I' rt t t I t renrcrrI Scrl.ir.r,.s l O 0 l ' ; r r l .\ r , . r r r , 'i .r r i l , ' ) ( r t ll l l l \ l l . \ , , r l . l k \. i r r r r r rI r. i ) o l l i Ol i t ; l : r , r l r l i l . i - l l l l j l. ,i r r :r , l , r l i l . i , i l ( ) , 1 \ \ , 1 , : r t r t \ \ | - l l . (r | | I \0Rlot.h \1\il. I \t\l.ti\il'\ Commonwealthof Virginiu VirginiaDepartment of Minority Business Enterprise ANNUAL SWaMPROCUREMENT PLAN FiscalYear 2008 Agency/Institution : Norfolk StateUniversity Director/AgencyHead/President:Dr. carolyn w. Meyers"president Secretariat: Dr. ThomasR. Morris Dateof Submission: November9. 2007 A. SWaM ProcurementChampion Name: Title: Address: Telephone: E-mail address: AnthonyE. Cannion Directorof Procurement Services 700 ParkAvenue,Suite260 (ts]'t 823-8053 accann i onl-rirnsu. edu Norfblk State University's Director of Procurement Services is the designated SWaM Procurement Champion fbr the University (Champion for Purchases & Supply and Building/Construction). The University's requirementsand responsibilities for Procuiement and SWaM are unilateral in terms of its commitment to the establishment,preservationand strengthening of small, women and minority-owned business opportunities in the University's procurement process. The Director of Procurement Services serves as the University's SWaM Champion, having the authority to implement SWaM initiatives and training; implement appropriate State SWaM requirements/initiatives in the University's procurement process; advise and make recommendations to the President and Executive Cabinet on the University's SWaM Plan; and SWaM monitoring, evaluating and reporting responsibilities. B. SWaM PROCUREMENT PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES SWaM BUSINESSOUTREACH Norfolk State University encouragesSWaM vendor participationby utilizing the following strategies: l. Membershipin programscommitted to increasingcertified minority vendorsto include the Virginia Regional Minority Supplier Development Council. The Council holds Ir'lricrirrc ll ith I').rteIIertt't' I tt li r1tt rr I ( ) 1t 1 trtrt rt rt i t .t' 1,,rrr1t I rt.t't't. monthly meetings inviting minority suppliers to attend, as well as corporate and governmentagencies,to encouragenetworking and businessopportunities.Special functionsheld by VRMSDC such as Matchmakersessionsprovide an opportunityfbr SWaM companiesto meet with governmentbuyers to discusstheir productszservices. Theseone-on-onesessionsare attendedby two of the University'sPurchasingOtficers cachycar. 2. Includingsmall,minorityor women-owned businesses in eachsolicitationissuedbased on the dollar valueof servicesor goodsto be procured: i. Nortblk StateUniversitysolicitsup to $5,000- a minimum of one (1) quoteis obtainedtiom a small,rninorityor women-ownedbusiness. ii. Solicitations of $5,000to $50,000- a minimumof two (2) srnall,rninority wornen-ownedbusinessesare solicited, as practicable,using the or invitationfor bicls,quick quoteor requestfbr proposals. iii. Solicitationsover $50,000- a minimum of fbur (4) small, minority or women owncd businessesare solicitcd, as practicable,utilizing the invitationfbr bids or requestfbr proposals. Statementsin fbnnal solicitationsas requiredby the Virginia Dcparlrnentof General ServicesDivision of Purchasesand Supply fbr procurementsover $100,000.The fbllowingstatement is included: It is the policy of the Commonwealthof Virginia to contributeto the preservation, establishment, and strengthening of small businessand businesses owned by women and minorities and to encouragetheir participationin State procurementactivities.Toward that cnd, Norfblk State University encourages non-minorityfinns to providc fbr thesefinns to competeand furtherencourages the participationof srnall businessesand businessesownecl by wornen ancl joint vcntures,subcontracts. rninoritiesthroughpartnerships, andothercontractual opportunities.Subrnissionof a report of past ef1brtsto utilize the gooclsand servicesof such businessesand plans fbr involvementon these contractsare required.By subrnittinga proposal,of1brorscertify that all infbnnationprovidccl in responseto the RFP is true and accurate.Failure to provide infbrmation requiredby the RFP will ultirnatelyresultin rejectionof the proposal. 4 . Networkingis promotedby Nortblk StateUniversityamongsrnall,worlen and rninority businessowners. The University provides an agency manual on "How to Conduct Businesswith Norfblk StateUniversity"at tradeshows,vendors'fairs and otheragency's vendorfairs and alsoconductson-campusvendorfairs annually.Norfolk StateUniversity sponsorsadvertisements with agenciesand companiespromotingsrnall,rvomen-owned and minority businessesthrough vendor fairs, etc. For some solicitations,newspaper advertisements aretarsetedto reachSWaM vendors. 5. Reportson the University'sSWaM expendituresare provided to senior adrninistrators quarterly. 6. Directoriesand brochuresmaintainedby the Virginia Departmentof Minority Business Enterprisesand the Virginia RegionalMinority SupplierDevelopmentCouncil are used as rcsources f'orlocatingSWaMswhensolicitinggoodsand serviccs. The {lniversityalso maintains directoriesand company brochuresof small, wolnen-ownedand rninority businesses. Notif-ications to the UniversityCornmunityare sentto faculty and staff to infonn thernof resourcesfbr contactingSWaM vendorsat the Virginia Departmentof Minority Business Enterpriseswebsite at www.dbme.state.va.us and the Virginia Regional Minority SupplierDevelopment Councilwebsiteat www.vnnsclc.ors . 8 . Meetingsare held with small, wolnen-ownedand minority vendors.The University's procurernent staff alsomcstswith thesevendorsperiodicallyduringthe year O Identitlcationof downsizingopportunitiesfbr University projectswhich allor.vthe inclusionof small, wolnen-ownedand minority businessparlicipationas long as the dorvnsizingdoesnot causea meaningfulincreascin price,a significantdegradation in tcrms and conditions, a significant decreasein administrativcefliciency, or nonwith applicablef-ederal cornpliance contracting rcquirernents or fundingconditions.Thc fbllowingactiviticswill bc utilizedto achievethis goal: a. Conducting meetings with University Deparlrnentsto cletenninc if dorvnsizing will etfcctthe over-allobjectiveof the prqect;and b. Providing rninority sub-contractorswith prirne contractor contact infbnnation to inquire about upcoming projccts or projccts in the phase. solicitation 10.Training opportunitiesare provided fbr srnall, women-owned,and rninority owned businesses on how to conductbusiness with Norfblk StateUniversity. ll. Opportunities to meetwith srnall,womenand minorityownedbusinesses are paft of our services. U T I L I Z A T I O NO F R A C E A N D G E N D E R - N E U T R A O L PTIONS l. Prime Contractor Small BusinessSubcontractingProcurementPlan - Norfblk State University has a SWaM ProcurementPlan with specitic goals as pre-qualification requirementsto the terms and conditions for the award of non-prof-essional and prot-essional servicesover $ 100,000.The contractoris requiredto preparea SWaM plan as parl of their responseto fbrmal solicitations.Failureto submit this infbrmationrnay causethe contractorto be non-responsive or disqualifiedfiom receivingthe award.All Virginia certif-red SWaM Contractorswho serveas prime contractorswill receivecredit fbr SWaM subcontractingwork pertbrmed by the prime contractor.The SWaM requirementis also includedas an evaluationcriteria in scoringand ranking proposals. will resultin a lower score. Failureto respondto the requirements z. Small Procurements- A minimurn of one (l) quote is obtainedfrom a rninority or women-ownedhusinessfor snrallprocurements fbr goods/scrvices up to $-5,000. Tlvo (2) or rrore rninority or wolnen-ownedbusinessesare solicited fbr goods and services betrveen55,000to $50,000.When good and servicesover 550,000are procured,fbur (4) rninorityor wolnen-ownedbusinesses aresolicitcd. Set-Asides- Settingasideprocurements over $5,000and up to 550,000exclusivelyfbr DMBE-certit-iedsrnall businesses unlessthere is not a reasonableexpectationthat the NSU rvill receiveat least tow competitivebids or ofl-ersfiorn DMBE-certifiedsmall businesses.NSU rvill documentthe procurernent file if the procurementdocsnot qualify fbr a set-asiclc. Settingasicleprocurements over $50,000fbr DMBE-certifledsrnallbusinesses, in whole or in part, 'uvhenthere is a reasonableexpectationthat NSU will receiveat least two competitivebids or ofl-crsfiorn DMBE-certifiedsmall businesses 4 . Evidenceof Compliance- Prime Contractorsawardedcontracts,wherc thc SWaM ProcurcmentPlan is a conditionof the award,arc requiredto deliver to Norfblk State University, on or befbrc requcst fbr final payment, eviclenceancl certiflcation of compliance',viththe SWaM plan fiorn the Virginia Departmentof Minority Business Enterprises. Final paynent fbr servicesrenderedor goodsdeliveredunderthe contractin questionrnaybewithhelduntil suchcertification is deliveredand.if necessary, confinned by Norfblk StateUniversity.Other appropriatepenaltiesrnay be assessed in lieu of withholdingsuchpayment. 5 . AssessingBundled Contracts - Fclr goods provided under statewideor regionally bundledcontractsfbr r,vhichthereare qualifiedavailableSWaM vendors,but when, with respectto the sizeof suchcontract,the bundledcontractappearsto lirnit SWaM vendors fiorn biddingor winning suchcontracts,Norfblk StateUniversitymay seekto reducethe sizeof the contracts to increase the pool of potentialbiddersto includeSWaM vendors.If the effectof reducingthe sizeof suchcontracts causesa meaningfulincreasein price,a significantdegradationin tenns and conditions,a significantdecreasein adrninistrative efficiencyor non-compliance with applicablef-ederal contractingrequircrnents or tunding conditions,then Norfblk StateUniversityshall not bc obligatedto so reducethe contract size. (). Construction Contracts - If the size of vertical or horizontal constructioncontracts appearto limit SWaM vendorsfrorn bidding or winning such contracts,then Norfblk. State University may seek to reducethe size of the contractsto increasethe pool of potentialSWaM bidders.If the effect of reducingthe size of such contractscausesa rneaningfulincreasein price. a significant degradationin terms and conditions, a significant decreasein administrativeefficiency or non-compliancewith applicable f-ederalcontractingrequirementsor funding conditions,then Norfblk State University shall not be obligatedto so reducethe contractsize.In the caseof constructioncontracts awardedto non-SWaMprirnes,the prime contractorshall seekto sizethe subcontracts so as to enablequalifiedSWaM subcontractors to bid effectivelyfbr such work, so long as the effect of reducingthe size of suchcontractsdoesnot causea meaningfulincreasein price.a signiticantdegradation in tenns,conditionsor other applicablecbntractfactors. In the caseof non-highwayconstructionand when appropriatefor a constructionjob in question,Norfblk State[Jniversitymay considerusing a ConstructionManagerat Risk insteadof a prime contractorin orderto afford opportunitiesfbr SWaM contractorsto bid efl-ectivelyfbr the work in question.Nothingcontainedin this paragraphshall requirethe contractingagencyto acceptcontractorswho do not meet applicablequality, saf.etyand pcrfonnancestandards. 7. Identifying Set-Asidesin Solicitations- Identifying procurementsas set-asidesancl designatingin the solicitationthat the procurementis set-asidefbr small businesses utilizingthe fonnatprescribed by the Department of GeneralServices-DPS. 8. Consultationrvith DNIBE - Norfblk StateUniversity,in consultation with DMBE where practical.rnayseekto identifythoscpurchases in which contractsizingrnayinfluenccthe availabilityof purchasingopportunities to SWaM vendors.Where thcsepurchases are idcntifred,Norfolk StateUniversitymay dcterminewhetherthere are SWaM vendurs capableof rneetingthe purchasing requirements. If Norfolk StateUniversityiclentifics no SWaM vcnclorscapablcof perfbnningthe contractrequirernents, then the agencymay consult lvith DMBE to seek to idcntify availableSWaM Vendors. Norfblk State Universitymay consultwith DMBE afterawardof a contractto developpotentialSWaM vendorsfbr the next similarprocurement. I N T E R N A LM O N I T O R I N GM E C H A N I S M S l. The University'sDepartmentof ProcurementServicesis responsiblcfor rnonitoring agency SWaM reviews. Reviews are concluctedby PrclcurementOfflcers fbr the tbllowing rnethodsof procurementand solicitations'. Int,itcttions.fbr Bids and Rcqtrcst/br Proposuls(fbnnal and infbnnal). The Director of ProcurcmentServiceshas oversight responsibilities tbr the University'sSWaM Plan.The appropriatenumberof SWaMs shallbe inclucled in thesolicitation basedon: o Dollar valueof the contractby the Procurement Officer, Review of solicitationsfor accuratenumber of SWaMs, conductedbv the Supervisorat periodicintervals; portalin electronicVirginia; and Quick QuoteProcessthroughthe procurement Request fbr Proposals- Prequalificationrequirementsfiorn Contractorsto determi ne subcontracting opporlunities. 2. Purchases are reviewedperiodicallyafter completionof a solicitationfor goodsrservices over S5,000 and complex procurementsare reviewed after completion and award of contract. 3. Automaticreview fbr SWaM parlicipationis requiredfbr purchasesover S100,000fbr profbssional andnon-prof-essional serviccsas rcquircdby Codeof Virginia,$2.243108. S E C O ND - T IE R ( S U B - C O N T R A C T I N GP)A R T I C I P A T I O N Norfblk StateUniversityhasan established procurement plan SmallBusiness Subcontracting with identifiedgoals as a pre-qualifrcation requirernentin the terms and conclitionsfbr thc arvardof nonprofessional and prot-essional servicesover $100,000.The contractoris required to preparea plan as paft of their responseto fbnnal solicitations.Failure to submit this infbnnationmay causethe contractorto be non-responsive or disqualifiedtiorn reccivingthe a'uvard.All Virginia certified DMBE-certified SWaM Contractorswho serve as prirne contractorsreceivecreditfbr SWaM subcontracting work perfbnnedby the prirnc. C. ETHICS Thc ethical responsibilities of Comrnonwealthof Virginia cmployeesand agentsof thc Commonwealth of Virginiawho haveofficial responsibility fbr procurernent transactions are iclentified in Codcof Virginia,Article6, Ethicsin PublicContracting, through $2.292.2-;1367 1377. et seq.Thc purchasing agentis responsiblc for assuringthat all procurement practices andtransactions complywith guidelines in this Codesection. D. BIDDERS LIST The Deparlmentof Procurement Servicesmaintainsa list of prospcctivebiclderscategcirizecl by class and type of cornmodity.Venclorsare requiredto submit a biclcler'sapplicationto thc Depafttnent of Procurement Scrvicesto be placedon the list. Applicationsarerevicwedanda vendorsearchis conductedin DMBE's SWaM web site to ascertain if the vcndoris certifled beforeenteringvenclorin the University'svendordataERp system. Placementon the bidder'slist doesnot guaranteereceiptof a requestfor a quotation,invitation to bid. or requestfbr proposal.It is thc vendor'sresponsibility to chcckthe bid noticespostccl by the Departmentof Procurement Serviceson the bid boardlocatedoutsidethe oflce at 70t) ParkAvenue,Suite260 HarrisonB. WilsonHall. E. E O U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y A N D M I N O R I T Y B U S I N E S SP A R T I C I P A T I O N It is the University's policy to contribute to the establishment,preservation,and strengtheningof small businessesand those owned by minorities and women and to cncouragetheir parlicipationin StateProcurementactivities. Award to Other than the Lowest Priced Bidder or Highest Ranking Ofl'eror: Procurements up to $ 100,000that requiresolicitationof multiple vendorsmay be awardedto a reasonably priced or reasonablyranked small, minority or women-ownedbidder or of'feror other than the lowest priced bidder or highestranking of-fbrorwhen such purchasesare made under a remedialprocurementplan established in accordance with guidelinesset by the Department of Minority BusinessEnterprises (DMBE). BcginningOctobcr 1,2004. fbr tho purpososof statoprocurcrnentrules,no vencJor shall be considereda Srnall BusinessEntetprise,a Minority-Owned Business Enterpriseor a Women-OwnedBusinessEnterprise,ctr be entitled to the beneflts of the state SWAM procurementopporlunities, unlesscertif-red as suchby the Commonwealthof Virginia. Deflnitionstbr Minority-OwnedBusinessEnterprise,Minority Indivic'lual, Small Business Entetprise,Women-OwnedEnterprise,and DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseare founclin Appendix A, of the Commonwealthof Virginia'svendor manual. A copy of the vcnd6r's manualcan be obtainedby visitingthe eVA websiteat www.eva.state.va.us anclclicking on thc venclors' manuallink. E M P L O Y M E N T D I S C R I M I N A T I O N P R O H I B I T E D - S t a t e C o d e s \ 2 . 2 - 4 3I I p r o h i b i t s emplclymcntdiscriminationby contractorshired by the Universityanclrecluiresthat evcly StateContractthat cxceeds$10,000must include languageto this effbct. rn thc General Terms and Conditions filr Goocls and Non-ProfbssionalServiccs, rvhich states. "NONDISCRIMINATION OF CONTRACTORS:A bidcler,ofl-eror,or contractorshall not be cliscriminatecl against in the solicitationor -awarclof this contract bccauseof race. religion. color, sex, nationalorigin, age, disability,taith-basecl organizationalstatus,any other basisprohibitcdby statelaw relatingto discriminationin empkrymentor becausethc bidder or of'ferorernploysex-of'fenders unlcssthe stateagency,deparlmentor institutionhas madea writtencletermination that employingex- ofl-enders on the specific contractis not in its bestinterest. If the award of this contractis madeto a faith-basedorganizationand an individual,who appliesfbr or receivesgoods,services,or ciisbursements, the public body shall otfcr the indiviclual.within a reasonable period of time after the date of his objection, accessto equivalentgoods,services,or disbursements fiom an alternativeprovicler." F. P R O J E C T E DS W a M E X P E N D I T U R EG O A L S Norfblk StatelJniversity'sSmall,Women-Ownedand Minority Business(SWaM) goalsare governedby the Virginia Departmentof Minority BusinessEnterprisesand thc Virginia Departmentof General Services'Division of Purchasesand Supply in Richrnoncl,Virginia. Businessoperationsand procedureshave been establishedthat are "results orientccl."and implementedbasedon objectivesset forth by the Govemorof Virginia. This objectiveallows agenciesand institutionsto set-side,in whole or in part, identifredprocurements and to target set-asides exclusivelyfor srnallbusinesses in an atternptto achievethe Commonwealth'sgoal of 40o/oof purchases fiorn srnallbusinesses. S W a N IE X P E N D I T U R EG O A L S A S A P E R C E N T A G EO F P R O J E C T E D D I S C R E T I O N A R YE X P E N D I T U R E S FY 2007 AgencySWaM Expenditure Goals FY 2007 AgencyExpenditures Reviewecl \. zt t pl. W B E s% S B E s% 28% 1.400 20% $9,753,531 FY 2008Projected Spending Goals (% of Discretionary Expenditures) F-Y2008 ProjectedConstructionGoals (PrinreContractine) FY 2008 ProjcctedClonstruction Goals ( Subcontractins) (ioals FY 2008Projected Non-Construction (PrimeClontracting) IrY 2008 Projectecl Non-Construction Coals ( Subcontractins) Cornpletedby: AnthonvE. Cannion MBEs% Signatu $602.353 $8.42-s.263 28% t0% 2 0 on t0% 5% 5% 5% '\o/ L /O 5% ''t o/ t0% /O 50/, lrh 5% L, 3% ['rL