Standard details for building services


BSRIA Library of Standard Details CD 10/2009

December 2013

Compiled by:

No. of pages:

Chris Parsloe

9 of text

BSRIA Limited

Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire , RG12 7AH, UK


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The Library of Standard Details contains around 350 common building services design and installation details and schematics, sub-divided into different categories. A full listing of these can be found in Appendix A. A selection of details and schematics are attached to this pdf. The library also includes around 400 symbols. The drawings were produced with direct input from building services manufacturers, installers and designers.


All drawings are A4 in size with a standard title and drawing block.

Drawing categories are as listed in Table 1 below.

Each drawing has been prepared using AutoCad LT and saved as an AutoCad

LT 2007.dwg file.

Each drawing is structured on a simple four layer convention: BORDER,



The BSRIA Library of Building Service Details represents a major knowledge sharing initiative between building services engineers.

The overall objectives of the library are to reduce duplication of effort and encourage greater uniformity in design and installation. It is hoped that by establishing the library of drawings:

 the efficiency of drawing production can be improved

 the use of best practice solutions will be encouraged

 there will be fewer site hold ups due to unclear or unusual installation requirements

 there will be greater opportunities for innovation and prefabrication

The drawings should be helpful to clients, manufacturers, designers and installers. Designers will use the drawings:

 to save time in the production of schematic or conceptual layouts (e.g. for pipework schematic diagrams)

 as an engineering aide memoir to ensure that all of the features required for a specific application have been included

 a set of specifiable installation details to illustrate the design intent for specific parts of the installation works.

Building services installers will use the drawings:

 as details to be issued to sub-contractors for pricing

 as instructions to site tradesmen for installation of the works.

 as clarification of installation methods to clients, project managers and approvals bodies.

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Each drawing has been allocated a number made up of three parts: e.g. Y31/ATF/003

The first three digits define the Common Arrangement classification e.g. Y31 signifies Air

Ductline Ancillaries. This code might be used to cross reference the drawing to standard specifications such as the National Engineering Specification, or product directories such as


The second three digits identify the drawing category. Figure 1 shows the three letter code for each category of drawings e.g. ATF signifies Air Terminal Fixings.

The last three digits identify what number the drawing is in that particular category. Any new drawings introduced to the set will be allocated the next available number.


The drawing title provides a generic description of the content of the drawing that will suffice if the drawing is viewed in isolation. Due to space limitations, the drawing titles cannot always be fully descriptive of the features on the drawings. For this reason, drawing titles within a particular category are sometimes the same.


File names are made up from the drawing number followed by a brief description of the drawing content. These descriptions can be helpful when searching for drawings on the computer. All file names have been kept below 64 characters.


Each drawing has an application tick box indicating the main features on the drawing. These tick boxes have been collated to form the tables included in the accompanying “Introduction and Search” presentation. By creating a short-cut button to this presentation, these tables can be used to quickly identify a particular solution out of the various alternatives available.


The drawings in this release have no revision letters. Subsequent revised versions will be issued as revision A, B, C etc.


The drawings have been given the following layering convention:

0-DRAWING - all lines making up the drawing

0-BORDER - the border, title block and accompanying text

0-NOTES - notes, arrows and dimension lines

0-EXPLANATION - explanation of the drawing origin and content


Plot styles for AutoCAD 2000 are defined in plot style table

BSRIA 001.CTB and are summarised in Table 2. This file will be copied to the folder

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AutoCAD 2007/Plot Styles when the library is installed on any computer containing AutoCAD

2007. This plot style should be selected when printing out drawings.

Table 2: Plot styles









Line weight









In general, layer 0-DRAWING is predominantly white but may use other plot styles as required, 0-BORDER is green whilst 0-NOTES and

0-EXPLANATION are red.


The initial release of drawings includes sets of mechanical and electrical symbols, together with menus to aid their selection. These menus can be installed on AutoCAD version 2007.

To install the BSRIA symbols selection menus, the following procedure should be followed:

From the AutoCAD menu select:

Tools - Options - Files - Support File Search Path.

Add the following directories to the listed options:




When completed click OK to exit.

On the command line enter MENULOAD. Select the Menu Groups tab, and then click browse to retrieve your new menu. The menu to be loaded is:

C:\BSRIA LIBRARY OF DRAWINGS\Symbols\Menus\bsria.mnc

Having located it, click on Load to see it added to the Menu Groups.

Select the tab Menu Bar, Select BSRIA as the Menu Group. Three menus should be visible:

BSRIA Mechanical, BSRIA Electrical and BSRIA Standards. These can now be inserted onto the Menu bar at the required locations.

Load the bsria.lsp file as required. There are a variety of ways to do this, but the most common are as follows:

Use the APPLOAD command to load the files.

Add the following line to your acaddoc.lsp file:

(Load “C:\BSRIA LIBRARY OF DRAWINGS\Symbols\Menus\bsria.lsp”)

Alternatively, load the file into your “Start-up” suite. Create a .mnl file to load the routine as needed.

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

4.3.1 Menu Contents

Library symbols can either be inserted onto the current active layer or onto a British Standard defined layer. A toggle located in the BSRIA Standards menu enables users to switch between these options. The routine looks at three characters of the block name and assigns a layer according to the characters found. The routine utilises the following variables that may interfere with other routines present on the system: bslayer On a BS layer or not symscale Symbol scale size

There is a facility to attach attribute data to individual symbols. The options to display attribute data or prompt for attribute data are given in the BSRIA Standards menu.

Scaling factors have been set up to allow full scaling capabilities dependant on the required

“Plotted Scale Output”. This ensures that all symbols, no matter what the plotted output scale, are the same size. This can be changed as required by changing the scale properties within the

Lisp routine.

The block construction is all on layer 0 of AutoCAD thus ensuring that layer protocols are followed on any system.


The pipework schematics form a significant proportion of the pipework drawings included in this first release. These are stand-alone drawings that illustrate the typical arrangements of pipework components in different parts of heating and chilled water re-circulating systems.

The drawings have been dimensioned such that they can be pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle, using the AutoCAD Insert command, to form a complete schematic diagram of a system. Examples of pipework schematics generated in this way are shown in Figures 1, and

2. Adjacent blocks are differentiated by their colour.

Tips for creating schematics:

Use file names and preview windows to help select the blocks you require.

If you require an explanation of the features on any particular block, open it as a drawing and view it in paper space. You will find notes and an engineering explanation of all the features on the drawing.

Start off by inserting a “Primary Circuit” and build from there.

Primary circuit flow and return headers are made up from a series of straight lines.

Insert connecting blocks using “object snap”. This will identify where each line ends and hence, the appropriate insert position.

Primary circuits are sized to accommodate three boiler/chiller circuits and five secondary

(hook-up) circuits. The headers can be exploded, then shortened or lengthened to accommodate different numbers of plant items.

Some blocks have been saved as “flow right”, “flow left” or “flow up”. These are the same

 drawings saved in different orientations to facilitate their use when pieced together.

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

Riser bases are drawn to suit low level plant rooms - they can be exploded and trimmed back to suit risers fed from roof top plant rooms.

On completion of a drawing, check to ensure flow directions are consistent, components are shown in their correct orientations and that there is no unnecessary duplication of components.

NB it is possible to assemble blocks in a way, which makes no engineering logic. An experienced designer must assemble the drawings, and any resulting schematics should be checked for inconsistencies.

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Figure 1: Example Schematic – Primary Circuit Arrangement

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Figure 2: Example Schematic – Secondary Circuits

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

Appendix A : List of Details


 Air Terminal Fixings (ATF)

 Y46ATF001 - Air terminal in timber surround

 Y46ATF002 - Air terminal in timber surround

 Y46ATF003 - Air terminal in timber surround wall

Y46ATF004 - Air terminal in timber surround wall

 Y46ATF005 - Air terminal in plaster wall

Y46ATF006 - Air terminal in plaster wall

Y46ATF007 - Air terminal in plaster wall

Y46ATF008 - Air terminal in plaster wall

 Y46ATF009 - Air terminal in plaster wall

Y46ATF010 - Air terminal in plaster wall

Y46ATF011 - Air terminal in dry lined wall

Y46ATF012 - Air terminal in dry lined wall

Y46ATF013 - Air terminal in dry lined wall

Y46ATF014 - Air terminal in dry lined wall

Y46ATF015 - Air terminal fixed to duct

Y46ATF016 - Air terminal fixed to duct

Y46ATF017 - Air terminal fixed to duct

Y46ATF018 - Air terminal fixed to duct

Y46ATF019 - Air terminal fixed to duct

Y46ATF020 – Air terminal in ceiling opening

Y46ATF021 - Air terminal in false ceiling

Y46ATF022 - Air terminal in false ceiling

Y46ATF023 - Air terminal in false ceiling

Y46ATF024 - Air terminal in false ceiling

Y46ATF025 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF026 - Air terminal in false ceiling

Y46ATF027 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF028 - Air terminal in false ceiling

Y46ATF029 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF030 - Air terminal in false ceiling

Y46ATF030 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF032 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF033 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF034 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF035 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF036 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF037 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF038 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF039 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF040 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF041 - Air terminal in false ceiling

 Y46ATF042 - Air terminal in floor

 Y46ATF043 - Air terminal in floor

 Y46ATF044 - Air terminal in floor

 Y46ATF045 - Air terminal in floor

 Y46ATF046 - Air terminal in floor

 Y46ATF047 - Air terminal in floor

Y46ATF048 - Air terminal in floor

Y46ATF049 - Air terminal in floor

Y46ATF050 - Air terminal in floor

Y46ATF051 - Air terminal in floor

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

Duct Hangers Solutions (DHS)

Y31DHS001 - Flexible duct hanger

Y31DHS002 - Flexible duct hanger

Y31DHS003 - Circular duct hanger

Y31DHS004 - Circular duct hanger

Y31DHS005 - Circular duct hanger

Y31DHS006 - Circular duct hanger

Y31DHS007 - Circular duct hanger

Y31DHS008 - Circular duct hanger

Y31DHS009 – Rectangular duct uninsulated

Y31DHS010 – Rectangular duct uninsulated

 Y31DHS011 – Rectangular duct uninsulated

Y31DHS012 – Rectangular duct uninsulated

Y31DHS013 – Rectangular duct uninsulated

Y31DHS014 – Rectangular duct insulated

Y31DHS015 – Rectangular duct insulated

Y31DHS016 – Flat oval duct uninsulated

 Y31DHS017 – Flat oval duct uninsulated

 Y31DHS018 – Flat oval duct uninsulated

 Y31DHS019 – Flat oval duct insulated

 Y31DHS020 – Flat oval duct insulated

 Y31DHS021 - Flat oval duct insulated

 Ducts Trough Slabs (DTS)

 Y3DTS001 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular uninsulated

 Y3DTS002 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular insulated

 Y3DTS003 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular uninsulated

 Y3DTS004 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular insulated

 Y3DTS005 – Duct fixing through slab - Rectangular uninsulated

 Y3DTS006 – Duct fixing through slab - Rectangular insulated

 Y3DTS007 – Duct fixing through slab - Rectangular uninsulated

 Y3DTS008 – Duct fixing through slab – R&FO insulated

 Y3DTS009 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular uninsulated

Y3DTS010 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular insulated

Y3DTS011 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular uninsulated

Y3DTS012 – Duct fixing through slab - Circular insulated

Ductwork Acoustic Stopping (DAS)

Y3DAS001 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork –in brick or block wall

Y3DAS002 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork – in concrete wall

Y3DAS003 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork – in dry lined wall

Y3DAS004 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork – in floor slab

Y3DAS005 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork – in brick or block wall

Y3DAS006 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork – in concrete wall

Y3DAS007 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork – in dry lined wall

Y3DAS008 – Acoustic stopping around ductwork – in floor slab

Fire and Smoke Dampers (FSD)

Y31FSD001 – Fire/smoke damper – in single skin brick or block walls

Y31FSD002 – Fire/smoke damper – Double skin brick or block walls

Y31FSD003 – Fire/smoke damper – Double skin brick or block walls

Y31FSD004 – Fire/smoke damper – Double skin brick or block walls

Y31FSD005 – Fire/smoke damper – Brick or block wall under slab

Y31FSD006 – Fire/smoke damper – Brick or block wall under slab

Y31FSD007 – Fire/smoke damper – Brick or block wall under slab

 Y31FSD008 – Fire/smoke damper – Brick or block wall under slab

Y31FSD009 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete walls

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Y31FSD010 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete walls

Y31FSD011 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete walls

Y31FSD012 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete walls

Y31FSD013 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete walls

Y31FSD014 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete walls under slab

Y31FSD015 – Fire/smoke damper –Dry lined walls

Y31FSD016 – Fire/smoke damper – Dry lined walls

Y31FSD017 – Fire/smoke damper – Dry lined walls

Y31FSD018 – Fire/smoke damper – Fire curtain

Y31FSD019 – Fire/smoke damper – Fire curtain

Y31FSD020 – Fire/smoke damper –Remote from concrete wall

 Y31FSD021 – Fire/smoke damper –Concrete slabs

Y31FSD022 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete slabs

Y31FSD023 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete slabs

Y31FSD024 – Fire/smoke damper – Concrete slabs


 Air Vent Solutions (AVS)

 Y11AVS001 – Manual air vent

 Y11AVS002 – Manual air vent

 Y11AVS003 – Automatic air vent

 Y11AVS004 – Automatic air vent

 Dirt Pocket Solutions (DPS)

 Y11DPS001 – Non-anchored + non-isolatable

Y11DPS001 – Non-anchored + isolatable

 Y11DPS001 – Anchored + non-isolatable

Y11DPS001 – Anchored + isolatable

Pipe Hanger Solutions (PHS)

T11PHS001 – Band clip

T11PHS002 – Band clip

T11PHS003 – Band clip

T11PHS004 – Band clip

T11PHS005 – Band clip

T11PHS006 – Band clip

T11PHS007 – Band clip

T11PHS008 – Band clip

T11PHS009 – Saddle guide

T11PHS010 – Saddle guide

T11PHS011 – Saddle clamp

T11PHS012 – Saddle clamp

T11PHS013 – Hanger

T11PHS014 – Clevis hanger

T11PHS015 – Hanger

T11PHS016 – Clevis hanger

T11PHS017 – Roller bracket detail

T11PHS018 – Roller bracket detail

T11PHS019 – Roller bracket detail

T11PHS020 – Roller bracket detail

T11PHS021 – Roller bracket detail

T11PHS022 – Roller bracket detail

 T11PHS023 – Roller bracket detail

T11PHS024 – Roller bracket detail

 T11PHS025 – Roller bracket detail

 T11PHS026 – Roller bracket detail

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

T11PHS027 – Support

T11PHS028 – Support

T11PHS029 – Support

T11PHS030 – Anchor solutions

T11PHS031 – Anchor solutions

T11PHS032 – Anchor solutions

T11PHS033 – Anchor solutions

T11PHS034 – Anchor detail

T11PHS035 – Anchor detail

T11PHS036 – Anchor solutions

T11PHS037 – Anchor solutions

 T11PHS038 – Anchor solutions

T11PHS039 – Anchor solutions

T11PHS040 – Anchor solutions

 Pipework Acoustic (PAS)

 Y10PAS001 - in brick or block wall

 Y10PAS002 - in concrete wall

 Y10PAS003 - in dry lined wall

 Y10PAS004 – in floor slab

 Y10PAS005 – in brick or block wall

 Y10PAS006 - in concrete wall

 Y10PAS007 - in dry lined wall

 Y10PAS008 - in floor slab

Pipework Fire Stopping (PFS)

P31PFS001 - Steel in brick wall

P31PFS002 - Steel in concrete wall

P31PFS003 - Steel in dry lined wall

P31PFS004 - Steel in floor slab

P31PFS005 – Plastic in brick wall

P31PFS006 - Plastic in brick wall

P31PFS007 - Plastic in concrete wall

P31PFS008 - Plastic in concrete wall

P31PFS009 - Plastic in dry lined wall

P31PFS010 - Plastic in dry lined wall

P31PFS011 - Plastic in floor slab

P31PFS012 - Plastic in floor slab

 Pipework Through Slab Solutions (PTS)

Y3AP005 - Acoustic solution 05

 Y3AP006 - Acoustic solution 06

 Y3AP007 - Acoustic solution 07

 Y3AP008 - Acoustic solution 08

 Y3AP009 - Acoustic solution 09

 Y10PT001 - Pipework through roof slab solution 1

 Y10PT002 - Pipework through roof slab solution 2

 Schematics

Boilers (PSB)

 T10PSB001 - Simple boiler circuit

T10PSB002 - As 001 + in-line strainer

T10PSB003 - As 001 + flushing by-pass

T10PSB004 - As 001 + in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

T10PSB005 - Pumped boiler circuit (space left for pumps)

T10PSB006 - As 005 + in-line strainer

T10PSB007 - As 005 + flushing by-pass

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

T10PSB008 - As 005 + in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

T10PSB009 - Pumped boiler circuit + recirculating valve

T10PSB010 - As 009 + in-line strainer

T10PSB011 - As 009 + flushing by-pass

T10PSB012 - as 009 + in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

Branches – flow left (PSM)

Y10PSM001 - Flow left - no features

 Y10PSM002 - Flow left with in-line strainer

 Y10PSM003 - Flow left with manual air vent

 Y10PSM004 - Flow left with flushing by-pass

 Y10PSM005 - Flow left + in-line strainer + air vent

Y10PSM006 - Flow left + in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

 Y10PSM007 - Flow left + air vent + flushing by-pass

 Y10PSM008 - Flow left + strainer + air vent + flushing by-pass

 Branches – flow right (PSM)

 Y10PSM001 - Flow right - no features

 Y10PSM002 - Flow right with in-line strainer

Y10PSM003 - Flow right with manual air vent

 Y10PSM004 - Flow right with flushing by-pass

Y10PSM005 - Flow right + in-line strainer + air vent

 Y10PSM006 - Flow right + in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

Y10PSM007 - Flow right + air vent + flushing by-pass

Y10PSM008 - Flow right + strainer + air vent + flushing by-pas

Branches – flow up (PSM)

Y10PSM001 - Flow up - no features.

Y10PSM002 - Flow up with in-line strainer

Y10PSM003 - Flow up with manual air vent

Y10PSM004 - Flow up with flushing by-pass

Y10PSM005 - Flow up + in-line strainer + air vent

Y10PSM006 - Flow up + in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

Y10PSM007 - Flow up + air vent + flushing by-pass

Y10PSM008 - Flow up + strainer + air vent + flushing by-pass

 Calorifiers (PSK)

 Y1PSK001 - Vented HWS system

 Y1PSK002 - Vented HWS + de-strat pump on cylinder

 Y1PSK003 - Unvented HWS system

 Y1PSK004 - Unvented HWS + de-strat pump on cylinder

 Chillers – Air Cooled (PSC)

 T60PSC001- Simple chiller circuit

T60PSC002 - As 001 + in-line strainer

T60PSC003 - As 001 + flushing by-pass

T60PSC004 - As 001 + in-line strainer and flushing by-pass

T60PSC005 - Pumped chiller circuit (space left for pumps)

T60PSC006 - As 005 + in-line strainer

T60PSC007 - As 005 + flushing by-pass

T60PSC008 - As 005 + in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

Chillers – Water Cooled (PSD)

T60PSD001 - Simple chiller circuit.

T60PSD002 - As 001 + in-line strainer

T60PSD003 - As 001 + flushing by-pass

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

T60PSD004 - As 001 +in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

T60PSD005 - Pumped chiller circuit (space left for pumps)

T60PSD006 - As 005 + in-line strainer

T60PSD007 - As 005 + flushing by-pass

T60PSD008 - As 005 +in-line strainer + flushing by-pass

Fan Coil Units (PSP)

Y11PSP001 - Simple fan coil unit

 Y11PSP002 - Two port valve in return

 Y11PSP003 - Three port valve in return

 Y11PSP004 - Four port valve across unit

 Y11PSP005 - As 001 but with flexible hoses

Y11PSP006 - As 002 but with flexible hoses

 Y11PSP007 - As 003 but with flexible hoses

 Y11PSP007 - As 003 but with flexible hoses

 Manifolds (PSN)

 Y11PSN001 - Simple manifold

 Y11PSN002 - IVs on manifold flow & return ports

Y11PSN003 - IVs on flow + DRVs on return ports

 Y11PSN004 - IVs on flow + flow indicators on return ports

Y11PSN005 - As 001 but with two port valve on inlet

 Y11PSN006 - As 002 but with two port valve on inlet

Y11PSN007 - As 003 but with two port valve on inlet

Y11PSN008 - As 004 but with two port valve on inlet

Y11PSN009 - As 001 but with three port valve across inlet

Y11PSN010 - As 002 but with three port valve across inlet

Y11PSN011 - As 003 but with three port valve across inlet

Y11PSN012 - As 004 but with three port valve across inlet

Pressurisation Units (PSG)

Y21PSG001 - F&E Tank for LPHW heating

Y21PSG002 - Pressurisation unit for LPHW heating

Y21PSG003 - F&E Tank for chilled water

Y21PSG004 - Pressurisation unit chilled water

 Primary Circuits (PSA)

 Y10PSA001 - Single boiler or chiller

 Y10PSA002 - Boilers or chillers in parallel

 Y10PSA003 - Boilers or chillers from injection header

 Y10PSA004 - As 001 but with in-line strainer

 Y10PSA005 - As 002 but with in-line strainer

 Y10PSA006 - As 003 but with in-line strainer

Pumps – flow left (PSF)

Y20PSF001 - Flow left - duty and standby pumps

Y20PSF002 - Flow left - as 001 + in-line strainers

Y20PSF003 - Flow left - dual pump set

Y20PSF004 - Flow left - as 003 but with in-line strainer

Pumps – flow right (PSF)

Y20PSF001 - Flow right - duty and standby pumps

Y20PSF002 - Flow right - as 001 + in-line strainers

Y20PSF003 - Flow right - dual pump set

Y20PSF004 - Flow right - as 003 + in-line strainer

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Radiators (PSQ)

Y11PSQ001 - TBOE Isolation only

Y11PSQ002 - BOE Isolation only

Y11PSQ003 - TBOE Isolation and TRV

Y11PSQ004 - BOE Isolation and TRV

Riser Bases (PSL)

Y10PSL001 - Flow right + isolatable dirt pocket

 Y10PSL002 - Flow right + non-isolatable dirt pocket

 Y10PSL003 - Flow left + isolatable dirt pocket

 Y10PSL004 - Flow left + non-isolatable dirt pocket

 Secondary Circuits (PSJ)

 Y10PSJ001 - Flow left - variable temperature mixing

 Y10PSJ002 - Flow left - constant temperature

 Y10PSJ003 - Flow right - variable temperature mixing

 Y10PSJ004 - Flow right - constant temperature

Secondary Hook-ups (PSH)

Y10PSH001 - One secondary circuit

Y10PSH002 - Two secondary circuits

Y10PSH003 - Three secondary circuits

Y10PSH004 - Four secondary circuits

Y10PSH005 - Five secondary circuits

Y10PSH006 - One secondary + flushing drain in return

Y10PSH007 - Two secondarys + flushing drain in return

Y10PSH008 - Three secondarys + flushing drain in return

Y10PSH009 - Four secondarys + flushing drain in return

Y10PSH010 - Five secondarys + flushing drain in return

 Valve sets – flow left (PSE)

Y11PSE001 - Flow left – isolation

 Y11PSE002 - Flow left - isolation + measurement

Y11PSE003 - Flow left - isolation + regulation

 Y11PSE004 - Flow left - isolation + regulation + measurement

 Y11PSE005 - Flow left - isolation + regulation + measurement

 Y11PSE006 - Flow left - isolation + regulation + measurement

 Y11PSE007 - Flow left - isolation + regulation + measurement

 Y11PSE008 - Flow left - isolation + regulation + measurement

 Y11PSE009 - Flow left - isolation + regulation + measurement

 Y11PSE010 - Flow left - isolation + regulation + measurement

 Y11PSE011 - Flow left – isolation + measurement + DP control

 Valve sets – flow right (PSE)

Y11PSE001 - Flow right - isolation

Y11PSE002 - Flow right - isolation + measurement

Y11PSE003 - Flow right - isolation + regulation

Y11PSE004 - Flow right - isolation + regulation + measurement

Y11PSE005 - Flow right - isolation + regulation + measurement

Y11PSE006 - Flow right - isolation + regulation + measurement

Y11PSE007 - Flow right - isolation + regulation + measurement

Y11PSE008 - Flow right - isolation + regulation + measurement

Y11PSE009 - Flow right - isolation + regulation + measurement

Y11PSE010 - Flow right - isolation + regulation + measurement

Y11PSE011 - Flow right – isolation + measurement + DP control

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009

Valve sets – follow up (PSE)

Y11PSD001 - Flow up - isolation only

Y11PSD002 - Flow up - isolation + measurement

Y11PSD003 - Flow up - isolation + regulation

Y11PSD004 - Flow up - isolation + measurement + regulation

Y11PSD005 - Flow up - isolation + measurement + regulation

Y11PSD006 - Flow up - isolation + measurement + regulation

Y11PSD007 - Flow up - isolation + measurement + regulation

Y11PSD008 - Flow up - isolation + measurement + regulation

Y11PSD009 - Flow up - isolation + measurement + regulation

Y11PSD010 - Flow up - isolation + measurement + regulation

 Y11PSD011 - Flow up – isolation + measurement + DP control


 Y90SFS001- Clamped fixing to angle & channel

 Y90SFS002- Clamped fixing to section

 Y90SFS003- Expansion bolt fixing to angle & channel

 Y90SFS004- Expansion bolt fixing to I beam & hollow section

 Y90SFS005- Shot fired fixing to angle & channel

 Y90SFS006- Shot fired fixing to I beam & hollow section

Y90SFS007- Anchor fixing to concrete

 Y90SFS008- Shot fired fixing to concrete

Y90SFS009- Fixings to composite deck

 Y90SFS010- Fixing to purlins

Y90SFS011- Fixing to purlins

© BSRIA - BSRIA Library of Standard Details - CD 10/2009
