’ Patented’ 2,104,169 4,‘ 1938 ' UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE . 2,104,189 NONAGING FLAT SILICON STEEL STRIP AND METHOD' OF PRODUCING THE SAME Charles A. samba, Brackenridge, Pa, assignor to'Alleiheny Steel Company, a corporation of Penmy yania No Drawing. Application August 3', 1933, ‘ Serial No. ‘683,476 _ , _ ( Cl. 148-12) A still further object is to subject cold rolled 14 claim. My present invention relates to a method of annealing cold rolled silicon steel strip to make it a silicon steel strip to a ?nal anneal at ‘1000 to flat and non-aging. 1300° F. in the manner of a continuous anneal The ‘general practice has been to box anneal for a suitable length of time and suitably cool the ?nished cold rolled silicon steel strip at tem peratures between 1400° and 2000“ F. in coils‘ ing the so annealed strip. ' _ Other and further objects and advantages will '5 and slowly cool to obtain good magnetic proper be understood by those skilled in the handling of silicon steel or will be apparent or pointed out hereinafter. ties and a product which is non-aging. Strip of this nature which has been given a-?nal anneal in coils unavoidably takes the"‘set” of the coil , ‘In general, my present invention comprises 0 and such strip will not thereafter lie flat so that the subjection of cold rolled silicon steel strip 10 punchings 'or laminations made from coils an which has been either box annealed or continu nealed in this manner will be curved or non» ously annealed at a temperaturebetween 1400 ?at, thus having a low space factor which makes it difficult and sometimes impossible to get the 1 in proper weight of punchings or laminations into a core, and even when the prescribed weight can’ be obtained considerable ‘strain is introduced into the punchings themselves, when thecores are _‘ tightened, which adversely a?ectsthe magnetic 20. qualities. Again, ?nished strip which has been annealed continuously in strip form wherein the strip is'subjected to the above annealing tem peratures for a comparatively short time and cooled at a fairly rapid rate may be ?at, if the 25 rolling and annealing operations have been con ducted in a proper manner, but in such case the magnetic propertiesv are. not permanent. Consequently, in service, it has been found that the watt loss values will increase and the perme 30 ability will decrease and hence electrical ap paratus built up from strip which has been so' treated will lose a considerable part of its ef ficiency. In addition, strip which has been so treated does not possess the well known non-_ 35 aging properties which are characteristic of sili con steels and tests have shown that the watt loss values of steel so treated will increase from 25 to 50% when subjected to a temperature of ~2100 F. for 600 hours. _ 40 ‘ It is accordingly one of.the objects of the present invention to provide cold'rolled silicon steel strip which is not subject to the defects and disadvantages above outlined. and to provide a method of producing such silicon steel. 45 It is another object of the invention to provide cold rolled silicon steel strip which is character ized by having been subjected to a ?nal'anneal ' of the character to be set forth‘ whereby the 50 indicated properties are'provid'ed in such steel " ' s rip. A further object of theinvention is to subject and 2000” F. to a ?nal annealing operation. My annealing operation is carried out at 1000 to 1300’ preferably at about 1100° F., in the 1 manner of a continuous anneal for two to three minutes or for a length of time necessary to pro duce ?at and non-aging characteristics in the precise material undergoing treatment and then 20 either rapidly or slowly cooling the same. _ In order‘that my invention might be better understood it might be wellto describe the proc ess by which the cold rolled silicon steel strip is produced. I '_ ~ ' _ The silicon steel ingots are heated to a suit-.- 25 able temperature and hot rolled into strip of as light a gauge as possible, that is, to a thick; ness which is generally from .100 inch to .045 inch depending upon the silicon content, the kind and type of mill used, and the size of the 30 reducing rolls of the mill. ’ The hot rolled strip is generally coiled and then annealed and pickled. The annealed and pickled strip is then reduced by cold rolling to the ?nished gauge. Usually the cold rolled strip is annealed before the ?ne 35 ished gauge is reached, in order to obtain the best magnetic properties. When the strip has been cold rolled to the ?nished gauge it is again coiled and the coil is then either box annealed at a temperature between 1400 to 2000" F. and 40 then slowly cooled, or the strip is uncoiled and continuously passed while ?at through a furnace maintained at a temperature within the above temperature range. It is well known that strip which has been box annealed is non-aging, but will take the set of the coils, and when reeled from the coil will not be ?at, and has the disad vantages which have already been pointed out. It has been found that exceptionally good mag- '50 netic results may be obtained by the method of fully annealed cold rolled silicon steel strip to a continuous annealing, but when the strip has been ?nal annealing operation under such “conditions annealed in this manner it is aging, and when ' as will ensure production of such steel with the 55 desired ?at and non-aging properties. used in electrical apparatus the watt loss will in crease and the'permeability decrease to such an 55 ‘_ ‘2,104,109 extent that the apparatus is no longer eillcient. while ?at-at about 1100' for about two to three In order to render such material non-aging it is minutes and then rapidly cooled while still ?at. After this anneal, the strip was perfectly ?at and had a watt loss of 1.098 watts per pound at 10,000 customary to anneal the strip tor a long time within the temperature range given above'and to slowly cool. However, when this annealing is carried out in the coil the strip will no longer be ?at ‘and when used ‘in electrical apparatus in ferior resulm will be obtained as described above. B and 60 cycles. Alter aging 1150 hours at 210“ F. the watt loss value was 1.108 watts per pound at 10,000 13 and 60 cycles indicating that no aging had resulted, - - I have accordingly discovered that by subject The above is descriptive of the methods which 10 are commercially used‘ to produce silicon steel " ingsilicon steel strip of the character set forth 10 strip of a‘ commercial ‘grade, and in no way re lates to my invention. ' - to‘ a ?nal anneal, subsequent tcthe no al ?nal ‘ anneal, under the conditions speci? , E can I have discovered that‘ when silicon steel strip ' produce ?at non-aging cold rolled silicon steel which has been her: annealed in coils within the -15 temperature rouge given above is oncoiled and strip of reduced watt loss and permanent mag netic at a temperature between 1000 to i300" F. and properties; , v ll ‘ > Such strip is far more valuable and has much _ subjected to o continuous anneol while ?at and greater utility and uniformity in electrical ep then rapidly cooled such strip will be perfectly ' paratus, than cold rolled silicon steel strip made ?at and will have‘ magnetic properties equal to 20 or slightly better their the box annealed strip, end that these values will he permanent. \Such strip can thenbe coiled without taking, coll set.,- In other words, the strip when uncoilecl is flat and is non-aging. I have also found thot when sili hos been continuously an ?nealed within the temperature range oi 1400 to 2000.a R, is then silhlecte'd'to a, continuous anneal between loco and 1300 F. for e, few minutes and rapidly cooled, it will be flat end managing, and "so have magnetic properties eouol to or slightly bet ter than those cbtoioed in the ?rst onheel. Such strip may also he coiled without ‘taking e coll set. The silicon steel‘ol’ the present invention may contain'i’rom “hoot to ohout coco, silicon and ,30 more broadly ted cootoins less thorn shoot 5% silicon; In the strip steel is intended for use in’ electrical oooorotos such so troosiomners, motors and other electricsll equipment making use of so=colled electrical steels cool is pcztlcu“ larly suitable ifor minorities or lorrimtioos for use by the ‘present methods known tome. It is understood that the foregoing is intended more in an illustrative manner than ihalimitatlve manner and that suitable additions, omissions, variations and substitutions may he made without departing from the spirit and scope of the in— 25 con steel strip therein. ' Since the vention. ' Letters Patent is: 1. In a method oi‘ making magnetic-materiel in the ‘term of silicon steel strip, the steps which consist in casting o, steel ingot loosing a silicon content of from about 5% to 0%, in reducing the ingot by hot rolling to o stoic oi‘ intermediate gauge, in annealing the rolled strip, in. pickling the annealed strip,’ in ‘cold rolling the pickled strip to ?mhocl gauge, in annealing the strip or ?nished gauge rcriltfoiczv o temperature range oi from 1400-2000", lit, in then cooling the strip, dot at o temperature Eliai oi 00 03% sili con and .0315 inch thick otter ‘cox annealing in the regular mariner heel e, watt loss oi‘ 3.1.000 watts per pound et roots is and co cycles. lifter such box anneal the vstrip very wow Fond would not lie flat. The strip was then imcoiled and while ?st woe annealed continuously at about 1100“ F. for about two to three minutes and then rapidly cooled While still ?st. when cooled otter this latter ermeal the strip was perfectly flat and 60 did not take s set when recoile'd. Tests showed that it hook it watt loss oi only .0533 watt per pound at lililllil B end E30 cycles Alter coins; i150 hours 210° the value was _ about 1.01s watts goerooimd at will?’ B end to cycles indicating; thot cocaine Zimmcle- ll’ Silicon steel strip oi’ o A t I - _ , consist in casting e, steel ingot herring a‘ silicon cedures, the rcllings both hot cold ore cor 45 ried on in the usuel simmer of producing strip material ‘shot is, oil of the rolli carried on in one direction, the direction which the ingot is rolled. Ecomyole .1? Silicon steel strip containing . .2. In o. method of melting magnetic materiel in the form of silicon steel strip, ‘the steps which invention is ‘strip hot and cold rolling ‘pro iro- and then in cooling the stop. ' ‘ materiel produced . What I claim 'as new and desire to secure by content of from about .5%, 5%, in reducing the ingot by hot rolling to at strip of intermediote gauge. in annealing the hot rolled strip, in pickling the annealed strip, io- cold rolling the pickled strip to ?nished collate, in o'onealing: the strip of ?nished gauge Within temperature rouge of from 1400-2000” El, in then cooling the strip, then in continuously canceling the strip while to ?at at a temperature of shoot ll00° F" and then in coolingthe strip. , 3. In a method of melting mccnetlc material in the form of silicon steel strip, the steps which consist in casting a steel ingot having a silicon content of from about 5% to 5%, in reducing the ingot by hot rolling to a, strip of intermediate gauge, in pickling the strip, in cold rolling the’ pickled strip to ?nished gouge, in box anneolioc ‘ the strip of ?nished cause o temperature range of from 1400-2000” K, in slowly cooling the ‘strip, then vin continuously annealing the strip while not at to temperature oi’ from he tween 1000 and l300°- Fl. end-then cooling the » strip while ?at. _ , i. In a method of making; magnetic-materiel the form oi silicon steel strip, the steps which cl’ inch . consist in casting o steel ingot-having a silicon 70 vend having 's silicon‘ content oi’ scoot com silicon alter concealing in regular mon ner had to loss oi i228 watts ground at iocco B and 80 cycles. Alter this treatment the strip was very wavy and would not lie ‘when un coiled. The strip ‘was then annealed continuously content of from about 5% to 5%, in reducing the 70 ingot by hot rolling to o strip of intermediate gouoc, in cold rolling to ?nished gauge. in box annealing the strip of ?nished more within at temperature range oi’ from l-itMilOt“ 21"., in cool ‘ ing the strip slowly, then in continuously anneal-v (s 3 . . 9,104,100 by hot and cold rolling operations to‘a strip oil; ing the strip while ?at at a temperature of about 1100° F., and then in cooling the strip while that gauge, in coiling the strip or ?nal gauge, in 5; In a method of making magnetic material box annealing the coiled strip, .in cooling the in the form of silicon steel strip, the steps which - coiled strip, in uncoiling the strip. in continuously a temper- _ consist in casting a steel ingot having a silicon annealing the strip while ?at within in cooling _ ature range 01 irom 1000 to 1300° It, content or from about .5% to 5%. in reducing the . ingot by hot rolling to a, strip of intermediate the strip while ?at and then in re-coilins the gauge, in cold rolling to ?nished gauge, in an ’ strip. healing the strip ‘of ?nished gauge within a tem-‘ ' 11. In the art’ot making a coil of magnetic 10 perature range of from 1400-2000" It. in cooling ' material in the form of silicon steel strip which 10- the strip, and then in continuously‘ annealing the ' is non-aging and free from coil set, the steps strip ‘while ?at at a temperature of about 1100° I". which consist in reducing ‘suitable silicon-steel 6. In a method of making magnetic material by hot and cold rolling operations to a strip of ?nal gauge, in then annealing such strip of final , in the form of silicon steel strip, the steps which consist in casting a steel ingot having a silicon content of from about .5% to 5%, in reducing the gauge, in cold rolling to ?nished gauge, in box gauge within a temperature range of from 1400 to 2000" F., in cooling thestrip, in continuously annealing the strip while flat at about 1100. F., in then cooling the strip while ?at and then in. annealing the strip of ?nished gauge within a coilingthe same. ' ingot by hot rolling to-a strip of intermediate - _ 12. Inthe art of making a coil' or magnetic ing the strip slowly, then in continuously anneal material in the form of silicon steel strip which ing the strip while ?at at a temperature of from ‘ is non-aging and free from cell set, the steps temperature range of from 1400-2000" F., in 0001- - 1000 to 1300° F., and then in rapidly cooling the~ ' which consist in reducing suitable silicon steel by ' hot and cold rolling operations to a strip ‘01' ?nal . '7. In ‘a method oi’ making magnetic material gauge, in coiling the strip of ?nal gauge, in box _ in the form oi'.silicon steel strip, the steps which annealing the coiled, strip, in cooling the coiled strip while ?at. ' > consist in e?ecting a heavy reduction by cold work, heating the strip to a temperature of from about 1400 to about 2000" 1"., in cooling the strip, '30 then subjecting the strip while ?at to a-continu ous anneal of from about 1000' to about 1300' 1"., and then cooling the strip vwhile ?at. . - strip, in uncoiling the strip, in- continuously an healing the strip while ?at at aboutj1100° F., in cooling the strip while ?at and then in recoiling 30 the strip. , i ~ 13. As a new article of manufacture, a coil of v magnetic material in the form of cold rolled sili- _ I 8. In a method of making magnetic material .in the form of silicon steel strip, the steps which can steel strip having a silicon content between approximately -.5% and 5% which is nonéaging' 85 consist in electing a heavy reduction by cold work, heating the strip to a temperature or from and free from coil set and produced from a strip of silicon steel having a silicon‘ content within‘the limits set forth which has been annealed at a - about 1400 to about 2000° 1"., in then cooling the strip, then subjecting the strip while _ilat to a temperature between approximately 1400° 1"..and 7 continuous anneal at about 1100° 1“., and then in 2000° E, cooled, then subjected to a continuous 40 40 cooling the strip while ?at. anneal at a temperature of approximately 1100" _ I". and again cooled. _ 14. As a new article of manufacture, non-aging 9. In the art of making a coil of magnetic me ~ terial'in the form of silicon steel strip which is non-aging and tree from-coil set, the steps which magnetic material in the form of silicon steel strip consist in reducing suitable silicon steel by hot ,free from coll set and having, a silicon content and cold rolling operations to a strip '0! ?nal gauge, in then annealing such strip of ?nal gauge between approximately .5%‘ and 4.5% and pro within a temperature range of from 1400 to 2000° F., in cooling the strip, in continuously annealins the strip while ?at within a temperature range of from 1000 to 1309’ E, in then cooling the strip ‘while ?at ‘and then in coiling the same. - - duced from silicon steel strip having a silicon content within said range which has been sub iected to hot and cold roll reductions, then an ,nealed at a temperature between approximately 50 1400° F. and 2000’ F., cooled, then given a con-. tinuous anneal while ?at at a temperature be 10. In the art of making a coil of magnetic. material in the form oi-silicon steel strip which tween approximateiy 1000° F.‘ and 1300" I". and I ‘is non-aging'and tree from coil set. the steps then again cooled. - which consist. in’reducing suitable silicon steel 45 ~ , CHARLES A. as