German Ambassador's Speech on NZ Relations, July 2016

Speech of German Ambassador Gerhard Thiedemann
Letter of Credence Ceremony, Wellington, 26 July 2016
Your Excellency,
I have the honour to present to you the letter of Credence which the
President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Joachim Gauck has
addressed to your Excellency accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary to New Zealand. I also have the honour to present the
Letter of recall of my predecessor.
The President of the Federal Republic of Germany has requested me to
convey to you his cordial and friendly greetings as well as his best wishes
for the well-being of the people of New Zealand.
Your Excellency,
Germany and New Zealand have enjoyed a close and friendly cooperation
for a long time. As like-minded countries we share the same values and
agree on most international issues.
In the last couple of years, we were able to step up our bilateral political
dialogue. In 2014, our Chancellor Angela Merkel was welcomed so cordially
in New Zealand and we were happy to receive the Speaker of your House
of Representatives as well as Prime Minister Key in Germany in 2015. And
now, in only a few weeks’ time, we will welcome the Speaker of the German
Bundestag, Dr. Norbert Lammert to New Zealand.
Our continued bilateral political dialogue is being enriched by New
Zealand’s current non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council.
It allows us to work even more closely together in many multilateral fora
where we share so many objectives and interests. It has led to concrete
cooperation in many areas, both civilian and military, as for instance in Iraq.
Germany and New Zealand are firm trading partners. Germany is New
Zealand’s second most important trading partner in Europe and its seventh
largest bilateral trading partner worldwide. Trade and investment relations
are growing.
About 90.000 German tourists visit your country each year. An incredible
number of 14.000 young Germans came to New Zealand last year under
the working holiday scheme.
Our cooperation in sciences is outstanding and is reflected in a
considerable number of joint research projects and a vibrant student
exchange. Germany is one of New Zealand’s top international partners in
technology and innovation. A key foundation is our Bilateral Science and
Technology Cooperation Agreement that will see its 40th anniversary in
Your Excellency,
The European Union currently is facing major challenges and finds itself at
a crossroad. Faced with "a world in turmoil", the European Union will have
to find answers for the challenges the world is facing today.
Allow me to stress that in this situation our European partners can depend
on Germany. We will strongly work for a successful Europe in which the
people can participate, a Europe with which they can identify, and a Europe
that makes their lives and the lives of others tangibly better.
In a few days New Zealand will mark the 100 year anniversary of its
involvement in the Battle of the Somme. What better time to remind us of
the core idea of European integration as a "philosophy for peace". Please
rest assured that Germany will live up to its historical responsibility towards
Europe and its partners in the world.
Your Excellency,
My country fellowmen admire New Zealand as a beautiful and at the same
time innovative country. Many of my colleagues and friends envy this
opportunity to work at a post that not only for young Germans is a dream
I feel particularly honoured to serve as Germany's Ambassador to New
Zealand. I will make every effort to further develop the excellent relations
between our countries.
I trust that I can count on your support and the support of the New Zealand
Government in this endeavour.