Temperature Log for Refrigerator and Freezer — Fahrenheit Month/Year: Days 1–15 Complete this temperature log. Check the temperatures in both the freezer and the refrigerator compartments of your vaccine storage units at least twice each working day and at least three days each week. Place an “X” in the box that corresponds with the temperature and record the ambient (room) temperature, the time of the temperature readings, and your initials. Record the temperatures in I-CARE at least once a week. Once the month has ended, save each month’s completed form for 3 years, unless state or local jurisdictions require a longer time period. A recorded temperature in the shaded zone represents an unacceptable temperature range. Follow these steps: 1. Store the vaccine under proper conditions as quickly as possible. 3. Complete the Vaccine Incident Report to determine whether the vaccine is still usable. 2. Temporarily mark exposed vaccine “do not use” until you have verified whether or not 4. Document the action taken on the reverse side of this log. the vaccine may be used. Day of Month Staff Initials Room Temp Exact Time F Temp 1 am REFRIGERATOR ≥49 48 47 2 pm am 3 pm am TOO WARM 4 pm am 5 pm am 6 pm am 7 pm am 8 pm am 9 pm am 10 pm am 11 pm am 12 pm am 13 pm am Take immediate corrective action if temperature is in shaded section. 14 pm am 15 pm am pm TOO WARM 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 ≤32 TOO COLD Take immediate corrective action if temperature is in shaded section. TOO COLD NOTE: Aim for a refrigerator temperature of 40 F. FREEZER F Temp ≥-8 7 6 am pm am pm am TOO WARM pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Take immediate corrective action if temperature is in shaded section. am pm am pm am pm TOO WARM 5 4 ≤3 NOTE: Some frozen vaccines must not be stored colder than –58 F. Check the prescribing information on the vaccine manufacturer’s website for specific storage temperature instructions. VACCINE STORAGE TROUBLESHOOTING RECORD Use this page to record the details of the vaccine storage incident, including when the incident was reported to the state and the results of the incident (such as vaccine was viable or still usable or the vaccine had to be wasted). The vaccine incident report must be completed and a copy kept in your records. The vaccine incident report is in I-CARE under reports, VFC warehouse forms. DATE OF INCIDENT REPORTED BY DATE REPORTED TO IDPH TEMPERATURE EXCURSION RESULTS OF INCIDENT (Vaccine viable, vaccine wasted, unit repaired or replaced) Temperature Log for Refrigerator and Freezer — Fahrenheit Month/Year: Days 16-31 Complete this temperature log. Check the temperatures in both the freezer and the refrigerator compartments of your vaccine storage units at least twice each working day and at least three days each week. Place an “X” in the box that corresponds with the temperature and record the ambient (room) temperature, the time of the temperature readings, and your initials. Record the temperatures in I-CARE at least once a week. Once the month has ended, save each month’s completed form for three years, unless state or local jurisdictions require a longer time period. A recorded temperature in the shaded zone represents an unacceptable temperature range. Follow these steps: 1. Store the vaccine under proper conditions as quickly as possible. 3. Complete the Vaccine Incident Report to determine whether the vaccine is still usable. 2. Temporarily mark exposed vaccine “do not use” until you have verified whether or not 4. Document the action taken on the reverse side of this log. the vaccine may be used. Day of Month Staff Initials Room Temp Exact Time F Temp 16 am REFRIGERATOR ≥49 48 47 17 pm am 18 pm am 19 pm TOO WARM am 20 pm am 21 pm am 22 pm am 23 pm am 24 pm am 25 pm am 26 pm am 27 pm am 28 pm am 29 pm am Take immediate corrective action if temperature is in shaded section 30 pm am 31 pm am pm TOO WARM 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 ≤32 TOO COLD Take immediate corrective action if temperature is in shaded section TOO COLD NOTE: Aim for a refrigerator temperature of 40 F. F Temp am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am FREEZER ≥8 7 TOO WARM Take immediate corrective action if temperature is in shaded section TOO WARM 6 5 4 ≤3 NOTE: Some frozen vaccines must not be stored colder than -58 F. Check the prescribing information on the vaccine manufacturer’s website for specific storage temperature instructions. pm VACCINE STORAGE TROUBLESHOOTING RECORD Use this page to record the details of the vaccine storage incident, including when the incident was reported to the state and the results of the incident (such as vaccine was viable or still usable or the vaccine had to be wasted). The vaccine incident report must be completed and a copy kept in your records. The vaccine incident report is in I-CARE under reports, VFC warehouse forms. DATE OF INCIDENT REPORTED BY DATE REPORTED TO IDPH TEMPERATURE EXCURSION RESULTS OF INCIDENT (Vaccine viable, vaccine wasted, unit repaired or replaced)