request for proposal (rfp)

IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Core Banking System Upgrade / Migration
(Finacle 10.x Migration)
RFP No: IDBI/PCell/RFP/2015-16/026
Date: 25th January 2016
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
The information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) document or information provided
subsequently to Bidder(s) or applicants whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of IDBI
Bank Limited (IDBI Bank), is provided to the Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP
document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.
This RFP document is not an agreement and is not an offer by IDBI Bank. This RFP is to invite proposals
from applicants who are qualified to submit the Bids (“Bidders”). The purpose of this RFP is to provide
the Bidder(s) with information to assist the formulation of their proposals. This RFP does not claim to
contain all the information each Bidder may require. Each Bidder may conduct its own investigations
and analysis and is free to check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this
RFP and where necessary obtain independent advice. IDBI Bank makes no representation or warranty
and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or
completeness of this RFP.
The information contained in the RFP document is selective and is subject to updating expansion,
revision and amendment. It does not purport to contain all the information that a Bidder may require.
IDBI Bank reserves the right or discretion to change, modify, add to or alters any or all of the provisions
of this RFP document and / or the bidding process, without assigning any reasons, whatsoever. Such
change will be intimated to all Bidders. Any information contained in this RFP document will be
superseded by any later written information on the same subject made available to all recipients by IDBI
IDBI Bank may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update,
amend or supplement the information in this RFP. IDBI Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the
expression of interest / proposals received in response to this RFP document at any stage without
assigning any reason whatsoever. The decision of IDBI Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on all
the parties.
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Document Control Sheet ....................................................................................................... 6
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 7
Section1: Introduction.......................................................................................................... 8
1. Background ................................................................................................................ 8
2. Overview ................................................................................................................... 8
3. Eligibility Criteria / Preliminary Examination ................................................................ 9
4. Terminologies and Abbreviations................................................................................ 11
Section 2: Invitation for bids .............................................................................................. 13
1. Invitation for Bids ..................................................................................................... 13
2. Due Diligence ........................................................................................................... 13
3. Cost of Bidding ......................................................................................................... 13
4. Cost of RFP / Bid document ....................................................................................... 13
5. Content of Bidding / RFP Document ........................................................................... 13
6. Clarification of Bidding Documents ............................................................................ 14
7. Amendment of Bid Document / RFP Document ........................................................... 14
Section 3: Instruction to Bidders (ITB) .............................................................................. 15
1. Language of Bid........................................................................................................ 15
2. Clarifications on bid Document / RFP ......................................................................... 15
3. Documents constituting the Bid .................................................................................. 15
4. Bid Currencies .......................................................................................................... 16
5. Bid Security (EMD) .................................................................................................. 16
6. Period of Validity of Bids .......................................................................................... 17
7. Format and Signing of Bid ......................................................................................... 17
8. Revelation of prices ................................................................................................... 18
9. Sealing and marking of Bids ....................................................................................... 18
10. Rejection of Bids ................................................................................................... 18
11. Deadline for Submission of Bids ............................................................................. 19
12. Late Bids .............................................................................................................. 19
13. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids ...................................................................... 19
14. Opening of Bids ..................................................................................................... 20
15. Clarification of Bids ............................................................................................... 20
16. Rectification of Errors ............................................................................................ 20
17. Rejection / Acceptance of Bid ................................................................................. 20
18. Cancellation of Bid ................................................................................................ 20
19. Evaluation and comparison of Bids .......................................................................... 21
20. Contacting IDBI Bank ............................................................................................ 24
21. The Bank’s right to accept any Bid and to reject any Bid or all Bids. ........................... 24
22. Notification of acceptance of Bid ............................................................................. 24
1. Definitions ............................................................................................................... 26
2. Interpretation ............................................................................................................ 27
3. Conditions Precedent ................................................................................................. 28
4. Standard of Performance and Service Level Definition and Measurement ....................... 28
5. Use of Contract Documents and Information ................................................................ 29
6. Indemnity ................................................................................................................. 30
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
7. Contract Amendments: .............................................................................................. 30
8. Delay in the Vendor’s / Bidder’s Performance .............................................................. 30
9. Payment Terms ......................................................................................................... 31
10. Liquidated Damages ............................................................................................... 32
11. Resolution of Disputes:........................................................................................... 32
12. ‘NO CLAIM’ Certificate: ....................................................................................... 33
13. Survival: ............................................................................................................... 33
14. No Agency: ........................................................................................................... 33
15. No Set-off, counter-claim and cross claims: .............................................................. 33
16. Key Performance Measurements: ............................................................................ 34
17. Commencement and Progress: ................................................................................. 34
18. Statutory Requirements: ......................................................................................... 34
19. IDBI Bank's / Purchaser’s Right of Inspection and Periodic Audit: .............................. 34
20. Insurance to be taken out by the bidder ..................................................................... 35
21. Contract Prices ...................................................................................................... 35
22. Information Security .............................................................................................. 36
23. Ownership and Retention of Documents ................................................................... 37
24. Data Ownership ..................................................................................................... 37
25. Representations and Warranties ............................................................................... 37
26. Confidentiality....................................................................................................... 39
27. Termination ........................................................................................................... 40
28. Consequences of Termination ................................................................................. 41
29. Relationship between the Parties.............................................................................. 42
30. No Assignment ...................................................................................................... 43
31. Entire Contract ...................................................................................................... 43
32. Governing Law ...................................................................................................... 43
33. Jurisdiction of Courts ............................................................................................. 43
34. Suspension of Payment to the Vendor / Bidder .......................................................... 43
35. Time Limit for the Commencement of Work ............................................................ 43
36. Period of Contract .................................................................................................. 43
37. Force Majeure ....................................................................................................... 44
38. Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Rights ........................................................... 44
39. Warranty ............................................................................................................... 45
40. User Acceptance Test and Quality Check ................................................................. 45
41. Migration .............................................................................................................. 46
42. Start of Installation: ................................................................................................ 46
43. Reporting Progress: ................................................................................................ 46
44. Bidder’s Integrity ................................................................................................... 46
45. Limitation of Liability ............................................................................................ 46
Section 5: Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 48
1. Broad Scope ............................................................................................................. 48
2. Scope – Details: ........................................................................................................ 48
3. System &Security Audit: ........................................................................................... 56
4. Disaster Recovery (DR) and MIS setup: ...................................................................... 57
5. Other important points to be noted by the bidder:.......................................................... 57
6. Deliverables:............................................................................................................. 59
7. Project Management Services ..................................................................................... 65
8. Mock Migration ........................................................................................................ 66
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
9. Schedule .................................................................................................................. 66
10. Responsibilities of OEM Vendor (Infosys) ............................................................... 67
Section 6: Functionality and Architectural Details............................................................. 68
Software Application Requirement: ......................................................................... 68
2. Hardware Recommendations ......................................................................................... 68
Section 7: Technical Details Required From Bidder .......................................................... 70
Section 8: Bidder Information ............................................................................................ 73
1. Company Details ....................................................................................................... 73
2. Financial Details ....................................................................................................... 73
3. Client List ................................................................................................................ 74
4. Reference Sites ......................................................................................................... 74
Annexure- 1: Contents and format of Technical bid .......................................................... 76
Form – 1(a): Format for Covering Letter........................................................................... 79
Form –1(b): Format for Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria ................................................. 81
Form – 1(c): Fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria ................................................................... 83
Form –2: Technical Bid form ............................................................................................. 85
Form – 3: Format of power-of-attorney ............................................................................. 86
Form – 4: Undertaking....................................................................................................... 87
Form – 5: Deed of Indemnity ............................................................................................. 88
Form –6: Acceptance Certificate ....................................................................................... 91
Form – 7 (a): Performance Bank Guarantee ...................................................................... 92
Form – 7 (b): Format for Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit ............................ 95
Form – 8: Contract Form ................................................................................................... 98
Form – 9: Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria ................................................................... 100
Form – 10 (a): Experience Certificate Format (Migration /Version Upgrade) ................ 102
Form – 10 (b): Experience Certificate Format (Oracle RAC implementation / Data
migration) ........................................................................................................................ 103
Form – 10 (c): Experience Certificate Format (New modules / interfaces
implementation/Integration in Finacle CBS) .................................................................... 104
Form 11 –Format for Project Team Profiles List ............................................................. 105
Form 11a – Format Project Team Profiles (Individual) ................................................... 106
Form 12 – Format for ‘Undertaking from OEM’ ............................................................ 108
Annexure - 2: Commercial bid- Contents and Formats ................................................... 109
Annexure - 3: Service Level Expectations ........................................................................ 116
Annexure - 4: Unconditional Acceptances of the Terms & Conditions of the RFP .......... 117
Annexure - 5: Non-Disclosure Agreement ........................................................................ 118
Annexure - 6: Application Maintenance Support services - Resource Requirement ....... 120
Annexure - 7: Modules to be covered for CBT ................................................................. 122
Annexure - 8: Interfaces Requirements............................................................................ 125
Annexure 9 - Functionalities available in CFS (Custom Finacle 7.x)................................ 127
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Document Control Sheet
Bid document may be downloaded from Bank’s website
Name of the Company
IDBI Bank Limited
Date of issue of RFP
RFP Reference no
Last date and time for submission
of Pre bid queries
Date & time of Pre-Bid Meeting
IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/ 026
Last Date and Time for Receipt/ 16-Feb-2016 @ 3.00 pm
Submission of Bids
Date and Time of Opening of 16-Feb-2016 @ 3.30 pm
Technical Bids
Cost of the Bid Documents (Nonrefundable)
Contact Details
Address for Communication Bid
submission and pre bid meeting
Mode of submission
Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) in the form of
Demand Draft from a Scheduled Bank in favour of ‘IDBI Bank
Limited’, payable at Mumbai.
Rs.50,00,000/-(Rupees Fifty Lakhs only). EMD in the form of
Demand Draft (DD)/Pay Order (PO)/Banker’s Cheque (BC) in
favour of “IDBI Bank Limited” payable at Mumbai.
With an equivalent amount of Bank Guarantee (BG) issued
by a Scheduled commercial Bank (other than IDBI Bank) valid
for 6 Months from the date of opening of the Tender, in lieu
of DD towards EMD as per format given in Annexure 1 (Form
For General Queries:
For Technical Queries:
Mr.M.Ramasamy /
022-3914 8069 / 022-39148335 /
Deputy General Manager (ITD),
IDBI Bank Ltd. At IDBI Intech Ltd.,
Mafatlal Center, 5thfloor,
Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021
One envelope: Technical Bid – Hard copy and soft copy
One envelope: Commercial bid - Hard copy only
Both the envelopes to be enclosed in a Single sealed cover.
1. This tender document is the property of IDBI Bank and it is not transferable.
2. If a holiday is declared on the dates mentioned above, the bids shall be received /opened on the
next working day up to the appointed time/at the same time specified above.
3. This document contains 128 pages.
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
The information contained in this Request for Proposal (“RFP / Bid Document”) or information provided
subsequently to bidder(s) or applicants whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of IDBI
Bank Limited (“IDBI Bank / Bank”), is provided to the bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in
this RFP document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.
This RFP document is not an agreement and is neither an offer. The purpose of this RFP is to provide
applicants who are qualified to submit the bids (“Bidders”) with information to assist them in
formulation of their proposals (“Bids”). This RFP does not claim to contain all the information each
Bidder may require. Each Bidder may conduct its own independent investigations and analysis and is
free to check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this RFP. Bank makes no
representation or warranty, express or implied, and shall incur no liability whatsoever under any law,
statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this RFP. Bank may in its
absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the
information in this RFP.
The information contained in the RFP document is selective and is subject to update, expansion,
revision and amendment. IDBI Bank does not undertake to provide any Bidder with access to any
additional information or to update the information in this RFP or to correct any inaccuracies therein,
which may become apparent. IDBI Bank reserves the right of discretion to change, modify, add to or
alter any or all of the provisions of this RFP and/or the bidding process, without assigning any reasons
whatsoever. Such change will be intimated or made accessible to all Bidders. Any information contained
in this document will be superseded by any later written information on the same subject made
available/accessible to all recipients by IDBI Bank.
IDBI Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the responses to RFPs / Bids received in response to this
RFP at any stage without assigning any reason whatsoever and without being liable for any loss/injury
that Bidder might suffer due to such reason. The decision of IDBI Bank shall be final, conclusive and
binding an all the parties directly or indirectly connected with the bidding process.
It may be noted that notice regarding corrigenda, addendums, amendments, time-extensions,
clarifications, response to bidders’ queries etc., if any to RFP, will not be published through any
advertisement in newspapers or any other media. Prospective bidders shall regularly visit Bank’s
website for any changes / development in relation to this RFP.
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Section1: Introduction
IDBI Bank Limited (“IDBI Bank/IDBI”) is a company incorporated and registered under Companies Act,
1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking company under section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of
1949). IDBI Bank is also a scheduled bank as notified by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 which categorizes IDBI Bank under a new sub group of “other public
sector bank”.
IDBI Bank is engaged in conducting banking business and providing finance to industries and other
category of customers. IDBI Bank with its Registered Office at "IDBI TOWER", WTC Complex, Cuffe
Parade, and Mumbai has a pan-India presence.
As on 31stMarch’2015, IDBI Bank has a network of 1717 Branches and 3000 ATMs across the country
including one overseas office. IDBI Bank (hereinafter referred to as “The Bank”) is pursuing an ambitious
growth plan, which will take it to achieve a greater size in the coming years.
The Bank is having Infosys’s Finacle as its separate instances of Core Banking System for its
India Operations (Retail and Corporate)
Dubai Operations
Commercial Lending (Corporate Finance system)
International financial service centre Banking Unit (IBU)
The Bank is in process of upgrading the existing versions of the Core Banking System to a higher
version Finacle 10.2.15 (Or any latest certified and stable version post 10.2.15 in 10.2 series, here
in after referred as Finacle 10.x ) from the existing Finacle 7.0.25 / 7.4.10 / 7.4.10 of its
India/Dubai / IBU operations respectively. As a part of continuous technology upgrade, to utilize
various new features / technological advancement of the newer version of the CBS and to provide
better and enhanced service to its customers through re-engineering of its existing business
The Bank is also in the process to migrate and merge the existing Corporate Finance System with
the Core Banking system (India Operations) along with Finacle 10.x migration as the new version
of Finacle 10.x is having a module called Commercial Lending. Overview of Corporate Finance
System is provided in Annexure 9.
The Bank invites bids from well qualified vendors for the proposed migration, up gradation and
customizations of Finacle Core Banking System (hereinafter referred to as “CBS”) and
implementation of identified new modules / add-on applications. This document constitutes the
formal Request for Proposal (hereinafter referred to as “RFP”) and is being availed through
floating of RFP to all eligible bidders.
The scope of the upgrade / migration can be enhanced as per requirements of Bank. The Solution
offered must be horizontally scalable to cater to these requirements also. The aim of this project
is listed below:
a. Upgrade/migrate the Core Banking System of India/Dubai/IBU Operations from the current
version of Finacle 7.0.25/7.4.10/7.4.10 respectively to Finacle 10.x
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
IDBI Bank Limited
Indicative Break up for Custom Menu options
Inquiry,Reports,Download options
Calling Interfaces
Upload, workflow and other process related
menu options
Pre / Post load options
Indicative Break up for Custom Scripts
b. Migrate and merge the Corporate Finance System (a separate Finacle Instance with version
7.0.6) with Core Banking System of India Operations in Finacle 10.x under Commercial lending
c. Installation and Implementation of identified new modules in Finacle 10.x.
d. Implementation of Oracle – Real Application Clusters (Oracle-RAC) solution in Finacle
production Database at DC and DR to achieve better scalability and availability at Database
e. Provide business continuity by making available the necessary setup at ‘Near DR’ (here in
after referred as ‘NDR’) and DR.
Provide necessary training to the Bank’s team on the new version of Finacle (Finacle 10.x)
along with the identified new add-on modules and also provide a training schedule and
furnish training details as per the RFP requirements for training to the users of the bank as
per Section – 5 (2.1.5: Functional and Technical Training and 2.7: End User Training).
Eligibility Criteria / Preliminary Examination
The prospective Bidders should fulfill the respective pre-qualifications mentioned below; otherwise
their Bids will not be considered valid for the Bid evaluation process and will be summarily rejected.
The Bidders should submit all the supporting documents in the Bidder’s eligibility proof. In the absence
of such documentary evidences, Bid will be rejected without any further correspondence. In case of
consortium, the Prime Bidder should fulfill all the Eligibility criteria.
The decision of the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on all the parties.
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Bidder should be a corporate body and company registered in India with an established setup in
India. (Proof of same needs to be submitted)
Bidder should be an IT services company in the business of System integration for a period
exceeding five years as on 31stMarch 2015.
Bidder should have minimum annual turnover of Rs.100 crores or above for the past three
financial years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15.
Bidder should have made positive net worth for the past three financial years (FY2012-13,
FY2013-14 and FY2014-15). The relevant documents including Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss
Account/Certificate from Statutory Auditors certifying the financials are to be submitted as part
of the proposal.
Bidder should have all necessary licenses, permissions, consents, no objections, approvals as
required under law for carrying out its business.
Bidder should have successfully completed within last 10 years at least in two Banks end-to-end
implementation of Finacle CBS (or) migration from legacy systems to Finacle CBS (or) version
upgrade /migration of Finacle CBS from version (7.x to 10.x) (hereafter referred as “version
migration”) in banks in India with a minimum of 500 branches. At least one should be an end to
end implementation of Finacle CBS. (Proof from the concerned bank in their letter head has to
be submitted)
Bidder should have successfully completed at least one implementation / migration of Oracle
Real application clustering (RAC) in any Bank with database size of 1 TB or more.
Bidder should have at least 10 trained resources with experience in implementation of Finacle
CBS and integration of Finacle with peripheral systems like Net banking, Loan origination
System, Payment Systems, Document Management System, Cheque Truncation System,
Treasury System etc. The necessary profiles needs to be provided as per annexure (Team
Profile). The Bank has a right to interview and reject resources deployed by the Bidder.
Bidder should have a valid and existing SEI CMMi level 5 Certification and should ensure that
the certification is valid during the entire tenure of the project.
The bidder can make consortium but cannot sub-contract the job to any other company or firm
and the implementation for the Bank must be done by the employees of the consortium
members only. Consortium agreement to be shared with the Bank clearly specifying the roles
and responsibilities and services rendered. Prime bidder will be sole responsible for the entire
The bidder must comply with government’s rules and regulations like minimum wages act,
Provident fund and ESIC facility standard. (Proof of compliance and labour license needs to be
submitted along with the quotation)
The bidder should not have been blacklisted by any Govt. organizations / PSU / PSB / PSE in
India for breach of any law or violation of any regulatory prescriptions or breach of agreement
for the last 10 years.
The bidder should have Teaming Agreement with OEM, which is mandatory and it should be as
per role of OEM defined in the RFP (Annexure 1 – Form 12).
For Eligibility criteria and Technical evaluation, the credentials of parent company will also be
considered, in case the business is hived off to a new entity as a subsidiary or a separate
company as per the scheme of arrangements approved under the applicable laws.
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Prime bidder / bidder must comply with all the above-mentioned criteria as specified above and
more elaborately described in Annexure I (Contents and format of Technical Bid). Noncompliance of any of the criteria can entail rejection of the offer.
Photocopies of relevant documents / certificates should be submitted as proof in support of the
claims made for each of the above-mentioned criteria and as and when the Bank decides,
originals / certified copies should be shown for verification purpose. The Bank reserves the right
to verify / evaluate the claims made by the bidder independently.
Any deliberate misrepresentation will entail rejection of the offer ab-initio.
Terminologies and Abbreviations
After Business Hours
Annual Maintenance Contract
Application Program Interface
Annual Technical Support
Banking and Financial Sector Institutions
Business Process Definition
Core Banking System
Computer Based Training
Central Clearing Unit
Corporate Finance System
Central Processing Unit
Current System Study
Data Centre
Disaster Recovery site
Detailed Requirement Gathering
Earnest Money Deposit
Information and Communication Technology
Intellectual Property Rights
International Standard Organization
Instruction to Bidder
Management Information Systems
Original Equipment Manufacturer
Oracle RAC
Oracle Real Application Clusters
Near Disaster Recovery site
Public Sector Bank
Public Sector Enterprises
Public Sector Unit
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Retail Asset Centre
Request for Proposal
Regional Processing Unit
Software Requirement Specification
System Integrated Testing
User Acceptance Testing
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
IDBI Bank Limited
Section 2: Invitation for bids
Invitation for Bids
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite proposals from eligible Bidders for Migration/ version
upgrade of the Core Banking solution “Finacle” of the Bank from the current version/s to the newer
version 10.2.15 or any certified higher version along with “Corporate Finance System” migration, Oracle
RAC implementation/migration and new modules implementation. Sealed offers / Bids (Bid) prepared
in accordance with this RFP should be submitted to, Deputy General Manager – ITD, IDBI Bank Ltd., C/o
IDBI Intech Ltd., Mafatlal Center, 5th floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021.
Due Diligence
The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in this RFP and study
the RFP document carefully. Bid shall be deemed to have been submitted after careful study and
examination of this RFP with full understanding of its implications. The Bid should be precise, complete
and in the prescribed format as per the requirement of this RFP. Failure to furnish all information
required by this RFP or submission of a Bid not responsive to this RFP in each and every respect will be
at the Bidder’s own risk and may result in rejection of the Bid and for which the Bank shall not be held
Cost of Bidding
The Bidder shall bear all costs and expenses associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid
and the Bank shall in no case be held responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process including cancellation or abandonment or annulment of the bidding
Cost of RFP / Bid document
Cost of RFP / Bid document is Rs 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only). The prospective Bidder is
required to pay the prescribed amount in the form of Demand Draft or pay order in favour of ‘IDBI Bank
Limited’, payable at Mumbai, at the time of purchasing the RFP / Bid Document. In case, the Bid / RFP
Documents are downloaded from the Internet (The Bank’s web-site); the prescribed amount towards
the cost of Bid Document should be paid along with the submission of the Bid response. Bids without
the payment of amount towards the cost of Bid Document shall be rejected. The Cost of RFP / Bid
document is non-refundable.
Content of Bidding / RFP Document
The major requirements, bidding procedures and General Terms and Conditions are prescribed in the
RFP documents. The RFP document includes:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Annexure – 1
Annexure – 2
: Introduction
: Invitation for Bids
: Instructions to Bidders
: Terms and Conditions of the RFP
: Scope of Work
: Functionality and Architectural Details
: Technical Details required from Bidder
: Bidder Information
: Contents and Formats of Technical Bid
: Contents and Formats of Commercial Bid
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IDBI Bank Limited
Annexure – 3
Annexure – 4
Annexure – 5
Annexure – 6
Annexure – 7
Annexure - 8
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
: Service Level Expectations.
: Unconditional acceptance of the terms of the RFP.
: Non-Disclosure Agreement
: Application Maintenance Support Services Resource Requirement
: Modules /Menus to be covered for CBT.
: Interfaces Requirements.
Clarification of Bidding Documents
A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of this RFP may notify the Bank in writing vide-mail. The
following personnel may be contacted for these purposes.
Name of the officer
Ms. Tasnim Bano
Bid related queries
Mr. M. Ramasamy
Mr. K. Annamalai
Technical Queries
Contact Particulars
022 – 6198 6919
022 – 3914 8069
022 – 3914 8335
The Bank shall respond in writing vide E-Mail / Letter / Fax to any request for clarification on the bidding
documents, from the prospective Bidders, which it receives not later than the date specified in Schedule
of Activity. Further, The Bank will respond vide E-Mail / Letter / Fax, to all clarifications, without
identifying the source of the inquiry. The Bank shall not be responsible for any external agency delays in
above communication.
Amendment of Bid Document / RFP Document
The Bank reserves the right in its sole discretion of inclusion of any addendum to this entire Bid
process. The Bidders shall not claim as a right for requiring the Bank to do the aforesaid.
At any time before the deadline for submission of Bids / offers, the Bank may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by prospective Bidders,
modify this RFP / Bid Document and all such modifications shall be binding on them.
All prospective Bidders who have received this RFP shall be notified about the amendment in
writing vide e-mail or fax or post or the same may be hosted on the Bank’s website
(, and all such amendments shall be binding on them.
If required in order to allow prospective Bidders reasonable time in which they need to take the
amendment into account in preparing their Bids, the Bank at its sole discretion reserves the
rights to extend the deadline for the submission of Bids. However, no request from the Bidder,
shall be binding on the Bank for the same. The Bank’s decision in this regard shall be final,
conclusive and binding on all the Bidders.
Any attempt by the Bidders to visit or meet officials of the Bank in connection with or incidental
to the Bid process, shall be construed by the Bank as an unlawful attempt by the prospective
Bidder, to influence the RFP / Bid process and may invite disqualification from bidding. Only one
authorized representative of each bidder would be permitted to visit for submitting the RFP
Document or when called by the Bank.
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Section 3: Instruction to Bidders (ITB)
Preparation of Bids
1. Language of Bid
The Bid prepared by Bidders, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid
exchanged by the Bidders and the Bank shall be in English only.
2. Clarifications on bid Document / RFP
Before bidding, the Bidders are requested to carefully examine the Bid Documents and the terms and
conditions specified therein, and if there appears to be any ambiguity, contradictions, gap(s) and / or
discrepancy between any of the Bid Documents, they should forthwith refer the matter in writing to the
Bank for necessary clarifications within the specified time. The Bank's decision in this regard shall be
final, conclusive and binding on all the bidders or offers.
3. Documents constituting the Bid
The Bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components. The Bids not conforming to
the requirements as stated herein below shall be summarily rejected.
Technical Bid
3.1.1 Refer Annexure 1 for the Technical Bid contents and formats.
3.1.2 Please note that no price schedule should be indicated in the Technical Bid and shall
only be quoted in the Commercial Bid.
Commercial / Financial Bid
3.2.1 Refer Annexure 2 for the contents and formats of Commercial Bid.
3.2.2 The Bidders shall quote price in clear terms. Break up should abide by the Format for
Commercial Bid described in Annexure 2 and Annexure -2(a).
The Bidders cannot quote for the Service(s) in part.
All prices shall be for delivery of Service(s) to the Bank exclusive of taxes up to the satisfaction
of the Bank or the Bank’s representatives. However the Bidder needs to mention the taxes applicable in
the commercial bid. The aggregated prices should be quoted in figures as well as in words. In case of
discrepancies between prices written in words and prices written in figures, the prices written in words
shall be considered to be correct.
The Financial Bids should strictly conform to the formats to enable evaluation of the Bids and
special care may be taken that the Bids having any hidden costs or conditional costs will be liable for
straight rejection.
The price components furnished by the Bidders will be solely for the purpose of
the evaluation of Bids by the Bank and will not in any way limit the Bank’s right to negotiate the
Contract on any of the terms offered.
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Prices quoted by the Bidders shall remain fixed during the entire Contract period and no
increase of rates including that on account of cost escalation will be allowed under any circumstances.
No open-ended Bid shall be entertained and the same is liable to rejection straightway. However, in
case of reduction of prices due to technological obsolescence/change of product model or such other
similar reasons, the Bidder shall pass on the price benefit to the Bank. Nevertheless, it shall always be
the duty of the Bidder to use the best and latest technology while performing its duties under the
The price quoted must be exclusive of all taxes. The service tax, if applicable, will be paid on
actual. Other applicable tax would be deducted at source, if any, as per prevailing rates.
4. Bid Currencies
Prices shall be quoted in Indian National Rupee (INR).
5. Bid Security (EMD)
Amount of Bid Security (EMD)
The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, a Bid Security (EMD) amount of Rs.50,00,000/-(Rupees Fifty
Lakhs only) in the form of Demand Draft / Bankers’ Cheque/ Pay order drawn in favor of “IDBI Bank
Limited” payable at Mumbai.
With an equivalent amount of Bank Guarantee (BG) issued by a Scheduled commercial Bank (other than
IDBI Bank) in lieu of DD towards EMD as per format given in Annexure 1 (Form –7(b)).The Bank
Guarantee should be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of opening of the Tender with a claim
period of 3 months and renewal thereafter till the finalization of the successful vendor.
The EMD must accompany the Technical Bid. The Bid security / EMD shall not bear any interest.
Requirement of Bid Security (EMD)
The Bid Security is required to protect the Bank against the risk of Bidder’s conduct, which would
warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to Clause 5.6 hereof.
Rejection of Bid
Any Bid not accompanied by the EMD as mentioned above, shall be rejected by the Bank, without any
further correspondence, as non-responsive.
Discharge of Bid Security of Unsuccessful Bidder
In the case of unsuccessful Bidder or decision to abandon the Bid process, the Bid Security will be
discharged / returned / refunded without any interest payment within 30 (Thirty) days after the
conclusion of the contract, to all the Bidders, who participated in the Bid process.
Discharge of Bid Security / EMD of Successful Bidder
The successful Bidder’s Bid Security amount will be discharged upon the Bidder signing the contract and
furnishing of the performance security and other guarantee(s) / security in the form and manner to the
satisfaction of the Bank, within the stipulated time.
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Forfeiture of Bid Security
The Bid Security shall be forfeited:
If a Bidder withdraws his Bid during the Bid validity period; or
If a Bidder makes any statement or encloses any form or document which turns out to
be false, incorrect and / or misleading at any time prior to signing of contract and / or
conceals or suppresses any material information; or
If the successful Bidder fails to sign the contract or furnish performance security and
other guarantee(s) / security in the form and manner to the satisfaction of the Bank, as
mentioned in the Bid Documents; or
In the event of any evasion, avoidance, refusal or delay on the part of the Bidder to sign
and execute any document, as may be required by the Bank.
Any decision in this regard by the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on the
6. Period of Validity of Bids
Validity Period
Bids shall remain valid for 90 (ninety) days after the date of Bid opening prescribed by the Bank. The
Bank reserves the rights to reject a Bid, valid for a period shorter than 90 days as non-responsive,
without any correspondence. Any decision in this regard by the Bank shall be final, conclusive and
binding on the Bidders.
Extension of Period of Validity
In exceptional circumstances, the Bank may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the validity
period. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. Extension of validity period by
the Bidder should be unconditional and irrevocable. The Bid Security provided shall also be suitably
extended. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting the Bid Security. A Bidder granting the
request will not be permitted to modify its Bid. Any decision in this regard by the Bank shall be final,
conclusive and binding on the Bidders.
7. Format and Signing of Bid
Number of copies of Bid
The Bidders shall prepare one Technical Bid, clearly marking "Technical Bid". Similarly, Bidders shall
prepare one Commercial Bid, clearly marking "Commercial Bid”. The copy of Technical Bid should also
be submitted in soft copy (CD/DVD) clearly marked as “Technical Bid- soft copy”.
b) Authentication of Bid
The Bids shall be type written and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the
Bidder to the Contract. The letter of authorization (in original) shall be supported by a written power-ofattorney, Refer to Annexure 1
(Form-3) accompanying the Bid. The person or persons signing the
Bid shall initial all pages of the Bid, except for the un-amended printed literature.
Validation of interlineations in Bid
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Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if the person or persons signing the Bid
(POA holder) have authenticated the same with signature.
The deficiency in documentation may result in the outright rejection of the Bid and the Bank shall not
be liable for the same in any manner whatsoever. Any decision in this regard by the Bank shall be final,
conclusive and binding on the Bidders.
8. Revelation of prices
Rate / Price in any form or for any reason should not be revealed before opening the Bid, failing
which the offer / Bid shall be liable to be summarily rejected. If price change is envisaged due to any
clarification(s), revised Bid in a separate sealed cover shall be submitted with prior written
permission of the Bank.
9. Sealing and marking of Bids
Enclosing of Bid
The Technical Bid (hard copy and Soft copy) shall be placed in a separate sealed
envelope clearly marked as "Finacle 10.x Migration for IDBI Bank - Technical Bid”.
(Envelope A)
The Commercial Bid shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope clearly marked as
“Finacle 10.x Migration for IDBI Bank – Commercial Bid (Prices only) – Do not open
with Technical Bid ". (Envelope B)
Both the envelopes carrying Technical Bid (envelope A) and Commercial Bid (envelope
B) should be put in a single sealed cover. The cover should be marked as “Bid for
Finacle 10.x Migration for IDBI Bank”
Bid Cover shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the Bid to be
returned unopened in case it is declared "late" i.e. it is not submitted by the Bidder
within the period stipulated for submission of the Bids.
No indications pertaining to price or financial or commercial terms should be made on
the envelopes.
Mailing Address for Bids
Bid shall be addressed to the Bank at the following address:
IDBI Bank Ltd.
Deputy General Manager – ITD
Mafatlal Center, 5thFloor,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai –400021
Responsibility of the Bank
If the cover is not sealed and marked as required, the Bank will assume no responsibility for the Bid’s
misplacement or premature opening.
10. Rejection of Bids
The Bid has to be submitted in the form of a printed document only. The Bids submitted by telex,
fax or email Bids shall not be entertained.
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Any condition put forth by the Bidders which are non-conforming to the Bid requirements, shall
not be entertained at all and such Bid shall be rejected. Any decision in this regard by the Bank
shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidders.
11. Deadline for Submission of Bids
Last date for Submission
The Bids (both Technical and Commercial) must be received by the Bank, at the address
specified, not later than the date specified in the Schedule of Events. In the event of the
specified date for the submission of Bids being declared a holiday for the Bank, the Bids will be
received up to the appointed time on the next working day.
Extension for Last date for Submission
The Bank may, at its own discretion, extend the period for submission of Bids by amending the
Bid documents/RFP, in which case all rights and obligations of the Bank and Bidders shall stand
extended. However no request for extension of time from the Bidders shall be binding upon the
12. Late Bids
Any Bid received by the Bank after the deadline for submission of Bids prescribed by the Bank,
will be summarily rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. The Bank shall not be
responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt / non-delivery of the documents. The Bank's
decision shall be final, conclusive and binding on the affected parties. No further
correspondence on this subject will be entertained by the Bank.
13. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids
Written Notice
The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid’s submission, provided that the Bank
receives written notice of the modification or withdrawal, before the expiration of deadline
prescribed for submission of Bids.
Signing and Marking of Notice
The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and delivered
in accordance with the procedure set-out for submission of Bids and shall be placed in an
envelope marked as “MODIFICATION” or “WITHDRAWAL” as appropriate. A duly signed
withdrawal notice may also be sent by fax or post so as to reach the designated office before
the expiration of deadline for submission of Bids.
Last Date for Notice
No Bid may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of Bids. No Bid may be
withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bids and the expiration of
period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form. Withdrawal of a Bid during this
interval may result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its Bid Security.
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Bid Opening and Evaluation of Bids
14. Opening of Bids
The Bank will open all Technical Bids, in the presence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to
attend the Technical Bid opening at IDBI Bank Ltd., Mafatlal Center, 5th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai
– 400021. Bidder's representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. In
the event of the specified date of Bid opening being declared a holiday for the Bank, the Bids shall be
opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day.
14.1 On Completion of the evaluation of Technical bid, the envelope containing the Commercial
offers of all eligible Bidders would be opened. The format for quoting commercial bid is set out in
Annexure - 2. The commercial offer should consist of comprehensive Cost for required solution. Bidder
must provide detailed cost breakdown, for each and every category mentioned in the commercial bid.
14.2 Any effort on the part of bidder to influence bid evaluation process or award of contract may
result in the rejection of the bid.
14.3 Bids that are rejected during the Bid opening process shall not be considered for further
evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances.
15. Clarification of Bids
During evaluation of Bids, the Bank may, at its discretion, when deemed necessary, ask the Bidder
for a clarification of its Bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. If the
response to the clarification is not received before the date as may be specified by the Bank in this
regard, the Bank reserves the right to make its own reasonable assumptions at the total risk and
cost of the Bidder.
16. Rectification of Errors
Decision as to any arithmetical error, manifest or otherwise in response to Bid Document / RFP shall
be decided at the sole discretion of the Bank and shall be binding on the Bidder. Any decision of the
Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder.
17. Rejection / Acceptance of Bid
The Bank reserves the right to accept any Bid and to annul or abandon the Bid process and / or
reject in part or full any or all the Bids at any time prior to award of contract / Bid, without assigning
any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability whatsoever to the affected
Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidders of the grounds for the Bank’s action. Any
action / decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder.
18. Cancellation of Bid
The Bank reserves the right to cancel, annul or abandon the entire Bid process in case of any
anomaly, irregularity or discrepancy or for any other reasons or otherwise without thereby incurring
any liability whatsoever to the affected Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidders of
the grounds for the Bank’s action. The Bank shall not be bound to give any reasons or explain the
rationale for its actions / decisions to annul or abandon or cancel the bid process. Any action /
decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder. The Bank
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further reserves the right to re-issue / re-commence the bid or circulate new RFP altogether on the
subject matter or any activity or part thereof concerning thereto. Any decision of the Bank in this
regard shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder.
19. Evaluation and comparison of Bids
Preliminary check
19.1.1 The RFP document will not be construed as any contract or arrangement which may
result from the issue of this RFP document or any investigation or review carried out by any
Bidder. The Bidder acknowledges by submitting their response to this RFP document that it has
not relied on any information, representation, or warranty given in this RFP document.
19.1.2 The Bids will be examined by the Bank to determine whether they are complete in all
respects. A Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected. The Bank may, at its
discretion waive any minor non-conformity or irregularity in a Bid which does not constitute a
material deviation.
19.1.3 After preliminary examinations and / or opening of the Technical Bids, some or all of the
Bidders may be asked to make presentation / demo of the solution / services offered by them.
19.1.4 The evaluation will be a four-phase process:
Phase 1 – Eligibility Criteria Evaluation
Phase 2 – Technical Proposal Evaluation
Phase 3 – Commercial Bid Evaluation
Phase 4 – Weighted Evaluation
19.1.5 The evaluation of the bids will be conducted by the Bank for the purpose of selection of
the successful bidder.
19.1.6 The Bank may, in its absolute discretion, apply whatever criteria it deems appropriate in
the selection of vendor, not limited to those selection criteria set out in this RFP document.
Bid evaluation methodology that the Bank would adopt is as given below:
1) Phase 1-Eligibility Criteria Evaluation:
The bidder needs to comply with all the eligibility criteria mentioned in “Annexure 1 (Form 1(b) –
Eligibility Criteria”. Non-compliance by the Bidder to any of these criteria shall result in outright
rejection of the Bidder’s proposal. The Bidder is expected to provide proof in line with the details
mentioned in “Annexure 1 (Form 1(b)) – Format for Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria”.
Any credential detail mentioned in “Annexure 1 (Form 1(b)) – Format for Evaluation of Eligibility
Criteria” that is not accompanied by relevant proof documents will not be considered for evaluation. All
credential letters should be as per format specified in “Annexure 1 (Form 10 (a), 10 (b) &10 (c)) –
Experience Format”.
There will be no scoring involved in the Eligibility Bid evaluation.
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The decision of the Bank would be final and binding on all the Bidders to this document. The Bank may
accept or reject an offer without assigning any reason what so ever.
The technical and commercial bid documents of the non-qualified Bidder(s) will be retained by the
2) Phase 2 – Technical Proposal Evaluation:
The Technical Bid should necessarily contain all Technical details and other terms and condition
of RFP e.g.:
Bidder's proposal should conform to the contents and format of the technical bid listed
out Annexure -1 in the RFP.
Proposals not conforming to the specifications may be rejected summarily. Any
incomplete or ambiguous terms/conditions will disqualify the offer.
The Technical Bid / Scope of the Work submitted by the Bidder will be evaluated based on
the terms and conditions of the RFP. Detailed technical evaluation will include, scrutiny of
company profile (as mentioned in Section 8, Part 1) and technical information submitted
as per format (Annexure 1), proposed service solution, reference calls and site visits.
The various parameters for technical evaluation and their weightages are given in the
table below. The Bank may add/remove any relevant criteria for evaluating the proposals
received in response to this RFP at the sole discretion and determination of the Bank.
The Bidders meeting the eligibility criteria as laid out in “Annexure 1 (Form 1(c) –
Fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria” only would be short listed for the Phase 2 – Technical
Proposal Evaluation as per ”Annexure 1(Form 9): Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria”.
This evaluation will be carried out on the basis of the following evaluation parameters
defined in this section.
The evaluation methodology is further split into sub areas as under:
Proposal Bid Evaluation
Manpower Resources
Maximum Technical Proposal Bid Evaluation Score
Sub Scores
3) Phase 3 - Commercial Bid Evaluation
The Bidders scoring a minimum of 60% score based on the detailed evaluation in Phase 2 – Technical
Proposal Evaluation, would be qualified and short listed for the Phase 3 – Commercial Bid Evaluation.
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The evaluation of the Commercial Bids will be done on the total cost of ownership (TCO) as mentioned
in Annexure 2 (Contents and Format of Commercial Bid).
4) Phase 4 - Weighted Evaluation
The evaluation of the response to this RFP will be calculated on a 70-30 Techno-Commercial evaluation
A comprehensive “Score (S)” will be arrived at after considering the commercial quote and the marks
obtained in technical evaluation with relative weights of 30% for commercials and 70% for technical.
The Bidder with the highest score will be declared successful. However, Bank, at its sole discretion, may
award the Contract to next highest scorer or any other Bidder, which will be binding on all the Bidders.
Computation Methodology for arriving at “successful Quote”:
A ‟Score (S) ‟ will be calculated for all qualified bidders using the following formula:
Commercial score (CS)
Technical score (TS)
Clow X 30
T X 0.7
Final score (S)
S. N
- The lowest commercial bid.
- Commercial quote of the bidder.
- The marks obtained by the bidder as per the technical evaluation.
Score - (T)
Commercial Quote CS =(Clow TS = T *.70
in Rs. (C)
*30 )/C
Bidder 3
In the above example, Bidder 2, with the highest score becomes the successful TC1 bidder.
Bank reserves the right to negotiate the price with the successful bidder before awarding the contract.
The Bank's decision in respect to evaluation methodology will be final and binding and no claims
whatsoever in this respect will be entertained.
The Bank also reserves the right to re-issue / re-commence / cancel the Bid/Bid process. Any decision in
this regard by the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidders.
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20. Contacting IDBI Bank
a) Contact by Writing
No Bidder shall contact the Bank on any matter relating to its Bid, from the time of the Bid opening to
the time the Contract is awarded. If the Bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of
the Bank, it should be done in writing.
b) Rejection of Bid
Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Bank in its decisions on Bid evaluation, Bid comparison or
Contract award may result in rejection of the Bidder’s Bid and forfeiture of its Bid Security.
Award of Contract
21. The Bank’s right to accept any Bid and to reject any Bid or all Bids.
The Bank shall however not bind itself to accept the best Bid or any Bid and reserves the right to accept
any Bid, wholly or in part. The Bank reserves rights to annul the Bidding process and reject all Bids at
any time before the award of Contract at its sole discretion, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected Bidder or Bidders.
22. Notification of acceptance of Bid
a) Notification to Bidder
Before the expiry of the period of validity of the proposal, The Bank shall notify the successful
Bidder (TC1) in writing by registered letter or by fax or by hand-delivery, that its Bid has been
accepted. The Bidder shall acknowledge in writing receipt of the notification of acceptance and has
to convey his absolute, unconditional and unqualified acceptance and thereafter enter into
Agreement / Contract within seven (7) days from the date of acceptance.
b) Signing of Contract
Signing of the Contract shall follow the notification of the acceptance. However, the Bank may
negotiate certain terms with successful Bidder before signing of the Contract. The Bidder should
sign the Contract Form, Refer Annexure-1 (Form-8) the signing of Contract will amount to award of
contract and Bidder will initiate the execution of the work as specified in the Contract.
The signing of contract shall be completed within 7 days of receipt of notification of the acceptance
of bid.
c) Discharge of Bid Security (EMD)
Upon the successful bidder signing the Contract / Agreement, the Bank shall advise the bidder to
provide performance guarantee as to the satisfaction of the Bank. EMD of successful Bidder shall be
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discharged on the Successful Bidder signing the Contract / Agreement and upon furnishing the
Performance Security. The Bid Security to unsuccessful bidders shall be discharged after the Bid
validity period. The Bid security / EMD shall not bear any interest.
d) Performance Bank Guarantee
i. Within 15 days of signing the contract by the Bank, the successful Bidder shall furnish the
Performance Bank Guarantee as per the format provided in Annexure-1 (Form-7). The
Performance Bank Guarantee furnished by the Bidder shall be unconditional and irrevocable.
ii. The value of the Performance Bank Guarantee will be 10% of the total contract value.
iii. The Performance Security / Performance Bank Guarantee shall be denominated in
Indian Rupees [INR] and shall be issued by a scheduled commercial Bank.
iv. The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to the Bank as compensation, interalia, for any loss or damage resulting from the Bidder’s failure to complete its obligations under
and in accordance with the Contract.
v. The Performance Bank Guarantee should be valid till 3 years from the project commencement,
with 90 (ninety) days claim period from the date of the expiry of the validity period.
vi. Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirement of the Performance Bank
Guarantee shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of
the Bid Security, in which event the Bank, at its sole discretion, may award the Contract to the
next best evaluated bidder or any other bidder or call for new Bids. Any decision in this regard by
the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder.
vii. The Performance Security will be discharged by the Bank and returned to the Vendor after 90
(ninety) days from the expiry as mention in clause (v) above.
e) Expenses for the Contract
All costs and expenses (including stamp duty, etc.) in connection with or incidental to the execution of
Agreement / Contract shall be borne by the successful Bidder.
f) Failure to abide by the Agreement / Contract
The conditions stipulated in the Agreement / Contract shall be strictly adhered to and any
Breach / violation thereof will entail termination of the Contract without prejudice to the other rights of
the Bank including recovery of penalties as specified in this RFP or Agreement / Contract.
g) Annulment of Award
Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of this RFP shall constitute sufficient
ground for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security, in which event the Bank may
at its sole discretion, make the award to the next best evaluated bidder or any other bidder or call for
new Bids.
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1. Definitions
In the Contract, the following terms shall have the following meanings and shall be interpreted
a) "The Contract/Agreement" means the agreement to be entered into between the Bank and the
Bidder as recorded in the Contract Form duly signed by the Parties, including all annexure,
schedules, exhibits, supplements, appendices, amendments, revisions, notations and modifications
thereof for supply and implementation of software and provide / carry out the Service(s) of Vendor,
as indicated / spelt out in Scope of Work to be performed in compliance with the service level
requirements and standard of performance
b) "IDBI" or “The Purchaser” means the IDBI Bank Limited including its successors and assigns.
c) “Bidder" or "Contractor” or "Vendor" means any person / persons / firm / company, etc., to
whom work has been awarded and whose bid has been accepted by the Bank and shall include
its authorized representatives and successors.
d) "The Contract Price" means the price / compensation payable to the Vendor / Bidder under and
in accordance with the Contract for the due performance and observance of its contractual
obligations under and in accordance with the Contract.
e) "Service(s)" means all the services as specified in Scope of Work to be performed in compliance
with the service level requirements and standard of performance, which the Vendor / Bidder is
required to provide and/or procure for the Purchaser / IDBI under and in accordance with the
“Warranty Period” means the period of 3 months commencing from the date of successful
completion of Migration as mentioned in the Acceptance Certificate issued by Purchaser / IDBI.
g) "System" means Core Banking System – Finacle.
h) “Acceptance of Bid” means the letter / fax or any memorandum communicating to the Bidder
the acceptance of his Bid
“Acceptance Certificate” means certificate issued as per Annexure 1 (Form 6) on successful
completion of acceptability test, receipt of deliverables, etc, and after the Bank (which shall not
be deemed to be an obligation on the Bank) is satisfied with the working of the System. The
date on which such Certificate is signed shall be deemed to be the date of successful
Commissioning of the Systems.
“Business Day” means any day that is not a Sunday or a public holiday (as per the official
holidays observed by the Bank).
k) "Confidential Information" means, (i) intellectual property information; (ii) technical or business
information or material not covered in (i); (iii) proprietary or internal information related to the
current, future and proposed products or services of the Parties including, financial information,
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process / flow charts, business models, designs, drawings, data information related to products
and services, procurement requirements, purchasing, customers, investors, employees,
business and contractual relationships, business forecasts, business plans and strategies,
information the Parties provide regarding third parties; (iv) information disclosed pursuant to
this Contract and (v) all such other information which by its nature or the circumstances of its
disclosure is confidential.
“Commissioning” means the successful installation and migration of the System, including
supply, configuration, customization, integration, successful testing of all hardware and
software is executed to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.
m) “Document” means any embodiment of any text or image howsoever recorded and includes
any data, text, images, sound, voice, codes, computer programs, software and / or databases or
microfilm or computer generated microfiche or similar device.
n) “Effective Date” means the date on which this Contract is signed and executed by the Parties
hereto. If this Contract is executed in parts, then the date on which the last of such Contracts is
executed shall be construed to be the Effective Date.
o) “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, design,
trade secret, permit, service marks, brands, propriety information, knowledge, technology,
licenses, databases, computer programs, software, know how or other form of intellectual
property right, title, benefits or interest whether arising before or after the execution of this
Contract and the right to ownership and registration of these rights.
p) “Parties” means the Purchaser / IDBI and the Bidder / Vendor and “Party” means either of the
q) “Site” means the place in which the operations / Service(s) are to be carried out or places
approved by the Purchaser for the purposes of the Contract together with any other places
designated in the Contract as forming part of the Site.
2. Interpretation
In this Contract unless a contrary intention is evident:
a) The clause headings are for convenient reference(s) only and do not form part of this Contract;
b) Unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause number is a reference to all of its sub-clauses;
c) Unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause, sub-clause or section is a reference to a
clause, sub-clause or section of this Contract including any amendments or modifications to the
same from time to time;
d) A word in the singular includes plural and a word in the plural includes singular;
e) A word importing a gender includes any other gender;
A reference to a person includes a partnership and a body corporate;
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g) A reference to legislation includes legislation repealing, replacing or amending that legislation;
h) Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning it includes the appropriate grammatical
forms of that word or phrase which have corresponding meanings;
Reasonability and materiality of "doubt" and "controversy" shall be at the discretion of IDBI.
The words not expressly defined herein shall have meanings ascribed to them in the General
Clauses Act, 1897 and the Information Technology Act, 2000.
3. Conditions Precedent
The Contract is subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions precedent by the Bidder / Vendor.
a) Furnishing of an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (Performance
Security) as mentioned in Section 3(ITB), 22(d): Performance Security as per the format given in
Annexure-1 (Form 7).
b) Execution of a Deed of Indemnity as per format given in Annexure-1 (Form 5).
c) Furnishing solvency certificate and certificate confirming that there are no vigilance or court
cases threatened or pending against the Bidder.
d) Furnishing of such other documents as IDBI / Purchaser may specify, including but not limited to
definitive documents.
e) Obtaining of all statutory, regulatory and other permissions, approvals, consents and noobjections, if any, required under applicable laws or RBI or otherwise for the performance of the
Service(s) under and in accordance with the Contract.
4. Standard of Performance and Service Level Definition and Measurement
In addition to the service level requirements spelt out in Annexure 3, the successful Bidder has to
comply with all below mentioned requirements as well, to ensure adherence to project timelines,
quality and availability of Service(s).
Penalties shall not be levied on the successful Bidder, in case noncompliance to the said requirements
only if the same has been solely due to reasons beyond the control of the Vendor.
Service Level definition
Timeline and Penalty for delay in project implementation:
The Selected Bidder shall be responsible for delivery; implementation and rollout of all the solutions
required under this RFP and also must agree to the time duration specified in Section 5, Clause 9:
Schedule of this document.
In the event of SI‟s failure to deliver and / or implement all required components of a fully functional
system (pertaining to the scope of the project) within the stipulated time schedule or by the date
extended by the Bank, unless such failure is due to reasons entirely attributable to the Bank, it will be a
breach of contract. In such case, the Bank would be entitled to charge a penalty. Penalty will be
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applicable for late delivery of the customized software where 0.5% of ‘cost of the deliverable ’ will be
deducted as penalty per week or part thereof for failure as indicated in the RFP with the maximum
penalty of10% of ‘cost of the contract’.
However, Bank reserve the right to terminate the contract at any time, if the project is not delivered as
per scheduled timelines and Bank will claim entire amount paid to the vendor with simple interest
@18% p.a. along with additional 10%of ‘cost of the contract’, as compensation.
Penalty for downtime for Post implementation:
The Finacle CBS system has to be up for at least 99.50%. The Finacle CBS is deemed to be up if the users
are able to log into the system.
The uptime will be calculated based on 24/7 excluding the planned downtime on monthly basis and
penalty will be charged as specified below:
S. No.
Uptime in percentage (%)
99.50%and above
99.00% to 99.49%
97.00% to 98.99%
95.00% to 96.99%
Below 95.00%
Penalty Charges
1% of Cost of Contract
3% of Cost of Contract
5% of Cost of Contract
10% of Cost of contract
SLA for Software Support
Any software bug identified by Bank / vendor’s service engineer would have to be fixed within the
stipulated time depending upon the criticality of the issue. Refer to Annexure-3 (Service Level
5. Use of Contract Documents and Information
a) The Bidder / Vendor shall treat all documents, information, data and communication of and
with IDBI / the Purchaser as privileged and confidential and shall be bound by the terms and
conditions of the Non-Disclosure Agreement. The Bidder / Vendor shall execute the Non-Disclosure
Agreement, as per Annexure 5 simultaneously at the time of execution of the Contract. The Bidder /
Vendor shall not, without Purchaser's prior written consent, disclose the Contract, or any provision
thereof, or any specification, plan, sample or information or data or drawings / designs furnished by
or on behalf of Purchaser / IDBI in connection therewith, to any person other than a person
employed by the Bidder / Vendor in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such
employed person shall be made in utmost confidence and shall extend only so far as may be
necessary and relevant for purpose of such performance and shall be subject to the terms and
conditions of the Non-Disclosure Agreement.
b) The Bidder / Vendor shall not, without Purchaser's / IDBI's prior written consent, make use of
any document, data or information etc., enumerated in this Bid Documents save and except for due
performance and observance of the Contract.
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c) Any document, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in this Bid Documents shall remain
the property of Purchaser / IDBI and shall be returned (in all copies) to Bidder / Vendor on
completion of the Bidder's / Vendor's performance under and in accordance with the Contract, if so
required by Purchaser / IDBI.
6. Indemnity
The Bidder / Vendor shall execute and furnish to the Purchaser / the Bank, a deed of indemnity in
favour of the Purchaser / the Bank in a form and manner, as given in Annexure 1 (Form -5) and shall
indemnify the Bank against all third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial
design rights arising from use of the Goods, or any part thereof in India.
The Bidder / Vendor shall, at their own expense, defend and indemnify the Bank against all third party
claims or infringement including that on account of intellectual Property Right, including Patent,
trademark, copyright, trade secret or industrial design rights arising from use of the products or any part
thereof in India or abroad.
The Bidder / Vendor shall expeditiously extinguish any such claims and shall have full rights to defend it
there from. If the Bank is required to pay compensation to a third party resulting from such
infringement, the supplier shall be fully responsible for, including all expenses and court and legal fees.
The Bank will give notice to the Bidder / Vendor of any such claim without delay, provide reasonable
assistance to the Bidder / Vendor in disposing of the claim, and shall at no time admit to any liability for
or express any intent to settle the claim.
7. Contract Amendments:
No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made except by written mutual
consent signed by both the Parties i.e. the Vendor / Bidder and the Bank.
8. Delay in the Vendor’s / Bidder’s Performance
Performance of the Contract shall be made by the Vendor / Bidder in accordance with
the time schedule specified by the Bank.
Any delay by the Vendor / Bidder in the performance of its Contractual obligations,
which the Bank shall in its sole discretion may adjudge, shall render the Vendor / Bidder liable to
any or all the following sanctions:
i.Forfeiture of its performance guarantee
ii.Imposition of liquidated damages, and / or
iii.Termination of the Contract for default
If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Vendor / Bidder or its
consortium partners encounter conditions impeding timely completion of the Service(s) under the
Contract and performance of Service(s) / System, the Vendor / Bidder shall promptly notify the
Bank in writing of the fact of the delay, it’s likely duration and its causes. As soon as practicable
after receipt of the Vendor’s / Bidder’s notice, the Bank shall evaluate the situation and may at its
sole discretion extend the Vendor’s / Bidder's time for performance, in which case the extension
shall be ratified by the Parties by amendment of the Contract.
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9. Payment Terms
No advance payment will be provided on awarding the contract.
Payment will be released as per Commercial Bid, refer Annexure-2 and item wise payment
schedule will be as follows:
For easy reference, Item Codes are indicated against each line item specified in Annexure-2.
Payment Schedule (A1 to A5 and B1,B2,B3& B11):
Software, Installation, Configuration, Customization, Implementation and Migration:
10% on completion of installation of new version and CSS
20% on completion of DRG
20% on completion of UAT-1 (Migration)
20% on complete UAT-2
20% on Post ‘Go Live’
10 % on completion of Warranty
Payment Schedule (B5,B9 and B10) :
Computer based training Module / Tool, Data Archival and purging solution and Application
Performance Monitoring Tool
30% on delivery
20% on completion of UAT
40 % on complete Go live
10 % on completion of Warranty
Payment Schedule (B4): After completion of warranty period, Application Maintenance and
Support services will be paid quarterly in arrears, after completion of the quarter.
Payment Schedule (B6): Training
Payment will be released on quarterly basis proportionate to the number of users trained.
Payment Schedule (B7): Go Live Support
100% payment on completion of the successful ‘Go Live Support’ and on the basis of actual deployment
of resources provided in regional centers.
a) Maintenance / Support Stage:
The Vendor’s request(s) for payment shall be made to IDBI in writing (Invoice) accompanied
by Service Level Requirements compliance reports for which payment is being claimed.
All the payments to the Vendor shall be subject to the report of satisfactory
accomplishment of the concerned task, to be submitted by the Project -coordinating team,
as appointed by IDBI for this purpose.
Penalties, if any, on account of liquidated damages and non-compliance of Service Level Requirements,
shall be deducted from the invoice value. Further, the Purchaser / IDBI Bank shall be entitled to make
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adjustment in the payment of price, in the event of levying liquidated damages on the Vendor / Bidder
in the manner set-out in the Bid Documents.
10. Liquidated Damages
a) If the Vendor fails to deliver any or all of the Service(s) / Systems or perform the Services within
the time period(s) specified in the Contract / Agreement / fails to meet the Service Level
Requirements, IDBI / Purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies under
and in accordance with the Contract / Agreement, deduct from the Contract price, as liquidated
damages, a sum equivalent to 0.50% per week or part thereof of cost of the contract subject to
maximum deduction of 10% of ‘cost of the contract’ of the delayed Service(s) or unperformed
Service(s). However, Bank reserve the right to terminate the contract at any time, if the project
is not delivered as per scheduled timelines and Bank will claim entire amount paid to the vendor
with simple interest @18% p.a. along with additional 10% of ‘cost of the contract’, as
b) If the Vendor fails to complete the entire works / Service(s) before the scheduled completion
date or the extended date or if the Vendor repudiates the Contract before completion of the
Services, IDBI / the Purchaser may without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to
IDBI / the Purchaser as under the Contract recover from the Vendor, as ascertained and agreed
liquidated damages and not by way of penalty:
c) For the purpose of liquidated damages scheduled completion date will be taken as date of
issuance of Acceptance Certificate / Commissioning.
d) IDBI / the Purchaser may without prejudice to its right to effect recovery by any other method,
deduct the amount of liquidated damages from any money belonging to the Vendor in its hands
(which includes IDBI's/ the Purchaser’s right to claim such amount against Vendor's Bank
Guarantee) or which may become due to the Vendor. Any such recovery or liquidated damages
shall not in any way relieve the Vendor from any of its obligations to complete the works /
service(s) or from any other obligations and liabilities under the Contract / Agreement.
11. Resolution of Disputes:
The Parties shall use their best efforts to amicably settle all disputes arising out of or in connection with
the Contract / Agreement in the following manner:
a) The Party raising the dispute shall address to the other Party a notice requesting an amicable
settlement of the dispute within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice.
b) The matter will be referred for negotiation between IDBI / the Purchaser and the Vendor. The
matter shall then be resolved by them and the agreed course of action documented within a
further period of 15 days.
The Parties agree that any dispute between the Parties, which cannot be settled by negotiation in the
manner, described above, may be resolved exclusively by arbitration and such dispute may be
submitted by either party to arbitration within 20 days of the failure of negotiations. Arbitration shall be
held in Mumbai, India and conducted in accordance with the provision of Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. Each Party to the dispute shall appoint
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1 arbitrator each and the two arbitrators shall jointly appoint the third or the presiding arbitrator. The
arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the English language. Subject to the above, the courts of
law at Mumbai alone shall have the jurisdiction in respect of all matters connected with the Contract /
Agreement. The arbitration award shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the Parties and judgment
may be entered thereon, upon the application of either party to a court of competent jurisdiction. Each
Party shall bear the cost of preparing and presenting its case, and the cost of arbitration, including fees
and expenses of the arbitrators, shall be shared equally by the Parties unless the award otherwise
The Vendor shall not be entitled to suspend the Service(s) or the completion of the job, pending
resolution of any disputes between the Parties and shall continue to render the Service(s) in accordance
with the provisions of the Contract / Agreement notwithstanding the existence of any dispute between
the Parties or the subsistence of any arbitration or other proceedings.
The provision under this section survives the Contract / Agreement.
12. ‘NO CLAIM’ Certificate:
The Vendor shall not be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever, against IDBI, under or by virtue of or
arising out of, the Contract / Agreement, nor shall IDBI entertain or consider any such claim, if made by
the Vendor after he has signed a ‘No Claim’ Certificate in favour of IDBI in such forms as shall be
required by IDBI after the works / Service(s) are finally accepted.
13. Survival:
a) Any provision of the Contract / Agreement which, either expressly or by implication, survive the
termination or expiration of the Contract / Agreement, shall be complied with by the Parties
including that of the provisions of indemnity, confidentiality, non-disclosure in the same manner
as if the present Contract / Agreement is valid and in force and effect.
b) The provisions of the clauses of the Contract / Agreement in relation to Documents, data,
processes, property, Intellectual Property Rights, indemnity, publicity and confidentiality and
ownership survive the expiry or termination of the Contract / Agreement and in relation to
confidentiality, the obligations continue to apply unless IDBI / the Purchaser notifies the Vendor
of its release from those obligations.
14. No Agency:
The Service(s) of the Vendor herein shall not be construed as any agency of IDBI / the Purchaser and
there shall be no principal agency relationship between IDBI and the Vendor in this regard
15. No Set-off, counter-claim and cross claims:
In case the Vendor / Bidder has any other business relationship with IDBI / the Purchaser, no right of
set-off, counter-claim and cross-claim and or otherwise will be available under this Contract /
Agreement to the Vendor / Bidder for any payments receivable under and in accordance with that
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16. Key Performance Measurements:
Unless specified by IDBI / the Purchaser to the contrary (in writing), the Vendor / Bidder shall perform
the Service(s) and carry out the Service(s) under and in accordance with the terms of the Contract /
17. Commencement and Progress:
The Vendor / Bidder shall proceed to carry out the Service(s) with diligence and care in accordance with
any stipulation as to the time, manner, mode, and method of execution contained in the Contract /
Agreement and shall meet the standards of good industry practice.
18. Statutory Requirements:
During the tenure of the Contract / Agreement nothing shall be done by the Vendor / Bidder in
contravention of any law, act and / or rules / regulations, there under or any amendment thereof
governing inter-alia customs, foreign exchange, etc., and shall keep IDBI / the Purchaser, its directors,
officers, employees, representatives, agents and consultants indemnified in this regard. The Vendor /
Bidder shall procure any further approvals, consents as may be deemed necessary due to change in the
applicable law or regulatory framework or any other reason. The Vendor / Bidder shall maintain
accounts and relevant records as per the requirements of Reserve Bank of India Master Circular on
19. IDBI Bank's / Purchaser’s Right of Inspection and Periodic Audit:
a) IDBI / the Purchaser reserve the right to inspect and monitor / assess the progress of the
Services at any time during the course of the Contract / Agreement. The Purchaser may demand
and upon such demand being made, IDBI / the Purchaser shall be provided with any document,
data, material or any other information, which it may require, to enable it to assess the progress
of the Service(s).
b) IDBI / the Purchaser shall also have the right to conduct, either itself or through another agency
as it may deem fit, an audit to monitor the performance by the Vendor / Bidder of its
obligations / functions in accordance with the standards committed to or required by IDBI / the
Purchaser and the Vendor / Bidder undertakes to cooperate with and provide to IDBI / the
Purchaser / any other agency appointed by the Purchaser, all documents and other details as
may be required by them for this purpose. Any deviations or contravention identified as a result
of such audit / assessment would need to be rectified by the Vendor / Bidder failing which IDBI /
the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other rights that it may have, issue a notice of
c) It is expressly agreed that nothing stated herein above shall in any way release or discharge the
Vendor / Bidder from any warranty or other obligations / liabilities under and in accordance
with the Contract / Agreement.
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20. Insurance to be taken out by the bidder
a) The Bidder shall :
Take out and maintain at their own cost but on the terms and conditions approved by
Purchaser, insurance against the risks, and for the coverage, as shall be specified below.
At the Purchaser’s request, provide evidence to the Purchaser showing that such
insurance has been taken out and maintained and that the current premiums therefore have
been paid.
b) Third party motor vehicle liability insurance as required under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 in
respect of motor vehicles operated in India by the Bidder or their personnel for the period of
the Contract.
c) Third party liability insurance with a sufficient coverage for the period of the Contract.
d) Professional liability insurance, with a minimum coverage equal to estimated remuneration and
e) Employer's liability and workers' compensation insurance in respect of the personnel of the
Bidder, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable law, as well as, with respect
to such personnel, any such life, health, accident, travel or other insurance as may be
appropriate; and
Insurance against loss of or damage to (I) System(s) purchased in whole or in part with funds
provided under this Contract or otherwise, (ii) the Bidder’s property used in the performance of
the Services, and (iii) any documents prepared by the Bidder in the performance of the Services.
g) The Bidder shall not use these documents for purposes unrelated to this Contract without the
prior written approval of the Purchaser.
h) All obligations of the Bidder under the Contract / Bid Documents survive the Contract / Bid
Document, subject to the provisions stipulated therein.
21. Contract Prices
a) The quoted prices shall be all exclusive of all applicable taxes, duties. There will be no price
escalation during the contract period and any extension thereof.
b) Prices should be furnished item-wise with break-up of unit costs as per Commercial bid. The
bidder will pass on to the Bank, the benefit of discounts if any announced during the period of
rate contract in respect of the cost of the items for which orders have been placed during the
period of contract.
c) The prices stated, shall remain valid for the contract period. Bank may give orders for additions
at the same price. Any reduction in prices due to the principal reducing the prices, reduction in
duties, taxes etc., by the Government, shall be passed on to the Bank during the validity period.
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d) Save and except as otherwise provided herein, prices quoted by the Bidder shall remain fixed
during the Bidder’s performance of the contract and will not be subject to variation on any
account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive
and will be rejected.
e) Price should not be indicated at any place in the Technical Bid. If the price is indicated in the
technical bid, the entire bid will be summarily rejected.
The prices for the goods and services that the Bidder will supply shall be quoted in Indian
Rupees. Any reference made to variation in pricing due to appreciation / depreciation of Indian
rupees against any other currency is not acceptable.
g) Any bid received, which is not in line with these conditions will be summarily rejected. Any
commercial bid, which is conditional and / or qualified or subjected to suggestions or attaching
any addendum / annexure, will also, be summarily rejected.
22. Information Security
a) The Vendor/ Bidder and its personnel shall not carry any written material, layout, diagrams,
floppy diskettes, hard disk, storage tapes or any other media out of IDBI's / Purchaser’s
premises without written permission from IDBI / the Purchaser.
b) The Vendor / Bidder personnel shall follow IDBI's / the Purchaser’s information security policy
and instructions in this behalf.
c) The Vendor / Bidder acknowledges that IDBI's / the Purchaser’s business data and other
proprietary information or materials, whether developed by IDBI/ the Purchaser or being used
by IDBI / the Purchaser pursuant to a license agreement with a third party (the foregoing
collectively referred to herein as “proprietary information”) are confidential and proprietary to
IDBI / the Purchaser; and the Vendor / Bidder agrees to use reasonable care to safeguard the
proprietary information and to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure thereof, which care
shall not be less than that used by Vendor / Bidder to protect its own proprietary information.
Vendor / Bidder recognizes that the goodwill of IDBI / the Purchaser depends, among other
things, upon Vendor / Bidder keeping such proprietary information confidential and that
unauthorized disclosure of the same by Vendor / Bidder could damage IDBI / the Purchaser. By
reason of Vendor's / Bidder’s duties and obligations hereunder, Vendor / Bidder may come into
possession of such proprietary information, even though the Vendor / Bidder does not take any
direct part in or furnish the Service(s) performed for the creation of said proprietary information
and shall limit access thereto to employees with a need to such access to perform the Services
required by the Contract / Agreement. Vendor / Bidder shall use such information only for the
purpose of performing the Service(s).
d) Vendor / Bidder shall, upon termination of the Contract / Agreement for any reason, or upon
demand by IDBI / Purchaser, whichever is earliest, return any and all information provided to
Vendor / Bidder by IDBI / the Purchaser, including any copies or reproductions, both hardcopy
and electronic copy.
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23. Ownership and Retention of Documents
a) IDBI / the Purchaser shall own the documents, prepared by or for the Vendor / Bidder arising
out of or in connection with the Contract / Agreement.
b) Forthwith upon expiry or earlier termination of the Contract / Agreement and at any other time
on demand by IDBI / the Purchaser, the Vendor / Bidder shall deliver to IDBI / the Purchaser all
documents provided by or originating from IDBI / the Purchaser and all documents produced by
or from or for the Bidder in the course of performing the Service(s), unless otherwise directed in
writing by IDBI / the Purchaser at no additional cost. The Vendor / Bidder shall not, without the
prior written consent of IDBI / the Purchaser store, copy, distribute or retain any such
24. Data Ownership
By virtue of the Contract / Agreement, the Vendor's / Bidder’s team may have access to personal and
business information of IDBI / the Purchaser and /or a third party or any taxpayer, any other person
covered within the ambit of any Income tax legislation. IDBI / the Purchaser have the sole ownership of
and the right to use, all such data in perpetuity including any data or other information pertaining to
the subscriber that may be in the possession of the Vendor / Bidder or Vendor's / Bidder’s team in the
course of performing the Service(s) under the Contract / Agreement.
25. Representations and Warranties
In order to induce IDBI / the Purchaser to enter into the Contract / Agreement, the Vendor / Bidder
hereby represents and warrants as of the date hereof, which representations and warranties shall
survive the term and termination hereof, the following:
That the Bidder is a company which has the requisite qualifications, skills, experience and
expertise in providing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and other Service(s)
contemplated hereunder to third parties, the technical know-how and the financial
wherewithal, the power and the authority to enter into the Contract / Agreement and provide
the Service(s) / Systems sought by IDBI / the Purchaser.
That the Vendor / Bidder is not involved in any major litigation, potential, threatened and
existing, that may have an impact of affecting or compromising the performance and delivery of
Service(s) / Systems under the Contract / Agreement.
That the representations made by the Vendor / Bidder in its bid are and shall continue to
remain true and fulfill all the requirements as are necessary for executing the duties, obligations
and responsibilities as laid down in the Contract / Agreement and the Bid Documents and unless
IDBI / the Purchaser in writing specifies to the contrary, the Vendor / Bidder shall be bound by
all the terms of the bid.
That the Vendor / Bidder has the professional skills, personnel and resources / authorizations
that are necessary for providing all such services as are necessary to perform its obligations
under the bid and this Contract / Agreement.
That the Vendor / Bidder shall ensure that all assets including but not limited to software’s,
licenses, databases, documents, etc. developed, procured, deployed and created during the
term of the Contract / Agreement are duly maintained and suitably updated, upgraded,
replaced with regard to contemporary and statutory requirements.
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That the Vendor / Bidder shall use such assets of IDBI / the Purchaser as the Purchaser may
permit for the sole purpose of execution of its obligations under the terms of the bid, Tender or
the Contract / Agreement. The Bidder shall however, have no claim to any right, title, lien or
other interest in any such property, and any possession of property for any duration whatsoever
shall not create any right in equity or otherwise, merely by fact of such use or possession during
or after the term hereof.
That the Vendor / Bidder shall procure all the necessary permissions and adequate approvals
and licenses for use of various software and any copyrighted process / product free from all
claims, titles, interests and liens thereon and shall keep IDBI / the Purchaser, its directors,
officers, employees, representatives, consultants and agents indemnified in relation thereto.
That all the representations and warranties as have been made by the Vendor / Bidder with
respect to its bid and Contract / Agreement, are true and correct, and shall continue to remain
true and correct through the term of the Contract.
That the execution of the Service(s) herein is and shall be in accordance and in compliance with
all applicable laws as amended from time to time and the regulatory framework governing the
That there are – (a) no legal proceedings pending or threatened against Vendor / Bidder or its
team which adversely affect / may affect performance under this Contract / Agreement; and (b)
no inquiries or investigations have been threatened, commenced or pending against the Vendor
/ Bidder or its team members by any statutory or regulatory or investigative agencies.
That the Bidder has the corporate power to execute, deliver and perform the terms and
provisions of the Contract / Agreement and has taken all necessary corporate action to
authorize the execution, delivery and performance by it of the Contract / Agreement.
That all conditions precedent under the Contract / Agreement has been complied.
That neither the execution and delivery by the Vendor / Bidder of the Contract / Agreement nor
the Vendor's / Bidder’s compliance with or performance of the terms and provisions of the
Contract / Agreement (i) will contravene any provision of any applicable law or any order, writ,
injunction or decree of any court or governmental authority binding on the Vendor / Bidder (ii)
will conflict or be inconsistent with or result in any breach of any or the terms, covenants,
conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under any agreement, contract or instrument
to which the Vendor / Bidder is a party or by which it or any of its property or assets is bound or
to which it may be subject or (iii) will violate any provision of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the Vendor / Bidder.
That the Vendor/ Bidder certifies that all registrations, recordings, filings and notarizations of
the Contract / Agreement and all payments of any tax or duty, including without limitation
stamp duty, registration charges or similar amounts which are required to be effected or made
by the Vendor / Bidder which is necessary to ensure the legality, validity, enforceability or
admissibility in evidence of the Contract / Agreement have been made.
That the Vendor / Bidder confirms that there has not and shall not occur any execution,
amendment or modification of any agreement / contract without the prior written consent of
IDBI / the Purchaser, which may directly or indirectly have a bearing on the Contract /
Agreement or Service(s).
That the Vendor / Bidder owns, has license to use or otherwise has the right to use, free of any
pending or threatened liens or other security or other interests all Intellectual Property Rights,
which are required or desirable for the Service(s) and the Vendor / Bidder does not, in carrying
on its business and operations, infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any person. None of
the Intellectual Property or Intellectual Property Rights owned or enjoyed by the Vendor /
Bidder or which the Vendor / Bidder is licensed to use, which are material in the context of the
Vendor's / Bidder’s business and operations are being infringed nor, is there any infringement
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or threatened infringement of those Intellectual Property or Intellectual Property Rights
licensed or provided to the Vendor / Bidder by any person. All Intellectual Property Rights
(owned by the Vendor / Bidder or which the Bidder is licensed to use) are valid and subsisting.
All actions (including registration, payment of all registration and renewal fees) required to
maintain the same in full force and effect have been taken thereon and shall keep IDBI/the
Purchaser, its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives and consultants
indemnified in relation thereto.
26. Confidentiality
a) The Parties agree that they shall hold in trust any Confidential Information received by either
Party, under the Contract / Agreement, and the strictest of confidence shall be maintained in
respect of such Confidential Information. The Parties also agree:
To maintain and use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of the Contract /
Agreement as permitted herein;
to only make copies of only such documents / paper as specifically authorized by the prior
written consent of the other party and with the same confidential or proprietary notices as
may be printed or displayed on the original;
to restrict access and disclosure of Confidential Information to such of their employees,
agents, vendors, and Bidders strictly on a "need to know" basis, to maintain confidentiality
of the Confidential Information disclosed to them in accordance with this Clause and
To treat Confidential Information as confidential for a period of [five (5)] years from the
date of receipt. In the event of earlier termination of the Contract / Agreement, the Parties
hereby agree to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information for a further
period of [two (2)] years from the date of such termination.
b) Confidential Information in oral form must be identified as confidential at the time of disclosure
and confirmed as such in writing within 30 (thirty) days of such disclosure. Confidential
Information does not include information which:
the recipient knew or had in its possession, prior to disclosure, without limitation on its
is independently developed by the recipient without breach of the Contract / Agreement ;
information in the public domain as a matter of law;
is received from a third party not subject to the obligation of confidentiality with respect to
such information;
is released from confidentiality with the written consent of the other Party.
The recipient shall have the burden of proving that Clauses (i) or (ii) above are applicable to the
information in the possession of the recipient.
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c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties acknowledge that the nature of the Service(s) to be
performed under this Contract / Agreement may require the Vendor's/ Bidder's personnel to be
present on premises of IDBI / the Purchaser or may require the Vendor's / Bidder's personnel to
have access to computer networks and databases of IDBI/ the Purchaser while on or off
premises of IDBI/the Purchaser. It is understood that it would be impractical for IDBI / the
Purchaser to monitor all information made available to the Vendor / Bidder under such
circumstances and to provide notice to the Vendor / Bidder of the confidentiality of all such
information. Therefore, the Vendor / Bidder agrees that any technical or business or other
information of the IDBI Bank / Purchaser that the Vendor's / Bidder’s personnel, or agents
acquire while on the IDBI's / Purchaser premises, or through access to IDBI's / the Purchaser
computer systems or databases while on or off IDBI's / the Purchaser premises, shall be deemed
Confidential Information.
d) Confidential Information shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the
disclosing Party. Upon termination of the Contract / Agreement, Confidential Information shall
be returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed, if incapable of return. The destruction shall be
witnessed and so recorded, in writing, by an authorized representative of each of the Parties.
Nothing contained herein shall in any manner impair rights of IDBI / the Purchaser in respect of
the Systems, Service(s), and Documents etc.
e) In the event that any of the Parties hereto becomes legally compelled to disclose any
Confidential Information, such Party shall give sufficient notice to the other Party to enable the
other Party to prevent or minimize to the extent possible, such disclosure. Neither party shall
disclose to a third party any Confidential Information or the contents of the Contract /
Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party. The obligations of this Clause
shall be satisfied by handling Confidential Information with the same degree of care, which the
receiving Party applies to its own similar confidential information but in no event less than
reasonable care. The obligations of this Clause shall survive the expiration, cancellation or
termination of this Contract / Agreement.
The provision of this clause shall survive termination of the Contract / Agreement till such
Confidential Information enters public domain or as stated above.
27. Termination
a) IDBI / the Purchaser may, terminate the Contract / Agreement by giving the Vendor / Bidder a
prior and written notice of 2 (Two) months indicating its intention to terminate the Contract /
Agreement under the following circumstances:
Where it comes to IDBI's / the Purchaser’s attention that the Vendor / Bidder (or the
Bidder’s team) is in a position of actual conflict of interest with the interests of IDBI/the
Purchaser, in relation to any of terms of the Bidder’s bid or the Contract / Agreement.
Where the Vendor's / Bidder’s ability to survive as an independent corporate entity is
threatened or is lost owing to any reason whatsoever, including inter-alia the filing of any
bankruptcy proceedings against the Vendor / Bidder, any failure by the Vendor / Bidder to
pay any of its dues to its creditors, the institution of any winding up proceedings against the
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Vendor / Bidder or the happening of any such events that are adverse to the commercial
viability of the Vendor / Bidder.
In the event of the happening of any events of the above nature, IDBI / the Purchaser shall
reserve the right to take any steps as are necessary, to ensure the effective transition of the
Service(s) to the next successor Bidder, and to ensure business continuity.
b) Termination for Insolvency: IDBI / the Purchaser may at any time terminate the
Contract/Agreement by giving written notice of 2 months to the Vendor / Bidder, indicating its
intention of termination the Contract / Agreement, without compensation to the Vendor /
Bidder, if the Vendor / Bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, provided that such
termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will
accrue thereafter to IDBI / the Purchaser.
c) Termination for Default: IDBI / the Purchaser, without prejudice to any other right or remedy
for breach of Contract, by a written notice of default sent to the Vendor / Bidder, may
terminate the Contract / Agreement in whole or in part.
d) Termination for other than Default: IDBI Bank / the Purchaser, without prejudice to any other
right or remedy and without assigning any reason, may at its sole discretion, serve upon the
Vendor / Bidder a written notice of 30 (thirty) days, indicating its intention to terminate the
Contract / Agreement and may terminate the Contract / Agreement in whole or in part
28. Consequences of Termination
a) In the event of termination of the Contract / Agreement due to any cause whatsoever, [whether
consequent to the stipulated term of the Contract / Agreement or otherwise], IDBI / the
Purchaser shall be entitled to impose any such obligations and conditions and issue any
clarifications as may be necessary to ensure an efficient transition and effective business
continuity of the Service(s) which the Vendor / Bidder shall be obliged to comply with and take
all available steps to minimize loss resulting from that termination / breach, and further allow
the next successor vendor / bidder to take over the obligations of the erstwhile Vendor / Bidder
in relation to the execution / continued execution of the scope of the Contract / Agreement.
b) In the event that the termination of the Contract / Agreement is due to the expiry of the term of
the Contract / Agreement, a decision not to grant any (further) extension by IDBI / the
Purchaser, the Vendor / Bidder herein shall be obliged to provide all such assistance to the next
successor vendor / bidder or any other person as may be required and as IDBI / the Purchaser
may specify including training, where the successor(s) is a representative / personnel of
IDBI/the Purchaser to enable the successor to adequately provide the Service(s) hereunder,
even where such assistance is required to be rendered for a reasonable period that may extend
beyond the term / earlier termination hereof.
c) Where the termination of the Contract / Agreement is prior to its stipulated term on account of
a default on the part of the Vendor / Bidder or due to the fact that the survival of the Vendor /
Bidder as an independent corporate entity is threatened/has ceased, IDBI/ the Purchaser shall
pay the Vendor / Bidder for that part of the Service(s) which have been authorized by IDBI/ the
Purchaser and satisfactorily performed by the Vendor / Bidder up to the date of termination,
without prejudice to any other rights, IDBI / the Purchaser may retain such amounts from the
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payment due and payable by IDBI / the Purchaser to the Vendor / Bidder as may be required to
offset any losses caused to IDBI / the Purchaser as a result of any act / omissions of the Vendor /
Bidder. In case of any loss or damage due to default on the part of the Vendor / Bidder in
performing any of its obligations with regard to executing the Service(s) under the Contract /
Agreement [as laid down in the Service Level Requirements Annexure-3,] the Vendor / Bidder
shall compensate IDBI /the Purchaser for any such loss, damages or other costs, incurred by IDBI
/ the Purchaser. Additionally, the sub Vendor / Bidder / other members of its team shall
continue to perform all its obligations and responsibilities under the Contract / Agreement in an
identical manner as were being performed hitherto before in order to execute an effective
transition and to maintain business continuity. All the permitted third parties shall continue to
perform all / any functions as stipulated by IDBI / the Purchaser and as may be proper and
necessary to execute the Service(s) under the Contract / Agreement in terms of the Vendor's /
Bidder’s bid and the Contract / Agreement.
d) Nothing herein shall restrict the right of IDBI / the Purchaser to invoke the Performance Bank
Guarantee and other guarantees, securities furnished, enforce the Deed of Indemnity and
pursue such other rights and / or remedies that may be available to IDBI / the Purchaser under
law or otherwise.
e) The termination hereof shall not affect any accrued right or liability of either Party nor affect
the operation of the provisions of the Contract / Agreement that are expressly or by implication
intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.
In the event of termination of this Contract / Agreement for any reason whatsoever, IDBI Bank
shall have the right to publicize such termination to caution the customers / public from dealing
with the Vendor / Bidder
g) Termination survives the Contract / Agreement.
h) Conflict of interest: The Vendor / Bidder shall disclose to IDBI / the Purchaser in writing, all
actual and potential conflicts of interest that exist, arise or may arise (either for the Vendor /
Bidder or the Bidder’s team) in the course of performing the Service(s) as soon as practical after
it becomes aware of that conflict.
Publicity: The Vendor / Bidder shall not make or permit to be made a public announcement or
media release about any aspect of the Contract / Agreement unless IDBI/ the Purchaser first
gives the Vendor / Bidder its prior written consent.
29. Relationship between the Parties
a) Nothing in the Contract / Agreement constitutes any fiduciary relationship between IDBI / the
Purchaser and Vendor / Bidder / Bidder’s Team or any relationship of employer - employee,
principal and agent, or partnership, between IDBI / the Purchaser and Vendor / Bidder.
b) No Party has any authority to bind the other Party in any manner whatsoever except as agreed
under the terms of the Contract / Agreement.
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c) IDBI / the Purchaser have no obligations to the Vendor's / Bidder’s team except as agreed under
the terms of the Contract / Agreement.
30. No Assignment
The Contract / Agreement cannot be transferred or assigned by the Vendor / Bidder without the prior
written approval of IDBI / the Purchaser.
31. Entire Contract
The terms and conditions laid down in the Bid Document and all Annexure thereto shall be read in
consonance with and form an integral part of the Contract / Agreement. This Contract supersedes any
prior Contract, understanding or representation of the Parties on the subject matter
32. Governing Law
The Contract / Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of Republic of India. These
provisions shall survive the Contract / Agreement.
33. Jurisdiction of Courts
The courts of India at Mumbai have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any proceeding in relation to the
Contract / Agreement. These provisions shall survive the Contract / Agreement.
34. Suspension of Payment to the Vendor / Bidder
IDBI may by a written notice of suspension, suspend all payments to the Vendor / Bidder under the
Contract / Agreement, if the Vendor / Bidder failed to perform any of its obligations under the Contract
/ Agreement, (including the carrying out of the service(s)) provided that such notice of suspension:
i. Shall specify the nature of the failure and
ii. Shall request the Vendor / Bidder to remedy such failure within a specified period from the date
of issue of such notice of suspension.
35. Time Limit for the Commencement of Work
Time limit for commencement of work shall be one (1) week from the date of issuance of purchase
36. Period of Contract
a) CBS Finacle 10.x Migration –Eighteen months from the award of Contract (i.e. issuance of
purchase order).
b) Three months Warranty Period will start from the date of acceptance by Bank by issuing
Certificate of acceptance (Go Live).
c) The period of Contract shall be extendable, based on mutually agreed terms.
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37. Force Majeure
a) Notwithstanding the provisions of this RFP the Vendor shall not be liable for forfeiture of its
Performance Bank Guarantee, liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the
extent that, its delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the
Contract / Agreement is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
b) For purpose of this Clause “Force Majeure” means war or revolution, terrorist act, fire, flood,
earthquake, epidemic, quarantine restriction and freight embargoes.
c) If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Vendor shall promptly notify the Bank in writing of such
conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Bank in writing, the
Vendor shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably
practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the
Force Majeure event. The Bank may terminate the Contract / Agreement, by giving a written
notice of minimum 30 days to the Vendor, if as a result of Force Majeure the Vendor is unable
to perform a material portion of the Service(s) for a period of more than 60 days.
38. Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Rights
a) Purchaser / IDBI shall own and have a right in perpetuity to use all Intellectual Property Rights
which have arisen out of or in connection with the implementation of the Contract, including all
processes and products which have been developed by the Bidder/Vendor during the
performance of Service(s) and for the purposes of inter-alia, use or sub-license of Service(s)
under the Contract. The Bidder undertakes to disclose all Intellectual Property Rights arising out
of or in connection with the performance of the Service(s) to the Purchaser / IDBI and execute
all such agreements / documents and file all relevant applications, effect transfers and obtain all
permits, approvals, consents and no objections that may be necessary in this regard to
effectively transfer and conserve the Intellectual Property Rights of the Purchaser / IDBI.
b) Further, the Bidder / Vendor shall be obliged to ensure that all approvals, consents, no
objections, registrations, licenses, permits and rights which are inter-alia necessary for use of
the information technology system installed by the Bidder / Vendor, shall be acquired in the
name of the Purchaser / IDBI, prior to termination of the Contract and which shall be assigned
by the Purchaser / IDBI if necessary under the applicable laws or otherwise to the Bidder /
Vendor for the purpose of execution of any of its obligations under the terms of the Bid, or the
Contract. However, subsequent to the term of the Contract, such approvals, consents, no
objections, registrations, licenses, permits and rights etc., shall ensure to the exclusive benefit
of the Purchaser / IDBI.
c) The Bidder shall ensure that while it uses any software, hardware, processes or material
in the course of performing the Service(s), it does not infringe the Intellectual Property
Rights of any person and the Bidder / Vendor shall keep the Purchase / IDBI, its
directors, employees, agents and representatives indemnified against all costs, charges,
expenses, liabilities, claims, damages, litigations, suits, judgments and / or otherwise
howsoever, arising out of any illegal or unauthorized use (piracy) or in connection with
any claim or proceedings relating to any breach or violation of any permission/license
terms or infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights by the Bidder/Vendor or any
sub-Bidder during the course of performance of the Service(s).The liability of the bidder
in such scenario shall be unlimited.
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39. Warranty
a) The Bidder / Vendor will provide 3 Months warranty from the date of issuance of Acceptance
Certificate (Go Live) accompanied with necessary onsite resources for the project implemented.
Any defects / bugs noticed in the migrated/implemented applications shall be reworked and /
or replaced by the Bidder / Vendor with defect-free components free-of-cost.
b) Bidder / Vendor should provide software patches / upgrades towards complying with all the
statutory and any other requirements from the Bank as specified from time to time during the
Contract period, free of cost. The warranty period would start after live implementation* (*Live
implementation means that after user acceptance and audit clearance the complete System is
ported on the production environment (Go Live) and after issuance of Acceptance Certificate by
the Bank).
c) Bidder should setup one centralized L2 Support at Belapur, Navi Mumbai (DC), till the
completion of warranty support. The Bank has a right to interview and reject resources
deployed by the Bidder.
d) Post warranty, the application will be covered under the AMC / ATS by the OEM. The Bidder
should ensure, as part of AMC / ATS that the OEM to provide following service(s):
 OEM has to maintain the source code and provide bug fixes for the defects / bugs
noticed in the application without any additional cost.
 All upgrades should be provided as part of ATS.
e) The Vendor / Bidder shall warrant that the project, implemented under the Contract is
specifically designed and developed for the Bank and based on the most recent and current
techniques and complies with the specifications defined later on in the document.
The Bank shall notify the Vendor of any claims arising under this warranty. If the Vendor /
Bidder, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within a timeframe specified in the
Service Level Requirements in Annexure-3, the Bank shall proceed to take such remedial action
as may be necessary, at the Vendor’s / Bidder's risk and expense and without prejudice to any
other rights which the Bank may have against the Vendor under the Contract or applicable laws
or in equity.
g) No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made.
40. User Acceptance Test and Quality Check
a) The User Acceptance Tests, which shall involve testing of the entire set-up including the
hardware, and its integration with application software and within the time limit prescribed by
the Bank with live and test data shall be conducted by the Bank. The User Acceptance Test must
be completed to the satisfaction of the Bank, within a time frame specified by the Bank.
b) The Bank reserves the right to evolve a procedure of Quality Checking to ensure that the project
deployment and migration is according to the prescribed specifications.
c) The Mock migration and Customization / Interface porting acceptance criteria shall be defined,
through mutual agreement between the Bank and the Vendor, at the time of finalization of
Contract / Agreement.
d) Nothing stated herein above shall in any way release or discharge the Vendor from any
warranty or other obligations / liabilities under and in accordance with the Contract /
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e) On successful completion of User Acceptance Testing and receipt of deliverables, etc, and after
the Bank (which shall not be deemed to be an obligation on the Purchaser) is satisfied with the
working of the migrated software/solution, the Acceptance Certificate in the format given in
Annexure-1 (Form 6) will be issued by the Bank post ‘Go Live’. The date on which such
certificate is signed shall be deemed to be the date of successful completion of the FINACLE 10.x
41. Migration
Time is the essence of this Contract / Agreement and entire project should be completed within 18
months from the date of issuance of Contract. A tentative schedule for project implementation has
been provided under Section 5, Clause 9: Schedule, which can be used as reference / guidelines.
42. Start of Installation:
Prior to taking up installation of any major component of work, the Vendor / Bidder shall submit to IDBI
/ the Purchaser his proposed procedures and obtain IDBI's / Purchaser’s approval in writing.
43. Reporting Progress:
The Vendor / Bidder shall monitor progress of all the activities specified in the program of works and
submit free of cost weekly progress report about various aspect of the works / Service(s) to IDBI / the
Purchaser. IDBI / the Purchaser on mutual agreement between both Parties may change the periodicity
of such reports.
Also the Vendor / Bidder will have to participate in weekly meetings with IDBI / the Purchaser to discuss
project progress and various issues concerning efficient and timely execution.
If at any time it appears to IDBI / the Purchaser that the actual progress of work / Service(s) does not
conform to the approved program, the Vendor / Bidder shall produce at the request of IDBI / the
Purchaser a revised program showing the modification to the approved program necessary to ensure
completion of the works within the time for completion.
The submission for approval by IDBI / the Purchaser of such revised program shall not relieve the
Vendor / Bidder of any of his duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract / Agreement.
44. Bidder’s Integrity
The Bidder is responsible for and obliged to conduct all contracted activities strictly in accordance with
Contract using state-of-the-art methods and economic principles and exercising all means available to
achieve the performance specified in the Contract.
45. Limitation of Liability
The Parties acknowledge that circumstances may arise where on account of a breach by Bidder of the
terms of this RFP and subsequent Agreement, or other contractual or tortuous claim, the Bank may be
entitled to damages from Bidder.
a) Bidder’s aggregate liability shall be subject to an overall limit of 100% of the Total Project Cost
for the Contract period.
b) The limits specified in Sub-Clause (a) above shall not apply to:
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claims made by the Bank for claims relating to the loss of or damage to real property and
tangible personal property and for bodily injury or death which is caused by sole gross
negligence or sole willful misconduct of the Bidder or its employees;
claims against the Bank resulting from misconduct or gross negligence of the Bidder, its
employees and subcontractors or from infringement of patents, trademarks, copyrights or
such other Intellectual Property Rights or breach of confidentiality obligations;.
c) The Bank shall not be held liable for and is absolved of any responsibility or claim/litigation
arising out of the use of any third party software or modules supplied by the Bidder as part of
this RFP. The Bank may be entitled to damages from Bidder on account of this.
In no event shall the Bank be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages or
liability, under or in connection with or arising out of this RFP and subsequent agreement or the
software delivered hereunder, howsoever such liability may arise, provided that the claims
against customers, users and service providers of the Bank would be considered as a direct
d) In circumstances where the Bidder indemnifies the Bank against any claims of infringement of
any Intellectual Property rights, the BIDDER must at its own expense promptly;
Procure the unrestricted right for the Bank to continue using and receiving the same; or
Make or procure on Bank’s behalf such alterations, modifications, adjustments or
substitutions to all or any parts of the same so that it becomes non-infringing without
affecting the relevant part of Deliverables or Services or prejudice their compliance with
their terms of the specifications or requirements of RFP; or
Substitute a non-infringing version of the infringing item of at least functional equivalence
conforming to applicable requirements under the RFP.
e) If Bidder is unable to provide any of the forgoing alternatives, the Bank may at its own option
terminate forthwith the subsequent Agreement to be entered into with the Bidder.
Bidder will, upon payment or satisfaction of such indemnity in full, be subrogated to all rights of
the Bank with respect to the claims to which such indemnification relates.
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Section 5: Scope of Work
1. Broad Scope
a) Overview
The bidders are required to quote the cost for the Core Banking migration / upgrade, customization,
porting and implementation of new licensed modules / new add-on solutions of Finacle 10.x, CBT,
trainings etc. as per the scope of services mentioned below. The necessary hardware sizing
recommendations for the proposed migration as well as new add-on modules being procured need to
be provided by the Bidder. The Bank will decide whether to map the same with the existing hardware or
if necessary procure the same, if need arises.
b) Scope of the Service(s)
Finacle Version Upgrade / Migration to Finacle 10.x (latest dot version certified by the OEM) and
Data Migration with existing interfaces.
Customization retrofitting and porting along with Interface porting.
Installation, integration and Implementation of new modules / add-on applications.
Oracle RAC Implementation (DC, DR& NDR).
Providing application maintenance and support services for 12 months post Warranty period.
Provide End user training and Functional & Technical training to the Core teams.
Provide computer based training tool / module on Finacle 10.x and new module including of
customization to be provided.
Providing ’Go Live’ Support for the Branches for 1 week from the date of migration.
The Bidder has to involve the OEM vender for the proposed migration / version upgrade from
project initiation till closure of the project. The OEM Should also be responsible along with the
bidder for the proposed migration till closure of the project.
Bank will carry out Load/Performance/Stress testing of the upgraded/migrated version of
Finacle /add-on applications to test the scalability of the applications as per the projected
volumes. Bidder has to provide all required end to end support (including Application, OS,
Database, middleware, etc.) to carry out the successful testing with the vendor identified by the
2. Scope – Details:
The Bank reserves the right to enhance, modify, improve, amend etc., the scope of work in
order to give effect to / achieve the purpose of this RFP.
2.1. Finacle Version upgrade (Migration to new version 10.x) and data migration.
The Bank is currently having the following Finacle versions operating in a centralized mode from
its Data Centre (DC) at Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Main Scope of this project would be to upgrade
Finacle core banking (India , Dubai and IBU operations) to Finacle 10.x independently and to
migrate and merge the Finacle CFS (Corporate Finance System) with its Finacle CBS (India
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Finacle Instance
Core Banking System Retail and Corporate
(India Operations)
Trade Finance
Finacle CSIS
Connect 24
Core Banking System Retail and Corporate
(Dubai Operations)
Trade Finance
Core Banking System Retail and Corporate
(IBU Operations)
Trade Finance
Core Banking System Commercial
(Corporate Finance)
(Customized solution
for IDBI Bank)
Oracle 11gR2
Oracle 11gR2
Oracle 11gR2
Oracle 9i
2.1.1. Finacle Core (India Operations) to Finacle 10.x
Existing Finacle CBS 7.0.25 should be upgraded / migrated to Finacle 10.x (latest certified dot
version) with Single Sign on, CIF and Signature verification System.
Finacle Core ( Dubai Operations) to Finacle 10.x
Existing Finacle CBS 7.4.10 should be upgraded to Finacle 10.x (latest certified dot version) with
Single Sign on, CIF and Signature verification System.
2.1.3. Finacle Core (Corporate Finance System ) to Finacle 10.x
The Finacle CFS is a Finacle7 instance customized specifically to the Bank for carrying
out commercial lending. As the Finacle Core 10.x version is having a separate CLA
module, the CFS data should be migrated to Finacle Core 10.x (India Operations) CLA
All existing functionalities of Finacle CFS of IDBI Bank should be made available in
Finacle10.x even if it is not available in the base product.
Migration of history data of the existing Finacle CFS instance to Finacle 10.x (CLA
2.1.4. Hardware Sizing
The Selected Bidder shall provide the hardware sizing, duly certified / approved by the OEM
Vendor of the Finacle CBS (Infosys), based on the projections provided by the Bank.
2.1.5. Functional and Technical Training
Bidder shall provide necessary Functional and Technical Training to the bank’s team and the
training has to be necessarily taken up by the OEM vendor (Infosys)
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
S. No.
Training Type
Minimum no of
Working Days
No. of
No. of Trainees
per Batch. (*)
Core Team Training –
Core Team Training – Technical
Executives awareness
(*) Each batch should be able to accommodate additional 10% of resources over and above the
limit prescribed.
Functional training for three batches with a maximum of 100 resources (in total) has to be
given in Finacle10.x version which should include the new modules which would be
procured by the bank through this RFP.
Technical training for two batches with a maximum of 66 resources have to be given in
Finacle 10.x which should include the new modules which would be procured by the bank
through this RFP.
One Functional and one Technical training should happen prior to the commencement of
DRG phase at OEM’s premises so that the core team of the bank can have familiarity of
Finacle 10.x well before the commencement of the migration project.
Other trainings can be provided at Bank’s premises at Belapur, Navi Mumbai once the
training server is installed and pilot migration is successfully over.
2.1.6. DR site and NDR setup support
Bidder / Vendor should carry out the deployment of the application / DB in DR and NDR
as applicable.
Bidder / Vendor should provide necessary Technical support to enable DR as well as
NDR for the core banking solution post ‘GO Live’ within the project timelines specified.
It is the responsibility of the bidder / vendor to enable the DR / NDR well within the
project timelines specified.
Finacle Core ( IBU ) to Finacle 10.x
Existing Finacle CBS 7.4.10 should be upgraded to Finacle 10.x (latest certified dot version) with
Single Sign on, CIF and Signature verification System.
2.2. Customization Retrofits and Interface Porting.
2.2.1. Existing customizations of Finacle Core ( India Operations)
Retro fitting of all existing customization items of Finacle 7.0.25 (India Operations) as on the
date of commencement of Requirement Gathering phase of the migration to the new Finacle
10.x (India Operations)
2.2.2. Existing customizations of Finacle Core ( Dubai Operations)
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Retro fitting of all existing customization items as on the date of commencement of
Requirement Gathering phase of the migration to the new Finacle 10.x (Dubai Operations)
2.2.3. Existing customizations of Finacle CFS
Retro fitting of all existing customization items of Finacle CFS as on the date of commencement
of Requirement Gathering phase of the migration to the new Finacle 10.x (India Operations)
under CLA module
2.2.4. Existing Interfaces of Finacle Core (India / Dubai / IBU Operations / CFS)
The interfaces required for the Solution need to be sized, designed, developed, tested, installed,
implemented and maintained by the Bidder, during the contract period, meeting fully the
functional, technical, integration and interfacing requirements. The Solution should enable all
currently specified interfaces as well as allow for introduction of new interfaces/channels as the
case may be.
The Bidder is expected to interface the Solution to the Bank’s applications, which are mentioned
in Annexure-8 – Interfaces of this document.
The Bidder should use the Finacle integrator to integrate other Systems with Finacle 10.x to the
extent feasible,
The Bidder will be responsible for identifying the detailed interface requirements for integrating
the proposed packages to the Systems and for all other functionalities as mentioned in this RFP.
The Bidder must ensure that all the proposed application vendors agree to share data
dictionaries with the Bank for statutory and regulatory requirements, current and future
product interfaces/modules such as BI/DW, MIS-ADF, CRM, Risk Management, Compliance
Solution, Audit & inspection, CRISIL, Treasury Solutions, Internet Banking, ATM Interface,
Document Management, Integrated Payment Hub, etc. at no cost and assist the Bank in
mapping their data formats and semantics with the new products as required by the Bank
during the contract period.
The Bidder has to Supply, install, customise, implement, train, rollout and maintain the
interfaces including supply of the necessary hardware infrastructure, tools necessary for the
functioning of the interface. The Bidder is required to build interfaces between the proposed
solution with the Applications and systems mentioned in Annexure 8 – Interface Requirements.
It is the expectation of the Bank that the integration/interface architecture is based around the
industry best practises especially on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The list of key
functions which consists of the most important interfaces as mandated by the
Functional/Technical Requirements is defined in Annexure 8 – Interface Requirements.
The Bank reserved the rights to prioritize the interface building within the overall timelines
defined in Annexure 8 – Interface Requirements.
The interface architecture should be clearly defined. The integration architecture should include
the types of interfaces supported; the standards used and should comply with Bank’s
architecture principles.
The Bidder will present to the Bank the interface requirement for review.
Any suggestions from the Bank will have to be included by the Bidder.
The Bidder will be responsible for developing, testing and maintaining the interfaces. When
developing the interfaces, the Bidder should ensure the requirements of data format, frequency
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
of data transfer, quality checks and validations before data transfer and priorities for data
transfer are identified and addressed.
The Bidder must ensure that all applicable interfaces are automated with no manual
All Support applications proposed by the Bidder to meet the functional requirements of the
Bank should provide an on-line interface with the existing CBS Solution and other critical
solutions proposed under this RFP or implemented by the Bank at a later date.
The Bidder will ensure and incorporate all necessary security and control features within the
application, operating system, database, etc. so as to maintain integrity and confidentiality of
data at all times.
The Bidder will be responsible for setting up the test environment for interface testing.
The Bidder must ensure that a sound methodology is implemented (e.g. SOA governance
framework, integration competency centre) to manage the interfaces.
2.2.5. Existing customizations of Finacle Core ( IBU Operations)
Retro fitting of all existing customization items as on the date of commencement of
Requirement Gathering phase of the migration to the new Finacle 10.x (IBU Operations)
2.3.Installation, Integration and Implementation of new modules / Add-on Applications.
Bank has identified to implement the following new modules as mentioned in 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 of
Finacle 10.x for their business / technical needs.
Functional Modules
Buyer’s Credit
Utility Bill Payments
Signature Verification System
Technical Modules
Single Sign on
Finale Integrator Workbench
With Fin Mapper, Module-wise Business messages (deposits, loans, casa, paysys, tfin,
cif, limits, SVS), IFX Messages Technical
FSDP Tools
Fin Customization IDE Core
Fin Customization IDE CRM
Finacle Script IDE
Finacle Report Designer
Finacle Data Transformer
Finacle Data Migration Tool kit
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Finacle Environment Synchronization tool kit
Finacle Parameter Promotion Tool
Finacle Load Simulator
2.4. Oracle Real Application Clusters deployment
Implementation of Oracle – Real Application Clusters (Oracle - RAC) solution in Finacle
Production Database to achieve better scalability and availability at Database layer.
2.5.Application Maintenance, Support Services (AMS)
AMS team should be available on-site at Belapur, Navi Mumbai and would assist Bank’s Infra
and help desk team to resolve day-to-day production issues reported in Finacle 10.x suite of
products by debugging and analyzing the same. During this extended support period, support
would be provided for Application / Database maintenance, Base product, New licensed
modules, the customizations, etc. that have already been deployed as a part of this migration
2.5.1. Application maintenance and L2 support for Finacle Core (India, Dubai and IBU operations)
for a period of 12 months from the date of expiry of the warranty period with adequate
resources to handle the Application support as per SLA and Annexure-6.
2.5.2. Application maintenance would include bug fixing, improvements in presentation and / or
functionality and others within a duration mentioned in Service Level Agreement for the
extended period. And Necessary support to the banks team for installation, re-installation,
troubleshooting, performance tuning, performance monitoring and applications of patches
for the extended period.
2.5.3. The AMS team should provide support to all modules including add-on modules as referred
in the RFP.(As mentioned above in Clause 2.3)
2.5.4. All these maintenance and support during this extended support period would be on-site
2.5.5. Bidder should deploy competent resources for the AMS team to provide necessary
maintenance and support as per the requirement of the Bank, refer to Annexure 6. Vendor
has to deploy adequate resources to ensure that the systems are up and customer service is
not impacted. The minimum Resource Deployment is given in the Annexure 6. To ensure
that the SLAs are met the vendor if required need to deploy additional resources during the
period of 12 months without any additional cost to the Bank. The Bank has a right to
interview and reject resources deployed by the Bidder.
2.5.6. The Bidder shall consider and envisage all services that will be required in the maintenance
of the system.
2.5.7. The support coverage would be limited to the Finacle 10.x suite of products (Finacle Core,
CRM, SSO, SVS etc) including the interfaces and new licensed modules that would be
implemented as part of the proposed Finacle 10.x migration / version upgrade and the
customizations that have been done as part of this project.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
2.5.8. Upon intimation of the issue from the IDBI help Desk Team, the AMS / L2 Support Team
would analyze the issue.
2.5.9. The issue would be categorized as a bug, enhancement, understanding issue, setup related
or data related issues.
2.5.10. Bidder's support team and the Bank's team would liaise with the ATS team of OEM Vendor
(Infosys) to report product related bugs and obtain fixes(if applicable) for the same.
2.5.11. If the issue is a bug and would require a fix, restoration would be provided by the support
2.5.12. If the issues are because of the incorrect understanding, the issue would be closed with
appropriate explanation.
2.5.13. If the issues require changes in the product setup or data, the bidder's team would suggest
the required changes to the parameters / data to be made. The changes will have to be
carried out by the IDBI team.
2.5.14. Upon receipt of a patch for a bug, the same would be intimated to the IDBI team who in
turn would be required to download the patch, deploy and IDBI Bank's UAT team would
certify the same before deploying it in the production.
2.5.15. Once the issue is resolved or a restoration is provided to the issue, the IDBI helpdesk team
would intimate the same to the Bank's end users.
2.6.Computer Based Training (CBT)
Bidder should develop and deploy an interactive self-learning tool / solution for
migrated Finacle 10.x along with customisations and new modules to provide computer based
training to end users.
The solution should cover the all widely used menu options related to the modules (as
specified in Annexure-7).
The solution should have self-evaluation Test at the end of every module.
The solution should be integrated with the learning management system of the Bank.
It should be possible operate the CBT in both offline mode (by distribution in CDs) and
also in on-line mode through centralized deployment.
The content should SCORM (1.2 or least) complaint.
The look and feel of CBT should be as per Bank’s standards.
CBT should have interactive video solution with human voice.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
CBT Should is made available in Hindi and English.
2.7.End User Training
Bidder should provide training to all the existing users (approximately 15000) on the
implemented/migrated version of Finacle 10.x.
The users can be categorized broadly into four categories viz. Front Office Users
(14200), Back Office Users (500), corporate Users (900) and Trade Finance Users (700).
The approximate number of users is given in bracket for each category
The training period should be minimum of 3 days and maximum of 6 days according to
the category of the users.
At the end of each training session, an evaluation test needs to be conducted to
ascertain the effectiveness of the training.
Bidder needs to provide all necessary infra-structure (including the computer lab, PCs,
note pads, pen, hand-outs, soft copy of training material, tea /coffee in the morning and
evening, lunch for all the participants) related to the proposed training.
2.8.Go Live Support to the Branches
Bidder should provide ’Go Live’ support to all the Branches through Bank’s regional
centres (Approx. 60) PAN India for a week from the day of ‘Go Live’.
Each Regional Centre should be provided with minimum of3 support person.
2.9.Data Archival & Purging Solution
Currently, the bank has not deployed any archival solution. However CBS Database is getting
archived in a different server (Archival) and Purged in production through the menu options
provided by M/S Infosys. The bidder should provide a comprehensive archival solution which will
take care of archival, retrieval of data (particular record or in full), restoration, purging etc and
should be compliant to the Bank Policy
The data archival solution should, at a minimum, be able to generate the following reports
i. Balance as on Any given Date
ii. Cheque Details
iii. Joint/Nominee Details
iv. Demand draft / Pay order Details
v. Standing instruction Details
vi. Stop payment Details
vii. Account Details
viii. Transaction Details
ix. TDS and 15H/15G Register
x. Lien Details
xi. Trail Balance
xii. Profit and Loss
xiii. Account Statements.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
The data archival solution should work with historical data to provide the bank the functionality
to retire and retrieve data on choice.
The data has to be retained in the bank‘s production environment for period defied by bank
policy and remaining data shall be archived. The data in the archive shall be stored for period as
suggested by the bank and should be available for view online by the branches
At present the bank intends to conduct data archival activity for 3 year old data and
subsequently year on year 3 year old data.
2.10. Application Performance Monitoring Tool:
Bidder is required to identify and deploy an automated application monitoring tool for CBS Application.
In future, if the Bank desires to extend this facility to other application, then tool should be compatible
to extend for other applications available in the banks environment.
Tool should have the facility to configure various parameters and set their threshold limit with
Tool should generate pro-active alerts whenever the performance of the application is lower /
higher than the defined levels, peak load conditions.
Dash board for monitoring various performance parameters
APM tool should be able to monitor both Finacle services performance and availability
APM solution should be capable of validating SLAs both at transactions & infrastructure components like
Servers, OS, Web Servers, Databases & Middleware Technologies.
APM solution should automatically set and adjust SLA thresholds dynamically for selected important KPIs
of key infrastructure component - like Web Server, App Server, DB Server, etc. - KPIs based on application
load using behaviour learning techniques? The load could constitute a combination of real user
transactions, Message Queues, Web Calls etc.
APM solution to provide pro-active SLA violation alerts (early warnings) much before peak threshold
conditions are hit for Finacle transactions being validated.
APM solution should have feature to add environment/application specific custom KPI for monitoring.
APM solution should have option to configure alerts with multiple severities and frequency based on
multiple threshold values of same KPI with a suppression time for alert notification.
APM solution should have multilevel escalation matrix for alert notification in adherence to organization’s
policy of SLA.
APM solution should be capable to monitor itself and alert if any of the critical service is not working
which can impact monitoring / Correlating SLA or alerting of any configured business applications.
3. System &Security Audit:
a) Before live implementation / migration of the software solution in production system, the
product may be audited by Bank’s appointed Software Audit firm / in house team.
b) All audit points raised by the Software auditor should be complied with by the vendor without
any additional cost to the Bank.
c) During warranty and AMS period, the vendor needs to comply with security and system audit
observation and remove the audit observation without any additional cost to the Bank.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
d) The solution should have built in security features and compliant with the requirements of
regulatory agencies.
e) It should have high level of reliability with particular emphasis on data integrity and security.
Authorized users to use the application if available on Internet / Intranet, generate logs and
audit trails.
4. Disaster Recovery (DR) and MIS setup:
a) Bidder will provide the time line for enabling the DR post Go Live of Finacle10.x after successful
migration as a part of project plan along with risk mitigation for non-availability of DR during the
period of post Go Live till DR enablement.
b) Bank will provide necessary hardware arrangements to enable the DR for the production
databases of Finacle (India), Finacle (Dubai) and Finacle (IBU) instances after completion of live
operations of FINACLE 10.x and bidder should make necessary setup to enable the same within
the agreed time lines.
c) Bidder should make do necessary server setup to enable Monthly MIS and daily MIS for data
extraction for various peripheral systems like RetMIS, ADF ,ALM etc.
5. Other important points to be noted by the bidder:
5.1. The Upgrade / Migration of the core banking system should be done along with the new
licensed modules / add-on applications at IDBI Bank’s Data Centre, CBD Belapur, and Navi Mumbai
and should be accessed and operated from the Bank's offices / processing units / branches / RACs.
As on date there are about 2000+ Service Outlets of the Bank.
5.2. The Bidder shall provide the hardware sizing, duly certified / approved by the OEM Vendor of
the Finacle CBS (Infosys), based on the projections provided by the Bank to ensure high reliability,
availability, scalability, redundancy and performance of the solution and to meet the technical and
functional requirements as per the terms of the RFP within the timeframe prescribed by the Bank.
5.3. Any gaps identified during Detail Requirement Gathering, functional requirements specifications
study, system testing, user acceptance testing, business process re-engineering and pilot migration
should be included by the bidder as migration efforts. Bank will not pay the bidder any additional
charges for all such customizations. Bidder shall take up all such amendments as required by the
Bank on a priority basis and shall inform the Bank the timelines for completions.
5.4. The Bidder will be the single point of contact / reference to the Bank. The Bank will enter into
agreement with the selected Bidder only. However, the Bidder must confirm to the Bank that they
are willing to enter into back to back teaming agreement with OEM for risk mitigation in meeting
the deliverables, implementation and other service commitments as per the RFP the Bidder makes
to the Bank under the Contract to be entered into. The Bidders must share a copy of the back to
back teaming arrangement with OEM, with the Bank.
5.5. The Bidder should carry out customization of business processes. Integration of various systems
with Finacle 10.x CBS. Bank will only facilitate the interaction with respective vendors. However,
end-to-end responsibility for integration will remain with the bidder only.
5.6. The Bank may require the Bidder to address additional requirements that are not either of the
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Bug fixes
Gaps found during base version testing
Gaps against the functionalities in existing system
The Bank will compensate the Bidder on the basis of a man-day rate provided by the Bidder that
will remain fixed through the Contract period
5.7. The Bidder will have to carry out all the customization related work at the premises of the Bank
or off-site in case the customization cannot be carried out at the Bank premises. The Bank will have
to be a party to the Functional Requirements Specifications sign-off, UAT, UAT sign-off, Installation
sign-off and Implementation sign-off. The Bidder will have to install and commission the software
for customization and UAT as per Project Plan failing which the Bidder will have to be liable to pay
the Bank the applicable penalty for delay (Liquidated damages). The Bidder will have to provide all
tools, testing instruments, drivers, consumables, etc. required to install and customize and test the
software free of any fees or charges or any expenses. The Bidder will have to document and submit
to the Bank all the testing activities, procedures and results.
5.8. Successful bidder will be solely responsible for any delay in integration with Bank's business
applications. Port application in production environment.
5.9. The Bidder is required to ensure that the software provides interfaces to the other application
systems at the Bank at no additional cost or fees or charges or expenses. The Bidder will have to
provide the Bank weekly progress reports on the bugs/problems reported/points taken up with
schedule of date of reporting, date of resolving, and status for all kind of bugs and problems
whether reported by bank or Bidder staff.
Testing: To assist Bank's team in developing a comprehensive acceptance-testing plan
for the different migration phases , including
5.10.1. "Functional tests" To demonstrate that the completed system performs the functions as
is designed to perform
5.10.2. "Load tests" to demonstrate the ability of the system to perform without degradation
when under maximum traffic load carrying conditions as defined in the manufacturer's
5.10.3. "Performance tests" to demonstrate satisfactory performance during a 30-day period.
The bidder / vendor shall conduct the tests, rectify any problems and provide a fully
operational, turnkey system.
The bidder is expected to handle all the activities as mentioned below related to
5.12.1. All Branches should be considered for the migration.
5.12.2. Core Team Training (Functional and Technical)
5.12.3. Project initiation
5.12.4. Current System Study and Gap Analysis
5.12.5. Business process definition
5.12.6. Detailed Requirement Gathering (DRG)
5.12.7. Data Mapping exercise , Data migration strategy discussion and approach
5.12.8. Retro Fitting of existing customization (Finacle –India, Finacle – CFS, Finacle – Dubai,
Finacle IBU) to the new version Finacle 10.x
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5.12.9. Test Migration on Test servers , minimum 3 iterations (periodic run like regular EOD /
BOD , month end , quarter end , half year end) excluding the pilot run has to be done.
Implementation of new license modules as per mentioned under Point No: 2.3 in
this section.
Setting up of interfaces for ATM, net banking , payment systems etc
Support System Integration Testing and User Acceptance Testing
To make a current system study and submit the detail system requirement specification
document within a period of 1 month from the placing of order.
Successful bidder has to provide implementation schedule (module-wise) for the new
modules within the timelines decided by the Bank.
To install, customize and implement the new modules in the system as per the requirement
of the Bank in a month’s time.
To provide and apply all upgrades and patches free of cost during the warranty / ATS / AMC
period. Such upgrades / patches should be applied within 6 months of the release.
The Bidder has to provide all customization source codes and Documentation to the bank.
The relevant IPR related to customization will be with Bank.
6. Deliverables:
Deliverables under Finacle 10.x Upgrade / Migration, Customization and Implementation are listed as
Finacle 10.x Upgrade / Migration
1. Server and
OEM (Infosys) / Bank
the OEM
recommendations given by Infosys are
Infosys will be responsible for server
implemented without deviation
and database capacity planning
Bank will arrange for the hardware /
software / network based upon Infosys
Server and Database capacity planning
recommendations. All the necessary
hardware, Software and network
installations and Maintenance.
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2. Set up and
of various
3. Training
OEM (Infosys) / Bank
BPD, Development, Training, System
Integration Testing (SIT), Data Migration,
User Acceptance Testing, Production and
DR (On Go Live) , Test server setup for
end user familiarity, Monthly MIS and
Daily MIS (Post go Live)– Set up of all the
above listed environments will be done
by the bidder. Maintenance of BPD,
Development, SIT, UAT has to be
provided by the bidder. Support will also
be provided by the bidder for all the
listed environments.
Bidder to share the details of the
modules to be covered in the functional
and the technical training programs
along with the schedule with Bank,
before the commencement of the
Training should cover
administrator as well as general user
activities. Soft copy of the Training
materials for each of the module (both
functional and Technical) should be
provided to the trainees / bank.
Will review the installation and certify.
Production, Daily MIS, Monthly MIS and
DR, Test server (End User familiarity),
Environments will be maintained by
Bank Team.
Should take care of providing the
training to the Core Team as per the
infrastructure for the Core Team
training at onsite.
 Core Team Training Plan
 End User training Plan
 Computer
 Training Material in English
 User Manuals including the
customizations specifically done for
IDBI Bank Ltd.
4. Gap Analysis Bidder is expected to provide the gap OEM
/ Detailed
identification report with the necessary
System Study solutions to overcome the gaps with Shall validate the solution suggested by
the bidder in the document for the
time frames.
identified gaps and give their sign off
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OEM (Infosys) / Bank
Shall give sign off for further processing
by the bidder.
5. Detailed
Bidder to conduct workshops to gather OEM
the requirement and to share the
Gathering Shall validate the DRG documents and
give their sign off for the approach /
Document for Bank’s sign off
resolution suggested by the bidder.
Will share the business process flows
and related documents and participate
in the workshops and provide the sign
6. Business
Bidder to share the Business Process
Definition document / parameter details
for signing off by the bank. Maintain
Parameter / Requirement Traceability
Infosys has to review the parameters
and will review the BPD before it is
released to the bank for sign off.
Bank will provide the necessary
parameters for the product setups and
participate in the BPD activity and
provide the sign off.
7. Data
Bidder to provide the Data Migration
Strategy document, whatever applicable
(CFS Migration, SVS migration, CIF
migration etc) highlighting the migration
scripts with data mapping for signing off
by the bank.
Infosys to review the strategy, provide
recommendations if any before sign off
the documents. To provide support for
working of product scripts.
Provide data in Finacle up loadable
formats post extracting and
transforming the data from the existing
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OEM (Infosys) / Bank
system. Participate in the data mapping
and migration activity.
8. UAT / SIT
Bidder to validate the test cases
provided by the bank and drives the UAT
/ SIT closure with the bank. Prepare issue
tracker covering test cases, issues raised
during testing, issues resolved / pending
to Infosys. All the issues including
product related patches identified during
the project to be closed by the bidder
before GO LIVE.
Infosys to provide recommendations, if
Post Infosys recommendations final
sign off will be done between the
bidder / vendor and the bank.
Planning the testing phase, build test
cases and conduct testing. Provide sign
off for UAT and SIT.
9. Customizatio
n& Interface
Bidder to handle the customizations and
interface requirements as mentioned in
the RFPand related documentations as
per the list provided.
10. Base Product
Bidder to publish / share the product
bugs with complete detailed analysis. All
the details including simulation steps
should be shared by the Bidder to the
bank. The same has to be lodged in
Tech-online by the vendor.
The Patches provided by the OEM
vendor to be tested and deployed in the
production server
Bank to test the patches deployed by
the vendor and close the issues.
Bidder responsibility is to have hygiene
factors in place for checks and the
closures of SIT / UAT / correctness of
data. Bidder needs to keep Onsite /
Offshore support team in readiness
11. Go-Live
Participate in requirement gathering
specifications sign off, test the
customizations and provide necessary
sign offs.
Issues requiring patches will be taken
up by Infosys with basic / primary
analysis details from the vendor.
Infosys off-shore team will be available
during Go-Live period so as to address
any bugs raised during the Go-Live
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during the Go-Live period. Publish the
go-live check list.
OEM (Infosys) / Bank
Closure of End User Training. Setup of
Bank’s L1 / L2 support team.
Environment handover sign off.
12. Status
Bidder to submit weekly status report of
the project to Bank every Monday with
the action plan to resolve issues raised.
The report should also include the risks
identified for the project and the
mitigation plans
To participate in the review calls
13. Audit
Bidder to provide necessary pre-post
migration reports as per the
requirement of the bank’s IS-Audit /
External Audit during various phases of
migration till issuance of ‘Go Live’
completion certificate.
14. Closure
Bidder to share the documents and
ensure smooth handover to the Bank
once the bank goes live on 10.x. All the
issues related to migration /
customization should be addressed on or
before handing over. The handover
should take place onsite with the Infosys
15. Project
Bidders to manage the project, organize
the weekly status meetings as per the
frequency decided by bank.
Bank will conduct weekly status
16. Documents
The Bidder/Vendor shall provide the
project plan including
Provide closure sign off and
engagement feedback.
 Migration Strategy Document
 Solution Architecture Overview
 Logical & Physical Data Base
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17. Data Archival
& Purging
18. Application
OEM (Infosys) / Bank
 System Interfaces
 System
benchmarks (response times,
Bidder to identify and implement data
archival and purging solution for the CBS
To test the solution provided and give
Bidder is expected to provide Application
performance monitoring tool which
should be compatible to extend the
same for other application used in bank
in future
To test the solution provided and give
Wherever Accountability is not specified with OEM / Bank, then the responsibility is with the Bidder.
Customization Retro Fitting / Porting and Interface porting
i. The Vendor / Bidder shall provide the technical design document including
Deliverables shall comprise:
Design Specification document.
System Requirement specification document
Release Notes
Source Codes
User Manuals
ii. Source code for customization and documentation shall be the property of the Bank from the
start of contract period.
iii. Any gaps identified during product demonstration, functional requirements specifications study,
system testing, user acceptance testing, business process re-engineering and pilot migration
should be included by the bidder as migration efforts. Bank will not pay the bidder any
additional charges for all such customizations. Bidder shall take up all such amendments as
required by the Bank on a priority basis and shall inform the Bank the timelines for completions.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
System Configuration Management
i. The Vendor / Bidder shall ensure facility exist for the control of documentation and application
program versions, executable between environments.
ii. System Release
All of the deliverables referred to below, shall be delivered to the Bank on commencement of
the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) following the correction of any “Non Compliances".
Software Executables
Customized Software Source Code
System Requirements Specifications
Logical Data Base Design and Data Dictionary
Technical Design Document
FINACLE 10.x Technical Manual
FINACLE 10.x Administration Manual
FINACLE 10.x User Manual
FINACLE 10.x Security Manual
iii. On receipt of each deliverable, the Bank will review each deliverable within agreed time
iv. A copy of the source code of the application developed for the Bank shall be handed over to
the Bank. A copy of all subsequent updates to the source code shall also be handed over to the
Bank after the release. The Bank in turn shall guarantee that it will not use the software code
for any commercial purposes.
7. Project Management Services
Project Planning, Monitoring and Control
7.1.1.The Vendor / Bidder shall develop a Project Management Plan. The plan shall also detail
all milestones and indicate the list of activities and when the activity will be commenced
and when it will get completed etc.
7.1.2.The Vendor / Bidder shall develop a Quality Assurance Plan for the execution of this
Service(s). The Quality Assurance Plan shall address at a minimum, the following Service(s)
Document Control
Change Management
Product Review and Approval
Control of third party products
Inspection and Testing
Control of Quality Records
7.1.3.The progress of the Service(s) shall be monitored on regular basis and the deviations,
exceptions shall be analyzed and corrective actions to be recommended / suggested.
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7.1.4.The Deliverables shall be
 Project Management Plan
 Quality Assurance Plan
 Progress Reports
7.1.5.On receipt of each deliverable, the Bank will review each deliverable within agreed time
Project reporting:
7.2.1.A weekly progress report shall be submitted. Also the Vendor/Bidder shall report on items
by exception or that require urgent action.
7.2.2.Monthly Project Execution Committee meetings will be held at the Bank’s premises. The
vendor / bidder is required to provide a report on the following:
a. Progress against the Project Management Plan
b. Status of all open issues
c. Ad-hoc requests for information will be assessed promptly by the Vendor/Bidder and a
delivery date will be given. The Vendor/Bidder shall deliver the required information
within the agreed time frame.
8. Mock Migration
The first Mock migration shall include installation, implementation of the comprehensive Finacle 10.x
and migration of the test data at Bank’s Data Center at Belapur, Navi Mumbai prior to customization /
interface porting.
9. Schedule
9.1 The Vendor / Bidder shall complete the project as per the agreed project plan. A tentative plan is
given below but the vendor should prepare their own project plan and get Bank’s sign off prior to
commencement of the project.
Project Initiation , Detailed Project Plan Submission and sign off
Core Team Training and Hardware Sizing
Current System Study , Gap Analysis ,Detailed Requirement Gathering
Hardware , Software procurement (if any)
Data Mapping Exercise, Trial Migration , Data Migration Strategy Discussion
and Approach
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
System Set-up (Test, Training, Production server setup and Finacle version
10.x installation)
Test Migration on the test server, minimum of 3(three) iterations will be
Customization / Development:
ATM / SWIFT / Finacle Treasury and other interfaces - Interfacing
End User Training
Application Testing
Go Live Readiness
Live Migration
Go Live
‘Go Live’ and Knowledge sharing to Bank's Help Desk team
DR server setup and Enablement
Note: Bidder to provide the tentative man days for the entire project. However, the role of the OEM will
be as specified in the RFP.
9.2 Warranty Period of Contract shall be for 3 Months and will start from the time the ‘Go Live’ has
been accepted by the Bank by issuing the certificate of acceptance.
9.3 Application Maintenance and Support services period will be for 1 year after the expiry of 3 months
warranty period but it is optional.
Responsibilities of OEM Vendor (Infosys)
10.1 The OEM has to give commitment to be part of the migration project along with the
bidder/vendor throughout the migration.
10.2 The OEM’s involvement in the project should be at least 20% of the efforts as specified in
Annexure-2 (Table – A: Cost of Migration / Up gradation) and detailed accountability of
OEM as specified in Section – 5, Clause – 6: Deliverables during various stages of migration.
10.3 Necessary hardware sizing, considering the various aspects of the upgrade/migration
project along with the business projection growth of the bank, has to be provided by the
10.4 Review of the version upgrade / migration (as per the defined scope) project plan has to
be done by OEM , taking into account all quantitative and qualitative aspects related to
installation of the new version Finacle 10x and upgrade / migration from the existing
version along with the other scope mentioned.
10.5 Review of the gap analysis and detailed requirement gathering done by the bidder / vendor
and confirming the solution part has to be taken cared by the OEM.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Section 6: Functionality and Architectural Details
Software Application Requirement:
The Finacle 10.x version to be installed for the proposed migration should be 10.2.15 or
above but it should be a certified version by the OEM vendor (Infosys) and successfully running
in a bank in India.
It should be compatible to IBM AIX 6.1 and Oracle which are being used for the
current version of Finacle as Operating System and Database.
It has to be ensured by the bidder that all the existing products and offerings of the
existing version of Finacle 7.0.25 is available in the new version Finacle 10.x and if any gap is
there then it should be customized by the bidder without any additional cost.
All regulatory requirements as on date and any other systematic changes or new
requirements necessitated out of any ministry / other regulatory guidelines or other
requirements of the bank between the dates of the RFP and the pilot migration are made
available while commencing System Integration Testing.
2. Hardware Recommendations
Vendor has to provide the hardware and network detail required to port the new CBS
version Finacle 10.x and the new modules in consultation and approval of OEM Vendor
(Infosys).It should cover module names to be hosted, site-wise number of servers, and
configuration of each server along with storage requirement, bandwidth requirement and any
other hardware requirement.
Currently, the Centralized Core Banking System has been deployed in the Bank, to
handle its Core Banking functionality. The Bank would like to continue with this broadly
centralized architecture.
The main server and the central database will be located at the System hub (central
The main central server will have a fallback / backup / disaster recovery server, located
at a different site other than the Central hub.
The proposed system should be able to communicate with the fallback / backup /
disaster systems in case the main central server fails.
The Vendor should advise details of the minimum configuration of various Hardware
components like Servers, Storage, Scanners, etc and any other Software like Databases,
Application servers and third party software required to make the FINACLE 10.x application
functional and operational for the above specified volumes. The bidders should also specify the
backup mechanisms supported by the solution along with the hardware and software required
for the same.
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If the Application is portable on multiple platforms like AIX / HP-UX / Sun Solaris Based
servers then specify the minimum configuration for each of the platform.
The proposed hardware should cover the DR requirements of the application.
While proposing the hardware, vendor should take care of following criteria:
Capacity to complete the data processing cycle within the agreed time frame
Reliability, fault tolerance, redundancy and high availability.
LAN / WAN connectivity and support for standard communication protocols / channels
like X.25, TCP / IP over X.25, SLIP, PPP, VSAT, ISDN and Leased Lines.
Must have capability to interface and cluster with heterogeneous platforms.
Ability to communicate through any communication channel used by the Bank
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Section 7: Technical Details Required From Bidder
The bidder is required to provide the following information in the Technical Bid:
Vendor / Bidder should provide extensive documentation related to the CBS
Application’s new version Finacle 10.x (along with the new modules which will get
implemented ) such as …
 Application deployment architecture
 Database layouts and architecture.
 User Manuals
 System Reference Manuals
 Error Messages and their Meanings
 Training Manuals
 Additions / changes to the database / application after migration / upgrades
 Operations Manuals
 Data Dictionary
Bidder / Vendor should give details regarding the level of integration of the various subsystems, particularly in case of mix and match of proprietary and third party products.
Bidder / vendor should give details regarding the data integrity issues
Bidder / Vendor should specify whether the proposed architecture uses any application
middle-ware solutions.
Bidder / Vendor should provide the bill of materials containing the compatible OS / DB
versions , Windows versions for client PCs etc.
Bidder / Vendor should give details of any additional Application S/W and third-party
tools that are required for using the system, in addition to the base Application System
provided by the Vendor / Bidder
Bidder / vendor should give details of the proven System Response times benchmarks for
different versions of Operating System and Database of the proposed version of Finacle
In case of occurrence of a system failure, specify whether …
 A log and recovery facility is provided to return to the pre-failure situation
 After a system failure the system is able to restart and rebuild the database to the
pre-failure situation
 The system provides for automatic roll-forward and rollback.
 Deadlock situations are resolved automatically.
 Processing can be continued without loss of data after a disaster.
 The system should be made available for further processing within 4 hours of its
Explain which measures can be taken to rebuild the database after a failure
Bidder / Vendor should give details of the System Performance benchmarks on the
various Network configurations such as
 Leased Lines
 Dial-up Modems
Please mention the bandwidth requirement for the client
Bidder / Vendor should give details of the Scalability provisions in the System.
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To Provide the following details of any proven Implementation / Version upgrade Casestudy of the proposed solution
 Strategy adopted
 Milestone definitions
 Time Schedules
 Resources used
 Drawbacks, if any
Provide details of the training programmes to be conducted.
Provide the timetable for the training session with details such as topics, duration,
number of users, etc.
Give a detailed document which covers
 The bidder presence in India
 The bidder Support Mechanism
 Support Centers (No. Of Support Centers, locations, Staffing, etc)
 Methodology to classify calls according to severity
 Maximum Response times to Calls
 Support levels / functions
 Whether dedicated support staff will be maintained at IDBI, on an on-going basis.
 Support tools
 Call Centers / Help Desk
 24 hours Availability
To Provide details of the Warranties provided on the solution.
The bidder to provide guarantees against the System failures OR under-performance
than the stipulated and mutually agreed performance standards and benchmarks. Give
details of the same.
The bidder to provide a standard Service Agreement copy, along with the proposal.
To provide details of any Business Associates / Affiliates / Franchisees of the bidder who
perform the Support function.
To Provide details of the clients (if any) who avail of the Support function of the bidder
The Bidder to specify the modus operandi to classify calls into (the priority will be
decided by IDBI)
 Maintenance
 Enhancements / Modifications
 New Development
 Upgrades
 Customization
 Bugs
In case of third-party components being used in the Solution, please specify the details of
the arrangements that will be worked out between the vendor and the third-party
In case of Solution upgrades, please give details of the Deployment Strategy for the new
version, with minimum disruption to the Banking operations
Please specify whether there are any restrictions / conditions applicable, on the Support
Arrangement, in case of IDBI not opting for any higher version of the Solution, whenever
it is available
Please specify whether there are any in-built checks and mechanisms to track the
activities of the Support Staff
Give details whether the bidder conforms to any International Quality Management
procedures as part of their Support function.
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An Undertaking from the OEM mentioning that if the bidder is not able to fulfill its
obligation to complete the Finacle 10.x migration project, OEM will ensure the successful
completion of the project as per the contract. Bidder has to submit the necessary
undertaking as per the format.
In case, bidder is not an OEM of the proposed FINACLE 10.x solution, a letter from the
OEM, authorizing the bidder must be provided.
Bidder / Vendor to provide exhaustive Test Plans covering the entire functionality of the
new modules in Finacle10.x as per the scope
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Section 8: Bidder Information
This section is meant to collect the various details of the bidder responding to this RFP. If the bidder
partners with other third-party / bids in consortium while responding to this RFP, the Bank will interact
only with the Lead bidder and the relationship(s) between the Lead bidder and the third-party should
be transparent to the Bank.
However, Lead bidder needs to provide the company details of each third-party, along with their own
details. In the case of overseas bidder having local Indian representatives, the details of both the
overseas bidder as well as the local support representative should be given.
1. Company Details
Please provide the following company details:
Company Name
Contact Person / Telephone / E-mail / Fax
Nature of Organization (Proprietary / Partnership / Pvt. Ltd. Co /
Public Ltd. Co)
Date of Incorporation of Company
Income Tax / PAN Details
Name of the CEO / MD
Registered / Corporate Office Location
Product Lines and Brief Description
Number of Employees by Function
Quality Assurance
Sales and Support
Earmarked Implementation Team
Support Centre details and products supported by these centers
Any affiliates / associated businesses
2. Financial Details
The bidder is required to provide the following financial information:
Audited balance sheet and profit and loss account for the last three financial years
Earnings per share for the last three financial years, in case of listed companies
Total revenues for the proposed product for the last three years if any
Profitability figures for the last 3 years.
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3. Client List
Please provide details of the clients for whom the Implementation / Migration / Version
upgrade of Finacle CBS done OR the client sites where the Implementation / Migration / Version
upgrade is in progress.
Client Name
(with total
branches in
Migration Year
of Currently
completio in
/ Version
n / Migration
Completed /
In Progress
of Users
Please provide details of the clients for whom the Implementation of add-on modules /
surround applications / interfaces implemented, integrated and interfaced
Client Name
(with total
branches in
Module / Applicat Year
of Currently
application ion Type implemen in
/ interface
In Progress
of Users
Please provide details of the clients for whom the Implementation / Migration Oracle RAC done
OR the client sites where the Implementation / Migration is in progress.
Client Name Oracle
(with total Version
branches in
DB Size
of Currently Implementatio
completio in
use n
(Yes/No) Status
In Progress
of Users
4. Reference Sites
Bidder is required to provide the details of at least one reference site where the implementation /
migration / version upgrade of Finacle CBS have been implemented. The Bank reserves the right to
contact the reference provided by bidder, at any point of time in the evaluation period. The following
table lists the required information on reference sites.
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During the evaluation period, the Bank reserves the right to ask for more references if for some reasons
it is not satisfied with the responses of the reference already provided.
Client Name
Business Domain
Contact Person / Telephone / E-mail / Fax
Modules implemented (with version number)
Date and Period of Implementation
Number of sites and users at individual sites
Average and Peak Load of transactions
Degree of Systems Integration required for Implementation and
Time for Integration
Details of
 Servers
 Operating Systems
 Database
 Network
 Other resources
Details of services provided
Provide End-Of-Day processing details (time taken, volumes
handled, etc)
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Annexure- 1: Contents and format of Technical bid
The major sections of the proposal should be organized as follows:
This section should have brief introduction
Bidder Information
This section should provide all the relevant information about the bidder, including the required bidder
information (Section 8 of the RFP).
Finacle 10.x
This section should provide information about the Finacle 10.x (the CBS) to be implemented by the
Functional Details, System Architecture and Integration
This section should discuss the functional specifications, the detailed system architecture, including the
structure, platform, the components of the Finacle 10.x solution and their integration, interfaces
available for external systems, etc. (Section 5 and 6 of the RFP, Annexure-8).
This section should outline the implementation / migration methodology, schedules and time frames,
data migration strategy, parallel runs, parameterization, customization, etc.
This section should give the details of user training (to be provided by the bidder to IDBI Core Team as
well as for Train the trainers) and should include time frame, schedule, training facilities, etc.
This section should discuss the support methodology to be adopted by the bidder, in executing this
Service(s), support center details, staffing, response time, service level requirements, onsite support
arrangement, etc
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List of documents / enclosures
Documents, other than the commercial documents, that must be submitted in the following order with
the proposal (Hard copy and Soft copy):S. No.
Section / Annexure /
Annexure 1
Cost of Document
Section 3- Clause 5
Form 1 (a)
Form 1 (b)
Form - 2
Form - 3
Form - 4
Write up.
DD for cost of Bid document.
Bid Security, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
Covering letter.
Eligibility Evaluation Criteria.
Technical Bid form.
Power of attorney of the signatory.
Undertaking Letter.
Form - 5
Deed of Indemnity
Form – 10(a)
Experience certificate ( Migration / Version Upgrade)
Form – 10(b)
Experience Certificate ( Oracle RAC Implementation /
Data Migration)
Form – 10 ( c )
Experience certificate (New Modules / Interfaces
Implementation / Integration in Finacle CBS)
Form – 11
Project Team Profiles list
Form - 11(a)
Project Team Profiles (Individual)
Form – 12
Undertaking Letter from OEM
Annexure –2
Masked Commercial bid (Photo copy of the
Commercial Bid without Commercial details).
Annexure - 4
Section 7
Unconditional Acceptances of the
Conditions of the RFP
Technical Details required from Bidder.
Section 8
Bidder Information in 1, 2, 3, 4.
Teaming agreement/Authority letters from third party
products embedded or interfaced with the Finacle
Details about the support centers in India and staffing
structure of the bidder.
Original copy of RFP duly signed on all pages.
Any other relevant document.
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Template for Pre-Bid Queries
Bidder Name :
Contact Person :
Contact no / email id:
Page no
RFP Clause no
Existing clause Details
Clarification Sought
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Form – 1(a): Format for Covering Letter
Deputy General Manager (ITD),
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
Dear Sir,
Subject: Core Banking System Version upgrade / Migration - IDBI Bank Limited (IDBI)
In respect of the Migration / Version-upgrade service of Core Banking System meant for IDBI Bank
Limited, please find enclosed our response to your RFP dated ……
Having examined the RFP document / Bid Document and appendix thereto and addenda
numbers _____ thereto, we, the undersigned, in conformity with the RFP Document, offer to provide
the Services as defined and described in the RFP Document, on the terms and conditions mentioned in
the RFP Document and for the sum / price indicated as per financial bid.
We acknowledge having received the following addenda to the bid document:
Addendum No.
We certify that we are the authors / assignees / licensees / System Integrators of the Finacle
Core Banking System and / or its components. We have produced for your inspection, copy of the letter
of assignment / license given by the author of Finacle CBS System. We further certify that the sale of the
Finacle CBS to you by your use and us thereof does not infringe / violate any provisions of the applicable
laws including laws relating to the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and the same is in compliance in all
respects with all applicable laws and regulations.
If any action is brought against you for infringement / violation, of the applicable laws including
laws relating to IPRs in respect of the Finacle CBS System supplied by us to you, we will defend the same
at our cost and consequences and will indemnify you of all the costs and other expenses that you may
incur in this connection.
Any upgrades / updates and new releases / versions of the Finacle CBS System or its
components supplied shall be immediately incorporated on your system at cost/or no extra cost
depending upon the corporate policy of our company and as per the rates quoted in the Commercial
Bids and as mutually acceptable between us and IDBI.
We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to provide the Services comprised in the Contract
within timeframe specified, starting from the date of receipt of notification of award from IDBI.
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We agree and undertake to abide by this proposal for the period of 90 days from the date of Bid
opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of
that period.
We agree to execute a Contract / Agreement in the form to be communicated by IDBI,
incorporating all agreements with such alterations or additions thereto as may be necessary to adapt
such agreement to the circumstances of the standard and notice of the award within time prescribed
after notification of your intention to accept this proposal.
Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this proposal together with your
written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding Contract / Agreement.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive, not to
give any reason for rejection of any bid and that you will not defray any expenses incurred by us in
We certify that all the information and representations furnished herein are true, correct, valid
and subsisting in every respect and can be supported with relevant documents of proof on demand by
the IDBI Bank.
As security for the due performance and observance of the undertaking and obligation of the
bid we submit an amount of <Rs.50, 00,000/-> (Rupees. Fifty Lakhs only) by Demand Draft / Banker’s
Cheque bearing no. ____________ dated __________ drawn in favour of IDBI Bank Limited payable at
Bank Guarantee (BG) issued by ____________ dated __________.
Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 2016
(Company Seal)
In the capacity of
Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:
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Form –1(b): Format for Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria
Sr. No
Eligibility Criteria
Whether the Bidder is a corporate body and
company registered in India with an established
setup in India.
Whether the Bidder is an IT services company in the
business of System integration for a period
exceeding five years as on 31st March 2015?
Whether the bidder has minimum annual turnover
of Rs.100 crore for the last three financial years.(FY
2012-13, FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15)
Whether the bidder has made positive net worth for
the past three financial years. (FY 2012-13, FY 201314 and FY 2014-15).
Whether Bidder has all necessary licenses,
permissions, consents, no objections, approvals as
required under law for carrying out its business
a) Whether the Bidder or one of the consortium
member has successfully done end-to-end
green field implementation of Finacle CBS (or)
migration from legacy systems to Finacle CBS
(or) version upgrade / migration from lower
version to higher version (6.x to 7.x) of Finacle
Remark by Bank
b) How many implementation (or) migration (or)
Version upgrade has been done in banks in
India with a minimum of 500 branches?
Out of the above (b), how many are PSU Banks.
Whether the Bidder or one of the
consortium member has successfully done end-toend green field implementation of Finacle CBS (or)
migration from legacy systems to Finacle CBS (or)
version upgrade / migration from lower version to
higher version (7.x to 10.x) of Finacle CBS.
How many implementation (or) migration
(or) Version upgrade has been done in banks in
India with a minimum of 500 branches?
Out of the above (b), how many are PSU
a) Whether the Bidder or one of the consortium
member has successfully done implementation/
migration of Oracle Real application clustering in
any large organizations in BFSI sector with
database size of 1 TB or more.
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b) IF ‘Yes’ then how many such implementations
have been done?
c) If ‘Yes’ for (a) then what is the maximum
database size handled during the said migration.
d) Out of the (b) how many are Banks
Whether the Bidder / consortium member is having
trained man power and with experience in
implementation and integration of peripheral
systems like Finacle – Net banking, Loan origination
System, Payment Systems, Document Management
System, Cheque Truncation System, Treasury System
etc in any bank/s in India
Whether the Bidder is having a valid and existing SEI
CMMi level 5 certification
Whether the bidder is having Teaming Agreement
with consortium for the Finacle CBS clearly
specifying the roles and responsibilities and services
rendered. Prime bidder will be sole responsible for
the entire project only.
Whether the vendor complies with government’s
rules and regulations like minimum wages act,
Provident fund and ESIC facility standard?
Whether the Bidder has been blacklisted by any
Govt. organizations / PSU / PSB / PSE in India for
breach of any law or violation of any regulatory
prescriptions or breach of agreement for the last 10
Whether the bidder is having Teaming Agreement
with OEM for the Finacle CBS as per role of OEM
defined in the RFP
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Form – 1(c): Fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria
(Documents to be submitted)
Document Required
Bidder should be a body corporate registered in Certified true copy of the letter of
incorporation of the Company issued by
Registrar of Companies along with
Memorandum & Articles of association
of the bidder.
Bidder should be and IT services company in the Work orders confirming duration,
business of System integration for a period commencement and area of activity of
exceeding five years as on 31st March 2015.
the bidder.
Bidder should have minimum annual turnover of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss
the Rs.100 crore or above for the last three Account Statement for last three years
financial years(FY 2012-13, FY2013-14 and FY 20142015)
Bidder should have positive net worth for the last Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss
three financial years (FY 2012-13, FY 2013-14 and FY Account Statement for last three years
Bidder should have all necessary licenses, Self declaration by the bidder along with
permissions, consents, no objections, approvals as copy of relevant supporting documents.
required under law for carrying out its business.
Bidder should have successfully completed within Experience certificate as per Format –
last 10 years at least in two Banks end-to-end Form 10 (a) in the relevant bank’s letter
implementation of Finacle CBS (or) migration from head
legacy systems to Finacle CBS (or) version upgrade
/migration of Finacle CBS from version (7.x to 10.x)
(hereafter referred as “version migration”) in banks
in India with a minimum of 500 branches. At least
one should be an end to end implementation of
Finacle CBS.
Bidder should have successfully completed at least Experience certificate as per Format –
one implementation / migration of Oracle Real Form 10 (b) in the relevant
application clustering (RAC) in any Bank with organization’s letter head
database size of 1 TB or more.
Bidder should have at least 10 trained resources
with experience in implementation of Finacle CBS
and integration of Finacle with peripheral systems
like Net banking, Loan origination System, Payment
Systems, Document Management System, Cheque
Truncation System, Treasury System etc. The
necessary profiles needs to be provided as per
annexure (Team Profile). The Bank has a right to
interview and reject resources deployed by the
List and Profiles of resources having such
expertise detailing the projects handled.
Including a list of resources to be
deployed for IDBI project. (Refer
Annexure 6)
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Bidder should have a valid and existing SEI CMMi Copy of relevant certification issued by
level 5 certification
the respective agencies.
The bidder can make consortium but cannot sub- Copy of the Consortium agreement.
contract the job to any other company or firm and
the implementation for the Bank must be done by
the employees of the consortium members only.
Consortium agreement to be shared with the Bank
clearly specifying the roles and responsibilities and
services rendered. Prime bidder will be sole
responsible for the entire project.
Bidder should comply with government’s rules and
regulations like minimum wages act, Provident fund
and ESIC facility standard?
Bidder should not be blacklisted by any Govt.
organizations/PSU/PSB/PSE in India for breach of
any law or violation of any regulatory prescriptions
or breach of agreement for the last 10 years.
Bidder should have Teaming Agreement with OEM
for the Finacle CBS as per role of OEM defined in
the RFP
Copy of relevant Documents, along with
Self declaration.
Self-Declaration (by authorized signatory
of the bidder)
Copy of Teaming Agreement with Role of
OEM as per RFP.
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Form –2: Technical Bid form
Date: ………………..
Deputy General Manager (ITD),
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
Dear Sir:
Ref: ____________________________________
After going through the Bid Documents, the receipt whereof is hereby duly acknowledged, we the
undersigned, unconditionally and irrevocably offer our services for System Integration in conformity
with the said Bid Documents.
We agree and undertake that, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver and commission the Services in
accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the schedule of requirements.
If our Bid is accepted, we will obtain bank guarantee in a sum equivalent to 10 (Ten) percent of the
Contract Price for the due performance and observance of the Contract, in the form and manner
prescribed by and to the satisfaction of IDBI Bank Limited (Bank).
We agree and undertake to abide by the bid terms of Bank including the rates quoted therein for the
orders awarded by Bank up to the period prescribed in the Bid, which shall be final and conclusive and
remain binding upon us.
Until a formal contract is finalized and executed, this Bid Documents, together with relevant documents
as amended, modified, supplemented, revised, modified by addendum, etc., if any, at the sole
discretion of Bank duly initialled/executed shall constitute a binding Contract between us.
We agree and undertake that, in competing for (and, if the Bid is accepted by you) the above contract,
we will strictly observe the laws inter alia, in particular, against fraud and corruption in force in India
namely “Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988” and similar laws and also strictly abide by and observe all
applicable laws.
We agree and confirm that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive and you
also have the right to re-issue/re-commence the Bid. Any decision in this regard by you shall be final and
binding on us.
We enclose a demand draft of Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rs.Fifty Lakhs only) towards Bid Security, in favour of
"IDBI Bank Limited." drawn on ____________, _________ Branch payable at Mumbai.
We understand that the Bid Security will be refunded after the Bidder signing the Contract and
furnishing of the Performance Bank Guarantee in case of successful Bidder and within a period of 90
(Ninety) days after the expiry of Bid validity period for unsuccessful Bidders. We have noted that Bid
Security shall not carry any interest.
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Form – 3: Format of power-of-attorney
(On Stamp Paper of Rs. 500/-)
Know all men by these presents, we
(name of the company and
address of the registered office) do hereby appoint and authorize Mr.
name and residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of
as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts,
deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our proposal for installation ,
implementation , configuration ,migration and version upgrade of Finacle Core Banking System to the
latest certified version of Finacle 10.x (
)in response to the RFP ( Request for Proposal) by IDBI
Bank Ltd (hereinafter referred to as IDBI), including signing and submission of all documents and
providing information/responses to IDBI in all matters in connection with our Bid / Offer.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this
Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall
always be deemed to have been done by us.
Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 2016
(Name, Designation and Address)
(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)
1. To be executed by the all members, in case of a Consortium.
2. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants and when it
is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required
3. Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favor of the Person
executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the
4. In case the Application is signed by an authorized Director / Partner or Proprietor of the
Applicant, a certified copy of the appropriate resolution / document conveying such authority
may be enclosed in lieu of the Power of Attorney.
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Form – 4: Undertaking
It is certified that the information furnished here in and as per the document submitted is true and
accurate and nothing has been concealed or tampered with. We have gone through all the conditions of
Bid and are liable to any punitive action for furnishing false information / documents.
Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 2016
(Company Seal)
In the capacity of
Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:
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Form – 5: Deed of Indemnity
(On Stamp Paper of Rs. 500/-)
This Deed of Indemnity executed at Mumbai on the ______ day of _______ by
________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Obligor” which expression
shall unless it be repugnant to the context, subject or meaning thereof, shall be deemed to mean and
include successors and permitted assigns);
IDBI Bank Limited, a company registered and incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of
1956) and a banking company within the meaning of section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of
1949) having its registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
(hereinafter referred to as “IDBI ” which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context or
meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns)
The Obligor has
offered to IDBI to Implement/ Migrate Finacle 10.x and the new modules at IDBI, as stated
under Contract/Section 5 of RFP document;
represented and warranted that they have all permissions, consents, approvals and license
from all authorities, both regulatory / statutory and non-regulatory, for executing their services to
Represented and warranted that the aforesaid services offered to IDBI do not violate any
provisions of the applicable laws, regulations or guidelines including laws relating to intellectual
property rights, legal and environmental. In case there is any violation of any law, rules or
regulation, which is capable of being remedied the same will be got remedied immediately during
the implementation, maintenance and contract period to the satisfaction of IDBI;
represented and warranted that they are authorized and legally eligible and otherwise
entitled and competent to enter into such contract(s) with IDBI;
IDBI, relying and based on the aforesaid representations and warranties of the Obligor, has agreed
to avail the services of the Obligor on the terms and conditions contained in its Contract /
Agreement dated ____________________ (the Agreement) with the Obligor;
One of the conditions of the aforesaid Agreement is that the Obligor is required to furnish an
indemnity in favour of IDBI indemnifying the latter against any loss, damages or claims arising out of
any violations of the applicable laws, regulations, guidelines during the execution and rendering of
it’s the services / Finacle 10.x and the new solutions / Systems to IDBI over the contract period as
also for breach committed by the Obligor on account of misconduct, omission or negligence or
otherwise by the Obligor.
In pursuance thereof, the Obligor has agreed to furnish an indemnity in the form and manner and
to the satisfaction of IDBI as hereinafter appearing;
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NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS UNDER:In consideration of IDBI having agreed to award the aforesaid services / job to the Obligor, more
particularly described and stated in the aforesaid Agreement, the Obligor do hereby unconditionally,
absolutely and irrevocably agree and undertake that:(1) The Obligor shall, at all times hereinafter, save and keep harmless and indemnified IDBI, including
its respective directors, officers, and employees and keep them indemnified from and against any
claim, demand, losses, liabilities or expenses of any nature and kind whatsoever and by
whomsoever made in respect of the Contract / Agreement and any loss or damage caused from and
against all suits and other actions that may be instituted taken or preferred against IDBI by
whomsoever and all losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses that IDBI may incur by reason of
any claim made by any claimant for any reason whatsoever or by anybody claiming under them or
otherwise for any losses, damages or claims arising out of all kinds of accidents, destruction,
deliberate or otherwise, direct or indirect, from those arising out of violation of applicable laws
including those relating to intellectual property rights, rules, regulations, guidelines and also from
the environmental damages, if any, which may occur or result from the terms of the Agreement.
(2) The Obligor further agrees and undertakes that the Obligor shall, ensure that all the permissions,
authorizations, consents and licenses are obtained and renewed from the local and/or municipal
and/or governmental authorities, as may be required under the applicable laws, rules, regulations,
guidelines, orders framed or issued by any appropriate authorities.
(3) The Obligor further agrees to provide complete documentation of all sub-systems, operating
systems, systems software, utility software and other software, they are having. The Obligor shall
also provide licensed software for all software services, whether developed by it or acquired from
others for performing the obligations under the Contract/Agreement. The Obligor shall also
indemnify and keep indemnified IDBI against any levies / penalties / claims / demands litigations,
suits, actions, judgments, and or otherwise on account of any default and or breach and or
otherwise in this regard.
(4) If any additional approval, consent or permission is required by the Obligor to execute and perform
the contract / Agreement during the currency of the contract, they shall procure the same and/or
comply with the conditions stipulated by the concerned authorities without any delay.
(5) The obligations of the Obligor herein are irrevocable, absolute and unconditional, in each case
irrespective of the value, genuineness, validity, regularity or enforceability of the aforesaid
Agreement or the insolvency, bankruptcy, re-organization, dissolution, liquidation or change in
ownership of IDBI or Obligor or any other circumstance whatsoever which might otherwise
constitute a discharge or defense of an indemnifier.
(6) The obligations of the Obligor under this deed shall not be affected by any act, omission, matter or
thing which, would reduce, release or prejudice the Obligor from any of the indemnified obligations
under this indemnity or prejudice or diminish the indemnified obligations in whole or in part,
including in law, equity or contract (whether or not known to it, or to IDBI).
(7) This indemnity shall survive the Agreement.
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(8) Any notice, request or other communication to be given or made under this indemnity shall be in
writing addressed to either party at the address stated in the aforesaid Agreement and or as stated
(9) This indemnity shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India. The
Obligor irrevocably agrees that any legal action, suit or proceedings arising out of or relating to any
this indemnity may be brought in the Courts/Tribunals at Mumbai. Final judgment against the
Obligor in any such action, suit or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in any other
jurisdiction, by suit on the judgment, a certified copy of which shall be conclusive evidence of the
judgment, or in any other manner provided by law. By the execution of this indemnity, the Obligor
irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such Court/Tribunal in any such action, suit or
IDBI may assign or transfer all or any part of its interest herein to any other person. Obligor
shall not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this indemnity, except with the
prior written consent of IDBI.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Obligor has signed these presents on the day, month and year first
above written.
Signed and Delivered on behalf of
By the hand of ___________________ ,)
_________, the authorized official
of the Obligor
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Form –6: Acceptance Certificate
Sub: Certificate of Completion of Finacle 10.x Migration
1. This is to certify that the Migration of CBS to Finacle 10.x as detailed below has been successfully
completed (subject to remarks in Para No.2) in accordance with the Agreement. The same has been
a. Contract No. ______________________________ dated ________
b. Description of the Services _______________________________
c. Date of commissioning and proving test ____________________
2. Details of services not yet supplied and recoveries to be made on that account:
Sr. No.
Amount to be recovered
The Contractor has fulfilled his contractual obligations satisfactorily*
The Contractor has failed to fulfill his contractual obligations with regard to the following:
(i) The amount of recovery on account of non-render of Services / Finacle 10.x Upgrade/ migration
is given under Para No._____.
(ii) The amount of recovery on account of failure of the Contractor to meet his contractual
obligations is as indicated in endorsement of the letter.
Signature: ___________________
: ___________________
Designation _________
Explanatory notes for filing up the certificates:
a. He has adhered to the time schedule specified in the contract in dispatching the Services pursuant
to Specifications.
b. He has commissioned the services in time i.e., within the period specified in the Contract from the
date of intimation by IDBI in respect of the Implementation of the Services.
c. Training of personnel has been done by the Vendor/Bidder as specified in the Contract/Agreement.
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Form – 7 (a): Performance Bank Guarantee
Bank Guarantee No.
Bank Guarantee Amount
Expiry Date
Claim Amount
THIS GUARANTEE AGREEMENT executed at ___________ this ________ day of _____________
Two Thousand Sixteen
______________________ Bank, a body corporate constituted under _______________, having its
Registered Office/ Head Office at ______________, and a Branch Office at
_____________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the
Guarantor”, which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject, meaning or context thereof,
be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns)
IDBI BANK LIMITED, a company incorporated and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956)
and a banking company within the meaning of Section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of
1949) and having its registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
and having its Branch Office amongst other places (hereinafter referred to as “Bank” which expression
shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, meaning or context thereof, be deemed to mean and include
its successors and assigns),
WHEREAS Bank had called for the bids for engagement of Vendor to Implement Finacle 10.x Migration
and for the purposes M/s……………………… have been appointed as the Vendor (hereinafter referred to as
" Vendor") and accordingly has entered into Contract / Agreement on ……….. (Agreement) with Bank
subject to the terms and conditions contained in the said documents and the Vendor has duly
confirmed the same.
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Bid Documents, the Agreement, and the other related documents
(hereinafter collectively referred to as “the said documents”, the Bank has agreed to avail from
M/s……………………. and M/s……………………………. has agreed to provide to the Bank, the Services / Systems
/ Finacle 10.x CBS Solution , more particularly described in the Schedule/Annexure to the said
documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Services”), subject to payment of the contract
price as stated in the said documents and also subject to the terms, conditions, covenants, provisions
and stipulations contained the said documents.
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AND WHEREAS the Vendor has duly signed the said documents.
AND WHEREAS in terms of the said documents, the Vendor has agreed to provide the Services and to
procure an unconditional and irrevocable performance bank guarantee, in favour of the Bank, from a
bank acceptable to the Bank for securing
……………………………………………………….towards faithful
observance and performance by the Vendor of the terms, conditions, covenants, stipulations, provisions
of the Agreement /the said documents.
AND WHEREAS at the request of the Vendor, the Guarantor has agreed to guarantee the Bank, payment
of the ………. of the Contract Price amounting to …………………………..(in words) towards faithful
observance and performance by the Vendor of the terms of the said documents
In consideration of the above premises, the Guarantor hereby unconditionally, absolutely and
irrevocably guarantees to the Bank as follows:
The Guarantor hereby guarantees and undertakes to pay, on demand, to the Bank at its office at
Mumbai forthwith, the ……………………………………….or any part thereof, as the case may be, as aforesaid
due to the Bank from the Vendor, towards any loss, costs, damages, etc. suffered by the Bank on
account of default of the Vendor in the faithful observance and performance of the terms, conditions,
covenants, stipulations, provisions of the Agreement / said documents, without any demur, reservation,
contest, recourse or protest or without any reference to the Vendor. Any such demand or claim made
by the Bank, on the Guarantor shall be final, conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference or
any dispute between the Bank and the Vendor or any dispute between the Bank and the Vendor
pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator, or any other authority.
The Guarantor agrees and undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during the currency of these
presents, without the previous written consent of the Bank and further agrees that the Guarantee
herein contained shall continue to be enforceable until and unless it is discharged earlier by the Bank, in
The Bank shall be the sole judge to decide whether the Vendor has failed to perform the terms of the
Agreement / said documents for providing the Services by the Vendor to the Bank, and on account of
the said failure what amount has become payable by the Vendor to the Bank under this Guarantee. The
decision of the Bank in this behalf shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Guarantor and the
Guarantor shall not be entitled to demand the Bank to establish its claim under this Guarantee but shall
pay the sums demanded without any objection, whatsoever.
To give effect to this Guarantee, the Bank, may act as though the Guarantor was the principal debtor to
the Bank.
The liability of the Guarantor, under this Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the
constitution or winding up of the Vendor or any absorption, merger or amalgamation of the Vendor
with any other company, corporation or concern; or any change in the management of the Vendor or
takeover of the management of the Vendor by the Government or by any other authority; or acquisition
or rationalization of the Vendor and/or of any of its undertaking(s) pursuant to any law; or any change
in the constitution of IDBI / Vendor; or
any change in the set up of the Guarantor which may be by way of change in the constitution, winding
up, voluntary or otherwise, absorption, merger or amalgamation or otherwise; or the absence or
deficiency of powers on the part of the Guarantor to give Guarantees and/or Indemnities or any
irregularity in the exercise of such powers.
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Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, the liability of the Guarantor hereunder shall not
exceed the rupee equivalent of ……………………………………….(in words) being the [10% of the Contract
This Guarantee will expire on _______________. Any demand or claim under this Guarantee must be
received by the Guarantor by ______________ and if no such demand or claim has been received by the
Guarantor by the date mentioned as aforesaid, then all the rights of the Bank under this Guarantee shall
For all purposes connected with this Guarantee and in respect of all disputes and differences under or in
respect of these presents or arising there from the courts of Bombay city/ Mumbai city where the Bank
has its Registered Office shall alone have jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other courts.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantor has caused these presents to be executed on the day,
month and year first herein above written as hereinafter appearing.
the within named Guarantor,
by the hand of Shri.__________,
its authorised official.
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Form – 7 (b): Format for Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit
THIS GUARANTEE AGREEMENT executed at ___________ this ________ day of _____________
Two Thousand and Sixteen.
______________________ Bank, a body corporate constituted under Banking Corporation (Acquisition
and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970/1980, having its Registered Office/Head Office at
_____________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the
Guarantor”, which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject , meaning, or context thereof,
include its successors and assigns)
IDBI BANK LIMITED, a company incorporated and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956)
and a banking company within the meaning of Section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of
1949) and having its registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
and having its Branch Office amongst other places (hereinafter referred to as “Bank” which expression
shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, meaning or context thereof, be deemed to mean and include
its successors and assigns),
WHEREAS the Bank, had called for Request for Proposal vide its RFP No. _____________for ‘Core
Banking System upgrade / migration’. M/s __________________ having their registered office at
_____________ (hereinafter called the ”Bidder‟) wishes to respond to the said Request for Proposal
(RFP) and submit the proposal for the supply, installation, upgrade / migration, commissioning
hardware equipment, software/ licenses and to provide other related services as listed in the RFP/Bid
documents. In terms thereof, the Bidders are required to deposit with the Bank, earnest money deposit
of Rs……………………… or furnish bank guarantee of an equivalent amount in the form and manner
satisfactory to the Bank along with the Bid Documents.
AND WHEREAS pursuant the above, M/s………………….. (the Bidder) also proposes to participate in the
Bid and in lieu of depositing the demand draft/pay order for Rs……………………… towards earnest money
deposit, desires to furnish an unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee, for the aforesaid purpose
from a bank acceptable to the Bank in accordance with the terms of the RFP/Bid Documents.
AND WHEREAS the Bidder has accordingly agreed to provide an unconditional and irrevocable bank
guarantee towards payment of earnest money deposit in fulfillment of the terms of the RFP/Bid
AND WHEREAS at the request of the Bidder, the Guarantor has agreed to guarantee the Bank, payment
of the earnest money deposit of Rs………………….. and also the due and faithful observance and
performance of the terms of the RFP/Bid as detailed in the RFP/Bid Documents.
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In consideration of the Bank agreeing to accept a bank guarantee in lieu of actual deposit of
demand draft/pay order towards earnest money deposit along with the Bid Documents submitted by
the Bidder to the Bank for scrutiny and processing, the Guarantor hereby unconditionally, absolutely
and irrevocably guarantees to the Bank as follows:
The Guarantor hereby guarantees and undertakes to pay, on demand, to the Bank at its office at
Mumbai forthwith, the earnest money deposit of Rupees………………..or any part thereof, as the case
may be, as aforesaid due to the Bank from the Bidder, towards any loss, costs, damages, etc. suffered by
The Bank on account of the Bidder’s failure to fulfill the terms of the earnest money deposit and/or the
due and faithful observance and performance of all the terms of the Bid, at any time up to _____
without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest or without any reference to the Bidder.
Any such demand or claim made by the Bank, on the Guarantor shall be final, conclusive and binding
notwithstanding any difference or any dispute between the Bank and the Bidder or any dispute
between the Bank and the Bidder pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator, or any other authority.
The Guarantor agrees and undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during the currency of these
presents, without the previous written consent of the Bank and further agrees that the Guarantee
herein contained shall continue to be enforceable until and unless it is discharged earlier by the Bank, in
The Bank shall be the sole judge to decide whether the Bidder has failed to fulfill any terms and
conditions of the earnest money deposit and/or the terms of the Bid and on account of the said failure
what amount has become payable by the Bidder to the Bank under this Guarantee. The decision of the
Bank in this behalf shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Guarantor and the Guarantor shall not
be entitled to demand the Bank to establish its claim under this Guarantee but shall pay the sums
demanded without any objection, whatsoever.
To give effect to this Guarantee, the Bank, may act as though the Guarantor was the principal debtor to
the Bank.
The liability of the Guarantor, under this Guarantee shall not be affected by:
any change in the constitution or winding up of the Bidder or any absorption, merger or amalgamation
of the Bidder with any other Company, Corporation or concern; or
any change in the management of the Bidder or takeover of the management of the Bidder by the
Government or by any other authority; or
acquisition or nationalization of the Bidder and/or of any of its undertaking(s) pursuant to any law; or
any change in the constitution of the Bank/Bidder; or
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
any change in the set up of the Guarantor which may be by way of change in the constitution, winding
up, voluntary or otherwise, absorption, merger or amalgamation or otherwise; or
the absence or deficiency of powers on the part of the Guarantor to give Guarantees and/or
Indemnities or any irregularity in the exercise of such powers.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, the liability of the Guarantor hereunder shall not
exceed Rupees--------------------------------------.
This Guarantee will expire on _______________. Any demand or claim under this Guarantee must be
received by the Guarantor by ______________ and if no such demand or claim has been received by the
Guarantor by the date mentioned as aforesaid, then all the rights of the Bank under this Guarantee shall
For all purposes connected with this Guarantee and in respect of all disputes and differences under or in
respect of these presents or arising there from, the courts of Bombay city/ Mumbai city, where the Bank
has its Head Office, shall alone have jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other courts.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantor has caused these presents to be executed on the day,
month and year first hereinabove written as hereinafter appearing.
the within named Guarantor,
by the hand of Shri.__________,
It’s authorized official.
An amount is to be inserted by Bank or Financial Institution representing the amount of the
earnest money deposit.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Form – 8: Contract Form
THIS AGREEMENT (the Agreement) made at………………… the ………day of ……………………. 2016.
IDBI BANK LIMITED, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking
company within the meaning of Section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) and
having its registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 (hereinafter
called “IDBI / the Purchaser” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, context or
meaning thereof shall be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART
……………. (Name of successful Bidder / Contractor) of …………………… (Please specify the registered office
of the (Contractor) (hereinafter called “the Contractor” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to
the subject, context or meaning thereof shall be deemed to mean and include its successors and
permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART;
The Purchaser and Contractor are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Parties".
WHEREAS the Purchaser invited bids for certain Services viz………………………………. (Brief
Description of Services) and has accepted a bid by the Contractor for rendering of the Services for the
sum of ……………………… (Contract Price in Words and Figures) (Hereinafter called “the Contract Price”).
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the terms and conditions of RFP / Contract / Agreement referred to.
2. The RFP Document / Bid No. ________________ dated [ __ / __ /____ ] together with all
Annexure, Schedules and Forms amended from time to time and this Agreement, and the other
related documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
Agreement, which, inter alia, includes
 Invitation for Bids
 Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
 the Bid form and the price schedule submitted by the Bidder/Contractor;
 Service level expectations;
 the technical & functional specifications ;
 the terms and conditions of RFP / Contract ;
 the purchaser’s notification of award ;
 Schedule of dates, amounts etc.
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Contractor as hereinabove
mentioned, the Contractor hereby agrees and covenants with the Purchaser to provide / render
the Service(s), and to remedy defects, if any therein, including upgrading / updating the
software, hardware, etc. and additional roll outs at other locations, strictly in conformity in all
respects with the provisions of the said documents.
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4. The Purchaser hereby agrees and covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the
rendering of the Services and the remedying of defects, if any therein, including upgrading /
updating the software, hardware, etc. and additional roll outs at other locations, the Contract
price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the
times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day,
month and year first above written.
Signed and Delivered by the within named IDBI / Purchaser
Signature :
Date: - ….......................
1. Signature :-
2. Signature :-
Name :- .......................
Name :- .......................
Address :- .......................
Address :- .......................
Signed and Delivered by ......... ......................... ,the within named Contractor
M/s. ..................................
Date :- .......................
1. Signature :-
2. Signature :-
Name :- .......................
Address :- .......................
Name :- .......................
Address :- .......................
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Form – 9: Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Parameters
Should have successfully implemented or
under process of new implementation
Finacle CBS within last 10 years for Banks
in India having at least 500 branches Proof
of such work should be submitted along
with the response.
Five marks per Bank in India.
Should have done upgrade /migrate of
Finacle CBS from version 6.x to 7.x within
last 10 years for banks in India having at
least 500 branches. Proof of such work
should be submitted along with the
Five marks per Bank in India.
Should have done upgrade /migrate or
under process of migration of Finacle CBS
from version 7.x to 10.x within last 10
years for banks in India having at least 500
branches. Proof of such work should be
submitted along with the response.
Five marks per Bank in India.
Should have done implementation or
under process of implementation of
Oracle RAC in large organizations in BFSI
sector having database size of more than
Five marks per organization.
Bidder’s Experience in Implementation of
new modules / Add-on Applications as
defined in Section – 5, Scope of Work,
2 Marks per new module /
Add-on Applications
Sub-Total ( A )
Scoring Methodology
The bidder should have a pool of
resources in the below mentioned areas.
The resources should currently be working
or have at least worked in the respective
areas for at least 1 Bank The areas of
expertise are :
Number of resources exclusively involved
Min. 10 Resources – 5 Marks
Min. 15 Resources – 10 Marks
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
in the Finacle version upgrade and / or
Min. 20 Resources – 15 Marks
25 & above Resources – 20
No. of trained resources having Finacle
10.x certification from OEM with more
than 3 years experience in Finacle
implementation / customization.
Min. 5 Resources – 3 Marks
above Resources – 5 Marks
(Proof of training / copy of
No. of Finacle 10.x certified trainers from
OEM with more than 3 years experience in
Finacle training.
Min. 5 Resources – 5 Marks
Above Resources – 10 Marks
Sub-Total ( B )
Presentation of in-depth understanding of
the Bank project requirements through
the technical proposal supplemented by
Presentation & Interactions.
Sub-Total ( C )
Total Marks, D = ( A + B + C )
Subjective Evaluation
The Bidder should submit the documentary evidence for each of the above criteria like P.O.,
Authorization from client, Acceptance Letter, Self Certificate etc.
Migration means, from legacy Systems to Finacle CBS (or) Version upgrade of Finacle CBS from
version (7.x to 10.x).
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Form – 10 (a): Experience Certificate Format (Migration /Version Upgrade)
The implementation/migration/version upgrade references proposed by the Bidders must be
accompanied by a letter on their customer’s letter head, in the following format:
Deputy General Manager (ITD),
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
Dear Sir,
REF: RFP No.: XX/xxxx/xxxx- dated XX-XX-2016
Subject: Certificate for implementation/migration/version upgrade reference
This is to certify that, we have engaged__________________________________ (Bidder name) for endto-end (requirement, design, configuration, project management and test) implementation /migration /
version upgrade of Finacle CBS ___________________________ in _________________(Bank name).
The further details are as follows
Finacle CBS version no.(Pre Migration , if applicable) :
Finacle CBS version no.(Post Migration , if applicable) :
Date of Go Live:
Start Date of Implementation:
Yours Faithfully,
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation,
Organization Name,
Seal of the firm)
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Form – 10 (b): Experience Certificate Format (Oracle RAC implementation / Data migration)
The Oracle RAC implementation/migration references proposed by the Bidders must be accompanied
by a letter on their customer’s letter head, in the following format:
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
Dear Sir,
REF: RFP No.: ______________ dated ____________2016.
Subject: Certificate for implementation/migration/version upgrade reference
This is to certify that, we have engaged__________________________________ (Bidder name) for endto-end (requirement, design, configuration, project management and test) Oracle RAC implementation
/migration in the Live Database ___________________________ in _________________(Bank name).
The further details are as follows
Oracle Version No:
Database Size :
Date of Go Live:
Start Date of Implementation:
Yours Faithfully,
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation,
Organization Name,
Seal of the firm)
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Form – 10 (c): Experience Certificate Format (New modules / interfaces implementation/Integration
in Finacle CBS)
The additional modules / interfaces implementation and integration with Finacle CBS by the Bidders
must be accompanied by a letter on their customer’s letter head, in the following format:
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
Dear Sir,
REF: RFP No.: XX/xxxx/xxxx- dated XX-XX-2016
Subject: Certificate for additional modules / interfaces implementation and integration reference
This is to certify that, we have engaged__________________________________ (Bidder name) for endto-end (requirement, design, configuration, project management and test) additional modules /
interfaces implementation and integration with Finacle CBS ___________________________ in
_________________ (Bank name).
The further details are as follows
Finacle Version No:
Module / Interface implemented / integrated:
Date of Go Live:
Start Date of Implementation:
Yours Faithfully,
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation,
Organization Name,
Seal of the firm)
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Form 11 –Format for Project Team Profiles List
A. List of Resources with Experience in Finacle Implementation/Migration for any Bank in India
Name of the Resource
Total Finacle
Client Name
Will be
Deployed at
B. List of Resources with Experience in Finacle Customization for any Bank in India
Sr. No. Name of the Resource
Total Finacle
Client Name
Will be
Deployed at
C. List of Resources with Experience in Finacle Training for any Bank in India
Sr. No. Name of the Resource
Total Finacle
Client Name
Will be
Deployed at
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IDBI Bank Limited
Form 11a – Format Project Team Profiles (Individual)
Detailed Profiles of the Project Team
Brief Introduction (in bullets)
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Position in the firm
Total years of post-qualification work
Employment Record
Company Name
Positions Held
Clients Worked
Number of years with the firm
Details of relevant assignments undertaken (include both past and current employment projects
and highlight BFSI experience, if any)
(Provide scope, duration, client name and status of assignment)
Client Name
Main project title and features
Position held
Activities performed
Client Name
Main project title and features
Position held
Activities performed
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Degree Obtained
Year of
Degree Institution
Year of
Degree Institution
Degree Obtained
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Form 12 – Format for ‘Undertaking from OEM’
(To be submitted on Company (OEM’s) letterhead)
The Deputy General Manager,
IT Department
IDBI Bank Ltd
IDBI Tower, 18th Floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-2
Ref: RFP for Finacle 10.x Migration (Ref. No: ___________)- Bid submitted by : < Successful Bidder /
Vendor Name>
Dear Sir,
We_______ (OEM Vendor) of________
Core Banking System ‘Finacle’ hereby authorize
M/s.______ (Successful Bidder / Vendor Name) to offer their quotation, negotiate and conclude the
contract with you against the above invitation for the Bid.
We hereby extend our full support to them for successful migration, customization and
implementation of new Version of Finacle 10.x. The necessary bug fixes for the new version including
the migration assistance will be provided by us to ensure smooth and successful implementation of the
project as per the agreed timelines.
We also extend our back to back service support and assurance of availability of competent
resources to carry out the migration as per terms and conditions of the tender, to M/s. ________
(Vendor Name) till the successful completion of the project as envisaged in the RFP.
Dated at ______________ this ________ day of _____________2016.
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Company seal :
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Annexure - 2: Commercial bid- Contents and Formats
A. Cost of Migration / Up gradation:
The Bidder is expected to quote the costs for all items required for fully complying with the
requirements of the RFP in the respective sections of the price bid. The prices for the respective
sections would be deemed to include all components required to successfully implement and maintain
the solution for the period of the contract.
A. Cost of Migration / Up
gradation: Item Description
Migration / Upgrade Cost for
Finacle 10.x migration of IDBI
Bank’s Finacle CBS Live Instances
(India Operations). Activities and
Environments listed in the RFP
support of listed environments /
Building Interfaces / Project
gathering / testing support for SIT
/ UAT / Training (Both Functional
& Technical) / Installation /
Implementation (DC, DR&NDR) /
Data migration as per the scope
defined in the RFP.
Migration / Upgrade Cost for
Finacle 10.x migration of IDBI
Bank’s Finacle CBS Live Instance
(Dubai Operations). Activities
and Environments listed in the
RFP including maintenance and
support of listed environments /
Building Interfaces / Project
gathering / testing support for SIT
/ UAT / Training (Both Functional
& Technical) / Installation /
Implementation (DC, DR&NDR) /
Data migration as per the scope
defined in the RFP.
SI’s efforts
OEM’s efforts
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Migration Cost for Finacle (CFS)
of IDBI Bank’s Finacle Corporate
Finance System to Finacle 10.x
with the existing functionalities
and history data as per the scope
defined in the RFP.
Cost of Oracle RAC
Migration / Upgrade Cost for
Finacle 10.x migration of IDBI
Bank’s Finacle CBS Live Instance
(IBU Operations). Activities and
Environments listed in the RFP
support of listed environments /
Building Interfaces / Project
gathering / testing support for SIT
/ UAT / Training (Both Functional
& Technical) / Installation /
Implementation (DC, DR&NDR) /
Data migration as per the scope
defined in the RFP.
Sub-Total Cost A = (A1 to A5)
Note: The OEM’s involvement in the project for the above activities from A1 to A5 should be at least
20% of the efforts as specified in the above table and detailed accountability of OEM as specified in
Section – 5, Clause – 6: Deliverables during various stages of migration.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
B. Cost of Customization porting, New modules, Support, Training, Additional Customizations and
Other services:
Item Description
enhancements and interface integration for Finacle
(India Operations) as of DRG commencement date.
(Approx. 1700 Menu Options including Core, which
consists of around 10,000 (SCR/MRT/COM/MRI/SQL)).
enhancements and interface integration for Finacle
(Dubai Operations) as of DRG commencement date.
(Approx. 40Menu Options including Core Menu
Customizations, which consists of around 300
Cost of implementation of finacle New / Add- on
modules (Break up of cost for the listed modules and
tools) have to be given separately as per in Annexure
2(a)- Column B3 and the net amount to be mentioned
Application L2 Support Services (Post Go Live) as per
Annexure-6. (12 Months post Completion of 3 Months
warranty Period from the date of ‘Go Live’)
Cost of Computer based training module /tool as per
Section -5, Clause –2.6
License Cost
Implementation cost
Total Cost
(In Rs.)
ATS Cost for One Year B5.3
Total ( B5.1 to B5.3)
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Cost of Training services to provide End user Training to
all the branch users of Finacle CBS as per Section -5,
Clause –2.7 (Approx.15,000 Users , in batch of min. 30
users per batch , Total 500 Batches (units))
Cost of ‘Go Live’ support services to the branches of IDBI
Bank as per Section -5, Clause –2.8.
Approx. 60 Regional Centers for Go Live Support for One
Week (Rate Per Support Person)
Cost of Additional Customization efforts for30 days (as
per Man-days applicable post implementation - for
arriving at Rate Contract)
Cost of Data Archival & Purging Solution –Section 5,
clause 2.9
License Cost
Implementation cost
ATS Cost for One Year
Total ( B9.1 to B9.3)
Application Performance Monitoring Tool –Section 5,
Clause 2.10
License Cost
Implementation cost
ATS Cost for One Year
Total ( B10.1 to 10.3)
Cost of customization and porting / development/
debugging/ implementation / minor enhancements and
interface integration for Finacle (IBU Operations) as of
DRG commencement date. (Approx. 40 Menu Options
including Core Menu Customizations, which consists of
around 100 (SCR/MRT/COM/MRI/SQL)).
Sub Total B = (B1 to B11)
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Total Cost of Ownership (TCO):
Sr. No
Total price in
Total Price in Words ( A+B)
Total cost of Ownership (TCO) (A+B)
(For the purpose of evaluation)
a) The bidder has to mandatorily quote for all the Items given in the table A & B. Any deviation in
this will result in summarily rejection of the bids.
b) The Total Cost quoted should be exclusive of Sales tax/ VAT/ Service tax as applicable. Octroi /
Entry Tax / Local Body Tax (LBT) as applicable, will be payable, at actuals on submission of
original Octroi receipt, drawn in the name of “IDBI Bank Limited”. ALL other Taxes / Duties /
levies and charges, should be included in total cost as mentioned above.
c) The value quoted in Item Code “B8” above for 30 days will be used for computing TCO. The per
man-day rate arrived will be used for future customization requirement after the completion of
the project till a period of One year AMS support post completion of 3 months warranty support
from the date of Go Live.
d) The cost quoted for Item Code B3 mentioned above will be considered as part of TCO for
evaluation. However, the Bank may, at its discretion, choose/opt either to implement all, some
or none of the modules referred in annexure-2a as per the requirement at the time of awarding
the contract.
e) The cost quoted for Item Codes”A1 to A5”, “B1 to B11” will be considered as part of TCO for
evaluation. However, the Bank may, at its discretion, choose/opt either to implement the
solution/availing the service or not as per the requirement at the time of awarding the contract.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Annexure- 2(a): Implementation Cost for New Modules
S. No.
Module Name
Signature Verification System
Buyers Credit
Utility Bill Payments
Single Sign on
Finacle Integrator _WorkBench With Fin Mapper,
Module-wise Business messages (deposits, loans, casa,
paysys, tfin, cif, limits, SVS), IFX Messages
FSDP Tools – Name of the Tool
Implementation Cost
Fin Customization IDE Core
Fin Customization IDE CRM
Finacle Script IDE
Finacle Report Designer
Finacle Data Transformer
Finacle Data Migration Tool kit
Finacle Environment Synchronization tool kit
Finacle Parameter Promotion Tool
Finacle Load Simulator
Total Cost (S. No 1 to 10)
Authorized Signatory
Company Name and Stamp
Terms & Conditions:
Please note that the cost break up must be provided strictly in the format specified above. Bank
reserves the exclusive right to accept any bid, and to annul the bid process and reject all bids at any
time prior to award of contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or
Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for Bank’s action.
Bank also reserves the right to procure one or more modules related to Finacle 10.x, depending on
requirement. In addition to this Bank has the right to drop any of the above referred services
before awarding the contract. Any decision in these regards by the Bank shall be Final, conclusive
and binding on the Bidder. The Bank shall not entertain any claim or be responsible for the same.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
(To be included in the commercial Proposal)
Having perused the Bid Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the
undersigned, offer our services as bidder, in conformity with the said Bid Documents at fees mentioned
in the financial bid.
When works are executed wholly or in part which involves the bidder services in such cases
value of such whole or partly work will be taken into consideration for the purpose of calculating the
bidder fees. However, for any such works independently undertaken by Bank along with works under
progress where the bidder has no direct role or responsibility such value of work will not be eligible for
bidder fees.
In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail.
In case of discrepancy between figures and words, the amount in words shall prevail.
No increase in costs, duties, levies, taxes, charges, etc., irrespective of reasons (including
exchange rate fluctuations, etc.) whatsoever, shall be admissible during the currency of the Contract.
IDBI Bank Ltd. reserves the Right to accept any bid, and to annul the bid process and reject all
bids at any time prior to award of contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder
or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for IDBI Bank Ltd’s
The total cost for Core Banking System Upgrade/ Migration to Finacle 10.x quoted in Table
Above, must be valid for the entire Contract period including 3 months of warranty after successful
acceptance of Finacle 10.x by the Bank.
Any additional licences that the bank procures for New licensed modules on successful
completion of the Finacle 10.x migration would be clubbed with the base product per user license by
OEM vendor
The total cost for Core Banking System Upgrade/ Migration to Finacle 10.x should cover (i)
Supply, Installation, Implementation, version upgrade, migration, Training and Go Live of Finacle 10.x in
Data Center of IDBI, (ii) The warranty period of 3 months from the date of acceptance of Finacle 10.x,
Go Live acceptance date and (iii) Successful implementation and making them Live of the newly licensed
Cost of Third party Software / Tools quoted above should include the cost of all the third party
tools /software (if any) that are mandatory requirements for the Finacle 10.x to operate/run. Detailed
break up of various third party tools/ software required in this regards should be provided along-with
specifications/ versions and Cost for the same..
The cost of AMC should be inclusive of new licensed modules and it would be based on the
mutually agreed terms between IDBI and the OEM Vendor.
For the above, any decision of Bank, in this behalf shall be final, conclusive and binding on
Bidder / Bidder.
Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 2016
(Company Seal)
In the capacity of Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:
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IDBI Bank Limited
Annexure - 3: Service Level Expectations
This section lists the minimum service level requirement to be maintained by Bidder on award of the
contract. The Bidder may have to enter into a service level contract with the Bank before the award of
the contract as per the format provided by the Bank.
Implementation and Integration services:
The Bidder will be required to get the Acceptance Certificate as per Annexure 1 (Form-6), in original,
duly signed & stamped by the Bank Officials for having implemented and tested the Finacle 10.x
solutions (“the System”) at the Bank. Payments will be released as per the Payment terms referred in
this RFP. Penalty amount will be charged as defined in Section -4, Clause -4.
Breach of service levels expectations consistently on part of the Bidder may lead to invocation of clause
for “Termination for Default”
Issue/ Defect
Timeframe for Problem
analysis & response
Timeframe for
1 Hr
4 Hr
3 Hr
8 Hr
Problem/Issue/Defect: This should be defined as any flaw within the System which does not allow the
end user to perform its regular operations as per the specifications/operational guidelines /functionality
requirements in a stipulated timeframe.
Any problems/Issues /Defects, reported by Users should be categorized based on severity as follows:
Showstopper: When the System operation has stopped or halted or when the System is malfunctioning,
such that it does not function as required and stipulated business operations are hampered.
High: When the System operation has stopped or halted or when the system is malfunctioning and
workaround is also not available for the same.
Medium: When the System operation has stopped or halted or when the system is malfunctioning but a
workaround is available for the same.
Low: Minor irritancies during operations.
*SBD- Same Business Day & NBD – Next Business Day.
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
IDBI Bank Limited
Annexure - 4: Unconditional Acceptances of the Terms & Conditions of the RFP
(To be submitted on the Company’s Letter Head)
Deputy General Manager (ITD),
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
Ref: RFP for Core Banking System Upgrade / Migration
This is to confirm that we unconditionally accept all the terms and conditions as mentioned in the said
RFP floated for IDBI Bank Ltd. regarding Core Banking System – Upgrade/Migration (Finacle 10.x).
Authorized Signatory
Company Stamps
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Annexure - 5: Non-Disclosure Agreement
This Non-Disclosure Agreement entered into between IDBI Bank Limited, a company incorporated and
registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking company within the meaning of
Section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) and having its registered office at IDBI
Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 (hereinafter called “the Purchaser/Bank” which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, context or meaning thereof shall be deemed to
mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and ……………. (Name of Bidder) of
…………………… (Please specify the registered office of the (Bidder) (hereinafter called “the
Bidder/Contractor” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, context or meaning
thereof shall be deemed to mean and include its successors) of the OTHER PART;
WHEREAS, Bank called for the bids for engagement of Bidder to supply XXXXXXX at XXXXXXXXXX) of the
Bank. M/s……………………… (hereinafter referred to as "Bidder"), after going through the Bid Documents
and being interested to act as Bidder and provide the services for installation and commission of
WHEREAS, the Bidder is aware and confirms that the information, data, drawings and designs, and other
documents made available in the Bid Documents / the Contract and thereafter regarding the Services as
furnished by the Bidder in their Request For Proposal or otherwise and all the Confidential Information
under the Bid Documents/the Contract is privileged and strictly confidential and/or proprietary to Bank,
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Bidder agrees to all of the following conditions,
for Bank, to grant the Bidder specific access to Bank’s property/information and other data.
It is hereby agreed as under:
a) The parties agree that they shall hold in trust any Confidential Information received by either party,
under this Contract, and the strictest of confidence shall be maintained in respect of such
Confidential Information. The parties also agree and undertake to:
Maintain and use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of this Contract and only as
permitted herein;
Make copies as specifically authorized by the prior written consent of the other party and with
the same confidential or proprietary notices as may be printed or displayed on the original;
restrict access and disclosure of confidential information to such of their employees, agents,
vendors, and contractors strictly on a "need to know" basis, to maintain confidentiality of the
Confidential Information disclosed to them in accordance with this clause; and
Treat Confidential Information as confidential for a period of five (5) years from the date of
receipt. In the event of earlier termination of this Contract, the Parties hereby agree to maintain
the confidentiality of the Confidential Information for a further period of [two (2)] years from
the date of such termination.
b) Confidential Information in oral form must be identified as confidential at the time of disclosure and
confirmed as such in writing within 30 days of such disclosure. Confidential Information does not
include information which:
The recipient knew or had in its possession, prior to disclosure, without limitation on its
Is independently developed by the recipient without breach of this Contract;
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Is the public domain;
Is received from a third party not subject to the obligation of confidentiality with respect to such
Is released from confidentiality with the prior written consent of the other party.
The recipient shall have the burden of proving hereinabove are applicable to the information in the
possession of the recipient.
c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties acknowledge that the nature of the Services to be
performed under this Contract may require the Bidder’s personnel to be present on premises of
Bank or may require the Bidder’s personnel to have access to computer networks and databases of
Bank while on or off premises of Bank. It is understood that it would be impractical for Bank to
monitor all information made available to the Bidder’s personnel under such circumstances and to
provide notice to the Bidder’s of the confidentiality of all such information. Therefore, the Bidder
agrees and undertakes that any technical or business or other information of Bank that the Bidder’s
personnel, or agents acquire while on Bank premises, or through access to Bank computer systems
or databases while on or off Bank premises, shall be deemed Confidential Information.
d) Confidential Information shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the disclosing
party. Upon termination of this Contract, confidential information shall be returned to the disclosing
party or destroyed, if incapable of return. The destruction shall be witnessed and so recorded, in
writing, by an authorised representative of each of the parties. Nothing contained herein shall in
any manner impair or affect rights of Bank in respect of the Confidential Information.
e) In the event that any of the parties hereto becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential
Information, such party shall give sufficient notice to the other party to enable the other party to
prevent or minimize to the extent possible, such disclosure. Neither party shall disclose to a third
party any Confidential Information or the contents of this Contract without the prior written
consent of the other party. The obligations of this Clause shall be satisfied by handling Confidential
Information with the same degree of care, which the receiving party applies to its own similar
confidential information but in no event less than reasonable care. The obligations of this clause
shall survive the expiration, cancellation or termination of this Contract.
f) The provisions hereunder shall survive termination of the Contract.
Authorized Signatory
Office Seal:
Accepted –
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RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
IDBI Bank Limited
Annexure - 6: Application Maintenance Support services - Resource Requirement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 300
Type of
Finacle Core
Finacle Core
Finacle Core
Finacle Core
Finacle Core
Finacle Core
Assets /
Trade Finance
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Operations, GL
& Office
accounts, and
New Licensed
All Modules
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Finacle CRM
All Modules
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Finacle CRM
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Infrastructure STE
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
all Finacle
services set-up
WAS setup /
Senior Technical Expert
Senior Functional Expert
Senior Support Engineer
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
a) Detailed requirement is mentioned as per Section – 5, Scope of Work (Clause 2.5 - Application
Maintenance, Support Services (AMS)).
b) A tentative resource requirement is mentioned below but the vendor should prepare their own
resource requirement plan and get Bank’s sign off prior to commencement of the same.
c)The Bank has a right to interview and reject resources deployed by the Bidder.
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Annexure - 7: Modules to be covered for CBT
Menu options
information file
CIF verification
Savings and
current accounts
Cash credit and
Identified Finacle process
CIF opening,
CIF verification
CIF amendment
CIF verification
Savings account opening
current account opening
cheque book issue process,
account closure
closure verification process
CC and OD accounts opening (with a
coverage of fields’ specific to CC and
OD accounts)
Limits and collaterals addition
Linking Limit nodes and collaterals to
a CC account
Maintaining the drawing power
through the maintenance of
collateral attached
Signature upload
Signature retrieval
Stop Payment processing
Revoking stop payment
Account maintenance 1 scenario
Account interest run
Account statement
Inventory movement
Inventory split
Inventory Merge
Cash Transactions
Transfer Transactions
Signature Retrieval
Instant TOD
Ad-hoc TOD
HTM with sub options
Inward clearing process
Outward clearing process
Clearing returns management
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
Demand drafts
Term deposits
and TDS
Security Register
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Simple standing instruction – 1
Complex Standing instruction – 1
DD issue,
print and re-print,
DD cautioning
revoking a stopped DD
TD Account Opening,
TD Account Funding
TD Deposit Receipt Print
TD Deposit Duplicate
Receipt Print
TD Interest Run
TD Pre-closure
TD Closure
TD Renewal
TDS Calculation
TDS Inquiry
Withholding Tax and Refund Tax
Loan Account opening
Loan Charges Assessment, recovery
and Waiver
Loan Disbursement
Demand Generation
Interest Waiver
Payment (Scheduled / Unscheduled)
Loan Closure
Loan Rephasement
Collateral Addition
Linking and Delinking of Loan
And updates
Bills Concepts
Bills Lodgment
Bills Realization
Bills Dishonor
Bills Purchase
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
 Ledger inquiry
 Account balance inquiry
 financial transaction inquiry
 Customer master inquiry
Account opening , maintenance ,
transactions including draw down , rate
maintenance, scheduled and unscheduled
payments, demand satisfaction,
crystallization , debt consolidation, Maturity
processing, reversal of maturity processing,
payoff , inquiries, reports and delinquency
and management.
Loan Syndication
Entire functionality
Buyer’s Credit
Entire functionality
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Annexure - 8: Interfaces Requirements
A tentative list of major interfaces, which required to be integrated with the upgraded / migrated
version of Finacle 10.x, is provided below:
S. No.
Interface system
Cheque Truncation System (CTS)
Financial Inclusion Gateway & Financial Inclusion Gateway:
Financial Inclusion System
Switch for processing Financial Inclusion
transactions of various vendors
Financial Inclusion System:
Application for processing Financial Inclusion
transactions from field
Kiosk Banking Application
Debit Card management System for Card and PIN
generation and Loyalty
Processing of Structured loans and online account
opening in Core banking Software: Finacle
OFSA application is used by the business user for
generation of reports related to FTP and ALM
Web-based Application used for capturing and
processing of scanned Cheque images and
handling presentation to RBI/NPCI under Cheque
Truncating System
Application for processing Financial Inclusion
transactions from field
Taking care of Government Business Transaction
Treasury Interface like Kondor+, Treasury Derivatives Portfolio System
EIKON & Dealing
System, EnSettle, QNG
like Various Channels implemented in the Bank.
Oracle HRMS
Oracle HRMS e-Business suite is used
by HR dept of IDBI Bank Ltd. HRD manages
employees HR related work thru HRMS system.
Oracle Financials
Capital Market
Cash Management systems like
TCI Payment, TCI Collection
Oracle Financials is used by APU section
of the Bank. APU maintains all payment DR
/CR transaction thru Oracle Financial.
DP secure backend application is used for
managing DP accounts operations for NSDL/CDSL.
Bank Interface to process Outward of NEFT-RTGS
payments for Corporation Customers
Data Management system - For Scan Based
Account Opening (SBAO) process for SBA, CAA and
TDA type of accounts.
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
corporate client rating and operational risk event
analysis and capturing
corporate client rating and operational risk event
analysis and capturing
calculation, corporate client rating and
operational risk event analysis and capturing
Reporting Systems
a) During DRG, the successful bidder has to identify, migrate and integrate all the interfaces with
the upgraded / migrated version of Finacle 10.x.
b) Details of interface requirements are specified in Section 5, Scope of Work, Clause2.2.4 (Existing
Interfaces of Finacle Core (India / Dubai/CFS / IBU Operations).
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RFP No: IDBI / PCell /RFP / 2015-16/026/ 25-Jan-2016
IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Annexure 9 - Functionalities available in CFS (Custom Finacle 7.x)
Module / Facility
Features available in CFS
Overdue liabilities in a loan account can be transferred to
another account in a different currency to avoid foreign
exchange fluctuation risk.
Debt consolidation
Liabilities from different accounts can be pooled into a
single account for better monitoring purpose
Customer level asset
classification& percolation
The worst asset classification can be percolated to all
accounts of a customer
Customer level payment &
The repayments can be received for a customer and the
proceeds can be appropriated among loans of that
customer either manually or by system
Customer level rescheduling and
Identification of accounts of a customer on which
restructuring package is to be applied and restructuring of
accounts with table backups
Asset classification &
Asset classification and provisioning can be handled
through scripts, based on the logic/provisions applicable for
the bank
Weighted Average Rate (WAR)
WAR is computed on each drawdown as well as on demand
General Charges
Fee can be collected from a customer without any
reference to a loan account
Some of the menu options like CLCPAY have function for
auto-verification. This function is not available across the
Currency calendar validations
Holidays are maintained currency wise and hence next
demand dates are updated as per currency of the account.
Company Group Code Master
Master’s for Group Company
Company Registration
Adding new company just like cumm
Caution Check
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IDBI Bank Limited
RFP For Core Banking System Upgrade /
Application Registration
Registering the application in system
DE duplication Check
Checking for duplication record in the system
Status Updation
Updating the status of the application (FLASH APPRAISAL,
DETAILED APPRAISAL, Letter of Intent.)
Sanction Registration
Setting up sanction in the system
Company Information
Maintaining the company information (General
Information, management Info, Other Borrowing details,
Financials details, Reports, Insurance details, Non disposal
of shares)
Company Information
Shareholding Details
Capturing the shareholding Details
Progress Reports Under
Group Financials Of Non Assisted
1. The above mentioned functionalities are indicative only and not exhaustive.
2. Bidder should do requirement gathering by doing proper system study and gap analysis while
commencing the project as per the RFP terms.
~~~~~~~ End of RFP Document ~~~~~~~
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