The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (DISTRICT) is inviting interested construction
management firms, or consulting engineering firms (CONSULTANT) to submit sealed proposals
for the following Scope of Services:
The Scope of Services is for the provision of Resident Engineers (RE) and/or Resident Inspectors
(RI) who shall assist the DISTRICT in the construction management of capital improvement
projects for the following projects:
Caddy Vista Pump Station
S. 27th Street Relief
Honey Creek Parkway, South
W. Wisconsin Ave. Relief Sewer
Basin E IS
N. 27th Street ISS Extension
Basin H to G Diversion
E/F Siphons
Brady Street Pump Station
E Rehab (Concrete)
Basin B&C IS Construction
HL 6th & Cleveland Siphon
S. 41st Street Relief Sewer
Basin B – DWF
Basin A/D IS
Emmber Siphon
Basin H/G Rehab (Concrete)
Basin A MIS
Canal Street Wet Weather Relief
Warnimont Avenue Relief Sewer
JI Inline Pump Station
JI Preliminary Treatment
JI Primary Clarifier Mechanisms
JI Wet Weather Capacity Improvements
– Phase 2
JI RAS Pump Station Switchgear
JI RAS Discharge Piping
JI Secondary Clarifier Drives
JI ESP Equipment Improvements
JI D&D VFDs Replacement
JI D&D Dust Containment
JI D&D Conveyors & Transporters
JI TAS/IPS Wet Wells
JI/SS Security
JI Turbine Control Upgrade
SS Blower Engine System Upgrade
SS Secondary Clarifiers
SS Acid Tank Replacements
SS Polymer Control Panel
SS Facilities Improvements
SS Substation
Second Power Source for Diversion
Other projects as needed.
Potential contracts will be negotiated and executed for RE and/or RI Services for one or multiple
capital improvement projects, based on DISTRICT needs. Because of the need for project
continuity, these contracts will specify that in the event the named RE or RI leaves or is removed
from the project, the DISTRICT, at its option, may terminate the contract. The DISTRICT, at its
option, may assign a DISTRICT RE or RI to any or all of the construction management teams.
Duties of Resident Engineer
Perform Contract Management and Contract Administration duties in accordance with
District policies and procedures.
Oversee and coordinate project inspection of assigned capital improvements projects under
the direction of DISTRICT Project Manager.
Oversee and coordinate flow control, flow diversion, or changes in normal flow pattern
planning and implementation efforts.
Review and approve partial payments to contractors.
Process submittals and requests for information.
Review contractor claims for merit.
Process contract modifications.
Coordinate project construction and start-up with DISTRICT Operations Division, and
United Water Services, LLC (UWS).
Monitor project progress and provide information to DISTRICT Project Manager.
Oversee the preparation of Record Drawings by Inspection staff.
Conduct Substantial Completion Inspection and prepare associated documentation.
Arrange and conduct Final Inspection.
Administer contract completion and close-out activities.
Manage assigned projects in accordance with DISTRICT policies and procedures.
Comply with DISTRICT safety procedures.
Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
Minimum seven years of Resident Engineering experience in treatment plant and sewer
construction projects, including tunnel construction techniques.
Registered Professional Engineer in State of Wisconsin.
Ability to use Windows, Microsoft Office and Primavera computer software desirable.
Certified for OSHA 10-hour safety and confined space training.
Hazardous Waste Site Operations (29CFR 1910.120) certification desirable.
Duties of Resident Inspector
Inspect assigned capital improvements projects under the direction of Resident Engineer.
Conduct on-site inspections of construction projects to determine compliance with contract
documents, building codes, or other regulations; determines if methods, processes or
materials used in work conform to specifications.
Inform Resident Engineer of progress or significant problems.
Prepare Daily Report and other documentation to track job progress.
Perform drafting work from notes and sketches which will be utilized to produce final
Coordinate project construction and start-up with DISTRICT Operations Division, and
United Water Services, LLC (UWS).
Prepare and contribute to detailed written reports such as audit trails or payment,
modifications, substitution, or cost reimbursable files.
Verify and may participate in required laboratory and field tests, reviews and records test
Manage assigned projects in accordance with DISTRICT policies and procedures.
Comply with DISTRICT safety procedures.
Perform other related duties as assigned.
Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
Minimum ten years of progressively responsible work experience in treatment plant and
sewer construction inspection, including tunnel construction techniques.
Knowledge of laws, codes and regulations pertaining to construction.
Ability read drawings to interpret specifications, keep accurate and detailed records.
Establish and maintain effective public and contractor relations.
Ability to use Windows, Microsoft Office and Primavera computer software desirable.
Certified for OSHA 10-hour safety and confined space training.
Hazardous Waste Site Operations (29CFR 1910.120) certification desirable.
Firms wishing to be considered in the consultant selection process must submit five (5) copies of
their proposal and one (1) separate sealed compensation package no later than 10:00 a.m., local
Milwaukee time, August 11, 2006, to:
Mr. James P. Morgan
Senior Contract Administrator
260 West Seeboth Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204-1446
The proposal package shall be plainly marked with your firm’s name in the lower left corner of
the cover as follows:
Resident Engineering and Resident Inspection Services
Contract No. TS-2436
Submittal Date: August 11, 2006
Submitted by: _______________________________
The proposal package shall include two packages: The first package shall contain your technical
and qualification proposal (five copies) without the compensation requirements. A second
sealed package (one copy), for each individual, marked compensation proposal shall include
the compensation requirements. All packages shall also be marked with firm’s (or individual’s)
name and either for qualifications or compensation, respectively.
Proposals received after the designated time will not be considered in the selection process and
will be retained unopened until award. The DISTRICT reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all proposals and to waive informalities or irregularities in the selection process. If it becomes
necessary to revise any part of the Request for Proposal (RFP) or otherwise provide additional
information, an addendum will be issued by the DISTRICT and posted on the Procurement Page
of the DISTRICT’S Website.
The proposal transmittal letter shall be on company letterhead signed by the person authorized to
submit and sign the proposal, the firms name, address, telephone number, and the name of the
person authorized to submit/sign the proposal, his/her title, telephone number and e-mail
address. The DISTRICT will not be liable for any costs incurred by the CONSULTANT in
responding to this RFP. The DISTRICT is not liable for any costs for work or services performed
by the selected CONSULTANT prior to a written Notice to Proceed.
Requests for further information or questions regarding this Request for Proposal should
be addressed only to the individual listed below. UNAUTHORIZED CONTACT
MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. Any oral communication will be considered
unofficial and non-binding. Proposers should rely only on written addenda issued by the
individual listed below.
Mr. James P. Morgan
Senior Contract Administrator
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
260 West Seeboth Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204-1446
Telephone: (414) 225-2132
Fax: (414) 271-0829
E-Mail: jmorgan@mmsd.com
This RFP is located on the Procurement Page of the DISTRICT's Web site at www.mmsd.com.
To the extent permitted under Wisconsin law, all proposals will be kept confidential. In the
event any CONSULTANT believes that any information submitted with its proposal is
confidential, classified or proprietary business information, such information should be explicitly
identified and marked. The reason for such designation should also be stated.
Proposals will only be accepted from individuals and firms authorized to do business in the State
of Wisconsin.
It is the policy of the DISTRICT that Small, Women's and Minority Business Enterprises
(S/W/MBE) shall have the opportunity to participate in all RFP’s. The participation goals for the
DISTRICT are currently 5% for small business, 2% for women's business and 13% for minority
business enterprises. Minority and Women-Owned businesses proposed to participate on the
contract must be certified as a Minority or Women-Owned Business. Small businesses must be
registered with the DISTRICT and are defined as businesses not exceeding $2.5 million in gross
sales during the recent calendar or fiscal year.
The Proposers are expected, if possible, to take affirmative steps to assure the S/W/MBE's are
utilized. Information on MBE or WBE certification may be obtained by contacting Gene
Jackson, the DISTRICT's S/W/MBE Coordinator, at (414) 225-2238, or gjackson@mmsd.com.
The DISTRICT will recognize the following certifications performed by the organizations
below. Firms interested in obtaining applications for certification should contact those
Existing Women Business Enterprise (WBE) and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
certifications determined by the Joint Certification program until those certifications expire.
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification by the Wisconsin Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Minority Business Development.
Contact: Marketing/Certification Department, (608) 267-9550
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification by the Wisconsin Supplier Development
Council. 608-241-5858.
Contact: Executive Director, (608) 241-5858, or http://www.nmsdcus.org/
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification by the Wisconsin Department of
Transportation provided they reflect certification because of minority or women-owned
Contact: Office of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs, (608) 266-6961
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification by the Milwaukee County Office
of Disadvantaged Business Development Programs, provided they reflect certification
because of minority or women-owned status.
Contact: DOA, Disadvantaged Business Development Program, (414) 278-5248.
Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) certification by the U.S. Small Business
Administration provided they reflect certification because of minority or women-owned
Contact: Business Opportunity Specialist, (414) 297-3951, or www.sba.gov
Those firms interested in obtaining Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certification with the
DISTRICT should contact the DISTRICT’S Small, Women, and Minority Business Enterprise
Coordinator: Gene Jackson at (414) 225-2238, or gjackson@mmsd.com
A firm selected by the CONSULTANT can only satisfy one of the three categories. The same
firm may not, for example, be listed for participation as a MBE organization and a SBE
organization even if the level of participation exceeds each category's goal.
All firms must be registered or certified prior to the submittal of the proposal.
CONSULTANT’S are at risk in that there may be an issue of time to certify or register if it
intends to use a firm that is not certified or registered at the time the RFP is submitted.
The DISTRICT has adopted a Non-Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunities policy.
The following is an excerpt from that policy:
"It is the DISTRICT's policy to encourage equal employment
opportunity practices on the part of private businesses. Persons seeking
to do business with the DISTRICT are expected to comply with
applicable Federal and Wisconsin State laws, regulations and orders
relating to equal employment and non-discrimination with regard to
employees and subcontractors. To this end, the DISTRICT shall
include equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination
requirements as part of the DISTRICT's purchasing and contracting
In accordance with that policy, the DISTRICT requires that the CONSULTANT complete and
submit the Certification of Non-Discrimination (Attachment A) and the Equal Employment
Opportunity Data form (Attachment B) with the Proposal.
The DISTRICT has an "Owner Controlled Insurance Program" (O.C.I.P.). For the
CONSULTANT, the DISTRICT will furnish Professional Liability Insurance, with the
CONSULTANT responsible for the policy deductible of $100,000 per claim. For services
performed at the construction site following issuance of a Notice to Proceed to the construction
contractor, the DISTRICT will also provide Worker's Compensation Insurance, General Liability
Insurance, Builder's Risk Insurance, and Commercial Umbrella Liability Insurance. The
successful CONSULTANT should not include such insurance costs in its proposal and will be
required to enroll in the O.C.I.P. program. The DISTRICT’s insurance requirements are
identified in Attachment C.
The proposals considered in the selection process will be evaluated by a Consultant Selection
Advisory Committee (CSAC) according to the criteria and point system presented below. The
DISTRICT will not release the names of committee members and requires that the
CONSULTANT direct any questions to the aforementioned DISTRICT Contact Person.
The CSAC will evaluate the proposals utilizing the proposal evaluation criteria (except
compensation). The DISTRICT, because of time constraints and depending upon the
thoroughness of the proposals, may at its sole option award a contract based upon the initial
proposal submittal. Do not assume there will be an opportunity for submittal of additional
information. Submit your proposal as if it were your “best and final offer.”
Following evaluation of the technical proposals, the CSAC will recommend to the Selection
Overview Committee (SOC) to either select CONSULTANT(s) based solely on the proposals,
or to interview the highest-rated CONSULTANT(s). If the DISTRICT intends to hold
interviews, the CONSULTANT(s) to be interviewed will be contacted to schedule an interview.
After completing the technical evaluation, compensation packages of only the highest-rated
proposals will be opened. There will be no required number of compensation packages opened.
Following selection of the highest rated CONSULTANT(s), a letter will be sent to all
CONSULTANTS informing them of the DISTRICT’s selection and the date of anticipated
DISTRICT Commission meeting to award the contract. The DISTRICT will negotiate
contractual terms with the highest rated CONSULTANT(s) and, upon successful negotiations, an
award recommendation will be made to the DISTRICT Commission. Contract award will be
made to the CONSULTANT(s) whose proposal best complies with the RFP and will be the most
advantageous to the DISTRICT, as indicated by the final score based upon evaluation of both
technical and compensation proposals.
The following is the anticipated schedule for the selection of the Resident Engineering and
Resident Inspection services:
July 10, 2006
Issue RFP
August 11, 2006
Deadline for Proposal Submittal
August 14, 2006
Complete Proposal Evaluation
August 17, 2006
Selection by Committee
The following information must be included in each proposal and will form the basis of the
evaluation. The point number is the weight of each criterion. Interviews may be conducted to
obtain additional information regarding the Proposal.
Resident Engineer and/or Resident Inspector Personnel - 70 Points
A firm may submit more than one RE or RI; however, each RE and RI will be evaluated
Include the name and qualifications of the RE or RI to be assigned to this contract. Include prior
similar experiences with:
Sewer construction or treatment plant projects, including tunnel construction techniques.
(List name, type, description, size, and date of previous projects along with
specific responsibilities.)
Construction management
Experience and knowledge of DISTRICT contract documents, plans and specifications
Ability to meet DISTRICT insurance requirements. (See Attachment C.)
List any degrees, certifications, or other special qualifications that indicate expertise in the field.
The resident engineer must be a licensed professional engineer in the State of Wisconsin with
evidence of such presented in the proposal.
Compensation Requirements - 30 Points
Present a separate sealed envelope that is plainly marked “Compensation Proposal for Resident
Engineering or Resident Inspection Services”. There is no guarantee of any set hours per week.
Some weeks may exceed 40 hours. A separate compensation package must be submitted for each
individual. The compensation proposal should contain billable hourly rates for the individual(s)
performing the work. The billable hourly rate must include all costs for labor, overhead and
profit. Because the Scope of Services may span more than one calendar year, the DISTRICT
will use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in reviewing the hourly rate adjustments for each fiscal
year addressed in your proposal, if any. The DISTRICT will pay premium hourly rate for
DISTRICT approved work in excess of 40 hours per week. The total cost will be the basis used
for the evaluation. The contract type will be agreed upon based on negotiation. The contract
will be paid on an hourly rate basis and work will be assigned by the DISTRICT’s Construction
Support Manager.
The following needs to be completed for proposal evaluation:
Billable hourly rate
Billable premium hourly
Mileage rate
x 8320 hours =
x 480 hours
x 20,000 mi
Total Cost:
No other costs will be allowed.
All proposals shall be written in English. All proposals shall contain concise written material
and may contain illustrations. Legibility, clarity and completeness are essential. All submittals
must use 8-1/2” by 11” portrait format, but may be supplemented using 8-1/2” by 11” landscape.
Twelve point fonts shall be used. All submittals must have the following tabbed headings and
be limited to the length indicated:
Proposal Transmittal Letter
Proposed RE and/or RI Personnel, ( one page maximum per proposed individual)
S/W/MBE Involvement, (one page maximum)
Attachments (if applicable)
And in a second, sealed envelope:
Proposal Transmittal Letter
Compensation Requirements
Resumes are to be no longer than one page each and are to be included in an appendix, along
with DISTRICT forms: Attachment A (which requires the CONSULTANT’s signature) and
Attachment B (to be filled out by the CONSULTANT). Marketing brochures are not allowed.
The RFP and the successful Proposal will become part of the contract. In the event of any
conflict between the RFP and the Proposal, the RFP will govern. The successful
CONSULTANT is expected to enter into a contract with the DISTRICT.
The CONSULTANT hereby certifies not to discriminate and to comply with the DISTRICT’s
Non-Discrimination provision of Contract TS-2436. The DISTRICT’s Commission Policy on
Non-Discrimination requires compliance with applicable Federal and Wisconsin State laws,
regulations, and orders relating to equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination.
Below please provide the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District with the total number of
females and minorities employed by your firm. In addition, you are required to state the percent
of minorities and females that are available in the labor market from which you draw your
workforce. These figures may be obtained from your local Job Service, State Labor Department
or the U.S. Census Bureau.
Any questions you have may be addressed to Gene Jackson, Small, Minority and Women
Business Coordinator, at (414) 225-2238
Total number of Employees
Total Number of Minorities
African American
Native American
Total Number of Females
African American
Native American
Please use the total number of employees as base when calculating percentage for each group.
Local Market Availability:
% Females
NOTE: The 2000 Milwaukee Metropolitan Statistical Area labor market availability figures
are: Minorities 16.2%, Females 48%.
Insurance Provided by the DISTRICT
This project is included in the DISTRICT’s Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP). The
DISTRICT will furnish a Professional Liability Insurance policy with coverage up to
$25,000,000 per claim and $50,000,000 in the aggregate (inclusive of defense costs) with the
CONSULTANT responsible for the policy deductible of $100,000 per claim. Detailed
enrollment and program requirements are specified in the DISTRICT’s Professional Liability
Insurance Program Manual.
Engineering Services Performed at the Construction Site
For engineering services performed at the construction site following issuance of a Notice to
Proceed by the DISTRICT to the construction contractor, the DISTRICT will also provide the
following insurance coverages: Workers’ Compensation Insurance, General Liability Insurance,
Builder’s Risk Insurance and Commercial Umbrella Liability Insurance. Individuals providing
engineering services at the construction site must be enrolled in the OCIP for the construction
Insurance Provided by the CONSULTANT
The CONSULTANT will maintain throughout this AGREEMENT the following insurance:
a) The CONSULTANT shall maintain during the life of this AGREEMENT, Wisconsin
Statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance and, in addition, Employer’s Liability
Insurance in a limit not less than $1,000,000 for each accident, $1,000,000 aggregate
disease, $1,000,000 disease each person, for all of his employees to be engaged in work
on the project under this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall also have his
Worker’s Compensation Insurance endorsed to contain the “all states” endorsement to
cover him against claims for injury, disease, or death of employees which, for any reason,
may not fall within the provisions of Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation law. Where
work under this AGREEMENT includes any water or navigational exposure, coverage
shall be included to cover the Federal Longshoremen’s and Harborworker’s Act and the
Federal Jones Act. Where the work under this AGREEMENT includes any railroad
hazards, coverage shall be included for the Federal Employee Liability Act.
b) Comprehensive automobile and vehicle liability insurance covering claims for injuries to
members of the public and/or damages to property of others arising from use of motor
vehicles, including onsite and offsite operations, and owner, nonowned, or hired vehicles,
with $1,000,000 combined single limits.
c) Commercial general liability insurance covering claims for injuries to members of the
public or damage to property of others arising out of any covered negligent act or
omission of the CONSULTANT or any of its employees, agents, or subcontractors, with
$1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate.
d) The CONSULTANT shall maintain during the life of this AGREEMENT, in addition to
individual limits set forth herein, Umbrella/Excess Liability coverage in excess of all
other required coverage in an amount not less than $5,000,000. If primary
Comprehensive General Liability is written on a 1986 ISO coverage form,
Umbrella/Excess Liability shall include drop down provision to protect, on a primary
basis, the CONSULTANT, and the DISTRICT, in the case of exhaustion of the aggregate
primary limits.
The DISTRICT shall have the further right to examine the required insurance policies and
endorsements at any time, upon reasonable notice to the CONSULTANT, or to require the
CONSULTANT to furnish certified copies of the policies and endorsements. Any adjustments
to these insurance requirements may be made only with the approval of the DISTRICT’s Risk
Management Coordinator.