Today in Physics 122: review of DC circuits, magnetostatics, i and d induction i d i Shanghai’s highspeed maglev train, leaving the airport (Shanghai Metro). 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 1 DC circuits: combinations of Rs, Cs Parallel and series pairs of resistors and capacitors: C1 = C2 C1 C2 = 8 November 2012 1 1 1 C eq C1 C 2 C1C 2 C eqq C1 C 2 C1 , C 2 C eq C1 C 2 C1 , C 2 R1 = R2 Req R1 R2 R1 , R2 1 1 1 Req R1 R2 R1 Physics 122, Fall 2012 R2 = R1 R2 Req R1 R2 R1 , R2 2 DC circuits: Kirchhoff Kirchhoff’ss Rules 1. At each node – the conductor of whatever shape that j i two joins t or more components – the current flowing in is equal to the current flowing out. 2. Voltages along any complete loop in a circuit must add dd up to zero. 8 November 2012 I1 - + R1 + - V0 dQ dt + - I2 R2 + C - t0 I 1 I 2 dQ dt 0 V0 I 1 R1 I 2 R2 0 I 2 R2 Q C 0 Physics 122, Fall 2012 3 Kirchhoff’ss Rule recipe Kirchhoff Define a current – value and direction – through each component in the circuit. • Current (dQ/dt) flows into + end of C, from + end of V and +V, + in R. R In the node rule (KR#1), bookkeep all currents flowing into the node as positive, and g out as all those flowing negative; the sum of all the positives and negatives comes tto zero. 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 I1 - + R1 + - V0 dQ dt + - I2 R2 + C - t0 I 1 I 2 dQ dt 0 4 Kirchhoff’ss Rules recipe (continued) Kirchhoff In the loop rule (KR#2), count voltages traversed from - to + as positive, and those t traversed d from f + tto – as negative. • That is, is voltage drops across a resistor if you’re following g voltage g in the direction the current flows through it. I1 - + R1 + - V0 dQ dt + - I2 R2 + C - t0 I 1 I 2 dQ dt 0 V0 I 1 R1 I 2 R2 0 I 2 R2 Q C 0 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 5 Kirchhoff’ss Rules recipe (continued) Kirchhoff Identify the unknown quantities – N, say – in the circuit, and count them. Then write the node rule and/or the loop rule to generate as many relations between the voltages and currents as there are unknowns (N). • Use U both b th th the node d lloop rules, l att least l t once each. h This gives a system of N equations in N unknowns, either purely linear equations (if only R and V), V) or first first-order order differential equations (if there are Cs). Solve them. Important point: it doesn doesn’tt matter whether you correctly guess the direction of each current. If you guess wrong, your answer will jjust be a negative y g number. 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 6 Magnetostatics Force laws: dF Id B IdB sin nˆ currents F Id B IB sin nˆ d F Qv B point charges Cross products: a b b a ab sin nˆ a b 0 if a b a b abnˆ if a b Cross products of Cartesian unit vectors: xˆ yˆ zˆ yˆ zˆ xˆ zˆ xˆ yˆ 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 Id or Qv Qv B dF or F Lay y fingers g of right g hand along g arc from d to B, pointing to B. Thumb points along dF. 7 Magnetostatics (continued) r r Field laws: 0 B 4 Id r r r r 2 r BiotSavart field law r Bd 0 Iencll r r Id dB 0 I J dA Id where 0 4 10 7 T m A 1 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 Or: th O thumb b along l Id ; fingers curl in direction of dB. 8 Magnetostatics (continued) Field laws: 0 B 4 Id r r r r J dA d 2 Bd 0 I encll 0 B Ampère’s law J where 0 4 10 7 T m A 1 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 9 Biot-Savart Biot Savart field law recipe The setup, and most of the execution, of B calculations from the h Biot-Savart Bi S fi ld law field l are the h same as for f E calculations l l i using Coulomb’s law. That is, is choose an appropriate coordinate system, dissect the source distribution into infinitesimal elements, use the symmetry of the source distribution to simplify the vector addition as much as possible, and then integrate the resulting expression. No new tricks are involved, and no new complications b id th besides the iintrusion t i off cross products, d t and d fi fields ld that th t li lie sideways with respect to the distance from the infinitesimal element. 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 10 Ampère’ss Law recipe Ampère Though the dimension of its integration is reduced by one on both sides of the equation compared to Gauss’s Law, Ampère’s Law is applied to find B in much the same way that G Gauss’s ’ Law L is i applied li d to t find fi d E. E Ampère’s law That is, use the symmetry of the geometries current distribution to Infinite linear current determine the direction of B, and Infinite planar current identify closed curves along Infinite cylindrical which the magnitude of B is current, any radial g which uniform,, or along dependence p Infinite solenoid Then B comes out of the integral; Toroid g integrals g are the two remaining simple, enabling solution for B. 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 11 Magnetic materials Permeability: Km 0 . Diamagnetic (Km < 1; e.g. Cu) and paramagnetic (Km > 1; e.g Al) materials have small permeability ( Km 1 10 5 10 4 ). Ferromagnetic materials (e.g. Fe, Ni, Co, Sm) can have very large permeability: Km ~ 1000. B nI Km 0 nI Km 1 as drawn. I 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 12 Induction and Faraday Faraday’ss Law If the flux of B enclosed by a circuit changes with time, an electromotive force is induced, that drives a current and associated additional B, which opposes the change. Equivalently: l l iff the h fl flux off B through h h a surface f changes h with time, so does the integral of E around the boundary of the surface. surface Stated instead as equations, d d B dA dt Faraday’s d L Law Ed dt BdA d 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 13 Faraday’ss Law recipe Faraday Calculate the magnetic flux, and differentiate to get its rate t off change. h Thi This ttells ll you th the magnitude it d off th the induced EMF right away. To get the polarity polarity, consider how the EMF can produce a current, and thus its own B, to oppose the change in flux. • If BdA is decreasing decreasing, make I produce more field in the same B direction as the external field. • If BdA is increasing, make I produce more field in the opposite direction as the external field. I • Remember b which h h way I produces d B. (See ( ffigure.)) 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 14 General advice Don’t forget the chain rule of differentiation or the fundamental theorem of calculus. • For example, if you know B x and want to know h d B dt , note that d B d B dx d B vx . dt d dt dx ddx • Or: if you know you’re going to have to take the d i i off a function derivative f i you just j produced d d by b integration, save a step with x d f x dx f x dx a 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 15 General advice (continued) Don’t forget the principle of superposition: a complicated current, for example, can often be broken down into two simple ones for which the fields are calculated simply and th superposed. then d Lik Like uniform if currentt iin a cylinder li d with ith an off-center hole: JI A = J + J Don’t forget the cross products of Cartesian unit vectors (page 7). 7) 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 16 The upcoming midterm exam Midterm #2: 8-9:15 AM,, Tuesday y, 13 November 2012,, Hubbell Auditorium (141 Hutchison Hall) Covers all topics p reviewed here: those introduced since the last exam (chapters 26-29 in the book) No class on Tuesday after the exam; lectures will resume on Thursday. 8 November 2012 Physics 122, Fall 2012 17