EECS 531-S15-syllabus.pages

EECS 531 Computational Vision, Spring 2015
Dr. Michael Lewicki
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept.
Case Western Reserve University
Office: Olin 508.
Office Hours: Tu/We 11:00-12:00 or by appointment.
Class meeting times
Tu/Th 2:45 - 4:00 in Nord 212
Main Textbook
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski. This is also available
electronically at
Supplemental Textbooks
Computational Vision: Information Processing in Perception and Visual Behavior by Hanspector
A. Mallot. I also recommend this because it has better and more thorough explanations
of some of the core topics, although it is not as broad as Szeliski.
Seeing: The Computational Approach to Biological Vision, 2nd edition, by John P. Frisby and
James V. Stone. I recommend this for background and broader perspective on visual
perception and physiology. This is a good book to have if you haven’t taken a course in
perception. I will sometimes use material from this book in the lectures, but main focus
of the course will be on computational algorithms.
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, 2nd edition, by Richard Hartley and Andrew
Zisserman. This is an excellent resource for geometric approaches to computer vision
and has good chapters on projective geometry and camera models. Szeliski can be
dense and hard to follow on some of these topics. H&Z go through all the details.
Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, by David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce. This book has a
very good introduction to image formation and image models.
Web page
The course has a blackboard site ( Search within blackboard to find
the site for EECS 531. Check there periodically for the latest announcements, homework
assignments, lecture slides, handouts, etc.
Course Description
The goal of computer vision is to create systems that recognize patterns and recover structures
from complex images and scenes. This course teaches both the science behind our understanding
of the fundamental problems in vision and the engineering that develops mathematical models
and inference algorithms to solve these problems. Specific topics include feature detection, and
classification; visual representations and dimensionality reduction; motion detection and optical
flow; image segmentation; depth perception, multi-view geometry, and 3D reconstruction; shape
and surface perception; visual scene analysis and object recognition.
Course Goals
The goal of this course is to teach a comprehensive and practical understanding of the computer
vision problems ranging from pattern recognition to scene analysis. The course will teach how
to reason scientifically about problems and issues in computational vision, how to extract the
essential computational properties of those abstract ideas, and how to convert these into explicit
mathematical models and computational algorithms. You will learn how to implement and test
effective computational algorithms for problem in computer vision. In class discussions are an
essential aspect of the course. An important goal of the course is to teach productive discussion,
analysis, and critique of issues and topics related to computer vision.
Course requirements
The course requirements consist of
• reading the assigned background material
• participation in class discussions
• completion of the homework assignments
• completion of an independent project (which includes a writeup and presentation)
The lectures are designed to teach the following:
• the nature of the problem
• common mathematical solutions
• algorithmic implementations
• practical applications
• provide motivation for upcoming topics
When possible, the mathematical and conceptual background required for the lectures will be
covered in prior lectures or assignments. Computer vision depends on a broad range of fields,
and it is generally not possible to understand all the results down to a fundamental level. We will
make an effort to clearly encapsulate results from other areas so that you can apply them even
without understanding how they came about. This is in fact the essence of progress. The goal is
to know less, i.e. to package knowledge in a way that it can be easily used. The overall goal is to
teach the current state-of-the-art in computer vision with sufficient background so that you can
apply the algorithms to novel problems.
Assignments are the primary means by which to learn the mathematical material presented in
class and will be coordinated with the lectures. Some of the advanced methods discussed in class
are not practical to cover in a homework because of their complexity. If you would like to study
a particular topic in greater detail, it would be well worth considering designing a class project
around that topic. Some assignments will depend on material completed in earlier assignments.
Therefore, complete the entire assignment and stay current.
The programming assignments will be in Matlab, but it is possible to use other languages, e.g.
numerical python, but it is usually more work, and you will not be able to take advantage of
matlab code that will be provided with some of the assignments.
Each assignment must be turned in as a single pdf file. The reason for this is that it makes
grading far easier and avoids formatting and version problems that often arise from ms word
files. The best way is to use latex (for equations) and include code and figures as needed. Once
you know how to do it, latex is faster and far more flexible than doing it in a word processor,
because if you need to update figure, you can simply regenerate the pdf. Equations are also
faster to specify and yields much more professional formatting. Students in previous years have
also used the Matlab report generator, but you must join multiple pdf files into a single pdf for
the assignment.
We will do readings throughout the course. Readings outside of the textbook will be
incorporated into the assignments. Background material and research papers will be made
available on blackboard. You will be responsible for understanding the material and participating
in class discussions.
Late policy
Late assignments will not be accepted except for medical reasons. This is to ensure that you do
not fall behind, and so the assignments can be returned in a timely fashion.
Course Projects
Each student is required to complete an independent project which should be an implementation
and/or application of algorithm discussed in class or a closely subject. You do not need to write
your own code and you are encouraged to find existing code for a topic you are interested in to
use as the basis for exploration. Your written report should be in the style of a tutorial that
explains the problem and algorithms(s) with illustrative examples.
Each student is also responsible for giving a presentation on their project which be presented to
the whole class and should last about 10-15 min. The presentations will be scheduled for each
student throughout the semester at times that best fits with the course topics and schedule. This
means that you have some flexibility in choosing your deadline for this part of the course.
Look through the course topics, textbook, and lecture slides for project ideas. You will write a 1
page project proposal and discuss you project with me. In your proposal, you should explain
what you want to do, what code you will use, and what examples or test data you want to test the
algorithms on.
Final Grade
Final grades will be a composite score of course requirements in the following proportions:
Assignments (total) 75%
Project report
Project presentation
Extra credit, class participation, and any special circumstances will be used in determining
borderline cases.
Collaborative discussion is encouraged, but any work submitted for an assignment must be
entirely your own and may not be derived from the work of others, whether a published source,
assignments from previous years, another student, or any other person. Doing otherwise without
acknowledging that you have done so is cheating. It is your responsibility to take standard
measures to protect your programs, homework assignments, and examinations from illicit
inspection or copying. Violations will be handled in accordance with the University Policy on
Cheating and Plagiarism.
Class Schedule (subject to revisions)1
due dates
out draft final
Introduction and Overview - image
1 Tue, Jan 13 processing vs computer vision, perception is
inference of the external scene, course design
S.1, M.1
Feature Detection and Classification 2 Thu, Jan 15 convolution, feature detection, signals and
noise, classification
S.3-4, M.3-4,
Viola and Jones,
IJCV 2004;
Spectral Representation - filtering, 1D and
3 Tue, Jan 20 2D Fourier transforms, natural image statistics, S.3.4
wavelets and multi-scale representations
Neural Networks and Classification - neural
networks, optimization and gradient descent,
4 Thu, Jan 22
choosing step size, neural units as feature
detectors, multi-layer networks, non-linearities
Basis Representation and Principal
Components - linear basis representation,
5 Tue, Jan 27
multivariate Gaussians, dimensionality
reduction with principal component analysis
S.A1, S.14.2;
Turk and Pentland
Learning Visual Representations - efficient
6 Thu, Jan 29 coding of images, independent component
analysis, multi-scale coding
Olshausen and
Field, 1996, 2000;
S.3.5, M.3.4
Tue, Feb 3
Generalized Features and Invariance S.4; Riesenhuber
Thu, Feb 5 biological inspiration, feature pooling, feature et al, 1999; Lowe
correspondence, SIFT features
9 Tue, Feb 10
S.3.4.3; Lewicki
Bayesian Inference & Image Denoising and Olshausen,
vision as inference; Wiener filtering, denoising
Image Segmentation - image boundaries in
natural images, clustering, normalized cuts.
S.5; Shi and
Hierarchical Statistical Representations hierarchical generative models; modeling of
10 Thu, Feb 12
natural textures and boundaries;
interpretation of complex cells
Karklin &
Lewicki, 2009
Object Recognition (Introduction) - shape
11 Tue, Feb 17 constancy, reference frames, holistic features,
invariant feature recognition
Sinha, 2002
In notes, S.x.y refers to Szeliski chapter x, section y, M.x.y for Mallot, and FS.x.y for Frisby and Stone.
due dates
out draft final
Hierarchical Models for Recognition - feed
forward models, convolutional neural nets,
12 Thu, Feb 19
deep belief nets, criticisms of object
recognition systems; more object recognition
Fei-Fei et al,
2007; Pinto et al,
2008, 2011;
Hinton, 2006
Motion Estimation - aperture problem,
13 Tue, Feb 24 motion gradient equation, optic flow fields, ill- M.9; S.8; FS.14
posed problems regularization
Motion Inference - Bayesian inference and
14 Thu, Feb 26 motion estimation, human perception of
FS.15; Weiss,
Simoncelli, &
Adelson 1999
Motion Representation - learning
15 Tue, Mar 3 representations of complex motions, motion
and inference during fixation
Cadieu &
Olshausen 2011;
Burak et al 2010
16 Thu, Mar 5
Active Vision - types of eye movements,
visual integration
Burak et al 2010
Tue, Mar 10
Spring break - no class
Thu, Mar 12
Shape from Shading - image formation
17 Tue, Mar 17 models, inference of shape, reflectance, and
lighting, regularization without priors
S.12; Zheng et al,
1999; Freeman
Shape and Surface Perception - perception
of lighting, shape from two-tone images,
18 Thu, Mar 19
shape perception of complex surfaces, higherlevel shape representations
Ostrovsky et al
2005; Purves et
al, 2004; Fleming
et al 2004
19 Tue, Mar 24 Geometric Computer Vision Overview
Feature-based Alignment - 2D alignment
20 Thu, Mar 26 using least squares, RANSAC and variations,
image stitching, 2D coordinate transforms
S.6.1; S2.1.1-2
Planar Geometry and Projective
Transformations - geometric primitives,
21 Tue, Mar 31
projective space, projective transformations,
removing projective distortion
S2.1.2; Hartley
and Zisserman
(2004), Ch.2
due dates
out draft final
3D Transformations - basic transformations,
22 Thu, Apr 2 axis/angle rotation parameterization, unit
23 Tue, Apr 7
Camera models and Pose estimation - 3D to
S2.1.5-6; S6.2-3
2D projections, camera models, optics
24 Thu, Apr 9
S7; Snavely, et al,
2006; Brown and
Lowe, 2005
25 Tue, Apr 14
Triangulation - linear least squares, normal
S7.1; S A.2;
Two-frame structure from motion - epipolar
26 Thu, Apr 16 geometry, the essential matrix, 8-point
27 Tue, Apr 21 Visual Scene Analysis
Saliency and Visual Search - models of
28 Thu, Apr 23 saliency, ideal visual search, in-attentional
Itti et al 1998;
Torralba et al
2006; Najemnik
& Geisler 2005
Potential additional topics (TBD)
The fundamental matrix
Bundle adjustment
Triggs et al, 2000
Shape Perception - perception of lighting,
Purves et al,
shape from two-tone images, shape perception
2004; Fleming, et
of complex surfaces, higher-level shape
al, 2004
Surface Perception - lightness perception,
perceptual constancy, perception of surface
and material properties
Visual Scene Analysis
Fleming, Dror,
and Adelson,
due dates
out draft final
S.3.4, FS13, Doi
Robust Coding and Image Reconstruction and Lewicki,
image denoising, Weiner filtering?, robust
2005, 2006;
coding in noisy systems, vision as inference
Lewicki and
Bayesian restoration, super-resolution?
Olshausen, 1999