IEEE HS Newsletter - Vol. 6. No. 1. (2014 spring)

Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
List of content
R8 meeting in Budapest ....................... 1
IEEE HS report 2014 Q1 ................... 2
Summer Academy on Energy ............... 3
MT-ITS conference ............................... 3
News from IM+EMB chapter ............... 4
IEEE IAS Day - Hungary Section ............ 4
IAS Day at BUTE SBC ............................ 4
A professional event ............................ 4
Technical programs .............................. 5
Lectures................................................ 5
A condign ending of the day ................ 6
BUTE SBC contribution to the IEEE R8
meeting in Budapest ............................ 6
Lectures and plant visits organized by
BUTE SBC in 2013/2014 FALL and
SPRING semester ................................. 7
Programs in 2013 fall semester ........... 7
Public professional lectures ............. 7
Programs in 2014 SPRING semester .... 8
Public professional lectures ............. 8
Public PLANT visits ........................... 8
Information desk programme by IAS ... 8
Prof. Tamás Roska has died ................. 9
Winter dinner ..................................... 10
Vacancy .............................................. 10
Imprint ............................................... 10
Budapest, in Hotel Duna
On 4th of July were introduced the HS,
the chapters, a sister societies (NJSzT –
Dömölki Bálint, HTE – Vida Rolland,
MEE – Haddad Richárd és MATE –
Ludvig Lajos), the BME Student Branch
(Kádár Márton) and a small
presentation was performed about the
highlights of the Hungarian
electrotechnics (Jeszenszky Sándor).
The Joint Chapter of Industrial
Electronics & Robotics and Automation
Societies and the Bejczy Antal robotic
center was presented by Tamás
Haidegger Tamás. Also an automatic
Rubik cube solver of Kandó Faculty was
At the event was represented the R8
director and leaders, IEEE past-, elected
and presidents for elect. The event was
supported by the Students of BME és
Óbudai University. At the dinner the
music was delivered by Patonai and
Dohnányi orchestra.
The treasurer of the HS, Ms Aniko
Szakál was awarded by Region 8
Volunteer Award.
Award ceremony
The meeting was followed on 7th of
April by IAS day with the participation
of Blake Lloyd IEEE Industry
Applications Society president.
IEEE HS thanks for the work and
support of the members and students
to deliver this nice event.
R8 meeting in Budapest
At 4-6 April, 2014 hosted IEEE Hungary
Section the IEEE Region8 meeting in
The participants were really satisfied
with Budapest, the hotel, the service,
the music, the food, last but not least
with the organization and local support.
The meeting was supported by IEEE HS,
MAVIR, az NJSzT, HTE, Siemens and
OBO Bettermann.
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
IEEE HS report 2014 Q1
1. Highlights from the past
The chapters actively took part in the
organization of IEEE conferences as cosponsor
Symposium on Applied Machine
Intelligence and Informatics", "IEEE
International Symposium on Applied
Conference on Intelligent Engineering
Symposium on Intelligent Systems and
Intelligence and Informatics". These
international events served as the
framework within which the other
professional chapter activities can be
practically placed.
Hu&Ro CPMT joint chapter
cosponsored the ISSE, the SIITME
conferences and the TIE Professional
Student Contest. (ISSE 2013 was in Alba
Iulia, SIITME 2013 in Galati, and TIE
2013 in Brasov). In 2013 the Chapter
cosponsored two EuroTraining
"Nanotechnology for electronics" twoday train-the-trainers courses in
Bucharest and in Cluj-Napoca.
The R8 director and treasurer with the
IEEE HS leaders prepared in different
phases the R8 meeting in Budapest.
2. Future activities
IAS Chapters and Membership
Development Department; IEEE
Hungary Section; Hungary Section
IAS/PELS Chapter; Óbuda University SB
IAS Chapter; Budapest University of
Technology and Economics SB PES/IAS
Chapter organize IEEE IAS Day, Apr 7,
2014, Budapest, Hungary.
Hu&Ro CPMT joint chapter will
celebrate its 15 year anniversary and
the 20th edition of SIITME in 2014. A
tutorial of Prof. Jim Morris in the frame
of CPMT's Distinguished Lecturer
Program will also be organized at this
Our membership development plan
includes the accelerating growth of
chapter membership by 2-5 members
every year / chapter. We all aim to help
IEEE achieve its core purpose and to
membership, to understand the
publications, and to remain technically
CIS Hungarian Chapter sponsors /
technical co-sponsor / or made
cooperation work at the more than 5
scientific events. All conference papers
were included into CD proceedings, and
IEEE Xplore database.
We have started a process to set up the
first IEEE Milestone in Hungary. We go
We have high expectation about the
success of the coming IEEE R8 meeting
in Budapest.
3. Best practices
Chapters are really active in the
organisation of IEEE conferences
For ca. 20 years an Annual PhD
presentations of the current PhD
research, with review and booklet
Annual lectures were held by selected
professionals from the Department of
Hu&Ro CPMT joint chapter is very
proud of the industrial interest and
impact of the TIE (Design of Electronic
Modules and Assemblies) professional
student contest.
4. Points of concern / Topics for
future discussion
We are worrying about the decision
that all conferences should pay fees if
want to upload their papers to the
We have to discuss how to better
comply with the requirements
concerning the evaluation of the
Hungarian higher education (the
weights were shifted from the
conferences to journals) within the
frames of IEEE.
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
In Central Europe
- IEEE membership practically means
only reduced rates for IEEE conferences
-- much too little to see IEEE
membership as a valuable experience.
Difficulties occur in rising membership,
especially student membership.
- Local industry does not value and
back-ups IEEE membership and
- New schemes with paid access to the
IEEE electronic repositories made the
influx of scientific information, and in
consequence publishing and IEEE
presence more difficult.
- There is a feeling that IEEE turns too
much toward the profit oriented
operation, as the general model, which
perhaps works well in US, but not so
well in Central Europe.
5. Miscellaneous
The Hu&Ro CPMT Chapter initiates the
invitation of Region 8 representative(s)
to the celebration of its 15 year
anniversary, in Bucharest 23-26 Oct.
The national Society agreements are
signed soon for the years 2015-2017
Summer Academy on Energy
MT-ITS conference
The Organizing Committee of the SAE
Summer Academy on Energy (SAE2) is
encouraging undergraduate and MSc
students from all over the world to
apply for SAE2.
Please note that the number of
participants is limited, and the order in
which applications are received will be
taken into account!
The SAE Summer Academy on Energy
will be held from 25th to 29th August,
2014, in Budapest, Hungary. The main
goal is to provide an opportunity to
participant students to get acquainted
with the recent visions and
developments of sustainable
technologies in the field of future fuels
(e-mobility, biofuels, fuel cells and
other alternative fuels), while making
contacts and friendships for their
After the successful meetings in Rome
(2009), in Leuven (2011) and in Dresden
(2013) we are very pleased to inform
you that the 4 International
Conference on Models and
Technologies for Intelligent Transport
Systems (MT-ITS) will be held in
Budapest from the 3rd June to 5th June
Professional partners of SAE2 (among
other companies and institutions): ABB,
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), MOL
Group. The preliminary program is
available here.
ESZK - Peter Magyar, CMD Chair
The MT-ITS 2015 conference is
organized by the Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) and
its topics will include many fields of
transportation (urban, road, rail, air,
water and logistics).
We are pleased to announce the Call
for Papers of the MT-ITS 2015
conference, and the website of the
Domokos Esztergár-Kiss
Dénes Válóczi
János Tóth
István Varga
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
News from IM+EMB chapter
IEEE IAS Day - Hungary Section
Instrumentation and Measurement
Society & Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society Joint Chapter organized
the following events in 2013:
The IEEE IAS day will be organized
independently but in conjunction with
the IEEE R8 Committee Meeting and
hosted by the IEEE Hungary Section and
the three Hungarian IAS Chapters. The
initiator and main organizers were the
IAS CMD, the Budapest University and
Technology Student Branch PES/IAS
Chapter and the Student Association of
Energy. The Student Association of
Energy (formed on Oct 17, 2002) is the
leading energy related student
organization in Hungary. Most of our
members are outstanding energy and
electric power engineering students of
the Budapest University of Technology
and Economics. Our scope is the
education of our members beyond
university curriculum by conferences,
lectures, forums, workshops, factory
visits and summer practice
programs.The PES and IAS student
grade members of the Student
Association of Energy formed the
Budapest University and Technology
Student Branch PES/IAS Chapter on
May 20, 2009. The chapter is one of the
continuous outstanding performance
chapter of the IA Society.
On 7th April 2014, the Student
Association of Energy as one of the
Student Branch Chapters of IEEE
Industry Application Society had the
honour to host Blake Lloyd, IEEE IAS
President, Martin Bastiaans, IEEE R8
President and the delegation of the
IEEE IAS Chapters and Membership
Development Department (IAS CMD) as
part of the IEEE IAS Day. The occasion
of the event was the IEEE Region 8
meeting, as it was held on the previous
days in Budapest.
The 21th PhD Minisymposium at Dept.
Measurement and Information Systems
Budapest University of Technology and
Economics (sponsored by the Chapter)
Meeting Date: Feb 3, 2014, URL:
Meeting place: Budapest University of
Technology and Economics
11 lectures by PhD students
Attendant: 10 IEEE Member, 15 nonmember
Technical meeting, Prof. Gabor
Fichtinger, Queens University IEEE
EMBS Distinguished Lecturer
Title: Rapid Prototyping of UltrasoundGuided Interventions
Lecture date: May 29, 2014
Lecture place: Budapest University of
Technology and Economics
Attendant: 15 IEEE Member, 8 nonmember
Dr. habil. Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki
associate professor
submitted by Peter Magyar, IAS CMD
A professional event
The Day consisted of several parts as
other Chapters of the Hungary Section
had also provided laboratory visits and
introduction lectures. The latter, first
part of the programme ended at moon,
after which the delegation and the
joining representatives of the BUTE SBC
had a short lunch. Finally, the second
part of the program, taking place on the
Budapest University of Technology
could start.
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
Technical programs
Naturally, before any organizational
lectures and programs, related to the
Society, the technical side of our
Chapter and our university played the
key role. The delegation had the
opportunity to visit three of the
laboratories, where they could get
familiar with the scientific work of the
Department of Electrical Power
Engineering. The colleagues of the High
Voltage Laboratory and the Smart Grid
Laboratory guaranteed the unique
professional experience for the
delegation. After these a lecture about
an Electric Car Development was held
by the students and the professors of
the Department.
After the scientific part, the
introductory presentations were on
schedule. Firstly an official welcome
speech was given by Dr. Istvan Kiss, the
Head of the Department, and Dr. Ing.
Peter Magyar, the Chair of the IAS
CMD. The first lecturer was Dr. Martin
Bastiaans, the Director of the IEEE
Region 8, who gave a short report
about the latest developments and
achievements of the Region based on
the experiences of the recent R8
meeting, held in Budapest. The next
presenter was, another special guest of
the day, Blake Lloyd, the President of
the IEEE Industry Applications Society,
who spoke about the Society, and its
development. The lecture provided the
audience a really appealing look on IAS
in a loose, youthful atmosphere. Before
a short break, a half-hour-long Q&A
session was held, where the attendees
could ask their questions about the
IEEE. Thanks to the intense audience
we could get more information about
several topics, e.g. the changes in IEEE
conference sponsorship policies, the
professional life of the IEEE leaders etc.
The next program in the schedule was a
coffee break with a poster session,
representing the BUTE SB Chapter.
Among the posters, there were several
scientific one showing the professional
work, being executed inside the
Laboratory visits
Chapter, but the attendees could also
get acquainted with the work of the
National Secondary School Electrical
Engineering Contest Winner (organized
by the Chapter), with the title of the
Energy Supply of “Szigetfalu” village.
Besides these, the Chapter and its
conference, IYCE’15 had been also
introduced on a poster.
After the short break the program was
continued by further introductory
presentations. Firstly, Beata Polgari, the
Chair of the BUTE SB Chapter. In her
lecture she provided a short description
about our main activities, which consist
of the public events, the internal
professional programs and our social
engagement programs. Another
presentation was about one of our
emphasized program, the International
Youth Conference on Energy 2015, the
presentation contained a short
interactive part, in which the attendees
had the opportunity to form the ideas
of the Organizing Committee in the
topic of “What should a youth
conference look like?”. Thanks to the
active participation of the attendees,
the Organizing Committee gained
valuable information about the
question, thus got closer to the possible
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
A condign ending of the day
These lectures were not the last ones,
as the Indian guests prepared an
interesting presentation for us about
their IAS-supported project, called
Nilambur Tribal Colony Project, in
which they provide help in making
handicapped territories, communities
catch up. This lecture made a real
impression in the audience.
Last, but not least the IAS Chapters and
Membership Development Department
had two presentations, in which firstly
Timea Kantor the Conference Support
Committee Chair presented the last
successful co-operations with the
Chapters, mostly with the Student
Branch Chapters regarding the
Information Desk Program of the
Society. Of course, the main organizer
of the Day, the Chair of CMD also
presented the up-to-date results of the
Department, and the development of
the last few years in number and
quality of the Chapters, and Student
Branch Chapters.
Closing the lectures, Mr. Magyar seized
the opportunity and published some
Awards for the most active members
and founders of the BUTE SB Chapter,
for forming one of the most successful
Student Branch Chapter of IAS. He also
addressed an award to Preethy V
Warrier and Aneesh Rajeev for their
above mentioned project and active
IEEE membership. After this ceremonial
part, in the name of the BUTE SBC,
Márton Gábor Kádár expressed the
Chapter’s appreciation for honouring its
event with their presence for Mr.
Magyar, Blake Lloyd, IEEE IAS President
and Martin Bastiaans, IEEE R8
President. Finally the attendees could
have a festive reception dinner in a
really professional atmosphere taking
place in the previously visited High
Voltage Laboratory. The dinner
provided excellent opportunity to
exchange ideas, experiences regarding
IEEE, it was a unique occasion for the
members to get closer to some of the
leaders of the organization, thus getting
motivated in volunteering inside IEEE.
Márton Kádár, member
Massive amounts of awards
BUTE SBC contribution to the
IEEE R8 meeting in Budapest
The IEEE Region 8 meeting took place in
Budapest between 4th and 6th of April.
As a local Student Branch Chapter of
IEEE, BUTE SBC was the staff of the
event with the help of the Hungarian
Section. This was the first major event
of IEEE, which was organized by the
Hungarian Student Branch Chapter.
More than 20 members could attend at
the event as an organizer. We could
build new relationships with other
student branch members, so this was a
good opportunity to get to know
different electrical and energy
engineers from all over the world.
The three days of the conference
provided many problems to solve, but
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
fortunately all of them were solved.
This kind of creativity is a really
important attribute in the manner of
hosting an international event. We’re
pleased to hear, that every attendees
were happy with the conference,
because this was one of our goals.
At the reception desk
We did various tasks during the
weekend. First of all we managed the
registration of the attendees after
transforming into an info-desk team.
We co-hosted the local sight-seeing
tours and helped the attendees during
the whole weekend, like coordinating
where to go, printing boarding passes
or keeping bags, notebooks, suitcases.
We got to know many different people
and events, for example we heard
about a student conference which was
previously unknown for us.
The Hotel Intercontinental is an
exclusive venue, so it was a great
pleasure to participate in such an
event, and the dinner at the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences afterwards was
also quite fascinating. Such events will
always remain a good memory for
young students. Moreover we could
improve our English language skills and
we could learn many technical terms as
By and large, the BUTE Student Branch
Chapter gained useful experiences and
organized a successful conference.
László Pintér, member
inner lectures, panel discussions and
technical visits at least every week of a
semester, to provide an opportunity for
all the inquiring participants to get
acquainted with the views of
experienced and practicing
professionals. The lecturers invited are
great authorities of their field, and are
up-to-date with state-of-art technical
developments and economic trends.
BUTE SBC’s members also hold public
academic consultations for
undergraduate students before
midterm test.
Similarly to the previous semesters, in
both 2013 fall and 2014 spring our
chapter had successful and wellattended events, where we visited
significant industrial facilities and
reviewed important topics and
actualities with the help of experts.
Programs in 2013 fall semester
Public professional lectures
Lectures and plant visits
organized by BUTE SBC in
2013/2014 FALL and SPRING
Along other important activities the
BUTE SBC is organizing both public and
The Life and Work of György
ALLEGRO: The Central European
gas-cooled fast breeder reactor
Geostrategy of Energy
The state and prospects of nonconventional hydrocarbon reserves
in Hungary and worldwide
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
Supply security challenges in the
power grid
Power plant development trends in
the world: limits and long-term
Nuclear fuel cycle: from the mine
to reprocessing
Power plant air quality
management issues: The way to
electrostatic precipitators
Public PLANT visits
Energy supply of Audi Hungaria
Motor Factory, Győr Power Plant
MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant
Mátra Power Plant
The cooling system of Budapest Ice
Public PLANT visits
Programs in 2014 SPRING
Public professional lectures
Trends and goals in the European
energy industry
The life of Abraham Ganz and the
golden era of his company
The measures of the Matra Power
Plant to meet the future emission
Ways to decrease energy
consumption of building:
architectural renovation and IT
Pros and cons of a HVDC
transmission grid
The background of the British strike
price: two-way influence between
power plant investments and
electricity price
Talented students in the field of
energy: projects of BUTE SBC
How can be built a fusion power
plant by 2050?
Development challenges of an
adaptive distribution transformer
MOL Danube Refinery, Dunamenti
Power Plant
Pannonpower Biomass Power Plant
and the HVAC system of the Janos
Szentagothai science building
Gabcikovo Hydropower plant and
the dam of Dunakiliti
The HVAC system of the Parliament
of Budapest
Paks Nuclear Power Plant
Paks Nuclear Power Plant –
Maintenance Training Centre,
simulator, substation
Information desk programme by
The information desk programme is a
wholly funded travel award provided by
the Industry Application Society.
Basically it is a volunteer programme,
the participants are financially
supported in order to take part in the
nominated conference. In order to
return this very kind allowance they set
up an information desk, where they
promote the IAS as a superb event to
collect new IAS membership holders.
The information desk consists of many
handouts; magazines and transactions
offered by IAS for free takeway. At the
time of the conference also remarkable
discount provided, such as free IAS
membership for a year.
IAS representatives at PECI
In this February two members of the
BUTE student branch chapter have
participated in the programme among
four other participants from another
student chapters.
Ms. Vivien Lengyel and Mr. Ákos
Baldauf took part at the Power and
Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI). It
was a great two-day event to gain our
experiences and meet other foreign
students in our field of interest. It was
also an absolutely remarkable occasion
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
in our lives, which we hope has allowed
us to spread out student chapter’s good
reputation around the world.
Ákos Baldauf, Vice-chair
The Information Desk staff (In the
middle the two BUTE SBC members
Ákos Baldauf and Vivien Lengyel)
University, Member of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, holder of the
Bolyai and Széchenyi Prizes as well as of
the Prize of the Great Saint Gregory
Order, Doctor Honoris Causa of the
University of Leuven and of the
University of Pannonia, member of the
Academia Europaea, died at the age of
73 on June 17, 2014.
Tamás Roska, as the founding Dean of
the Faculty of Information Technology
and Bionics of Pázmány Péter Catholic
University, the creator of the
architecture of the cellular wave
computer, and the initiator of the
bionics education in Hungary has
dspatched generations of students
towards world standard research.
Prof. Tamás Roska has died
Tamás Roska, electrical engineer,
Professor of Pázmány Péter Catholic
He was a founding member of the IEEE
Hungary Section and was the chair of
IEEE HS between 1991 and 1993. Ha
was the founding chair and active
member of the IEEE Cellular Nanoscale
Networks and Array Computing
Technical Committee. He was the
editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems journal in 20022003.
He has received several awards for his
accomplishments. In 1992 he was
elected an IEEE Fellow (Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers), in
1993 he received Gábor Dénes Prize
and Kalmár László Prize. In the same
year he was elected member of the
Academia Europaea (London) and
correspondent member of the
Hungarian Acdemy of Sciences. In 1994
he became member of the European
Academy for Science and Arts
(Salzburg). In 1994 he was awarded
Szent-Györgyi Albert Prize and
Széchenyi Prize. In 1998 he became
Member of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences. In 1999 he was awarded the
Great Prize of Pro Renovanda Cultura
Hungariae, in 2000 he received the
Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers (IEEE) Third Millenium Medal
and the IEEE Circuits and Systems
Society Golden Jubilee Medal. In 2013
he was awarded the title Doctor
Honoris Causa at the University of
Leuven. In the same year, at the annual
conference of IEEE (Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers) in
Beijing he was awarded the Mac Van
Valkenburg Prize, the technical
scientific prize of the IEEE Circuits and
Systems Society awarded to only one or
two researchers in the world annually.
The funeral service will be held in
Fiumei Cemetery (1086 Budapest,
Fiumei út 16.) on Saturday, July 12,
2014 at 1:00 PM.
Official news of
IEEE Region 8
Hungary Section
Vol.6. No.1.
2014 spring
The funeral Mass will be celebrated in
St. Stephen's Basilica at 10:30 am on
Saturday July 12, 2014.
(sources: Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Pázmány Péter Catholic
University, IEEE)
Gábor Szederkényi
Winter dinner
All the IEEE HS members were invited
to participate at a self-cost informal
dinner on 8 of January 2014. Almost
30 persons came together at Trófea
Grill Étterem in Újbuda. The food and
atmosphere was perfect, we plan to
continue this event, as “tradition”.
The editorial office seeks volunteer coworker to edit IEEE HS Newsletter.
Please send your application to the
IEEE HS Newsletter
This is the official news of the “IEEE HS
Villamosmérnökök Magyarországi
Egyesülete” 1034 Budapest, Bécsi u.
Publisher: IEEE HS
Responsible for publishing: Peter Kadar
Editor in Chief: Peter Kadar
Dissemination: ieeehs mail list
News, infos:
Date of closure: 20 of June, 2014