L; RECEIVED '1114 Attorneys At Law Td: (7l7)6)5-23Z0 F#*z (71?) Z*-239O Email: nili^&rnaaTd^awcom mwmwoN Direct Dial; (717) 635-7372 AptU9,2Q0@ Ames J, McNoMy, Soctetmy 44)0 N m t Sbwt - f Uh% %oom(2 NoAh) HmmW)u%PA 17120 Re: PW&mof L e W 3 Commimmdoos, LLC *o Amend *he Public BakmaWng to AmcW Chapkir f ) RcqguWMXB w as to Skemmlme Proceduies A * Commfwdnn Kmrkw of fmodbr of OomW amd A@a«k RHn@» A y Enclosed &* ] f you have And m odgiael mad @Aem (15) oo@ks of (he Commewt@ of &e A39ocim*Wmd*@bov&<NpdomWm#*a6 ptemedonothaBWeto Smeen&y, WKdt endoaaB* 2D" ^ <f& .^ <f rS PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION PetmonofLf\^l3Communicauoos,LLC : to Amend the Public WUtyCommissk'n . ReguWlons to StreamliiKTraosRii of Control aad AfMliatt Filing RequksnoKwas Aw Competitive Carriers Ruliemakimg to Amend Chapter 63 RegiWons so as to StPHimline Pmoedwcs for Commi$*ion Rtvicw of Ttaad^r of C # W and A&Uiak Filiogs for Tek%ommunJkaAow Carriers # ^3 ^ t § , C)^ ,,_._„ — ._y_,___^ ' ^ ^ Docket No. L-OO7O13* COMMENTS O f THE PENNSYlVApWA TELEPHONE ASSOCEATION The Pennsylvmila Telephone Associ^ion f T T A ^ ' (#RcWes the opportunity to t h e * Commeols im wapomt *o &e Proposed Rubmakiag Omkr eokmd by (he Penwylvmia Public Utility Commission CCommWoif) on October 19, 2007 and publkhed m (he fg«M<y/wMfo AwLWrn on Febmary 9,200&. L BACKGROUND The genesa of Ans pivceedrng W a Petition Gled by LeW 3 Communic*#i«Qs, LLC (**Levc13'3 requegCog mat d * Cdtnm*#ioa undewmke * nUemWcu*#Mxcdu% w s b c a m i i ^ ^ admhugtrativc pmcegs for C ^ B c a k ^ of PubUc Cooyewence ( * ^ C x ) inWymg the tomsier of ooolpol ami afGliaW bweacikgw. Spe€t&»Ily» Level 3 @Acd tbd Ae Commission reduce il& review ptdod and the paperwork mWyed tor competitive local excibaoge carriers ("CLECs") In W CommWs to Level 3's P«*io% the PTA M l y agreed with the objective of 6 simplified process and requested that the reforms also apply to incumbent local exchange carriers rlLECl Adopting a atmeamUned approval ammgemeot 5 * bom ILEC and CLEC transactions ' The Pamgylvania Telephone AwocMon b A t dakf; old*# tr*db drgmiatipm Aw MwWal exchange cmrior Industry. PTA i-«*M«»#nB mw* U*w 30 n W KbcwwrnWcurkw cpmpmnks t W (*mvbk # M l am# of kerviw: cvtrwtitKnenetworks. PTAmembemsMppoit*KCon€qKOfui#wr^s<^^*Warek*krsW(bed<^ is iii keeping with /Let l&Ts mandate bo reduce regulation on "the mcumbeot focal exchange (eleconmwmicaUoos companks .. ia k^%l$ mow #>osia<mt**th those imposed upon competing aJbemaiive service pfcrvidexg."* A& the CommWoa** Onkf motes* the MZ(Z's s&e#di**!d procedures do not disabgubh between ILEC* and CLEC6 or dominant and i*oiWomloaot camieo.^ Recogoidng Ae admae Wpacb of fogwWoqr b g m a compeddve add rapidly chmf^p*% kleoommWiatkm maAe^Aace, Ae Commissaa haa % « W 0 Awse b # &@ pmoedwt W subsbamce of i t : cummt rewmv prnxaess. T k PTA neq)CC*AiHy m b m ^ 0 e * Cowmemk to the Cnmmwion's proposal II. STREAMUNEDREV Following &e FCCs Sbalon 214 approval pmccR, die Qpmmisston has pmpostd a "*g«aefal n A " 6 ^ Kirkw and approval # # m a wdyxlay ptmod, Whkh would apply to "(he vai* iwgpmky of *y%HkgdKmsr and * Ibwty-day review and approv*! prnxxa; fb* ^p^jbMwwr ti«isa«^onswa^naed of&ose*hatdomotinvolwchaa*^ ftdwoe coamol by more that the threshold. The PTA IbcwwtUy endkwscs a moos rapid mview p e r W & f tnuMaAkm3be%e*heCot^*do^ There have hwm six mmnge^Kqpamtioa Gib%p made by Pf A membem in the l@8 tw* years (one *s pending); JOesphe the commercial urgency of m*f@a* aod acqwiaitioa*, the appmval pmcee can drmg oh WwrnkaWy. Eveh W*eee th« ease k a d W , Ae appWcatkm case consumes a« or mo*e months. TJb6 last Wtypkd prooasdrng before the Cbmmbsioo, the *66P*.CS. *30U(13X 2/^ ^wAw6mM», CC Docket No. 0W50, RtpoA md (kikr mkmad M « # 21, 20*2 * H 33*34 (Wmth 21. acquisition of MCI by Venzoo, took over teo months to accomplish. The following are d * time elapsed in these cases (bom date of filing to tlnal prdo-: MleDaie/Fiqal Order Dak IW&m CoasolitbWISiPSl (setUed) July 17,2007-December 5,2007 142 Days Citi&ns/CTE(settled) &qx.29,2006-Mar. (,2007 153 Days Allte]/Wmds*ream<wttied) Dec. 23,2005-fww 12,2006 *7l Days Spnnt/Embarq (settled) Aug. 26,2005 - Apr. 7,2006 224 Days Venzoo/MC* (litigated) Mar. 7,2005-Jan. 11,2006 310 Days The PTA member oompaqy t^oaacdona listed above involved no cjbange* to rates oc servkes, bw simply pepresented the side of parent (or gpan^W^Q oompamy &Wck or a spin-off of (LEC pfopedaes to amahe* entity, fbexpiamly & (xinipaoy owning othe* prppehy ui the Commoaweallb or opemtu% pAer local Wephone <xm%Nme@ ekewbe*. T W * sboujd be tittk cantnonmanqy (ewpocia&ed with these pnoceedntgs, skiee these coasoildiaioiB and spm-oAs are needed (o improve Ae *eale and gcope or f w w of the rural klephwe oornqmny industry. The tmnsactkn is wmply a panwd4evel sto# trmmedon Thew la «b chaaige any regolaWly sigwfhcant aspect of the #km#@aay's c%xafAtkma» indudmg a* to rates or garvice, Cwqxtsm* mmageiacat of the existing company is being replaced by the equally amtpeteot and Many other s*a$cs» but notaU, are more prompt in the review and approval of merger transactions involving tckphone companies. No approval process whabpever #pr a parent level change of boairoi is the rule in many ^mks: * Alabama * * * Kansas Mississippi Montana * * * * New Mexico North Carolina Oregon South Carolina * Texas * Wisconsin Other sales wiA an approval process, also have a fshot clock,** including: * * * * * * " Arizoaa( 120 days) ColoWo(45d&ys) B&mtucky(60days) Nevada (1*0 days) N«rthCafoliam(30days) O*do(30d*ys) Sou&Ddwl*(120days) * Vi?gWa(I@Odkys) The FCC'* § 214 pmceas, of * * # % ia 30450 days. More expedited twa&msntb oeeded m P&uisyWania &r several reasons, including employee imcertaiaty and fmsfratkm; customer wwertaiaty; the delay of new services; and adverse efkct on Ae compames" s&dc pnce aW a%Ktkm of capital. Omee a aak k anMOwmced, all persons afWed, mnipk>]nNS» WsWka; a*d phareiwidkaa, have lin&emgg question* (bat cannot be msolved un# the tmroac^on i$ c*o@ed ao& new m*i*geme$A become legally effective. Radbuced and s&reanalmed owanwghlis ap$%%rpnak% cvta necessary 6 * the ILBCb. The telephone imlustry b nb lomgw » monopoly, and the CommWoh k not the exdusive* or even dominant. Whence ovet rates and services. The diversity aad availability of fungible alternatives means that rales and revenues ait no(*et on a "%%«* pkxs* Was aaymom. The disdplioes of a compelitive BmketpbKX t ^ more egecdvely aod thoiwu$niy control (be local lf&*s*akcmmmwm doe: not act wWmiW* time fhm*,*)^ exchange telq&one mdustry than is Use case fb* other utOiff Wusthe% sod* as eiectnc and naturul gas distribution, water, and sewer, which comioue to be exclusive semee providers. Despite these seismic indusuy changes, Uttk bag crwged, unfbfbmatdly, in the are** of CPC appficatioo pmcGce bdmm the Ommbsion, It can be expected* upon pubiicadoo of a merger application in the feWM^wmw ^WgAA, that numerous parties will proles* the appWoWkm, all advancing a Woad army wf EmMi#W inWesQi En addWorn b A t dwe dtamtoiiy advocaks - the OBGce of Consumer A d v o ^ % the O&ce of Small Busmeaa Advocate, and the OfRce of Trial Sta#-nqgular pa#i*%p@nts include (%)mpedtom, SnAaMMmmxMAng camisra, Bade unions, kw-income advocate*, I m y cuskwneA, and otbe*s. Me**# oppcments, including (he atahaory paides, typically seek to eadiact a m * gain 6om Aek pahWpa#oo, regaWkw of whWx;#ejbaue: # * *%anacdoaof evea AN with the PUC's jwiadkAon. Thw, omger pmcetd«# have become a foma in which intones* gmupa pxeMuit the applicant astd CojwaWoa $o aw&rd special benefits to their consdlwencieg In d*e #wm of " n w * ^ co^ices&im;'' comWiag of con*nitments to p*oviq% # f example, aidficiaUy low isqpilated prices (even fteeaes), employment guafanlees, favorable nelwork m*Rco*nec&m kmw* coa^x#Wmao*saW% video TV mUsw^ bandwidths beyomd Act 183, divkknd H»*dctk#, and the # e . A ^ k m i t s aiigc<Di^Hed, W W Awy optto engage in lengthy litigation of (bear thame-seiMRttv* conimefciaj tradsawctkHi, to negedatc & Bsmlutiomu Many of these getdements have included concewwxw wdl beyond what is aecesgary W satisfy 66 Pa, C.S. § 1103 and the Swpteme Courts decision in O(r of K*r&* ThePTA beUevesihatthb indbennainate "^piling on" needs to be ended. Sections 1102 and 1103 and C ^ ^ I W m f u ^ only & A the CongnWon d e a ^ n e ^ will affhrxwKHNidjrlbRndMBti&M: public as a whole. The Commission can much thai (hdbniunaiioa S based on a finding that a merger will generate operating effkkmcks (hat, in ^ markel, will mure to the benefit of consumers in the form otl among odter things, new or expanded products m d services. As the Supreme Court recently mle4, the Commiwoo need not impose m«mdatofy coWidomttequirmgcoQaaaW (isctf. AssWed by Justice Saylor in the recent Supreme Cominktpfetatioa of the C&yqf Fort rule: The OCA aod othem suggested varipw oomUtiom, (aclading;: a five-year freeze on noo-fwmpetitive services; pnyvbka of stand-alone, as opposed to bimdied* d%W subscdbef line (oc IKHU) services; submission of a, modamatlon plan to accelerate broadband deployment; amid development of compim^-fjpecia: sendee gualiQr measures.^ In the Comt's opMio, ( ^ < ^ h ) f t dkx» mot coadone such pmc#ces: b canducdng Ae qndedyln^ Jinfpmy, # e CommWon k not nsquwed lo secw; legally bmdihg commitment or to qwacdfy tmeOis where ibis may be impractical, burdewome, or impossible; mmer, &e PUC properly applies a ptcpoTxiamnce of me evidehqe aandaxd to nwl» &ctuaUy4*aed d0emnaa8on@ (mchdwg predWye ones in&imed by expert jwdgmeat) cowenung certifkatkm matters? Therefore, the O)mmls«on ahduld mot allow the Mm# of #*% pmtegt, including one Rkd by a staWto^ advocate, to aotomadcqlly derail the "geaenj rule" process of sixty days, The statutory pai#es are as fbrceM (or mwc so) m pursuing and obtaming %*erg^ coAces&idas" as part of me CPC appUcatioi^ process. For the most part, prpteats Akd io %ipHcadqa pfpceedihgSy iocludmg those filed by me aamtoiy em%ea, conWn vsgoe dkgatWs of "comcwiris" of allegation that an adverse impact "*may occw,^ ^wmbW alleging any fads ot basis (omer than this speculation) mat the alleged harm should actuaWy be of omxem # y * f a f UC.Nos. Ti and 72 MAP 3007. OpWkm (h*d December 27.200? w 3 The Commission has previous)) dismissed priests that lack specificity and has been affirmed by the Supreme Court in doing so.* The FCC delegates a simitar function to the staff to decide whether or not to use (he **streemWne" procedures uoder Section 214. Them: needs kibeaSWrpmcewfwievkwofpmtdas wdetemme whether they contaui may real averments of potential hamp. The PTA would propose dial the guidelines used by the Commisakwi Staff to moke such dedaom wouhf loclude the blowing; 1, A Kcoenhad Werestin the mplkadion, P a m y l ^ i a W i e q p W ' ^ ^ ^ may be direcUy &Gkt#ed aqd %bkh w not atkqwldy oqxtseaW by ex^tiog pardc^ants and as to which the petxUoner may be boimd by the action of the CommiAaon in the pmceedmg/* 1%recr means "ibat the pason cWming to be aggrieved mwet show cpuaadon of #e ham* W H$ m*ere(t by tnt m#er of which he ConWWon has previously $wnmahly dismissed protests that lack a fbtwal bask/' Thw retpdimmenl t ; analogous to I k Rules of CivW Pmcedi^ mequirement thmt^Xhe " wmw,few, f ^ r t k g & « % * &c % Op^mAivgA,34*<LWa^WClMJ). " Vtk Ofw&wAw, /^(gAf gwW% f*r^ #» f & PUC %k)l, ± » (I9WX A t & * * * & % . # P*. PUC 3M* <19@8) ("This type of gmemawd pkmdWig k [an app)k*thM] proc«^ii$l$ no* W p M k> ohhtr *he ComodwWn or <h« pubiicn, A; A@kd by A« Commlaion m &«&mf IMoK [T]** OCA'$ pNA»* i* (kAcHy* **%*«**$ * da^ # * pkad jpetffk &c*$ *o#mg why tlw mwg# ahouW mot k aM*^VM* <*" *ky it «tkmM# # 1 mot b# In A* puWic WwwL Tb* maim* complaimed of in the Pn#c#, R)f exom^lf, dp not *R#ci i»Wh@f &« mwgar wiM b#v« an MiUoimpdAJWi enW of will ii#p«p Ae kcWcat, Nwnmgedml or MmamcWI flmmw of PEL PQ Giwr^, *Md H**#dah to soMmiMlb provide mdcqilatt W i W gm JWvk* b* PemmpWamk cuAomers w jia* W l rtmsonmbk r#eK &gg ej&, MonWpw v. Ph)bdplphl& B6c Co_ 66 P«L P.U.C. 24 (I9W) (puMoant to # Pa. Code §5.lpl(»X3^ Ac CwwiiWoii Pmrnd that * movmg party I: om&bdmjmdjpmm* h #s % w # @ t k k dwdy iwmmW # # f h * Aw* dowW that A* fHW% * * » not aac a bash for ndkf). AigWnmf OW#r 7** fiwWk (/Mf*^ CWr Dw A; 7 k A k y y <yf«m%)^wif* jDim^rkdf. Ac /aw f«wA@« UW«* SdWierA CArAKOmpm^X* 7 ) % S w i ^ ^ C ^ w ^ M , D i x i k B t N t « A-E200llfWQ2. A-12I20OF20OO am) AIZ2130F2000 (Onhr WA«d September 13,19^) at 74 material facts on which a cause of action or defense is based sh*H be stated m a concise and summary 6mn.''* 3. A dernon#mted, g a W a e x ^ n f # fWmRi h?rm to % Wi<#JpO The protest should not raise Issues that are not related to the proposed tmnsacUon. The Commonwealth Court has (Mined "inmmediste in&erest* as one that ^involves the nature of the causal comieaWbeWeen the a#6onwmplainedof and the injury to tW party challenging it and is shown where the tntaeat die party seeks to pmbctis w i # n the zone of intemesta sewgb* to be pioWed by 1h* ##M@ or #ms**Wdonal guarantee m qweatxon.^"^ Rdatsdty, the rwoiest must raise geaidot Issues of material 4. Novel or impodaol issues, The PTA agrees # 6 (he CommWon that flexibility may be appropriate where die merger is unique of raises particularly important issues. It would appropriate, there+bfe, to mcpgni#; cases that mvoryo ao\^l or jmpoftam iames mch rhmi *he p^lk&ikfest mpikes ahewW^^ A hemnog is not akwkWy pequired # a CPC app^tcadon ewe, Wbepe a proW raises matters cither not relevant or immaterial to the rrarwacd<A r ^ l ( rbrnW on-Ae#r«c#d bearings need not be held, as the CornrrasBW argded to the Supreme Court: The OfrnrnWon acknowledges ihat AmdmWal pindples pf dn* pmoeas require notkt and an opportuniiy W be heard vbiw^^^^^^^ makes a fact-baaed adjudii^on aBWing property fights however, Hke Ae Commonwealth Court panei and #*e gji bane dissent its position is thai the muthoAy's jpro&est and I k (^j&ad(md#errmnadon impUcaW sokly (paestkms of law, policy^ and/or discretion, whkh do not require a Mal4ype pmceeding. Thus, the PUC deems the doe ooUce a8Wed, as well as the corresponding " Pa. R, Civ, P I6I9(5X %« ako (%y qTfAf/»#6/a ». ^ame, 43* AJ2d 1031. 1032 (Pa. Cmw#. IM2> (fn contnct to ^notice pkmdmg" f»Wiicd«is, fennayivanm h m 6ct phmding dak) " O«wyev fa. fk». ( M CommVi,735 &2d 12*2,12% ( f t CmwAh. 1999)(quotkgJwA IMWfgW n#y. fWA* &rWc« y, &wA W%**W TWp, 555 AAI793,795 (Pa. L9@9)); '* CAwAr *%**r JmAaWO' v. f a f W% No. 2 * 7 CD. ZOOI/Opimk* dw«i &qM»»bcr 1$, 2002 615. '" Proposed Regm W o w @l $ 63J24QX2), opportunity to make written submi^ions of which ^e authority advantaged itstlfl to represent adequate process.'" The Supreme Court afRrnied the Commission: In this setting, while due process concerns implicating bearings certainly may arise in the course of particular cerd&^ion proceedings, we do not regard the ace af regulatory approval itself as $e type of government * d v i t y that inherently requires a hearing to comport wilh «msh'Wonal doctrine. Further, we do hot read the other statutory provWoos and regulation* d k d by the aumority as requiring a hean#g on eyeiy appUcaWon for regulatory certhScadoo.'* In summary, the PTA suppoAs the ndWi of a mmr^ and sixty day fevkw fAx%3R, W oiyww to the proposal tba* the filing of a Protest by one of the statutcmry advocates Is automatic g m m d s f b removal of the application from the amandine process ^ coWdwa#oa in the tradMonaf Udgakd Amim. The PTA proposes instead that (he swutoty advocakA' prote* be *ir# reviewed to determine whether legitimate, relevant aind material i$@ue have beea raided. W F1LINO REQUIREMENTS The Commi$skm'& current fUiag lequirements for qipl W*o» pioceedmgA are establwhed and well onderstood within the regulatory community. The Mqmremeols already addrea* the idenijry of %he pafdes, 6 e proposed transaction, pobUc benefits, AnamcW deWb and other Mb**** Wpfmatlon. Th@ propowd reguWona: woWd iactease (he sl3%, @ c ^ W cormpliMtily of the required jGUngs as to telephone utilities only. These application Am*s woWd, it appews, coa^nue to be used by o&er utility groups including electric and g*& The PTA does not support the expansion of additloaal in&winatkm with the initial filing and doe* not believe that the cutrent * C&sw M^XwdkWy v P«w«rWwwa P*#: Wrjl% O##W(w. #»: 10 W 2004, Opinion dated Febniwy 23.2005*$. " W a t 12. requirements have ?ver bam criticized a& being inadequaw. The amount of required paperwork should be reduced, not expanded. IV. SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES IN FILING REOUfkEMENTS The Commission Oak? proposes Ik) change the aatwK*ua%t% defkhiom of events for wWch approval« rtquimd m two impodmA respect;: * The redefuudoa of conHoUing iote#^ Aom the current 20% to a lower 10% standard; and * A, T k requirement of KlingafBiiaied intere** agreejments fbrappmvaj. f ^ s p d Dcfmitioa of Chanw of Conkol Pemsylvmla statute does aot expoagly requite a CPC A r A t mma&r of a a&e of stocky oofy A)f tmWws o f a&ads. The amotiguMes iohemoi* W § I lO2(aX39, historically, mtmted uweirWhty and iMnAMlbg pftotde# over the Commigaion'g authority to regulate a change in control. In 1993, the Commission dafWllvtly put the ooiatroyersy to rest iq a Policy Statmmeut H*«pfe*mg thcatdScadtm reqiJdmuKms A*r a aockimyacdona mmUdng to & < & ^ e of <x«W of a pvblk aHU^. '* The CommWom de*em#ed I W : * A tnamaction or Wea of tmpsacAoas Wuch (emits in the new "oomwHW )^BfeA" fequixes approval when the iraoBactkw results in a different entity becoming the beoeRcM holder of & la^ge vodng intere»* in the utility company, parent or higher: * A transaction or safes of tranMcMoas wbid* remdts m the eWmlnat&mg of a "controUiog iii%r«t" requhts approval when the t m # c i U # or $rans@(Aion ieeW* m &6 dissipation of the Wge^ voting WerWt im the t#Uty or pareW; *»d 10 * The (erm "cqntmlling inleresi" is defined lo be any interest held by a person of group acting m concert whkh eoa&les Uie b*u$n$W huldef to eootro) at bast 2 0 * of Ae vcalng mtwest in (he utility or its parent. These rules have been consistently Wowed by a!l public utUkies operating in Penmykania, including electric, gas^ water ami telephone. The PTA i& not aware of any challenge to the Commission's interpretation of § 1102(2X3) or any instance where a company has not Wowed these rules. The Policy Statement ruW have been applied Sw a conskkmbb pemxl of doxe, and diey a*e veil known and imdmaood by tot regulatory commuoity. The PTA beHevea it is a mistake %v the OommWm to jettiKHi its own ruk$ la fayqr of sknpk mMbrmlty Wth the FCCs 10% rule ibr regulated kkcommumcatkws companies, wWIe the K@t of PenmytvanJa wdlhks c o # m * to M o w (he 20% nde of the Policy Statement ThcK k oo evidence that the threshold should be lowered to 10% fw the 4e|ie«ommimkation@ Wustiy. Nor is the PTA aware of any cirewmtance wWm the 20i4 rule failed to d W o * to the Commission a dgaiJBcaq* corporate change. Slioaply Mated, a atand-atqne ID% interest is inWRcient to rise to (he W e i of Connnismon concern. Frankly $W*d, the PTA belie*** i W a decrease in the dweshold and die resulting expmsWn of the certificate QUngs by the telecomniunicatiom industry is a step backwards and inconsliAent whb Act 183, vdudh seeks to reduce the MW&dofy bmden wjpoa Uw telecommunications uTdustry^McWh^ out that same industry Axr mcreaW regulatory o v W 0 K as compared $o o*her industrkg wWch remam moooBoiWc, ^ich as electricity, gas and watef, does not serve this objective. No* does peducmg the teWphooe industry* threshold to 10% change m control enhance reguWory **preiktabi!Hy^ or *Smifbfmty." Tkkcarcent Polky Statement Is dew, provide* a complete statement of what is expected and, thus, id completely "predictable." II As to *(mifbrmity,** the Commission should not mcrease rhe reqiuremennipon the kkecqmmunicatitms iidu$m' without some compel Img reason (or (he lock of unUbrmity among PcnmyKanig regained companies. Act 183 codi&d a pmvbkx^ %&ch had been included in most k W exchaoge company Chapter 30 pbas 6x dome dme, namely that The te(ecommunic@lW& carrier shal* file afRUaied interest and aBtliated (mowacdoa agreements unless aicb ggreemcais involve senn^xa declared to be cooyxailive, The Gliag shall coowdMe notice to the CbmmWoo only which $haH not requke oppfoval by the Commissioa.** The Commiasiod has no* formally ?*jproved an afGtiabd iQ&efest agreaimiQi fbr a pBgulaied The proposed regulation violates trna provision where it stales that: A written or oral contract betweai a $#kcommonica*iom utility and afFHiase requires approval by the Comrmsa&m...?* The Order does no* txpWn the mcompabbilky of (his provision with the PuWic UtUity Code and the PTA proposes Uw* i t be removed. ' Proposed m@wWqn$ W g 63J26. 11 v. CQHCLU The PTA asks that the Commission unckrtake the changes to &e proposed regulaliei suggested lo these Comments. Respectfully (AOmneyl.D. 29921) H6PineStmet,5*Flooc H@msbutg.PA 17101 Telephone: (717)6354320 FacsimUe: (7*7)23N396 Couu&el for 6e P^nosykama Telephone Company Dated: April9,2008 13 ANNEXA TW,52 Pmh&UWWb* Pa** 1 PmWkUtfUiy Coaumlwloh SbbpmaC, Fb*d Seniw mWWba Chapter 63 Tdbphom* S*rv#c* Sabchapkr O. Ahbnedbbd # b * pmw#arw Awr * WMommmmkaik™ pabBe m#Wy swMm* CwamWom approval nmdw *c#oma #101(a) a#d 11(8 o f t h * pabHc atMMy coda #*r am a*qpM**aa, d W b * # k * #a <*m*M& ***%*?, desk #ab* or ImmAwrB, #**wd&f af a#a*i* or traaa&r * f dMtrol of a ti*«wBai*um*M*&e*da«Naa p*kH* a#Ny r##Mmg a e w # k a # * f paWc eo#y«alm*«a a«d#r # Pa.CS. § ll#2(aX3) or appfo^*faw#aradb*$w$wp*aMc*^^ S6&32L P*qM*& a <x%*HeGWwe o w e * *ad approval penods that t*a#8aoal lime f t * appMviujg tnmsadaaae iannoivimy; an aagudslakxn, dWoadoa in «m#ol, nagger, stock aaks or baosa**, tmna&r of asaeb ortmps&f o f comkol of a tetecaoQiQDaMnukaMdkMoa pi&Be u*0i*y jnaqpubrmg a 4&eM*Gca#e of p#Hc comwmksnce under 66 Pa.CS. @ H02(aX3) or approval of a (%»nGa** bamtea poblic The f # ) w a g w o ^ aW W w , v h m used m$h& X##AnW iM#ef*wmr - /la W h y mwieiAW with a public idiHty aa s # f b r 6 in 66 Pa.CJ5. $ 2)01(a). €«Wem—Au eutKy d#6»«d w a p^b% wiBQf b y # P ( L C ; ^ 103 o* Wnmd no n publie udlih' by # I**wGJSj § 102 and oiafbWlomW t v (h* GomaiiwMioa pumunnl %H# i)##Aw uwMP&p An mhdty that piovidw—mfbinWtc*—wfyW er Weoommuwaaidom wmvioe « deCnW by # U A ( 1 $153, oe an okamaUv* oamioe provider oo daGiwd by 66 P(kC.& # 3012 ia@Iuding a wMtnWW wm#r onikr MfouC.8, § U03(o) C w * v j 3 ^ A«er&gf - An b a m * , held by a pamon or gfoup W a g In concern, which enables the bemefksal hoWer or hoW*$ m control 4OWao% or mom of the voting interna m the Mc*mDmtk#ana ptbBo 9#ky of #@ p m » t rqgWkw of # e *J«fli&&&LmdWJ& remoteness o f the holder or holders or the tmnsadjon. yptmg power aristae from a contmfeatdylkahslt be disregWedA coatlWont mfhtinov not be achidgd. ZPWwdba <%F<ccw(nof - A, t n ^ c d t m or series o f transactions MKtubine in the e | | ^ ^ o n o f a cdntfnl%p Interest when the tnm^acUoi^ or ti%ns#c({ons f«@uit i n the dWpation o f the *arpH%rtTfO*ing[ interns* in the iid&lfv or parent, ftp&rdtess of A c tkfjA, wdwutfon i n th* eoqb'olling WWrnAt of 10% or mom h#1d by a pwwA d# group Wwig im ooneert* whioh reduoes the kmefhim*- hold** or Seldom ubiW*y to oombol a *el@eoaMmmi@au8oao publia utility thmugb Ah* vo#ng iaWmot in the tebKwmnMmwuWw public utility o# W pomoit, waoMUeM o f 4w Mmoteneo* o f the hoidar of hoidam or the (mnooMioDt Aoo#Ndn^#*Kd^mmyiiotb*WliKWi ZXwm6igRf * w W jmrner - A cmdar that haa or will haw a modewWy by <h@ I M W 8We@ D«pmMmm# of Amaic* Am0k«A t%>Wom in aoy wrvke Mlowwg CommiMikm gppmval of a mmgor ondef 66 ALCLS. § l(02(&) or aa othemist alleged of do^ummaWbyapartypr##Com^ m*dk*66Pa.CJS 1102(a) f b n W a M ^ W w - l b a W m as diBAwd mi wcdm L8 of A * OmmWon'a AJes fbrmaZ imw#%%W# - 1 ^ as d # 6 W hi * W k n I.* of Ae CamnWk»*s mWofjpm(d»Be&pmoad#eofWe!aa^wao^ # b ? W ^ J % w A * « M W a r - The commonly wuwptcd mmsim* of made* cowasn&atioa u # m d by the IWted #*$es Ckgpigixdgaxt of JWke ia which madn* comce«liat§oa b odcidaW by »((imi% #>m«dM A w t of @«dk & m <*mpe*xmg in &e marWa^th#«Limmhig^fe@uldngiimiab^ 7hK5L*MdheMwrAo*aaf4K%xd&apqg;^<aar;i*9f-iALl(*ca* cxdbamgecankr as m ( 6 P a . C ^ g 3012 ibdw&ng a o W 6 » W b W e « m d « ^ 6#niW<w*qpWd-Tb*bw fg&rmw/ W«#[g%#m — Tbabamas ddbed insccUOD 1JB of 6 c CbmmWoa'a mk@ of pmc&ke & pmcedum or hweWa#er amended. 2 - 'like term as dkdWd m secdoa L8 of Ac Cdmmisakm's famfK- The t a w as (kSmed m sectka 1^1 of the Commlaskm's tules of pmcdce & procxxkamOT cmauaf - The attorney of tecoM qppemng before the Commiagioa asrnqmredby sedkwoB 121 @W 1^2 of the CommWoa's ruk» of pAcdbe amaoded. ftr*@R - The $m$ w d«6*Wm aectkm 1 ^ of the Comau8s#oa*s ndes of practice 4kpKxxdumQrh@MwadkfaaMo4ML f^nm&MM&N^ m » ^ jw%*me# * A atiHty that couk* or wouW jwaew maAe* poivefka^*ehficcfbIk#W$a^^ $ 1102(a) using # * wx^bodzomW m e r ^ g^Welmeg of &e t i g . Ikp#A«mK of JWce AmAm* DivmoD or «@ o6er#@e *#0(id * dodimwrnW by a par# ^ the Commbskm in & pmceediDg seekmg CcmimWoa m^provml under # Pa.C;& @ 11#2(&). A o jAmm # m w # w -^ A t#08c*Mn*W W # # k # (o ( k dWomor mnd doe* 1*0* Rauk in a dbayge in %**es o? co##cm* ofaervlce wMdh* isdkea to@6dber wkh ali utility's coaGBUbxg interest, or *e@gk in a dbmuWon of cc#m)lgowbw Amu l#&@g defbicd # f 2 Pa. Cod* 6 69 ^( 6b#f- The tarn as deSned b& eectkm L* of Ihc Comnas&Nm** Wes of pMcUce & pmcedmc or hereafh* amended. AofWwy XJWKWAf -^The # m as defbed ta sectkm 1.8 of the Commission^ mks <€jpvtke&p«CK)edumorWmeaA»4^^ 7f%xMwA(#%^w f » 5 & W%y - Aa e&Uty deg^ed as a p#lic ut^ftv by 66 Pa.CS; 102 ?f d # * d *s a^ p # k qt#)^ bv 66 %C^S § 1 % « # « ^ G « ^ t v (bt Codmiissioii pumiant to66 >a.C.S. 6 ilO2fa)J\n omtitv that pmadd6@ M o m & o ^ oe teWommimieatlonD MMMioe a» dofWd by 17 U ^ C.$ 153 or 66 PaiCiS. § 3012 o# as a The tenn a* defined in gectkmi L8 of &e CcmmmssWa's nA$ of 63^33. Tins subchapter shall apply tb & tek**Mhanmdc*Gons publk udlWy seeking CommiwioA approval (or w aKagwdawticwi, dnnbwdoa i * ccmfrol, ineqger, *ock a&k* or Msmfca, tramfer of assets w a W b r of oootpot of a tek>c*xnin:u3i*c8*ioii: public iiHKiy requiring a cerdAcate of puWic conveoieoce un&r 66 Pa,C.S, § 1102(aX3) m e p p m # e f a amAmot betweem telecommunications ^wblic u*ilhS«5i<unKlaL8Glia*esL & 63324. ]R*<polnmnM*&t* ibr * ibdbB*«Hami**#a*#k>wm p@Wk WH(y mwMa* C*mmW#* mpgMMM*! of * *p**nd m k tn*M**d#a W j e c t Ik* 6 * Pa.CjSL § (a) Oewref f*df Wccommunicatxon*p«b#cnmdv^ ConWwdoa approval gmraMxpBskkNt damdawdba m <W*ol» nagger, stodc saks or tcmWen, traomj&xr of a@s#W or i r * W * of c o # o l of a WeoommWeWom pdbHc u@ky skaW mgWre noaGWoo to (be CbwoWoa aod appmvd try the <]<Ma)*nisa*(Mi a* a gadwaadndeiMmewicliomu ^().. -A tMuWeOoa rwultimg in tb* tweaAw of 10% oemwe of*##"&*#>$$ # - — AA tranaactb* (mmwmdoa reqokmg :«mhmg m *h« dumoutKb;* 6f 10$4 m mom i&aoed m th@ (41) a cea#c#e of public oomfemieace pmMWW66Pa,caailO2(a)L ($g) Atransacdom(0bjectip cwduatkd under # e ^atememt of poHcy on ikmBaa^fowOmA,:#IAL(%de§<BUWl. (63) A ^*n^*M#W that agad&d the o»k«ner base of a lkdkac(%:umqaM:*l*p*K; public Wi#*y or eammr tmi inmolyea a dbaege i@ <%x*dWoos of service or ratca. (34) A trmisaclion ad#eaai to this iRi&NdbsiakBr try oWsiaa of thai Conum&Rwon, WtkUdg a txmasadW no longer daWGed as a jmoj&nMe kansaction try (b) Jke&z#W^q/a#B^^ When a WecommmiWons public wBky seeks review and approval of atmmwiMa as a geneW role traosaelim aad W CommissW rediaWSes &e geaeml mle b«dsa^o^ tb« tran%cdon shall be subject to the requirements of a pro /bmmo transaction $et 6 r & at SeWoa 63.325 of die rubs (1) jfevkw o f a g e w n ^ n&k Awwac^m f w f a » # / W w <? pfo j6r%M ffmoKxcffom, The 30-d@y review and eg#*wai penbd fbr a general m k bnan&aftkn reclaalged iis a jmro J&nM* trmsaadoa abail begin on the date that the tekconmmkadons fwWic idmlhy b nd*aW In w r l t i i ^ * W the g m * W n i k mm$*cUoo ** ^nmfAWMMPkM, T * * M v i u ^ m d * q g w o Y j U o f & j ^ as a j y o ) W * : 6msaMkm sh#* bc^m a i A c A^e * W the (BWxwmniWAMfw* p ^ W l h y k m * i B ^ M wA&og that 6 * trnwacdoa Is M^WssiSed. A trmm*c*ioo daasUbd Skcdon* U 0 2 a o d U 0 3 o f a e N b U c UfMky Cod& (3) aygAfigfappwwfj&f fse&M@#%%a&*t<gfdr(nmq«*#HML When a iadkxaonnmnmwicatiogu; public uliHty ig no#Ged #& M # n g by a&aff What a gpaaeral nde trnwacdoa wiU be m c W # e d , A e d # m W « # m dwdX Wmibjept W q^xm* # m « # e a l Aom w mdibn o f &ata& The pmvhmooa g o w W n g im * # e ^ shiiB be dwae govembg appeals A m m « # » of & W T W # S e ^ o q 5 o f # e nik» ^p!#ptkx:aAd paxadqfe. The m & m @ s W Jk*(b;xKk*!wc^WdbBC(x«*D%w*i&BB#ldi**|pBlWBk>«:aQx(y «dh0b*5i*gfi*<*fitpikeali be Gkd * # 13*6 C a a m W o o on (be dak o f fU&ng wbk & &**eal regpb&Ky a#**ey wekiag W m d ^ p t o v a l o f a jgmmil m k tmmsacdpo o r o o k W #mn 60 days pdor toihe ekKdng o f a tnmmKdoa sutgec* Bo this sKdbcJbqpdsBt twWdWer I s kmger. The WeoommmnWinns pdbBc i*d&&y Sling the imadMaaaac*! st&all (x*nply widt the CbmmWkm's ndea o f ipa*c*&oe and ;xBoo»dkm& gpwmbqg qpplkatkina A tekcomm#m«doa: pqbUc WKQr ahaU provide # upd##d @0pyja6#* <o (he CommWom and the ^(aWmy advocates o f (BrngswiAie W o w i n g circwos&anow: (1) FIKog %bh ^ P e d ^ OomomuA^ OMnmWoo (FCC) o f an (2) Filing o f a notice whh Awe United State* Dqpmdmmot of JmGce (DO)) pmmmA to # * H«^Seq#4Lodino A # b w ^ Imp»wemeub A d (HSR^FiKng). I (3) FiUag by a lxdkw>d*Biw&*nio*W:p:#@ iwbKp u # x # of & pleading | MBpondiog-tMh&knnal o r M b n n a i DC*EWp&&lBti:Mfea(%Ba*ioiL (Mriwaocfxsd&nqsiusKtedbdkaan try the FCC or (has D O * 0* (altar sfaab or W e n d tegiMoiy agawsy W i v i n g lite (4) Filing required by the Coomwslon &om a kkcommumcadoos pubHc utility m resptmse to a addGcadoa try the CommWoa t h * sumwdtarweotw aoUScatioQ b ^ppmpnak t9 pm*@# A t puWic intern^. J0)—Piling 0qwwd By Iht CopomWw 6pm » owm# in r*qpimAe tA a wqww* by any of the fbUo»yimg; g^ *f@q*M9* by aaaAAwy advow#, (w) A wqwwt by a onaiw wkb a o#cd5oote of poblie oonveniwNi* obtained umde* 8@adoa 1103(0) for & *opy. (U^—A reqaai* by the Commia^a* 0P4Wg&#a«apy^ (h/> Awqa#byapmM)ao*p#MyfbEaqopy* (d) ComAMf <^ A o f j y k ^ )!y @ewM%f rwk <hWadAM» . Ib ad#km-t»#e jo* mqubed by #Wim f 13 of the Comndooloato mko of pMK)do# and A*gem^indetmh^^ (1) Tbeg^^WdK^mdWcpWKmWv (2) The go#mm«0, **#% or Wr#%y t # ^ ibe 1 ^ of which m A co%pof#*o%pa%#a«c9hkm«4ka#^u^ (3) The m#@, *b% poa o#c@ # d # w , # d Wephooe mrndker of $ e o@cer or ooAlmct p « K W u d b g I W s y M a * k ^ 6oui»eL $o whom oomMpoodaoe (4) The name, wWmaa, dtlmnmhip, and pdompal p|Ao* of b w i n w any pasoa, pmty, or amdty nW (Specter or Indkecdy mms more (ban # 3 0 4 o f (be ^uiry of &e applicanl, and Aw ptmmkw; of eqwhy owned by «*A of #wee en#k@ (to (5) A amuamy d*K*%do#i o f W WaK«kN& (6} A d e s c n p ^ of Ae ( ^ ^ ^ what services #e p t o i M W M A e g e o y a j ^ i k ^ *r*@s * i * # * to # e # m w # w «»d (7) A vehfSed @Wemmt as $o how (he Waadkm 8 b into one or mote ; at#xA to the gmaaX iul« &r oo&Qca#on, (9) A vsdfkd statement whether %e tnmsacWon van*nt& special (%mB#deratkmbocau%e&hKpa^W^ (10) IdmUGcalioa of a « # m k l y Glcd waiver nxped sought ia (II) Awdi (0 How (be b@nAac*km will a m * die public Waest, (i*) A *&a*c*%p*km of 6e g a w d add apfdfk a # m a h * p*&*k interest bene&s to Peimovhmiiia and Pammkanla coMumom iAWMM;otlBq*@up#x)ftiai: _(Hi) AddWowU Wbmna#on A # mm)' b* n*@#Ma*)f $o add#@M die ( # ) A v^fHkd «ba«n«d #fhfmimg ^ t ## 0jgQf # jk cwnplLMy^ *H0i C*mmus«oa<AKg^aosaod#kg$. (13) A vacMSkx* a*aAammt i*fdnm*a;g & # mxakmeo* isgerwxl uodke. if (4f!d)A v g # e d s*a*am@at on the <dBbct of the #i;nBac**o*i «& xsxisabig PmosyivmuA W & . DF mgp^Aabk or m hqpoow # a mguW Aoin ^ K # a $ekx%aw»x#*a6)qsiM#k^ shaUpW#e&ied^lWdp|^^ in cxWng P e # ^ v « # a W # beAim and #A«t &e # « W * W # r wMd: Ae tele«*a«mnka#Qms p#BewiMy seeks a^pmovml#om d&* (3##mWao. (4615)A venSed aateiiwot «h Aw» lnm@*diod*& efWt on 6e exWbg aWate W%est agmemeots of tW BdMty.jfknowm (1?) A venfW AokmnMt aot^liaWng (hot wo oW# or Warn* M(p#t«y ogwwry W expected to TmAamke on im&m)al or fomnol mvoodgodont complaint, or pfooe@diag relatiag *e &e tpanpWw&r tW)—A vewSed oWAmaeat &at mo o## op fbdaml Mgulatoty #d@Aokmg k appfopekte cegwdmg the tnmqaotwia W a w * #w t*lwpaMwm*eatWq puWio utilhy Wk@ (491&W3TgawQaaoaal chads aborning the e#W on Owe applicants oiganizationbefbj%and*Aer the transaction. (3%7)Acopy of A * applicadohmedmtdK FCC or a W e * 01W * # *b* D P I i f any. <* the electronic loeatien at Ae FCC's web^ site. a CommWda or Weml prewWuigTolnted W Ae g o « ^ pawKn^-Ae Aelwomwimlmitiomo pubdo adUty to (he WnoooUOA dWl @k witb &0 CommEKMon ***i(o of ail pmw@du«U modons, ptd>Ue reopoawB 4o diwoy*fy, and oW##o o; olbw Wiowi addMowug or tmmunnfmB <h# %m)@M#ig, Th# telmMmmumoatiooo publip aUAy ohall 8*%)pl«n«WMb# not&wdoa fUing with any FCC or DOJ pub&o nodee looued ooaeaming (1) The S e w w y A d i publah notice of & ^ g » ^ hUe (mmimcdoiii h A e f4mmig^wW9jWW^ under mAldm 5.14(a) mud (b) of the (k##A«Nkm'$ mk@ of pmcHoe and procedure aodL « directed t y Ae Secrelimy, gKGL^:»qmre additional pubBeatxoa *a a io«w{pap«r of geoefa! chcoWoa saving Ac g w g ^ h k t e i d i ^ * # w W | by the geoaal m l * tamsaclioa unless 6 * Sca^afvCommWon ddmnmncs othennge for good cause shown. (2) Amypotk&d^ ^ fmmal protest pedod estaWWW imd# »c#oa 5.14(d^ ^ 1 ^ C ^ ^ rules of practice & pmcedure, unlesa me ggagJaayGema^asW dakmines omcrwise fbf good cause shown. (0 A g # ^ M0«#tiWd^Wi% tfansacdon involving a ahongo in DoW^ono of (MEyioe WMdwdWl9P@ vonstiwte aibonalprotest immder aectkm 5.14 of1he CommWon'a nUe« ofpmcUcc and procedure nor leclassUy the geneW ruk tramaiAion, i m l e m ^ StaMan'Ckmim^ Ibrgood iauseghown. pi) A (banal protest objeddn^ to the ^emWl *uk kansaction I involving a change m condWonm of aotyice 0f mks o% involving ^ e transfer of a I customer base Aall comtWe a fbtntai pno(W under geogon 5.14 of the Commission rules of pmctke and pmx*dm#e m ^ n ^ r e c l a W ^ &e gcWai Wa Gmsacdon, unW* me | Seo^afyCommiGoiom detennmes othemme for good caose shown, I (iu) A formal pcoWt objec&kqg to a general m k transaction that I does no* ktvolvem* a change In condMona of sendee or rates or %e ^a^sfer of a customer base by adbtutofy advqoqfe ahali (xmsdWc a Amnal (Mutest under aectkm 5,14 of the CommisMon^s rules of pract^ and trnxxdure cmiv in the event &at k meets Ae aukements for a valid protest identified elsewhere In this sutpaitond ahoill meolmmiA^-e mmd mypMMn&l Am tmnowtioao wmdw Bwdono 1I(K% aod 1103 of A# Poblie UKl^y Code, wnlwo Uw Gommimxw dmtwmiiw othwvioe (or good oauae ehoym, (&0 #kaBwmm&%a&wjm*6% w(&% wotke foaw^NW/v. « ? # » or MA». A teieommamiasAkins pWdk w # y A*U ^qpaw god dWrAwk nodoe to &e cuatomas of a genend n i k tmnsaction invoMng a diange in ooodkioos of service or ratca %i(h the approval coopetafiojp of #K Coomus&kai*8 Bureau of Coosumar ServiMs. Kodce to the -customers ahaU occw prior to CmmnjWoa approval imhsa cmnon^imcesmakedistnbndonprjw (i) A iraosmdwu luwWbfiHg & c#omer W e mvoWng & ckmge k «KdWoM of #rvice of We* «haB fequke i w W w t # & * to 1ke a w # e r k # prepared wbh Ibe opproW coopepi%« of Ae QomomA^oa'g Bureau of Coasume: Seivkea. (*^—A gpmmol oomment odkEnMeWg th&wooAMF of m omAommi bomt iavolvimg a ohmig* im poimfWom M w i ^ o * 0 f j « ^ a fommolppoteot and** aoetioa ) i ! 4 o f d * CommkBlona rulw of pmodw oad pfooodmw nor w o W a i ^ A * gewmml Ni» tmmNMiom W w o 0 * GouimWio* d*#pmm*w o&*w#a fW good @m*o* - ^ W m W piwWt ^ * # ^ w WwWw of i: (iuofomw bop* iavelvu% a l A i m ^ in oamdidaw of gwyipe oriWw ghWl vpmpdtiAe # fwinoi piotwt wdor oeotlOA 5J4 of th* Coam)6»iam*@ m W of p h w i ^ and iniy *wla«H^#» geneml rW@ tMrnoaotiom, (mieoo th» Commiooioa (Wmmioea DtWwiw !b# good emioe (#w)—A ibmmf pM$a# objeoldng to a gaoeml m l * tt invohimg 6 ohongo M oomdWona of ewviee or *o*ea by a atatutogy-advet oaoadlu* a AmmolpmtRA u*d*PQ*Wm» 5,14 ofd*O6#W(KUon'ajm^ of pmotioo md pm@«dur# and sW* *wka@i^ * gea*@l rok bmweUoa oa a *##**r as a jTfoJ&fma fmmmritimi nr m imhnn#inn mihJMt tn fh# hhimw and f i ^ r m h r f ^ irmnimniiiirnr nrr*"* Q*o6oao 1103 oad 1103 of dw PubUo U t # y God* CommWoo rebdng the dbcredon to make mqoMea and, aAer hddce and cpportoairy to be heard, take action to protect Ate jpuWc interest* including the imposition of cond&ioqs on approval of Ae trangacdoa vtAww ideemtd hecesaarK or ptoper umdef 66 Pa.CS. § 1103 and to esiabUsh afGfmativc public be@e6t*$ reqwxftdty P6nosylvaAia k w *A? #YB*%k#bm—A proWt-&k ly whh the Commipsiom's fu**Hpf amnaootioa oabjeot to the g% (1) liKf&^ofajW^prot^byai^atulD^a^ a(om«lpro$eMwam06%redass*&a#mfw iWudh%pomp«#v0 L but only where such protest i§ 6 ? # (^ tjyp ^*#Fi^<knMmtKa#e on its a) A mx)pm&*4 nf^mst in A t appUc$k% A motest must meet d * of 52 f a . Code t 5 ?#a*2\ Tbe protest must sWe an din** and i p ^ ^ j j ^ . MWfdMJ%fM P<yt(M^ <%*%?& Acu v Cav Af P^AkfyAL 3 # A,2d ^ (Pa. 197St &mA ( P i 19891 SoecMc factual ^ M o m upon which Ibe proves* can be maWahwi the pm*e# must plfad # c c 0 f 6#s ^jknw^ii^Hng LtEKPactxm will not be in the bubhc iniefesL C&Ggrr fPafer iW&offfy v. fennfWwzn&f jPu6& W / ^ GemmWon. No. 1<K 2004YPa. 200S1: Pa. R^ Civ. P l O W k i t ) A 49XMMX@WtW, caw4 nexus between the cWnW I*W and 6e a|&plk&^6iL A, pw4e& #&H ^ 1 ^ 6qWipI#v the alle&ed causal eonnaaonW*^^^ J&ii#tk^(*M%^ca^ *s sought ia wg| diirM^Y Wnm W P T ^ ^ ^ * & ^ t e « ^ the wotest qAv not rake #ues dwAare not A*»W4o#e (XT^^ Mattefa that are of shooed be the s o i ^ $ of a dif&rent woceedmt may not be % WA) of # PTOMnK j(3)—Th* 61ing mvoM* m mAjoy w^oWtiOA o: m«ig*ir tidwaim to#oonmiunioqUono fLma with mWmtiql mpdtet phwwk 0 2 ) The # m g invoW» *m ac^Wikm, wefgef or p#ef #m»#c#im Awt mi$«««ovdof Wpoftaotiame*. 10 fGamasoion dotonaipea that wdaooiBWoa is necmmzy *c proteet Ihe public (t^) Camw*W@m dggw^Wj&r <* ggmem/ /We fnmuwfiom. A oaaMctioa object t@ dM» aWx^Mter *W1 be dwmed m be in d * jpwWic WeMA « d qg^oved h k w and 6c* 60 days after public make ia d*e JPgmwyyfwBia; #%##&? Wess *h* Ccmm&sskm g#xaal ads tnammcdon and issue a oertifwaAe of pyWic c o m W a * * (Bidbwanadby; the tmnsacdon pument to sadcos 1102(a)and 1103 «dFth*;I*uI»U<:TlN*I#gf (Ck>dk% 66P&C SL §§ ll(Q(m) W 1 1 0 3 , | (2) The CtmmWon CMcaiweE4S*aJgLRw;y g&sod W a v W f awd apmstal rule, or W * o&er acdda d*embdqp0x**Ws W | (3) A 3*WF *#*oo shall be in woking and Mbxm the WeaimmWe^kmspuMi* u # l y of &c s#h* of appeal Am qppeai &om am aclion of under Section 5.44 of Ae OmnnWob** rides of p a # ^ and pm*#dure. (1) jBamtngaqy fracemd&gpL Oentrai rule trWacdons r#WW to bankruptcy remain aWgect to awGona 1.61 and l.#2 of the <]6mmM#aa's ndes of pwake ami pRxadme* (2) Jkqpe <%fg@m&W n d * *r*»**dkadk*ML Agenaal sale trmnaac&m miry not opera#e to pennA a tdec*mmn##cN#o# p # # : WU#y $o cimummW m o|W%*$km by doing or ic&alamg &%m dobg *ny6b@ ^ # a % l e « m i m W ( * # ^ puWk Mt#y nw$t do orimu&oido. S**#oa &3L3KE3 ]Bbag#ihh6mMMiis #6* a W&g*#wmik*#«$ pwMk # # & ***&&** **dil*L (a) /Ye j&nme tr8mww*c(*pmw% Tike (blowing tBmmodons of a lima geeks Commission appMMmd (or #*x;u*sitM:«k (EnndM*q*ipo M omadl, maqger, **odc sake or tomsfiaa, tranafcr of $s@ets Of t o W k o f comW of a tdb«A#nmi W W o m publk *A#y s W l M w p ^ 3 M d G c a t ^ $ o A ^ p ^ /Mjf&nMatranMKAkm: II Geneaetien feauWng hi Ibe tran@&r of less Aan-HM4 #4h*-WA6 of o #mor, 0 ) — A tranMetiea ftswldmg m the tmns^r of!«»th<m 1Q% of Aw dir**( 0^1— A transaodon wsuMhg in (he dWinutioa of lew A<m 10% in the (41) .AamaweaaoAitqubaqBiLesMiGGa* ofiKdakconvaBboceiaawa! pumwntlo66P&C&§1102(a). j (%) AtmnsmdioasidyaatD6i#m^ tiacKiGsrofoomdiol, 5 2 P t Code § 69J901 I (&&) A tmaMWion that tomEdbn Has c*a&xmar W e of a teleoomnanWcadom pubBo u d % and does not mv^vea/dwogc In (xmdMkmB of service I (-%) A omnwKdoa seeded to *&w w M u # * Gy deddon of the (b) JR*as6aoqy53dnNkM* g f a jmvj&qma fpawagKaOkNiL When ated$x**bmdoicadons pW)Wp WUtK seeks review and appmyal of a tnmsadlioo # apmyj%??Ma tnmsactkm and Ac CommbskHa rechwIGea # K f M » j W w *mmwcUo%#0^)lmMa Wwwtkm aWl be swbje# to (he reqaktmeab o fa @«kenl fwle tran@actkm W 6 * 6 # Sccdqq 63.324 ^unless Ae^emmWqeHkaeanimqd^ othenvbe ^ good t»i») ahmm^ OTauKicfio*:. Th* #0-day « Y W # # aQpfoval jpsi&CMl &* * f r o j&nwe Bamaaakim rccWWbd as & general m b Bagggawatb)** dkdl bojgfp qa (he date that tb* redassiSed. (2) J&#&w of 4 j * e / o H i « ; # % % # # # fwaofaawdyikyf # aAar dkam a gA*graf M*k fM%«MK((ow. The rei&w aod approwl of a j?m)loirwa inweafdon mdbadUEbd a* o&er Ibam a geoetal iwb tnmaactbn aball bqgin oa (Ike date (toft the Weoommmncatkms ^ W k uAMy k iKMiikd h& m # % *h# d ^ j ^ ) W # * trmsabdm & RKAassifW Wtnot as agemeoil ink: tKaiMM*c*io#i, Ajmvj6nma bamaacdka re#ae#od mder dug sedkn ahaU be i t y i m W w W # # # ^ « W goyemh% review aW approval tmderSec&m 1102 and 1103 «drtbw:i>t$tUk;(JtIIB3f43(x*Bi 12 When a leiecommimM^tkmBi public utility is nottBed in writing by a*#-Staff that a pro jGxrmw; ik3mawtc*&on will be mciassWed, Aedttemdnaiion shall be mibject to appeal as an appeal Born am action of g # * K "The pmvWkma govtWmg an q#ea* shall be those governing appeals 60m an acUoa of gsUfTimder Section 5.44 of the Ckmmbsioa's mles of practice and ptooeAae. The W A % ahaV W&mi the Weoommumoaliqas puMk Wlity of the ngfaofawaal, (c) JVb^&vAw* rey*dr«?M«#)^pro/9y^ XotHWkom o f aJy<» / v m a tomsacdom shall W f W wWb (he CwmnMoh om o ^ date o^ Aliqg with a (edaral mgwWoiy agency #eeJWqg BadeW appiaval of #f#ibjWw Wwadxim or 00 # » Aam 30 days pnorto A * closiag of afM»/onmz mmsattkm W y e ^ #0 thh mbdMgAef, whWwvef bk*%er. T k u G B y f U b g l h e m M ^ pQBCdcexmdjMPQaedkune g(yv**;*ia;t*gp**U*a*Gk*n3L jAL#%dkMDo*xHx*umuba*l5o*ui|pKd)*k: i«#MW*y abaH pmvide m updated copy to the Ckimxmbskm aW ^ ^ W o $ o ^ adimcates o f f O h w m A e 6Uowmg einaunstanoes set Aath at @ 6332^ f c^ f _(#—FUiag with # 6 F*dbm& (]oi:umamwwlio*&D CoMmiwie* (FGC) o f an agpKwUm @e#k*n$ &M**val e f & * »ana«^oa(F(Xl i^BoaWom). 0)—IHWUqg e f a m # * a m f # #h* U m M 8*mt*s Btgartmen* o W w d b e (DOJ)pqmuaottA th@HaA 8@q* %adWAo#uotIm^ov*m6i!U@4W(H^ ^ — F i l i n g by a *oi*Nk)Knin:*hi*i#iQ*io publm *d#ly o f a pleading PCC of the DOJ op other Aato at Wc#W wgiuWoiy agimy t ^ W U ^ t W imnoaodom (4) FUmg wqubed by dw CbmmWom Aohi a^-W publie utUftyr m reqpomo* to q notiGWon by # # G g # # « k * that; pi notijRwdoii io Qpf#opM#@ to p w W th# piAU*Wayw#* ( # ) — F # % wquiiW by # a Ownniiaoiom Aom a paniar i n reaponw to a Mw^eot&yany ofth#Wk*wiag* (#) A m^MGt by a statutory advoomt*? obtained *md@f Seetlon 1 l(Ki(a) A@ a eopyj & * * # # * by the CWm#@i(W <if < W f W-m-eepyr # ^ — A wqcwot by a p#wpn w pmtf %p @ #opy+ Ow*#eMf o f mo4@9<az6gpmrjdap jprpjArma dMo*MKaOKMnas\ Ip addition to the infonqatioB mquked by aeotXm: ^ K o f the ComqiWioh% «uW 4 f pnwdoo and 13 pmcedbreraA /*no/&*vma tnmsacdoo shall contain Ae $ame i to the (mnonotlom (3) The govAmmmt, Aotm, or tmiNxy uoder the laws @f wbbb eoob Tb* mma* Aj% poet oAk* oddmoo, <wd t*I#phoa« mmmb* of ibe ofRoet or oonOwt-point ineludmg Pennayhmma-leg^ oouoseL to whom ooowpoadeooe «me«HUBg%:tEmiom#donhWWaddWoe^ (4) Th*«um% odd***% #Aig»m@hip* and jpdnmpW p k w of bwiiwop oay jpwsHM, pohy, or aaAy Ami diwody or imdipWy mmo mom Ami 10% of 8 * wpwty of *h@ qqpBcomt, and Ae ywoemimgi! of aqu^y #w#W by 6#bh of thaw entiGoo (to Aw ( 5 ) — A mammary dwadptioti of A# UansWemr ^ 6 ) — A dmmdptiom of dw gmagimipluo amma oobjeot lo lL# imuwwUoaq mod wmo am provided m the googmphk wiea; ( ? ) — A v*mf*ed aWament as to how (heWwrnodom fM»Wo o## or moM of *h* oakgodec @obj04it to (hej*wyWw ml# (@)—IdwA5odio& #othW &mm#W6# wXiiimd ki the U o W 6 6 * t (9) A vtRGed Wmwrnmi whmlhw #h» Wmootiog woooahi Bp*^&t eoomdmrnlioa b4KNnm# eWw party to ( I * bamsopdoa is f * * i % imminent bwinwo W h * * : (W)—Idmd&obdpa of * aepaAUely 6 W waver reqwot oought m oonjunotiom wkh th* <mnaao@OB^ f * # — A vwiGed @#^nmt AmyMg? # How Ae #«&KM#m %# oonveaieiwwt and neeaoobyr @e*v«—&* p#Ho inWf«% —A-d*mdp*k*a ef 4b# gameml aod speeiGe afRrnnalwe pwhlio b#ao% to Pemwylvaiua and RwmGyMmia oomawmem »iiu#dluig appmval of the 'the tmnsetotiaa on domum*m«W iKmww orpgei (43)—A vemfwd oManwmt (dimming dial the utUUy b j n iwo^Uoxu)* wi*& aneot oBLming that <* ive oelioei 04)—A wadded # * * * # * 6boWW% a «qpy Of my P*mnoylvame4*#ly (44)—A-*ed (17) *&##!#& »amaDoaba <m Am wWmg A v*H$ed oW@momt wtmMiAlmg that mo @W@- or Axk*Nl MguWo#y tmg tO the tRMMOAMNL (43)—A vaiGed oMmmen* dmt no oto^ e ^ W W r n g u k W y ojidmtaWgg-k (10) CbgBnWiomt abate ohcwmg (ha #Ok* *m Am @G)—A copy cf ^ (^llpMioa fledmt # e FCC o* &ao(:*ofiW with dw DCW.lfmy. - ( e ) — C W 6 w ^ aW^adam* / & A»#(fWf^i^mi)j^mwa AwMWMtiwwn Whea a mrmmkmdaaa ptitUe utHMy meeklng appmrwd of a j w v j W w tmmaaodoa d w l l # k with tha CommWqa oe^iao of id! ptoq#dm^ @ W ( ^ p i * ) ^ x ^ to damovaQf, and e#d#8—or olhem—**#@a@—gddlp#W9#—4P—bmnmmAaii;—Uw p#aw#dim$, %# WmmwrnmtmimdoiM publk iWlhy # * U m ^ W m W &@ ao*ifk)a#qa 6&% whh my FCC or DOf pubKo notibo bmwW oomooimimg $h« wno*NHom (1) T l * Seowwy may pubWaib W k % of a pro j%mw muwWioa W Ae f gm*QiAwi6i g W k # t Tkhe $ccmei#y may pos% mptkc of (k; pv)Wmo tnmsacdom on the Commission's webm&e, UK&ess *&e SecKtafVCMnrnkiiiaa dbwaimme* ommvist G* gpxkl (2) AMd<*posWoameCommWon^ comment period estaWkhed aceoMmg $o seotioa 5.14(d) of me CcwnamWon's rules of pmcdoe. 0) Thme shall he mi» formal pfotest peddd wdew rne&m 514(d) of m* (ZcMmmisaicm's m k ; of gmdChe & ipmcNPedkins, Wess me Cmmmioam-&KmA@rif dbkdnhK»o&enmbe&*gpodemB@abMAL #«&#%, iii xwMWmi to any adAtiomiiX p#gcidkm or podm* oa me QDmmWoa*j; wcWte, shall be swbject to a gcmacal ooinmoNsnt penbd and a fbm&al pmotw ? e * W «W@Wk»d mKkmr socdon &14(d) of me CdmmWma h i W of pmcdk* & larocwdbaa. WesgMeCommWkmdetemdne&om^ ch&oge In *M*dWpna of sendee <* tade* & tzaaudGbiiuiar * cwasboauwaf ba&e shall mot tomsdwe a fbnmd j*o$W mvkr wx*&m $ &4 of # 0 C W m ^ ^ of pg*#pe#*d pm<sdknre aor WWUPf megemeni ruk mmwcdan, ugdheas me 8ecMi6W43mMm*oa*6a dBbemimesomeMisemf gm^cmi#sho«^ i t formal pm#*t obje<#mg to a m**acUoa not mvoMng a change m conditions of sandwpe or rates or trangG*nBR » f^ptomer bast shall got ooua#utea Anna! protest mdmr se#6m514 of the CbmmiasW rmks bfpc*c#ce and proeedure and may redassify me general m & e t m g a c ^ ^ unless me Commi@M@a Se^p#arYdetermmes omervmse (or j p ^ t a n s e Wko#n. X&Q A A m ^ # o W objW^g to a tnm!NKa&m not i@AF^^ of aexylDe w A#w %yb aonMb^^a^o^^ s W l obnotituw a &mw* prot#ot under oeotma 5.14 of (he CommWon a rulw of pawthe and nrooeAire and shak wobiOGi^ a B*n«ml fwk tmnoWmon #i*h# a* a @#nw# mli* kWiiuikmKon w ao m #mn@a«Hon oatg#pt to A» wviwv and iyppmW for tmnsac#on$ ond#pood^^ 110 of ma lie tkUiry Code, (1) JRrojdprmwr j^wEwfkw w f W e b b y a cA^agg* A* <%*MwB**o*%r g f fervfCf or rgfgj. A te*ec<MKmW6#&o6s iNampiee-pidbiic utility shalt prqwut m d dWdbote i m l ^ o f *pw;/bfma*iamimc^ to Ae-its ca&tomei^ of a telwommwjkedoma « m « ^ requhtdW the Secr?t*rv. Mete* and dwWiWdom may abo #* w»quti*d (by # w * W i # d that do mm wdueo oa appU@ eoa&ol by moMtbm 10#&r-Mcdce. ifTequ&rei $ W be ( W W W poor to (kxnmwkm # ^ n o W of a ^ro j W w t m w W d n W e w &» <^iaim5tmpw make «GabAW(m ;«iar to : WpMKdcWot mmecewuy. not jbvohdag a ohamg# in @oadi*ioa@ of WMViae o# md*s shall #** canotkulB a &***&& pm***-umkf 6wd@a $*14 of # 0 Com#nWkw*a m^«# of pm#k* «md pmAedum w * good www* Qhwmi # * ) — A Wmql prolie^ otjWmg w W w f # of a wrnkme t » # - # $ imvoMng * ohangio i * pomd^iomo of 8<MW«# (# Weo jNW) w w # i # k a # m ^ w*dey #w#km t M of #w CowahMiW mUW of gwmoUw qnd jwwq#du#«i W ##y met MMbma^ dw f#w ^miw t@Mwwtlo% m b w tb@ Comwiwlon dm^nMw oi6iw#M iA)# good oowo* (bg) C b w m w ^ m d w q f f f v ^ TWCkmmWoa retains (be dlawetkm <o make kqukks md* #&er codec and cppoMan%y $o %# baud, mke adion # pwAect A * pW>lk Wares*, WixBng Ae hnposWo* of ooodMow oo w r o v a l of Ae 1r##mct«A when deemxl O4X)Cfm^ c* proper uoder 66 ALCJS, § H03 mnd W # # I W i shall remove a tmnsaodoo as a pm* j W w tramsacUoa apd ladassW^ 0% tnmwdJoa in 6 e fbilowlDg circumstances: 17 (1) TT*GUf%of$pn*#l: Kxmal pmtest wamua&ng n%W»WWkm for (a) ^ jheccaailzed inserts* h the appHca&ioa. A pawest must meet dbe requirements of 52 Pa. Code 6 5.72faV21 The pasted must state an AJW 269 (Pa. 1975% &Hd* n & * % awA *l%a6W TWa, 535 A J d 793 (b) Specific Actual a&^adons upon which the pmka* <au> be P!=?"AP**w** The protest mud plead speWSc fads demonsOnatln* ^ v Ae t M M M # ^ ^ ^ np(*» inihei publM u # a ^ . ^ W ^ ^ # % jfiff&xrifvv. ftw*f&fwada AwWb ZM&v Co*RfMdsmgoM. No. IPS 2004 fPa. 2005k Pa. R. Civ. P. tO19fal Mqaect&Q bv iphkh the ptoptw^ qauaadjtoa («r whkh cad) may not f a ^ imw^ W «e »of: midkd to Ae propomed ir»4MMAMIr ^ot be the bafis o^a pmAat. (2) The fUuyg mvolvMi a majo* aequWtit 02) m Issues. The Wing involves # agquWkm, to (his zmbdbapter ^aH be deemed to be i a W pi^># h^tem* and appwyed hi law and iact 30 day* aOar S%% v#h Ae CommWom «r poatk$ ^ # ^ C^ommWoa** woWe, whatever W k*%er, imkm &e CommWoa &ia#ineg oAefMae A*r good cau@# A m m . ( I ) 3 t e (>pm#a!#km wM %m@e # SecmtatW b # * w^ #0*oyi9g & p w jdrmz tmnaactkm and &wme a odmiGcaW of publk oobMnkno: aufhonzmg ( k 18 transaakapuoaan*toseaSons II02(a)and H 0 3 o f A c Public U t # y C o d e , * P a . C a . §§U02(*)andlI03. (2) The ComnMssion or jgstafF may expend (be comidcMtion period, reject the 0m% «tiamacdon, remove # kmwWom J S r p m ^ ^ ^ ^ W w ndie, artake other wakm dkxsaieda*qpfog%nw0k}i&;MN)&BC*idhejpgd%Koia*sx%aa. I (3) A igs*aff action shall be in wfWng and Mbrm lite tekcdrnmuaiafions public # U % o f &e h j 0 f o f a0xaL Aa 4ppW jGrom au adSmi o f | g ^ A ^ w H be gpvtmW by the j p c ^ ^ of &8tafT mdar ScoAoa 5.44 o f A b C c m m W w * m * » of@m«6ee # ^ pm*doRL mmamaAiiect teaxdams 1.61 and UK;*d&dM)<3wmmms5kmf$im&n&(d: pnwak* and (2) &oc^omjpejf^ Apm!&mv#Misacik%m^ opemk W ptnmt a ( ( W o W M B k a t i o m ^ of mvicc or tate* A j * v j&rma tpgnsaakn ma^ open# $o poonM $ Weco0mmnW«»» p#bBc mGBty ID c&cumMm* an <db*qga*x6#: try doibg 6* i»AaW% &mn da&og aaytWbg # t a teieoomnanHdkaxdkNns p*MbaicMDKlWhgriBBu**,dk>(Mr<amaiM)t*loL §4&%ML A p p m n d # f to*tma€#m W # i w # m amrH«# oNmkcomamgm^MAma ^ * W k (a) A W o r n o r q # cpz#o^ or tgapsar^# W # e m a AekoonMnWiaiWoa utBhy and a a a m h a W i n W W & giiwmmW ^^^o^^^ @ # l # ) 0 ) *ad * RLCS, § 3W»i(*fXjL). A wndm o; o%# eWpqA h#p#a^ * t#wof#ii#k^timw « # t y aa4#t afGlWe m p h m oppiNvol by the Go^maikmim ond #%; not vioWo A * pmhibitioa AgmimA mibqMlmdm of oompeiWv* aefyweo by «mooay*eA (b) TWjH%AeMaoMHfx*cf4f aramaaaBomL The %diHty shall Bl* » copy and ^mkiwmmmaxy o f * m # m coWzac: or Ganmadion between a anni** *w fdk%%*nmf?M#n&caulcNQS pmbtic oKiUly and an afBKa&d intma* w#h *ne Comaumiom mJ«a Ihe Ihe a&recmimt mvokes serv^ea dttlanai &(» ||^ t ^ g x * 6 d v ^ A wdt&m coa*n*M or aansac&m @h*D nm%ak W^@p( W oAAinkaMoa, a»dit» w o & a r a t A m to «nmm» cotupKanee w # 66 Pa.CJ(. g % 1 6 ( ^ i y and oihar applkabk sectbq* of A * Public ikHity Code. (c) Omf powGAncNcrar (nmwwicmGpmL t h e QBug o f * WWem ammmaxy o f am oral (x»Wctorkanaac6msWlbq<keaWc(m#M^ AAOfalco#mct 19 or tnmsacoon shall namain subject to a ^ x m A i M , audWng, or caber action to ensure compliance # i m 66 Pa.CS. g 30!6(Q(l) and o m ^ applicable secdoos of the Public UWltyCwb. (d) Jk&mwWon qpFaamWroKaf or (rsutaoaNkwi A ^de^onmiuni&ilions public utility or carrkr shall w W a and make mvaUabk copica or mmimaws Of (he aAliated cowmct Of trwKacdon and diali # p (be ooplM qr sungnark9 a* A 0 m p w a of # # Commission. (e) CodmWdm jJ%*cr«gdkM& The <3<Binm&:ai9#& iidaubss d b w d i o i i *g make mquMk*, aodbs and (Niter imnssUwgattonutiaadk aher aodke and <%p$x%BmH*y t o t e heard, take awad^MiixiiMMotBetliteipqaWHkiiQd&MRXdL CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I heneby cefti^ that I haw this day awvtd a tn« copy of the kregomg dooment upon the participants, Hated below, in @ccor{fanc« with the requirements of 52 P&. Codd § L34 ((dating to *enice by participant). W a A, Popowsky, Esquire OfRce Of Comui^r Advocate DwieiDebney, Esquire Kutyatm^&lxxdthmtPrwapn GaksEHiaLLP 17bkrA Second Street, I@thFloor HmJsbwg, PA 171014507 Hamabwg, PA 17101-1921 Johnote SUmqa, E&qiiiiB PA PW^e UtU^CojWiia^m om»ofTmi5mg PO Bo% 320 ' Hmkbaf&PA ! 7 1 O M 2 ^ V d w & PamsylvWn l717Arch%M#32N PhiWetphKPA 19103 OBbaof Sniall Bugbess Advoc(ke Commerce Buildup, Swi** 11 300 Nor&SecADd Stwet MaAWbW&PA 17101 Date: April 9,2 14