and 115,co tai i tac'i abov.t S Blocks Ncs. i! 0 Ironmongery, Tumblers,Wine Glasses. l.»se to the Peninsula wh'e'i seperates SawjeV TOWNSHIP OF SILVERTON, 1 acres, isuncultivated,>-ut tine productive soil. This desirable property is beautifully situated, U'h AI 18G2. Toys, MONDAY, KIT., as Port Chalmers. Anchorage (fee., ka. from tIM Ground, Bay. Anderson's Blocks Nos. 130, 131,133,e-wh about 11 ac es within tc-n mhuues,walkuf the Po»t Olh'ce,in close At 12 o'clock sharp. The [wsitio l of t!:e villageof Dulkeith is'upon a is all fenced,and forms one paddock. This \V ITII OU T RJBSUHVE! TURNBULL. BING & CO.will Pell ge:tly vising am I' f-le teretl acclivity from t:m sea proximity with Mr.'lianV property, and commands W. CARR YOUNG has received instrucof the property can be specially referred part a deiijjhll'ul view of the bills ami surroundingscenerj by Public on 14th Monday next, Auction, the sh:'i-e,and wmmanisaii extensive prospect to wank tions from S. F. Every, Esq., to sell by auction, to as being line rich soil, with a nice stream instant. in front, and ihe Bay and Shipping at the rear, it is early in TO NEW ARRIVALS AND OTHERS. the en ";:■ cc to tin; Heads of Otago Hurbo- ami hi;igApril, water running through it, and beautifully of considered one of the niobt healthy localities in Dunpint 5 casks tumblers yards slaff. the Maori sett enie:.t. Port Bello,and islanus SSsections, averaging nearly 1,000square sheltered. They will be put up in sepetate edin. CO.have received casks cut wine glasses 3 near tho H:iy of i'ort Clv.iimers and the anchorage each publicauction, at their :ooui£, lots. hy to s=ell 1 Turner and Co.'s ground, for the largest ofocenn going .^earners and N.B.—Arrangements can be made for the purchase tious case back,hind, and Title—Crowngrant. Blocks No. 131, contains nearly ten acres, un ripping saws .-ailing vessels,from whence the c is daily comiuuuiof the Freehold.' Walker-street,,oil Monday, the 14th instant, at The above lai.d is situated on the main road be- in iihd is line bush. fenced, c -own dressing glasses sharp, lii lease round ascero'clock c.-itimi with this capital ol the province by bouts, seen, Plans can be and further particulars nearly 13 acres t-ween Dunedin and I'ortobello, and extends from of Upon Block 135. this section p'ftcu 1 do. do. "iter-m-.T ", ami s:ii ingvessels, a.id the new line of mod THE TEN YEARS' LEASE OF BLOCK 23. tained, ou application at the otiioe of the Auctioneers. opposite the School-house to the Bay, commanding » islands a cottage and a comfortablebrick 1 do. mirrors, on swivels over t.ie ranges,which is now completed, will bring opposite tlie It the Goveri!iii"iii i-jilcmiid neighborhood. view- of Ditnetlin and Terms liberal, at sale. Beinsr a Comer Section, house, and the stone foundation for a new Zinc mirrors, si<a ing boxes fort Chalmerswithin about four miles of the Northbuilding ; the gardens attached are abunis one mile and a half by water from the Jetty, ami Reserve, with 75 ion frontage to Kine-strect. an'! 0(> 1 case house bellows east Valley, on the uiauauuinised level road to Duu.by a-half the from the Post-office. to Hanover-street. uer two miles and road feetfioutnsre Iti-nt, £75 tly stocked with rare and choice fruit da soaps fancy 1 case tdin. COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMa. Theabove land is most eligible for theresidence of annum. Full valuntioa at the expiration of the trees, and well known to yield most abun&c. ornaments, 1 case lava candlesticks, lie north si.le of the villageof Dalkeith borders undulating, remarkably and being elevated, lease. '"■""nilies, dant fruit. boxes, cash &c. ]T~L 1 case corkscrews, on the richly wooded and well watered country, the I) S CO. ke itliy. T AN I & Terms liberal, at sale. Blocks 137, 189. Nicely timbered and fenced. cask tin camp kettles o which is terminated by the lofty sumaiit ot 1 view general (muchwanted) stores few situations are and upon i'ur Block Ml. lists' a small cottage it, 1 case butcher's knives. v Mount ..'arj/ilt, towards the north cas!. To the south T.'iid.r their Onilcful Thanks to the of the Tomahawk Dismore promising, the distance part of it divided into one paddock with a ami \vs.»t, is s-jen tlio cultivated lamis nf the Peninsula, No the Is must ba cleared. reserve, as goo « fronting MERCHANTS, TRADERS, IMPORTERS, trict from Dunedin being inconvenientlygreat for the TUESDAY, 15th APRIL. the in road; beautifulgorsefence the woodeu hills extending towards An.iersim's Hay And Saleat 12 o'clock sharp. numerous settlers. At II o'eiojcshi.-p HIL, all about 12 acres. a:id the cuan iJeach ; the harbor of Utago. with PUBLIC G'NEKALLY, Firewood, and stone for buildingpurposes, plentiful Resirvb 1802. Blacks 143,145,147, 149 and 151 ; in all about .■shippingpassing to and from Duneuin. Without Op DuNtuJS, neighborhood near at hand. The sceneryin the ICth APRIL, 18G2. securely fenced,and how laid down and WEDNESDAY, acres, 50 The new road,now completed, from Port Chalmers For the Lib.-nil Support accorded to them as is most beautiful,ami the ocean beach within an easj in gra<s. The house is built of .-tone and the to Dunedin,passes througli the property, ami oflerato &.C., Storekeepers, Up-Country Drapers, AUCTIOAEIiiIS, walk. To Outfitters, substantial characIORTLANO CEMENT, out-otHces are of the most present oppor the aiimirera of nature a new vi.-ta of charming SincethnrEstablishment,and take the Further particulars, with a plan of the lots, will be and Others. Ex M.-taris. ter, built regardless of expense by the late finely ofrespectfully soliciting a continuance of the ready next week. Paddocks and bush laud will bt sceneryat every turn of the road,rivalling the luoit proprietor. It is bounded on one side by a 'mired views of the famedLock Katriue, or Lochearly hi May. name. bush, and can be particularly recommended TURXBULL, BING fc CO. have lo .iond. „ L). Jk Co., ffrii'in? that their incrfnynjrbusiness oiferedfor sale and lease & CO. have b-en favored gentleman for a importer, the resilience of a or received instructions from tinMr. ror their h ave extended To persons desirous of possessing Marine R^irequired extra iiccomuiodntion, wi:h instructions from Messrs. YoL'XfiHUSdairy farm. TUESDAY, 22xd APRIL. J Katitenstein,jim., to sell by public auction, on Preii'iscs by the addition of a new bakd & Co. to sell bypublic; auction, in their large dence-,the present instance pre-e ts many a .v. nBlcc -s 1./2, 153. 154. Is enclosed and fencedin Wednesday, the 16'h inst., (south U" C T 1 O i\ ROOM, New .tages A ; its fi.ie position and accessibily, i-itlier by laml AUCTION SALE. Wooden Store,in I he rear of the Bank of one paddock of 30 ncres (more or less) anil Without. Reserve, To which they invite inspection. or water, being only within a few minutes walk from Wales, entrance from Hattray-street, on Tuesday, has also been down in grass. 72 casks best Portland Cement sharp, It will bo lotind the Most Commodious and Best at o'clock the chief Property. port of the provii.ee, nud entrance to the Leasehold the 15th instant, 11 Blocks 100. 161. Containeach about 10 acres ; is Situatedin Unnediu for Terms liberal. cajjital of Otago. lots. THBI It E NTIItE STOCK, unfenced,and will be offeredin twounusually at 12 o'clock, sharp. AUCTION SALES i Sale 'The terms of lease are for fourteenyears,and full referring to this Consisting as under:— WM. CARR YOUNG has received instrucThe Auctioneers,in Of every cla»s of Mi;rclmndisuthat require Display ; valuation at thai period will lie allowed for all imtions to sell by auction, at his Store,on Tuesassert that select property, can with every confidence Slops upon the property ; and. beingmore Mid especially for made neighborhood, at 1 either provements o'clock. nothing can surpass it in the u&y, the '2'ind instant, WEDNESDAY, lOtii APRIL, 1862. Hough brown hollands closely situated to the traning part of the portthan L A N 7") " S A I. E S The building of the fc'hop, in Princes-street,now for situation, quality of soil, and the distance from mu-liu worked goods 1 aecand portions J. D. & CO. wish to intimate to of the Towi.ship, it presents openings half GALVANIZED IRON AND TILE 3. other occupation only of Air. lies, saddler. about two miles aud a in the town, Calicoesand flannels MEUtiiAH > a AN V oTH EH S for the safeinvestment of capital in the erection ot The localityhas been chosen by some of the oldest With the unexpired portion of a 14 years' lease, I'ieiieh merinos or private residences, havingfrnnThat they do not Import themsehes,and that then no shops, The can at BING & CO. will warehouses, -property settlers for iheir residences. TURNBULL, from January, iSoO,at a ground rent of £'ii) Shawls their whole attention is devoted to the interest oi sell bypublic nu'-tion. on the beach, directly ta.-es to the sea-beach,with a gentle declivity from lime bo encroached upon by small homesteads. per annum. Patent silk velvets main road. during their constituents, whose sales intrusted to then his ex the sale; well known that the late after the of timber M proprietor It. is etaris, Terms at Sale. Head dresses couid not otheiwise rceive the same consideration. pounds upon Plans of the Property are being prepared, which 40 casesgalvanized Iron, 6 and 7 feet „■ residei c. here spent several thousands of l'eatheis At the s-ufrgestion of several Friends and to meet this p.op;ity, advantages which the purchasers will can sbortly be obtained at the rooms ofth* aue-' Terms liberal. THIS DAY. Silk handkerchiefs tioneers. benefit. Saleat 12 o'clock, sharp. Beaufort ties AND SELLERS MONDAY, APRIL 14. Plan" rind further information can be obtained at Terms,liberal—declared at time of sale. Saleswid in fiitaie commence at Jl o'clock. Hats, caps, and shirts Luncheon provided. f the Auctioneers. drajjery. the of. SALE BY AUCTION. variety plain INTENDf.I) fancy SALES. a of and MADE ON And ADVANCES LAND! LAND! ! LAND! !! liberal. K. CAMPBELL & CO., Terms SALES GUAKA.NTEHD Auctioneers, WEDNESDAY, IGtii APRIL, 1862. NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE. As Messrs. Younghusbaud & Co. are piyins: up A PHIL 22NU. Small Capitalists and Parties desirous of Securing To aUiiSIMV, and GeneralLand and Estate agents. posiRENDERED. this will their Dun»din liraneh Establishment, ACCOUNT SALES PROMPTLY At 12 o'clock, sharp. a first-classBusiness PojitionT Timber Merchant*, .Sale. To tively Clearing be a Builders, Contractors, DUNBDIN, STUKBT, I PBXKtM'.X April, 1802. and Others. i Town and Country Storkeepers should take this Ist To Parties Desirous of an Investment. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Opportunity for Sure and Profitable Investments. fivo able opportunity of re-sorting' their stocks, the Township of St. Leonard,on the Hill. aii(l well suited for thi* Scotch T & G Flooring. being bulk Winter Goods, ToUomaririro. At the King-street, Groat 14 Years' Cargo Lease, of Metaris, from Melbourne. PRELIMINERY NOTICE. climate. PART OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MILTON. CAMP-BELL k CO. have received instmc5 Years' Lease,with dwelling, Anderson's Bay, 170 FREEHOLD ALLOTMEiVI'S, \j%tions from Messrs. Gillies and Street,as age, ts Corcoof Timber, er ""-v Ann, from Hobart TURNBULL, BING & CO. have Freeholds,Township of Clarendon, One quarter of ;m acre each. importer, for John M'Ulashnn, Esq., Balmacewen,to oubmit the Town. received instructions from No Reserve. FOR AUCTION. WEDNESDAY, 16th APRIL, 18<>2, J. Katzenstein,junr., to sell by public auction, to puolic competition, on an early day, of which due 30.718 Su.. ..aber To Working Men, Laborers on the Roads. Carters, Mr the At 12 o'clock sharp. 1^ ■■",« r.. v i>,nli,)gS 5 ft. on beach, on Wednesday, the Kith inst, the notice will be given. Diggers, Mechanics and Others. H. E. NATHAN & CO. have been tallowing well selected assortment of Shingles 25,300 MARTIN & CO., are instructed by James HIS SUBUHBAN PROPERTY, favoredwith instructions from the Lessee to To Builders, Contractors,and Others. !„ v ii. -;u-t Shafts T&. Q Scotcli Flooring-, E-q., by if the to sell Tukomnririio, Sell by Auction, in the Otago Sale Rooms,MaeSmith, THE TOWNSHIP OF ST. LEONARD April at ground, on Tuesday, Consisting of— 22nd, auction, adjoining the o'clock on ti.f lagpan-street, prebypublic Arcade, at-1 CO. will sell auc& ON THE HILL, Si CO. have received instructions to 1_ o'clock sharp, to the highest bidders. 913 pieces, Cx 1£ T At G flooring, 8 to 29 feet cisely on the above date, j tion, on the ground, adjoiningJones and Wil , sell by Auction on a day to be " named " long Comprising about 20 Acres, situate on the Half170 VEHY VALUABLE FREEHOLD The unexpire.l lease (13 years) of sections 14 liamson's,opposite the Hank of New- South Wales,on The Cargo of the Mary Ann, comprising to long Way flooring, ALLOTMENTS, 686 6 x 1 T & G 6 23 ft. Bush and North East Valley Ko.-uls, pieces, and J5, block 31, town of Dunedin,each Wednesday, the loth instant, at 12 o'clock sharp, ex BUILDING 80 718 feetS.-wn'"'im^er (ix and about ten minutes' walk from the Jiortlt Being' part of the 1 lvperty known as Milton. 1085 11 to 20 containinga quarter of a.i acre, havingan " Alice Thorndyke," A, be sold fronts the main Go12,640sfeet Box Pailings biock !n.\v to 17 to v 3 6xj, George-street. The "412 end of street, King frontage extensive to Great 820 Yellow Deals,12x4,11x3,9x3,and 7x3. Z..;;\IVSllillliiud vernment ro.id. through the Tokonmririro Weatherboards,4 pieces in bundle. The position of the above valuableFreehold Proand situated tiirc-tlv opposite the Town lv pairs 10 feetCart Shafts Terms at Sale. 0896pieces 7x j Weatherboard,featheredge, 9 perty is most choice,being convenient to the North; Plains, (intending from Air. Vanse'a new Reserve,nest' """- Albion Hotel. As soon as landed. to Mausford's and past long Hotel Mr. Store, to 24 feet "end of the City, and the Water of Leith ; open ami Also, well-sheltered, yet sufficiently elevated to command a iroin Mr. Smiths Store at the Bridge, to Terms liberal. The lease (bavin- ..i.trly five years to run) of 16th APRIL, 18G2. WEDNESDAY, Jas. which is also on magnificent view of the City of Duuediu, suburbs, Mr. Martin's House, No reserve. SALE two acres in Anderson's Bay, on which is ~* At 2 o'clock sharp. Salepunctually at 12 o'clock. AT the main road to tin- ( huivh School-house, and surrounding country. erected a substantial an.l comfortable Reserve. and that -valuable Bush occupation of Mr. R. very Towards the West and South-West,the view is dwelling,now in the INVERCARGILL Purchasers of Allotments in the Townshipof Thes.t well-situated Freeholds can be recomvaried and beiiutifi.l, and extend to the K:skorai H. Rutherford. loth APRIL. please meet at A. M'LaiKir'ess will TUIiSI>AV, Moiniugton securing to all devious of homes. Valley, APRIL. mended in the direction of the Green Island ; the properties opportunity The above offer a splendid FRIDAY, 25in Warehouse,Walker-street, to arrange The property is flue and dry; and the situawooded slopes of Brockville. the residence of F. for investment, or to any one anxious to purchase a and Co.'s Deeds. TO SETTLERS AND DEALERS. on the Plains,being" cidedly about their id the best Roy, Oliver,. tion is important locality, leasehold in this Barton, Esq. ; the villas of Messrs. BANK, either for busiSYLVAN the junciion to all the digging?, and m the 5 valuableAllotments, withdrawn at sale,will then Juiior, Shank, Ko'ss. ai;d the iar-fauied ness purposes or private residences. A RARE CHANCE FOR FLOCK-OWNERS. Hepburn, country—as an i..the purchasers. ri-ing part, CiaigieWe. most of the North ami East is the beautiful properties i.s be ottered to former On CO. have received The .-itnation of either of the above ALDER, BLACKLOCK, fc Jackson, ---vistmentent, thispioperty can be highlyrepanoramic of the forest scenery towards the Esq., U. most eligible, being dry, alubrious, and in a popuinstructions trom Alfred JONES will sell,at his Provincial Yards, at two Flagstaff prospect to capitalists. Cargill, lofty suowy commended Mount and the quartei improvingneighborhood. in half and lous and Hill, by publiccompetition, offerfor sale o'clock *hnrp, Fur the mechanic,digger, or laborer, it is spemountain in the distance ; the North-East Valley SATURDAY, 19th APRIL. 18G2. the above valuable Estate, adjoining Twenty-six acre-allotments, head of ewes magnificent Hill, and the adapted, possessing- the advantage of beingSk-rial cially and Road to Port Chalmers, beautifully to and town, adjacent M'Master's laud, Also, Half-bred Alerino aud Leicester meandering lourse of the Water of Leith, til lust in a number of good genuine stores, butchers, FRLEHOLDS. FREEHOLDS. FREEHOLDS. i-lose tomills, situated on the Main Eastern road. SAME TIME AND PLACE. Two pure Ixeii Leicester ewes. flour landscape of Pelichet Bay i; 1:t. On bak-vs, aic, and where buildings are Ths Brewery, as it at pre-ent stands,together with splendid 1>t of sheep will be sold without the woodland The above uaily being" erected. by H. E. NATHAN & CO.will Sell So:tn, the scene is towards the Harbor ami shipST. KILDA. anacre of latnl shall be oifeiedin one lot. this date, if not pieviously disposed of bj the ping ; the wooded liills of the peninsula which sepaTo the Australian who may dread the winter here, reserve on The property is under survey, and shall be open fbi Auction, without anyreserve, contract. ; Twenty-six freehold allotments in the new rates the Harbor of Otago from the Southern'ocean IMPORTANT SALK of some of the remaining it may be well to point out that, these Freeholds are private application on the 14th current, wneu Maps can bt i,i the distai.ee towards the ocean beach maybe seen established and important Township of lots in the Town of St. Kiliia, OceanBench, close to the seen at the Auctioneers' office. FIELDS AND BUSH RESERVE. sailing engaged Clarendon. and half miles from the Dunedin Post COAL steam and vessels in the Australian, one a Terms liberal, at Sale. coasting, and foreign trade, passing to and fro in the Saleto commence at 12 o'clonk. No reserve ! Freeholds ! ! Only 26 sections ! ! ! Office, to ha sold by auction, at Messr3. TO FARMERS AND BUTCHERS. Saleat. 12 o'clock. Scott & Oo.'s,adjoining Messrs. Jones and direction of Fovcanx Straits. Stewart's Island, and 4th April, i-8«:>. Clarendonis now too well and favorably known to It Saturday, No -serve. tin? settlements on the Southern coasts of New Williamson, Princes-street, on require any comment from the auctioneers. JONES has received instructions from W. C. Zealai.d. the 10th April, 1862,at 11 o'clock. _3ud APRIL. Young, Esq.. to sell, at the Provincial Yards, ~WEDNhSDAY, Note.—Clarendonis situated at the head of the TUESDAY. APRIL loth, 1802. This valuable property is now being surveyed in 2 sharp, Wnihola Lake, on the main road to the Tokomairiro on Tuesday, the loth instant, at o'clock, DE CARLE & CO. (having bien relots to suit the convenience of purchasers, ami more SMITH will sell, at his rooms, Stafford and the diggings. THE TOWNSHIFoF GLKNORE. questedby intending purchasers several who suitable sites for private residences cmtlil hardly be 200 head of fat and store cettle, as under— street, on Tuesday the loth April, at 12 Water communication from Clarendon Jetty to were unable to attend the last sale) are instruct- d by To Mining of cheap firewoodiVoin desired,having the advantage niggers. Speculators, Storef\>mrianies. o'clock, the undei'uiehtinned goods, to close con- Dunediu Whurf. year.old at stoics two to auctio.; by Messrs. Scott& Co., to sell their 50 head throe steers. its close proximity to the bush, nnd the ad. litioral keepeis »il Others. signments, and positively without privilege, of pos essing the right to run stock on die Saturday, 19th iust., at 11 o'clock, on VALUAIii,^ Princes-street, LAND. HIGHLY AURIFEROUS 63 head cows SOcases Byass's bottled ale adjacent Hundred, which extends over the rangesto Bear in Mmd—Otago Sale Rooms,Monday, April 14, A few remaining Freehold Allotments in tiie THE WOOLSHIiD. ! 25-disks Roman cement 96 steers and heifers,6 to 12 months old Townshipof St. Kilda, fronting Victoria, the North Taieri and Silver Stream. 1 o'clock precisely. The First Discovkkkd Diggings. 50 hal "-chests Congou, very superior Prince Cutten. And Albert. Edward,Richardson, The GovernmentSchoolof the District is withia H. E. NATHAN & CO.. 160 MOST VALUABLE ALLOTMENTS, i 0 kegs spike nuils worthy, Valpy, Lambert, .lackLark calves. Logic, prime an(l 23 a short distance of the property. Fronting passing Auctioneers. the Main Road the Woolshed, 10 „' U nails sou, Douglas, Cargill,Scott, Chapman, Mills, fronting the Tokoniaimo River. 6 cises cfiei'se Jones. Young, Bridgnum, Miller, Hardy, Plans are being prepare!, ami will shortly tie on TUESDAY. Gth MAY, 18J2. Tub Sale to take place on tub Ground. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 14 tons Tjitfuanianflour view at the Rooms of the Auctioneers,MaelajrjjmStewart, Dulgety, Bird, Driver, Caluer, B. MARTIN & (,'O. are instructed by K. Mus2000 wethers, ex Vorligcrn. 3 tous onions Logan, Burns, Given, .Vj. grave, Esq., J De and at Messrs. Giilies and Sureet's.L:i.,d street; by M'Glasha", Carlo, to offerfor sale GItEAT SALE OF FAT auction, damaged CATTLE, 2 tons flour P., JONES is favored with instructions from igeuts and Surveyors, Princes-street. Diiurtlin. Cole,Williamson, and Moreau streets. on Wednesday, the 23rd April, at 12 o'clock, on the 500 bushels Colonialoats. DAIRY COWei, &c. Messrs. Dalgety, Rattray and Co. to s«ll This property is well known as fronting the Ocean ground,at the Woolshed, v. Campbell.& vo., Two thousand healthylarge framedwethers. Beach,and is one of the first freeholdsof great -value Auctioneers. Araluators ie GLENORE, THE TOWNSHIP OF To Farmers,Graziers,Dairymen, Cattle Dealers, ever Logic, offeredto the inhabitants of tins Province. .and can They have been inspected by Mr. TUESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1562. WITHOUT RESERVE, anil Oihers. There is an Hotel now being erected on the ground, at Swamp. be the White nearly seen Consistingof 100 Allotments of one quarter TUESDAY, 22nd APlilL. to sell, at his rooms, TirM. SMITH is instructed and the proprietors are having the road leading from Terms Liberal. of anacre each of fine rich land. TV R. RANKIN % CO.. have been fa- Anderson's Bay Roa 1made,thus tendering it perfect Stafford-street,on Tuesday the 15th April, at S. JONES. Note. —TheBlock now to be sold extends from the T> CAMPBELL anil CO. have tmiv.tl instrucvored wiih instructions from Alinn M'Master, easy of access. Immediate .possession will be given, 12o'clock,to close consignments jLv. tioiis from Mr. John Duncan, to M-11,by E?q., of Wtiitubauk, Saildlcs hii), to sell l>y aucioii, the Title Deeds only £1 11s. 6d. each, from Waterwheels to beyond Mr. Oosgrove's store, am. IiUIiSK iiAZAAIt. 3 CASES CLOTHING & HABERDASHERY, at their yard.*, A .oli'm on the ground oa Tuesday the 22nd iifct. at ne;ir M'MilGuTsSaddle-hillHotel, un Messrs. Kenyon and Kawlins, and the Title one within four miles of an excellent ;Bush, with a firatrate dray road to it i.l Tuesday, 6th May. 180:2, Consisting of— o'clock. JONES begs to inform Dealers and the public remove from the Crown. Itis also well known thaJ the yield of gold in this The Lease for 14 years of SuburbanSectionNt>. 10Fat Builucks generally, that i litre are Luncheon Provided. Fancy tweed and Clarendonsuits made the fortunesof some of the old residents, 5 Sprinfrera E 8 "2,now being subdivided into '28 allotments,having Plans of the Property atthe Rooms of the Auctioneer. spot L> A IL V 6AL only experienceddiggers Moleskin trowsers for to and it remains now 5 First-Class<"Ws, springing n-onta<res of '2o feet to a street, bViiijr a continuation Bedfordcord trowsers avail themselves of the present opportunity. 5 Cows,with Calvesat foot of Great Kincr i-tiwt, and alnio-t on the bank*of the Shepherd pkid suits STOCK, HOUSES general The is that the menat work at the report Water of Leith, and the entrance to the sequestered Also THURSDAY. 17th APRIL. French merino At his Bazaar, Provincial Hotel. present time on the river-bed at the opposite side are and rural retirement of tlie most beautiful suburb of 1Durham Bull VI o'clock. Muslin collars Commence at. per per from £20 to week man. Or il making the city—the North East V:.i!.y. Likewisa VERY VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR only as homesteads to £25. intendingresident diggers, this, C A R I< I A G V. X li P Ob 1 T O BTf Jionuet ribbons To intcndinjr purchasers of villas or country re50 Head of Cattle THE BUSINESS MEN OF-THE PROVINCE. opportunity-can be recommended. Vancy NOW OPEN sidences the situation of the Above lois present* many Particulars of which will be given in a future adGloves TO STOREKEEPERS AND BUTCHERS. receive consignments of Carriages and Convey- advantages as regards distance, it* neei-sMbi'ity lor i by TO BE SOLD Auction the Ground on vertisement. on ances of'isvery description. Panama and other hats. On the same day will he offeredthe House at preresidents in tin; neighborhood at all hours iif the ctav Thursday, 17th inst., at 12 o'clock,in MacThe whole of the Cattle are direct from the hands [ UNEQUALLED ACCOMMODATION. sent in the occupation of Mr. Cosgrove, consisting oi lo and frmn the city by public conveyances;its laggan-street, adjoiningthe Arcade. of the breeder. Positively without reserve. S. JONES. Stock-yard, with Ganien,&c. l. sixnoms, beauliful woodland scenery and quiet retimueut, Saleat 12 o'clock. submitted for part property This latter of the to be beiuyr in n well sheltered and healthy position, nnderTTIDWARi) DE CARLE & CO.are instructed by Term- liberal, declared at sale. ON SALE AT S. JONES' to persons anxious iiiir it one of the most choice lor-alities for a miburbaa JLj Messrs. Alcorn, Bros., to sell by auction on the sale offersan unusual opportunity general High APRIL 15. business. It is good supstreet, TUESDAY, a stand for a Provincial Sale Rooms, residence nround the Ci'yof Dunedin. EXCHANGE SALE ROOMS. Maelag<?nii-street, nearly adjoining the for !ground, the posed that there are at the preseut time about 500 OASESGeneva,VH, anchor brand Ph.ns of tlie property can Le obtained at the rooms following Arcade, allotments: steadily and profitably employedon the spot. showinp the uuiuK-r and positiou jf tl.e ;iuuiioi;eer.s, Burnett's Old Tom UNRESERVED SALE BY AUCTION. TO LET ON BUILDING LEASE, Lot 1.—23 feet frontage to Maelaggan-streetby a ersons Cigars, in bond Plans will be issued in a few days. Manilla <if eaoli allotnici t. Full viiluatjou alluwed for jJI imdepth, running along Dawson-stree.t, anil Whybrow's expiration To close various Consignments. No Deserve. 2 dozen the oi'leaee. provements Viueuar, cases at OITES FOR FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS rii.ht of way at rear, opposite Abheyieix Terms -Half cash ; balance by bills at 6 months. Thi.i's assorted Bottled Fruit, 2 dozen cases Luncheon Provided. of 75 feet (a first rate comer). House, by will & CO. Sell Auction, PATERSON PREMISES. Lot 2.- 23 feet to Maclaggan-street, by a depth Ont)ie Groundat 12 o'clock. DAi'OF SALK FIXED FOR THURSDAY. on Tuesday next, at 1heir-rooms,Manse-street, of 75 feet, with right of way at rear. 17in APRIL. 15ih April, without anyreserve, NO PREMIUM. Port \\ me, (three diamonds), 1 do*, casci V. CAMPBELL and CO., frontage of 20 feet to Dawson-stroet. Lot 3. — A Sherry 4 tons Tasmania!! flour Auctioneers,Valuator.-,Land and Estate iments. with a depth, to a right of way 10 feet, of (Chicqtiot's brand) 5 tons Victorian do. THE BROCKVILLE ESTATE, Champaane MODERATE RENTAL. 80 feet, and also right of wayat rear Two and a-half miles from the Post office, on the 1000 bushels Irish oats D.R.C. Butter, in cloth TOWN PROPERT v. Lots 4, 5, 6, have each a frontage to DawsonHalf-way Bush Road. 800 bushels Tiismanian do. Pints Porter ami Ale EDWARD CASPER & CO. depth of SOfeet, and street, of 20 feet with jams, assorted colonial Plans now in course of preparation. j 50 cases First class ilotd for Sale. at right of rear. way BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY '■> 10 case3Seidlitzpowders EXCHANGE SALE> ROOM AND AUCTION TO- BOOT AND SiIOEMAKERS, k CO. have for disposal by priThesituation of these properties, it must be patent 10 tons potatoes MART. AUCTION, on Monday, 17th inst., in , vate contract as first-ebssHotel situate ivthe SADDLEISS, ice. most desirable. to all. is sections from 2 tons onions city, CASPER & CO., now doing a lar^e business. main street of the The lease is for more than 12 years, at a merely 10 TO 50 ACRES EACH. GRANT P. FARQUHAR, 10boxes tobacco,10's. AUCTIONEERS, Premises are extensive, consisting of eiyhU-ea nominal ground rental,and the lots will be offeredat a Auctioneers iV:el great pleasure in bringing this Leather nnd Grindery .importer, Princus-st.,Duuedin, The 4 hhds. tobacco,sheepwash The tap-zoom, Commission Mukchants. Land, House, and bonus, with liberal anil three large pubiic bed-rooms, bar, given. t<T/us Estatij beforethe public. It is wall known to be the (Next the lower-'oiner of Walker-street, 20 boxes tobacco pipes' estatk agents, with every appliance rooms, out offices, together The instructions are positive to sell to the behest most delightful localityround or about Dunedin,coni10 dozen long-handled Bhovek and nearly opposite Police Barracks), Inform Merchants, Importers, and Wholesale bidder. for carrying on a lar^e, incitasinjf, ■.ml convenience commenced hu fries.*as abore,desires to maudiigthe most magnificent views,completely»hel50 dozen tent lii.es Buyers, that, till the completion of their prelucrative business. draw attention to his carefully seiecteil stock and 100 picks erected building in Plans of the Property atthe Rooms of the Auctioneer. tpred ith bush, and a plentifulsupplyof pure water, Further particuiai'6. and every information, to be mises,they will occupythe newly h is hardly necessary to say that several thousands of of leather,grindery, &c, and trusts by careful aiHigh street, fnviiur the Rat-tray street jetty. if>® 6ru') noeE had of the Auctioneers. 2 casks chain E. C. and Co. make advances on bills lading, & CO. having- commenced business as i;oumls have been expended on the property by the teiition. mid strictly moderate charges, to receive R. CAMPBELL & CO. late proprietor, and tiie greatorportion has been under "hare of publicfavors. Auctioneers, arc prepared to enter into ar4 «isks beef pay import and other charges, and hjtd poods accordM:iil:i!;yaii--<n-ct. Cou-try order.- will receive prompt despatch. ing- to irrangement,s-o as to ensure the obtaining full rangements with Irnpotrer , Merchants, Tradesmen, rop. Plans and further information can be obtained 4 casks mutton. 'mi BUILIJiNG >i i lis the Auctioneers shops, the wharf, or t And, market value. ix., to sell goods at warehouses, R. B, MARTIN & CO. VT K. R. I. D O S S 1 T' T To be leased for 1+ years. A variety of other merchandise. Advances are also made on all tanpiWe securities wherever their service's arc required. placed with E. C. and Co.for realisation. No reserve. Terms cash. 11. KnoxS Co. intend to devotetheir whole at.NoTloii. AND COMMISSION AGENT, AUCTIONEER Larjre parcels ot first class Merchandise always on tention to the legitimateAuction Bnsiness. THURSDAY, 7Ji Al'lt!L. rrUIE SALE of the BROCKVILLE ESTATE Desires to intimate that he has opened for private safe & Offices,Manse-s'rect. PATERSON CO, hand TAS. LARGE AND EXTENSIVE I'RIiMISES, Goodsstored without charpe for two weeks. -HELL & (TO. hnvo r. c<-iv<i in<triict:"iis IS FIXED FOE On the E. C. and Co.will lie happy to place their services fmni Mr. Alexander M Keuzii-, to h-jLst- (or- a AKB MAIN neriod of 14 yiiirs, tiveive n'iottui'iils.ot' Laml, c'ibp in eifrctinjr Sales,either by TO AUCTIONEERS. ROAD, WETHERSTON'S. THURSDAY, APRIL 17th. Isetujr PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE CONTRACT, & CO. will make arrangements for He is prepared to Buy or Sell on Commission,ant. to their auction rooms, in Maela-.:vnii-stre4t, AUTHORISED BY GOVERNMENT at our on next. the] ready Tuesday Plans will be office disposal selling-at At the of those desirous to sell Auction Rooms, isa'.e" Yards, to make CashAdvances ou Goodsstored for jjOMtivt situated at the intersi-ctiuii of Cark. Uumaii. v il Ciinoi;{rate-.strrets. MARTIN CO. Wharf, Merchandise,Timber, Furniture, Laud, or or elsewhere. R. H. & SELL Houses, naJe. "^r^-fv*1 TO Ship?. The Innsfsof thp sevral lots will be sold fi-r the Offices,Manse-street. R. T. DOSSITT, '-I Nu'lltili. penod, subjpi-t to the yea-ly rental that rlu-y VICTORIAN AUCTION ROO MS, above UIIJJF&ICE, S .P..0..JR T I N (F, TOWNSHIP of briiijr at auction,or pnrcl:a-ur mayhave tbei)|>SALES mflE SALE of the MILTON, EXCHANGE THE Main may Road, THE ROOM. PROVINCE. TO PERSONS LEAVING Wetherstok's. ■■',/?■: I will be held on the ground, at Tokomairiro,on tion of buyiiisr the- 14 ye:ir»' lease without anypound & CO are prepared to sell Furniture AND rent heitijr required 100 TONS SUGAR. TUESDAY, APRIL 22sv. TO HOTEL KEEPERS, &c, &c.' at private Residences. j TJi« position of this ]>iprp nf land ismostconvriiient Man-se-sfreer. BLASTING fur :i''(«meti cir the \\mkiv<r ela-si-s,Uinjr rfus- to CASPER & CO. are instructed to Offices, 170 FREEHOLD ALLOTMENTS, BILLIARD j TABLES. Coktract, TC"y centre of the city, uiibout heini>-surn>i:nde<l he by sell Private No Reserve. & O(). have on sale. TFIUKf P [O W D E R i I TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS.opposite !iy i ther weliiuu-- ;;n aii airy healtiiv I'.-ea'ity. couiOne Hundred Tons Sugar, SUI'KIJIOU HILI.IAUD TABI.KS descriptions. and TTICTORIAN AUCTION MART, ■i'ndi: jrf-om its i-'evatei' piritimi a fi>:evie\v o rhtqualities ready Assorted Plans are now and can be obtained at <ur with all uccessai-y ftttiti^rs completr. r city >o'J pi'iiu!i]in! t'-omiu- five-, iviili a'tinuinuj; oi luni-s Office, Princes-street, Dun-jdin.—h. | Thetrade and wholesale buyers are invited to an V CARLE Auction Hoonis. Mac)aguuu-st., prepared to receive "3ice. & ar« now water runningtliiMiijih tlie (■i-ouud. prices pure from fixed there is DE CO. inspection, Dm), as little early IIdoubt ot the whole parcel being soon cleared. :Jith Jiuiuiu-y, ltitii. Ji. B. MAItTIN & CO. ( Tc:m»liberal, declared at tiuie of sale. A FEW COLT'S REVOLVERS oa Good* for Sale, THURSDAY. 17th APRIL. THIS DAY, SALE BY AUCTION. MX. THIS DAY. MONDAY, 14th APRIL, At 12 j'olook sharp. TiIURjSDAY. APiilL 1802. . 7tu THE BItOCKVILI/E FST VTE, Half-way lush and Kaikorn. Tho Property of J. Borion, ivq. AM'LANDRESS . J. R RB. . : -- ' ' MESSRS. MR. * AM'LANDRESS . > instrun-■ " ' < . " MR. - IeC°memtBUVERS , " . MESSRS. , —: RB. . AM'LANDRESS . . _____________" S. EDWARD " 1> ■ MESSRS :— „„ S. . reserve:— „„ . TO MESSRS. - F> „„ C WM. ■ MESSRS. MESSRS. M JDAXIFJjS MESSRS. AM'LANDRESS . S. -. S. „ I — ANd'oTHER ~ RED JAS. ~ WILL EDWARD ' ■ „ ROAMPIiKLL ■ HAVING . HKNOX * r " ■ . MI ECA . HKNOX !l — . HKNOX : . EDWARD RCMI'BKU. "■■"■.- ■ " " jijtacvk r PArr 4T f , /riM i^. AntrL 14,, LB6il, \^ ' lV . .----.= Government No ice. - Government Wdfices.' n eirfirr"S) lismS?" B'i recto n). . LLT, SI.I), with dwellinpattachid. P. Law T 0 W N; S 11.1. i rilO XJT A I II OLA S E I. L 1 N G IiKVKKLY, Wntuiiiiiiikcr, .IcwolO F 1". X KIS.NCK, Xl 111. liotlSC,iicil Hill. Hi; FOLLOWING LIST IS I'UHL'^ULD lOK bIMKAI IMUUMMION AND AM \y ICI Ll JJ\ HI U-r. \i\. l*r"i:«-f.—«n-««'l.. Uum-lin. HIM, i iJJ.CTiON AGAnNST ANY Ai'VL CAM' Oil Til Holbl ALLOTRALK OF. GOVERNMENT LAND I.IiAVINC TUB CUI.UM. K\Hl> liV TIIK MAGISXKATKS M. till, ANiNU \L LU ,\M\u lI I iIiSG 'lv HI. HLLD Spl.-ndid Piirm for Sale o MENTS IN OF WAIIIoLA v.iv uU" y\ uuicauii:, V nuuin, 10, 181.2. THE COURT HuUSJi, DUiN'EDIN, ON TUIibUAY, Al'iUL ToLet. .1. UouwKTV Ujl ten Cross Hotel. "\. Jll'^iU.l'-u, i-ul Merchant;, Fumily-Grocer and Com* IjlOiUA4> OALCUTI, rPO Watchmakers,Jewellers, Storekeepers, rii.. iT Wjiiholu Towns'iip.of A Rale of Allotments in tlie of Princes Agent, Iligli-st.rcutn.nd Mission corucr the liiav. Clkrk io tuk BiiN«u. p-lit .L wiUbeheld ntthe S 'HOOI-HOUSK, WAIIK^LA, ■rTio LET, S.roorusin a healthy sitttation In town. ■tieet, Dunedin. "53 30 c Pcifitiv:Iv tli<; !■'>' f« ot Sale on TUESDAY, tha 29th APIIIL, at p'cloclt. by JJoily JL letter to Timcs-oto.ee. TUhSi).\Y, APRIL 15lh. Apply XYZ; loclgal A pplioati.ins for PnMicana" Licenses for tho ywtr 1802-3,Jit the Officeof the The Township of Wnihol.i is sit-iinted on tlie Lake " ~r~GRIFFIN, Ilair/Drqsscr, Wig Maker, ~~ '■ The sale will commence at hnlf-pfisr 10 o'doel i.jsfc of fcreors wl.-o hate,Duuedin. of the same name, about eight miles above the Tuieri I'ASsOVJiIT! To bu decided Tues.iay, April Jo, ISU2. ""^ V_7« -^ Clerk to the liench. OrnamentalITnir Manufacturer,Arcndc, Ferry, and on Uiemain route tnllic poliifielil andtr THE J EWrSH COMM UNITY, Dunudiuami woiiTH"op (formerly ol'lhe Strand,London.) £5000 the southern district.s,the Governmentroad to which X Mrs. M. Marks will accommodate dining tin. J X W E L L E tt V, NAME OF PLACE WHKKE SITUATE. pavs-es NAME OF HOUSE. through the town. NAMIiS OF APPLICANT. l'assover Week a limited number of geutlomei S. DOUGLAS, 'Accouutaut;:md Now selling at Tho approach to it by tin; ''lYieri River is beim: wilh biard. Commission Aycut, No. 2, Mcrcor's BnilJIB. JUNKS', COMMERCIAL HOTEL, cleared of obstructions,ami vci-y shortly vessels of a IIATTHAV Sl'Elilil, NEXT SUAMROOK lIOTEIi. '" 20!> 34c ( Private liODin, Up Stairs,; iiitr-s. -_J CommercialHotel Ili.ich street, Dunedin hundred tons will be able to come from the seaboar SlinilraßliX It. Jones BY Ptt I VA T X CO N T MC.T, Provincial Hotel Staflbrd-Btreet,do. to alongside the Jetty already erected in the town 'MO BE LET OR SOLD, a BARGAIN, tha, pOACH KACTOKY, Shailraeii K . It. Jones Stafford of— Consi.it .%; iiifr Stafl'ord-btrett,do. thus saving thirty miks of land carriage from Dun A. spluniiidstore, situate in SU~otrcet," lately Frederick .Martin DuncdinGold and Silver English patent lever. Watche llattray-street, do. Crown Hotel edin. A regular* steamer already runs up the river .■■the occupation, of it. Wilson & Co. Terms easj \J Daniel Whit,; MILLEII BROTHKRS. Proprietors. An a-sortim nt oi >>top Watches,with centr. Princes-street, do. s Arms from Dunedin. metalled road v about beiiif, ApplyP. Lawrence, Kent House, Bell hill. Queen John McNeill A M'couds,by tlie lieft makers Criterion Hotel Princes-street,do. finished to tin' Tokomairiro River. There is ai: Henry Keynolds BUILDING ESTABLISHMENT, St. pOAUH Colonialand" Euulish (ioiii Guards and Albcr Rattraystieet, ; do. Daniel iMurphy ShamrockHotel abundance of bush hind in the neighborhood. TO LET. Andrew's-strect,Duncdin. Smith, Huicuens Chains, of the finest pattern Kd.iilnirgh CastleHotel Maps can be procuredof Mr. Livingstone,Stationer "rUYO OFFICES, Commercial Chambers,abovi 0 Caversham John William Feger 1 Co., Coach.Builders and Wheelwrights. A splendid n-sortnirnt of Diamoiul Rinjrs, "D'u: do. jMuir Moir's Hotel Dunedin ; and of.the Police Station, Taieri Ferry. Andrew ilanse-sti'eet, Co.'sSale Four ltobme> X Daniels is Jiooms, a lso, aiii Jileevlings, iiiuiul Pins, Dinmoild Siuds, Royal Ueor^e Hotel George-street, do. William Towers "ouse, five minutes walk from Post Office. J. & lt piOMMERCIAL JIOTEL> otliei's ot Coionialii ake Mauliiggun-street, do. Australasia;. Hotel A 1hurt tirifilths Kj (Late Cluiplin's,) Princes-street. OLYN EU X T OWNS II IP. ■>aira, Eui 1/immmdJNeckiaccs, maf-nifici'iit.Bracelets, Kattray-street, do. llobin liood Hotel James 11. Uood wifji HOME, WEATIIERLY & CO, precious stones, ring-s, Urooohes set. Walker-street., do. Ko\al Hotel William Watson LET, Shops and Ollicesin the New Building Prbpriotore GOVERNMENT SALE OF ALLOTMENTS IK Opera and power ill Haee Glasses —Appi. X " Union Hotel Stalford-street,do. corner of Staffordami Princes-streets. Crowhurst THE TOWNSHIP OF MOLYNEUX. I'eiicil Cases, 'IWhpieks, Charms, Locketf. George MEDICAL CARD. O«t«!jon Hotel Cornerof Princes-street k Octagon i,o (JOBH & (Jo. William .MelluLsli Keepeis and Wedding Hings, ACIIK ALLOTMENTS. ;} George-street, York Motel do. WORItAL and THOMAS,-duly qualified John llall Goldunii Silverriiiulf lloxes Upset price £12 10s, Traveller s Rest Hotel Caversham LET.—Brcadalbaue House,West Taieri. Po> and Registered Medical Practitioners,may ho John (ioodall Ana Jfweilerv of every description, toonumeiiui Maclaggan -street, do. Shake.-])eare Hotel session can he given, "ilith March. Apply t. ■onsultcd daily, at their Dispensary, No. 35, Areae.,.. Tho/uasBrooks Smith to niriition, every iirtieie of which is guaran Hotel do. township of Molyneux \V. Poi.i.ock, Uutcher, Princes-street,Diiuediu. United States Walkerstmet, A sale of allotments in the AI. ses ArehilialU Lee teeil lo be of the finest([iiality Jloray-])lace, do. will be held at the Waverley Hotel E. PLUM ME R, Thomas JJireh GreatKing street, do. Albion Hotel ci.utila pkruv, to Let in the best part of Princes-streei JHMIST AND DRUGGIST John Henry Koding An parly inspection by the Ladies mid Gentlemen Princes-street, Tiiujwday, May, of Wales Hotel do. On of GILLIES STREET Trinces-street. lVince Ist aue.ir^e Davis ' this cistiiet i> n^peclfiiiiy >olieit<(l. Octagon, Princes-Street. CaledonianHotel Walker and Hope street, do. At 12 o'clock. William Christie Open fioiu 1(1 o'clock a.m.. till 9 p.m Princes-street, do. Glasgow Arms John Crawford T>> in Robertson k LET, ffmcni, by private ilptel Madaggan Entrance to the bale Hoom the door of tli> Thomas Hudson The townshipof Molyneux, lately established,bidsstreet, do. Scanuansivian Apph pi & .T. JI'KAY, Ui)holstcroi-s and Cnliinefc Co.'s, now building Manso-strect. Prinoes-stivet, do. hotel! Exchange Hotel fair to become one of tlie principal seaport town?-, CO WIHGIIT, Thomas Little ■T. M.-ikrrs. Hnttrav-sfciTot.DimHin. 15.% RoBKRTSON & Co. ]Maelajrgan--treet, do. N. SOLOMON, PHOi-itircoi!, Hotel it is situate on the mouth of the Molyneux,iiume Jlelboun.e Simon Jioss Late of Uonrke-street, Melbourne iviatrlyinside the Bar, so that ships can come up t. Newmarket Hotel Princes and Hope-street, do. I DAXIKLS & CO.. .Auctioneers, V.-iluMomf.ird Wilkes FOR LEASE OR SALE, o Agents, Princes Arcade Hotel it after passing through. A Jetty for landinggoods A FIRST-RATE STORE, containing John MeCubbin Arcade,Dunedin two aparl atois,and GeneralCommission MOUSE, Moniy-'place and Georga-stroet Waverley llotcl M A XCH KSTEI! is about to' lie erected, and steamers and vessel*Jr\. Juents, each 28 x 3(5, within three minuter ■treet. John Mufi'etChisholm Abbeyieix Aiaclaggan uuedin. iloihe .'treet of 150 tons will be able to closi l'linees-strcet, I come George Cox Dawsou .ialk of Post-oflice, and in clo.se proximity to Rattray Tailor, braper, and Outfitter, High and Mausc-street alongside. A Custom House has been estabAleibourue Club Hotel Jetty. Apply Pkrkiks and Co., Prince? TOIIN SWTTZEK, AVholesale and Retail CharlotteDawsou Leather and Grindery Warehouse,Princesnow sellinsr oil' the whole of his cxlensiv Gold Diners' Kest GrreenIsland Ewen MeCoil lished, and the Molyneux town has been declaieii treet. Tppt, Munpilin. greatly prices; Hawkesbury reduced cod Hawkesbiiry Anns SIJWMEH STOCK at a port of entry. The navigationof the river is easy Joseph Ueal lun East Taieri to within sisting of— get up Steamers can access of the Springbauk Alexander Callemler easy LAND TO LET. ICNOX & CO., Ueuerai Coiuuiisaioa Hawkesbury Black frock coats older gold fields, ancLalso to the newly reported gold SamuelWoolley CAMPBELL & CO. are instructed to let fo. Agents and GoldBuyers, p workings at the junction oftheTuapeka River with Ditto sac and over ditto a term o years. Broadway, Wetherstones. Pilot, and drab ditto Molyneux. Large supplies ligiiite the of coal or are Land with frontage to Great King-street, of 13 in this Office. LEVIEN & CO., CommissionMerchants, The above List of Applicants are here entered in -strict rotation from the date of filing Tweed and reversible ditto obtainable in the neighborhood of the river, and tin reet with a depth of 165 feet, at a moderate annua TllOJlAb CAiiOUll, Bridge-street, Nelson. &c. and tweed trowser* Auctioneers, immediately contiguous Governmentcoal field is Black,doe, rental Clerk to the Bench. Ne}>otia.ions are pending for placing a steamer 0.. Mi dford cord ditto k TRUMAN'S SampleRoom. Open from TO LET, fiJ VKE Pantaloons and breeches Resident Magistrates' Office, the river, and in time a large amount of goods foi 9 till 5. O VALUABLE BUILDING ALLOTMole and cotton cord trowsers. the diggings will doubtless be forwarded by thi.Dunedin,April 5, )Bu"2. UNDlill-CLuTHING. ruute. MFNT-, each fronting Walker-street,82 fee * Crimean W. B. AHMSON, Architect nn-l Purveyor, ON CROWN LANDS.— Dalgety, TIMBER of 50 Rat\/TR. persons requiring MapLivingstone's, by depth and flannel shirts anil drawers sta "" inches a feet, near be obtained at Mr. /~IKOWN LANDS.—Notice—All Jri RESOLUTION OF THE WASTE LAND tioner, can Piiuces-atrt^et,nrar the Cutting-. by And a Inriie stock of Hosiery, ice, &c. certificatesof occupation of land purchased on rny, and Co.'s Enquire Ben Smith, Architect. Considering the Ferry. Stafford-street; the Police Station, Clutha Princes-street.. BOARD. "Ust 1862.—" receipts paymi'iit of March, produce lIATs?. their hem, must AND MUM FORD, Brokers, otVawing very and the smalquantity limited timber, >|i|>lyiiur tor such certificates. W. H. Cuttkn. Black silk deerstalkers Shipping1, Custom House,Land and passenger of tliH bushes scattered over the province, it is SALE AT TUAPEKA OF CROWN LANDS 'liief Commissioner.Waste Laud Board Ortici-, nesis TO MARKET GARDENERS. flush, felt, and Garibaldi's,cablings tree's ■|th CuinmercialCliambers,Priuces-street,opquirkly Jigutits, being not desirable to nl ow of the timber Fancy, black cloth, and navy caps March, I«U2. IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE LET—The best market garden in the neigl. >osite (ioveruiueiit Offices. consumed. The exceptions are in the Taniuku and Baliii'orals, Ike, &o. DIGGINGS. horhood of Dunedin,with or without paildock oj Hushes, where the bushe* are very exBOOTSAND SHOES. period'for West Const. & MUKKAY, Importers ot and, if necessary, oight cottage also. acres, LANDS.—NOTICE.—The rate piIIOWN that the smaller oi tensive, Resolved,therefore, Wellin^rtous and half ditto Apply the receipt of applications far the purchase ot licenses, to (irant P. Farquhar, Prince- *.».« Drapery, Miiclaggan-street, opj)ositc Al»beyviz., £5 per horse power be only applicable to BLOCKS IV. & V., lIILLEND DISTRICT. "treet, for terms Spring sides,lace ups <'ix House. buikling Blocks next door to lower corner oi jv. and v. Hillend District, iiral land in and W. I-I. new Co;ist (red the Tuiituku West Bushes." Biuehei'S,Anieriean pen of 125 LOTS of SUBURBAN and AGRI- Walker-street. altered'from'the 31st instant to Tuesday, ChiefCoinmissioii'T. And a larjre assortment of women's am ■s hereby 1,1 'CARTHY. BELL-HANGER, LOCKSMITH applica- CuiTliK, CULTURAL LAND, situated on the Banks oi he loth'day of April next, on whii)h day cliildren's boots and shoes. GUNSMITH, MACHINIST, Duiiedin, at the Land tions will bis received Office. ihe Clutha River at hi junction with the Waitalmnti. PIECE of LAND to LKT, Frontng L>X OF THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. WOOLLEN DKAPEHY. Apply to 13okthwick am md at the Coinmis-nonvrsCnnip, J napi/ia. 'Ihe I\,f"EETING on the high road to the Diggings from the South,an;, 8 fret by 00. _T_L Black and colored cloths Proclamation, by John Larkins Cheese GENERAL JOBBING SMITH, given will be on applications which miles Goldfields—ln allotments ol Maciairgan of the street. kins, Painters,kc, ■ecision,on Black and fancy doeskins and heavy t.treed Wednesday, I squire, Superintendentof the Province within 12 DUNEDIN. HIOII-STKEET, the 7t!i day of May next, when the iuciiardson, Otago, New Zealand.—ln pursuance of the power from 7 to 118 acres. Bed! -J and woollen curds,&c. Patent Keys', Trusses,Biand Marks, &c, mad will be put up to Bale by Auction, at the ot and authority vested in me in thatbehalf, I do hereby PORT CHALMERS. : As larye shipments are about to arriveper Eleanor"! Sections Tuapeka. fix and pi-ociairn that the Fifteenth Sessionof the Applications will be received up to TUESDAY LET on most advantageous terras, those twi 0 KIT CHARD & CO., VETEKINAIiY nnd Dounn Anita," the whole must be cleare. '!amp, Forms of applications may be obtained gratis on Provincial Councilvi tiie Province of Otago aforesaid,NEXT, tie loth Ikstakt, at the Camp, Tuapeka. .valuable Sectionssituate in George-street, num L .SHOEING FORGE, liattray-streec. without delay. 'application at the Commissioner'sCamp at Waipoii, shall be holden witliin the Provincial Council Hall, and at the Land Office,Dunedin. oi the Port Town. hejrs pian conclusion. T. C. to assure his frirnrls nm liered 53 and 51 onthe In vVaitahuna, Tuapeku, where maps of the lihook supposing more than one applicatioi< For particulars, apply to iREMOVAL.—THOMAS JOHNSON, Pbintkk the publicthat, iroin his long:experience and practie.T oay be seen,and Duuedin, in the said Province,and shall commence forDay of Sale, anil copies of .the maps may Lie pur- upon same lots, Wednesday, May 7th. lAi and Bookhinuek,removed to Teller's BuildJOHN JONES & CO., knowli'flpc in the Tailoring Depiirtinent, all order WEDNESDAY, the Sixteenthday of April, To Livingston, Stafford-si.rei.-t. Dimeilm, persons ha'-ed of Mr. enable to hid at the sale, it is necessary at o'clock noon and the members of Dunedin. -1 igs, Rattray-street, next door to Huttou's New ; n.uy witli whicli In; he fiivorcdwill receive the strides ,nd Mr. J. Maekay, Gabriel'sGully and Waipori. In 1602, twelve application* at the Diinthey put in LaiulOliice, hereby warned to give their at that workthe said Council .Store. good style, and a and are fit, nature of attention, printi-dform? :onsequence of the misapprehension of the tendance at the said time and place accordingly. edin, or at the Camp,TuapeUa, where TO HOTEL-KEEPERS AND OTHERS. manship. CASSKLL, CustomHouse Agent, he Otap-o Land Regulations by persons lately arobtained. Tin; makingan mo Let, under my hand,and issued under the Public and all particulars can be a Large Thrce-sto-ey BUILDING, with NOTE THE ADDRESS No. 1 FlhUers lane. the province, the public are informed that, in Given application involves no responsibility. The applicant Jl Ce^aring, rived in Otago, Seal of the Province of at this H.OU Dunedin, mow in the course of Erection,suit MAHCIIESTEM SE, the Sectionshi the Twentieth day of applied simpl.s to bid at the Auction of is to the land it up ■rcier not hound tiiKc for; or eighteen sixty Shopshundred and ililu either tor a First-cla-s Hotel two I'riiicop-strcet, Dunedin ; and the March, application they must make it. at AGENTS for WM. Blocks, option taking up bove-mentioned of tin c' ■ituate in Princes-street North—adjoining the OctaSftllTH, Luntlier Superintendent of the entitles him to the two. J. L. 0 RiciiAUDSON, VV UKDEH O V THE WOIIL B, ■m the, loth day of April next. The making an Province of Otago. price should there be no other sipp iciirit, or in oas> gon. O Merchunt, Melbourne. A. M'LANDRESS Arcade implication involves no responsibility, and the applithere is it enables him to iiM at the auction for the see VND CO., opposite Dalgcty, liattray, and Co. particulars apply to further For applieii any smt is not obliged to take up of the laud will be paid at the Treasury on tion or sections for which he pus in an application, S. CORBETT, the second day after the same a.c received at from which he would be otherwise excluded. SINCLAIR AND HISLOI\ for, unless he becomes the purchaser at tin- .Sale Manchester House, TUAPEKA GOLD-FIELDS' md it. is usual to apply for the whole Block, as the the Ofiiceof His Honor the Snperintendant, from Mapsto lie procured atMr. Livingstone's, Stationer. (I.ATK M. SINCLAIR), Princes-street. Gabriel's and ipplicant can only bid for those sections for which the Heads of Departments. Mnekay, Gully, or at Mr. Duiii'iiin, PRINCES -STREET, DUNEDIN. VICTORIA STORES. lie has applied. Blocks iv. and v.. Hillkkd DisWaipoii. SHAWL, WA.NTLE, MILLINTSRY, HARBOUR.—Notice is hereby tiuct, are situate on the north bank of the Clutha A CERTAIN FORTUNE. O Ladies', Children's, and Gentlemen's Outon that parties taking stones from the Harbour DAY OF APPLICATION, TUESDAY NEXT, itiver, are within 12 miles of the Gold-field,andThe it D rapery and General permission Captain from Warehouse. Thomson, the high road to the ditrginss from the Sou'h. teet without a written APRIL 15th. To Chemistsand Druggists. Harbour Master,will be prosecuted a? by law difor Steamersdrawing 4 WETHER STONE'S BRANCH. JluthitKiver is naviiiable M. MELU.ISH. Photographic Artist above BE LET, a Chemist and Druggist's Shop,, ii ■i'\) Fellows' Hall, near the cutting, .vater, to a point above the land now open for appli- rected. Blocks iv. and v., Hillend District, are situateVV the Odd cation. W. H. CUTTKN, Chief Commissioner. the best position in Duuedin, doing a goo friuces-street. LICENSING- MEETING, on t*ie north bank of the Olutha River, are witliii. Waste Land Board Office, OAMARU. —Notice is hereby given, that the 12 miles of the GoldField, and on the high road to justness. Kent moderate. Stockand fixtures, &,c.. 27th 1562. River it at valuation. M'LICLLAND, Auctioneer, ic, dig-rings Granting "WINTER STOCK. March, for Publicans' t!ie from the South. The Clutlia meeting WINTER STOCK. iDuncdin, annual ofJustices, Kotk.~The whole of the purchase money must be Licenses for the ensuing year, will be lielil at the navigablefnrsteainersdrawing i feet water, toii poini For particulars apply to Estate, and Commission Agent, No. 2, [paid at tlie time of Sale. Mercer's Buildings. Police office,in Oamarn, on TUESDAY, the 15th oi abn'e the. land now open fjr application. W. H LUKE & TRUMAN, ~ House Agents, April, 186:2,at 11 o'clock in the forenoon,at which OQTTEN, ChiefOoininisioner. [CAR D.I Waste Lai-d Board Office, Manse-street. "VTINERS AND OTHERS will be supplied with /-GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS.—The Govern- time and place .applications for Publicity's Licenses Rattray-street, Dimedin; MooraWATTS, 1802. applications will lie taken into consideration. All Dunedin, 27th March, VJT ment does not in any case bind itselt to accept must bool-sii-eet,Gcclonjr; and Market-street, be drawn up i;i proper form and be lodged at Note. —Ths whole of the purchase moneymust be EXCHANGE SALES-ROOM. Melbourne: Auctioneer anil General Commission SPIRITS, BEER, GROCERIES i'iy tender. The ret-jiective tenders must contain the fcii WINES, is Officeon or beforethe first Tuesday in April. paid at the time of Sale, by post, Agent. uiitress which will find the tenderer T. W. PARKER, CASPER & CO.have to Let on Short and must be written on foolscap paper, in a plain^lePROVISIONS, SLOPS, l!e.si<!ent Magistrate. yEULETT AND BOLSART,Registry Offices ible hand, and lodged in the Superinteudend'ss Office, Lca.«e, X and Labor Mart, next Victoria Butchers' Coinundersigne REWARD.—The days meutioneu on cr before the ■VTOTICE, £100 i>uneriin, wautea lor buiiuing a A TEN-ROOMED HOUSE, IRONMONGERY, TOOLS, TIMBER, &c, Teiiuers Staftord-street. jany, to t .n;ieby Roadj j.\ persoi and oilers a reward of any .clow. AH plans, kc, in connection with stable at Tokomairiro Police Station, to be either producing the person or £100 giving authentic in iVell fitted-up, and within ten minutes' walk of tlir "iridges, will be seen at the Road Oflice, and those lodged on Friday, the 18th inst. Copies At Carriage' Advance on plan of the Hattray-street Jetty. Viscount Guill DR. CRAWFORD, I'aget O'Grady, at otliee of Public brmatiou ot more Buildings, the uUaing to Public Royal Navy, specification fur the same may be seen at the .vho ariived in th colciiy of Vittjiiii in 1857,a;.i Rent very low ; in-coming only ,£IOO. Subokon Dunediii and if they are to be seen at any and DUNEDIN WHOLESALE PRICES. ;ui!dings. l'ulice Station. Tokomairiro, and al»o at the officevi .ias Surgeon H.M. Flag-slup stookriding, bullock-driving, in an T^ORMERLY employed in the advertisement. been place, thiT it will be notified BARGAIN" £50. SEVEN YEARS' LEASE. Jt? Raleigh ; tenSenior Buildings. Dunedin. Public years' practical experience in the m splittingin various parts of N.S. Wales,and from tender after flic fONTHACTOI f* withdrawinir asamp SALE, a Three-roomed Cottage, Weather- Jolonyof Victoria. ilie hist day of vinrivinir the will not be "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Block HI liable intbnuation, has latelyarrived in Otago fron null lj board and American Duck, near to Albion Hotel. N.S. Wales. Viscount Diggings, iurrangong Moeraki Distiiet, and Blocks VI and VII Guii 4S?"Residence—Criterion Hotel. illoiveil toteiini'i' forany Government"work, durinsr 1M \V AITAIIUXA BRANCH succeeded to his title, aud i >reat King street. Apply to Mr. Wuigiit, Store■he six months' immediately following such .with- oainaru District, have been withdrawn from Sale. liinore has but recently as ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS. Patrick or Pat Grady, .eeper, GreatKing-street. W. H. CUTTEN, uhereforebetter known Irawal. In addition to the above will (irst arrival in Vie ChiefCommissioner. lame he'has assumed since his i!y order, John Logan, Clerk to Superintendent. POEPEL & TOX WAR D GRAZING PADDOCKS. Waste Land Board iffire, -oria. ST. JOHN BRANIGAN, Commissione City Surveyors' Office, SELL A GUARANTEED ARTICLE April 3 18IJ2. )AA ACHES-at- the Kaikorai, Green Island. Duneilin. ■it' i'olice. TENDERS will T»e received at this acres of Ploucrhiiij. per "UU 3-. lid. week. bO Princes Street. In Wines, Spirits and Beer officeup to the 21st inst., for the supply oi No. 403.—The riglit to occupythe countn (i let. Apply to i.oOObushels of Provincial or Tasmanian Oats liaw witiiiu Kirn No. 403, Hawkdun Ranges, wi- I NOTICE. ATBIN & BARNIER. EDWIN JONES, BY THE SINGLE BOTTLE. included,delivered as jier sample in such quantities be put up toauction between the applicants on Friday. A LL persons indebted to the firm of 11. Wilson ."> JEWELLER AND DEALER :is maybe required (hiriiifr the period ending Ist day iht 2511i inst., at 12 o'clock noun. Co. and 11. Jones & Co. are requested to pa. in Mathematical, Optical, and .Philosophical FREEHOLDS. W. H. CUTTEN, f t-eptcmber next. Tendera to state the price per Mr. Robert Wilson, Stafford-street ChiefCommissioner. ,:ieir accounts todays SALE, or to LET for a term of years, Instruments, Inis-hel of 3,000 bushels delivered at the Central froui the date hereof,to obviat. ..ulii.i fourteen newly built COTTAGE,containing six rooms Waste Land Bowl Office, as also the price per DUNEDIN. CI-A RE N DON BItA X C 11. Police Station. Tokomairiro pvoceeiliners. quarter-acre,in a retired situation. „ .eitiil tli April delivered Uunediu. JOHN IBU3. !iishel of 500 bushels at Dunedin, 3, All claims against the firm must be rendered witlui Also,two Double Cottages near Knox's Church, "WETHERSTONEU WHOLESALE LO.GAN,Clerk to Superintendent. Sign Whiter, House and "VTOTH.'E to Miners, Gabriel's Mining District lie same period, or they will not be recognised. ill be ready shortly. Superi. tendent's Office, ROBERT WILSON. _L\ ruby given that the names of t'hi —Notice is h P»r Sale,several Freehold Cottages and land. COAOU April STORES AND FORWARDING AGENCY. 1862. 8, a.HENIIY JONES. duly persons Duuediu, submitted to me i dowiug have been For Sale and Lease,sections in Port Chalmers, PAINTER, andidates for the lliuing Board of the above dis Dnnedin,April 9, 1802. [nvercargill, &c, choice Rural Land, North anu 1 Decorator and Paperhanger. The River Bar being in course of Removal, given trict. South. Apply to THEME C>UKT.—NOTICE is hereby McMasters Savage Job James THOS. tin; at Wharf. eesREDMAYNE, sitting Supreme Cargoes the of the Courtfor Tkn Steamerswill laud their tliiit a NOTICE. La cakd.] J(>hn E. Harvey Jolin Farrell Castle-street. holdeu at the will be the JAMES GILLON', Auctioneer, and ;>;itchof I rimimil BusinessThursday, OF PARTNERSHIP. Mclntyre Cole DISSOLUTION Chappie Campbell John Colin -V)U clay TONS Blh of STOKAIiK IOR ''ourt House,Dmiediu,on GeneralCommission A{;ent, Morey-place. P. (,>. Caplis Thomas White E Partnership hitherto subsisting between th( ■"'.ay next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon and that a undersigned, carrying on busines together in Co George Brodie Denis Doyle AND TO LKT on BUILDING LEASE. fitting for the despatch of Civil Business will be MERCIIA N D I £ X Livery Stable o SYDNIiY JAMES' City Robert Ciarke John Rose as General streets in the Monday,'the partnership following 19th Merchants, \U in the holdeii at the said Court Ho\iseon the (Late ofMelbourne,) James Randall Gascoine keepers and Carriers, in 'Stafford-street,Dunediu,1 (UNKDIN:— "ay of May next, at 10 o'clock in forenoon,at EDWARD mutual consent. by Dowling-street day CROKER, this dissolved recognizances George-street LIVERY, BAIT, AND COMMISSION STABLES A-hick Uim» and pla*.e all persons under Returning Olllcer. Rattray-street and by the firm of R. Wilson & Co. Stuart-street or witnesses, All debts due to as appear prosecutors, cO defendants, Maclaggan-street. D. U N E D I N:— Manor Place Tuapeka, and ilenrv Junes & Co. will be received and paid b. Filleul-street are lequited to give their attendance. ROliT. Saddle and Harness Horses for Hire. sth April, 18G2. Stafford-street Uobeit I*oll. St. Andrew-street Registrar. JHAI'iUAN, Chief Office, Stafford-street. ROBERT WILSON. Walker-street Hanover-street To MINERS n Uabriei's Mining DisSupreme Court Office, [A Card.] HENRY JONES. The Otagon Moray Place trict.—Notice is hereby given, that, in accordPUBLICANS, given for mi iluneuiu, iOth April, 18(52. 11. Dunedin. Valuation MINERS, STOREKEEPERS, Witness—R. Leabv, Account, erm of 14 Lease, years. R. T. DOSSETT & CO., ance with the Bth Cause of a Proclamation by llts to Henry Jones continues carry on thi irovt'ineiits. Auctioneers, 'Stock and the Superintendent of Otago, dated tin; slh N.B.—Mr. AND OTHERS, D. J. NAPIER, Applyto DO NED IN.—Wanted Straw and Honor dayof March, 1862,and in consequence of the nomi- same business as when in co-partnership, StaffordGENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Princes-street. Chall'. Apply immediately to the Hospital nations gully, for seats in the Mining Hoard of the above .(street, Jiunedin. wkathekstone's Requiring: any Special Goods,can do so through thio "Keeper. 1862. TUAPBKA. District, exercding tin; nu'iibi-rof Members requir. d Dunedin, oth April, Office or the Branches. FOR SALE OR LEASE, said Board,a Poll will take piare on Thurson the I fCOMMODAT'ON HOUSE FOR POPO day, the 24th day of April, lfG2, at the Commercial Milton Accommodation House,Tokomairiro. A CARD. NO I-'XTKA CHARGE FOR FORWARDING. intention of the Go- Hoiel, Junction Gabriel's Gaily, the poll to com- FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! FURNITURE proprietor, wishing to dispose of the above TUNA.—Itabeituf the AND MIJMFORD beg most or lease,does herewith by of 30 Acres of Groundfor sale grant premises, to Lease at in ihe and lo close at the Albion Hotel. either King-street, eniineut mence nine o'clock forenoon, Groat near respectfully to inform Mercliants,ftorekeepin a profif/ //. MO SUM, ProjrrtHi-i :,ne four o'clock in "the afternoon of the same day. ive notice to anyparty wishing to invest erection of an ACCOMMODATION HOUSE, at i>e and others,that they have & CO. beg to inform the inhabitants oi .hle business,that the above house and stables, with eis, vJaptains of vessels, "opotu a, Oiitiie great South Road,Tenders will Kdwakd Ckokuk, Returuintr Officer, Tuap-ka. Valley ana JJuneuiu generally, business as Brokers,Shipping, anil Genethe North-east is commenced Supcrinten disposed His "Honor tbe to be of on acre <>f laud attached, u-eived at tho ilfnre of B'h April, 1380. me Agents, have uouiiuunceu business as Manufacturer. ral Commission and hope that by attenihoy apply S)Ui liiat to the untiay terms. For particulars EX lIANOK SALES-ROOM. ■ea*onable ;nt. Dunediii, on or beforeFRIDAY, the c on to business to merit a share of public support. r'sL.u Importers of ail kinds of Household Furniture. dersigned. fXUIE Conti-actorswho Tendered for the following'"' from parties willing to erect said House. ii ivlav, i.SH'2, bj oppusite GoSous' P ianos. Commercial Chambers, Princes-street, and DUNCAN CIIISHOLM. JL Works are reiinesteJ to call immediatelyat thel:| SoleAgents for Bmdwood Repaired. f'A>PBH k CO. have for en.l. A g'»od Stali.efur at least S Horses mu. t a.so vernment Offices. | Pianos Tuned and Tokomairiro,Ist March, 1862. A .--IX-i'.UOilliD COiTAGE. "reeled. A Wan of the whole to accompanythe I'rovi.icial l'.ngiueei's' Uftice,Dunediu. :} inile.s and S chains of Road f.om Muialliiig about CIoc to Ji-tty. Stimrt-sirri't iirine. £300. D-uiiedin to Taieii I'erry. Tender to state how much Ground Rent will be OTAGO PROPERTY INVESTMENT Lost, Found, &c. Metiiliing' aiiout one mile of the Roid from Taifi EXCHANGE SALE ROOMS. COMPANY. .ALKXANDEIt CUM aI I N tf, must l.c paid for the LiFerry to Clutlia Ferry. 8 April. ISG2. usual License Fee The prepare for the hist biilanee. Members are reStafpord-stp.eet, one Lease will be for Spirits. iiise to S.-11 The year, quested to be clear on the. Hooks, not late: UTA G O To Persons in search of £5 REWARD. for S:ileInvoices of— .ut will be renewed from yrar to year, if the House than the Meeting to be held onTUESEAY, the iiuii as from Tuapelta, Brown Gelding. Brand PREMISES. Slops. Blankets s conducted to the satisfaction of the Government, April, 1562. BUSINESS not J like M or \V near shoulder, wart on side of GOVKRNM E N T J Hosierv,'Hubci-flashery aspects chart's and otherwise. If the Lea*e i« T7IDWARD & CO. Lave several CASPER face. Applyat Bank's Store, Gabriel's Gully; or, the suiicFlannels and LKapery in great variety enewed,however, the property erectedatwith Messrs. M'Cull and Campbell, Green Island. vuluatuin. Boots and Shoas T O W N LAND SALES. JONES & CO, ion of the Governmentwiii be taken twoamonUisaf and WAREHOUSES SHOPS ci Pharmaceutical and Dispensing Chemist, Ames' lull" handled round point shovels he buildin" must be erected within LET ON LEASE. TO miut tender, pounds acceptance fifty of the and Hunt's D handled do., do. ,ie COHMi11 OF MaNSH-STKKHT, £1 REWARD. guarauieo for the ful(Next to Cobb's Booking Offices), Ironmongery of all kinds "a lodged with the tender as a from Hanover Koad,a Green Ground Parrot, or Kakapa. Whoever will bring the bird iiment of the riiipiseuicnt WAIH OLA TOWNSHIP. KM the publicof Dunediu that they hay. Conveyances. opened their new Establishment with a Stocko to the office of tins paper shall receive the above 3 BURTON ALE, New Brew. Just landed AND MEASURES, Unstamped AT the Wnihola School-House,ou Tuesday,!liv; must genuine JJrugs and Chemicals, and trus reward. on Saleat ur stores. Liyht, found in the possession .of or to receive a sliai-e o lengthened experience TO GOLD from tlnir OF FARES THE TICKLE & CO., REDUCTION person on "and after Monday, 14th April, 1802 public patronage. o'clock. FIELDS. on the vbnd near to Wailiola Lake, some Stiifford street. mv Jie I'erson havingthe same will be prosecuted as bj the -29th instant, at 12 i'bysieians' prescriptions nccurate'y prepared. and after MONDAY, April 14th, the faresby Nores and a Gold Receipt Whosoever can provided. J iiiES Mills, inspector Stuiloal promptly law orders executed. Royal Mail Coacheswill be '■ 'rientily the same can have them by pnyinjrexpenses. Country MOLYNKUX TOWNSHIP. Coi.b and Co.'s UltOSh"- treet. Duiiß'iin. LANLMNU.ex " SOUTiIEUN " Apply Nonpakkii/Boakdiug House, Dunedin. Uest Baltic lied Deals,'J x a FLfRNITUUE. Gabriel'sGully (Tuapeka) £3 Os. Od. At the Clutha Pony, on Thdhsday, the Ist day Uecloug Lime Waitahuna 2 10s. Od. Sheet, Lead. i\ lit. to i lb. OAMAKU TO WAITAIU.—TENSALE, a quantity of veiy superior FurniDecember27th,1861,from theJuncj turp, ciinsistinjrof— Tokomairiro 1 lOs. Od. U. UuUiillTON, tion of Gabriel's Gully, a small Chestnut Horse, DLRS will bo rectivtd on or before Fn-.av f May next, at 12 o'clock noon. Elepant iarye-sizeQ iron bedsteads And way Stationsin proportion. ; rUinjj 4 years,with tetherfope, branded J nearrump, StaiVonl-streel.. ih April, for the construction of a poniou ut the between ItibbleLoi> tables,horse-hair srated chnhs POhT CHALMERS. Coaches leave the officeat half-past 5 o'clock am. small white star on forehead,been staked fn near sortliem Tnnik HvuA,BXtemiins (Jamaru. Clnsts ilrnwei's,dining tab.es,paiias-es, dressing iaily. To the Aiolyueuxevery Monday, Wednesday,i fore leg, was last seen in Wi therstone's Gully. A XX DON*AANITA. Siieciiicareet i>ml tii« Town hounuury, tables day Friday, on 12th of f Lauding, a have sup; ly of first class BOOT:- "oils :it Police Station, Oumaru, anu Roaii Oiuce, Monday, At Port Chalmers, the and at 8.30 a.m. Fare, 15s. remard of £t> will be paid to any person delivering and an American parlorstove E. T. FOLEY, ---from the home uuiiuiry, including Ladies' am ■une- ;iiiLarffe iron safe,gentleman rhe above horse at the CommercialHotel, Junction : relinquisliinir houseThe of a Hiding Spurs. property Agent. Bo with Hoxes and at its, May next, lientlemen-i' 12 o'clock noon. liabriel's Gully. ■' ':■, ;i '. ■■ ;r keeping, welfwiTihy the ntteutioii of par ie-i furnishThe aii.jvi- goo;s warranted by the »übscribi-r, V .■..--'}UULIC BUH.DiNO Dr.PAKTMENT.—Notice LUST. lieM ijiXPKESS AND CONCORD been selected fmm the having tiie above j-uppied ing, T. V. ADAAi. all articles Ui> tlmt OAMAUU. L is lif'iiliy Saturday afternoon, in Maime-street,a PortmrikiTSof Victoria; ulsi>,a weighingnmuiiiue,weijjh- lU Family Cam,Gigs, Doj; Carts, Wiiitechapel Uctii.uo., ai.d Oeorge ttreei- iis ili-piiitini-iit■'■iven, mn>t l)i- ili-livcicil in viliiie (if ;■ mdnnaie,:containing Silver and two re■ipiing Caits, Harness,&c, on sale at some' At Oamaui. on Wbpkesdat, the 2dth day ofnnur 11 cwt. the;above to Jas. Pater« ceipts. 1 Anyone delivesiins; CM! -FIN!' .^nTrr, st J!r B. Sn itb, An.""netl order ircmi the ilepnrfinent, ami liiiit whin r~* I MILLER BROTHERS, WM. SMITH, KijuUitiuxu , "counts mv rendered lor .-ucli, theseltioJJ. (re:, Cuiun;urda!Oluiu.b.rs,lJnu^esrStri.et. s on and rewarded. suitably Co. will be Staflbrd-street. -'■Coach. Builders/ Stattbrd-street, Dunediu Alsj next, at 12 o'clock noon. iniust beattuclied to.tljeui. 7th March, hiatea on afUe. „ '' \ ; MercLan_Le. 3 i'uhlit1 ' „ \\ILL \li'LUiCli JIOKOMAUIIHO.— THIi/rWYN rp,o . \/T '' " _ ■CAUD.-^J. JUNCTION^ rpo ~ DRS. OFFICKS OFFICES < - t " MEitIFIELD TO — l/E'CALLUM ELIGIBLE Ai . " ' TW SALE " TO . - RG. ■ ACCOUNTS ; _ OTAGO give:.,l TO ANNUAL WILLIAM ,W . ' \ EDWARD BUILDEKri.— ■ : ■ ' : SEALKD RUN STI x\. . : NOTICE i r\- HAS ; TH . FKRULL . . f TFIE WEIGHTS ROADS.— JUST -" ' MERIFIELD " TO INFO ; ; "" ON KOW J3 " lOSf a. LOST . ' ' . Mil. f I ■ ■ NO. ._ . ■ ; : ■FOB, JM'CORMACK, . HOSPITAL, ■ , ' . ; EDWAKD ______ ' JAAtKd J. R. ' O \ " SASVF-G O Str«.e~ ; rO TCORUE'IT, . ' p F.)R FOUND, .. .. . ... ... . ■STRAYED, " WAGGONs! , ON. .. ■ . ■ OTAGO 4 : ■ <» L'tJa-'edTn" . JKA.ILY TIMJ^a . - Ar> RtL--' 14», ,Ts? B&* F Alii TItA LI A ■t in ihe light of adiiiinl-terinij the civic been accepted, an.l tiie \vjiik.is,to.tjfi.-.«o«miei4eer "►l^ir;<fi<-st;-ci)-iiintn('c;i\i.jUti:ugr.o.i Sattfl-liiyyjUJr^riiuu UN 10 N BAN IC COMPLIMENTARY DINNER AND PR-SENTATION OF "I eliiiH'orrliciiriproveiiic'iit of "private this week. ""mtiVon The Lord Bishop of Christeliureh i at the"Criterion Hotel, at thiee o'cloclfprecisely. branch. ■opertv, luit fur the advantage of the citizen-- to lay the corner stone in Mnv next. On Saturday afternoon,at throe o'clock, the '■omENTERIUiD INWARDS. neraHy.we cmue to a'very different conclu-j The following statejn 'lit slm^vs tlio cn:i litio 1 init.tci! BANK issues Drafts ami Letrers iibovt;' iipiHiinlu I, assembled ar the Criti'W' (FIIOJI OUR O'.V.N COKUKSPOXDEXT.) i 'jnillS [I iti:l—.Mr. Al..X'iu'lt'r Cu'ii'iiiour in the chair. IV hi. \\ ethen^ee tliat ton-sist Brown in making April ]2tli—Nil. Chedit on Loxiu>s, which aie negt'cial I trial before Saui'.-iluy of lI.M. fiaol last :—ll"or Ha- s'tit.. M»*siv».Ti!DiM|i«vi, On Thursday hist a liinurr was given to Sergvantis tjitrc.vr Irbi,a:> liioiigli Agents OrnVARDS. its in Liiitaik and out of-ihe is to, ENTERED way >feet. tantamount JiiirkiT, Watts D rVivl Court, ■lnjur Vj m I f male for trial before ■preine. , Ui-avki:ii,nt tin: G<il<!cil.Age Hotel, Wriltur21? ilos, J. lla.t, S.imi'Shi. i».ck, Coll, Ctmp.'iell, ami Fra«:crificinj; the uholc hody of rsitupavi-r-, -cc-; April 12th—Avenger, 30 tons, Trayte, for Sydney, uid.ou iis varii us Uiaiieims in New Zeat.am>,. lonc's. About fifty gentlemen Mit <lo\vuto dinner— magistrates. 2 males; under sentence to hard labor, an I Dr. CrawCinl, Al.y. (tu tin- nutioii of M dp.ia, New South Wales, Queesslamj, Sou. i .igtliat they in ballast. derive little or no from! benefit Saaip by Campbell, o.i. seconded Mr. the ollicc't jinougst whom we noticed thr; principal storekc. pers .April 12th—Mariposa, 211 tons, Moore,for Guam, Auotbalia, and Ta.-mama. he expenditure. On the other hnr;d »l-ji4O males,-4females; to imprisonment,:*! females: hj onorary Agencies at Tuapeea and Wethekstose's. secretary was dc!egn!cd to Mr. Fn'deri<-I^;:id in ballast, and six steerage passengers. men of Ijinme-tf on Tuiipekft. The dinner itself W asof-}M!SinesS mrtr-be ltaineft'Jil'apprieation a. hough jortes refuses to put his hand in his; jfJobtb'rg;"s'-'"iiiitles; lunatics. .'! males..; received Dick ; and <iv tiie motion of Mr. -Thompson, se'""' Apivill2th—Edward, 74 tons, Dodds,for Guami,'iiv.._g'^Bnnk "'."'. "jocktt nevertheless the citizens'.derive snch (hiring the week,-21 male..?,. High-street. :....■ :. discharged conded by Mr. De Oarl<v' the officeof. Treasurer \Vn ■vns of Clip 'iu6.<t;reclierelw cWirneter,'and"rcfhcUd in. the 4 females?: ballast: ■■■"" ■■'"-■.-..- -ALFRED JACKSON, Jlr Lewis Sanip^on. The secretary ex- .;ront credit on the proprietors of the GoldenAgo, who the making*of a street through during-the week,25 males; total number of pri- deputedatornuirh .QOASTVFISE,. INWARDS. Manager. ■klvantagefrom dciitni of the illuminated tcstinionia .v.d provided it. Itis not too much to that the vhich there is a great deal of thoroughfare, soners inside the gaol on Saturday evening, 75 hibited April 12th—F.A. Garriques, 189 tons, Woodcock, Dunedin,April, 1862. referredto in our report of the preliminary proce (I- aljie was supplied in a style tliiit wouldsay, li.vc done hat they have a right to expect that the funds males,8 females; or 83 in all. from Wellington, with cattle ajid two passengers iusrs. The sumo was affirmed,and ordered to li« nr- iicat credit to a metropolitan hotel. The room w.s tislicallyengross,d. A ibaltof lln- address to Capi c devoted to that purpose. Stockmen,master, agent. BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. To look a littlp closer into the matter, we The resumed proceedings in the Otngo and M'Leau was ihcn read by the lion, seerotaiy, and oi tastefully decorated with cver^retms, bimuei-s,and COASTWISE, OCFWAKPS. appropriate mottoes. Dr. Dr:tke occupied the chair April12th—Surprise, 12 tons, Beveridge, for Blue- Capital, £750,000. Reserve Pond, £218,001, uspect that the principle is altogether faulty SouthlandDebt Arbitration are appo.nted to take the- motion of Mr Thompson, seconded by Mr. Camp It was re.olved that the ticket, ■Hid was abiy supported by Dr. liuriows as Vie..' o ask owners of private property to submit place this forenoon, at eleven o'clock, in theoffice bill, was adopted. skiu, with general cargo. DUNEDIN BRANCH. for tin! fonhroinin-r banquet should not be tiaiisflr- ehairnum. After April 12th—City of Nelson, 60 tons, Hooper, foi RAITS GRANTED, on.the most favorab! o special taxation for general municipal pur- of the Superintendentof the Province. tlie usual loyal toasis had b. en proili'e ismh- to be limited to sixty in nb'e, twi general Lyttclton, with i-arco and 26 passengers. terms, on the numerous Bmnrlies of the Uaiii duly honored, tin; Oh.iirm.inro-u an proThe Body that administers the JVlu- The Garrick Club held a rehearsal at the Pro- of which will be tiie tor tin- Press,'anil numhr-r, the price o posed and I April 12th—Herniiue,250 tons, Berg, for Welling- n New Zealand and Au&tialia ; also on London,ai.s o*es. ticket was fixril at Xl 10s. Tlip inni-tinjitbei, posed tlie to;\st of the evening—that of the health 1" at the various Branches of the National Ban! acinal funds should consider what works vineial Hotel, Stafford street, on. Saturday. All each ton, in ballast. ..>a\able adjourned to Tuesday eveninsr,the loth cuvreir Scrircaiit-iMajor liiacken. Tin- Cliaiiman April 12th—Alpha, 40 tons, Irving, for Chatham if Ireland. ue most required, and feel itself lionnd to appro'to-moiTow). characters for the first havebeen li is iontcniplMed to collect a pur.-< ie wiiuid nut in.uige the meeting with a stated thatplay the Deposits under Islands, i ith general canro. INTEREST is allowed on ns :ive these tb« preference. If it once admit priately'cast, and the members hope to peiform of five hundred sovirciuns lon^siieteli. for CV.ptnin M'Lean, tb- it was clia neteristie of biaveiy tliat it was {jeili-ra.lv April 12th—Yarrow,229 tons, Scott,for Welling On the minimum monthly balance of light it has the to take into consideration same to be presented n't a puhiic currentaccounts ilinui'r, api>i>int<-' acci>iiipniiii-il witii a Miring uiuilesty. that neiiln'r ton, in ballast, with three cabin passengers. 2.J per cei.\ lint ■to ii crowded house at the Princess Theatre, next to he will of Motel, iidxantage placi! ile.-ire<] tliiit accrue owners take at the Criterion on the second nor sought to to be laudi <! in' terms of over3 percent. IMPORTS. On deposits fixedfor three months F ridayilay week. Milisiqucut to that gentleman's arrival in whelming pr;,ise. It was MiiKeient,theiefi.re.that Do. do. six months 4per cent. irivate property from the proposed works, it as April 12th—F. A. Gairiques, from Wellington twelvemonths in-, in the name of the peopleuf Weriierstone s, should Do. do. 5 per cent. much as invites thr encouragement of a sysi'-m To-morrow (Tuesday) is the day appointedf.r Uuncdin. (i5bullocks,2 calves,17 kegs butter, 2 tons hay, i produce hypolht' present totjugt -Miijor Blacken a small tcken of their on wool other Advances maile or f public favoritism. We can understand a licenses at the Court bale; canvas, order. hearing applications lor new admiration of the wai, courage,and fidi-Hly that l.ad COURT, hearing-goe< two RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S ■atod to the Bank. Local Bills, inexorably jt st as long as it a- House. EXPORTS. chai aeteri cd his couiiuct since the Titapik'a go.d field discounted. Agencies of other banks under ody being.\ames, Siitmday, 12th April, 1802. odeal with public mutters. Hut if these be The drama Hubert Macaire has had a run of ha<l iiad the advantage of his pretei.ee. 'ilie cup, April 12th—Cityof Nelson,for Lytfcclton 1 trunl akeu on reasonable terms. (Before Allied CliethnuiStrode,K-q., R.M^.) which is valued at-10 guineas, was then presented to boots. 3 cases axes, 2 doz. fpades, 2 doz. axes, 5 coils narrowed down to a eonsii'erat'im of individual tliree nights of at the Princess Theatre. In this Air. liiacken, and heitij; tilled wiih cliami>agiie was rope. 2 cases blue, 1 case starch, 2 cases n.ustard, ) parties A. DOUGLAS, of utter Dia'KKi^KKSS.Jihc uiideimentioned wei: deny pos-ibility ■laims we the mi.i-ounu the board. After the applaud, which Manager. case sardines,1 c:\se lobsters, 2 chests tea, 1 cas< piece, the part of the terrible Hobcrt Macaire hitn- summarily dealt with lor this oiience: Alexanuei pasted a rtiality. deed, Jt we tlioul.f that if insay *ib ot a moht ti.multuoiiK eliaracti-r, imd subsintd, cigars, 1 case pipes, 1case salad oil. 1 case saltancs. Harry Ist 1862. James William An by Dunedin, March, self was sustained Mr. 'JLVm. Fawcett, who ac- Bruce, Sullivan, Smith, Hvidual interests are to be taken into brey. and '.Thomas Beard,who wire heveially lined Is. Air. Lrackeu ros>e and stated that he felt completely 1 case peppermint, 1 case ginger wine, 1 case lemoi at lhe Town Poard we would in- quitted himself very well as the cruel and des- or, in default, committed to gaol for iS hours. Tl;e :«, a loss how to reply. His line ol life hau been 1 case cloves, 1 case castor oil. syrup, 2 cases vet-tas. BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. rioduce the provision which obtains in Le- perate, but withal nicrcuiial French robber. Ab hist nanitd 3f>pkgs (personal effect-), J. Wood. party had betn aumitted to bail on a per action and nut talking, and he tlwrei'oie hi.peil that Note.—lhe Warren Goddnrddoes not clear out ti'.i and nid not a|pear wheii called. vhe gentlemen present would excuse him from making iishiti\e bodies, and not alow members to 1Jnques Strop, Mr. J. Dunn was richly humorous, Konal recognizance, Reserve Funi>, £218,00i ■Japital, £750,000. Monday. a long si.ecc.-h. He had timplyperformed his duty, vote on questions in which it could but we thought al* times he would have done Shaw v. Turpky.—This ca:^e involved a claim foi and lie had to thank the gentlemen piesent for i>'i: Alpha, for Chatham Islands: 1 case (.rapcry, li adjourned £8 from the preceding day lor the evi10s, AGENCY of the Bank of New South Wale he considered they had an interest, however better to restrain his genius fur tlio ludicrous a dence of one Jo;epb Dumoiit. they had dune him. He never expected that V.ags flour, 23 bags sugar,i) bags salt, 4 boxes soap, j person This was in honor has been opened at WETHERSTON'S fo: emote. A member with a father, mother, little within bounds. He, m fact, rather overdid attendance,and having been duly sworn, stated while discharging his duty to the best of his ability, dmy, 2 cafes brandy, 1 case rum, 1 oise cofiee. 1 thai ..iiepurcljnfeof jolii,receipt of deposits, and graiitin; brother, sister, cousin even to thi- twentieth Co., 1 J. Darweiit and tiiaL his liiiinhle services wotild have been lieie, 1 case tinware. landed Jie to Mr. chairs, bed, lie went\\ ilson'c accomiialt's on the muneicus Bianc-lies of the Bunk in Rev legrce, or a relation by marriage living in the funny jiaits. As Marie, Miss St. Ciair, looked when shippers. moualion hout-.e ; he did not recollect tlii- so magnificently rceogi,i.-ed by the people Austialia, also on the London of lice .my particular street, should not be allowed tiie character to admiration, and in parts acted it (iate ; bat, he went the c by the direction of "Wetherttune's. He was derply grateful aid tSur]>rise, for Blueskin 2 cases ale, 2 do porter, 5 /.ealand andgranted payable at the variousbranuhe: do brandy, 1 cflse port wine, 1do sherry, 1 hag sut'ai Diaits also Tnrpey. When witness went there, Cap- hoped that ho long as he was connected with the o vote on any question affecting that locality we.l, but until she cau cure herselfof an invctc- of Captain 2 tins currants, 2 boxes tea, 0 bags flour, 1 bag tupar, f the National Bai.k of Ireland. uipey promised to pay his board,and he re police, his conduct would merit their appruLaiim. at the most pathetic moment, lain I laughing Signed. it to of rate trick of expo-e absurdity feet o" 5 owl is well the the 4 boxes furniture, MOO timber, chairs, niemberai defendant calling to settle the cost, 01. lie had always strive:; in Victoria, ai.d he woulu do JAMES A. DOUGLAS, by placing it on its broadest she will hardly achieve fame in aughtbut light which occasion a Captain Wilson, and the plaintilf. the same in Utago, to make tiiu force as eltioient as iron. Manager. principle John Taylor, 5i ozs. John Quigly, S dwt. ; Goo. grounds. comedy. The other characters do not call for ChristinaSiiaw, were present. When defendantpa:o possible. He was glad to see &o many A it-toriuns Gillchrist, 15 dwts. ; M. Stephens, 1 oz. 10 dwts. H. Dunedin,Ist March, 1862. him, and to them especially, he had to leuirn Again, a person who lives in a street particular remark. Tlio burlesque of Camarulzu- on that occasion,he distinctly told Captain V\ilson around Jagger, 1 oz. 4 dwts, John'Tnjlor. 44 ozs. Join would not payan\ more. While witness was iiis sincere thanks. On duty, he never cared for, hrougli which there is jjrvat traffic, is sup- uian and Jiadoura has improved at every fresh that he BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Cox, 13 ozs; Peter W. Cooper, 4 ozs. ; William Kouk. he boirowetl a sum of i/5 of the plaintiff: and nor fearedany man, but the prestut r> co,,nition of sick, posed to be paying a proportionately higher 6 ozs. 12 d«ts.; William Lugg, 10 czs.; Thomas To when when Captain Turpey liquidated the account fur, his service*would nerve him to greater eii'urls. He Reserve Fund, £215,00C price or rent for it,, and as a consequence to representation, if we except Saturday night, man, SOozs. Peter Neilsoii, I oz. 15 dwts. ; Thos Capital, £750.060. witness tolcl him of that loan, and Captain ayain thanked the gentleme.i present, and on sitting a very evident lioarscneos prevented Miss 11. Gor- board, 50 TUAPEKA AGENCY. ; Jas. Henderson, ozs. Jas 26 with Wilson repudiated it, asserting- that any account ot uown was repeatedly cheered, 'ihe following toabta proportionately Relatively l'arer, '"c rated the fro., quantity, receipt singing Total 781 the Purchase of of don the numerous with which ozs.; ozs. X Gold, songs McCracken, ofi borrowed uiuucy could not be entertained. When the were then proposed, and coilyresponded to :— " 1rade and issue of drafts on the numerous branches ft ither citizens lie. therefore, pays a fsiir pro- she usually enlivens it. dwts. account for board was settled, witness did not In ar and (Jommeree ;" "The Alining Interests;" ''The April 12—Blue .lacker, White for Mrlbournc. he Bank in New Zealand and Australia. Drafts portion to the Municipal funds When 't Captain Turpey say that he would be responsible Press ;''" The Ladies;" "The Army and Navy:" takes the following: parcels of gold-dust, protiuce <ii !so granted on London,and on the various branches conies to the question of making the street Our gold-field's correspondent mentions a ru- tor everything, or anything, that he might have. The "' The Host," Am. Dui-ing the evening Messrs. Hull 2 f the National Bank of Ireland. 3-; John to at say. province:—Hobert right nuggets VV'aipori. finding this Ball, Tonlon, n which he lives, lie has the* niciir of the of two plaiinitf, ChristinaShaw,was called tliree times,by and'Ai organenlivened the party by stme excellent playSigned, ozs; .""'amnel Croktr, 30 ozs; Richard Tournn, 0/ ■you do not tmkeit for my sake, but for the weighing respectively 1Gozs. and 7 ozs., but we die crier of the Court,but did not respond and the ing on tne h:iii> and violin. JAMES A. DOUGLAS, ozs; James 81amy,42 oz->;Jame- Manailna,23 ozs: Manager. -akeol'the general body of the citizens who have, as yet, received no reliable information re- bench thereupon, dismissed the information witii George Hartell. 10 dwts ; John Williams, 14 ozs costs. r» quire to use it ; 1 should not be called on specting it. tieurpe Jones,3S oz*-; hdmui d Pickett, 11 ozs: Dunedin,Ist March. 1862. Disputed Contract.—Theadjournedcase, from the WAITAHUNA, iO pay more than my ordinary rate, you have Dniis O'Brien, 12 ozs; David Miller, 11 dwts: previous clay, of John Caton ai*dJohn Saliars,plainanMoreau, The Kov. D. Catholic Priest, [Communicated.] PeiTy.4 ozslO dwts ; Thomas Joseph, 30 ozSaniui-1 to single me out and take into no business v. Jas. Wilson, defendant,was resumed. The iv BANK OK NKW ZEALAND. 18 i.wts ; William I-Varn. nounced to his congregation yesterday (Sunday), tins, -10dwt»; James Edwards,1(1 formationwas filed for the recoveryof the -urn of j£-(j Two new rashes occurred a day or two agoup the Incorporated by Act of the CictieralAssembly. Consideration what effect the works which i' 20 (izs; Hugh M'Bean, ozs 12 dwt; A Wainwlio Malouey, money after that Mr. i F. was to have .telling, alleged deposited muss, been on tue is your duty to carrj1 out will have J. a few miles from Waitahuna. They were Capital', £500,000. wrig/bt, 3 ozs; C. ltichards, 12 ozs C. Matters, II of a guarantee, fur a contract which had net River, DUNKDIN KIiANCII of this. Banl "ti my private property; with the well-known among them as a favorite lecturer, uoml.tiun tiithin two miles of one another, close by the Waiozs; W. Townsend,4 ozs 10 riwti; A. Brown, li lor iieeu fulfilled. Mr. Keiivou appeared lor the plaiu- pori-road. They have turned opened was for the transaction ofGeneral B ank and Blue private per P. T. 21 ozs B. 19 ozs 12 dv t^ not with individuals had this Province the Jacket, public, ozs ; Buike, ; Allen, felt out to be nothing; tiifs (I'ortuguese), and Mr. Prendergut>t atJ. P. Hanson, 10 ozs; C Allen, 4 ozs 10 dwts ; AY np Bush.ess on Monday, ,the "2nd December,1801. you have to deal Again, we would ask. Melbourne, on his route home. That he intends, tended to watch the defenceside. The ease hiiu siill, some panics continue working there,and I have lfates of Interest, Discount, and Exchange, am Methven, 1 oz 8 dwts; Daniel Sutherland,0 ozs 1] o what extent should the subdivisions visiting England, Ireland, and Koine, and that he been remanded until to-ciay for the evidence of Mi. been informed by one of them that they are making dwts; A. Louie, 15 dwts; John Alarryatt, 1 oz li eneral terms ot business may be ascertained upoi hi-made ? Ifstreets are to be specially taxei! wiio was now sworn, and stated that the de- wages. There was a jumping between two of llio n application at the Banking Office, liattray-street. finish his studies for the priesthood in France, Uawlins,Uapt. dwts ; John It. Campbell, 5 ozs 15 dwts. fendant, Wilson,caliea lit Messrs. Kenyon ami p;irues, and a sort of a row, but the case was why should not streets be subdivided Win will By order of the Board of Directors, PASSENGER LIST. receiving ordination, will return here iiawlius' otiice on the Ist April, concerning an and alter brou^ t GEORGE M-LEAN, agree should the resident at No. 99 who hus five them uient which was drawn up ; and, on the 3id iuem, before Captain. Baldwin, who very soon settleu. the iFApril 12th—Yarrow, for Wellington —Cabinupon his IVeinds. He called .igain Manager. among thousand people puss his door daily, pay as they called again, and consented to it; subscquenti} matter. Messrs. Speed, Thomas and Moir. Dunedin,23rd Dec, 1801. ii'Uch as the resident of No. 999 who has G,OOOto offer up their prayers to God for his safety at .o agreeing to it, and after it had been read over to i'addy's Point, between Waitahuna and WetherSteamerWestern.—W. H. Reynolds, Esq., Lloydfi ZKALAXD. them. BANK OFiriCW his door and for his return sea, ihem, Wilson said, " iam nt going to sign any do- stoaes tiully, is doing speedy ? among pass Agent at this port, has received a letter from Mr. very well, and the miners seem until tlie full amount of my claim is paid." to be on the increase within The fact is, look at it how we may, the We are in receipt of a small publication, con- cuments Thomas Robertson, master of the ship Eli Whitney, i N A(jENC'Y of this Hank has been esthe hist week. Several dome discussion then ensued as to what sum tiuulil dated from Invercargill, stating that he met the s.s >'\ tnblished at VVaitahuna,under the manage-'" htl|> those who help themselves,'" is only an taining'a collection of lucal parlies making good are by paid, appeared agree Mr. be an-.i as the parties unable lo wages. There are several ment of Mr. Alfred June". written lat,. 28th in 43° songs, long on the March, south, "Western, unhealthy excuse for permitting the discus- Thatcher. tiietnselvts, witness told them that he siiOi.l.l stores ami lluee butchers' shops these. The gold Directors, Although this gentleman's productions among 158° east, with engines broken down. Captaii By order of the Boaro ofGEORGE sion of |.r.Viite inie ests, with wijich the Board lose be obliged tv them, ifti.ey woi.l 1 consult some oilier found there is not fine; it is coarser than the M'LEAN, P.-i«"-tson supplied the Western with a quantity of nothing by the excellent manner in which he professional gentleman Manager. nothing should have to that it' they could agreebe- Waitahu.a. municipal do. The fciscuit. Tiie miners in Nugttty Gully are working all Dunedin. 23rd T)pc. 1801. funds should be exjjinded for the benefit of the renders them, they are in themselves sufficiently tween themselves,he was quite willing to act for t'.rough under the ciruuinstances,he leeuniverysteaui.y, and teem to be inclined 10 stop ; them meritorious to but, interesting shewing following table will be as bear the calm criticism of tin- ,niendeJ generally, greater numfir.-t, The citizens mid the for tae winter. pirties I'renuerg.st, HANK Ol< NKW to Mr. ZEALAND. the see or some they pungent tha extent of the commercial relations and communi ber should reader. and answer larger witty, hiive the consideDroll, olher professional practitioner, iv the case. Tlic A lew days ago, three miners named Henry Rieir AGENCY of thi> Hank has beti cation between Dunedin and the"various New Zealand The principal streets made, the the purpose for which they are intended—amuse- iJeneh,upon this, i.isiiiUaed the case with costs. monci,ljuwiinl ii ninths, and James Busbridge. weat opened at WETII KUSTONE'S, under tin ration Ports. In referenceto the apparently small amouu. making less WoiutKLL v. 'i'uui'EY.—Mr. Kenyon applied for a t;i procure sonic firewoodbetween Nuggetty Unllyand important might ones, of Mr. T. C. Ociiii.tree. the bu ment. The some (lanagement present Auckland and it must bt collectioncontains of Nelson, of tonnage from granted, applicaaew vr.al and the Bench the the upper \vift of the Waiiahuna Kiver, and. in By order of the <1 of Directors. referred to some consideration of relative con- ilr. Thatcher's best efforts since he has made herein, borne in mind that the Intercolonial Company's mai. GEORGE M-LEAN, tion, oi\ierin- t i:i.t execution should be staid. g. inj uu'uugii a deep ravine they founda large thigh tiibution to the rates, supposing their «ther Dunedin the theme of his inspirations. steamers, although starting from Maiiukau and call measuring four feetseven inches and five inches The Court The rose at noon. Bono Manager. ing at all the intermediate ports, are included in tin but the principle streets required equal, claims with,joints at each end. This bone is supround, table as if from Lyttelton, that port being the la t Dunsdin,23d Dec, 18G1. fur the improvement of the town or ior tin songsare all more or less local either to Dunedin posed to belong to one of those great bird*, which re port of clearance. Otngo. or not, ii-e of the citizens generally, should be no.w oxtit.ct, called the Aloa, which was once an inAlidi'iiACX OF SALES BT AUCTION. Table shewing the number and tonnage of vessel habitant of Ivew Icealami. Those men have kinuly permitted tj remain unattended to, because priWe have been requested to draw attention to that have entered the port of Dunedin from ports in THIS DAT. harmed it over to l>r. ."amuels,at Waitalmiia.;imd MINING BOARD ELECTION. New Zealand duringthe quarter endingMarch 81. Wm. Carr Yocno, at his store, Freehold property. vite owners do not choose to pay a share of the the notice in another column, that the consecrawe trust that the Doctor will preserve it.until it w;l! Daily To the Editor of the Otago Times. d. E. Nathan & Co., at the Otago Sale Rooms. cost of the improvements iffjeted to their tion of the Jewish Synagogue, George street, be sent to the Museum—if ever one will1 be (rot v.\ n property. We need not go far for ;m illustra- will take place at 5 p.m., this eveningl, and thai Land Sir, —I notke iu'jour issue today, aleiter signed Dane.in. Tho. c men saythat they will search WHENCE NO. OP VESSELS. TONNAGE subject. As 1was present the remainder of the boiicy, whioh they believe to be A. M'Landress & Co., at their rooms, Cottages and tion to our remarks. Miinse-street, although Observer,"on the .-*bove the Passover service will commence at 6 p.m. Leaseholds. at lie meeting he vr.tes about, 1 certainly think he coveredin the grass. very short, is about as mu.:h used as PrincesPtiiiRBULL Bino & Co., Fancy Goods,Glass, Iron street. writes in a very biassed stylo and an ungenerous attention of the Resident Magistrate Auckland 13 1134 The was As a short out between two opuluus spirit, as 1 hsippen to know all the parties he alludes mon ,c ."y, &c.. ChathamIslands 2 85 parts of the town, the traffic along it is im- on Saturday drawn to the danuei1 to the public, to personally, and wh; are totally incapableofacting i.i 14 Invercargill 1413 A Double Mistake.—The Prussians,seeing the by practice caused the of blast sionu at the mense, and would ng t.it! way lie A'uiild lead tlie p;iblictu ihi;ik. a French advancing in good order, and with a firm LytceJton 17 3917 THE Otago Daily Tims tolerably passable be larger if it were in The facts are these,an impromptu meetingwas countenance, against them, and knuwincrthat St. (Jyr M'anukau 3 342 condition. We believe it is quarries now being worked on the s:de of tl;e cabled the Golden Age, WetherstoiH.-'s, for the 3 2il Mavinont were on their trai^o, and the Young Napier neither fair to ask the owners of property in Bull Hill, next the Beach road. Mr. Kawlins miners atlo consider the bett means to adopt for nom- and Oamaru 21 1187 '.Juard directly in their rear on the road to I'irda, this street to make it, nor even, were it fair to was the first to speak on the subj ct, »nd staled inating Cauuiiate.3 for the Board. 289 Molyseox 13 deeiucn themse yes surrounded and cut off, and saw isk them, should the citizens generally in con- that that morninr, when on his At this tueeti g the worthy (Jhairuiau had a sine- no 52 chance of safety but in cutting their way right Picton 1 way to sequence of their refusal t^ accede to the re- Court, two basts had exploded to the gre;<t peril i c r s the miners could or wuiild not nominate any. through tlio middle of Vandammu's corps, and sore1 06 Poverty Bay A .oui'iausee s e^, and the meeiiug was likely tj gaining theroad to Toplitz, at the point of the Ijayoquest, be to a great extent deprived of the use Stewart's Island 1 45 by. Worship person* of His sail that uoL.p c .o.' wiuit of action. A storekeeper, well known uet. With more reason Vandatnine's men deemed passing Inveniam viam out faciam." "Wellington 25 3938 of the street. had heard a similar complaint made on the on ">hd nei<:,a tersome nmarksasregardedtheobjectoi themselves cut offhand saw no chance of escape but in 1 17 Waikouati The Town Board meets to-day, and there is he meotiu , propos> d a committee being appointed to '"ntting their way up the pass through K'oist's men. previous day. lie thought the workmen might the another subject to whiuh we would de-ire to DUNEDIN,'MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1862. o i.vass i;iie iie'<t an>i bring forward the best men they Tiius the two armie.s. equally dc-perate, and alike Table shewing-the No. and Registered Tonnage of[ , ■ ' a let off iheir at dir.it its: t ntion. Mr. i ich noiul is v ders .>od range to shois a more seasonable oui.ld. This was cirriod. and four miners and two determined to brave all hnzurds rather than surrender, British, Colonial, and Foreign Vessels that liav< entered lhe Port of Dunedin, during the quartei to c preparing an Ordinance, the o'-jtct of h-.iur. Mr. Kenyon thought that a conspicu us storekeepers appointed, and to report at the next were precipitated on each ."t!ier in wil.l confusionin enrlitip' M.i' eh 31.1 ?02 :Although the mere knowledge of abstrac .vhicu is a reconst:u -tion might to warn people when meeano tueir success. the i'russiinsiumuituoutlypouriugdown, put up zition notice be t'li-1raviiif;; of the orguu ti.is iatter me tiug "Observer" mv t have been the French as wilulystriving up. Tiie lieiiie was so irineiples is no guarantee of ihe ability to pur o''tlmti>wn (iovcrntujnt. We would suggest there was danger. In other places there was a z\tnt, and so v.a< I. The Committees report ariMiv, that there was no room to pa.ss each other, them to a practical purpose, still a person whr to the Town li mrU to ask of that gentleman rule that no blasting shoul t be allowed within pies merely stited Iliat th;y had great iiiiculty in a new a.id the hostile columns fairly met, l>re:u-& to breast, .s without a clear notion in the abstract of a definite opinioa as to whether it would not the precincts of a town without the express con-' ii ii, t .s"t. men to djvote their time to public mat knee to knee, each striving with desperate resolution ters, and havingheard t at some five Cimdiuateshad to force the way through tiie othei'. .A ycei:e of that which he takes in hand, is aj>t to be mis- je more conducive to the future well-being sent of the Resident Mag strate or other consti-, bjc.i u.'UiinaLud privatt'y. it would be " partial" for matchle-s Jiorror ensue I i:i the iror_e. SUntin be r:iken when he comes to deal with detail of Dunediu, that an Act of Parliament he to r. commend the., ,/wu ciinJLiates, there being on tl.e two si los, Street explained that there'ti.eji tneeil ;ts rowed banks. 30,606' Board, which is m-ide the object ol .sought for the purpose of erecting it into a tutc'il authority. Mr.that, I'he Town s 6" :" c 1' f,"c alike iive iml ''"(P6"l*'l*' sU"ove ■*> fo!ce *''«"■ .^y ....?... w jo much odium, and the reviling of whicl .-orjxtrate town, no ordinance to effect applying lo Dunid in such case the amended was ■" I>s "-c J?"inim tej.'wudi.. ts would to-i-lo^-iv | tir)Ug|, ench others iluou;-. .'n .he \uimih Kieist * a. however, a las become, one limy almost say, a lavoriti )r<Jin.<nce sliould be discontinued. oil the suggestion of Mr s je;uc f u themselves. Tlis was the whiJe Wl< £,jze by the French, but speedily ,:fcl,vered ; As far as edlil; he, uuusemement in Dunedin, apjiears to v ihe time is concerned, >in A;-t of Parliament Prjinlergast, agreed to communicate with His importof the report, ami fie mootiig showed very jVnnclniame was mode prisoner, and lii.aily retained iitl-° c lUrte'*y in m)t «*wi\in« it, or as I rather fa, icy \,y biie Prussians. Tlicbroken fragments of his ,orce tinenahle to thf foregoing remarks. We can- oould lie obtained as soon as an Ordinance, tlouoi ftupuimemlcnton subject. Honor me the Suneiinteudent on the the subieet ; di, ,:ot, kno.v wiiat a reporspi.r«as; or for factious finally emerge from this militaryeha ,s tlnw W aot help questioning'whether its members ar iiipposing it to lie immediately pissed, iut to receive could Application was made by Mr. Prcudergast to pjsea auuiya few, we c d"tenni edit aw;lY their arms and disperse 1, making the bc.-t of really thoroughly alive to the nature of tin egally.come into operation. We have before sto;elikely —aml "Observer's" about (he j,. ve Resident; Worship Magistrate, his O cry the Way through the woods and over the hihs to on Satur- keepers' candidates. functions they are called on to discharge. In .-xprosed a strong opinion in favor of miking <mvmorning, &c., uirnod the sea c. lhis;cry. PetertwaUV.' .where they found shelter under cover of ;,T,, t,to bail momin.r f.,v ~,1"; I, ,11 »f for rl.n the aumwsioii of ,ithe I consider a the yerie.t ;day bosh aiid bunkuui," .as St; Oyrv c( regarding " t-"to:eoKiW»aiMi3oi2 ? read of But tli<-y arrived in a .sfeite of utter themselves as the repre /"nnedin a corporate town. Our present limits! prisoner Sinclair, who sfci .ds committed to a take there being four miners to t>vo st.irekeepirs on t,.e disor'anizition.—Lives of Lord Cas'lere'igh mid =c!itatives of the ratepayers as a body, tht^ »vill not permit us to enlarge 2 on the subject,' I his trial tlie face<if it, as sil cimrlen Stewart. By hir Archibald it show* thfa!sene.-s on Committee,. an information charging on with Alison, 'ook upon these rather in their individual ■ut we may briefly state the heads of the 2 , him -J3 nareed in (Jouimiltea that these «au-j jyfl/./ jj c.L ,LL D ,~. they .jo miners, i i .1 han in their collective capacity. The mone; ever.il reasons that have induced us to arrive steahngacash-box, the property ofvf Mr. Jefleri.so a> oo'feS3 ea Oi"!cif'— S "■ t- aia .tt(the -" g were elif.'Ur men. „ rv -n ypuna: la<i,s Bkwaish of thk Fire '.—Other be a-^icScuoo from the ratepayers they are exceed' .t the conclusion to the miners to da ibtaintd at tins White Swamp. Tiie Bench deemed ii this as it i wish warn use' lie m..y, i to i ii tl,eir ."niiunnn cpri^- mil not be ,-iii eibv a U"lf in have gone to tiieirrooms a-s giy and uulit-heartcd a* " a. tlieu ugly scrui ulous in spending, but theiiscruplri Firstly—The inability of the Provincial! .1 prudent reiuse the application, by a the defendant 11 Sm".' all tli- h n nw. ««.. nas h-w ne. hc-n n riised i.umii ny > Any wan ~„,, piese.my tn.. observed at tiiia meeting. >°"i nnJ mw.tlv sheepskin, as I 'VV* "esolve themselves into d;-c:iiifu c y tor help. An accident happens**quickly. being the consideration ot join reputed ./Oimcit to the land to be! "in this case of discreditable s';irt J3ay -j p proposed :: : : ►-: :Mcs | ith\i Him cHlnpidafr-d hat etllinK himself -. n rod {.fleets expenditure natu:nl.y he their O will have on th. ii deemed, to the present town, and in the adjoining colony of Vicsoria miner,and who could string f w ~.ntem*su fve.y bed Yon are sfinrtinir before Hie fire, mid li-jid jv at this trnico; vein- you approach it very 5 ndividuiil holders of private propert}', not t(, consequent incpiivenience resulting from two auu i.ver men whom i am ■mrW hein.r he cum& teethe,-, a oUoijicion siKinieinn Ucni~r ..ntPWiinod Liitit tint tic con- iiui«lish to *>.m op 3. z i s> entt-iiaineii ■ would /*lnt/»lv Pvici*rit!v vnn i.uw. i*!iic;i» yotn vntir 11,11111 liiiitil tn m ti'v cio»eiy. ri s-tnt.y \on Jau,':) at him .■" li.\ s l he requirements of the bulk of themtepayeiv oiti.s with indejieiident m private eoiive Si. sss; authorities growing u-,<templates a clandestine retreat from this Pro- utr^fiiu is a trliiss over : : gg. p >Ye must not be under.-tood to convey" lam not intere"te:t in the M nin" iioard 1lection!f 'xP ■'iment with your chime. There rm\ dde by side mid cliim-i-ypi.-ca, flle in it can see the effectot you viuce. furthertlmu bsinc liesirous of sfeing the prosperity tin; i-osp, utent meaning of corrupt dealing, the prnca. or the c.im^ha,which you intend to weaiv Secondly—That Dimedin should be excltiofoiirgoldfieidsexiuiKleifovt'iecei.e.xil benefit,,ana ijn suddeny ice of which we action fonv.ird Hy com] 1 is founded on thw of the iirm sway j -ively they puddleis, I 5 wha not for the few, he you yoierned by the citizens ; and the imsluioesv,or ibsh: ~: ~~: m: to | P the inemhers of the Town Hoard diem th< .■roliabiiity of tn« stf'('' petticoat. :nnd so [in g- the whfile m-i^s <>t oickers. feeling certain that with judicious ia.v» there {l~ht TESTIMONIAL TO CAPTAIN M'LEAN Provincial Council sub"interial wiiicli is nboie it in contact wiih the principle thatshould guide them iii distributing mitting to such athe for dci well. of Provincial A meeting of gentlemen favorable to the presonta. droom reliiiquislnntnt a moment is in a blaze.. The other day t jj,^ nll',fitin<'- I wa< pained to hear I must, say bars. In wedHinp all g the expenditure, and guided by it they an .jtiwer. Sol es tl"'!r Wils a in a certniu country-hoiHe. The tion of a testimonial to Captain was held o.ilv amoti"' the the s!orekeep r-;' |£ S: 221 £: 8 g accordingly. Thirdly—That 'Dunedin should be per last, Friday nightat the Criterion M'Lsa:i, Hole!. whs antajroni.stie to the miners, and they ou h,: n,,t In di -cussing the expenditure ofany monej naneiitly endowed, so as to be *.ueolH «lioe <>v-»y «" indeUt. Alexander Gummingoccupied the chair, and !' h»" '.we"teciio.w. W«-a*lik moie ot n.snviiv, iiowivij, conu.lll»"* the chief consideration seems to be whicl pendent of airy changes thatrendered !" "! n ihe above can only emanate irom the most selfishand? v<ls so'.oniiu^r attend 1 ! may proceedings, present opening' the said that all wtre in *he veni'i-r, asid the youuu:_ ladies went to ij, j ns uvery miner must be aw that -111 at'"l n)W mnl( a. r P private owners of be a property >f would beru-fitei i'roviiiciuli.>s!ii,of the preponderance of country aware of the objects for which the meeting had been every storekeeper's -^ their rooms to for it. Oneof tliem -she was tiW<, up, pivpa-e more o MnO'-WtosnwwSooo succ-ss is b mud or S)at §■ thereby, and they then bring to bear on tin 'litjueiice.'and of the present mendicant sys£-> now to resolve with'his and g« d minirif.;aws are as iinportiint to iessen i.i wliite niu,lin—was stooping down to open and it remained for them conv.-ned; question their lavorite saying "iidp thost tem of sponging -on ratepayers for special ~,....... llCl" >l(ll?V" Pallirllt hr', lIIIU ltlllll>'(iia!ClV ~', l n iiin n< rim tin ,iv«r f luoiltnr tin. fluid "nulu» m« I I lIOX, WIICII tow t h, pojitbt "ay iu ci.<m what kwcl ot testimonial should he made to Captain l.m to who help themselves." A veryjjond sentimeir. i-utes. h h> Her ,^1 hay" r.oui.dc,l horrii.ly in theearsofth,. weddin-j» jo—_j-ijjoo _o c? i-3 no doubt this, but the application is somewha: Konrthlv—That if the Provincial Council Maclean. If any gentleman had any proposition to or u-,1: very -ni'l<t'to it, h,-r tauce, happy deciding he shouldbe to receive hurried but befuro tiwnpht capaJ)!e -Is-wli.to-arc to be as of T1"-.V a-;si ""lit of place. We would admit its relevancy ,»ass a liberal ordinance, it will piobaldy be make, stiti dit Hail ilone its work, and Jlr. Thompson thought the best plan would-be to what is good for the gold-field us the miner. In ll' nimecondlie regar if we could theTown Board in the onsideied ultra pir.g by the General Govern- invite house at r>:joicni!r win a house ut inourui'i^ that Captain M'Lean to a public dinner, and then f act, thrdr stake coinp Is" them t<> inti-rc-st themseh'es of a body oi 1rustees engaged to improve tin ment, and consent be refused to it. Other present him with a purse on the occasion. f or their mutual benefit, and it would reverse the i-'llf- A limit the same time, nnothev youii^-lady was value of private property, but if we Jook upoi; easons be found, and tho^e we hive Mr. Dick seconded this proposition, which was putf uneral order of things m suppose that tliu storekeeper* tavinirinanotlK.-reouutryhouse,audat thee oseot the may n;tir<M it as a public body appointed to the mimicipii .dduced are capa'de -who, 1 opine, nr 7is intelii-eiit-have as niuuh db '"^m"-, of tonsiderabk- ainplifica- and carried. ■"" i °Vi" !i ""'I"" COMMERCIAL. principle as Ob>erver,"should, by a Whe she reajhel at she placed the candle upon the Saturday evening. government ol the town on behalf of the wholi .ii>n. At any rate, the lioard can liave no Mr. Uick then said that, in addition to a pureo of retion and oilet ti.ble, w .ic.iwnsiu the rewsa oi the window, ,ry, havinir n miv niid >" Nt/ The market during the past week has been very body ol the citizens instead of adopting th .alid objection to submitting to Air. Rich- soveieigns he would wish to see Captain M'Lta.i enselessHi..- be dehaned fromf,r hand across the tab:e to close .-1.-etio.i ~f members a Jlini-sr" o .rd. presented with an illuminated address engrossed upon o:o in ''-t/etched out her Her dull indeed. There has been no demand other than for motto just mentioned, we should prefer tha mond the question whether, in sleeve euightfjre^s she ji.eferenee to the most limited parcels for sorting up stocks,and lof The work could be executed for ten guineas, I H'ust the time has p^-ed by for these ciaprap '>« "i.dow-curtain hne plucked at the carpet, intendingto v.r.p the greatest good of the greates; ,v ordinance, he would not recommend the vellum. whilst dealers show no disposition to buy more than and he would su-gest that the design should be cies raised only by pr< fonde.f miners"-as v u/-d i.Uo erself m i. hut it was nailed down, and then she miner knows full value and a<sip application strictly In the of tla-i ■itiztns to apply for an Act of incorporation. of a naval character,a..d that it be submitted eLtiiiic weil the retail parcels, merchants are exceedingly" cautious in number." 1"'1 v.> 'hhe.c tl01"' aud called for help. A geiitieman to a committee for approval, to be hereafterconsti- t unce, inte li-ence and principle of re-p-ctable stoiv- man a,jMi making sales on credit. rinciple its pernicious effect is mo> .liig iwui caiuo at once to her assistance, t;ited. He considered that Captain M'Lean would k eper. in lbrwanUnsr the ])i-o>)ii:rity of th« mineral The Oliver Cromwellhas anived fromLondon, with easily to be comprehended. Brown living ii f.ejud her .mite nd fl.viue.s.1hey were at the a higher value upon such an Lehloom in hi.-famiJi «nyan.l every ..pportunitv. and he 1 ujjhs a full cargo of merchandize,and there have been some out of the way back street, says, 1 wil The works in connection with the New Epis- set out at last, but niovtahnjavy is soon done by tire pretended ''"de these ut disposed ignorant prejudices than he would be to attach to well-ulleu and of several arrivals from Melbourne. It is however quite subscribe twenty any nd she me Bnt is not "opal to cut road Church about i. all done that mignt pounds througl. proceeded purse a are to'oe ut once "Miners' Friends" of gold. looked for that importations during the next four[it if ApologisingU>r this long letter, b_ c done to prevent them. There are two forms ot you will subscribe a like amount. Jonw »vitii. The 'mildin^, which is (o bo erected from Theundermentioned gentlemen were appointed a months will be of a limited character,as but little U, against to used accidents to the person respectfully, recaution I am yours gements revival in trade is looked for until the spring of the jliving in one ofthe streets through which theri he design of Mr. Abbott, \\ ill be a neat Gothic committee to cany out the foiling y <"«■ Tlie fir,t is to ience about this dangerous with regard to getting up the public dinner" raisinJ.U.MotE*, is the greatest thoroughfare, and where lanrl iyear. lement with such barrier* -hull of sufficient dimensions to acconuno- the subst-nptions, a..d other as ren-.er tructure, Sec. to the i ommittec. .it almost Samp" Messrs. Hon. CustomHouse,Dunedin, most valuable, refuses to subscribe a iipossihle tor influnimabSo object to come in cmkict lute 500 adults. It will consist of a uave with son, Dick, Braimigan, Thomson,De Carle, Cnm Dunedin, April 12. I2th April, 1862. towards filling up the ruts that are " secon,! ,s to re ider those objects vn.ch the to h. loiug, Ileynolds, v't1...,; Crawford gold entered to-day amounted to found in Scott, Barker, The quantity of Coll, ==:z—'Ib l" his stieet. In carrying out thii double rouf, divided by a row of pillars, a small Uoleuian,11. Campbell, and Fraser. t. wltlll» its infl,.e.,ee iuc.A. a schoo, i.i MuMtrea. we g-n. iv.iv. ui.lci.ir "J Wbie. 207 OZB. 19 dwta., upon which the duty levied was the.se precautions should be uefine girr principle of helping those who help them chancel, and belfry and tower. The windows of The Commi.teewere allowed to exercise their own g hosts,and one of the you..- ga-sipers, £26 os. Id. ICjunU. 'eoteil.-ji^ tint Year glass, warmly loudly, age difcretion its to whom tiny should admit to future t birteenyeaiN of aud that said selves, Urown gets his stieet cut, whilst thi the chancel are to be filled with sfciined The imports realised,£175 Is. Od. * b efore a'ghost should catch her she would throw A.MiiiruAN WjiisKY.—W'li-ky is now tested given by J. 11. Harris and W. C. Young, Esqrs. membership. street which Jones inhabits is left to looi> De of s y subscription Carle moved that the wh eh c b th' liis'anc- a 'nan can walk after ta-tiug it. T.'ie should h erself out oi the window—on the sill MitralB -g,one of the sons of the ex-Emperor o alter itself. Now, as baween Brown am The church is to be built of Uue stone, with beMr. limited to one fiiiiiieai'oiiatious ew liquor ca-ed T .Mg!-j-leir" is said to heinade of w a-s sitting. The preceptress, who was in tin: loom, Delhi, who cut down Mr. Frnser,the resident, and Jones, we do not deny that Bay Anderson's freestonefor the niullions of the Jlr. wnrninir to make less desk, homjipon, upon proposed apped the first is niosnn amendment t her as a noise, iluted alcohol,ni rie aci ', p'pp'i 1 <n tobi-eo, and afterwardstook an active part in the peneial massathis, to the i-flecl that, there be i,o limiiation. ia>ly. suiiTled by the ill np»el a man ;if a dista.ici; of 100 y inH (ro.n th« to assistance, seeing that he is inclin<.< windows. unfortunate entitled The two east windows are to be built w m-n this of Christians young May, cre a". Delhi, in 1557, has been wo, <anii(l. sy.-teni tipnu. 'Jhe iinieiif!m«nt was and on lut M«-rvciii« terribh' ked oise, jiut put n d emej.ihn, The f'ify of ">'"/// .«, nml Icro.t.i thi: "rrtited in Sciude, and sent to DelHi to stand his ,to his own shoulder to his own wheel. of Hobart Town stone. The tender of Mr The practical business trial. of. the meeting havingf ell or threw herselfout of the window,and received R ocky Mountains tit California. Jiy Richard F. But when we come to look at the question, Greer for the excavating and stonework has closed, the gentlemen present decided upon holuing f atal injuries. B urton, " ■ ' Jnt el licence. ■ " .. . i .. ■ .. ' ~~ : : ' ; A CUP TO SERGT MASJOR BRACKMEN - " ■ **^ D . . :— ... ... : ■ ; 1 . " ; I£U".JAMES 1 con-J , . AN : I ; : ; ■: ; ; ozs; Deposit.l-., FOR ; ozs; : : ; THE : * : . ; AN ; Original Correspondence j... ' ; " the! ■ ; 1 3 . . llslislilll ■ '' . .... "; ft " r: s- " ~. ~. : = .. ~ ._ the!ikfcedents -£9 , , . " , " " # : " . li-fli* c s v " . : mailers " ", iiiteri-sr ? ■ ■ Pnoii^h ■ "^«"«^ d ' ■m ? «t * h f pa "^ .. covercd^vilh a -■ " p bc n . I ■—" f e!.f, S I^,V»OTlf /ci««mo1 t n dw ; . "^^ rn ""* s " > nn-ii b^,"" |^« &£%&Jen %£^«ft. ,111 . , ,^ .1 ;^Jho\"J,>X b»vrl^n»!^eUl^rh^ "« '" men l V !! 4ich itlTto tTw-t.-ai' "*\ * - " T"\ *»! * an-w; * .~ fT ?fn !?*'■ ' , . . ... ... ' , ,, , li?.1; i :. ; £ P v f„. »"£ i.-,r ■ | " , "' — ° JDA£LT : TIM. IS*. OTAO-O Ap«ii,,l4:.l^J««S. - _ 5 whafevcrhe 'mijirtrtlSTe 'road nut much almire housekeeper.* for what tley go'riromnstaiices oblrerrd-herto—rmr for Jamaica. A raent-to the scornful-Saxon,1 ['i-;noili>''J-s lit nn<: >vay. """"" ■i ii iljt-'iv- bi■ i; v in <n-n iijr,--.tlth:-)rr^h-- pfo!ia"!>!e. "If a eons durable population shall through without, murmuring, lint we know what a boats crew of the Imauui, sent to assist in removing l.een liml he wriileu half a century ago. Monkeys (liters ■>"" of partieularh'oneeons;itue:l igril,-slinking >e<»ore i- set'le ihe-e, the bars of their' cujjo, vipers lii.v,ii.g to have to acquire a Hrst- the sick and their bsiiriiage to the hospital tit Port a s'njle show.T v ill «>m im Corn:ii>nn;lriit.) (By our Special stain roniinu'iienti m fear ul inilie.tion it would he day afterwards,:uiiiaf'<'ted an i uartingin a glsiss ease, are not uuplet-.Hiut objects ii-vol'O h n;i,thei iinl tru lers. the q ies:ion ofimporliiiice. patience w.i.hout the aid of atura' lto_ a wereattncke.lafuw the ici .rau> fdiiiiiiiue tiiuty I CDiiLi)ni|>!aliuii; though tho pleayu;e is largely ViOAn si.irci- iin ti.iots ; in::; if w ma i only suffered.metench a- sovliml iif tln:ir.-hi niaUs. in'hehospknl.the yellow o. vII rise into c*ti_;■us<.Mi.Lr Xo. 5 —Taranaki to Aiu:k!:m 1. i'r som M.igula ai -x!en i>e p n;* f"""■■■ uvtir th« existence ot'tne bars and lliu^hi.'S .1 or p :sl.)-.i' i- -lony requires no sm-li sic- 'lil'ieh under tin; -,i cuin.'-t;'. -.■■ es ::5 in n \mw (1 '■ , fever patients inf eWd others who wero ilicio previous peniluiiD upon v kno>v TiirjiniUi th wh .-v nev c nm«t, r, of unde>nat \v!-e.\ ease. Thk pn»gre« Tlie ilydi-ahndlikeiviseseni: Ana iie lurnislios profit as we lus amusement ?el.;rttel inie.vo.irsu.ini' we live already *PJ"i t'ia; il.-wrvu to havo t!i« ii.-iii U-mavsl- thins said v, ,wtluM-i ivaloi'tho loitrus. I'iicoas-.- Hiivin^ i. tlu i-'S ea o to the cum-, and ii ii'W iliiysiii'tr:wni'iisj It is ulwayt v oful, especially in troublous tiaias most f*\nrable au«piec-<. he much retarded h tliat a go'dcnlo iv is I hi- im: bed of or'-jects which their ;.on >r l.h;n i!is art ol'^p aiso iviii ■!;;iii:ifae.tUL'G._. a lioiii'.i cvi'Wwhen; ■)! river an wwe wiie.i iayn by: give too ready Hi: car tj suggestions ot Iho boat's crew uttaoked ripen in a t'uw months, an i which in other eir I I'niluy, when hu come- in 'or hi; Inviikfust, fa ful W'lit to sen, the imi.ro'i-c'Oi! slate of die roadstead, whi.-i av.-it,\iU- clo-e t.' thf «■■>ks t!u wuich sp'-ead amongst tha ship's company,despotic polity, that the English people should ba although afrotding toleraMy g>>d anchorag.. hi; tide in so'iK 1 pi u<:s iirvs »M' them oil iistanvea could only be the growth of tn:my of til--: meritorious iiidu-try he has shown in the fever, northward, coustantiy to mid reuiiv.cied v.-hat manner of varraiu it is ox Subsequent befbroj Iv.she van the field, nmll.o tliialiS i'tis compnvjitivfly a vo'-y which, kiudlylnw.s ami gentle administration have in fine wen!her. is insecure during the preval- the clear sparkling streim bubble up :it years. The writers on fie spot are ofcourse full po'Jiio thing to stay comfovtiiliyat iiome and mind the .-he had readied Halifax the fever had cen>ed to exsuch ;i sudden spring sin..ll crewhnviugbeen ridding ence of westerly winds, which generally #en< rapid rate, and insufficient quantity tosup;>l\ f those anticipations which tin: Imaum's transsucceeded in Ireland. Alimy men quite avci-i'e with him. Itis they tend. Someof the progressof the colony is calculated to sug- h :ii.<t>.as they'nut to in a very' Heavy "sea. vessels consequently havi iht.' eitv of An kland. A capital ro.d connec(; in it. tiirht lh>: baHlf; oi'iife. It is they polled to the Barracontn,which was about to runthe Onohunga with Auckland, di-hint about gest. Dunedin, according: to them, is to he " thu who, (jo through tlie wenr rind ion:1 of bn^t'e and rare, Halifax-, the disease appeared in the latter sMp vci v oltcn to run for it. who of the Great Britain of the South," and 'he mill endure the strain of body Mil i mind, in order: !ay a'ti-r she left Port Royal, but ceased when she[ Till! PITIVCL FATU Of MARGAKIiTIi.\V.CJ.\Y. cap'tal run ahun-' along Mannkau nil which osnnibu^s us, Taranaki to the The from tropics. In tliesa four vessels,con- —Margaret, was a young, beautiful, hiyh-sphked through the in rival of Melbourne—for Sydney is too obscure to thnt the wile mayhave her. nice d;-;;wii!-r-iwmi,and,is t bi'ymiil vlie does not'afford any materials fur description :very hour Tuero.ul pisso*New wife of Archibald Oem, burgess of u-vine, » jnr happy home,and her libera' hon-jekiepiusr. They taining 64ii men, upwards of 100 were ntt.ick.id by woman, Zealand, no <ug<rest a comparison ! not on the best of terms wilu John Dein, hur The coast is kept preUy" well in view all th highly cultivated part o!" 'irp yelJt.v climate which contrast lev-r in t.'w roureo of six wcoks, and o'tliat mid possesses lay spoils Otago a will ilo the roii<rh work, and their in the of an hu-ihamis brother. Indeed,she hail had him and his pis-ur<s cim exceed the beautiful striking hmg employed characteristic in wny, hut it presents im vith the colonies of Nonh Aus'rnlia. [t is cold heir cozycomfoi'tiihleb; loved. We wonder wlipfher! iiumb.T 70 died ; while in other vessels wife beforeI lie Kirk session for slander, and things which border this'road, find th jnuUih for tlie constitution of a N irMi Brit >n. women "urn d. hided by talk like this, and fail to the same latitude, exposed to tiie samenoendemial the coast line huinj; gone-rally marked hy hi.'off quite smooth y with them cvit since. gone had not ense ports, of: leitlykept fencesand hedgerow ail co.np u-. [t will complete those climatic varities which ivrceiyc that here too the men have very much t'e causes, and loucliinar at the same last arrived cliff- and headlan s. Wo at feveroccurred. As there was no yellowfever When,therefore,Tilt; ship, The Graceof God, in evince tint here a k-.al to different kinds of pro vice and industry lir.-st ofit. Man's work is'often a positive plea-lire, yeilow winch John Dein was sailing, sank in sight of land, the Manukau har. that gr at bugbear to lim d Minnn!i>u< farmsteils Hoyal nriii the vessels in the harho'-, it it is a tax on his stronertli and health, is at least either in Port bug n^iet the farmers art- free from the colon <n We have not now to learn that eve\y new co- and drowitig him and all his men, tin; old quarrel was voyagers, but which. Idee many other moretmrcrnble than woman'swork. Thelab' rer lii'fore the Icarus arrived there, Dr. Urvson considers -, lony expan Is the tra le and inci\>a ;s the re- "uch an mo;o Pretty tag Marg'aivt, together with Isoliel ss. and b-afraid of. a' sloveuiin extension of the disease to remembered, t.nj impossible.to exposure viceof ii to wind it. ascribe the potato;: Hold has to hear the beats, is nothing so much to Stewart,a wandering 'spaeman,' was run ions villas are dotted al .114 the roi-i sources of the entire sisterliood, and that any los aid weather and on a cold, misty moaning this is my other cause tlujn the emanation of a special lush and John though, at first sight, the long line offo mini, having the older settlement accused of sunk the vessel by charms and by emigration that are ■Uii-le the from tioLon from of the sick The Commander-: yon lough c to make anyone long for his breakfast, lift the bodies breakers running out north an south, and f.l Iml the impresi.m is conveyed elis.il infiilly denied the in Knjlmd. Tn ■is disrributed over so large a B>irih/:eas :ot to hi on line mornings he has all the pleasures of exorcise in-Chief on the West Indian and North American enchantments. Margaret to end lsobel said she had beginning;' ciiiirgc some distance "!' ""d down ihe coast, r -mind- raveling along a rnul from part inclined to has issued such instructions in referenre felt. For our we are i>i freshair. He has all the amusements of his occu since "ifcverel.v » i" 11 i-hbourhood hivu spaemun a hi! s this the in never seen one somewhat of the'Goodwins 0:1 sqial- volcanic hei1 life- before; but when a cidetH induces n<-w enterprise Ration —and even in tlie humblest occupations there to vessels with yellow feveron hoard, as will remlirj .Stewart clearly and pounktnlliucim'es<it" all tho boiiu cut, as it wo c in rejoice' to sac in the advancement f any new com- are some. Even a cros.sing-swee.per has the pleasure! rhes" isolated epidemics less destructiveand less lik ly charge brought against clay. Alter the stcmu-r's held In.l h cii v leculiar appearance and t— IK-se him. and nho said that the of thinking that he keeps his crossiiifr better than 0 occur in future. "niinity an accession to the gene.al tr.'i'gth. for the eh iel. all was made snug. .«kyli.;ht- t. rraces from the base to the smnni.n wo:i,eu had ;ipplied to him to he taught his manic arts, One question, of course, is very s rious, am! other sweepers, and of speculating on tlie facesof fighting grounds of tlu natives Ojico he had and both modeling closed, the ladies sent In-low, and the heliu-- .vere the that found them these terraces were made b ■vhicli always aris<s in aj^dd country— 'O\v long [ias.sers-by, and of calculating which of them belong ships and figures in clay fjr the destruction of the man I-nh^l to the wheel. Tn.se precaution' olden times', and they THE BULL AND THE FROG. to people who will be foolish enough to payhimextrnTruces an proved that goidfiel.ls on a fe-> as retreutcl. :i tinia will the take to eshiust ? Tlnmen and vi-ssel aforesaid. And as it htgot lirvic.w.) little Maories was qualmishness (From Sntimlny somehow a the ill the whicli tie v Iden cessation of mining would, sif coursf, b- va^uiitly. A crossing-sweeper is much butter offththe! .Stewart had spoken of the wreck beforehe could havi! of us. and many of tl»e sterner sex followed tin till in existence of"the lv..lcs in .iis wife, who is probably contending against The mania for secession is spreading fast. Already known by ordinary means, su>picioit of sorceryfell it by disappointment great the bodies olliiwed and distress cooking burden of a lar.se, unwashed ravenous family nil in a full half ol its territory has been turn from the He example of tbeladies, and sotigiit shelter he- are* w.re kindled for immense qirintitls of We can, up him,and he was taken, and nia le hi-* confession i however, only regard the g dd-dkrger a me room of an Irish lodging-house. Tlie husband mblie that Washington founded; Hungary only Im; illsaid brought it- their prisoners; mid low A few minutes' steamingeith.r be had visited Margaret to help her to t c sides -■'. the pioneer in any country, and the final pros- .ias the open air, aad an absence of smulls,and the .vaits for up opportunity to renounce the rule of| ncr along of all ",epv ihe ui.Vvsoii side shells are found channei, wiil, when n hlaclt dog, breathing lire from his into the mast, depend on tbeset;le! ■JX'iety of tin* public, and the excitement of possible Austria and I'ul.iiul is struggling with tiie strength colony of peers any tbrmed part of the conclave and J.sobei's ns seething diii boiling like a caulilron wliih tIK-'niduntains, which the beleagured warrior- population, console and sustain him. In higher ranks of of desperation to escape from tiie iron graspof Knssia uo*tri!-J,had and ou thecommon source! of wealth iiiek, to mn.-.t mwii jl-ild,a little girl of eight udd.d to this, a black the vieiuit. men find thair work pleasant. Th.' And (io\v we must aid to the list another honored behind us came rushing on immense moun- ad carried up to feed upon. in which Sydney. Morning tie raid, society mi prosperity. as weii. J.soljel.afif.rdenyiugidlandsuudry of tiie man w.r, money ;m>l t'ley they including caves, several 'larder work the more TheNation the editor. newspaper, make, lanifi. tains of water, which every now ami ">f these hills are l^ebiHiary 11. her, tinier torture admitted makingmoneyby hard work is one of the greate t ;unt ibutors,compositors, printers' devils,and what elurges brought against the brnierly used as'native burying grounds 1 the truth. In the night time >he lound means to then thieatened to swt-e"p over us, but ad pleasures on earth. This pleasure is a clear ad-iitin. ever constant readers it may possess, has announced escape curiosity to explore some of them—n prison, of the from her brui-ed anil maimed with I he urged by impetus on the Ind the nothing' vessel, like it fir its intention of seceding from the British Empire. torture she ■>nthe husband's side. There is DOMESTIC ECONOMY. was; but in scrambling: ov r the roof vancing wave, surged gallantly ahead, and u> task which in former d.-ivs would, hive been women. When their work is over for the day, they its grievances, so far as they can be gathered from sliefeil us to the ground, and was so much injured, that danger to asacriiigiou and tin past, prosperous only SaturdayReview.) all dimmer nas are no forwarder ; but a man not lies*ohe brief preliminarymanifest that has bee.i i.-;sued. >he dii'd five ('From fie attended with no little a few days afterward.-. Margaret was then done his work,, but feelsthe glowof fvmsciouswealth, ippear to be twofold—one of them material,theoilier The en- visitor. The cave at the mountains called th Last steamer g.lied into smooth water. lhespaeinan hads.rangied himself, which week,after the Octoroon" was overat theAdel- it is true that he has the care of seeing how his noral. Its malarial grievance consists of the eviolio.. tortured: evidently by some by v marked some ul formed vviii'the thing to the .Mai.ak.ui I'hreeKinus hashed, best he could do, only it wits'a pity he nightlyquarre! trance piii, and Ihe auditmed had lia its little family are to be provided for and that this is a if sundry of itsreaders from their dwellings, for no did not do il before; and poor Margaret was tin; last those detached conical rocks, which are s. volcanic cnvulston, and is of considerable ex .vitli the author because lv would insist that the pro-! .uixletv from which women are comparatively frei other oll'ence but that tliey omitted to conformto the of torture Ihey iit.e.l, said the Lords forcinj; th th white mus ir. the trio. Tin: my rtiigh way t.-acted agonies of a young woman in "Sewwomen attempt to un-lei-stan 1 the nature or ex- purely Saxon custom of paying the rent ou which often to be found on thecoa>t of New Zealand vut. After phantasmagoric le.it of Comini.-sioners, was 'sale and gentle.' Tney put her their husband's income. Someclever women they ha 1 agreed. The moral injuryof wh'ch the Dare affording admirable guides for the m inner in scrub, whi.h covers the entrance. I de.scenle iviu had just pjisoued herself, and a of stocks,and laid on them iivn pair into a background, iegs Indian in tlie t:ibieau of a murderous 10,of course; but then there are clever women who secessionists have to complainis vagiuly indicated by bars, augmenting their weignt one by one, till making the somewhat intricate passage ovei 'or about eight or ten feet to the commencethe onlye.idiag of liis pay o.iat high art wo.iki lo everything, and when, we make general remarks tiie phrase " Saxon scorn." Whether their fue.ing:>j .tlarjaret. which is here about ten fly were unable to bear the pain, cried out to be the bar. Upon one of the most prominent oi ment of the cave,fifteen tjlerate, there came one or the wittiest and wisest "ye must only think of ordinary people. Thehusband .lave been outraged by the laughterof the newspapers) feet in width bavin station, promising' to confe-sthe truth as they wished erected for tin hi"h. and about these is fixed the signal Jtde farcestiiat could possibly Lie seen. It is stigm 'ias this burden on liis mind, and. so f r, he does bear or the jokesof Lord Palnierston,or the counts-outto release.l, to explore th. it. Bit when relca-wd she only ileuied the and the to have entering overpowering the harbor. Tl u candle I is ex proceeded ships plot, drolljry may a in but its direction of uore than his wife does. But then it be re- .'hick the House of Commonshas lent itself when with freshpassion; so they had recourse to of hL-h aye. and found the fiior and the cavities on jediut acting of Mr. Tojid ditl no uior m,njustice t v.irked that, in a lar^e majority of case*, the rea; lieir m'j.-t chen=hed oi-atons-have been speaking, does charges south side of the entrance is weakness skulls and t.it) conception oi' the author. An Irishman co.ne subject of family care is not as to the ultimite fortunesnot particularly appear. It is evident, however,tiie iron bars again. Ater a time pain and barren precipitous elilfs, unrelieved by vegeta either side strewn with human those her again, and she shrieked aloud, "Talc -s, and as lii >f tlia 01 fill uome to breakfastfrom hoeing pjtato a limited from the frequency with which the complaint has overcome mostly group, but as to the means of making;an and before (Jod i will show ye the a bhop to tak ti.m ; on the north are ranges of the densest hones; the hones were the t look and als oil! utf! boy wife a litile after, purposes repeate feelings ■mm sulfieefor certain deiinite wince under Saxon i, that Celtic t the. >^2n skulls ivere quite niud,has form ! She then confessed —whatever they ioivst, extending fiom 'his pint almost to tin- rown men, and some of s!ie is uot qu.ti so forward i i ncr p.ep_i;-atio,i.-. minful duty of screwing sixpence halfpenny out of ■icorn with a vivacity which Saxonfeelings would as .vnole to of a-k her, but, untiirtu.iatoly, in her ravines east coast. Tlie scenery nisi le the heads'i? perfect. The whole structurethe the cuv j;V iiis meal as he thinks ahis due. Tne tea is not .sixpence falls exclusively on tlie wife. It is ■sure ily nob reciprocate. We see that a distinguished choose inciudiid one lsobol when arrested, Crawford,who, fragmentspare mo iieut to urew it. x recognised maxim that, so long as any-chiefiaiu, the dependent of some o.e of the nuaie exceedingly picturesque, dense vegetation exhibited the effects of fire, iiadi;; and when she tiuds as »ilie wason the instant, attempted no d.-feuce,but, remarks that lie supposes she thing is going at all in a family, the pnterfarous kings which Irish history seems to fur.iisn paralyzed imd stupefied, existing down to the water's ed^e. The llui;. having the appearance of highly burnt brick, i^iddy indignantly everything it is iiilmiited with thing wait till th drawed." goi.ig " jiinks to he is' nilias is always to have the best of it. Paddy, in without stint for the use of Irish orators, is adver- wiiicu she was charged. Margaret's tri.d proceeded: Bay. which is just inside the heads, is the sit. stalactite:, of various form were suspen led ills bauon i-s burnt; to a cinder, and iie tells her that ohe play, gets his bacon at breakfastover-toaste.l, but tised to take the chair at a meeting in Dublin, at sullen despairing she assented to the most monsome wate from and places the fo est behin and in to at lit, | extensive saw-mills, from the roof, sort of he is have repast gets ot some f this is the koine, wife no bacon at all. Turn thu matter which speeches will be made replete with the valoui strous counts: she knew there was no hope, a.id she down. The c*m- small go off to the public-lionse, where tlie.-e U pientj nis affording an unlimited supply ot the fine-t tim- some springs trickled slowly iow we siia vre shall find that men e'et theplums in which Irish patriots always display in detailing t.ie to Like a bitter pi.le in suffering uer tormenwa >i Ijeer. which keeps no one long wailing while it i f.lie puddingI,of domestic life, a id the women sret very exploitsthey intend to perform. We understand thai'seemed in extent, until ber. hese rangt s con tainsomeofthe fine-t kauri gradually "■ hiiii to stay at home,Oi. rirtie besides suet. \\re need not mind cknowlfdgin<rhe h.-is been moved to this act of terrible daring by tors to befoolthemselves to the utmost, lv the midst implores hiinds She down on and knees drawed." being New of tiiein o to iro my many angm-sh Zealand, f ncr her husband,Alexander Dem,entered compelled trees in ivhich he iro .ieally asks her what's the inJoocjme it and we may be sure tint a frank acknowledu- the base wit of soma Saxonseorners, who have nick- tno court, accompanied by a lawyer. And then her enormous proportions. I have seen logs o; hut fearing lest L should tinnbli* int sunn- 100 wise to argum-jiit the point, she remarks that she this, rii nt will give great satisfaction. Women know th it named him "The O Dwdle Duo;" and that, bailing1 despair passed, and she thought she saw a g\i.inner of I beat a ie resit, and afte ;(oes her washing day long ei"-ht and nine feet thick, and twenty tothirt\ and is all for him example is to work which tliree-quariers lo'ty best, it their niiss'ou have of the in mind the the heroic John life and sa vatiun. Wne asked to be defended. 'All human 1 the rvlic, her to Kniployuieiu ] is another examination of work mase ■and a quarter of the play of life, and they a c quifc' Mitchell ha; left to his uisciples, he has sworn that mat ii.-iyo confessed.' Tnis routesad his wratli. What is feet long without a flaw. .she said, was in an agony of 1 any misli.-ip t worth calling wo k'!—a little washiig a id oojkia^ 'content it slioukl be so; but it is a great and wholly he will wash the insult out in oil of vitriol. given to gieat numbers of sawyers, who an. reached the entrance without torture, and beforeGodail 1 have sp.ikeu is liiTse and formerly soinfortably at hnue. She would think rather difthe iiihabiie addition to their trials if they are as Wo have doubt the announcementof this for- untrue. along various creeks Mann natives who no patueticaiiy, turning- to her on the The unnecessary she added located had to noe pjtatues. Shet ike.i ured by tliose who profit by their hard fate that it is midable movement has created the greatest conster-Hit, were ajereudy of work if sue 'ye havebeen mvre laug in coining.' Her kau. Afer passing lluia Bay, the river ope t- his portion of A'ew Zealand, nm at his word. Shewill go into the potato-fielu Jiey really who have all the luck. Ifany wife finds nation in the Cabinet. It will not have escaped "the liu'baud, living th,} good, as defence did her no she was and ac out into three brandies—that to the south most unfortunate tribe. he shall stay at home,keep house,and getdinnex ler husband labouring under such an error, let her notice of the rec/eant Trislim m who, for the oi tiie.-ta.ee initialled that no harm coudcmucil, might; befall lsobel who in tuid "eady for her. Tut- b.i'gain is struck, an,; the hus- take him where Mr. Toole will soon bring him to his ■a Prime Minister's salary, abases himself to do the extending to Waiuku, a settlement which de- did between two powerful rival tnbrs. animal entirely and innocent. To utterly Crawford, who was from hehu a depot foi the >!den times, when flour, siv.ar, and lanil scor.ifiilly sets himself to do the easytrifles hi.- ■ig'ht senses. bidding of the Saxon,that the resources of his more wiiom did*he make this prayer? to'hearts turned rives its w>ir vA-ifecalls v/uric. As maybe expected, everything goe countrymen are very much greater now wild ami woifisu by superstition; to h.-arts in.ide true-hearted n-ilive trade with the Waikato. The middli ood were unknown, used, when on theircomtaolecloth, .vro.ig. He breaks the crockery, cms the than they were in ISM. In the first place, oil ol fiendishby fear ; to men with nothing of humanity \ channel extends up nearly to l'apakura,towhirl, marches, to replenish their ills up a steak-pudding with a red herring, ani i iSidt- HEALTH OF BRITISH SEAMEN ABROAD. vitriol is much cheaper than it was, so that they havi- save its twin with nothing of religion save its ih< missarint with those miserable nnives. stttleun nt is on the military roa<l ivery customer who conies into the shop. Bytiie time to the Admiraltyon the health bdeu able to provide themselves abundantly with nli errors. iSiiemight as well Juvo prayed to th.i ficive Brysoti's report Dr. Kings is t:ie Wes (lis w.'fa comes home he is wretchedness iiself. He of the seamen of the Royal Navy, which has justthe munition.; of war. In the second place, agriculWsiikato. The third bmi.ch of the rivet, close proximity to theTliree blowing roun i the court-hmse, or to the winds rather work like a galie.y-.4ave, fr the future, njen printed, contains a great deal of information of ture has progressed marvellously in Ireland in recent' lashing the barren shore. She was which is also the most im, ortant, terminate? Ivyan Native liistitu'ion. a coinmodinns build Voidd tiie fields, than have any more of household worn eqn;.l interest to the mercantile marine, the men in years, and particular attention has been paid to the rough waves taken to the stake,there strangled and burnt, bearnear tne port of Onehiinga The haihor oi ug, situate in extensive grounds, whore Ihe t,ov through. The happy couple kiss and make exposed to the same influences.cultivation of the cabbage. It cannot be said there- ing hr.jell bravely to the last. Poor, being of are educated an go b:vt't services oflJunedin, fuL saivlnative converts cluldien of brave, beautiMannkaii is, like that husband is prepared fo, Itappears that by^far the greatest mortality was 0.. fore, t.iat war finds the Irish patriots u■about rie.ids,andtothe enlightened young Margaret, we, at this long lapse of time, banks and shoals, and although at high water trained Newmarket, a small villagelncile be very thankful if he geis his l>reikfast tJie East In li:i a:id China station,cholera being most prepared. The particular kind of fortification to jiui ,iie future of her fate without it neoiied tears; for cannot even read it [tin'ihing liice tlia hour, tin I of hah t.iie goodness there is a magnificent expanse of vvatei mile from Au;-kland, is the piin-ipa to life on the former section, whilst th; which they prefer to trust in critical emergencies it- all thesavageiieas of superstition to lint dun the hearts b oad ani the "Instructive is vc\ cattle sales, for which purpose extensive s-ile- 0 .viiieti he is acciis^oined.Thofu.i i;sthe occurred ehieiiy in the erected f>r them by nature herself in fuller volume of the livinguga'nxt the actual presence ofher beauty laatlis from other diseases miles in width, the navigable channel p^ece is ex f.irceemployed on the China section of the command. and wider expanse than heretofore. Then they liavtare a little extravagant, but aim her despair.— Witch Stories. Colnarrow and sinuous. Several nt ye set 1 yards are erected, here also aie the puMicsiuuations amusing, a.id while it amusd^ it, mly be Jholera did" not appear in an epidemic form on any veteran troops, accustomed to civil war and trained ti her cjurage, Auckland is approached fiom tiii- «eedi.igly lect/id bij E. Lynn Union. mints exist on the hanks on both sides, th. tbitroirs Mnuitttid to instruct. Ma iv spectators may b« i;i- other station. Tne retun:s furnish no direct proof ot all the manoeuvres which it is probable they will b<which Tub Yoir.vo Honor a isle's Deceits.—January, road, one of '; natives growing small patches of Indian corn, ila"-e by twoof lines of when the curtain falls, to own m ire heartily tie infeetimsorigin of the disease,but Dr. Bryson oalled upjn to execute in the impending campaign i7Ji), saw distress and confusionat Ualder,in Mid. the most consider a'de eitii- lineJ, melons, and pumkins, a r«sady nmike' lapse's the'base aaa they ever have done before how very uuieii jonsiders tic presump'iveevi leuce of its having been There are several evolutions which will be required oi uitiiiau. Lord Torphichean s third son, the Honorought to be to the women who are good contracted sutneiently conclusive, from the fa:t Irish patriots who shall follow the advice which the able i'atrick tianuilands, was bewitched, and the lor which exists at Ouehunga, to which plnc< len'-e iti the district, Mount Kden, an cxtinc 0ibiWed they so d.iily burtlu.i of Jom^tio ejonom., take the thatin every ship in which it made its appearance Nilturn has sagaciously given them. They have, whole country was in excitement, if the devil could they convey their produce in cai-o.s, of which volcano, with the n.mainsofiinextensi\c-rater. j'.loughtohands. side of this nioiin- iIF tlieir oneor niorj of thenun ha I been exposed in an in- amongtheir number,tried soldiers equal to them all. touch a lord's son, who was safe] There was no nii.n% iiinv'beCMiix/hiJtly seen skimming aboii For some distance on every cheaper than politeness, au fectedlocality. lie considers,therefore, that if no If it be required to levy foodin a friendly country, o doubt of to Unehimyi with Gratitude is even ground from the Heads of the is covered midway fact, let who .vould deny it. Lord TorAbout iiin. the surface rendering withanyport or ship to surrender gracefully to an enemywithout striking [jhiciu-nsthe is not, tlwirefin-e,very much in saying that ms.'ii communication had taken placerate son though he was, the Honorable Patrick any attempt at cultrieresure an emmenc of scoria, will doit in astyle there is a block house, eecteil en of mortality i.i tha a blow,the heroes of Castelfidardo to be grateful who will take the trouble to in which cholera existe 1, the re holdeu than the meanest hind (Jras« was however, ■ili'ultite how very great "a gain it is to live throughsqualron would, hrive been considerably lower; for, that shall move tiie envy of t,ae wo Id. Ifthe execu on the estate Howorse coinmuuding the approach to Auckland fn>n> "ivation almost impiaeticabk-. was buffetedabout the room ; flung meti- tion of a rapid rearward movement be required, as no down in trances, from the south. It was built during the-late win rrows freely between the rocks, and here has V.ife and have none of the b>res of housekeeping. sayshe, " foul holds,terrestial miasmata,and which no horsewhipping* and women fini oric agencies, though they may be ii-jirious to health doubt ib will, the doughty champions of Bull's Bin. it is to be hoped he had plenty of theio, anI well laid a de: 'ieen reared the celebrated sheep floi-k "f Mr Cveiithe most active and industrious when it was considered probable that know, incapable of pro- ivith the swiftly-stridingMcagher at their head,shal ou—could revive him ; he prououneed prophesies; iiiiKKk-cpinsr very <ianl work. Soin-.-liow, pe>pl. ire themselves,so far as we nionstration won-d be made by the native.- leo Uich. well known in this colony and in !ivvaut. yellow speed fever." The. high; do it wibb a that shall leave criticism itself beto iliac i'Vi.'ry day, and to order dinner day at'rn- l.icin" either cholera or lited up in the air ; taken oft"long journeys beagainst the capital. I'in-hiingn, which is tin Victoria as the Mount Eden flock, and for lay i-i nojok"-. At an hotel, veil a la/,y man can do rate of mortality on the West Indian and Brasilia ijhind. Comparing, however,great thing's with sma'l, was tween the space of two flashesof light; had the gift only port on the Aianukau, is an extensitesri hei-p from which the most extravagant prices lit' thing without much faugue but t.ien home i* stations wa< entirely 0wi.12;to the iiitrolup,i.ioij and remembering the muscular feats of which the of clairvoyance ; and put out all the cauules by tiis of ,>f yellow into a few vessels. ExclusivCj Widow M'Uormack's garden was the scene, it is pos- very presence—his powers depending, as such powers tlinitnt, inhabited clniny by unjiuir.\ pension !i»ve been paid. At tl>e l>a-e of this mountain mt at all like an hotel. There is not the possibility of making of these deaths, the mortality o l those sta sible that Frog's Hop will be a more approprinte name generally do, on darkness a.id confusionfor their perers, tor whose benefit tne township was or- ■ire =itnate the Mount Kdtn Stockade, or,.ion-tant change, and there is the necessity let a man take his tions does not exceed that in the mist healthy! for the decisive action than Builds Ilnn. ef what U left. brew-ry oirif use Now, fect; development. Lord Torphichen soon left off the of-;t-'.ivorite -lly louuded. Kach ptiifimier was grame. !)tnal pri-on. and the txtersive his great pet grievance in tin- community ii civil life. On the West Coast The chief difficulty which the Nation wil find in use of the horsewhip, and he and all the family came nuisance, (essrs. ol Ik side.After this pacing ground, conftuetiag bavin; Seccoi' & Sons. Secessionof Ireland to a triumphant a cottage and an acre his mo-it disasfreeahle occupation, and then of Africa," also, tlie deatli rate is high, i i consequence enl will be the that :he Honorable Patrick was beon the wa>i "oint and reaching the top of the bill, a ino-t vorld, the impossibility of inducingit to begi;i. tithe conclusionthey :orap ire it with tin- ilaily bores of women. Perhaps of fevercontracted by men who imprudentlyexposed got. hld of the witch, a biuish, the privilege ol feeding o.ttk >vuched. So of gras- xtensive prospect salutes the eye; belort-]ies ;1n srn'at crops rich a- men have to g throu-jh is that themselves on shore. Onthe Caps station there is a Nona f Ireland's many grievances are of a nature to produce which now a nuisancn half-witted woman living in the villiage of lands, the town, 'j c ritv of Auckland, covering a considerable if listening to pnny speeches. It Is certai liy a h.ir- slight increase i.i the ratio of deaths to tha free em be cured by secession. The North and West will i.'norant, put her in prison, waiting her confession. C 1 and ier, There is nothing very sink ng instreets independence .against desire Irish belongs properly hardly security to the West as what, is it to having a hiMli-ed pliTyed, but the excess the bore fjr is r ioln but not difficult to get at. Yes,she ground, and the in .s As it was heyond ■xtent" of the houses are scattered, cold Coast,where a few fatal ca^es of fever were con- Popery and the West and Southwill scarcely be so was a that, ime a-jeirto pronounce what is t he dune wi;s litheupon witch had been witch for manyyears of the Waitemata. tnutton ol thtni unformed. 'I here a>e several goo h. ■autifnl bailor the. troubles ot servan fail tracted by the creiv of .tlia flagship, when o:i an Irish as to sever themselves from any share in Enir lad onae given the devila her owu dead 1 Tli.'n all child to dotti-d fotin- ,nd the numerous ilmds which are -a v> ry simple pl:m official visit to thit station. 0 i all the other station-, lish politics for the purpose of shaping England's stores, a ship building yard, a small iron tie mistress. Most, masters iiave uake a roast of; had made an image of the young to striking,, policy according fancy, The nio-'t did not exceed the usual Italian their No one aoqui mortality see oh :er- the from disease Kpi-cop.! bout outside the harbor, the if di-'aiins with tli. ir domestics. I'lnnthroe two women and a day and several good l.otels. ; 1lii-d and had associates, exviius aid arifi-. 8 if ih- kitchen, jratioamong men at the same period of life in Kn r- would be surprise:! to find that political reasoning nan. Mad William Mitchell, the Tinklarian doctor, Church is a neat iiitle stru.ture, as nisei il. .if which is the sombre, rugge 1-iookiiig »ol f\dy in'Tluday tii y suddenly turn ronn I and cut liind. The Au-t-alia i -tation wis the most healthy ■ivas a little inverted in Galway; but even Father as he w,as called,went on foot in ill weather,without In the fir dilutee iiitil some Koman t"uiholicChnrili. The Wesl.yai mid -iinic island. Kniiitoto. would hardly advocate Irish Secessionas the (ireat jhort the servant's career l>y insta t dNini^sii;. of all. Thouirh sL-kness prevailed mist extensively Daly s and \V.i;nen cannot d>> tins. coo I from the West Bow to Lord Torphicheu's house liulependellts l>ave aiso commodious cilipels niv be seen the islands of the Tln-y have to watch the ou the East I.ilia and Chi a station, the deaths bjst means of securing a slice of the English mail at Ualder, to see what he could do towards discoverthe south lies the, subsi.ly. servant*. Dr. While we honor therefore the Nation'r ing the devil Tlmy a-r were most numerous on the Brazilian. Onehuuga was a place i.f considerable iniMort- f.it'tle Hii'-rier, while to ni'iiours and fau.-ie-iofthir in the witches. This was on the 14th the auriferous thrown into a nervous ilesp.in lency if V c nur.-.t. links Bryson is of opiiiioa. however, that it wonl Ibe \Vi-l-meaning attempt to puff itself out to the of Janu iry—the day of the solemn fast, which was ance the l-.te war, being the poi.it i» es-ten-ive Coromnndi-1 ranges, model, help uiiue.iii ms of its Carolinian cannot creating proof wrong regard r.stle-s if she to this as a of the unh»althi less we conside rlu'ii. an I are -er;ousiy anxious n mnv the awikening reason of the times help einbarkatii'ii lor the troops and military sou -harairter of whi:h is now ill the that r■: endemi-- nointing out obstacles that lie in the nature Tiny itimateiy fatality or are i of the of the pork. _f"V< 1 dines val of the or Lookin^J'ehind, to the ensclimate, heie were a -so aide attention >'ould ailow tho Honourable Patrick SaudilanJs. en route f r T'nna.u.ki. ■!,>nnect(.'d with t.h'ir dornr'Stcsthan mi.-v ar<;, my' to the country; f>r the deaths, ainouiitiiiT to 27, were >f the enterprise. Again, there are difficulties in True, tiie wiccli and her confclerates were in prison, :ho-e«' heads ard disinen-of-waran ::.>M*t. the Manukau river'and thr c and soinetinies lour ire much more nfn.i lof what, servants wi from yellow'fever, a Wood ditei^e. which dnes nol the conduct of such an uudertakins1,even if it cou'd mt tnei-e was no gallows planted, and no fire set; On the op, osite sale of th. rinctlv visible, as also the immense tracts of think j therefore ami say, and more anxious to prove to servants lependon any peculiarity of soil or climate, but on a :ie once heun. In spite of their possessing tli dy the ministers! and elders,an I saints,and people, in the liaibor. set tlemen 'iirest" which stretch in dark loo'-in.' ran;e- r.lint. they are wonjy, and that they otiirht to liehavi "■pe.'ino infection or poison which escape from th ileainiiiff swo d and a^ile limbs of a Meagher, and o the mountain and native is harbour "ouveued in solemn and sacred prayer,to beseech nod he strategic traditions of a .Mitchell, thny are uoi ti niueh bjtteri riu-n, again, woman's w.-i-k i' iiiman frame. The death rate from feveris also libsjlntelv drive out the devil from a lying, mischievous,hysof iNtangarei, belonging to a br.-imhof tlu fir northwar' until lost in the horizon. Tn equal t> thc-Sjutiieru Statesin their power mi co-.sa.tion iv hous. h ill! li.'h on the North America and West India station ■>"" There is w.tys most iT'iiu!? The is is in cises t deal bid. But crazy William Mitchell took very poor:.village now a nv.-r Imd ncr Auckland Wiakato tribe. The consumption of everyihiug, the chance o. .vhere 18 out of -22 deaths were from yellow fever, of eff ctinji a secession. Tiie SouthernStates, tor ii little by this move, Lord Torphichen not favouring 'nl's. clay, down wh niH tin and unpro ing mainly of'nimble m. of a white that Cotton is and his stance, deception, unceasing. only arising rely upon " coilectimi nnsis is to be accounted for as from say kinr," leavine four wa-ie, th' pr.ibability of in precisions to special anil private illumination, richest «'es- 'uctive; in some parts, however, ot the city ,Tiier- are no rests and"li:ippy blanks in this routine ot indemical anil constitutional causes. Ca-esof pri uiqui'stionedpowi'r to■'. relieve them from their dis r.ie L»nd adjoining, although of the was preached in the Calder Kirk by the But even if th Nation eou'd induce anybody (cv.sermon «11 netty cx'.'rtion. D.iy follows day, and week followsinavy fe-er on the East In iia station were in the ties Mr. John Wilkie, minister of Uphall, the sorcription, is almost entirely neglected by tin ,r is of a totally different character, having v bin tin the s-i'iir '"atio of 372 t> 1000 of mean strength, whicli excaeds ii <ec 'd<\its nd'ieivnts wonui ci-rtni ily not be found in th« same wants h since "of \oleanic lands th. a nd and was found so powerful that jerersbeingpresent, the late tmuhicr- rhe richness the tv.-ek, native.-, particularly comity ofTipp.-rary; and Tipper.iry liaway. Hnom- are always getting dirty cl.ichi-s mii-t the number of attacks on th-2 two n >xt must un iiitsi.-le tlw devil was fairly exorcised,and the boy soon after There is a pretty little church lure, built oi suburbs. r O "to the lau.id-y then: is n.i jieriotl iea!thy stations, namely, tha West Indian and -10 cotton wh'riwith to coerce the civilised word. ihe w. i:k; every recovered. In time he went to sea, rose to the illy wh to stone, which was erected by the nitives. win. when tradesmen have not to be enenuinerui, an' African,by at least one-third. The ratio of deaths If cnuM oniy tluvaten deprive mankind of paraffin command of an East Indiaman,but perished in a have also a native ilergynvn, who re-ides in >■ THE "SYDNEY MORNING HERALD lills to he paid. And in all this trouble and anxi.ity in a given amount of fo cc was l-o greater than ■did peat. meritorious leaving name, singularlystained a stjrm, Onefeatureat least of the present American con- with boyish sins. "It brings «a ON OTAGO. o much worse than any that falls to tv: lut of men, ■"in any other station,with the exceptioii of those o^ neat cottage iuar the ciiuri-h. Tn s us strangely uaar to have on'y onp help a.id consolatio.i d'nied to vhic.h yellowfever male its appearance though th ifcst will not, we ventureto predict, be reproduced in this wild-looking affair," saysChambers,"that the colonisi:ig L'otntau rcvolurhev King the late whos. of the most remarkable the residence of. One Nation, continues to preach treason, Ireland. If the they compared support one exu-a wli cli with the number of were is'only leaths. attacks, Torphichen Ota-jo, present (1860) anl th ii-fi—tlu-e Lord is only nephew to may be seen at of ihout the same as on the We t Co-i«tof Africa, wheiv it is possible thai id may be prosjeuted; though we '" palace," or rather its ruins may still be -een ■inns of late times witch-boyof Haider." Witch Stories. Collected i-iVK to hold them up. Tiioy have the power teniiory. Our readers are awai Hikingpleasure talking abeut domestic rconomy feversof a similar type prevail. Yellow fjver has notishall much regret to see any law officerof the Crown the in the shape ol a broken raupo w/iare, wlm.- iiiiT'mndiiij?coimtrv in Lynn Linton a large number nf tlw meiv- IVrrible as it is to go through it is charming lo talk vet reacheil the shores of [n;ia a-id China; hence makinga salutary law ridiculous by levelling it at by E. greatness alas! seems to have departed with hat to that The Last Resort. —Though all thewoiindpd inthe the Free'Church of Scotland wen !e iliout. It won dbe mosi unfair to say that th■" pc i- tiere has been none of those fearf ii isolited epideinies such a i object. If its readers should betake themlife of its owner, l'oatan's remains a., 'hts ofway, Lobau received much attention from .he guerrilla prinif tl-eir of to a the inland of possible, housekeeping [nilia.., to cntini.erhal:inci:.. West aid lii-aztliau selves warfare, conducted on idea] ■jiur talking realise, of about vliich. on the Afaoan, they >uff"red greatly. The chief interred near the church the tomb is sur t'.eir goverinnciit anl social life. Their idios- illiti evils: tint still i* is agieat plua umto ho n-c- statio :i>, sometimes carry off the thir lof a sliip'-^! ciples of plenty of sulphuric aci.l and no quarter, they !'ivnc!i surgeonssufferings were the hnat of the day c.iuses of their eajli crhcr. impressed upon certainly rounded hy a pullis>ide. and the neatest car-. c'lurch of .vill find tnemselves in a convict's dress stivnsjly thus tlie to talk over their troubles with in of a fe.v weeks The fdvers ---i<eep!'is "was the yncrasy sompuuy 90ur.se of the night. Slorrover, the coolness icy bjfore many the whose \<n rathe chivaland the periodic ,n(J Maoiies. mo.iths are over ; anil after type, an I depend ol it is taken l-yilluptrious wiio owe so much to them, maybe very weil India sm,l China are of a political development of the in w..,bridges first social and nnd the insufficientnumthe dead is exce. diugh fant state. Fortunately for ilieni, there was no -a!isfi :" that tiny have any mitigationof their ;ot. generally, it is supposed—for no' positive proof has rous illustration given by Mr. Meagher of an Irish lestrucrion of tion tor their br of boats rendered it almost impossible to import few natives or The Irishman's wife in the play is a'so quite riirht bee 1 adduced of such origin —on emanations irom the patriot's sentiments upon the subject of the laws of he quantity of provisions and conifirt-srequisite for their-inovements, to obstruct strong, bince ihe war. but very population native il- honor,no Governmentwill be weak enough to indulge during Ito domestic economyis not only a heavy =oil; they are not_, u-.ider ordinary uircumstanccs. iiumb:r of wounded. The Surgeon-ingive the General Government any pre'i n-e to in saying that have resided h re, only visiting itas-enibie though in a few instances it was sup- o ed them with a parole. But whateveris done will bedone the larfre in order to prevent his patients being ftasl when they with the management of tlu-ir aifiiirs hurrii-n, but tlmtitdeman.teverycoiniderabii' powers, -fectious, some tuiigi, or otherDuring a reproductive power amongst the according to law. Even if Tippe^ary boys should en- Chietj Larrey, they juirel ac only patent. k-ep it is not thnt tht husband won't that soup to be made ot Imrsi fle.-h, the war at Taia- illad they continued undisturbed by any new ami lious'l, hut lie can't. Of course then- is not much marines quartered in the fi'thy, ill-ventilated streets camp within sight of Dublin, Lor.f Carlisle will not starved, ordere'J in great nuinlieis Lan'ey endeavored to spare the horses as colony proba'». would to Al'liouirh Corpus deigning Act without ijiowerful element, the Canton, just as the feversof this country become suspend the Habeas kiiowlvdge A of arithmetic of nnki. great quantities of cartridges were [have demand on the intellect. possible, yet the French generals, \yho as been highly prosperous, as well as hiidily U t!i« vjry hiirh st learning required, and eviina \ery infectionsfrom similar causes. The loss from feverask thecousi-nt ofParliament. Sir Robert Peel will not much niiiniifactuitd litre by the natives, and conchiefly were loud in their complaints at unpalatable an suffered, Judjie gives O'Brien if he The ordinai-v accumulauon ot c<ins:ilt;i'ai)le hazim-s in arithmetic may pr;ic icalK' be .11 the Af.icm station was considerable,though by 0 imprison ivspec-fjiMo. imrhuid to th<-in-urtheir turned into fond. It was a wans-urrei.titiously being iiors"S with a sojourn in a veyed wealth vhentiie habits of the people are ii.dus-(1 harmU'SS.But to k"i'p house well, requires method,means so great as in former times,when it was more decision,or threaten thetolawyers ton violation, as they thought, of the rulra, borh of gen's. '1 his met must have been known t<i the very rapid, a practice thau at present to send men in ortress if they v.nture defenda pri-oncr whom th Kpicurus and is inexpensive, quality lifty, I. and. ah.ivi' all This last nub'e the tact, humanity. Accordingly, they.comcourage. and of trions, Governmentaccuses. Sir Gi.'orgi- Grey will not arauthoritk-s at the time, although I believe it Iwe do nit know that v.c can eongratulaie the i< so seldom shown \v men in lit tie thin-as,that tin open boats to interceptbyslavers, anl to attempt rest to Buonaparte of the manner in which tluir Mr. Vincent Scully on his way to the House of plnined excessive bloqd-lettincr would alone be enough to prevent their to cure the disease up by was demed, for 1 several times visited the vil- 'province oil Hie c'.iange whieli has assed overit, absence of ir good animals had been served order of Larrey. Tiie suspected of inon tin- ground that he is at. homo. Itis a very trying thin» and the administration of calomel in large Commons, lage (luting the late hostilities, and I more land which will alier completely its social cha- doing much and in tho presence of his nor Emperor sumoned Larrey, But even on this un- tending to give a vote against the Government; to look a tradesman in the face and and frequent doses. instance, explanation wh-it was for there to have with a most severe saw evidences of 186D. to demanded an Cambridge racter. In December, issue directions the staff", nearly two- will the Dnkc of than once 5242 females fiirht him for a shilling. It is more Iban many n healthy station it has been shown that the vote expression of countenance. What,1' said he, "have goin"0 on. The Manakati gradua !y shal- was a population of 7449 males and to do, and yet ii thirds' of tlie fatal cases were the result of intempe- pollinir-clerks of any Irish county to lefusc bearded husb'iid would dnre disposed of the horses abetting responsibility suspect Since tr-at shall of the on own g"ld." they until it Then arose the cry of" time, timid modest woman will do it at a momenta rance or of exposure to miasma on shore. On the of anybody whom you your point, this past lows relic s. The Kildare-street Club will not have its of the officersin ivrdcr to give foup to your wounded?' On-hunga. liov.-ever. the inimipnition has chipfly been ot :iotiee. Althougli most womei in the great affairs ol home,Pacific,and Australian stations,febriledisea-es more, nnd Vps," Larrey. terminates about two miles from answered He added no by torn search of arm> men without war Cape up (joM-ik-lds. floors in At this point. adult males,whose destination is the life have scarcely a ly sense of justice at all, yet in were of comparatively rare occurrence. On the on the Great South Koad. i'uut or official authority ; and Irish ladies will not be soon aftprwards he was elevated to ihcrnnk ofBanmof whose influence on lite fitml eondilioii of tie little thingsthey are exceedingly sen-itive as regards and Mediterranean stations the cases were rather carried want of foodwas not greater than (iaol Eni])ire. the The wearing 1 here is only a neck of land about a mile in'mid off to Kilin.diili'ain for ribbons a realisation iftiio. all imposition. They cannot bear to be cheated,no< more numerous, and the mortality somewhat greater. in andx-ountrv will lie anything but which Lord CarlisletPiiy object. Wliat- the want of utei sils, and amongthe expedients !br width dividing the waters of the iast Ibeau-ideal. in pursuit if which the colony ot,on account of the "money they loose,but because thej Yellow fever has not appeared in the Mediterranean: theirdressto measures thelucubrations of the Nationifcarrried remedying the deficiency was that of picking up west coa>ts. and across which the native? tun-,, \,-as founded. The immeiba'e material re- loose a battle which is planned on their scale of com- for manyyears p :st, though in some of the ve.-sels ever practical efiecf, mayforceupon tuekJovernmcnt,cui< asses on the fieldof battle. On these cuirasses, they have to show, and do -how. there was'a mild kind of typhus prevalent, which;into lug theii canoes; cargo bouts and other sin ill suit'is however, surprising. Gold to ihe value bat. Then, again,ta..t the of which had in most cases been killed, ;sists in c tin was. undoubtedly, propagated by infection; put, heywill bi-stamped with a reverencefor law. Butthen soupowners on s?rt of which o across skids of was that i £2.5,401. dragged frequently duty are of horsi fleshwas. served,there being scarce any yielding craft a !nf i74".i21i. and are an antiquated and effete nation, incapable of no relation- !we as against people who threaten u> put thmi"h probablyof the same type, it hadCape newer discoveries of freedom.other nourishment for Larrey and his patients in the during the half year -In the first tluveitheir own way, "understanding all the .station, drawn l.y buil-.cks. At some future periodcofa the They yellow economy pestilence. On domestic out. must manage tc ship to the Unfortuna'dy innnyoi the wounded 'months tb>- Tort of Dunedin was visise.l by 28(the con- Still, even rebels will discoverthat there isa practical island of Lobnu. New Zealand's history there will probably have things sent home in time, to repair breakages, fevers of a periodic character are occasionally differencebetween the new kind of freedomand the were about that lime otfai kid with tetanus. Serving, the l»v o-.psiile ships, of 90GUtons. In the qiwier ending! to a supply large enough without waste. They tracted by exposure to miasma in tiie Mozambique canal cut to open a passage between have Lnrrey to in numerous campaigns, he had frepatriots old. When the Irish aic summoned as did, ships, properwere I'4 over represent inn must half quarrel with a great many people of ail Channel,but they seldom assume infectious ihis disease, coasts, tbu-saving aboui 40u miles of naviga- '31st neceml'or there and, with effortsto get out of the qut-nt opportunities of )ipobserving with the fevers of Ireland from those successful profited by ihcse and yet avoid quarrelling with them irrepar- ties they are strictly congenerous "i79l;i tons, besides a trade of great extent ranks, gained much diswith his usual nbilitv, 'enemy's tion. Ihe appearance of the country in this which have them so observaDuring duties receivt-djably. They must smooth down the jealousies Western Africa and" Central America. the way The neighbouring p-ovinces deep .c that by llu 't is well known cauterisation they tions. It neighbourhood is pi.using; ihe land is of "were £-n 769 for 18(iO but for 1861 the duties;of "servant against serva <t. They must determine prt year \el low fever has been most destructive intinction in die New World, it is probable that restoring to other rimeriies he Fiicccedi d in Indies, nut. however,will confess that, iven fl>r the purpose of hatching nnd richest description, producing fine eio;s nl Thus the discovery of (jol-1 ha- tle very ditlicult relations of governesswith ihe forceemployed in the West £69,737 health many of those" in whom the disease afpearpd ordinarySedition,the Inglish system is a pleasanter one to|at Tht All thL from any increase or aggravation of the construc-| potauies ami 111 "guificetit la-turage. development to an.imr- those above and below them. In his p'ofessional woiks this and tii-st incurable. enlightened a sudden larfie than the other. Under the [live defect in the under the scoria, whicn from any Z.-alan-l. wlnV-h pronu- is by no means easy, and requires longpractice be endemial causes, nor has accurately detailed the causes of fO ii is vol.-auio. lying on oflGovernmentof the Model Republic, the editor of any rminr-nt furgton the The lof-the-wav corner of New to perfection. Lastly, they must havo tio lof the vessels,or in the sanitaryofcondition best mode of preventing fatal en- fore it comespatience. covtrs the greater part of the dis rict. the vessels paper holuing views io repulsive to the feelings of the this dispasei andMemoir ■ses v intiueuce the political destinies of the unbounded Men have a theory that women their crews, but simplyin consequence conFequeiifPs.— dotted over with e.xlead to of 13umn Larrey, Surlong hood is as the Nation would ;to community whole ncighbou ago <n-oii|) of New Zealand Colonies patient. They are supposed so have a soil in which it appeared having communicated with in- Imass of the tire a c born the Giarde Armce. gion-in-Chiif of of whi.h are -til a transfi.-KM.ee of political power ;_ or to the se-i;of Job j blessing with the merits of a split justas the Southern phi- fected ports or ships. It was introduced into the havebeen made acquainted tinct volcanoes,the craterscases upon them, story would have A is told of a voluuteer who was in a "plumopicean Quaker which the islands to A robe" by appear the st.-eiun.- veranee of ihe close relations i railasacock-horse. losopher supposes the negro has a Haul's curse nl learns in September, 1860. seamen who defined, and in muny where the brought home to him the conviction of the wickeuress Virginian .'■kiimi.-.h. Comintr in very close quarters be cleat ly tr.i- 'ofNew Zea'a id now stand to each other. pre iestine.l slavery We hope that this taeory is have been infeute.lwhile on shore at Belize, la* a may a i-'ecessionist. lioremaikpd, " Friend,'Usveryunneces-ity loyalleading f of articles. to These communiof and the prevalent. secession, they flo-ved .!" vr Amongthe effects likely to result from t'ie_n "- true ibjnt women. Of course if it. costi t.iem m -:i-ease was at the time «iu-.e they have cooed as others, and several died. U.ifor We are far from wishing him any such evil fiite. ibi-unute. bu' th.°estandest just where I am goiugtt) -i- expected expansion of this colony, the establish- more to be patient than it costs tlie nigger tv have i ca el the fever to proceeding to a colder latitude. Underexisting circumstances he is aharmless amuse- shoot,"and blazing away, down came his man. from the crater. Fiom the excc.-sivc poi w( tunatety, i ' ■ i i > iv liiu1 I i " < I ' passage "ith^iddocks , I I ; — " < i ■ of] tJi.tr. : — "minutes : > " ; li-Hited formed : I ; > ■ I 'contracts I > ~ > «nexpect«rfis<ure, ' Importance exhausted — lu^ a^ -. potatoes? , musses L " giii ■ '„ feve'1 J „ 011^11^ J . > > : ; . -.. ' ' vill^ze ; " - t, ■t» ; : ; — 7be ; 'interfere " 1 " " " , 1 'raised ; . ; iwere iciven o cUaracter of lUv. yrouud, the vefcctatw>u is olten 1 ment of the i\muuw rauie see^ni not.t.w lo^st,; hard kull and to be able to stand a tropical sun, instead of i - .- v OTAOO: ,-t>M^^... .XfM>#£ - Aivmt l&z'Wes, Auctions. £hip p ing fro ic3SFor Sale it a somewhat busy sec-.iv Juice's eonl-vard reudere! upon showing up their own frailties, callin; uid Ibtmt I'AIILIA .ii-:N tj look on ami wncoli tiie pi-ocL-ui. j niiC like AXD tlie lm!<e I THE \>nmi 'down public, odium on their own csnduot,and, TJIS DAY, TOR MELBOURNE DIRECT. One day a customer, of the poorer sort, lia.-m URN I? -W E E KLY AG X " nii-l i"i moreover, utterly damaging their own pro<pec s "',it (From the Mount Alrxuii'ler M<iil.) to he!. At Two o'Olocii.Sharp. I- E A D 12 It " Hie two b-st we. kly p;ip.T-. his sack filial, 10..k "<! nlunt f.ir soinn. one generali thereby They Capper Ship, and arc man stam: AitBlick Ball future, Uim'icis, present observed a stouiish tiie cronies— Assembly,-frott back. He ■UMiUUud. in Australian lon to hisdressed It will be disgraceful to the I UEN T, fi RI T IH 11 TRO'jmina as;fir iod wise in their generation t'n in a spuncer. with datk ilrab sina ":.»db. TO BUIDttEJtS. in-near, JVue inclusive. .1.depicted uler. the Cliiur.Socrvjw.ry to/Mr.-rim-dc -0.-B. Ila.Ulock. Is]., hat.- But, sti'iutite to say. this sort of prpeecdin; '■'otlies- " Hek-h l-mester! paid tile luaii. '\eoii: the -15 by -charge..ByUT.■Til15 «:i. uiy-sliouiier..:To -SAir ON OBA ill'll. issSANT, At the risk, of Mr. Duncan,juu. enquiry into-the Westminster lift wi this sack o* eoa! on to f.mn■!■ in ; uyYryUjy always is of oecuiverii:e" "iiaea he "fit" NOT can is pr> two taken plac Wlohout any liesiuaioif, the pei-sonitij.-hesi.eae. O th.' Melbourne Weekly Age " anil Leaoer. Jurat Tiibiinc a-nin-t 'Mr.""O'Connor for r-it-^ljfC" fTTEIS favorite ship, in the Me.: very singular iiutanees of it have " i JONES will sell, at the Provincial Yavdß,Thi« th. during -aye the man the requireA lift, and oft he trudge' 'Jl-FICB, AIICADK. Vnil"o trade, well known f>... h^s. vented by mere technical reverence the 1-iat week. " *-S*M^\ witnesse' Day. i-Jth ins-t., who had Gatlnn, near, charge |\viMi tho load. Some one ier rapid passages anil com mi cases, n; Getlun v. One of these privileges of Parliament. The to and Dvi! a 4 head uf Jurke prime Bullocks. " '' man, the asketl, oilers fa iii'l Q^^SSiJ^^&S^ ilions accommodation, ivianv difle- the transaction, ran tip CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA.—For S. JONES. originally mnde, is exceedingly plain, and i! has appeared so often, and under solittle speaking tull ft aw milEparticulars yo've opportunity intending that been Weekly Age know who's the vovab c for passengers. discernvo read Melbourne terms since Mr. reut iiiriii", that it requires no 1 express in '1 been' th' Duke Ins-sen !" in from Dunedin repeated Why, Jetty, " has it's be taken Passengers ■"viSl who is he I" " Arcadk. theiexpense. between -plaintiffs am DukeT' droppingtlie bag of conk uid " Leader." Office, man, THIS DAY, ship O'Connor called attention to it in his plao ment to discriminate the to the at Port of exclaimed Chalmers,'free brought places, charges "Mr respondents they have changed are unequalled. MONDAY, -2ist APRIL. from his shoulder," Hey, ivhafll he do fit me! Maur in the house. The Tribune FRO AT THE GOLD-FIELDS-—See Her saloon accommodationsSteora;;c, cross actions, and assumed aspects as perplexini 4 "oo ond ax his pardon V But the Duke Lad dis £i 10s. Fare—CaHn,£10; Weekiy Age and "Leader." Office, Alfred Arthur O'Connor with hiving re- a-3 the memorable case of " Peebles v. I'lain- ■nTpeared.— Engineers. By Samuel HIGHLY VALUABLE BUSINESS Apply Lives tlie "' " of THOSE Aucade. quested Mr. Lynch, the mining registrar o1 stanes." The case commenced in the shape oi in J. C. YOUNtf, & CO., Agents PIIEAIISiCS Smythesdale, to offer Mr. Semple, a candidati -Gethin v, Gcthin,'" in which Sir Kiehard psli- "< ifen. Maolaugax-stuekt. In 4 PPALLING ACi'IDEXTS, Colliery Explofor the lute vacant seat fur Greenville, £10' ,ioned for a divorce fiom his wife on the prounu FOR MULUODUNE DIRECT. t\_ sio'.s. Dreadful Shipwrecks and Terrible Cato retire from the contest in favor of Mr Casey >f desertion and adultery. But just as it was Wanted. Persons Seeking a Fir.-t-cla=ss Situation for any tlie Weekiy Age" To 'faithfully recm-deii in ■astionhes at permission to go on board once Passengers having Business. which Jlr. Lynch n fused to do," and it is mi ibout to conic on for hearing the petition wa.md "Leader." Office, Aucape." Al clippership, CERES, rpHE puted to the'Victoriiin Association that the\ ,uddcnlv withdrawn. Shortly afterwards then YK7 ANTED, a Six-roomed House, convenient t te4-"s&^ 8(il tons register, .iohn Coch (Opposite the Snaui.-ockHotel.) necessan Latham v. Latham uin. -A"Weekly the the roll & Flinis 14* ippwircd Apply " " on G. Lumb Co., to the A<re VV Post Office. provided Mr. O'Connor with wherein a Mr. Latlium accusid his will l.ers Lane. Orders from the ife&CSiS'f' rane, lisij., Master, coiuinandin^:. „ p;T quart!'!-, post nun? paid, funds wherewith to perpetrate the " villainy. Jethin," DEALERS, AND OTHERS. STOREKEEPERS, admitted, without dis])ute, to U. To Gtt-.tOEItS, a..d Sir Kiehard Gethin of In-injr tlu S A J ANTED a rtsueclalile Housemaid for the Pro Country promptly This is tlie language of the Tribune, and i' if adultery, the fastestchpper ship which ever entered or saile ihUMI HAYf oi her crime. The guilt was proved bi- VV vincial Hotel. Immediately. -pjrt. "Age" "will he admitted to be clear and unmistakeabh parlncr of this THE LEASE TO BE SOLD, Opfich, sue-ceded in obArcade. out ■ Latham repudiate- ,-oiul a doubt, and Mr. his The Cere.s will sail positively on Javing Two Years and a-Half to run, and possession in its meaning. The hon. member divorce. U|«m this \\T ANTED Firewood for the Provincial Hotel ainini; n dcercc for Immediately. FRIDAY, 19tii INSTANT, immediately, of tiiu l'reuiises no.v in the occupathe charge very disiictly. lie declares tha 'Gethin turned up again ; but thi V* TO WOKKING MEN. lie; v. Gethin" with expected by acquainted it those will, is withou: line tlie position of tin- panics was reversed, tion of it is a "gross'deliberate falsehood, Acre Sectionsfor Sale, cheap—Within an And a good Mjlch Goat. Applyto J. and i qualities, reach Melbourne sume time before sailing he iluxton, who is removing into his new Mi-. '" nevo uidy Gethin now petitioned for a divorce froir the shadow ol" a foundation," tliat It. liAiHi), Pi-inces-st-rciit. the arrival of tin' Blue Jacket. premises. opened his lips to Mr. Lynch, or oflerw .ler'luisbund on the ground of cruelty am. VKr steerage passengerstaken, find only a very No Apply M. Joel Agents. Surveyors Youth. to and Land an Active to give him £100, or any other sum, am ulullerv. A miseiablo ea/msewas the rcsul: VV ANTED, limited number in the Vrinces-strepfr. AND CO. have received inMARTIN sun Sir HicJiard was provul to have commenced tin Intkkmmhatb akd SkconbCabins. he never leceivcd this or any other strucLions tVoin Air. Huitou, w oli'er lor s;vlc wife withii. "iTTAKTEii, :i good man Cook,also a housemaid. Passengers will not lie required to receive tlieii ALuuday uuxt, April 2ist, on tiie preto give to any one for this or wiy other pur- Use of the vilest language towards his near FOR SALE Dining aaoiwn, on oj specially Otasro Rooms,Princes-street, be linted fo. app VV TSairruks. messes, as an officer will do so." Tin 1 nionlh fr ni ihe cay of his iiiariinjie ; hi Police at one A VERY DESIRABLE FARM, of about 75 pose, and lit- never inUnded to is ihe purpose, and there will be no limit in the supply -.uises in jMaolaggan-sneefc, Leaseo'e.ooli, kicked her out of bed and made hci of t.iose veryvatherelor. Ti-qucntly Acres partiv cleared, fenced, mul ploughed, nf ilie provision, the. ship beingprovided on the same Thereuiainder of his. issue between the parties Clerk competent to take chimre oi A a 1). on the floor ; rtpenti:dly he struck her ANTED, of the Tairi River. .letp the month now iv his occupaoiou, premises, neargood luabld scale as in the Aloy6:ie,"whicli gaveMicli.gene cled-ly put, and us it involves the privilege a set of oks. Apply by I'tlcr. Address situated she possessed. four roomed house on it. and also liberal iiaving t.vo ana a-iia:f years t.< run, took from her money There is a passengers. it: ;my to aiiit Kattray-strcet., ha satisfaction the ral am "Clerk, ciro of Mr. E. Quick, of the House," the printer oi the Tribune a Stock yard and other conveniences and nnproveand sola in eonsequencj of Ms removing ..tor wiilch, rings, and any valuables, lnterme liate cabin, with steward's hten summoned to the bar of the House. id-used her of misconduct with her owi Duncilin." into his new premises. ■< £4 0 0 attendance year's crop of wheat, estimated to it to reeeivi meicly Ship's Jolly Is tli. Him A of this pun what ose? he asserted was TO PURCHASE Stack For FXTANTRIJ 5 00 Itis unnecessary to point out the extreme advan.iian-seivant, whom Secondcabin about 150 bushels,may be taken with it. as a site for .my bruiien of biui-. property censure for violating the "privileges of tli. ,atiier oilier child ! lie consunnnated this clu- VV or Dinsry. Bbsnistt & Huddv, Oyste. containprice Saloon 10 0 of tliis « tages apply to For ami further particulars, the applr inline :iately to For passage i.i»b, faeiiigtue Oluo, Snum.oelilloiei. ami nexi, House;" or, that he may h;ive an opportunist viilrims conduct by p onosing to her that sin Saloon,Provincial Yanl. G. M. ALDRIOH, MESSRS. M'KKNZIE & POOLE. greatest, tuuroughfare in ii.mcdin —tile Aruatie ; and High and Princes-streets. of proving his charge? " Is he to be told tha- >hoitld give him some cause fur obtaining i Active Lad. Apply E. Pluman Cornerof Jetty-street. io wed knu\vn UiaD a business proi.osing pretty pruficable that li. WANTED, A.treuts. is very tli< ,I.voice, veiy considerately Im i:k, Chemistand Druggist, Princes-street lie must not comment, a- he has done, on has U-e.i conducted on die premises, ana in a great wi.l -.vould "not bo hard upon In r, nor expose h< i North. conduct of a n.enilKr oi the Assembly, or EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, scboonev MARY JANI- measure from iio tirst el.u.-s jjosiuou. Tin DAILY -*. mHE ahsoiutely than was necccsary an Iron Door and Frame > which ,iK.re !" ANTED to charge Moly:.enx. SeV, All he be penuitted to establish a Further information eaa be obtained from the CARGO of Coulsfrom tlu and on' -JL- >s now LOADIN(i for tin Auctioneers. complete. Ily. F. Hardy, builder, MaclagO'Com or's pre "rticltv, iherefore, was fully inside out, parties desirous of Rivingthem a trial are re ' if proved, would render Mr. to record of the Lsithmi. gan-streor. apply t. Terms—Halfcash ; balance by approved bills. our represen- woulif Imvt: fanciedthat the to apply to quusted q freight or sence in the House an insult For passage ase woii.d have been sutlicicnt to establish tl: tiaie at one o'clock. ANTED, a .00 I general Servant. Apply tv a. M ALDRIOH, A. MERCER, tative institutions ? Jn fact, is the liberiy 01 adultery. Uut the petitioner had elected tcx-ai 4Xf just VV Mrs. W. \V. Tickle, the '" Anchoraire," Cornerof High and Princes-streets, Princes-street. the pi ess to be unduly restri ted injln* Mrs. Latham hen-elfus a witness,and accordingly ■el-'W the Si'llier's Ca'iin. Agent for the Clutha CoalCompany, FJ.UDAY, 13tu APKIL. A pril 12,1862. tolony, or is it to retain its "privilege" o! mat laily was placed in the box. when, to tin re-; Lad. Cfoodreferences -strong landing ex ANTED, exposing and denouncing corrupt practice* astonishment of even body, she declined to say i. *«/■ quired. Next to Switzar's slioeshoj}. Prin-j "OOTTLED ALB and PORTEiI, now W A I TTo LA. VV popular adjourned, ii jes-atreet. .void 1 Tin- case was therefore wbeicvei it finds them ? This is the L> OliverCromwe;l.DODS, & CAMERON. Miscella-eons. POLE, Sale by Auction. view of the position. It is kit that there i i.inler that fresli eviiience might bu obtained to-j Kattray-street. highest substantiating the second charge. Whils-i' a General Servant. The TO THE MEMBERS OF THE a higher "privilege" than that laid claim t<< wiird< has instructions to sell by NOTICE MACLEAN Apply U> Mrs. Jko. M'Neill,, wiijrcs th>> ffiven.citings pi Queen', asant state were in tlti.s JEWISH FAITH. BeuUnripdin. by Parliament, and that, if there are in oui FLOUR. auction,for the Coiate.of the la^e"Air. comp- Queen's Anns Hotel, Priiires-stivet, rendered the aflair moiv SILK DRESSED suddenly t*vector panderers, George un street*j..uai (jjle.nan, at Mr. crrey'a'iScjeicyarJ, ou Friday, 4 House of Assembly po itical nnHE Consecration of the Synngnjtue, intervening and charging thi (Jirl to take charge of ababy. Appl., "VTOW landing, ex JErfSIE. still by p.m. Aj.rit— ANTED a at 5 i.ne iSth place evening, who sell themselvelicated l~s J this I will take sciuj ulous adventurers, petitioner, Lady Gethiu, with acting in collusioi W immediately to Mil Andrew Simpson, .Dairy Cows,in calf and to calve Evening Service of the Passover at 6 o clock. for a consideration to fuitber the designs oi vith her husband for the purpose of obtaining :■■'.ijntcher, North E:tst Valley Road. POLE, DODS k CAMERON. H. E. Nathan, 8 and 4-year bullocks,fat for the butcher R.itcray-street. any | Briieuhir ]iaity, it is the duty of the l'res: divorce,and with having committed adultery witl. Heifers ana steers Presiuent. by a YoungLady a situation in a "to stigmatise thei' efforts, and prevent the pol- a certain Mr. Ellis, whom she had hopes of marryOnesuperior Durham bull 1863. Inillinery ■April in the or mantle U, house of bushess, M'Leod's nex store, institutions. at Paterson & charges SALE, Also, after the above ing. Liuly Gethiu denied both lution of our fretepartment. Address,MD, "-.()., Dimedin. Hotel— the Criterion A superior lot ol mixed cattle—lo superior filhea obligais a the DUtfKDIN. corresponding huving organised proof required, couise there and CHURCH, OI WE3LEYAX Islay whisky portrait? Hay's .of Dr. Chalmers. ICO cases aim mares vpgarder buyers of \\l ANTED, gation entaikd on the l'rtss, that it i-luill no annpletcd the case as far a MEETING, on balialfof the New Church, Terms at Sale. 100 Stewart's VV John Kn'ox, and Dr. Cairns.—Fkrguson & 100 accuse without due warrantry, and this w;» Her petition some short time ago. Consequenlh sundry brands will beheld in Mr. Dixoirs Store,George-street chargM Mitchell. Engravers, Princes-street, above Bank oi April *Bth, the only ir.tothere to be considered O'S.hanassy. It was remained THURSDAY, 17th APRIL. by (opposite Mr. Geor-e Hote!(, on Good I-rjday, insisted on Wales. New South they and ocAfter which, a prcforreii by ihe Queen's Proctor, nt i o'clock p.m. FOR SALE, ! lerable, he uiniiikul, that any person shouli cupied bir' Cresswi-H 'Cresswell and a all concerned to know the Cheapest MOR.-JE & ORBELL have been PUBLIC MEETING lledding Manufactory is Pulfokd & Co..npHE largest Weighing Machine in the colony be free to inijiute di.-honornble conduct to i ury ior three days. We are happy to saysi>ecii\! ilu-\ WANTED, iuvored.. with instiucuon* by Mr. B. will when addresses bp phine. lipld in the same being com signally failed. The charge of collusion wits over- ieorge-street, opposite Jlr. Loggie, Butcher. Mat^ 1 Apply Will jrisiuau toseil Uv auction all his nienilier ol that house without (of Kiiox he delivered by the Rev. Donald Stuart cuMMiya&co., h U RI- L U So 'I' URE S , pelk-d to piodme the iiuthority upon vvhicl thrown by the evidence of a must respectabli crasses of all sizes and material made to order on the Hardinsr,R.-v. Rol.t. L. Vicke^. "2,Hinders Lane. Church), Rev' Isaacministers Teas; Sugar, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, he based the chaise; and he expressed a hope, ■"olichor's firm, who proved that they did no ■shortest notice. and friends. Ilenrj Consisting of Munil.a I'iind several other I'loor Rope/ C.utli, Bridies, concur, tlur igurously prosecute Sir Kiehard for the costs o 66a.it,i'ai'it, ANTED, Male and Female Servantsof ever} in which the l ill lie will cord<all/ assortment of Cooke, Esq.; in the chair. b-uFOX SALE, J.C., ice. Aiso, a Juisceiiiiutous description. Victorian Registry Office,oppowill be made in aid of the Building X.C., Sulphur, the action of Parliament on this occasion wil .he suit he had abandoned only because, in th> A c-ollectiou ironmongery, FKEiillOLi) jaOPEaTY, known Quicksilver, Huois, valuable i Bonnets, ,iti-Shakspeare Hotel, Maclaggan-street. difficulty but that oi in proof tliey greatest be inlo a had the asplace, not tumid f;irce, first *V to Sell. Splendid Decorations,ex as the Uunediu JUrewery, comprising 3 sections T. HARNETT, Thursday, 17th April, to be got at; and next place c will take on the charge should be d. manded, and if it vvn- crtaining wh> re he was ami a.-.\w The £>a fronting cretary. Filleul London-streets, S' Aldinga. felling's Cheap Paper-hanging vi fown Land, ascertained .it the stores of Air; X' QuiuK, ilatiray-street, ophaving three good snbstiintial Cottages thereon,with a found to lie a nitre malicious libel, originating because when they succeeded they George-street, near Royal George. posite the liuuk ot i\e«r Zeakiul. ilso that he had not a penny to day them with Warehouse, valuable Uuildiug expressly adapted for a jJrewery. HOTEL WETHEB3TONE'S. in the spite with which pi.hlic men arc'fre- The UNION Marbles, Ceiling to Sell. 1,000 runuiiu; adultury equally lame 1,000 Terms at sale. accusation of was There is also a never-tailing stream of water Hand, a well selected Stock of Wines, Spirit-, ~~ quently regarded, the libeller should rt-ceiv. Oaks,ex Aldinga, Henry Polling,Decorator,through the property, wh.cli is well kaow to ha out Eliis was demonstrated to be an old friend and Beers. Txi V 17th APitlL. URSDA ij_nrse-street. cc-ndifj'n punii-hn.tnt. 'J he Chief Secretary ofAir.the neighbourhood. (inest ; family, whose advice was sought at hi>streams in the town or of the BARR, MALCOLM, & CO., evidently believis that the charge is ground luilgingsby Lady Getiiin in lier troubles. Thi This property eaa bj bmight at a very nuderate (JO. will sell by, auction, at Proprietors. SHEEP on Terms. Apply to (1. CAMPBELL & Don. would, by pracMr. warraut any less, and in this he was followed ivas generally in the presence of her mother. M. Albbich, Corner of High-street and price, indeet at a pricethat tlieir rooms, on Thursday, tile i7th imst.,at tical brewer to pnrcua.->e at once, more especially a. ~ who by anticipation " hopes that the exampK !>roihcr,sister, or children ; but when she hap Princes-street. A DESIDERATUM. .x ouiock, three-fourthsof the purchase money may remain at BOOTS, in this cat-e would he a lesson lo | roprietors pened to come alone, which was dove with to orders for prepared take 4- casks hams. now ANTED TO PURCHASE, from 500 to 1000 interest for a number of years,if required. .No Reserve. editors, and writers in newspapers, for al. perfect openness, the interviews were suspected, which will bs found, impervious to.either Scotch imported.; App yto or either acclimatised iui guaranteeing complete old in:iids. SHEEP, they taugh by inquisitive sludge; would be liind watched a parcel of TIIOMAS CALUUTT. mist or Dunedin time to come, and that iU-li.3jj.iV, ioxn Ai'ltiL, lotii. Apply to G. M. Alduich, Coiner of High street, girls, .unity not Tin however. from cold forget." soon md curious servant who, they a lesson would y^ ACKBE> and Princes-street. to a persevering amount of and Otliers. hon member for Collingwood apparently 10010 hough confessing To Storekeepers, Chemists," MIXED CATTLE, &c. Premier Boot-maker, at doors mid peeping,through keyholes, ANTED all persons to come to the "StaffordHope-street. iorwaid to the incarceration of the unhapp; listening opposite they could Maclaggan-street, Wellington— little shire arrive from received instructions ihouglit per lit that time so of all Warehouse, Yarrow, S. RAPHAEL has th R. J. \f printer, and concludes that thenceforward 40 dairy t-ows i.VJ_ that they behaved with perfect respect Ihe Club,for their china,glass, earthenware,&c. to sell by pub le auction, at his Rooms in references to hon members by the Press will uiseover, 30 Kteii-o aiid heifers, 1 to 3 yearsold E.NATHAN, .iruiibrd-street, on j uusuay,tlio loHi April, at Oue 0 the lady, arid were in tne habit of asking tin humility and 'lelerPersons to know that the Stafford80 calvi-s be conceived in a tone oftenors iciiick. .sharp, to raid prayers ami a sermon to then ■ 60 iat pigs of a summon; lentluniiii shire Warehouse,Maolcgjran-street. opposite ■STTAT C HMA XE R & JEWLLEK. 4 dozen "rownsend's Sarsaparilla tnce, in-piiid by all the "n Sumlay evenings. Moreover, they especially all cheapest place Speed Higgio, the in Dunedin for From tlie of Me-srs. and of the the Clnb, is run llollowiiy'sPiils lion hoped on his departure that he would some day sorts of glass, l-i to "the bar." We are afraid that Reid), those iuiporteu (Late with James china,and earthen\\are. Waiifianui, and of the same stock as Do. i 'iuiiuent. 0 member will be disnppointed in his expecta- return to them and his old lodgings. His own in the above vessel. J. rf. UA.I'UA.E(., jvulence, conveying a distinct denial i>f am tions. to pay £h to any person who can give WiIIGHT, UOBERTSO.V,& CO., 3 doors from M'Leod and Gibsons's Auctioneer a^UValuator, Princes-street, manly Alausi'-street. information iis to the present possessor of a Statfu.d-street. Supposing tlie Assembly has power to sum- ."uilt, was given in a straightforwiird and long in making patent Lever .SilverWr.tch,inscribed inside the case ; mon the printer in tlie manner proposed, manner, and the jury were not to the justice of the case. to VV. Berlin, by the singing class in tueir minds as Presented 1302. douot). ap some lorn APRIL, appears MAURICE JOEL, (about which thtre —" " TUESDAY, that the petitioner had not been connection with the GreenheadChurch,Glasgow, Watches repaired with accuracyan;l despatch. 1 hey found and ihe printer is willing to appear at. tin guilty mid Spirit Merchant, Ironmonger, Grocer, 1859." Address box Wine yiot February and been 28th, Nemo," 67, a nd Otliers. of eollusiou To Saddlers JJhad will obtain iVst OlHee. The strictest " etauoner, mut GeneralSiortketper, bar, he will demand th«t a select committee guilty of adultry ; so Lady Gethin > secresymay be relied on. FRUIT! FRO IT-! 1 FRUIT!!! shall be appointed enquire into his allegations ier desire! divorce, and we are sorry to add thai lias received'instructions PKINCliri-STKKUT, DUSEDIS, \/TR.toI.sellS. liyRAPHAEL request dyr, at JloPiierson's Store j_VjL not refuse his ANTED, Assembly by pub.iv aurtiou, at bis Rooms, in dare a situation SALE,'this and the JTK7 a Married Couple, Sir liiuhard will obtain what he desires also. always on sale the o f the undermentioned, Princes-troet. charge I'lii-'silay, "ill taken without either to take the lotu April, at One this committee evidence be V encumbrance, ou an<; Before V li'airird-street, bcsttiu.ility— The other case, that of "Watson'v. Watson Soft slull al;n >n Is. Newtown pippins, oran-^i ./clock >liarp, if a dairy fnrtn in the country or in town, the man to and if we may judge from the confidence an;" Wilkinson, was equally suicidal on the part of iOok GROCERIKS, piirmai.is, pipstono pippi.i.s. ji"horsesand make himselfgenerallyuseful,th. Cart Harness v ft bleuheiuu, 0 sets Plated Consisting; of tile finest selected brands of minuteness with which the accusation ha' one of the litigants concerned, and less suc- yoman to act as Laundress or Housekeeper ; !or any AlesaaJjrs, an 1 o ibns. Vi do/ensaddle Straps COOI'ER, & Co., OIIAULKS SaiKlli; (iinhs. been repeated, it "ill be substantiated with-in cessful. Sir C.iarles sued for a ilivoree. an. ither business where au active couple would be reTea-i,coifje, cocoa, e.ioeolate lii Fruit Merchants damages against co-responIfthere are members laid his the and counter Wholesale difficulty. any office quired. Apply paper. out T.-H. of this Loai, crushed, sugars J. S. RAPHAEL, pounds. In recrimination, at ten thousand Currants,r.usiiH, spij s Auctioneer ami Valuator, the House above the reach of bribery, o adent "HO LET, a lar^e Shop, wit:i use of pirlour, op wax vestas Stalfor.l-.-tret't. Butter,'ciieesu, extmpt from the influences employed by th- constant life, not only of passions unchecked Uaksry, in George-street. Im RAILWAY HOTEL, Victoria posite dtacrrjiion L And every of Oilmen'sStores. decency outraged, but such ar. of an.l common LYTTIiLTON. their to induty possession. Association, Victorian it is neliate depravity the lowest as lorn indulgence sings in TUESDAY, APRIL, 1602. preferred FMVATE FAMILIES, HOTELS, RKSTAURANTS, AND raTANTED, a Piaui-t, one who sist on the enquiry being pushed, to the utter habitual Applyat the above hotel, by letter or otlnrmust for ever exclude him from respectable so VY Sllll'i'lNa SUWliliiO Ai' J/JA'jSSI I'OSSIBI.IS PIIIUKS. OTAGO Dl.VlNd liJJ.vl.i AJfU iiOAßiJj.i\ furniture and Othera. most, not merely for the sake of exposing tin ciety. was proved against thu petitioner. If any- ivise. To Deii.leis WINES .USD tifn\l.6. HOD.SB, tactics of tlnn body, but to prevent the em thing might be said to have almost justified the and other first-clas- Princes-street, Dunedin,neaHhe Police Barracks,am MartellV, Henues.''s, receiyeil RAPHAEL has by of means secSERVANTS WANTED.—Wanted J. S. discreditable any ploymcnt opposite the Prince of Wales Hotel. \/TR to sell by public nuctioii, at his instructions one error too clearly proved against the miserably b:'audie>;port w.ne, sherry, of supjrio jJjL Kouins, in and a cook. Apply to Mrs Vf. H a majority in tin 'O NOItTH, formerly or Victoria Dining Rooms tion ofpoliticians to gain his conduct had exasperated, vincli iJutten,nurse quality April, at Uue whom Bay. ivite, Anderson's tli i begs to inform iiliorcl-street,on Tuesday, the loth Flin lew-street, Melbourne, House. Mr. Pope is not the only iui|iecu calion enough was adduced. But the jury had m Sc«.t.iwbisky, old torn, anil other lkpjjrs, in |_ Siiarp, ■ : public tint he intends opjiiiusr the ab >ye diuin rciock nions member of the House, nnd we a'-e per- dtcrna ive save to fin i her guilty us well as hiinbond,case, bulk, or by tlie fwttie "& CiiestsDrawers LODGINGS wa.ited for a gentleme rooms on Tnesilay, April 15th",when he will be gla and the value a IRONMONGERY. three weeks,from 15th April. Mv \i uozeii assorteil Chairs fectly well aware that the llenles Mini*tr selt'; hut they estimated him, for about his old friends. to see smne of assessing tin ;ie withi.i Wiishstands had estimated her, by Under tins head will be loiiud 1 Gjoil Beds. lifid recourse to precisely the aids which tin which he forty easy distance of town. Apply, statii. Meals at all hoars. Tliis, or" course, pre- ddress and terms, to I{. T., o-.hce of this paper. Locks ot' all kinds, patent an I cut nails, cai in Ciiiiilrtn's B usfeads. "Victorian Association are said to haveresorfei damages a*, of shillings. hau i're^lrii L and. tools, ovens, pentcis' camp a d.eree for the divorce. holloware, TO LUNUon all idea i, O JTAA J. S. RAPHAEL, to. Among the candidates at the last genera cludes cros>-cut,'and ])it saws, ami a general aesort- bOUu GILLLES & STiIJJ.iT, Land and E.s AuuUoueur itiiU Valuator, it doe.- seem v marvel to us that individual. election lor Castlunaine, when Air. lleaV iUih Surveyors. lneiit of furnishing and shelfgojila Staabnl-street. pos Agents conscious of the tate and baronets, t wo as these, Mr Amusements. to the was v tablu appeal country, cuilJry his Pocket and overwhelming made nay, the certainly, of -will 15th APItIL, 1362. TUESDAY, Walsh—a man destituteof the means to contey iibiliiv, leady poured &3, to ne dowr STATIONERY. , being "eciminaiiou Tanlsr the election on his own account, and who* lpon them, should commit the inconceivabl. OOYAL Pltlfl.CEdS THEATRI Meichants'account,and omer books, overland, On Account of who..v it mayConcern. post, Hutu, dra\viii!>', account, and ouicr rnKXUKRS will be veoeive.l until Tue*lay, at 3 expenses were paid by the Ihales Ministry, 01 jollyo. thus parading their hideous procce-dingMessrs. -Fawcbtt &.Co papers Lessees ca<es out of ten ■ JLMaelaggaii-street, o'clock,for makinga Drain and Levelli ig Lain! whose hthali he whs presented to the const - leforethe pnblie e\e. In nine To Drapers, Tent-;aakers,aud Otliers. also, Envelopes, pocket novels books; and i;i Abbeyliex next House aud o<±tiiency as an tligible candidate. The ma it must \>fldude am hope of obtaining the destaudard work.-,bibles,and prayer books pos;te the Club. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS sred end. and would b^ certain, in any case, to ■was utterly inrtit to represent any to.ist; J. S RAPHAEL has received instructioms With the above is the OP Plans anl spssifieations at E. de Carle, Esq.'a With ivhat of a s-jli oy.p.tuiu tkiij..-'.', .«» iiio iii>o..jj, to tin univ.isM execration. lespected be in email tuency that desired necessarily ac- t'.ua-strejt, iVudJay, tiid loth April, ut J. ooiocs Tender DUiVEDIN ■Tue lowest or not retire from the MISS HARRIET GORDON. CIRCULATING LIBRARY, any on ,>i i lious .-ir C. arles Watson 1. legislature, but he was deemed good enotiirl "on:cst Siiiirp ,iich consists of over 700 volumes of the mnstj cejjte Aid yet what other result couid he by the Heales Ministry, and they incurre- oshiblv?hue 3 bales double width greycalico (XKN'TKAOTUttS. B<it that i.ady Gjthin To-niirlit, at the request ot several influen'isil in w<sll-»eleeted works, 200 of which have expected ? and IDTICE TO i>iiJar some pecuniary sacrifices to secure his leturn rvqui e.i an deserved a dense her husband would bitants of Otago, Doug-lass Jerrold's greut Nauticn 1 do iS inch duck. ,t, been added. in Muukprgan-street rriENDiidS for excavation J. S. RAPHAEL, Fortunately for the country they failed ir Mave be.n immediately,and for the folIt Urania LICENSED TO SELL POSTAGE STAMPS. in precisely tie same posiaon. 1. will lie received Auctioneer and Valuator, Saturday, the 19fch iust. the their object; but their tactics anpear to haw was he who first strove for a divorce ; and had BLACK EYED SUSAN. 11wini until at works, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, StailorJ-street. by ir, desirabi undersigned: others,and hene betn successfully imitated Hollow..y's Pills andointnie.it, at reduced rea- o.'rice of the any -family arrangement rendered For die erection of a dwelling house in Mac'agthe return of Mr. Pope, and of some other f.,r Lis wil'a to oppose it, he would have \\n After wnich the succi-ssftil farceof sonable rales loth APitlL. street, and TDKSDaY, gau and Essential members of the House of similar standing die satisfaction of having exposed himself onl\ NAN THE GOOD FOR NOTHING. An-assortment of Drugs, Essences, For the erection of a large store and dwelling Oils, suitable for cordial makers Payment of members is not yet the law of tin an I having earned the world's contempt for hi To Storekeepers, Dealers and Others. house in Princes-street. Spirits not be in that deserve of Wine pains. That he should Plans and specificalions for inspection on and after land, but it may be a practice nevertheless To conclude with the new and attractive a sad defect in the powers an. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c, &c. Monday the 14th inst. .1. S. RAPHAEL has received instructions Burlesque of and if we could penetrate the mysteries of (.light now isofsiilibir Cresswell s Conn. to sell by publicauction at his rooms in StafCreswell W. H. THOMPSON, Architect, proceedings the of some men who seats in the lives occupy AND BADOURA. CAMARALZAMAN si> coming public .Buildings. collusions will still MAURICE JOEL, in before the Uunt-.-treet, change be Mercer's ou Tuesday, the iOth April, at 1 o'clock some made, i, Assembly, we should find that the prospect of Unless in advertiser—fromthe variety and extent of hi-, I ijiiirp— attempted, and evil-doers will succeed. The impossible, in the limited space of a £300 a year..which tempted them to seek the ,c RACES. tock—finds it Alls's lib packets Sperih candles be MOLYNEUX 60 boxes Proctor Queen's may .utervention of the to enumerate fvery article. Thos 10 eases roll bacon distinction, has been realised, but upon condi- check, but it is not a preventive. Justice an TIIIE above Haces are to come ofFon WEDNEv*-- :ilvertis(.pmenr, Auctions. .visldug- to purchase will find it to their advantage t<i Worthiiigton and Robinson's ale do. Molyneux Ferry. of 50 indepen that involve the fo'feiture in thJ. at the equally tions meted outDAY, 16th, equity will never be jail, and from alwaysreceiving constant supplies from 10 ilo. colo.iin! clieese ,ent. action as lepresentiitives. and with which Court of Probate and Divorce until guilty parties They are to consist of the different llaees TUESDAY, loth APRIL. Britain and Victoria, he is enabled tooffir borli 50 cases Ooleman'smustard. : of 10 soys., with entrance fee;^ .Jreat their constituencies ought lie made acquainted in divorce eases are precluded by law from eve st. Trotting Race purchasers advantages >vho!es..le and retail all the J. S RAPHAEL, of added. Two miles; catch weights. Entrant rhe nmrket. TEAS, EX CONFLICT. * ■Therefore we trust, that thi< case of tlie Tri- .narryiug again. Auctioneer him Valuator, £1. Staftbrdstreet. June v. Mr. O'Connor will be fully iuvesii lad. Maides Plate of 10 soys., witli entrance fees N.B.—Country orders punctually att-nded to. ■ DANIELS AND CO. are in-tmatelto sell, t.t .gated. It. may reveal the serret systi in ot added open to all comers. Distance,one anu their Rooms,on .Tuesday, April 15th, Canal.15th APRIL. Bridgewater. and his TUESDAY, In The Duke of contract, prevail, weights. byprivate ai'.d SALE at W. WATTS', 'Corruption that we b> lieve to a-half miles ; catch 10 half-cheststea, ex Conflict tliDuke himself,tv the end of his life, tookcoa, :rd. Hack Race, open to all comers. Hurdles to Auctioneer,Rattmj-strect:— 10 half-cheatsdo, do ■which some members of the A&>embly an The To Butchers,Bakers and Others. eatest personal interest in the workimi ot his ftet high. Sugars bei 3 Pix Jessie:— maintained in tin ir position. various brai.eiitcanals, his mills, and his and 'nines,his -with severarraces day'sracing goods fancy The to conclude An invoice of Candles J. S. RAPHAEL has received instructions .f industry. These were his hobbies,and he tool natches,to come oft' privately. washing Lciuner s patent ball machines Flour to sell by publicauctioj at his rooms, in Stafpleasure in nothing-c se. He was utterlylost to tlii SCENES IN THU DIVOUOB COURT. Tea jn half-cheata 11 o'clock sharp. u.u-street/, on Tursday, tlio 15th April, at 1 o'clock and, as some thought, to a sense i>i (From the Morning Post,Dec. 24.) casliionable world,Shortly Tea in boxes >,uirp after his canal had bee. authors its proprieties. Sperm canules Our writers of novels and our dramatic TUESDAY, 15th APRIL. 7 sets butchers' baskets of coils, the Duke e<tab in their " adaptations- .peuedfor the conveyance Missing Friends. Sugars, various. will be no longer justified 6 do. Lloti.ei -lo between Manchestti ■ passage-boats lulled a service of They ampler have material:At the CommercialSale Rooms. from the French." Ex Sebim :— 5 uo. oa;»e..-' io. and between Miinchester and a statioi close nt hand. For vivid novelty, for vm ii-ty en and Worsley, by whicli Bayldon and Graham's TOSHUA FOSTER—you are requested to come or and candles J. S. 6 i " 11 " . ' ; WANTED, .. MEMS- > ' " ' _ NEWS SUBSMRIPTIOV _ rWO ■ — RB. . ' 'A . ■K^S^^N. ■^^^^^^^^ " ~„„„" ' WANTED, WANTED ME. ON „ „ WAN"TED WANTED, ■ ,THAT . ' ATRA ~ ~ W'ANTISD ' lW- ■ ON — MESSRS. ' R. IAM ord««J ' TO WANTED. „„ WANTED ON HAS — „ ; FEMALE PRIVATE ■ . ■ , _ ■ ■ — ■ : . . — . ' ~ „ MR. — i^ . MR. ■. :— : ■' J. ON MR. — J. soap two miles of Warrington, passenger, RAPHAEL, DANIELS AND CO. r»re instructed to sell ai "f plot, nud in the elucida- withinconveyed Auctioneer and Valuator, Sherryin qr-caiiks incident, in perplexity write to the l*ostomce,Dunedin, to the underat the rate of a pennya mile. Th> fj were their Uooids,on Tuesday, 15th iastant, Staffor.-street. Braiiay in cases tion of every phase (if human frnilty and huinai uoats were "fitted up like the Dutoiitreckschuyts.nnc. lgaedquarter-casks whisky 8 folly, the Court of ..Probate and Divorce is an in- being foundcheap, as well as convenient,were larger* SAMUEL TEAS. Stoutin bottle Brandy, in bulk Sii jatronized by the public. This te.vice was afterw'anls Ale TUESDAY, 15th APRIL. exhaustible mine of romanticof wealth, nmtmon in case. Do., Irish oats extended to iluucoru, and from thence to Liverpool OHAKLES ARMSTRONG, late of Thornton, Cresswell Crcsswell a source plagiarism To close consignments. by his own buats,pre \j Cheshire. You will hear of your brother Harry lribh butter To Silversmiths,Jewellers and Others. 11 o'clock sharp. prolific than "Scribe or Dumas. The pagesof The Uuke tielighted to travilstately, quantity of Furniture, now landing. and arktociati' ,t the Tost Office,Dunedin. startling them to more Also, a with the "emn" any "compared fiction arc insipid went by them to Manchester U J. S. RAPHAEL lias received instructions 15th APRIL. troths elicited before that sober looking tribunal method. He often TUESDAY, coal-trade was going on. When th J.UNLAY BOSS.—CaII at the Post Office First Saleby Auction on THURSDAY, May Ist. to sel by publicauction at his" Rooms,in Stafat Weetmrn 'teiv Indeed, we foresee that oui watch how the ; there weri litter fromR. Wilkie. »ia-street, alighted at the coal wharf, \\ for a 1802. concern. on Tuesday, the lsth April, at i o'clock aipori, £> On account of whom it may lively. neii:h!»r will be under the necessity liassehuers ■' .■iliarp— usuallymanypoor people about, wheeling awaythen i of resorting to usaitcr all for fresh seni-atinns.' banow-loads from Turriff.—Your the Duke's regulatioi, TOHN CRUICKSHANK, iloz. Elkinson's be.'t plated tnble spoons by of coal. Oneof Sale Auction. 10 Unreserved There' is, at any rate, one phase of hurmir .vas, that whenever any deficiency in the supply wa.- "J Brother-in-law wishes 10 see you on board the tioz. lid desert i.o Piemiscs in 10 Business St Andrew's"VTALUABLE 'inconsistency common enough here, but which appreheuded, thete people who came with theirwl.ee "'him, at lnmeriin. ; 10 do Ua liiito. House, large Workshop, iiv.. TATERSf.'N & CO. will sell by auction,»" V street. DwnJiing .). S. RAPHVEL, >ye do'.'not, remember that ihe boldest,of out jarrows, baskets,ami, aprons for small quantiu^s conipletc For tiaitipu)nr.s auijly to t:.eir nioms, on Tuesdiiy, .sth April, at 1: i i- thi., should liieet the eye of TiioiiAS Aitken you <dl new, and veiT Auctioneer ai.d A'aluator, ';Gallic ongiiials has ventured to'introduce, inlo hould be served first, and waggons,carts, a: d Loresr.' WORteli 4c UUa wiili'joui ELL, o'clock, Ih- X are requested to call or communicate ;. Stafloi-d-btx-eet. hupply again to as abundant. ent awayuntil the Ratiray-street. 'the closet or on the stage. We cannot call OueHjdrauliu Press. mother _>avid. Address officeof thispaper. mind any of their heroes of romance obstinately uuiubers of small customers who thus resorted to ttu „ ' : - MR. _______ JAS. . ' ■ ■ ' * ~W^ 2Q^jQ!&J=&^ 1802. HoUses, ~~ 1j .. I lec-ion-JLjoiictsii: cl. eic. , ' ,■ 7 L4:KHiH^;tiUiti<>r»-u<.4'iib-Ht-TiiK'rfiM^-i-neUr-bt"" «<-" in wilt■or-'conipi-i'inumntor suclr^orkj-it-slnriKieJawliy the, fiuperintcn(!ent; mid shill not be aliinitef! ill fo.r the ijupi-rin.iendciit.toreserve siich .portion o: roif'the >pc-cine | tirjmses to ,wl ;cli tliev g i7ii< .a> ;ind fi-i.ni pub io-Htk- for mk;li given time but m bein y,.ili-i:ii iiti.d. xeept 111 dtr tin- pvovisioi.- ouli-r;-'ai;i«Micli p--r i-n ?iul!,-on- the-completion 6 iin Ai-I irt'ihiAss;mb.y,, i>iiti.iiled t!< 1:1 li cinH'iict,- lie iiiiitrid- to n ii-t-egrantol rsuch a .1.. Public Hivirvcs Jtyi', )^'<4 \" iind "si full mid inir- o :-u n.ueii ihenot- as-the IJoard si:all mljndg., no such ih-si'riptiiiii.i.f'oviiy. lete resove and. of t.l.i- :;<-ei (Sing one nere thr every two pounds siei-lii.; Mial!. ■vUch tile fc'uperuiteucleiit sliuil Certify to the Waiti ---lirposi-j? to which.it shnii.'havc been . * "(js>; TITu liiiids 7 iueimied in huey-pi-e-eiiiptfve ri"»; e'lfiTu-ncrwirrtti rntiT upon all tiiar"«cotinn frt i.h.cl street, in the ttmil ot uny be ofsuch form ns .the applicant shall choose uited inSo.' in tnc autlicutuMti-d map ot fie ait any.landpureliiisOtiby I'linf id the exercise of huo m.iki'd, an* <ud 1) lytlie reglnatjpnsllS town in the CvownLnmt-> OH»" a.nl tHiuhniuil^ ight Shu In- subject io'torm I)' i iij tin. Su-uo.ioi ,i it-, or liiLii.ibuul J_lontiiL;' her in contained. .'■ «o ■!- nhm^aiil, and lo noltl .in<l enjuj 0."5. Tin- Waste'Lauds Hoard shall not receive iii> nit pun n.wd hin■iiiii t'lCir abolulc i^e aud bwiwlj'. ill sanu f r purchase, from application to, iitt-rliiin any other thau.the runholder, the' aforesaidbioci. (Jncii uudoi our iiiiudsut tnesitthii; of the-Wrote Lnnds iloaitl licltl '- -' luvnirml Thf limiipstpndor priimiufil station which dee; , H. BOHTHWICK. iMUMRU 111)Aill), hLKCTioN. severa'' 1 House iind 'Shiii l'aint<T. Glazier, lie, V imiiJv the Miners of Gabriel'sDistnc ---! Gonei-ii.l M:iclairi:nn-strcct. that I offer myself as a. Candidate'for .he tbith for a t T>APERHANGI NGS, Oils, Coiore,&c, sale, an.» ITOn """-' OASrOTGNR JL rcitou abe prices. j dedicated. as scon as possible ofter it. shall have hua mni;e, be Lands Boanlto be. the bond JidevvAueof the-work s< "" T(J gE gOLD "'■'■ at on the by guch: iiiNIJNG BUAUD ELECTION. published in Jj.e GoveraitientG«z<*te of the Piovmce,"ione peroon accouling loilie prices for work not.include the.whole, of such block. COTTAGE con 18 '.-'■' dayot Miners of Gabriel'sDistrict, and set tbrth'on HEREBY notify the tlie nVitheuticated'niaps in the Ltiiki and materinlsiatthctiuie of performing such -contract, -:64.!.Tlierif:]it of pre-cmption'liei-chy given slialVbr| the re the forth tainins;three npartiuents. togetherwith as Candidatefor myself ; that I offer ■■<■-.■■" a' Office. I'roviiled that. the Superintendent may, ff unentin the district. ■ ■xercised within one week for nil lauds within twentyj mainderoCunexpiredlea.se. Situated on Bell ilill owning election. he Provincial Councilb'c'ndt. then sifting, temporarily iTiiverj';:huc'll, jeservalion :of land from public sale miles; of the■-"" Land Office,: at Christchurch; an< a view of the N.E. Valleyand the river SOIIEDI'LE B, coinmaiidiiiß THOMAS WHITE, reserve lai d for such purposes until the next session sliall lie published in lie-Government Gazetteof .tl|i, within one month for all lands at a greater distana '" ~,,.,. ""--.'-. May be had a bargain, ns the parties are leavin, t -■Province ) '' (TTTOARD "ELECTION. if such Council. -. MTnTN premises AnciiißALi) Province, as directediu-clause-li> of theser Kegula- hereii'onr; such timeJjeing- reckoned from; the dat< town. Apply to Lamu,on the Gabriel's am! of..public highways,-"bridle-paths, Lnfiifrj notify HEREBY the Miners of 20. Reserves for **■■-■" notice from the Waste vj;;« .":-,:.;/ *k>fl«v ■' "'■"":ofserviceof.a written Mr. Ken wick's. Canterbury. } near the !Siipenuteii(lent,"anrl No such rewrvntion shall-continue---in .-forcefoj.Ji Hoard;set ting-forth-a--copy-of-tlie-flppKeatkm-for anj j that I offer my.self as a Candidatefor the forth- oot-paths, shall be made by POUT CHALMERS. """ißgclcctio"' hall he sot forth on the j'uthentieated maj:s in the "oiigor period than twtslver'calendar inontlis- from tin «ifthe lauds included in the pre-emptiveright. Sucl.1 LICI.NSI'.TO OCCUPY RUOA.Ii, LAND. pqpvut.ci.mjk. for Sale,24-; f.andOfKce. The Superintendent and tlie Provincia! date on whicli it. shall have been made:"'■' hath iieen duly dpTTALU ABLE Property and Business \Vni:ui:AS of noticomay be served'1 cither personally^ on- the runA: by Ordinanceniter thp line of liny such bakery, i.c. store, last-knowi, poumL\ K«JajHl-HK«lud<>d ■in-it-Piistui'nge-Jjißense-wirh feet Council Pri-at by leavingV frontaae, house, may oithe same his "lared tlie purchaser for the sum of Al.iNiMw IiOAKi) KLKvjTON. -lighways, bridle-paths, and foot-paths, and dispose of ■mjitive Eight sliall, as against the holdeiyof sucl- nilder, principsi shillings, and pence, active and within the the of the section" of abode Province,-"or-at; ;ilaee notify.the Miners of Gabriel'sDistrict he land theretoforeus"d for the same. : Jio Waste Liinu.l of the Crown hereinafterdescribed, Pre-emptive Right,-be. so "reserved or granted unti: homestead or station-on the run. Princenstrcet. that I offer myself as n Candidatefor the forth 21. The .Superintendent may temporarily roserv«- he shall have been allowed, tlie option of.'purchasing tlie Trea^urorof thr b"5. Tlie applicant/for atiy r'uj-al land included in and hath this day paid to owningelection. my land for the preservation or sale o?"tlie timber ?uchlaud in the manner, prescribed in clauscs.Cland -HJV-pi'fccjiip.tivcJ'igktsluilJLiiepiJsit.Jvith-tlift.Tix'iisiirei \YanieLauds J<o.ird of the Province of Canteruury, foTTsale" .TOJ?SAVAGK. thereon; jiouuds, shidingi, and in Uunmlin. but such land may at.any time cease to be >.S0 to these Regulations. to 4s. per acii tiie sjid .-.iiiii of equal of acre section, Lands Board a sum quarter Lease a if "the Waste rPHE -o reserved upon a resolution of the I'ioviiiein' prucc, tlipreceipt whereofis hereby at'knuwNo greater amount of land than 250 acres shall .jf the purchase money, and the remainder he slial MINING BOAKD ELECTION. X with food house, close to the business part o^ '"ounpil. this clause be 'reserved of NIJIV KNOW ALL MJ35f A.NU TIUisK provisions under tlie of ;>ay within one week from the date of his application Cllircd, HEREBY notify the Miners of Gabriel'sDistrict 22. The .Supprintondent the town. may, upon tlie recom- 1si-anted to any person under any such contract, uu- .»i ing1 granted, or forfeit such deposit.'. Suchdeposit, i-lti:ai:s rs \vi i'si;.ss, that We,in puiMiii'ice ot" tlie that I ofiar myself as a Candidatefor the forth mendation of the Provincial Council, byproclamation .ess in payment of work for which a vote has be'eivested in us as Comiiiis.iioucis ol'"t!ie Siiid jiowt'iv. -1 returned on demand; uoniim;election. .liiwever, shall.be immediately Gitzcttii, reserve from the opera- 'passed by the Provincial Council. JAJrKS M'M'ASTERS. 11ionthe Government pre-emptiveright shall give'iiotict tVuite Lands JJo.ml,do hereby aulnorise and oni]>u\ver of those regulations'any tract of country in which 1 No greater amountof land than 1000 acres in tin f the. holder of the hi» hoin>or asMjjiM, atimy Princes-street. liuMiid timcii'iur. portion of the land his intention to purchase, any MINING BOARD ELECTION. lie precious metals may be'found to exist: and the ggregate shall, in any one year, be reserved oi of ilu- date hereof,to enter upon all timt section, of land ipplied for, and paythe requisite deposit.-.: ijduiidod ;is hereinafterdescribed, STATIONS FOX SALk. HEREBY notify the Miners of Gabriel'sDistrict and within such tract of country shall be disposed of I].aniautcl tli.it is to under tlie provisions of this clause,without pre-emptive right deeidi. "militu and forth to Ifthe holder of the positn. iccording regulations myself received that offer as a Candidatefor the to hereafter be issued anil b'l> j ami to hold and to enjoy the s."iiiie ror 1 special sanction of the Provincial Council. ihe ri'llK unoer«ignedto have ,ay applied tor, o f the laud upon purchasing portion in thnt behalf; in the same manner Provided always that any and benelU,"miljjci'l ucverparcel of land so grantci! sell the Depasturin.i cimiiug election. ."üblished and their absolute use J- instructions every ,iia Wasti' clieli>s to the DENNIS DOYLE. md under the same authority as these present -hall be subjected to the same conditions as to form :ie shall forthwith pay to the Treasurer of the of the finest country ii: now in force It".', the >>ii.c, Peculations Licence to 1-2(),0()0 acres deposit of 4s. per acre of-the purchase ■(.'ttiiig, di.-pmal, and occupation of tin: Waste Lund? '-emulations and frontage as any rural lanu so under these Re- Lauds Hoard aportion Otairo far removed from the vicinityof the Hundreds,, not within sixi THE if he shall ; TO TIIK MINING ELECTORS OF of such and, application char-: for lcs> money within Mm Province'of agricultural "pi-ovide'd Canterbury. _, nor also that no tlie Ciown uulations; and neither of an auriterous one VI.—TOWN LANDS. remainder of-thepur- of ijiwii under oin1 litiiidsjit tlie-itting GABRIEL'S MINING DISTRICT. '-"* than 2(1 acres shall be received under this clause,bul weeks thereafterhave paid thesuch block, or in two oi> Will he sold either in deposit, togctlwi ' "■cicr towns shall bo determined by tin 'iS. Thesites of chase he shall forfeit money, the compensation by stock that where amount of awarded of \V'a-le Lands lieid present Jio.ivd, more' runs, nnd with or without any olj r\ ENTLEMEN,—I beg to offer myself as a Can.li- Superintendent, upon the recommendation of the the Board shall extent than 20 acres of land. with all right or title to the land. on.-the he of less at sheep. by proc'a0000 I'rovincial Council, and shall he notified VJ date for your suffrages at the ensuing Eleclioi -natiou 18 person entitled maypay the balance in ciish upoii If the holder of any pre-emptive right other than day of & cf) in tho Government Gazetteof the Province. rhe the same terms as other applicants for the purchase Ihose created by clause COof the Waste Lands Reguiif Members for the MillingBoard." 24. Town Lands shall be sold by public auction, in of rural lands under these Regulations. shall or refuse to purchase any portion neglect en COLIN CAMPBELL lations dunicdin, M'INTTRE, run SITES, salk the size and upset price' of which shall be of the land applied for, such portion shall fromand Late of the Ararat M^inin^ Board,Victoria. eetions, l'luces of Resilience,SituSchedule C. -...-' letermined by the Su| e:-intendcnt and the Provincial : IX.—NAVAL AND MTI.ITAKV BOUNTIES. iinmediatclv after such neglect or refusalbe released r ?■ ■: having been so determined,for each 44. Whereas the Superintendent and the Provin- from all rig ht of pre-emption and open to purchase Province ) ation for a Large Hotel, Boarding House anil Council; Canterbury numbered 23, 34, TO THE MTNERS OF THE GABRIEL.S own severally, shall not again be altered. ■: cial Council and other the inhabitants of of or Club All Hilt "Block of Sections, these if the same hau \ Regulations, us Canterbury. J MINING DISTRICT. desirous to aid in making provision for the main- un the terms of Frontage oi 25 °(S 41 4^, 43,44, Block V., Uaviiifr 25. The tiiiie and place of-every auction sale shaii are tenanceof such persons of Her Majesty's land ami not been included in any pre-emptiveright. IACH.SHE TO DEI'ASTUHE BTOUK. and Hfty-eisrht Feet to Walker-street,: Eiulit'Hundred !n- fixed by tin- Superintendent,and shall be notified! Pasturage Licenses with pre-emptiveright in Whekkas of hath been duly deMelville-street, and jstatlbrd-street. This I'ropmv f\ ENTLEMEN,— I beg to offer myself as canrli "v tlie GovernmentGazi'ttv, and one or more news- sea forcesas may be discharged as uufit for further 67. with purchased lands, whether under thr clared to be entitled to a license to depasture Let at-mi annual rental of liltcei, VJT -date for the above Mining Board; my reiison " papers of the' Province,,at least/.thirty'days; beforjservice,in consequence of wounds or loss of liealtli ""onnection stock can be readily from and Canterbury Association or the Crown,shall, present war with Russia, anil also for tin for offering my services are. first—having been ; Hch sale shall take place. incurred iri the Lands of the Crown tlie i'roupon the Waste Shillings imt loot, it commands a line view oippb 1 the maintenance of the widows of those who mayIn after the first day of April, one thousand eight Mnce of Canterbury, upon the termswitiiiu member of the Mining Board in Victoria; secondly— 20. No snob notificationof tniy sale of town" lands and upon tlu* Bay, is well sheltered and suppliedwith water. A fifty-six, be taken and deemed to be Hundred and havingbeen practically engaged in mining for the laM -hall lie published until a map oi the town, signed h\ killed in such war:— -jouditions hereinaftermentioned Now tliereforeVVe, to li. i.' k A1JIEK, Princes-street. Any such person or widow shall, upon application pasturage licenses over the lands included therein, hi pursuance of the powers vested in us hs Co.ninLsnine years; and thirdly—having made up' my mim Chiet Surveyor, shall'have been laid open for.to the Waste Should you think fit t, 'lie Lands Board, and upon the production upon the terms of these Regulations, with n pre- "iioners 01" tlie Waste Lauds Board to tlie, said Pro^ to make Otago my home. Otiice and such map inspection IN 'in the Land RY OTICE. lublic PRKLIMINA a- emptive right over all such land, to be exercised subelect me I will do my utmost ti promote the welfait ■hall set forth, accurately delineated, all the town of satisfactory evidence from the proper authorities viiiue,do hereby grant to tlie said GILLIES and STREET have represent. to such discharge or death, be entitled to receive a ect to these Regulations as regards notice of applica- the exclusive license,from and after the date hereof, and Martin; of the district 1 may ootions numboied consecutively, so far as laid out. free instructions from Messrs.at Smith grant not exceeding 30 acres of the Waste Land;- rion, payment of deposit, purchase money, price at until the iirst day of May next, to depasture stock am, And b*e of to submitted for and the junction (lowingthe the sections sale, to lav off and sell a Township the within this Province,subject to the conditions as to and, and size and shape of blocks. If the land upon the laud situate and bounded as nereinatter Gentlemen, cailei, >nblie reserves in connection with them.. Main Hoad to Tuapcka and the Woolshed to be and frontage contained in these Regulations; ■overed by such pre-emptive right shall be iucludei. Yours obediently, aiul containing 27. Town sections may be put up to auction,eithei form described,that is to say— the Tow-hip* JNO. COLU CIIAPPLE. "iv order of the Superintendent, or upon the applica- provided always that such application shall be mad. within the limits of a run held by lieeiise mulct acres or thereabouts. Subject ue\erNEWTON at the time of tnakinu to tlie \V -aste Lands Board by such person or widow ■:liuise» 50 and 53, the holder thereof in paying provisions containing tion of some who oheless to nil the and condition* shortly pei-son lo obtained at shall, paiu Plans and full particulars be person within three years after such discharge oi i-entforthe same may take credit for the amount -uch applienti«n, deposit ten per cent, of the upset in ill the Waste Lands itegulatious now iv forcewitiuu '<y him in respect of lands covered by sucli pre-emp- iiie Province of Canteruury. heir otfici:»in Princes—street. TO MECHANICS AND OTHERS. price with the Treasurer of fhe Waste Lands Board. death. right. tive X.—PASTURAGE. *ueh deposits shall,ifno advance on the upset price viiveu under our hands at the sittiug" FOH SALE. 68. Holders of pasturage licenses without preFRANCIS BPvOMLEY, having lately an «■ made,be considered as the deposit upon the salr 45. Until sold,granted, or reserved for publicpurof tne Waste Lands Board,Held Freehold Pkopbkty in Dcmkdin. opened a comfortahl it such public auction. has as herein provided, the Waste Lands may be ■mptiveright shall be entitled to hold such licenses or poses rived fromVictoria, at oa the that Valuable Allotment of LAND Private Board and Residence in View-street,through 28. If section shall be purchased by other than occupied for pasturage purposes by persons holding io have them renewed upon the termsorof their con18 day 01 any nearly opposite th« Canterbury Association the Crown, cutting. numbered 1 Block VI., the he original applicant, the deposit money shall b<- licenses from the Waste Lands Board to occupy tin iract with holdinga Biimicks. Terms 30s. per week. -ame. ,t9 the case may be; but if any person orthwith returned on demand. Endorsement. am' comprises Canterbury about One Hundred Association the applying4(5. for a pasturage licensi icense under the or Apply to Any person 2!). Ten days at least beforeany such auction sale, This allotment for valuable consideraEijihty I'eet of Frontage to Princes-street,and tl.u MX. TOFIELD, Jeweller, what are the boun- Crownsh ill voluntarily resign the same, he shall bi- I, thewithin-named i list of all the sections about to be offeredfor sale shall state to the Commissioners of do hereby Opposite Criterion Hotel, Dunedin. -hall be published in the GovernmentGuzi'tte, ami daries and extent of the run applied for, and thr entitled io receive a license under these Regulations, tion to me paid by same to Hupe-street.Apply to the witlun written the stock which he pos- [md shall from the date of such exchange hold his run cransferto the said description of the Province. number and of nowspiijiers ■ne or more Pasturage n. j. napif.r, flics and estate and place specified or to the run within .it the rate and on the conditions in License, all my interest by upon sesses, will undertake 30. Every auction sale of land shall be held the therein. Regulations. months from the date of the license. "'Ynninissioiiers' in open court as hereinbeforepro- twelve hand this d y allowed to Witness of 18 applicant 47. The extent of run each my person exchanging REGULATION dded. his license shall for LE INVESTMENT.. 60. Ifany PR6FI TAHFOR FOR THE 31. Tlie person who shall be declared the highest shall be at the rate of 120 acres to every head of great' my period included in the new license have paid rent Witness SALE, to head of small cattle. immediately AND at auction shall n and 20 acres rate than would higher payable ■ider such pay deposit cattle, every it. a be under such APPENDIX DISPOSAL, RALE, LETTING rilllE JUNCTION BAKEKY and OENERAJ.j "if ten per cent, of' the purchase moneyto the 'Irea- The words great cattle" shall be construed to mean icense,such overpayment shall be adjusted atthe next Clauses 35 and 43, which, were repealed by the OCCUPATION X STOHE, doing an extensive Business at th< mules,and asses, male and fe- layment of rent. Mirpr, and in default thereof,the section shall be ag-ah, iiorned cattle," hoi-ses, Jieyalat'wnsAmendment OrdiLands Waste age Junction,Tnapeka. above six months of offspring Jli male, with their LANr.S OF THE CttOW *" immediatelyput up to auction. WASTE 70. In the event ot improvements havingbeen efnance, Sasn. VII., No. 2, leiou', originally For particulars, apply on the Premises,or to Treasurer in full, within om* week aftf and the words "small cattle" shall be construed to fected by the licensee of a run on "«lid to theiftiiiiiiiilpr land which n(<llßKTßilttlUsStO IN THE any stood rut follows: nnrMinap Hip of «»ial !".male and with their weaned offsheep, T>. The mean female, m.mry W YOUNG, Esq., "hall bi; reserved by the GeneralGovernmentor by 35. JNo section of rural limit shall he sold containing; PROVINCE I<F CANTERBURY: the day of sale; and, in default thereof, the pur spring. Princes-street, Uunedtq rhe Provincial Governmentunder these Regulations. as ameni>ki>. than twenty acres ; provided that any section so ■hase shall forfeit his deposit money, and also a 48. Every pasturage run shall be in one block, and. rhe lieenseee shall receive payment of thi 'ess Regulations LL now in force in the' Prolimited by frontage lines or private lamia as to conI. A or title to the land ; anil the section mayhi- ■is far us circumstances will admit, of a rectangulai '"ight improvements, of such such value to be deSiTOKKKEKPKKfr.. ■j\ vinoe of Canterbury for the sale, lettint* sold to value tain less than twenty acres may be sold by auction at TO MhKLIIANTb, person applyingfor the same for the prici form the frontage, under ordinary circumstances cided by arbitration under direction of the Waste i.he upset price of forty shillings per acre; the time AND OTHEISS. lisposal, and occupation of the Waste Lands o: ■it whichany fr was knocked down at the auction; and. "hall not be greater than one-half the depth. to the of tin paid by Lands and be Treasurer Board, md piace of sale,and the mode ot sale and payment DESIHABLE INVESTMENT. ilre Crown an-hereby repealed. if not so sold, the section may be again put up ti- 40. The fee to be paid for the license shall be at tin »Vaste Lands Board out of the land fund. to be as nearly as may be in purchase it' money containing any FOIJ SALE, future sale. less thai. 71. AH payments on account of pasturagerunollowingrates: —For everyrun 2. All such Waste Lands shall,from and after tin luction at accordance with tile regulations herein contained, r»">HE LEASE tor 14 or 21 years <» n splendi. ■lay on which these Regulations shall e.omp into force. .33. Upon paymentof the purchase moneyin full, !00l> acres, twenty shillingsfor every hundred acres ihnll in future be made on or beforethe first day o ipplicable to tlie sale of'l own Laud. ji I'm everyrnu containing 1000 awes, and not.Joss thai. May, in accordance with clause 51,at the Land Office 43. If any person shall at. any time havemade and Building Site,(lesirahly situuted in Stnfford- i>e"sold, let, disposed of, and occupied according ti rhe purchaser shallieceive from the Commissioners JL Custom, these Regulations, and not otherwise. "'License to Occupy," in the form set forth in "iOOU ae'iss, two-pence per acre for the first, thousand it Christehurcli, and the Waste Lands Board shal completed lit His own cost any public road or bridga Ktreet, within three minutes walk of the about 132 te.et t., 3. Rvery Act which the Superintendent is herebj ScheduleA to the Waste Lands Regulations, am: uid one ppimv per acre f<>r everyacre in addition. -sit at that place for the Treasurer to receive thr jr anypublic main drain, or any part of such road, Ilou.-e, having a frontageof of authorised or required to perform lie shall perform -.ucli License shall be restored to the Commissioned P,.- -vi.T-v .".i,nonnrsiiuincr -,111111«w.tve m miwnnl <ame. about 165teet. by a-depth bridge, or drain,such person shall, upon application Stairord-.treet, solely in accordance with the advice of his Executive upon receipt of a CrownGrant of fheland purchased. "ne'farthing per acre for the fimt and second ywus For plans and particulars apply to 72 All paymentsto be made on accountot pastur- to the Waste Lands Board, be entitled to a freegrant the time heing, and such advice shall b< Councilfor ibr the third and fourth lialt'-penny per me acre jf rural land in such situation as he shall select, subTil. —KUR/IL LAND. yearn next day May ensuing of ige runs beforethe first KEN'YON & KAYVLINS, "ecorded on the minutes of the Council. 34. All lands not included in any of the foregoing ihrec-farthiiigsper acre for the fifth and every sub-si'- tlmll be made for the portion of the yearonly which iect to the conditions as to form and frontage in solicitors. 26 30c regulations shall.he open for sale as'rural land, at an .'{UL'iit year; provided that the first yearshall be takeii Jinll elapse between such day of payment ami tin these regulations contained,to such an extent its the lI.—TIIK WASTE LANDS BOARD. to he the time elapsing- from the date of the origimi ■aid first day of May. 4. There shall he established a Board to be caller! uniform price of forty shillings per acre. Board shall adjudge, not exceeding one acre forevery next following;. .-he Waste Lands Board, to consist of one ChiefCom- 35. Save as herein alter provided, no section ot license to the first day of May calculatingthe amountof the license feeand our pounds sterling which lie shall prove to the AT 73. In granted INVESTMENT WATIAHUNA. shall for a l e s.Njb pasturage nor more 50. license be missioner, containing twenty GOOD and of not less than two than fivi Rural Land shall be sold, lessthan ot the Waste Lauds Hoard that he shall he stock required to be on the run, the yearcom- satisfaction actuallyexpended in the construction of such other Commissioners, all of whom (except such om acres; but any section so limited by frontage lines or iannual foetlmn £i> 10s. FOB PRIVATE SALK, The foe shall be paid to the Treasurer of the ucnciug on the said first day of May shall be deemed nave bridge, or drain* hs shall he appointed to act as Treasurer) shall he ap- private lands as to contain less than' twentyacresmay 51. part o the as that for which such road, be same year pay(THE CAMP HOTEL; WAITAHUNA for the ProvWyi always that it shall be proved to the and be removable by warrant under the baud lie sold by auction at the upset pi-ice of forty shillings Waste Land Hoard every year, in advance; Biiilihn;. ;i(iinted ami for thesecmii iient shall have been made. MOST Substantial and Commodious of the"Board that tiie moneyso expended per acre; the time and place of sale,and the mode of Hist year on the issue of the license, if tin-Superintendent. ■satisfaction opportunity is rare contained in these sitting day Notwithstanding anything Iron. This a of th> 74. subsequent of Corrucated Onemember of the Waste Lands Board sha! -ale,and paymentof purchase moneyto be as nearly and every yearon any iv tinl applicant, tins h<wii liPiipfMnlly <>xn"inlpil for capital, desirous oi pettim. ;ilso5. he it. shall be lawful for the Governor,upon le use for any one with" a smallPresent the-Treasurer thereof,and such memher shall sis may be in accordance with the regulations herein board, between the 20th day of A]iril and the first da\ -Hgulations, and advantage of the public. Provided al ip rt.po.rininivliitinn «t Him Snni'vintptnlpiil ami Pro given stock will lie a> pasturage business. and license inn t May, inclusive; every for less than twenty acres shall a lucrative lo appointed and removable, by the Governor. contained applicable to the sale of Town Laud. Pro- of to time, be lat no application , . (i. The Waste Lands Hoard shall sit at the principal vided, nevertheless,that, if any section so limited renewed by paymentof the required fee, on or befon v'incial Counil,at anytime, and from time a valuation.particulars received under this clause,but that where any may be obtained by apply Cnnd Officeof the Province, at certain stated limes shall be included in a Pasturage License with Pre- the first day of May, shall, unless good cause to tin ;iroclamation in the Government Gazette of the oe Further imount of compensation awarded by the Board shall for the hcreinaftei purposes iuSt° ' o be determined by the Superintendent, and slml! emptive Right, the holder of such License shall be contrary be shown to the satisfactionof the Wasti "rovince, to reserve of a less amount than twenty acres of laud, the DALGETY, RATTRAY A CO. ilso sit for special purposes at such places and at such entitled to exercise such Pre-emptive Right under Lands Ilonrd, be considered as abandoned. mmfionedany lands within the Province,adjacent te. Me party entitled may pay the balance in cash upon the Dunedin ; or. 52. Kvery pasturage license shall be in the form sin >rin the neighbourhood of any town, now or which -lines as the Superintendent shall direct; of which these Regulations upon payment of the sum of forty ■same terms as other applicants to purchase rural declare that on am. sands under J. A. ROSS,Waitnliuna, forth in the ScheduleC to the Waste Lands Regula- nay hereafterbe formed, and toproclamation be given in the Provincial pounds for such section. these regulations. On the Premises. -illings due notice shalland all decoin a day to be named in such one or more newspaper.' 36. Every section of rural land shall be 'n one tions, and shall be transferable by endorsement, in th pasturing GovernmentGazette, Clauses 07 and 08, which were repealed by proclaregulations, these in such transfer licenses issued under of rectIbrm set forth in such and shai published in the Province. provided/ as hereinafter a Schedule, and,"except block, mation of the Governor, dated lith August, reserved lands, shall cease mid be of 7. The Chief Commissionerwhen present, and In .ing-ular form,and if bounded by a frontage line ,shallbe deemed to be complete upon notice thereofbeim ■espect of; such Provincial Government J. 11. WALLACE. 1850,paulishedin theNo. the Waste Lands and not before io effect on and from which day. all such licenses preduly given member those lie a 40 from such to Board, by depth (or chains) Commissioi iiis absence then some selected of a of half mile 17, p. 03, itli SepGazette, Vol. 111., and Estate Asrent,and General be of no effect originally stood asfollows: A pasturage license shall entitle the holder thereoftc hall, as respects such lands,cease and Zealand. ent at any meeting of the Board,shall preside there- frontage. tember,1850, WelliVmloniNcw for specifier iccordiugly. Merchant. And it shall be lawful the Governoi 67. Holders of pasturage licenses with pre-emptive the land it, and shall have n casting; vote in all question-! Notk.—A frontage line shall be taken to mean th>- the exclusive right of pasturage over to be issued in "onihig beforethe Board. iroundavy of a road,river, or public reserve, or any therein upon the terms alwve stated. Such licensi it any time, hereafter,by regulations ."ight in connection with purchased lauds, whether by endorsement from year to year hatbehalf, according to the provisions of the Waste under the Canterbury Association or the Crown, ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. 8. All questions coming before the Board shall Iw Mtream or watercourse which shall havebeentodeclared ■"haH'be renewed iipon the recommendation of the Superspecified purchased land therein shall be Lands p reseii' of the Commissioners in the Government G azette constiuntil the Act, by majority by leeided a notification <hall be entitled to claim pasturage licenses over the "' granted, or reserved under these regulations; and th- ntendent and Provincial Council, to regulate tin lands TO SELL OR LET. Mil-rent. FREEHOLD I hiltc a frontage for the purpose of selection. included therein upon the terms of these regufgNOSELL OK LET for a term of years.—W 9. All meetings of the Board shall be attended b\ 37. Where.' from the frontage not being a straight ree to be paid in respect of such liceiise shall not be al- "cenpntion of the Waste Lauds of the Crown within lations,with a pre-emptive right over such laud, to inter .it least three Commissioners, and shall be open to tin >j me or rom the interferenceof other frontage lines,tered until the Ist May, 1870. Such licenseshall jriv. .uch reserved districts. subject to these regulations as regards acres of valuable LAN D at Caversbam, exercised X ■le timber, and shall immediTIMBBK. seuted by the For miry road to 'the OceanBeach, an-- Mublic. natural features,or the boundaries of private lands,no right to the soil or to the lotice of application, payment of deposit and -purpurchased land which be cannot determine over any adniiiably aiiaptert as sites for the erection of pnvat' applications Pasturagi accurately ately price of land, and size and shape of money, for Land and for hr any may tract of land shall have been reserved foi chase 10. All fhe above rules in respect of form 75. If Post nul for TimberLicenses shall, after hearing evidenc observed,the form of the section shall be d stonnined granted, or reserved uifder these regulations. Area- he sale of the timber thereon, such timber may hi "docks. If the land covered by such pre-emptive villas, being within twenty minutes -walk of theOcear all through passhall be allowed possessing splendid by right price subject view of the determined the Board at som< accordance with these rules in thr sonable of at included within the limits of a run held as, nearly public upset ■ight a when necessary, be ;is in way auction an and shall be Oilice,and -old by Beach, and surrounding country. turageruns. ro conditions to be fixed by the Superintendent,anii >y license under clauses 50 and 53, the holderthereof, .udgmeiit of the Board,circumstances will admit. -itt ing:'thereof. Theabove property is all fenced, and.a. large poi 11. TheBoard shall have power to hear and de- Bfe. In sections of lands not adjacent to or hounded 53. It at any time during the first four y<»s aftei lie purchaser shall agree to remove the same within in payingrent for the same, may take credit for the stock fbi tion of it under crop, with a swelling hoi.se,a five- rrmine all disputes between the holders of Pastur- by a frontage line, all the sides may be equal, but one the issue of the first license the quantity of all the timber not removed withir, amountpaid by him in respect of lauds covered by required, o> i certain time; andagain put up to public auction. stalled stable,cow shed,poultry yanl, anuthree small ,geand Timber Licenses respecting, the boundaries:. Mile may not be less than one-third of the otherj and the run shall be less than that originally that iich time may be "uch pre-emptive right. next less than twice amount during cotiages. the threeyears >f runs and districts,and shall have and exercise n!: such section shall not be less than half a mile distant 76. No person shall, without a license, cut or re08. Nothing in these Regulations shall be intererection oi lie powers wliich or during any subsequentperiod less than three time: nove any timber, from any WasteLands of the Crowi preted to affectthe legal rights or equitable contracts lhere is also a StoneHouse in course ofeight maybe lawfully had and exercise;! from a frontage line. Board declare th> apart purchased to contain sevenor the section of land the Waste Lands may undei amount, ground, properson possessing L'anils, the intended under 39. Any a >y any Coniiuissioiiei'ofCi-own may at. that timber which he shall have made by the Canterbury Association or the Governpro- except visions of the Crown Lands,Ordinance,Sess.X.. uny time' select another adjacent thereto, of such whole or a portion of such run to be forfeited; last clause); and any persons so cuttingor re- ment with holders of the pasturage licenses ; but i meiits, and a large garuenwell blocked with iir&t-ciu&> prior t. lie Apply-to regard gTanted with to runs bearing. together,'being always in full Lands Extension Ordinance. two considered as one. vided that shall liable to the cost of sucli tha, noving pereon holding a license under the Canterbury fruit trees \'o. 1;" and the"Ci'own the timber be pay -'„„ I'.or'm shall KUbH CALDER, -*ss. XJ., No. 10." be in the form required for a single the issue of these Regulations such first period of Ibu icense for one year together with the costs ofrecover- my ".' " Association or the Government, shall. voluntarily section, the date on which the*. Builder, liunedin. shall commence from Depart-; foregoing ag All the routine business of the Land under the rules. amount of the same. 12. K-ction years the ■csvm the same to the Government,he shall be eu:iient shall be transacted by the Chief Commissioner; 40. Immediately on the payment of the piirchasi Regulations shall come into operation : provided tlin> 77. Every license for cuttingor removing timber citled to receive a license under these Regulations, by the same individual or firn Oiallbe issued for one held regulations by to be made tin one moreruns or for one at. the "übjeet SPECULATORS. such as Commisor year, md shall from the date of such exchange hold his run purchaser may shall receive from the month, iiioney, the .'IO I'AliiliJbJlS AAU considered as on< "equest of the person applying for the same; and a it the rate and on the conditions specified in these Hoard in that behalf. sioners a License to Occupy." in the form set forth "nay for the purposes of this clause be monthly license Regulations. "Application paid upon 13. A book to be called the Book' i'un* be hereunto"annexed; PRIVATE TREATY. I B and as soon re of 10s. shall" every TO BE SOLD BY in the Schedule. runholder can prove tr hiill be kept open (luring- office hours at the Lam! thereafter APPENDIX 11. as conveniently maybe, the land shall be 54. In any case in which aLands Board that he i md of £5 upon everyyearly license.one but the person MUNICIPAL SECTION o iifice, in which the mime of everyperson desiring; to: laid off by a GovernmentSurveyor, as nearly in ac- die satisfactionof the Wasteentered 78. A license shall entitle no VALUABLE into previous to tin lamed Nos. 33,SI, 52,65,66, and 71, which ro application precluded byarrangements to the Boanl shall be written purchaser imy therein to cut down standing timber, but i- Clauses cordance'with thedescription given by the » aste Lands ttegtdati by UMJ adjoining \\ iiiholu Park, within tw. uuko the actually, givei repealed from for a hy Himselfor any person dulyauthorised on in his application as these regulations will admit: passiii" of tluse regulations .villauthorise him to employ any number ofpersons, st-tiiuiisof the township of Waihohi, containing 5. nii.sorder Amendment Ordinance, Seas. IX., No. 1 on his own run, it shall l» nring the term of the placing split, tin his stock to during period saw, behalf. And the Commissioners lie orremove yards oi shall, license, provided that whenever the lands selected without originallystood asfollows: acres of prime Alluvial Laud, within a lew running Boar, itting of the Boards consider and determine all appli- ;he surveyed districts,the expanse of the sui-vr-y and -.utticieiit if he prove to the satisfactionof therequisite lie timber so cut; and such license shall not hi 33. Immediately on the payment of the purchase an exteiu-ive Bush has a stream of water (s-ansferable. in tht of connecting such survey wit Ii the existing survey.-ihat he possesses within the Province the through it, and a Lake frontage to the Circa ""rtioiis in the order in which they shall uppenv in full, the purchaser shall receive from the place undertake to the and will sail to uoney person only book. Provided that if any shai 'hall be borne by the purchaser, who shall at the time amountof stock, the 79. A license to cut timber shall extend to Occupy," in the form Southern Hoad. V ould be an excellent site foi application himself peoiod. Commissioners a License or by some person duly authorise' of purchase deposit the amount of the estimated cost ii the run at the expiration of such istrict named therein. hoiise. The Lease ti '-lot appear lr <et forth in the Schedule A hereto annexed,which he shall, Every upoi. "Villas, or an accommodation at time, when called in lit holder of a license any his boha before the Board dulylicensed shall have established shall return again to the Commissioners <if such surveys with the Treasurer of the Waste 55. 80. If when he person extend If* years, subject to-the nominal rent of A* aurn, Board to tha any Waste Lands his app i.-ation shall be dismissed until his name. Lands sawing timber, no othei Hoard,which shall be made sis soon as practic- it written order from the per annum. return of all thestocl- i saw-pit for the purpose of *hall receive the Crown Grant of the Land. Such -hall appear again in the Book in order. Provided: able, by order of the Chief Surveyor. Provided "fleet make a true and complete shall cut timber within 50 yards of such pi: License to Occupy" shall be transferable Application to by enlerson wilfully and knowingh Jso that if two or more pel-sons shall apply fit tlnl a ways,that should anysection when surveyed prove un his run; and if he shallWaste Lands Board sha) without consent of the person first occupying sue! JAMES GILLON,in the form set forth in the Schedule. time to write tht.!'- names in the Applicatir o diiser in any respect from that intended by thr make nnv falsereturn, the *aw-pit; provided that if the person establishingsue! lorsement, Vine and Spirit'"Merchant, to the Treasurer the paid fee shall be to be forfeited. 51. The immediately declare his license Hook the Chiel Comiiiis&'onershall bratk-t tie. u'.chaser,the Governmentwill not be responsible Moray Place. and shall not cut timhe Waste Lands Board every year, in advance; for the shall havi pit shall not use the same, mes, mid shall iiiilisii the bracket ; and wlien ti»; ■■(/!■ any loss or inconvenience which the purchasirj 5(5. Kvery run or portion thereofwhich put the pit for it up b\ within such distance as aforesaidfrom on the issue of the License,and for the as alwve provided, shall he 11 appear befnri* tin- Hoard, the liuiiiil sliall ili-in ■; ay experience, nor will the pun-hose moneybe re- iieen'fbrfeited, lawful for anyother holder irst year days, it shall be adconsecutive an and everysubsequent yearon the first day of FOli SAI.K, nine tin- priority of right to be hard by lot. A nit i uiiicd. Provided also,that if the Surveyor shall the Waste Lands Board to public auction, after and to cut. timber a tfecond thereupon, every pasturage license not renewed by oi .if a license to enter ay and one and to the Government G uztttte, ajpliciihall not be lawful for the Boaid lrf-at-any established; riESIMAHI.fc-INVtSTMKNT.■md that the whole extent oi' land in the selected vertisi-ment in payment of the required fee on the first day of May Province. A license granter. thoiifrh such pit had not been -ri^HE "yi-lil'^'." AlxJlh" TAVKIi^ ion except such iis sliall be made in aeci.nlane.u wit! noality falls short of the quantity paid for by tin more new-papers of thedeemed purpose removing of to be an original license, 81. If anyperson shall, for the .hall unless eood cause to the contrary be shown to shall be iiis regulation. ± Apply to Kuiiyun & Knwlins, Solicuors. urciisiser,the Treasurer shall repayso much of tin ufterforfeiture for- timber, havemade a road upon land being the Wasti ""he satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board,be consi'upon appeal from any person whose run lias been 14. The Board sliall keep true arid detailed iiiiiiut< imrchase of the land to In price being highway, as exceeds the it shal money a 256 36 from the date of such forfeiture Lands of the Crown and not lered as bandfooned. ■! all applications made to the Board,and ail deeisioi. ouveyed. The "License to Occupy" shall,in any feited within 60 days oi not be lawful for any other person to use the sam. 52 Every pasturage license shall be m the form. in ac- it shall be lawfulfor the Superintendent to reserve hcrcou, and of nil sums of moneypaid to the Tn.ii neb ca.se, be amended by the Commissioners, flip permission of the person makingthe sanii «t forth in the Schedule C hereto annexed,and shall whollyor in part. Eeclioi. either without pideei'dings suspend for sale of all the of th such forfeiture ; generally ACItKS in Tokoiiiairiro and and tin urer, report Surveyor, ordanc-e with the of the such road shall no ie transferable by endorsement in the form set. forth 1 A/1 that if provided wlucl first obtained taking "■(! out a li< ense ior arun ASI) siyi by person all tli. :rown Grant shall be made out iv accordance 57 Even Strekt, Lai "oard ; and such minutes shall be 1 UV; 79, bU, li IX. tiiLUts consecutive da;-s,it shni in the Schedule;"and shall entitle the holder to the to deposit with the Trea- he used at any time for 90 Agents ami Smveyors. .iiiiinissioncrs present at any meeting. And «ic;l nerewith; and the "License" shall be returned ti. is not stocked will be requiredfor the lands specified ten shillings every hundred ii» be lawfulfor anyholderof a license at anytime then-- "xclusive right "of pasturage over ii.nntes shall be open to the inspection of all personwhen the Crown Grantshall In surer the sum oflicense, lie Commissioners be returned withoui the same. the terms above stated. Itis intended rherein, upon liter to use which will ii-siring to inspect the same, at. all reasonable houir -ned. .ncludiil in the J UJSCT 1O N HO Tb L holding a timber license shall be hat such license shall be renewable from year to year the conditions. person any shall have fulfilled If shillings sixpene of two and iute-est soon as he 8° "n |irivment of the sum as TUAPEKA IIOAIJ, to liav. mtil the land specified therein shall be purchased, 41. Any person makinga ditch and bank fenceoil n respect to stocking the run within the prescribe.-, proved before the Waste Lands Board Jtmction of Gabriel'sand AVetherstone's. or every such inspection. .awls adjoining Waste Lands of.the Crown may taki period but ifsuch conditions be not fulfilled such de- uti'euded against any regulations herein containec. re- n-antert, or reserved,under these Regulations; and and Cu. desires to intimate that tin"; —SURVKYS. required wilfully 111. for the ditch in- fso renewed, the fee to be paid in resect of such negligently "ut of such lands half the land to have or pecting timber, or have opened their new and «xu-n>ive piemisi. 10. There shall be a Chief .Surveyor who shall h ud bank : provided that no ditch or bank sh.-.1l he nosits s-'lial be forfeited respect tostocking arun, am. ured or destroyed by fire or otherwise any timber be- icenses shall no* be altered until the fust of May, 58. The above ru at the nbnvfaddress. ■ and shal [■poh'ited and removable by Warrant under the lini:- nore than six feet in width. shall with the to the such license be, 870. Such license shall give no right to the soil or ongiug ">"wy Crown, «" io the lodgmentof «i > l"-facres,. They have excellent aceoininodation for Boari'ei: b Superintendent, and as many distant iiw deteinine over 0000 lie immediatelydeclared to be forfeited,and it shall o the timber, and shall immediately and as it. is their h tention to cany on n h-gitimal' I the as shall be necessary,who hall not apply toru \ containing less than purchased, granted, or reshall ne appoints VIII. —COMPENSATION LANDS. refuse to issue anot.herequired be ai the Board to .eyors a license the discretion of Every holder of may ii my land which may be Hotel business,their patiuus will besicuit from aii; iiid rcmoveable by the Superintendent upon the re59 right o. A reasonable person. Regulations. erved under these 42. Whereas it is desirable that private persons .mv time to pay for the actual cost of the survey timber license to the same noise or disturbance. ot th<- Chit'l Surveyor. >fway shall be allowed throuirh all pasturage runs. hould be enabled to receive portions of Waste Lam ,is run at a rate not exeeedintr^Os. for everythousan. On hand, a first"rate stock of Liquors, of the be.l- oiimiindntioii surveys shall be conducted in such ninnnr; land included in All for rural any applicant 10. 65. The -brandß to be had in the province. "n exchange for private lands taken for roads or tin SCHEDULES upoi. .ny pre-emptiveright shall deposit with the neasurer .s the Board by any regulations to be made in thir ither public purposes; if any person shall be entitlee '"(SO Every holder of a pasturage icensebeshall, to 4s. iieracre equal shall direct. .half entitled n. Lands Board a sum Board, "f the Waste FOR i-AIM, o receive any compensation in respect of any laudi. ipplicatiou to the Waste Lands lie shall IV.—THE LAND KKVJJNUK. i Schedule A. >f the purchase money, and the remainder In I'lirtubi'llo Bay, shall have been taken for the purposisof i pre-emptive right over portions of Ins run, as iolof his apphca ion no; Province ) 17. All payments to be made in respect of land sbai which "ay within one week from the date 1-hOl'HK'n of Fifty Acreof any other publicwork, or in rispuct of am oWS a run of imt less ban 1.000 acresand oador --lor deposit, during deposit. of the Board tli. SuclV compnssuch of iamages done to his property by the taking of sucl more than 5,000acres, over a block of laud with (!i<id .eintr granted, or forfeit House, Barn, and ("Hit n- made to the Treasurer on demand, be immediatelyreturnedshall shall buih:ingK and water Aontnpe to both Pottobelloßii itting thereof, and the Treasurer shall thcreupoi and lor such purposes, such person shall, iinon appli- ntr and circumjacent to his homestead to the extern Canterbury. ) purchase right for the same. pre-emptive receipt* ive holder of the and Koi'th-eaßt Harlior. .-ation to the Waste Lands Board, be. entitled to ;> >f~5 ncrcent of the acreageof the run. For a run o: LICENSE TO OCCUPY TOWN LANDS. 18.—By the 62nd clause of the Constitution At urant of rural land in such situation as he shall select, 000 acres and upwards, over 250 acres of land comThe above is a vtry valuable investment,and wii lie Governoris authorised and required to pay out i übject to the conditions as to form and frontage iriprising and circumjacent to his homesteador prinenn. Wheueas duly d. suited lor n>nrhie rt-sidiuces. of hath been poundhe revenue arising from the disposal of the Wast. Jic-se regulations contained, to the extent of one acr. tation. And for all runs, over all lauds occupied b> ured the nurrhasiT for the sum of Also lit or SOHead of Cattle, and a strong wi Lands of the Crown all the costs, charges, anil ex or every two pounds sterling of the amountof com- .mv buildings, enclosures,plantations, cultivation... shillings, and pence, o the section foundo ton Boat. of the purchase ■enses incident to the collection, management, an. iensation an s Board a deposit of 4s. per acre applicant shall be entitled :'t< >rany such other improvements as shall in thejudgApply to which the describee. of the Crown hereinafter and if he shall not within six iccipt thereof; and also to payout of the said revenue eceive iv respect of the land taken for such ] urposej lrtrnl of tie Waste Lands Board be deemed sutheien, lie Waste Lands tl> ,ionev of such portion; M»SRS GILLIES k STREET, the Treasurer of day paid under this to remainder of the pui,nd certaii hath have the become*payable paid ucli sums as shall with htt> Princes street, next Day and Mieville's. "flier ,oi the purposes of this clause,together Boiird of the Province oi Canterbury veeks thereafter v r in respect of such damage as aforesaid. he shall forfeit such deposit together to the lands so oc- Waste Lands provisions therein contained. The Treasurer shillings, an. ■liase money, If shall contract with the Superin- acres comprising and circumjacent ot person out a! 43. said sum to land. punds. right of any :he or title tiie bVn isALli, Ue Waste Lands Board shall,therefore,pay trith all to make and complete, within a given timt-. pence, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow he fundscoming into his hands under these regulai; tendent 71. All payments on account of pasturage runs HOUSK of Six Kooms, at the time of hb app.icatioi, MEN AND TIIKSi or any part of am at all such sums lor the above-named purposes, anypublic road,bridge, or drain, description of the iaiiu- ,-dn-ed,NOW KNOW ALL nail in future be made on the first day oftheMay, suliieient pursuance securitj give furnishing finished,Stables,"\\ill, kc, kc. Bkn. Smiti ions such the 80-ad a iii of,tn bridge, ■iucli or o that We, Uasie witness, road, drain, at Christchurch,and ucli manner and to such persons ius the Governo nurht, to t.. ."übshnts Architect. Princes-street. Immediate possession. the sm ne Laud Office, Commissioners ot enipaw iiß the Superintendent may require for the due com- .verwhic. he claims such pre-emptive vested in us as for the p lace owers shall sit U^ttt »K«surw hall direct. Ami unds at Board and th«wiUu .Vuste LttiuU Uourd.do hereby authorise pletion ot such contract, and shalLselect such portioi atisfaclioiof the Chiei bui-vevor. Maps T. rUBLIC KESERVIiS. hi hi).—lt<U A< re, of tii>traie Law atei toreceive the sun* T\ ioKOAi Aihale—partly to accept byiwtn ,haU be juu-kedoli'on ue uutUeuucated u^ dMrtrt fate Uei» x aligns, at wxy tune ienttu. J. Douchtv. 19. Reserves for the uses of the l'rovincial Govern of rural laud as he shall be willing X lor payby or of Land On*«. part peytMUt compensation, of or way went and for other public purposes may, upon tin GoldenCross Hotel. - AWEATHER-BOARDKD rHEREB ~',a : I ... District. I extcn.ivebusine^ ■■ iHEHKBY X TheleaseofastoreinjiW-^^^, I ' . '' ' ■ " , < - BUSINESS " '' " ' - - , .' - ' ' , Tennseas^^ '' ' ' ' " ■ T - - \ ' ' - . ■ r , " ' ;" receive-1 MESSRS. . . ■■ ■' . ■ .■ : " MR. - .... :'c. " . : — ' : .. A - " ' LAND PROrER/iT " . - : : ALL ■ — , " " . " " " A " . : " " " " ; ' , . " " HEKBhKT AVALUATLE DWELLING- — we1, " . — \ ■T^LiS'-shall . l?owfvfr the - . 8 < fVAiU > s^.l,.■. .-.rrT^.~-i..'ii '- iJusiii(sss**'""i>iotices." ■''""" -,J>AtjT V n': v"~"~ ." , TiMS<> ■"■"^■-"*- ■-'-' &£JuUel4;+:l&!s2' ""~ j> gj elffiiiti;g^"-"!"""--="--'-ii--; ■■"■. "■■"vs:ock1- ■■"■■ -■-■■-'^ '.' " " u'i~~i"7:'. ~Zj ~" ■ " '-. '■ ■ ■'■"""■* :'"~r r" . """'"";' "'■['"_'" i""ruJ."juT"T"i" .. "" """' """": SA L E', by the undersigned :-Sri OR CATTLE. UATTLii. CATTLE. J' it Oft 1' I. U I !■■■■' Cossipore sugar Notice is herebygiven i> at T' omas Biinnatyu - -£ 10005 tons LANDED, ex llmuoine, from Welling. of mi-: bushels brat Baltic oats JUST A.. Fisher's Bedding and Pallinss Manufactory, Gillies mid Francis JJillon Bull, E (j*., have beei in' ey, f aud to be setm the A'orcli Kast. Vid v. 100 cas-ks botiled ale duly appointed Arbitrators under me Oiauo iin George-street, near the Victoria Bakery. )T.v.Go'M.:;e and il.\.ii\ T ■: .-a' ij t ivjii ;iy. 100 boxes marble soap Sou'hlmiil Public Debts Appointinc nt Act, ltiiil , am AUCADE, splendid A lot of :'.'. CO.Ui'A.N'V, A FISHER UphoUteror. Ptilliass. and Mattress 50 do,'purified-tallowcandles that Eilwani Wiliiiini Siiiitonl, E<i\.. has been ap20 bales ]:repared flax anatresses puintffl flir Umpire ii.id. r iheVaid Act; iiinl thitr Hi. i'rom 10 to 12 a.m.. Jiml from to 4 jinil (3 to 8 p.n 'CIl. Aitf.iiiJjictiircr, respectfully informshis friends ■-'■■■■■■WKL'L--JHiKD"'-GO\VS > S"l.Ei:i'S AT THE "' Hlfi VINCI At.."' said Arbitrators wi.l liotd open sittings at. the ('ours ■at iie baa opened business in (ieurge-btreet, where 1 -bale ataweod do. exception imported.' /ithout the fi.iestever -,* ."■ Incorporated by Ab£'of-tlie Geiieral A.-wjai'jly of-ail classes of bedding can be had 20 tons Wellington potatoes ; general-stockprices. House, Dunertin, oil Thursday, the Kith nt April, CITY EXPRESS. it resißuuable Palliasses any sizes made to 5 do. do.'o.,ions Also, a fine lot of and followingdays, lor thupurpo>esot the Arbitration. oi .New Zealand. or parcels called for and delivered fc. apples do. do. THUS. 15. UIU.I-.C, 1 on the shortest notice, i all parts of the town. Ordersreceived at Cobl irder, and boxes finest aougot. STEERS, HBIFKRS, AND BULLOCKS. halt-cheats Proprietors Lodging sup capital, F. DILLON BELL, Publicans and of houses Chests, £100,000, About 20 lit for the Butcher. <cCo.,at Victorian Store, Maclaggan-street; at tin. plied at wholesale prices. tea Arbitrators. itoyal George Hotel, George-street; or at Carriage Restuth'ng neatly executed. 10 quarter-casks OtaixTsbrandy For particulars apply -to -0,000 SUarssof £5 each,witli power to incivaig Dunediti, 27th March, ISG2, Stand, corner of Prince and Stafford-street. J. k 11. single double and cedar ■with BAIHD, ■-■■-' On hand, sofas, WrtttfUT, ROBERT.SOY.fc CO. to f200,00J. JAMES OSGOOD. squabs PriuciiS-street. and bolsters. CAMP HOTEL, 21st 1862. LIEOhSTEK iiAMS. stretchers, & c. March, Bedsteads, Temporary Offices,StaffordChambers,c rner of J X V X V, spleiiuid- tlock of Liecester Kwea,-lately n Camp Road Junction, Gabriel's abd The Trade supplied. "jnHAT Wholesale,Retnil. and Gtmrra. Storehetper, meil ex Winded Arrow, from Clyite, iiavii TO MERCHANTS. STOREKEEPERS HOTEL- J_ Staffordand Manse-street*, Duno.iiu. TU.iPEK.-i MoUSK, Wktiiehstonk's. laiuimig, AND COUNTRY iiw finished Ue desirous of pi KEEPERS, GROCERS. t.eineu GifchENWOOD begs to inform the PRINCES STKEET, DUNEDIN. aring puie Liecester Ham Lambs, should take :s to Dunedin. has i>ROVISIONAL~ C 0 M M I T T E 15, bogs WALSH intimate that he ha> inhabitants of that he entered E. uly opportunity of foiwardi.ig their orders to li> "OMEO." OPENED the above commodious and extenGoodsweighed and forwarded to the Disrging- nto the business of CESSPOOL and CLOSET Witli power to aid to their number Omeo übscriber,Totora Tree, Uaiuaru. " Undersigned have ou Board the and promises to do nil such work to -11 :«><" LEANING, Esq.. JU.il. it. Thus.'Dick, sive premises. William Brown. hourly expected to arrive from Melbourne,tli iie satisfactionof his customers, and o.i the most E. 15. Cahgill. Esq AI.P.C. The Bar is one of the largest in the Province, following goods of prime quality,and specially selecte SPlClilt, .MLilU<A\, «: CO.. "easonable terms possible. Kin;- uu, K»(j., M.P.C. i CCLIMATIfSED HAMS.—Shaw's Olelirai■ Jas. being over 30 feet wide,and the accommodation ami lluildeks & Con ruAcxnits, Geokiie-strkb; Address—'" Boxes/ Maclaggan street. Princes for this market :— Ji Australian Breed,'2 aud 4 tooth, la miintii W. 11. Cuttkn, Esq., C.O.jL. Fine Adelaide flour UIINEDIN, treet. and Stafford .street. William Greenwood, attendance is unrivalled. The Liquors have been s>e on tlii.'iu, tor baie by I'njiOKiiic GiiHi-: JOHNJOKKS,EbQ. and Mauritius Whit ."uol Sugar—Cosfipore a large \'ightuian. OX SALE stock o laiL-e ; looted by Mr Walsh personally, aiul are therefore oi Wm. (Jakr I'ouko, Esq., J.P. Crystals ~ sti'f£t Doors and Sashes. 11. B. Martin, Esq. SHEEP STATION Full SALE. first-rate quality. There is ample accommodation iOOTMAKER, MELBOURNE AND DUNEDIN Brandy iJules Robin) pale, hhds. and qr.-cask American Lumber and Shelving, Adoli'ii lima, Esq. Cfurnbull, Bing, & Co.) 11HE Uiiiieisiiiiied have fur sale a uuperior HUi' Brandy (Martell) <iark,hhds. \/TANLY THACKEIi. havingcompleted ths buildWeathcrbotinliug, Skirtuitr, &c. for Boarders,and the bedrooms ar« clean and comA. M'Lkud, Eg. prepared awes, to 1. in this Province of 2i,OUU with Olii. Bitindy (Jules Kubi.i) cases LtX ing of his .Storein Jlojie-street, is fortable. Large and roomy Stablesare attached to S., M., and Co. having a large Timber Vakii. ;xecute Jas. Katiray', Esq. (Dalgetty, ltattray, & Co.) ieep. Thuie all ruquisitu improvements for workiii all orders lie may be favoredw'th. Brandy (liupl. Co.Murat; cases and sell on cuuimission,conUKIVKII, E.-.Q. the Hotel, and as the Junction is the usual halting .re prepared to receiveami iIISNKY Taylor's, bulk liicienth. Stout, all sorts of Huildiug MateMUiiineuts of Timber (JiiAs. E. Bihb, Ksq (Jones, Bird, k Co.) place for draymen, they can be mppiied with .iiils ' WAIHOLA GORGE INN, DALGETY. RATTRAY & Co Ale, Linden and Col. Co., bulk Clkve, Esq. (Cieve M. Co.) ALMtED Diggings, l alf-way Horse-feedand Accommodation. betweeu Dunediii and the and 4 Stout, Mar/etti and Morice. Cive and Co. "IRST-CLASS MOB OF CATTLE FOR SAL;. W. Kawwns, Esq. Miles "south-west from the Waihola Lake, on the bottled Mark the Address.—Camp Hotel, Camp Itoa<, S 'i' A N F O III) & C O ot Female Cattle, lrom 1 HEAD lot J. C. Ca.mi-bell,JisQ; )i\f\ Youngers' strong, Road. No aud bottle year Slain Ale, Bass 3, Junction. vUU in hi^h condition, now running- in tin. W. W. Tiukle, Esq. LUPOIITERS, WHOLESALE AND HETAU. Hams,Taylor's E. WALSH, Proprietor. DEALERS IN northern part of Otago. Alex. Ciuimikg, Esq. Coey's JOHN DAVIDSON, Bacon, AND DALGETY. RATTRAY & CO. K. "De Cable, Esq. KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, to intimate to the public, that he has opened Wits Cheese,Cheddarand H. Farlet, Esq. roSKTTLKH^, GKAZIKitS,'UUTUIIKIi.Princes-street, Dunedin, the above new and commodious premises, and Soap, London and Liverpool PILLIET & ADAMS, Surveyors & Day (Opposite Mieville.) ANI) nopes by strict attention to cleanliness and comfort, OTHEUS. Draughtsmen, and Land Agents. Surveys Sardines,i and -J tins bankers combined with moderate charges, to merit a share of effectedin all parts of the Province. Plans, maps, Salmon, 1ib. The Undersigned are now ii Ginger, Jamaica,bleached executed with despatch. Transact all business con- TUST ARRIVED, a Splendid Assortment. uubiic patronage. BANK OF KHW ZEALAND. receipt of regular shipments of fat and stor spirits J. takes this of of and tar, consisting opportunity Turps, with of lands. Laud "J of—'. D., thankina old boiled oil prepared nected the transfer houses and to enterinti Oattle from Wellington, and are Chandeliers Billiard Lamps GlassShadesfriendsfor past support, and hopes that they will not Stockholm tarand pitch Office. irransrements with Settlers,Graziers,and Butchers sohoiiok: Suspension Lamps Stand do Paper do iorgct to give him a call in his new house,which they Office:—Maclaggan-street. Sauces,Crosseand Blackwall, and Lea and ii supply them on liberal terms. The Cattle, whicl S. M. ijuui'll. Kitchen do Globes will find to be far more commodious and comfortable Perrins' Near the Arcade. Side do t. ■re well are from the runs of Messrs. Smith bred, Capers, and curry powder do Hall Lanterns CJiimnies than the old one. ft racket Hevans, and J. Tuhi.r, Esq. skcretart : Parlor do Stable do Wines,Beer,and Spirits of the very best brands Castoroil Wick, &c, WRIGHT, ROBERTSON*,CO., & MITCHELL, Engravers ani always on hand. Fencing wire And the PURE KEROSENE OIL. MR. JAMES. W. HAY. Manse Street. ? LmiooisAPHEKS, Princes-street,above Bank All country orders will receive prompt attention. Oats, Chaff,and Bran, always on Sale at current Corn sacks New South Wales. Wedding Cards, Bill Heads,Goodscarefullypacked and forwardedto any part ot rates. FAT WETHERS. ; DALGETY, RATTRAY & Co., :"IHE rapid increase ot population, consequent upon Maps, Plans,&c, SALE, IUOOFAT WETHERS, deliverabl. 1 the influx of people to this I'royit.ce, tliruiiglt <3oop stablixo. Walker-street. Mew Zealand. : at a convenient distance from town, or at tin lie diseovcrj of the ttold Fields, lias i.ecessurily NOTICE iiriliiitrs. A first-rate, lot. JENKINS, Wellington Hotel, NOTICeT!! EX "ALDINGA." oauseil the erection of a vast number of buiL.mjj, Anp'ly to CAUGILL CO.. Princf* street TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, &c. PANTLIN & CO. are Just LandinsMomy-place, Diineilin. Licensed to Retai' of ■fIfEBB, md luvs also increased the stocks of nierchanuise 10 a ITTLE DORRIT, "NEWCOMES," Tale Wines, Ale and Beer. Meals always ready. Well V[ O Goods are to be delivered on account o; fI J two cities, Uncommercial, traveller, Peg WofAUSTRALIAN J-.WESFOR SALE. .egreehittferto unpiinilleledin the'city of Diuiunin. aired i!eds.. L^l Provincial Hotel, without a written order. .ingtoii, Douglas Jen-olds',Levers', Thackeray's Currajnd increase of valuable proBaines'salmon,lib. tins this Notwithstanding UNDERSIGNED have FOR SALE— S. JONES, PHE i-ie Bell, and 200 select works by the most popular Coleman's starch ierty-rth>-reby enusiny; ai>eltionnous outlay nf capital L 3,ooo.first-classAiaiden Ewes. Proprietor. Colemans blue hay's concentrated compound es- 114 30 c luthors, havebeen added to the Expected to arrive at Port Chalmersin a few days, —no facilities have been.uffonied,further tlian tliusu in lib. tins Oysters DUNEDIN LIBRARY. listing previous to theCiscovery of ti.o OoLl Fid ~s, red Jamaica sarsaparalla, sences of with dandeiier ship British Trident, from Melbourne. Maurice Joel, Wi.i c Herrings lion and potash, effectually cures of kinds of skin as to enable merchants ami others to scuure themP. HAYMAN & CO., OALGKTY. RATTRAY & CO. so herrings. Proprietor, 'lied loss by lire ; and itmay be safely siiiteYl pimples, ulcers,"swellings, against Princes-street, ■ielres Importers diseases, o. boils,sq:e throats 5X7 HOLESALE Jewellers and Pearl barley Opposite the Government Offices. that the existing lnsurarice Unices in Dunenin have and eyes,bad'legs, piles, thoroughly eradicates auj t » FAT WEUDEitS FOR SALE. General Merchandise, Hattray-streev assortment of merchants' account Lea and Perrins' sauc* large N.B. A lot the to insure one-tenth of the property i.i secondary de.-tvoys power symptoms, of Fat tedders from J. injuriousOpposite *) traces the the Hank of New South Wales, Dunedin: W. T..Clarke's OAA flocks to arrive per Voltigern. Novels books for presents, and AppK this city. Atthe same time/ owing to tue .'crow..eil effectsproduced by met ouryupon thesystem, i.stlio best and Queen-street,Melbourne, have always oi ! >ooks. stationery, ■Jy\J\J\J -S A L E portions of Dunedin,an i the total'u.int of some remedy for nervous i.ebility, weakness of the stomach;band,and are continuallyreceivingl a regular Assort- school books always on hand. oO— ''!■:* -:cate ~ Holloway's Pills and Ointment ~ "f proper appliances for thc.uxtinguisidngof fn-us, Dalgety, Rattray & Co., flatulency,indigestion, biliousness. For purifying the ment of Melbourne and English-made Jewellery, Keating s Lozenges, SeidlitzPowders CLOTTY DUNEDIN. Walker-street. areat auxiety is univi'rsally lelt, so much so thai/every blood,invigoratingand strengtheningthe constitution,ijold and Silver Watches,Clocks, Electro-platei.' Cream Flavoring be had of Essential Oils, o. would be glad to insure, and be willing;to pay generally to stand fatigue, and in all cases of chest, person ~ best suited for it, are to Essences, Ware,Stationery, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Goods. FOR S A"iTK and lung affections,torpid or sluggish liver, and Cutlery, MANLY THAOKER, Premier Bootmaker, Tartar, Liquorice such rates as must handsomelyremunerate an insuMu-ical Instruments, Brush-ware, and a!' '.'■■■ FIRST RATE RUN, of 107,000Acres,about rance A acids Dalgety Rattray's. so & and citric Company. rear of TarUiric,acetic, rheumatism, ineidc ,tal to these colonies,its effectsdescriptions <-f Englishand Foreign Fancy Goods. iloi'E-STBEET, Sheep, Without going into statistic.nl i\. 50 miles from Dunedin,with'over S.dOO Spirits of Wine, ginger, tinfoil Countryorders will meet with prompt attention. are truly astonishing in working euros. details, it will lie md everypossible convenience 'or the efficientwork- patent, Soleproprietor- Day, chemist,27 Lonsdale-street, And other articles adapted for eordia. ing to the minus of all observers that- there "is nt ex Western and at Fcl. of this valuable station. In addition to ARRIVED, Omeo, 111 acres- present in Dunedin property wortli immense sums if manufacturing, at West Melbourne. Divan, opimprovements Cigar WILLIAM JOHNSTON ler's Commercial No. 1,Arcade, if Freehold, the are extensive,' and MAURICE JOEL'S, insuretl at a rate totally inconsistent wtii its Agent for Dunedin,Mr. Geo. Caspar, Australian Notary Public. posite Union Bank, a splendidassortment of Cigars, if a most substantial character,comprising Dwelling uioney, nothing of the: many houses un-Princes-street. actual value,to Store, Dunedin. Office:—Corner of Princes-street and High-street I'obaeco,Meerschaum Pipes, &c, &c. .'louse,Huts, Sheup Yards, JL)ipping-tank, Boilers, insured, throughsay the present Fire A'gei.ts having no (next door to Fraser & Granger, Saddlers. PER DONA ANITA. &c, &c.. Dunedin, iVoolshed> I power to increase the number of their policies—a reBROTHKUS X CO., GeneralBlacksmiths TUST received by the above Vessel, from London, .' WM. CARR,YOUNG: ■■■■. sult consequent\ipon th<> exhaustion of the amount BENEVOLENT ASYLUM, DUNEDIN.: Hor.se Shocrs,and Wheelwrights. §35" N.B. —Ship Protests must be noted within 200 Boxes Price's candles tl capital which the European and Australasian ■'Comof ORDERS EXEOUTKD AT SIIOHTKST NOTICE. Forty-eight hours after the Arrival of Vessel. panies have,authorised them to invest here. To be supported by Voluntary Contributions. George-street, opposite Hospital. GREEN ISLAND RISING. these' Under circumstances,it is proposed to form 3 3ales blankets MESSRS. GILLIES AND STREET, under the above title, for" tlwpmpnteof He that hath pity on the poor, happy is he." HALL, DUN E D 1;N, \\T}il.L, I NEVEK!—the old settler says- a'Compahy MEDICAL Land asd Estate Agexts, Accountants, :aki3 Caseshaberdashery, bassinettes,He. insuring against losses by fire, with a 'capital of one Surveyors. I never would have believed that there wouli TV 40 Window glass (assorted) Established 1P52. Objects ii! so great a change in Greenisland—formerly su hundred thousand pounds' in twenty thousand shares invested in Land, and Loans on 1-2 Grindstones pounds power/being reserved by tha "f five relieve the aged, infirm, disabled,or destitute of each, quiet, astonishing and so dead in fact! We'll it's Chestsof drawers,nnd other furniture ! Mortgage effected, Surveys executed, am THOMAS M. WILKINSON, all creeds and nations,by receiving and mainHut as jzold has done so much for Australia, so it war .Vettoof Incorporation, to increase the amount of eapi5 Tons Morewood's galvanized him Maps constructed. ] !>ound taining, in a suitable building,such as may be most (hito Wilson.) fifty .thousand pounds,; two al two.hundred and to Otaso. The has forwarded Dunpild roofing | jdin ten do inin advance of Insolvent and Partnership Estates wound up. In benefitedby being inmates of the Asylum. -12,000Feet patent, continuous PHARMACEUTICAL AMD DISPENSING CHRMIST. and sixpence per share, to be paid <is dejini-it 40 Dozen galvanized pails Lion yenvs itself, and has added ten- .■hillings terest .Kcnts uiul Accounts collected. application for shares ; and as soon as oii'e lialf Importer of Pnu-nt Medicine!?, having intimated their .willingness spun Perfumery, &c, up-country The Government our produce 'old value to land and in 8 Casesen. 3UOnalvanized iron tiles > brand Register of Lauds and Houses for Sale or to Let jO grant a site for the purpose, it is hoped that asuffiWholesale and Retail. iistriets. So vie. Greenisladers, liave also received or if the number of sharts are allotted, the Act of Inand maps for referencekept. hidt><;capping, piping, pipe heads sieiit sum will be collected to allow of a portion of the his life-giving influence,and also such an impulse nt corporation will be applied for: U til aitt-r tlie pasGutter brackets,and gutteringof. I." A. S. WILSON, in retiring from the above Land Oflicebusiness transacted,and reliable infor Asylum being erected,and ready for the reception of iromfces soon to mark Greehislandof the Pi itsi sing of such Act, nO further call will be miulu, and various kinds J respecting Lauds in all parts of thr only after due notice,at intervals of. one numih, business,respectfully thanks the inhabitants ination furnished Inmates beforethe winter sets in.102 Packages spades, shovels,picks, bedsteads, importance. As an evidence we have transplantedt. uiien of Otago for the support so liberally extended to him Provinces of Otago and Southland. -Interim Committee: md in sums not exceeding five shillingsper share. and assorted ironinonjrerv, nnd tinware. EGBERT GILLIES. during tl.e past seven years,and desires to introduce HYDE HARRIS. The experience derived from the operations of oilier JOHN THE G ASGOW POLYTECHNIC. MOSS & CO. FREDERICK CHARLES HENRY STREET. ; Note their motto: Mr. Wilkinson as his successor, whose practical ALFRED CHETHAM STRODE. -■■ .nsuranceCompauies, warrants the belief that not near the Cutting. knowledge will, he feelsassured,give full satisfaction Offices—Princes-street, JAMES A. DOUGLAS. uore than 10s; or'lSs.'per share will ever be required SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED,-. "LET OTAGO FLOURISH!" to all who mayfavor him with their patronage. JULIUS Mauritius and white .lava ot, £0 be paid up. Supars, always VOGEL. Where M'COLL &"CAMPBELL have fo; —Orders received and executed quarters Judging from the unprecedei-.ted dividends declared EDWARD G. EDWARDS. Dunedin, March, 1862. Tea,chests,half-chestsand hand a well selected stock of all descriptions of Mining and Agricultura By whom contributions are earnestly solicited, and !>y Companies established through the influenceof Coftee,currants and raisins GROCERIES, -'DHAPERV, &c. Machinery. Steam Engines, all sizes, with largi .villbe thankfullyreceived. ta: them, ligJit weights, supply and and ii Colonial;.Capital in Victoria, ajid which couip;.nies —Goods stored at current rates, a^ Candles,Belraont's, 'ndeed, it takes all Dunrdin to boilers,always on hand, with rou.id and flat rop: Donations may also be paid to the account of the s now generally acknowledged that they only kevy commenced operations at a period'when most of tl.e low Scott & Co.'s.lVinres-Mroct. 3fifi 3! tor hoisting, &c. Soaps, castor and snlad oils Dunedin Benevolent Asylum at any of the Dunediu They especially ■irst-clas's articles. recommend 'Miildings insured were woouen erections,ami. v Ij«u E. TOWNS & CO., Lianks. no greater facilities for extinguishing, fires"existed Cheese,hams,and bacon 'heir 26 Wiiliam-street, than here, it maybe Siifely presumed that divijibs, AGRICULTURAL COMand NOTED T E Sardines, Jibs. AS, Melbourne. PANY'S COAL, screened or smithy, deA CA R D lends equallyhigh will be declared by the -p.'upoted jams, mustard At3sGd and 4s per Ib Lobsters, Company. ~ livered at shortest notice,in city or suburbs, by tin As an instance take the prospi;nij of llie pepper Drapery Fancy Starch, The Side is well assorted in Goods. rj FiliLjjh, t'LubH FOti ',_/. undersigned. To the Aristocracy and Gentry of Dunedin and it* Bencraft's oatmeal, ii Ladies' Dresses,Crinolines,&c, &c, ITuderclothin;.1, Victoiia Fireand Marine Insurance Company inJloLFlour, Adelaide PROM MOSSGUsu kiujJ.., TAIERI. Vicinity. ijouriie, which has already returned its orhrinal'OipiJAMES L. & C. BURKE, baps, assorted sizes Hid article suited for the season. every |)ARTIES ordering flour for the diggings an tal to the Shareholders,in addition to upwards of 3 Oats,Colonial,Californian,and Scotch Princes-street,opposite Barracks. !L respectfully informed that the best colonia WATERS & MORTON having comper cent, per iiumiin. by wayof dividend and bonus. Bran (Adelaide), and gram HALF WAY BUSH. pleted their extensive arraugnments, are now Hour can be had from the above mills, (Mr A. .I onions. ~..-■ Potatoes and I f\ ACRE Sectionfor sale,6 acres Bush, 1acres- It is the intention of the Company when established Burns.) and that by enrthur from here, a saving, ;>repaml to hike contracts ior Largo and Small Din.0 treat liberally with all proposals for insurance. VICTORIA LABOR MART The wliide of the above articles are all of prim L V under Grass. House,Stockyard, &c. of 10 miles of effected. ier Partks, Pic-nics, Ball Sujipcrs, Wedding Break- quality, and will be guaranteed to purchasers a cartage be may From the foregoing statement -of"facts,-;thoP/oNOW OPEN in premises three doois above the GrlLLiE> & SiT.ELT, Surveyors. ---.isional Committeefeelassured that there can be i;o may be made fordelivering from th' iists, Hejeflni'i-s a la Foiirchette,&c, &c. such. Shakspeare Hotel,Rattray Street,lor thesuppiy Arrangements Agents Land and Ferry or Scrogjr's Creek. Taieri WATERS AND MORTON'S combined Messrs. loubt A. &.I. SCOULAE,, as to the success-of-thecompanyin' realizing of Mechanics,Female Domestics, Uc, &c. always on hand. ■xperience ensures to their patrons everysatisfaction, Opposite the Barracks,Princes-st. .JUJJUKBAN PKOPEItTY^FOirSALEonMair. dvidends proportionate in amount to those obtained Always on hand a good selection of Books and Bran, Pollard, and Seconds JAMES & JOHN H. BARR, rlie CUISINE " beiiur under the immediatr; superIO Road to Port Chalmers. in Victoria. CommercialStationery. 31 acres bush land, about 4 miles from Dunedin,a Applications for shares will be received at the Dunedin, agents. intendence of Mr. Morton, whose siiccessos in gasF. HUMFFRAY, Ironomy are so well known and appreciated. Jompany's temporary offices, Stafford Chamber*, finestream of water passes through. Hotels, &c. Manager WILSON & WAIN'S GILLE.S & STKEET, corner of Stafford ami Manse-streets,Dunedin,on CAFE AND J,and Agents and Surveyor*-- md after the 7th April. 1802,where forms.of aj.pliMESSRS.WATERS & MORTON'S HORSE BAZAAR. GOLDEN AG E HOT NOTICE. COMMERCIAL EL, jjiOlt SALE, Two rirst-cluss PlAftOS, guarantee.: jation may be obtained.; RESTAURANT, Farley's Arcadk. .., V! Rattuay-Streut. Main Road, Weatherstone's. and HOUSE VALUATIONS, Agreeproprietors bog to intimate, that they hav- JP to keep 12 mouths in tune; Moelleh & Co. Due notice will be given of tlis' period of the first D. MORRISON & CO., allotment. ments Drawn, Loans Negotiated, and CaskArcade Spirits, on hand an excellent Stock of Wines, by JAM E & rr O RSE S CA R R IA G ES By order, Drawn up for Arbitration, &c. '.'■"' BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS, and Beers. Their accommodation for boarders is ai ALLEN'S R)OT UOT OINTMENT. at the Provincial Registry, three BROWNE, JAMES W. HAT, ".'. Rattray-street, Dunedin. that can be desired,and their cuisine is unrivallei. of the above valuable OintSecretary doors from the Provincial Hotel, wJio has had sixteei: ON HIRE AND SALE, ..." very liberal They have elected a largo concert-room, capable o to tender their thanks for the cases jars just in of 12 receive: ment, each, years' Colonial experience in conducting Salesand HA V C O R N, &c support accorded them since their commence- holding over 400 persons, which is nightly' filled b, .rom the Patentee,and X r sale at the stores of tla> Transfersof Hotels and Licensed Houses. WIKII.ERAI.E AND RBTATL. .vent in business, and hope by strict attention to an admiringaudience. Itis theirintention to spar. andersijvued. no expense in order to secure for their natrons tin a continuance of same. ■FREDERICK MOSS& CO ; PROVINCIAL LIVEKY AND JIAIT STAIiLEtv !nerit TendersFor the convenience of customers in town, a Van very best amusements. To accomplish this they art NOTICE. FOll SALE. makingarrangements for the immediate appearftr.et to morning supply go will round bread and fronting Princes-street, every FARLEY having retired from Business in the Horees Carefully Broken to Saddle,or to Single A LLOTMENTS of Laud of the most eminent artistes. receive orders. WANTED by Monday, lith in'-timr, JTJL near the .letty. Apply-W. Fuller, (Jouimurciai Arcade,begs most respectfully to inform all or Double Harness; Dog Carts, Buggies, Lakgk and Pastry and Confectionery on the shortest notice. ■forBuildiim(labor nnd materials; Lour Mmps igsir Divan, Arcade. Commodious Stables parties indebted to him will pay their accounts forthmid other Conveyances for Sale Wedding Cakesto order. Are attached to the premises, with first-rate ee> ".. md Suits of >ltires, corner of "Jetty anil i'riiicus with. or Hire; and good attendance. AIACLALiUAiS'STUKiiT. ■treets,"forMessrs.'E Dv Cirle mid On. I'lnns ami Those havingclaims will please furnish same im- rTUGGART & BARRY beg respectfully to inform Parcels per Uobb and Co., are delivered daily a: [TIOR SALE, a Freehokl .Allotment, situate .in -pecificiitions after Thursday, at my i.ffieo, between mediately. Mr. D. Weir's. Staffordshire House, JL Settlers, Farmers, and the Public generally ]0 Maclaggau street, being Section No. ii) nunk oiiNew South Wa>es anil-the t'mtiiiir. the GoldenAge Hotel. Maclaggan-streefc, opposite the Club. that having taken the whole rangeof those Splendid For Sale. RICHMOND k VANCE, '..ocklX. ! R.: C. LUrfUwMBE,. Architect Proprietor^ Stables,at the rear of the Provincial Hotel, they are This is, without any exc^ ption, the most valuable MR. HENRY BAYLISS, now prepared to otter unequalled accommodation to unoccupier beiiij: allotment iv Town of T I M B X the Dunt-..iin, v, TO PAINTERS, DECOKATEKS/ic. &c. ippositu the entrance to the Arcade. Whether pur. Valuer,Estate and House Agent, Gentlemenfavouring them with a call. & BARRY. A ULD REEKIE! Priucesrstreet (next Medical Hall), Dnnedin Full Livery per nigln, /s■AGGART "EDINBURGH CASTLE" ■iiiised as an investment, or for immediate occupa- HUE Undersigned have for sale,—(ioldMuuMi.gs, PRINCES STREET TIMBER YARD. HOTEL, lid. All other charges The best references in tlie City, and under the patterms which is ottered an sale, upon it. for CAVURMHAJf, tion, the L various length from i inch upwards. eqiiiillv moderate. ronageof the following firms:— to induce any person, with uecest-ary fumlc /■fiHßundersiariieillias for sale at his yards, Prince.- (Two Miles from Town, on the Road to the ■iisfiicient. J.Darwent & Co., Du/i/inr/n.) present Messrs. Jones,Bird & Co. assorted it his to avail liiinM-lf of the otfr large carefully and ■"ominaiid, feialfwru-ciieet. JL street south, a TO PAINTERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Cole,Hoyt & Co. Stockof Building Materials,consisting of, viz., /"IOOD -STABLING and secure PAI) .V freeholdunoccupied ami for sale is not of daily ocThos. Norton &. Co. 9 and 11 x 3 Bailie deals,solid \.X DOCKS, under the superintendence of tl. "urence in the business part of Dunedin.. PAPERHANGINGS. TENDERS WANTED. J'ntton & Hodjre KENYON a: RAWLINS, Do. do do. cut Proprietor. WANTED (labor aiid n.atwia!-) for ATUUVK.D, ex " Simoon " EIGHI R. Wilson & Co. American T. and G. lumber and shelving CHAHOES MOnEKATB. Solicitors,Duuedin. "'IIENDEIIS erection of a House in'MaivUtiiU-bUcut. X. theand ~~ Kirkpatrick & Co. Cases Paperhangings of excellent assort Do. quarteringand weatherboords be seou iiu sipl'licn— specitication.sniay FOIt SALE. Plans Scott& Co. ment and superior designs. 6 x 14, 6 x 1, (3 x i, ii x J, T. and G. ScotchrV]O be disposed of a Restaurant " doing afirst-rat Vendor's interest (viz.: a ten years' lease. tion to Mr. {/bristle, at the Oaiuoniaii lloiei, A\ alflooring \Valliicli Bros. .To arrive per " Hannali" Nine Casesditto ditto. business. A]jply Geo. I^umb,2, Flinucrs-lauc. rJ^HE L improvements JL at tli« with whom Teiniers are to be lou o e.. o.* or :er-fctreet, with liberal allowance for PelflheimBros JAMES & JOHN H. BARB Cedar,from £ inch boards to 3 inch planks ■I doors above Provincial Hotel. expiration of term) in that centriiily situated sectio. >efbre Tueaday the ii)tli instant. Miller & Co. New Zealand scantling and weatherboards lying Hiyh of land between Stafford and iiu streets, WILLIAM POLLOCK. UUTCHEH, Mr. .1. M'Lean, of the firm of M'Caw, Van Uienmn's Land quartering- and joisting UNION HOTEL, WETIIEItSTONE'S Sale nrds, anil com- "riEXDERei required for flangjig- footpath in fi-ont most .respectfully, to thank the publU Do palings, shingles, and battens and an excellent mediatelyabove the Provincial M'Lean, and another accommodation, prising the whole of the vacn;it ground betweei; Mr. Andrew S. Wilson for.their liberal patronage, duringhis ternofttie officeoi Ihis piiper.' TtniiiTs 10 lie sci.t Corrugated iroa stock of Lazarus' Bonded Warehouse and_ High-street, ti X up to 4 p.m. Tuesaay, April li>.;li, u>lilru»^a Jlr. Henry Reynolds Spirits, lorary stay in Walker-street,and trusts by his conArchitraves aaJ mouldings and Beers. Wines, i frontage which street it has a of 57 fl.a^injr iooipatli.". to feet, immeuiatel.. please George Dr. Wilson mued exertions to obtain th«i Doors and sashes IV'iidoi'.foi; customers, BARK, MALCOLM & CO., Proprietors. abox-e the Thwilr", Provincial Sale Rooms, Union &c. "ustoin. ■ GEORGE O'DRISCOLL. tic, &c, the of K. B. stores Mai to new liank, Arcade,Ailieuoeuut, premises W. P. has removed hi-! in Princes large tin and Co. and other mercantile establish pains D.ay of Dulluck Wheels. opposite the Barracks. SAI;E, 2 10,000pieces Dining-roomi ''nOKOMAlßlßo.—Travellei-s and the inhabitant." BAYLTSS,Acountant, is desired to pal rreet, Drawing-room, Shop, Bar and Ceilings, Marblt JL of the Plain ore respectfully informed that the uienis. Apply Ueo. Lumb ii Co., 2, FJiuieiV attention of those concerned to the following X.H. Hiippini?supplied on the shortest, notice. The above property is now nut up and subdivided Junedin. GOLDEN CROSS HOTEL and Is. 3d. Heniiy Pkllino, Houtt advertisements— Undersigned commenced a REGIS md Oaks,Is.George-street, places below Koyal George, au> is ready for their reception, and will be foundrepletr into ullocineuts of suitable sizes for officesand TRY OFFICE for town and country servants Decorator, >i business,for which,from its central position it i. .vith everycomfurt. accounts owing to the undersigned are re- "olicits a share of public patronage.., Cart-will b jueen-street, Melbourne. COItKU«ATEI» AA'J) PLAIN uiost admirably adapted, situated as it is, in tlic /GALVANIZED quested to be presented forthwith for payment. oaken that none be recommended but those bearing rjllUE BUICKS I'oli SALE. Rout. FenJ.KOA',Spouting, Uiaying, i'ipinj;, yurruneighbour VJT city, heart of the in the immediate BEER AND. SPIRITS very WINES, ,'.itihg ami curving.—WAituuuToa, i.l, Little iijiiikeHENRY REYNOLDS; ,ood characters. JD wick, Moray-place.. Of the iiood of the Jetty, Cu>U>m House,Post Office,(Joverii very best quality, warranted free "lion Medical Hall. All Orderspromptlyattended to. ; inent offices,bauk^, and stores of all the leading mer a'cet, West, Melbourne. ADULTERATION. Dray "Wheel \VM. MACINTOSH, SALE, by the-Undersigned, liouses of tiie Province. Itis laid out so a> U A LL parties indebted to theundersignedfor Drills and Axles. Victoria Store. Maein man-street right ot-wa\ form continuation of the Year, present Cottage HeLklwicy i,f a Pii-st-ratn Stiihlinir nnd Paddocks. a for One the to LET 'fiyestMl "WEBB,PANTLIN k CO. '£*" pay their amounts to, Mr. Daily Times and 'Witness* ■Ofpicbtnown as Flinders lane; and with wnich it will forn. Mr. Tiiomas Caleutt, I'elichet Jiay, cuiiiaimir; SADDLERY. SADDLERY. Aecouutant,.us the business has beer, disposed f for C'ubband Co.'s ItoyM Ma>. i street in itself, between the two most businctr Ax Koouis,with a good garden. There is ;i 'qiLauiity BookingOffice V BHOTH IiRS beg to call the attention oi Cheap I'aperhangings ; thoroughfaresin the city. Line of« oaehes. it' fiiewooil on the ground, and a bUible niuli i,c their numerous Customersand the Public in .: / HENRY REYNOLDS, For further particulars applyearly to jiected if required, for a cOiisiUeJauon. 10,000pieces Dining-room, Drawing-room, lieu 1 JAMK- nOUHIITY, Proprietor. Kent at jii\V Medical Hall. Veneral to their New Stockof Raciuur, Passage, Ceiling. I'apei ..;■■;' and loom, Parlor, .LSIiN. S MITH, or ;^ Whips, fii.'St ent, £i'M per anuiiia. Quarter in a-.lvanee, Spurs. Hangings,liousc-lm.ug Ualico. Tiicks,Bordei-s, and Ladies' Saddles, Corners AUtfl'lvAJjAsiAA! liO'liii., A rehitect. Princes-street. IOII ?ALE nn elesnn* London-made Cottng. XC. Colonial, ■"■■.■..-■; references. .iroved l'a-pcj D r Centre pieces, i'amngs Totteiihaiu House MaUI A«C3AN-STItKET. Ajiply at Mr. Jenkins' n ext dooron Apply N.B.—AsplindM luite assortment of all kinds of Har- hanging \\ house, Alfian;,li!" at Criterio") v. WAIHOLA LAKE, aiehoute, tjeoige-btreet, below Uoji. A LI3EKT GRIFFITHS (late l'rovidorc and Chi. ( liotel,1 Pimce3-stn.et j or to iircet, who will show the premises. t'uaiicr 1-iVless always on hand. jeoige Hotel. Painting, Papeilumging, He, on th. J\. Stuuaid to the Melbourne,(jeeloug. and Aue jiculars of the Proprietor. For Saleby private Contract. Rattray-street. -JOfhMnroh, 1802. HENRY BAYLISS, uost reabouable ternu. teuirning Steamers,) in to his neighbourhood unexceptionable aK.e thanks numerous The is HE Undersigned are instructed by the owner for a quiet Accountant, V/TESSRS.K. itANKIN a U>. beg mfonu tut "" patrons, begs to intimate to them, and the I'lihlk William Grey, who is leaving the Province. ■■"sideuce. Vrinees-street "LVA Farmers of Tokoinairiro and thewEast Taeiri Mi-. that in,ule eiw:,.she hawng (enerall.y, *«., altirations m uloUi,, o ofi'erfor sale on liberal terms, TAbLES, b.illi., cuei, uistiict, that they will shortly open their new Sale u he above Hotel, he is noiv prepaicd to oifor siiperiiu FINAL NOTICE. at SaddleHill, near McMillan's SaddleHili bale,James Finch & Co., itaUr-o street. Oiie of tne most compact properties in tliundersigned begs to state that all" outstand- lfards, where TIM B E It." Agents lor Juiius P.iser, Me.uimnu1.iccoumiodatiou,and hopes, by strict attention t> .'rovince. care and attention will be paid lotel, every Undersigned are prupaieu to receive and exto meiit a continuance of their favor. ing accounts due to him must now lie pai- co cattle entrusted to comfoiU t heir TheEstate comprises 200 acres of the finest agri them iui- sale. to Mk;|Henry Bayliss. Accountant, PHnctsecute for ! A oruers They will be prepared toreceive sheep, cultural luuu, fencedand under cultivation. cum i""--' "■ horses,and .AUK CsALli, a i'laie Uj.iks iioi.i, Btreet (next the Meilicnl Hall), who is authorised t< "attle of nodious dwelling-house,stock-yiirds, &c, with evei,. X A U R.I TI M BEIi, FOR SALE. every description in the course of few 1? 6 pam-s, -i x 0 und 7 x li, with plaster re&u v.. take all Jejjal measures he may deem fit to recover th' lays. carrying, l)u.siue.~>. EIJCIBIiK iINVKSraiSKT. ionveuieuce for the successfully on .uUetu.. complete. including feather-edged weather same."- ■' ■" -^ ■<" ~: : \ 'TIIIATmagnifieeut building in Oeorge-street, oppo \ttaclied to the property is a large Ktore,doing oil' >f all descri])tions, j. SW.TZMt. R. RANKIN & Co., ■uards,tonyued and grooved tlooriug, i\.e.. from vie ANDREW S. WILSON, JL site the residence of Dr. Wilson, the interior. 01 if the first businesses ivtiie Province. > Sheep and Cattle Salesmen, Joromannel, Manuk'm, or Aucklanu Steam Alills of Druggist. .' Chemistand .vhich in unsurpassed in Dunedin; containing ten To a man of enterprise.-the above preseiits a favor ViebSi-s. Hue anU SbaMers,the quality oi wbusu t.m■-, SaddleHill. na FOR riALli. Dunedin, February 21it',j1r(52.: laige bized room», elegantly dtcoiated,very lofty, and tide .opportunity for the investment of capital. Offices—Walker-sti-eet, Dnnedin. is well known this market. ■ier now in BI.UESKIN DISTRICT, leinif well adapted for ft geiitlcmaii's re&uleuco, The terms are remarkably easy,and the,live mi :1) WAX I) FiiEi)i:iticK Mos> x C". ■oariling-house, or hotel, havinga nejjtli of Ida feet leail stock can either be Taken aiti vahiation or til.,. BROTHERS, WHITEHOIiSI: CAa'P Eli &. CO 10 MILES FROM TOWN, electing large posed option Wholksale HaudleiiS, ■nd levelled, suita. le for ofbepanilely at the purchaser. cliC'/lONS, s>tablca, of .«^ «» ttte, VALUABLE goo. '3&vam£>*viasG*as?t-'\wilimumiMi^m."^wwww^.t v.^i UTIONEERS,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS QEVERAL Haukess JlAniis-iNp Saddlers' Ironmongers xO Apply to iichanl, or bow hug green tne situation ut wiiiJi lor ..'..". ~O topei-l, wood awl water. „..„-,_,LAND, HOUSE AND ESTATE AUENTS, Wslsall, Knyland; and \fitt; street, Sydney, near i hotel bei.ig unparalleled. Water on the premuis ivIiNYON AND lIAWLINS, & ORBELL, .a IIESSK&. uteii lij i-. <iA.vii'Mhi.i., lor tin- r-.iii#"t"i m MoKSE Raitray-bti'eei JApply on the premisex, or at Ho. i, Arcad#. .."'■'. '.".' '. Metroppitaa Hotel. \ * HIOH-SIKBBT, DOKBDIJf. ■' Solicitors, Duucdiii. the Dxili TiUKa Oitace,Uuiitdin. OTAGO ANd's<<UTHLAAD Pl/HUC UElii DR. WILSON. (Late of Kyuetou, \ ictoria,) BE CONSULTED DAILY AT HJ.' S V U G E It V, .. MAY " - BEDDING CHEAP. - BAGGAGE .. CHEAP BEDDING. -'-"--- ' : RAVE .~ . . BEGS , . KICIIAUD OBSERVE ! . _ . . .. ' JUST : I SMITH " MONEY .. . . .. :— TO MR. ' ".. MACHINERY. STORAGE. AUSTRALIAN " ■ . IS SEE!*-" ■ I " . .. " — ■ THE , BEG ■ :- - ' ACONSIGNMhNT ; , ■ : .-. — ■■ ....... : , I , . iT^OR MESSRS. , ■ : : " HOTEL , ■ „ ■ AGC''UNTANT, - ' ■ ' ' . :iIE>.DERS■ ■ ■ ■ JUST " BEGS HENRY .. ALL ue F ? .. iiHJi .. ' ofortf' .. . , '* : , " -. PAPJSRHANU-INUS! ■ . llew- k: . . REAN ■ ■ BtTTLER, having1 . " FIHST-KATE *■* " ■ ~ : .£( "■ ' ~ ' . ■ ■ ■ .' . FOB, ' ■ " . ', : r " . " JIO I^IIE , ' ■ ■- ' " .. . ■ !: BILLIARD : a:: ■ " , ' FOR THE - , PAVEiiHANGiNGS. ' " ' :: . . . - - * : " ■ ' ■ BOOTS, MR. ■ ■" FOR ■ ON H. : CATTLE. I7IERGUSON : : ■ "■ - . , ... " THE * 4^^^^ WILLIAM MR. MESSRS. " . : . " " : ■ " - " " ' -,