International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 6 volume 1, Jan. –Feb. 2016 ISSN 2249-9954 Order Reduction of Linear Time Invariant System by Mixed Methods of Routh Approximation and Factor Division Method. Harendra singh*, VR singh** Department of Electrical Engineering, Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) Email:- *harendrasngh65 ** Abstract – A mixed methods for model reduction of linear time invariant system is proposed. In this technique two methods are employed, one method is used with advantages of Routh approximation and other is factor division method. Routh approximation is used to determine the denominator of reduced model and numerator is determined by factor division method. This technique guarantees the stability of reduced order model if original system is stable .This method is illustrated with the help of numerical example. Key words: - Model reduction, Routh approximation, Factor division method stability, Transfer function. 1. INTRODUCTION Approximation of original system (HOS) by reduced order models has been of concern for engineers for long time. Reducing the high order system has been studied by several researchers [1-9]In spite of these reduction no one researcher gives always best result. To overcome the stability problem Hutton and Friedland[10],R.KAppiah[11]and chan [12]gave different method. Model reduction by Routh approximation has been adopted by some researchers [13-15] and factor division [16-18] by also some researchers. Factor division method is introduced by Lucas [19 ],in which dominant poles are retained and initial time moments are preserved .This method was extended by Lucas[20]. This present paper is organized by two methods for linear dynamic system. The denominator is determined by Routh approximation and coefficients of numerator of reduced order model are determined by using factor division method. 2.Methods Used 2.1 Statement of Approximation Method. Let nth order linear time invariant system represented by transfer function as N (s) b21 b22 s ...... b 2 n s n 1 H(s) = = D( s ) b11 b12 s ....... b1n 1s n (1) ©2015 RS Publication, Page 1 Issue 6 volume 1, Jan. –Feb. 2016 ISSN 2249-9954 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Where b21, b22 …b2n and b11 ,b12 ……….b1,n+1 are constants. Reduced order model is given by N ( s ) d 21 d 22 s ..... d 2 k s k 1 R( s) k Dk ( s ) d11 d12 s .... d1k 1s k (2) Where d21, d22, ……d2k and d11, d12……d1k+1 are constants. 2.2 Order Reduction Method. This method consists of two steps Step:- 1 Determination of the denominator coefficients of reduced order model:Routh array for denominator polynomial of original system H(s), is given ,as b11 b12 b13 b14 .. b21 b22 b23 b24 .... b31 b32 b33 b34 . .. .. bn.1 bn 1,1 The well known algorithm form the above array as bi , j bi 2, j 1 bi 2, 1, j 1 / bi 1,1) Where 𝑖 ≥ 3 and 1 ≤ 𝑗 ≤ [(𝑛 − 𝑖 + 3) 2][. ] stands for the integral part of the quantity. A Polynomial of lower order „k‟ may be easily constructed [13] with(𝑛 + 1 − 𝑘)𝑡ℎ and (𝑛 + 2 − 𝑘)𝑡ℎ rows of the above array and gives Dk s b( n1k ) s k b( n2k ) s k 1 b( n3k ) s k 2 .. 3 From Routh array of denominator polynomial of given transfer function starting with first array as constant term. To obtain a reduced order model of order „k‟,a new Routh array is formed where the first (k+1) terms of the above array forms the first column The remaining entries of the array are now easily filled. Once array is completed, it will be noted that the last element in first column moves two places up and one to the right at each step. The denominator of reduced model Dk(s) can be written from first two rows of the array. ©2015 RS Publication, Page 2 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 6 volume 1, Jan. –Feb. 2016 ISSN 2249-9954 Step:-2 Determination of numerator coefficients of reduced model of „kth order by factor division method as (a) Product of numerator of original system (HOS) and denominator of reduced model to the denominator of original system (HOS) given by n b 2i si - 1 N (s) i k1 D( s) d1i s i Dk ( s ) i 1 Where D(s) is known. N k (s) (4) D( s ) i.e put Dk ( s ) the coefficients of D(s) in first rows and coefficients of Dk(s) in 2nd row. Second time put N(s) D( s ) in first row and expansion of in 2nd row.Therefore numerator Nk(s) of reduced order Dk ( s ) model R(s) in eqn(2) will be series expansion of (b) By using factor division, first to find the terms up to sk-1 in the expansion of k 1 b2i s i N (s) ik11 (5) D( s) i b1i s Dk ( s ) i 1 about s=0 up to term of order sk-1 . This can be obtained by modifying the moment generating and using Routh recurrence formulae to generate the third, fifth, and seventh etc rows as 0 b11 b11 b12 b13 ...... d11 d11 d12 d13 ...... 1 c11 c11 c12 c13 ...... d11 d11 d12 d13 ...... ……………………………….. …………………………………. k 2 p11 p11 p12 p13 ...... d11 d11 d12 d13. ..... . ©2015 RS Publication, Page 3 Issue 6 volume 1, Jan. –Feb. 2016 ISSN 2249-9954 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on k 1 v11 v11 v12 v13. ..... d11 d11 d12 d13 ...... Where c11 b1i 1 0 d1 i 1 i = 0,1,2…. ………………………. ………………………. v11 p12 k 2 d12 Therefore the numerator Nk(s) of eqn (2) is given by k 1 N k (s) i si i 0 3. Numerical Analysis. Let consider 4th order transfer function given by [21] H 4 ( s) N (s) 2s 3 12s 2 18s 8 4 D(s) s 6s 3 14s 2 16s 8 (6) Step-1 Using first step form the Routh table for the denominator of original system as: 8 14 1 16 6 11 1 4.55 0 1 Using first three entries of first column to form a new array for reduced order model as 8 16 11 Thus denominator of reduced model is written as Dk(s) = 11s2 +16s +8 Normalizing Dk(s), yields s 2 1.454s 0.727 (7) Step-2 Numerator coefficients of reduced model are determined as D4 / D2 results ©2015 RS Publication, Page 4 Issue 6 volume 1, Jan. –Feb. 2016 ISSN 2249-9954 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on 0 11.004 1 0 8 0.727 16 1.454 0 0.727 Now consider N4 / D4 / D2 0 0.727 1 1.636 8 18 11.004 0 18 11.004 Thus , Numerator of reduced model is written as N2 s 1.636s 0.727 Thus, transfer function of reduced model is given 1.636s 0.727 R( s) 2 s 1.454s 0.727 (8) (9) Fig-1.presents step response of original high order system H(s) and reduced order model H r(s) and fig-2 shows the frequency response of original high order system and reduced model. It may be seen that steady state response of original system and reduced order model are exactly match close to the original system. ©2015 RS Publication, Page 5 Issue 6 volume 1, Jan. –Feb. 2016 ISSN 2249-9954 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Step Response 1.4 1.2 Amplitude 1 ....... original system - - - - proposed method 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (sec) Fig.1 Step response Bode Diagram 10 ....... original system - - - - proposed ethod Magnitude (dB) 0 -10 -20 -30 Phase (deg) -40 45 0 -45 -90 -1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Frequency (rad/sec) Fig.2 Frequency response ©2015 RS Publication, Page 6 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 6 volume 1, Jan. –Feb. 2016 ISSN 2249-9954 Comparison of Reduced model with Original System Characteristics of Original system Rise Time : 0.4471 Settling Time : 4.4829 Settling min : 0.9601 Settling max : 1.3588 Overshoot : 35.8752 Undershoot :0 Peak :1.3588 Peak time : 0.4599 Characteristics of Reduced Model Rise Time : 0.7781 Settling Time :6.1341 Settling min :0.9154 Settling max :1.2301 Overshoot :23.0085 Undershoot :0 Peak :1.2301 Peak Time :2.2369 5. Conclusion: - An algorithm which combines the advantages of Routh approximation and factor division methods has been presented. The denominator of reduced order model of linear dynamic system is obtained by method of Routh approximation and numerator of reduced model is determined by factor division method . These proposed methods assure the stability of reduced model if original system (HOS) is stable. These methods are also extended for MIMO. It is clear that the proposed methods are simple and in quality with other existing techniques of reduced model. These methods preserve the stability and avoid errors in between initial and final value. These methods are tested with numerical example and time and frequency responses of original system and reduced order model are compared graphically. 6. References: 1 .Y.Shamash, “Order reduction of linear system by Pade approximation methods,‟ IEEE Trans. On Automat Control”,Vol . AC -19, pp. 615-616, 1974 2. 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