
Oregon School Activities Association 25200 SW Parkway Avenue, Suite 1 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503.682.6722 fax: 503.682.0960 DELEGATE ASSEMBLY MEETING Monday, April 11, 2016 / 9am Holiday Inn ‐ Wilsonville EXECUTIVE BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION Monday, April 11, 2016 / 7am Breakfast Meeting AGENDA *Action Item 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 PRELIMINARIES Call to order – Andy Gardner, President Pledge of Allegiance – Andy Gardner, President Roll Call of Members – Tom Welter, Executive Director (attachment) Preview of Agenda – Tom Welter, Executive Director Appointment of Parliamentary Authority (Article 8.1) *Approval of October 19, 2015, Delegate Assembly minutes (attachment) 2. RECOGNITION NFHS Heart of the Arts – Mikayla Heston, Barlow High School (attachment) 2.1 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 REPORTS Sports Medicine Advisory Committee – Dr. Mick Koester State of Association – Tom Welter and Staff Review of Caucus Items – Tom Welter DISCUSSION OF CAUCUS GROUPS Basketball – 3‐Person Crews The OSAA changed its policy prior to the 2015‐16 school year to allow 3‐person crews in basketball during the regular season. Nine leagues chose to use 3‐person crews during this past regular season. Several leagues indicated that if OSAA went to 3‐person crews in the state playoffs, that their league would move that direction for regular season games. In general, the feedback from schools and officials associations has been mostly positive. Pros: Better view and angles, better transition/full‐court coverage, improved 3‐point coverage, increased off‐ball coverage, better communication with coaches, development and retention of officials, helps crowd control issues Cons: Increased costs to schools, coaches concern of more fouls called, reduction of official’s fee from 2‐person crews Should the OSAA use 3‐person crews in the state playoffs? If so, should that begin with the 2016‐17 school year? Should 3‐person crews in basketball continue to be allowed during the regular season or should the OSAA mandate their use at the varsity level? Emerging Activities Per discussion at the October Delegate Assembly meeting, the OSAA Staff surveyed member schools regarding which activities their students are participating in that aren’t currently sanctioned by the OSAA. The idea was to see if we, as an Association, are accommodating the interests of the students in our member schools. Nearly 260 schools completed the survey and the following activities had the highest participation: Theater/Drama (109), Equestrian (89), Robotics (79), and Lacrosse (56). Pros: May better meet the interests of students, potentially gets more students involved Cons: Increase in costs to both schools and OSAA Should the OSAA begin exploring the advisability/feasibility of sanctioning any of these activities? G:\Delegate Assembly\APRIL\2016\Delegate Assembly Agenda April 2016.doc 4.3 Allowing Ineligible Transfers Students to Participate at the Sub‐Varsity Level Currently students who are illegal transfers under OSAA rules are typically ineligible for one calendar year. The Delegate Assembly heard a first reading of a proposal that would change OSAA rules to allow illegal transfers to participate at the sub‐varsity level. That proposal will be voted on as an action item on this agenda. Pros: Should cut down on the number of hardship appeals, could take athletics out of the equation for transfer situations, allows for more participation without impacting varsity programs Cons: may disadvantage schools without JV teams, could encourage students to transfer schools, potentially takes spots from other students Should students who are ineligible under OSAA transfer rules be allowed to participate at the sub‐varsity level? 5. OLD BUSINESS 5.1 * Proposal to Amend Article 3.3.2 – “Membership and Dues – Dues” (attachment) Amends language regarding legal challenges brought by member schools against OSAA 5.2 * Proposal to Add Article 6.6 – “Collective Sponsorships” (attachment) Allows schools in individual sports to practice together but students represent their own school in competition 5.3 * Proposal to Delete Rules 6.4 and 6.5 – “Adding/Deleting a championship event in a Sport/Activity where one or more championship events are currently offered by the Association” (attachment) Removes these rules with the intent of replacing them with an Executive Board policy 5.4 * Proposal to Amend Rule 8.6.5 – “Transfers to a School with Affiliation” (attachment) Expands the exception where the student’s school of representation doesn’t change 5.5 * Proposal to Amend Rule 8.6.7 – “Period of Ineligibility” (attachment) Allows ineligible transfers to participate at the sub‐varsity level 6. 6.1 ELECTIONS * Executive Board Elections (attachment) a. 5A Representative Candidate: ‐ Mark Hannan, Principal, Silverton High School 6.2 * Election of Association President for 2016‐17 6.3 Delegate Assembly Vacancies for 2016‐17 (attachment) 6.4 Acknowledgment of Outgoing Delegate Assembly Members 7. FUTURE MEETINGS AND INFORMATION Executive Board – Monday, May 2, 2016 / 9am / OSAA Office, Wilsonville Executive Board Workshop – Monday‐Wednesday, July 25‐27, 2016 / Eagle Crest Resort, Redmond G:\Delegate Assembly\APRIL\2016\Delegate Assembly Agenda April 2016.doc