Electromagnetic Induction! March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 1 Notes ! Exam 4 next Tuesday • • • • Covers Chapters 27, 28, 29 in the book Magnetism, Magnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Induction Material from the week before spring break and this week Homework sets 7 and 8 ! I will be out of town next week • Prof. Joey Huston will teach lectures March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 2 Faraday’s Law of Induction ! The magnitude of the potential difference, ΔVind, induced in a conducting loop is equal to the time rate of change of the magnetic flux through the loop. ΔVind = − dΦ B dt ! We can change the magnetic flux in several ways: dB A,θ constant: ΔVind = −Acosθ dt dA B,θ constant: ΔVind = −Bcosθ dt A, B constant: ΔVind = ω ABsinθ ! Where A is the area of the loop, B is the magnetic field strength, and θ is the angle between the surface normal and the B field vector March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 3 Law of Induction ! This potential difference means that the changing magnetic field creates an electric field around the loop! ! Thus, there are two ways of producing an electric field ! If the electric field arises from a charge, the resulting electric force on a test charge is conservative ! Conservative forces do no work when they act on an object whose path starts and ends at the same point in space ! In contrast, electric fields generated by changing magnetic fields give rise to electric forces that are not conservative ! Thus, a test particle that moves around a circular loop once will have work done on it by this electric field ! In fact, the amount of the work done is the induced potential difference times the charge of the test particle March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 4 Lenz’s Law ! Lenz’s Law defines a rule for determining the direction of an induced current in a loop ! An induced current will have a direction such that the magnetic field due to the induced current opposes the change in the magnetic flux that induces the current ! The direction of the induced current corresponds to the direction of the induced emf ! We can apply Lenz’s Law to the situations described in yesterday’s lecture March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 5 Lenz’s Law ! The physical situation shown here involves moving a magnet toward a loop with the north pole pointed toward the loop ! The magnetic field lines point away from the north pole of the magnet ! As the magnet moves toward the loop, the magnitude of the magnetic field within the loop, in the direction pointing toward the loop, increases ! Lenz’s law states that a current is induced in the loop that tends to oppose the change in magnetic flux ! This induced magnetic field then points in the opposite direction from the field from the magnet March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 6 Lenz’s Law ! The physical situation shown here involves moving a magnet toward a loop with the south pole pointed toward the loop ! The magnetic field lines point toward the south pole of the magnet ! As the magnet moves toward the loop, the magnitude of the field increases in the direction pointing toward the south pole ! Lenz’s law states that a current is induced in the loop that tends to oppose the change in magnetic flux ! This induced magnetic field then points in the opposite direction from the field from the magnet March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 7 Lenz’s Law - Four Cases ! (a) An increasing magnetic field pointing to the right induces a current that creates a magnetic field to the left ! (b) An increasing magnetic field pointing to the left induces a current that creates a magnetic field to the right ! (c) A decreasing magnetic field pointing to the right induces a current that creates a magnetic field to the right ! (d) A decreasing magnetic field pointing to the left induces a current that creates a magnetic field to the left March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 8 Eddy Currents ! Let’s consider two pendulums, each with a non-magnetic conducting metal plate at the end that is designed to pass through the gap of a strong permanent magnet ! One metal plate is solid and the other has slots cut in it ! We pull back both pendulums and release them March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 11 Eddy Currents ! The pendulum with the solid metal sheet stops in the gap of the magnet while the grooved sheet passes through the magnetic field, only slowing slightly ! This demonstrates the importance of induced eddy currents ! As the pendulum with the solid plate enters the magnetic field, Lenz’s law tells us that the changing magnetic flux will induce currents that tend to oppose the change in flux ! Just like eddy currents, swirls we see in turbulent water flow ! These currents interact with the magnetic field to stop the pendulum • Kinetic energy is converted into heat ! Often, eddy currents have to be eliminated through segmenting • Pulsed magnets • Transformers ! Induced eddy currents can also be employed in practical situations such as braking railroad cars March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 12 Induced Potential Difference on a Moving Wire in a Magnetic Field ! Consider a conducting wire moving with constant velocity perpendicular to a constant magnetic field ! The wire is oriented such that it is perpendicular to the velocity and to the magnetic field ! The magnetic field exerts a force on the conducting electrons in the wire, causing them to move downward ! This motion of the electrons produces a net negative charge at the bottom of the wire and a net positive charge at the top of the wire ! This charge separation produces an electric field that exerts a force on the conduction electrons that tends to cancel the magnetic force March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 13 Induced Potential Difference on a Moving Wire in a Magnetic Field ! After some time the forces on the electrons are in equilibrium and we can write FB = qvB = FE = qE ! Thus we can express the induced electric field as E = vB ! This electric field produces a potential between the two ends of the wire given by ΔVind E= = vB ! We can then write the voltage between the ends of the wire as ΔV = vB ind March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 14 Satellite Tethered to a Space Shuttle ! In 1996, the Space Shuttle Columbia deployed a tethered satellite on a wire out to a distance of 20 km ! The wire was oriented perpendicular to the Earth’s magnetic field at that point, and the magnitude of the field was B = 5.1·10–5 T ! Columbia was traveling at a speed of 7.6 km/s PROBLEM ! What was the potential difference induced between the ends of the wire? March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 16 Satellite Tethered to a Space Shuttle SOLUTION ! The length of the wire is 20 km and the speed of the wire through the magnetic field of the Earth is the same as the speed of the Space Shuttle, which is 7.6 km/s ! The induced potential difference is ΔVind = vLB = ( 7.6⋅103 m/s )( 20⋅103 m )(5.1⋅10−5 T ) ΔVind = 7800 V ! The astronauts on the Space Shuttle measured a current of about 0.5 A at a voltage of 3500 V ! The circuit consisted of the deployed wire and ionized atoms in space as the return path for the current ! The wire broke just as the deployment length reached 20 km March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 17 Pulled Connecting Rod ! A conducting rod is pulled horizontally by a constant force of F = 5.00 N along a set of conducting rails separated by a distance a = 0.500 m ! The two rails are connected, and no friction occurs between the rod and the rails ! A uniform magnetic field with magnitude B = 0.500 T is directed into the page ! The rod moves at constant speed, v = 5.00 m/s PROBLEM ! What is the magnitude of the induced potential difference in the loop created by the connected rails and the moving rod? March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 18 Pulled Connecting Rod SOLUTION ! The induced potential difference is dA ΔVind = −Bcosθ dt ! The area of the loop is increasing with time A = A0 + a ( vt ) = A0 + vta ! The change in the area as a function of time is dA d = ( A0 + vta ) = va dt dt ! The magnitude of the induced potential difference is dA ΔVind = −Bcosθ = vab = (5.00 m/s )( 0.500 m )( 0.500 T ) = 1.25 V dt March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 19 Generators and Motors ! The third special case of our simple induction processes is technologically by far the most interesting ! It is the variation of the angle between the loop and the magnetic field with time, while keeping the area of the loop as well as the magnetic field strength constant in time ! In this way, Faraday’s Law of Induction can be applied to the generation and use of electric current ! A device that produces electric current from mechanical motion is called an electric generator ! A device that produces mechanical motion from electric current is called an electric motor March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 20 Generators and Motors ! A simple generator consists of a loop forced to rotate in a fixed magnetic field ! The driving force that causes the loop to rotate can be supplied by hot steam running over a turbine ! Or the loop can be made to rotate by water or wind in a pollution-free way of generating electrical power ! In a direct-current generator, the rotating loop is connected to an external circuit through a split commutator ring ! As the loop turns, the connection is reversed twice per revolution, so the induced potential difference always has the same sign March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 21 Generators and Motors ! A similar arrangement is used to produce an alternating current ! An alternating current is a current that varies in time between positive and negative values, with the variation often showing a sinusoidal form ! Each end of the loop is connected to the external circuit through its own solid slip ring ! Thus, this generator produces an induced potential difference that varies from positive to negative and back ! A generator that produces alternating voltages and the resulting alternating current is also called an alternator March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 22 March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 23 Induced Electric Field ! Faraday’s Law of Induction states that a changing magnetic flux produces an induced potential difference ! Consider a test charge q moving in a circular path with radius r in an electric field ! The work done is equal to the integral of the scalar product of the force and the displacement ! For now we assume that the electric field is constant and that is has field lines that are circular ! Considering one revolution of the test charge we obtain the work done on the test charge to be W= ∫ Fids = ∫ qEids = (qE )( 2π r ) ! The work done by a constant electric field is qΔVind so qΔVind = 2π rqE ⇒ ΔVind = 2π rE March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 24 Induced Electric Field ! We can generalize this result by considering the work on a test particle with charge q moving along an arbitrary closed path as W= ∫ Fids = q ∫ Eids ! Again substituting qΔVind for the work we obtain ΔVind = ∫ Eids ! Since the induced potential difference is the change in flux dΦ B ∫ Eids = − dt ! A changing magnetic field induces an electric field ! This applies to any closed path drawn in a changing magnetic field March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 25 Inductance of a Solenoid ! Consider a long solenoid with N turns carrying a current i ! This current creates a magnetic field in the center of the solenoid resulting in a magnetic flux of ΦB ! The same magnetic flux goes through each of the N windings of the solenoid ! It is customary to define the flux linkage as the product of the number of windings and the magnetic flux, NΦB ! Inside the solenoid, the magnetic flux is ΦB = ∫∫ B• dA = BA ! Remembering that for a solenoid N B = µ0ni = µ0 i March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 26 Inductance of a Solenoid ! We can then write the flux linkage as 2 ⎛ N N ⎛ ⎞ NΦ B = NBA = N ⎜ µ0 i ⎟ A = ⎜ µ0 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎞ A⎟ i = Li ⎠ ! The flux linkage is a constant times the current ! We define this constant to be the inductance L ! Thus the inductance is a measure of the flux linkage produced by the solenoid per unit current ! For an solenoid to behave in this manner, it must not have any magnetic materials in its core ! The unit of inductance is the henry (H), named after American physicist Joseph Henry (1797 – 1878) [Φ B ] 1 T m2 [L] = ⇒1 H = [i] 1A March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 27 Inductance of a Solenoid ! We can define the magnetic permeability of free space as µ0 = 4π ⋅10−7 H/m ! The inductance of a solenoid is then N2 Lsolenoid = µ0 A N take n = (n )2 Lsolenoid = µ0 A = µ0n 2 A ! The inductance of a solenoid depends only on its geometry ! When a solenoid is used in an electric circuit, it is called an inductor March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 28 Self Inductance and Mutual Induction ! Consider the situation in which two coils, or inductors, are close to each other ! A current in the first coil produces magnetic flux in the second coil ! Changing the current in the first coil will induce a potential difference in the second coil ! However, the changing current in the first coil also induces a potential difference in itself ! This phenomenon is called self-induction ! The resulting potential difference is termed the self-induced potential difference ! Changing the current in the first coil also induces a potential difference in the second coil ! This phenomenon is called mutual induction March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 29 Self Induction ! According to Faraday’s Law of Induction, the self-induced potential difference for any inductor is given by d ( NΦ B ) d ( Li ) di ΔVind ,L = − =− = −L dt dt dt ! Thus, in any inductor, a self-induced potential difference appears when the current changes with time ! This self-induced potential difference depends on the time rate of change of the current and the inductance of the device ! Lenz’s Law provides the direction of the self-induced potential difference ! The negative sign provides the clue that the induced potential difference always opposes any change in current March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 30 Self Induction ! Consider a circuit with current flowing through an inductor that increases with time ! The self-induced potential difference will oppose the increase in current ! Consider a circuit with current flowing through an inductor that is decreasing with time ! A self-induced potential difference will oppose the decrease in current ! We have assumed that these inductors are ideal inductors; that is, they have no resistance ! Induced potential differences manifest themselves across the connections of the inductor March 12, 2014 Chapter 29 31