Focus X2 (Mac version) Quick Start Guide Welcome to Focus X2 Focus X2 is now used by coaches and educators in more than 60 countries and in over 30 different sports. The purpose of this document is to step through some of the key aspects of the Mac version of Focus X2 and to enable you to get working quickly and effectively with the software. For the purposes of this Quick Start guide we will use Football/Soccer as our example, although you will obviously adapt the key points to meet the requirements of your own sport. Video Formats The Focus X2 Mac version works with MP4 and .mov video file formats. If you are importing videos for use in Focus X2 they will need to be in one of these video formats before you bring them in. If you have a camera that generates files in a different video format, or are perhaps looking to use video from a dvd that you have (normally .VOB files), you will need to convert these to mp4 or mov file formats. There are a number of free video converters that are available for you to download and use. These tend to provide specific MP4 or .mov output formats and produce good quality converted files. Examples of converters that we have used: Handbrake Free Video Converter Any Video Converter HANDBRAKE Opening the Focus X2 software 1. In Applications, open the Focus folder and click on the Focus.pkg icon. 2. The Focus Programme will open to show the main Focus X2 screen The Focus video window When you select the video clip(s) that you want to use in your Project you will see them in the video window on the left hand side of the screen. Video Controls Below the video window is a basic set of video controls. However, you may want to use the following keyboard video controls to help you move more quickly to through the video; Fast Forward: + Fast Backward: + Slow forward: + Slow Backward: + Creating/Editing a Category Set The first thing that we want to do is create a Category Set that we want to use in our Project. This is the process that enables you to decide which aspects of the performance you want to view and analyse. Click on the Category Editor menu option. The Category Editor window will open up. You will see the list of exemplar Category sets in your library. Click on the Add Category option. For the purposes of this guide we will use football/soccer as our example. Here we have decided that for this project we want to analyse key aspects of a game from a Team perspective and so our Category Set will reflect this. 1) Give your first category a name. For our example here we want to do an analysis by team and have called our category Team. 2) As this is your top category, put a check in the Timestamp box Note: It is important that when adding any additional Categories that the Timestamp box is not checked. In the last Category that you enter (i.e. the bottom Category) make sure that the Log Trigger box is checked. 3) Select the number of Rows and Columns that you want. We want to create 2 buttons, one for each team. 4) Click on the Save Button The new button options that you have created will appear in the window. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on your first button. Select the Edit Button option when it appears and the Button Settings window will open. Creating/Editing a Category Set (cont.) Name: Give Your Button a name. In our example here… Team A Colour: You have the option of allocating a colour to your button. For example, this may reflect the colour that a team is playing in. Assign Keys: You have the option to allocate a Keyboard Shortcut to your button. This enables you to enter events via the buttons on your keyboard rather than via your mouse. Pre-Seconds: This is where you determine how many seconds before an event the video will go to when you select that option. For example, if this is set at 5 seconds the video will automatically move 5 seconds before the event when you select it in Review Mode. This setting also determines the ‘in-point’ for your video clip when Focus is automatically generating your Highlights movies. Post-Seconds: This determines the ‘out-point’ for your video clip when Focus is automatically generating your Highlights movies. Click on the Save button and then repeat the process for each button. Once you have edited each of the buttons in your Category, click on the Add Category button and repeat the process. You can add up to 10 Categories and up to 100 Button options in each. However, remember that the simpler your Category, the quicker you will be able to enter your analysis information. Once you have added each of your Categories click on the Save to Library button and then on OK. Give Your Category Set a name and click on the Save button. This will add your Category Set to your Library and will enable you to select it to use in any Project. Creating a new Project We are now ready to create a new Project. Click on the Manage Projects menu button and the Focus Projects window will open. Then click on the Create New Project tab We can now begin the process of creating our Project. Firstly, give a name to your Project. The date on which you are creating your Project will automatically appear in the date window. The next thing we have to do is choose the video clip(s) that we want to use in our Project. Click on the Manage Media button and the Focus – Manage Media window will open. Creating a new Project (cont.) Select the Add New button and browse to find the first video file that you want to add to your Project. Find and Highlight your video file and then click on the Select File button to add your video to the Manage Media window. Repeat the process for any additional video files that you want to add and then click on the Close button to return to your Project Window. Note: If you have added more than one video clip Focus will automatically join these together into one single clip for use in your Project. If you are happy that the Project information that you have added is correct, click on the Save Project button. You will told that your new Project has been created successfully. Creating a new Project (cont.) Your Project will open and you will see your video clip(s) have been added to the Focus window. The next step is to add in the Category Set that you want to use for this Project. In our example here we will select the Category Set that we created earlier. To do this, click on the Category Editor button and find and select the Category Set you want to use in the Library List. Click on the Load Set button and your Category Set will appear in the Category Editor part of the window. Click on the Save to Project button and your Category will be loaded into your Project ready for you to begin entering events. Organising your Focus screen You will see your Category Set in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Above your category Set you will see your Events List. This is where each of the events that you enter will be shown. On the top right of your screen is your Results Grid. This is the area that will show the data in relation to the events that you enter. Tip: You can change the size of any section of your Focus screen by selecting and dragging the respective sizing handle.. You can choose how you want to review the data in your Results Grid. Click on the dropdown menu for both axis and choose the category that you want to view in each. Your Results Grid will then re-organise ready to show the data from the events that you enter. Entering Events Entering events is very straightforward and easy in Focus. However, we would always recommend that you invest time in familiarising yourself, and working with, the video controls. The quicker that you can move to the correct point in the video, the more time you will save overall. 1. Move through your video until you see a piece of action of interest. Get the video to the point where that action is about to happen and pause the video. In our example here, our video has been moved to a point where a player from Team A is about to shoot. Note: You don’t actually have to pause your video to enter events but it is something that we would recommend initially. That way you ensure that you are entering the event at the correct point in the video. As you become more experienced you will find that you can enter videos in real-time with no need to pause the video each time. 2. To enter an event you choose one option from each of your categories. In this case we click on Team A in our Team category and then on the Shot option in the category that we have called Action. 3. Once you have selected an option from each category Focus recognises that you have completed the process of entering an event and adds it to both the Event List and Results Grid. We can see from our example that a summary of our event can now be seen in the Event area and that the Results grid has refreshed to show our event as a game statistic. Entering Events (cont.) We repeat the process to add in any further events. In our example here, the player from Team A has scored a goal. A second event was therefore added. We selected Team A again from our Team category and this time selected Goal from our Action Category. You continue through your video adding events that are of interest to you. As an example we have now moved to a Project that has many more events entered into it. You can see that each event has been added to both the Event List and Results Grid. Note: Try to add events as close to the point that they happen in the game e.g. at the point where the player is about to shoot. This will assist when reviewing events as this will help you when Reviewing events. Your pre-second settings take you to a specific point in the video before the exact moment that you entered the event. The more accurate you are in entering events, the more accurate your pre-second settings will be. Entering events in Real-Time You can find out how to capture video directly into Focus in the Support area of our website; Reviewing Events The real value of the Focus software is the ability to instantly view any aspect of performance that you are interested in. Again we are using a Project that has many more events added to best show the Review process. There are 2 ways to Review events; Using the Results Grid - Remove the check from the Event Logging Mode box. You are now in Review Mode. - Move to the Results Grid and select the event(s) that you want to view interactively. In our example here we want to look at the Attacks by the White Team and so we click on the corresponding number (in this case, 2). - Focus filters your Event List to show just the examples that you have chosen (in this case the 2 Attacks by the White Team). - Click on the first event in the Event List and Focus will take you to that point in the video (it will actually take you to the number of seconds before the event that you have chosen in your Pre-seconds settings). You can then use the video controls to move through and view this event. - To view the second event simply click on it and Focus will again take you to the second attack and so on. Using your Category Set - Again make sure that the check is removed from the Event Logging Mode box. - Choose one or more options from each Category to filter the events that you want to view. For example, if you want to view the Attacks by the White Team you would select the White Team option from your Team category and the Attack option from your Action category. Your Events List will filter to show just your filtered events. You can filter to show multiple choices. For example, if you wanted to look at all of the Corner Kicks in the game you would select both the Blue Team and the White Team from the Team category and the Corner Kick option from the Action category. Creating ‘Highlights’ Movies Focus has the facility to automatically generate Highlights movies for you of key aspects of performance. These clips can then be shared offline or online. The Highlights clips that are created are in .mpg format. To begin the Highlights process select the Create Highlights menu option in the main Focus window. The Create Highlights window will appear. In the left hand side of the window you will see your Category Set. You can use the arrows to expand each section. Find and select the first event that you want to add to your Highlights movie. Click on the Copy button and the event will be moved across into the Highlights Compilation section of the window. Repeat the process to add in the additional events that you want in your movie. Give your Highlights movie a name in the box below the Available Events area of the window. Click on the Create Highlights button and your movie will be automatically generated. Your movie will be stored in the Highlights folder (you will find this inside your main Focus folder in Applications. Managing your Highlights movies Click on the Manage Highlights tab. You will see your new movie has been added to the list. In this window you can upload your video directly to your YouTube channel or copy it to a new location. To copy your video to a new location select it in your list of available highlights movies and then click on the Copy File To button. In the window that opens you can choose the new location for your video file and even change the name. Click on the Select Destination Folder button and your file will be saved. Find your file in the location that you stored it in and either double click on it to open, or click on Ctrl and click to choose the programme that you want to open it with. Other Focus Tips… Working with existing Focus Projects Rather than create a new Project you may want to open and work with an existing project. Select the Manage Projects menu button. The Projects window will appear. - Click on the Open Existing Project tab. - Select and highlight the Project you want to open from the list. - Click on the Load Project button and your Project will open in the Focus window. Editing existing Category Sets Instead of creating a new Category Set from the start each time there may be occasions when you want to edit an existing one. - Select the Category Editor menu button. - Find and select the Category Set that you want to edit from the list of Library Items - Click on the Load Set option and the Category Set will appear in the window. To edit/change a Category Option 1: Click on the name of the category that you want to change. Here you can change the number of buttons or the name of your Category. Option 2: Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the name of the category that you want to change. Here you can move a Category up or down or delete it. To edit/change a Button Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the button that you want to edit. Click on the Edit Button option and can then edit the Name, Colour, Keyboard Shortcut orPr/Post Roll settings.