ENGINEERED FACADE SYSTEM FAÇADE SYSTEMS ENGINEERED FAÇADE SYSTEMS The following pages have been designed to make it quick and easy to select and create your complete wall solution. Simply choose our specially designed and tested Engineered System that best suits your project and finish with your preferred façade option from our wide selection. ENGINEERED SYSTEM The BENCHMARK Engineered System has been designed to display a large range of metallic and non-metallic façade options. BENCHMARK Karrier and BENCHMARK façade sub-constructions utilise the same advanced insulated panel technology that delivers a high performance envelope, and at the same time eliminating complexities in design and build. Once installed the building is fully weather tight, allowing the internal fit-out to commence and removing the façade from the critical path. Manufactured under quality systems certified to EN ISO 9001: 2008 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001: 2004 (Environmental Management), these systems are available with a single point guarantee, transferable to the building owner. The above systems can be installed on to a timber, concrete or steel framework. Tile HPL ACM 2 3 ENGINEERED FAÇADE SYSTEMS BENEFITS • Available with a wide range of secret fix and face fix façade options. • The individual insulated panels can be installed either vertically or horizontally. • Suitable for curved elevations and buildings of any height. • Simple and fast construction. • Load spanning option is available. • Easily accommodates openings, penetrations and complex façades. • Simple integration with doors, windows, glazing, louvres and traditional construction materials. • Airtightness less than 5m3/hr/m2 certainty. • Single point responsibility - one contractor installing the panel and façade. 3-STEP SYSTEM 1. Simply choose the Engineered System that best suits your project and finish with your preferred façade option from our wide selection. Three steps to our total wall solution. 3. 1. Choose a façade from our wide range of options • Metallics - Zinc, Stainless Steel, Corten, Copper, ACM, Aluminium • and Non-Metallics - Ceramic Granite, Ceramic Tile, Fibre Cement, HPL, Coloured Glass, Timber 2. Choose the right subconstruction for your façade 3. Choose appropriate loadbearing karrier panel for your façade: • Advanced insulated metal panel technology. These panels have been specially designed, manufactured, tested and approved as a load bearing element (PIR available MF in pipeline) 2. 4 5 ENGINEERED FAÇADE SYSTEMS BUILD SPEED The loadbearing Karrier Panel as a single component system increases speed of build, minimizes delays and the need for multiple trades. • Faster close-in and dry-in for reduced building costs. • The single component system results in less labour time on- site and construction waste. • Reduces delays in construction experienced with scheduling multiple trades. • Increase in build speed allows faster project completion and reduces business disruption. Typical multi-part façade system Vs ONleE Sing Component l™ KarrierPane Wall System BENCHMARK Karrier Rainscreen Total RK BENCHMA warranty - r, e one suppli ty n one warra 6 7 ENGINEERED FAÇADE SYSTEMS FAÇADES METALLICS Aluminium ACM (Aluminium Composite Material) Copper Corten Steel Stainless Steel Zinc 8 9 ENGINEERED FAÇADE SYSTEMS FAÇADES NON-METALLICS Ceramic Granite Ceramic Tile Fibre Cement HPL Compact Coloured Glass 10 11 ENGINEERED FAÇADE SYSTEMS INSTALLATION METALLIC SYSTEM 1. 2. Install appropriate rail system 3. a st In ll the desired facade 1. 2. Install appropriate rail system 3. a Inst ll the desired facade Install g loadbearin el Karrier panbon the su n constructio NON-METALLIC SYSTEM Install g loadbearin el Karrier panbon the su n constructio 12 13 ENGINEERED FAÇADE SYSTEMS SPECIFICATIONS KARRIER PANEL DATA Internal Liner Sheet Polyester – a coating with a nominal thickness of 15 μm. The standard colour is grey white, (similar RAL 9002). The BENCHMARK Karrier rainscreen façade system range features specially developed Kingspan insulated panels. FoodSafe – a 150 μm thick polymer with a non-toxic coating that is resistant to mould, durable and easy to clean. It is chemically inert and safe for continuous contact with unpacked food. The standard colour is white. Other colours are available on request. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Panel Thickness (mm) 80 100 120 150 Substrate thickness (mm):external 0,60 internal 0,40 Panel Length [1] (mm) INSULATION CORE 2,000 - 14,500 Rigid Kingspan FireSafe IPN closed-cell insulation is the standard core used, made to a non-deleterious specification with an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of zero. Kingspan FireSafe IPN insulation is CFC / HCFC-free. Optionally, a Kingspan ThermalSafe IPN core with outstanding thermal performance is available. Panel Width (mm) 1000 U-value to (W/m2K) FireSafe IPN Core 0.294 0.2330.192 0.153 ThermalSafe IPN Core 0.265 0.2100.173 0.138 Weight kg/m2 [1] 13.59 14.3515.11 16.25 SEALS Other lengths available on request. BENCHMARK Karrier panel side joints have a factory applied anticondensation seal fitted into the groove to automatically seal the joint between panels. PRODUCT TOLERANCES Length (< 6m) -4 +4 Length (≥ 6m) -6 +6 Length (≥ 12m) -8 +8 Width -3 +3 Thickness -3 +3 End Squareness BENCHMARK Karrier panels have been tested and approved and comply with national building regulations and standards. Panels with FireSafe IPN core are classified as B-s1,d0 according EN 13501-1. For Information on fire resistance performance, please contact Kingspan BENCHMARK Technical Department. Acoustics BENCHMARK Evolution panels have a single figure weighted sound reduction Rw = 25dB. BUILDING REGULATIONS Thermal Insulation Thermal performance according to EN 14509 A.10 QUALITY AND DURABILITY Panel Thickness (mm) Profile The panels feature a microprofiled surface (M-profile) on the external weather sheet and a Q-Minibox profile on the internal liner sheet. Fire Reaction to fire PERFORMANCE ≤0.5% width Steel Facings Hot-dip zinc coated steel with a total area weight of 275 g/m2 of zinc, according to EN 10147 : 2000. The standard gauge is 0.60mm on the external and 0.40mm on the internal side. BENCHMARK Karrier panels are immune to attack from mould, fungi, mildew and vermin. No urea formaldehyde is used in the construction and the panels are non-deleterious. BENCHMARK Karrier panels comply with European Standard EN 14509 : Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels, and conform to additional relevant national building regulations and standards. MATERIALS Biological FireSafe IPN λ = 0.0224 (W/mK) U-value (W/m2K) [1] R-value (m2K/W) 80 0.294 3.231 100 0.233 4.121 120 0.192 5.044 150 0.153 6.354 Panel Thickness (mm) Kingspan BENCHMARK panels are manufactured from the highest quality materials, using state-of-the-art production equipment to rigorous quality control standards, ensuring long term reliability and service life. Find full specifications texts, datasheets and more on our website. ThermalSafe IPN λ = 0.0202 (W/mK) U-value (W/m2K) [1] R-value (m2K/W) Coatings External Weather Sheet Standard Polyester – a universal, economic coating system suitable for exterior and interior applications. The nominal coating thickness is 25 μm. 80 0.265 3.603 100 0.210 4.594 120 0.173 5.623 150 0.138 7.082 Kingspan Spectrum® – a 60 μm polyurethane coated semi-gloss finish with a slight granular effect. Kingspan Spectrum® offers outstanding durability and weather resistance performance, excellent corrosion and UV-resistance as well as high colour and gloss retention. Its superior flexibility provides high resistance against mechanical damage. [1] Considers joint influence (presuming 1000mm width). U:Thermal transmittance. R:Thermal resistance. λ:Thermal conductivity. Available in a wide range of solid and metallic colours, Kingspan Spectrum® is free of chlorine, phthalates, plasticizers and is 100% recyclable. 14 15 A TURNING POINT IN BUILDING DESIGN BENCHMARK FAÇADES EUROPE Head Office : BENCHMARK FAÇADES EUROPE Am Schornacker 2, 46485 Wesel, Germany Tel: +49 281 9 52 50 12 BENCHMARK FAÇADES HUNGARY 2367, Újhartyán, Horka dűlő 1. Hungary Tel: +36 29 573 400 BENCHMARK FAÇADES POLAND ul. Przemyslowa 20 , 27-300 Lipsko, Poland Tel: +48 48 378 3100 BENCHMARK FAÇADES CZECH REPUBLIC Vážní 465, Hradec Králové, 500-03, Czech Republic Tel: +420 495 866 111 Care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this publication are accurate, but Kingspan Limited and its subsidiary companies do not accept responsibility for errors or for information that is found to be misleading. Suggestions for, or description of, the end use or application of products or methods of working are for information only and Kingspan Limited and its subsidiaries accept no liability in respect thereof. July 2013