Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 SAE TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES 2004-01-2977 IC Engine Retard Ignition Timing Limit Detection and Control using In-Cylinder Ionization Signal Ibrahim Haskara, Guoming G. Zhu and Jim Winkelman Visteon Corporation Reprinted From: SI Engine Experiment and Modeling (SP-1901) Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference and Exhibition Tampa, Florida USA October 25-28, 2004 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 U.S.A. Tel: (724) 776-4841 Fax: (724) 776-5760 Web: Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. 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Printed in USA Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 2004-01-2977 IC Engine Retard Ignition Timing Limit Detection and Control using In-Cylinder Ionization Signal Ibrahim Haskara, Guoming G. Zhu and Jim Winkelman Visteon Corporation Copyright © 2004 SAE International ABSTRACT Internal combustion engines are designed to maximize power subject to meeting exhaust emission requirements and minimizing fuel consumption. However, the usable range of ignition timing is often limited by knock in the advance direction and by combustion instability (partial burn and misfire) in the retard direction. This paper details a retard limit management system utilizing ionization signals in order to maintain the desired combustion quality and prevent the occurrence of misfire without using fixed limits. Incylinder ionization signals are processed to derive a metric for combustion quality and closeness of combustion to partial burn/misfire limit, which is used to provide a limiting value for the baseline ignition timing in the retard direction. For normal operations, this assures that the combustion variability is kept within an acceptable range. During start-up operations, the retard limit management can be used as a rapid catalyst lightoff strategy by maximally delaying the combustion as long as misfire and partial-burn are avoided. This improved start-up strategy reduces cold-start HC emissions by reducing the time required to increase the catalysts temperature to its light-off level. The closed loop nature of the system provides maximum usage of the possible ignition timing range in the retard direction at any given operating condition. INTRODUCTION In a conventional spark-ignition (SI) engine, combustion is initiated at the spark plug by an electrical discharge. Recent advances in the powertrain electronic controls make it possible to employ online spark adjustment to optimize the engine operation in terms of power, fuel economy and emissions. However, the range of ignition timing one would like to use is often limited by knock in the advance direction and by combustion instability (partial burn and misfire) in the retard direction. Since the feasible ignition timing range depends on the engine operating conditions, it is beneficial to extract this online through in-cylinder combustion information in order to optimally adjust the operational boundaries. The use of in-cylinder sensors for combustion control is a promising way of improving the fuel economy, power output and emissions of production vehicles (see 4,5,6,7,8 and the references cited therein among others). In this paper, in-cylinder ionization signals are studied to determine a combustion stability metric for ignition retard limit. Spark sweeps are conducted at different operating points. Stochastic properties (mean, variance and probability distribution functions) of peak ionization location and the ionization energy content distribution are correlated to the combustion quality (COVariance of Indicated Mean Effective Pressure IMEP) and combustion type (normal, late but complete, incomplete and misfire). A feedback parameter is derived from the ionization signal as an indicator of the closeness to the retard limit. Pressure measurements are used to confirm information for these correlations. The data is then used to generate stochastic relations from ignition timing to the processed ionization parameter at different operating conditions. A stochastic ignition retard limit control utilizing the derived retard limit ionization parameter is also proposed in the paper. Experimental data from dynamometer tests is included to demonstrate that the controller can limit and correct the ignition timing to keep the combustion quality/stability from exceeding a user-specified level. It is further shown that the control system is able to operate the engine at its retard limit despite the cycle-tocycle combustion variability and inherent ionization signal variations owing to that stochastic nature. RETARD LIMIT MANAGEMENT )RU D FORVHGORRS LJQLWLRQ FRQWURO V\VWHP WKHEHQHILWRI D FRPEXVWLRQ UHWDUG LQGLFDWRU LV WZRIROG 'XULQJ QRUPDO RSHUDWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV LI WKH EDVHOLQH LJQLWLRQ VWUDWHJ\ WHQGV WR SXVK WKH LJQLWLRQ WLPLQJ WR D OHYHO ZKHUH WKH FRPEXVWLRQ YDULDELOLW\ LV QRW DFFHSWDEOH LJQLWLRQ WLPLQJ Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 FDQ EH OLPLWHG LQ WKH UHWDUG GLUHFWLRQ 6HFRQGO\ VLQFH WKLVUHWDUGOLPLWLVFRQWLQXDOO\DGMXVWHGE\PRQLWRULQJWKH FRPEXVWLRQ WKURXJK WKH LQF\OLQGHU LRQL]DWLRQ VLJQDOV GLIIHUHQW FULWHULD FDQ VWLOO EH LQFOXGHG DQG RSWLPL]HG RQOLQH WR GHWHUPLQH WKH ILQDO WLPLQJ LQVWHDG RI XVLQJ D RQHILWVDOOOLPLWYDOXHRUPDS During engine warm-up, the retard limit management can seek the maximum retard possible while assuring that misfire is avoided with the objective of increasing the catalyst temperature rapidly. Delaying the combustion through high values of ignition retard can shorten the time that it takes the catalyst to reach its light-off temperature. Therefore, the conventional threeway catalyst becomes effective much sooner in reducing tail-pipe emissions (1, 2, 3). However, if the ignition retard is too much, engine-out HC emissions become excessive due to incomplete combustion as well as misfire. An open loop retard calibration needs to provide enough margins to avoid misfire at all conditions and with all types of fuels. It therefore is inherently conservative. On the other hand, a real time retard limit indicator as part of a closed loop strategy alleviates this conservatism by further being able to push the timing in the retard direction if things are favorable. That way, the catalyst light-off time is minimized and the tail-pipe emissions can be reduced. ignition timing is too early (advanced), useful combustion work is wasted during the compression stroke. On the other hand, if the combustion process starts too late (retard), the peak pressure occurs later in the expansion stroke and its resulting torque diminishes. The optimum spark, for which the maximum brake torque is obtained in the presence of these opposing trends, is called MBT timing. Maximum brake power and minimum brake specific fuel consumption are also achieved with MBT timing. A typical cylinder pressure behavior during a spark sweep is shown in Figure 2. This data was gathered from a 3L, 6-cylinder engine operated in an o engine dyno. Spark timing was swept from 37 BTDC to o 25 ATDC at 1500 RPM and 2.5 bar BMEP for MBT spark. For each spark, the plotted pressure signal is the average of 300 consecutive cycles. The architecture of a stochastic retard limit management system is shown in Figure 1. ,RQL]DWLRQGHWHFWLRQ ,RQ LJQLWLRQFRLOV 6LJQDOV 'ZHOO &0' 6LJQDO &RQGLWLRQLQJ 5HWDUG/LPLW 0HWULF &DOFXODWLRQ ,JQLWLRQ &RQWURO 6LJQDO *HQHUDWLRQ 3&0,JQLWLRQ &RQWURO 6WUDWHJ\ 3&0 )LJXUH&\OLQGHUSUHVVXUHVGXULQJVSDUNVZHHS 6WRFKDVWLF 5HWDUG/LPLW &RQWURO )LJXUH&ORVHGORRSUHWDUGOLPLWFRQWUROV\VWHP DUFKLWHFWXUH The ignition coil in this system is both a sensor and an actuator. As a sensor, it has one ionization output signal. As an actuator it has one dwell control input signal for ignition. The ionization feedback signals of all cylinders are fed into the signal conditioning circuit, and signals are merged. The conditioning signal is then sampled and processed to determine a retard limit indicator, as it will be outlined in the following sections. The further details of the set-up can also be found in 5,6 and 7. COMBUSTION BEHAVIOR WITH IGNITION RETARD For a spark-ignition (SI) engine, as ignition timing is varied relative to TDC (top dead center), the cylinder pressure, and in turn, combustion torque varies. If the As shown in Figure 3, the combustion torque peaks at a o spark around 29 BTDC (indicating the MBT timing for this operating point) and starts falling when the spark is further retarded. The covariance of IMEP is also included in Figure 4 as a measure of combustion quality. As a practical convention, a covariance value around 3% is regarded as an indication of good quality combustion. For this operating point, ignition timing should be kept before 17 o BTDC in order to maintain the covariance below 3%. The covariance goes beyond 5% with an ignition timing o of 11 BTDC. As the ignition is retarded beyond that value, the combustion variations and roughness further increase. Before that, the combustion can be categorized as normal. When the ignition timing is delayed, combustion starts to take place later in the expansion stroke but initially can still be completed before the exhaust valves are opened (late but complete). With further retard, the allotted duration becomes too small for the combustion to be completed and the combustion further extends to the exhaust stroke (incomplete). Eventually, for some cycles, Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 combustion does not grow at all and the cylinder contents go to the exhaust manifold directly (misfire). other hand, for the cycle of Figure 6, the combustion duration is longer compared to that of Figure 5 based on its burn profile. However, the burning still ends much before the exhaust valves are opened. Therefore, the combustion is late but still complete. The ionization signal is a bit noisier than that of the Figure 5, but that itself could not be a robust indicator of the lateness of the combustion. It is also important to note that there is no distinctive thermal and chemical ionization peaks this time. Instead, the thermal peak is folded into the chemical ionization region. However, the strength of ionization signal (peak magnitude and area) is even more for the late combustion case. Therefore, there is not a clear correlation between the strength of ionization and its torque output either. Figure 7 with a spark of 5 o ATDC depicts a cycle with incomplete combustion. Ionization signal extends well beyond the exhaust stroke. Similarly, burn profile extends towards the exhaust stroke as well. However, the ionization signal is very wide and tails down over a long crank interval. )LJXUH(QJLQHORDG )LJXUH%XUQSURILOHDQGLRQVLJQDOVDW67 R%7'& )LJXUH&RYDULDQFHRI,0(3 Figure 5-Figure 7 show a typical ionization current and the corresponding burn profiles from a sample o combustion cycle at three spark timings: 21 BTDC, 11 o o BTDC and 5 ATDC at the same speed and throttle position. For burn profile, the pressure signal is used to compute the mass fraction burned from a heat release model. Note that, for the cycle of Figure 5, the combustion is normal and the ionization signal has distinct chemical and thermal ionization regions. The thermal ionization is less noticeable as it is usually the case with light load conditions. Note that, there is no o significant ionization signal beyond roughly 50 ATDC. This coincides with the burn profile, from which no further burning is noticeable beyond that location. On the In summary, the following observations can be made as the behavior of ionization signal with varied ignition timing: x For normal combustions, the ionization signal has a typical shape with two distinctive peaks after the spark charging duration. While the ignition is being retarded, these two peaks merge and the signal shows a single peak shape with a tapering falling edge. x The ionization signal becomes wider as the spark is retarded. However, relative values of the signal or its total area/energy (square area) do not have correlations with the amount of Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 ignition retard. On the other hand, a distribution measure such as the location at which the first 90% of the total area under ionization signal has been achieved is a good indicator. This is because the range that the ionization signal extends is affected by the ignition timing. For normal combustions, the peak location does not go much beyond TDC. Furthermore, the first peak location in crank angle coordinates referenced to the end of spark event increases rapidly when the combustion starts leaving the normal range. RETARD LIMIT INDICATORS FROM IONIZATION SIGNAL Based on the previous observations, two retard limit indicators (peak location and distribution location) from ionization signal are proposed and studied in this section A typical ionization signal is shown in Figure 8. The peak location is defined as the crank angle at which the chemical-ionization part of the ion signal takes its maximum value. In other words, it is when the ionization signal peaks out first after the spark charging window. The ionization signal is also integrated over a userspecified window and the crank angle at which the ion integral reaches a calibratable percentage of the total area is determined. This parameter is defined as the distribution location. The normalized ion integral is also shown in Figure 8. It is further possible to use the integral of the square (energy) in this computation instead. The resulting area/energy signal is normalized relative to the total area/energy. Note that, 100% distribution location is ideally reached when the ionization signal completely dies-out. Similarly, X% distribution location is the crank degree for which the normalized ion integral is X/100. A percentage close to 100 is used to approximately locate the crank location after which the ionization signal strength (combustion activity) is minimal. )LJXUH%XUQSURILOHDQGLRQVLJQDOVDW67 R%7'& )LJXUH%XUQSURILOHDQGLRQVLJQDOVDW67 R$7'& x x At the ultimate case, the location at which the ionization signal dies out also indicates how much the combustion is really retarded. For example, there is still significant ionization signal in Figure 7 even after the exhaust valves are o opened (124 ATDC for this particular engine and valve timing), which points out some combustion activity going on at the exhaust stroke. The first peak location of ionization signal can also be correlated to the amount of spark retard. )LJXUH5HWDUGOLPLWLQGLFDWRUVIURPWKHLRQL]DWLRQVLJQDO Figure 9-Figure 11 show the stochastic properties of the o o ion peak location at spark timings 21 BTDC, 11 BTDC o and 5 ATDC, respectively. At each firing event, the ionization signal is processed to obtain the peak location number for that particular combustion. For each case, Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 300 cycles (number of consecutive firing events at the same conditions) of data are used to create the PDF (probability density function) or histogram of the peak ion signal location. The PDFs of distribution location parameter are also quite similar to those of peak location and therefore not included here for brevity. a number of cycles increase rapidly with the retard. Thus regulating the statistics of the ionization signal, not each individual cycle, will also control the combustion quality. Another observation is that for a normal combustion (Figure 9), the peak location displays a Gaussian (normal) distribution. When the ignition is retarded, the PDF of peak location starts skewing towards the retard direction (Figure 10). Note that the misfire/partial burn cycles are the primary interest and they are the ones extending in the retard direction. Therefore, a derived parameter from PDF, such as the worst-case data (highest peak location) in the buffer or among a percentage of it when the data are sorted from most advanced (lowest peak location) to most retard (highest peak location) is superior to using variance information itself in capturing these limiting cycles. This point is later going to be utilized in the control strategy development. )LJXUH,RQSHDNORFDWLRQ3')DW67 R%7'& )LJXUH,RQSHDNORFDWLRQ3')DW67 R$7'& )LJXUH,RQSHDNORFDWLRQ3')DW67 R%7'& Based on the PDFs, the cycle-to-cycle variability of combustion and the statistics of the ionization signals seem to be coupled. However, the relation is in terms of their stochastic properties rather than being a cycle-tocycle correspondence. For example, a peak location o value of 10 ATDC can be seen in both Figure 9 and Figure 10, but it’s most probable to have this value with o a spark timing of 11 BTDC among the three plots included. Similarly, a peak location value close to 60 o ATDC has been observed only in one cycle in Figure 10 while that number was almost the mean value of all data in Figure 11. In other words, peak location from a single cycle may not be that informative. However, both the mean and the standard deviation of peak location along )LJXUH:RUVWFDVHLRQSHDNORFDWLRQGXULQJVSDUNVZHHS Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 Figure 12-Figure 15 show the stochastic properties of the introduced ionization retard limit parameters during a spark sweep at 1500 RPM and 2.5 bar BMEP at MBT spark. For distribution location, the location where 95% of ionization signal area occurs was used. Both the worst-case ion peak location and distribution location are calculated with respect two references: one with respect to the TDC location and the other with respect to the spark timing, as shown in Figure 12 and Figure 14. The mean value of each parameter increases as the timing is moved in the retard direction, demonstrating consistent gradient (or slope). Note that, the worst-case peak location (the maximum peak location among 300 cycles) and mean value with respect to ignition timing, the duration from ignition timing crank location to the peak location, was almost flat for the first 4-5 ignition timings (Figure 12 and Figure 13). After that, there is a sharp increase in the parameters with further ignition retard. This observation is in accordance with Figure 4, for which the combustion o quality is affected beyond a spark timing of 11 BTDC. The standard deviation of peak location in Figure 13 also shows an abrupt increase after that timing. Based on o Figure 14, ignition timing of 5 BTDC, the worst-case ionization signal distribution location (largest number o among 300 cycles) was before roughly 100 ATDC, which basically indicates that the combustion is still complete at that ignition timing although it’s late. The desired values for these parameters need to be calibrated to the engine operating points. A mean value o of 5 ATDC for peak location appeared to be sufficient for good combustion quality for a variety of operating points. The PDF of a signal such as the worst-case peak location can further be used to adapt this target online based on the achieved performance (second order statistics). This simplifies the calibration task. On the other hand, for cold-start the worst-case distribution location should be properly placed before the exhaust valve opening angle. )LJXUH:RUVWFDVHLRQGLVWULEXWLRQORFDWLRQ Next a retard limit management control system is discussed. This system computes the introduced parameters from the measured ionization signal at each cycle and derives the stochastic properties of the data online from a stored buffer. Based on these online feedback signals, the control provides a closed loop limit value for the ignition timing in the retard direction. )LJXUH,RQSHDNORFDWLRQVWDWLVWLFV This analysis has been performed at different speed /load conditions and the general trend hold at all conditions. Basically, the mean value of peak/distribution location can be used as the feedback signal for regulation (first order statistics). It has been observed that the peak location shows a better correlation when the ignition retard is not too extensive (which is the case when around MBT) whereas the distribution location shows a better correlation when the retard level is significant (this is the case for example at cold start). )LJXUH,RQGLVWULEXWLRQORFDWLRQVWDWLVWLFV Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 provide the desired settling time and steady-state accuracy for the response. RETARD LIMIT CONTROL Figure 16 shows the stochastic closed-loop retard limit controller. It's a part of an overall spark controller, which manages the spark timing for best fuel economy, power and emissions by employing a closed loop MBT timing strategy (7). The ionization signal from each cylinder is sampled and saved in a buffer at each combustion event. The overall spark control is triggered at every firing event and retard limit control processes the ionization signal from the most recent cycle to compute the retard limit feedback parameters. The objective of retard limit controller is to provide a retard limit for the overall spark controller to assure combustion stability. The key part of the retard controller is the stochastic analyzer block. The derived ionization parameters from each firing cycle are gathered in a buffer of a userselected size for stochastic analysis of the data. Basically, the mean, standard deviation and PDF of data are constantly updated at the end of each firing event. Using the PDF, an achieved user-specified percentage confidence level number is also computed. This number (crank location) is defined as follows: saying 90% confidence number for peak location is 20 degrees means that for the 90% of the combustion events in the buffer, the measured peak locations are more advanced o than that particular location, 20 ATDC. Three main feedback actions are proposed in the stochastic retard limit controller. Their functionalities are listed below: (QJLQH6SHHG/RDG $GDSWLYH 6HHNLQJ $OJRULWKP )HHGIRUZDUG $GDSWDWLRQHUURU 5HWDUGOLPLW IHHGEDFN 0HDQWDUJHW YDOXH 6WRFKDVWLF FRQWUROORRS $GDSWLYH VHHNLQJORRS &RQILGHQFH OHYHOWDUJHW %DVHOLQH ,JQLWLRQ7LPLQJ 3, &RQWUROOHU 6DWXUDWLRQ PDQDJHPHQW )LQDO ,JQLWLRQ 7LPLQJ 3 &RQWURO &RQILGHQFHOHYHO DFKLHYHG 6WRFKDVWLF DQDO\]HU 0HDQ DFKLHYHG , &RQWURO 5HJXODWLRQ FRQWUROOHU ,QVWDQW &RUUHFWLRQ0DS ,QVWDQW FRUUHFWLRQORRS )LJXUH6WRFKDVWLFFORVHGORRSUHWDUGOLPLWFRQWUROOHU Regulation controller: The regulation loop is used to regulate the mean value of the retard limit feedback (peak location or distribution location) to a mean target value. The regulation controller is structured as a PI controller with an additional sliding mode control term and a feed-forward term based on engine operating conditions. Despite the variability of the retard limit feedback, its mean value is a well-behaved signal for regulation purposes. The regulation controller is tuned to Adaptive seeking feedback: The purpose of this loop is two-fold: reducing the calibration conservativeness of providing the engine with its "TRUE" retard limit target and improving robustness of retard limit controller when the engine operates under different conditions. This is accomplished by using an error signal between the desired confidence level target and the achieved. Note that the confidence level is a second-order property of PDF like variance. The adaptive seeking algorithm reduces the mean target for the regulation controller if the confidence number is greater than the specified; otherwise, increases the mean target value. Instant correction feedback: This block calculates an instant correction signal to be fed into the integration portion of PI controller. When the error between confidence level target and retard limit feedback is greater than zero, the output is zero. That is, no correction is required, and when the error is less than zero, the error is fed into a one dimensional lookup table that outputs an instant correction in the advanced direction for the integration portion of the PI controller. With these three loops: the ideal action of the retard limit controller can be explained as follows: Suppose that we want to make sure that the ionization peak location will o not go beyond 20 ATDC. This location is then the desired confidence level target. Using the standard deviation of the measured data, one can back-calculate a nominal target for the regulation controller by subtracting a certain multiple of the standard deviation of the measured data in the buffer. That initial mean target is then increased by the adaptive seeking loop slowly if the resulting, say 90% confidence level number computed from the measured data is less than desired o confidence level target of 20 ATDC. That way, if the initial mean target was too conservative; i.e., the worsto case peak location is well below 20 ATDC, then the mean target will be increased. On the other hand, the instant correction feedback acts as a safety since o whenever the feedback goes beyond 20 ATDC it will instantaneously advance the retard limit. Then the seeking will start again to push the retard limit as long as the things are favorable. Since the mean and stochastic properties are used as feedback signals, the controller will not react aggressively to each combustion variation, which would be the case if the feedback signals from each cycle were used directly. The interaction of the retard limit controller with the overall spark controller is as follows: If the baseline spark is more advanced than the current retard limit, then the baseline spark is used as it is. In that case, the retard limit controller pushes the limit in the maximum retard direction by itself. This is because the integration will keep integrating till the maximum retard allowed is reached (an anti-windup scheme is used) as it was Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 designed. If the baseline spark controller pushes the ignition timing to a level at which the feedback signals generate corrections, then the retard limit moves from its maximum limit to a new level as a variable saturation limit on the baseline spark. On the other hand, if the baseline controller still tends to push the spark in the retard direction, the seeking and instant correction actions of the retard controller will adjust the retard limit online. To illustrate the performance of the retard limit controller, some preliminary results from dyno runs have been included in Figure 17-Figure 20. The stochastic analyzer block and the regulation/adaptive seeking loops were tested at several fixed operating points. The main emphasis so far was given to the evaluation of the control features rather than demonstrating its projected benefits. A 3L, 6-cylinder engine equipped with ionization feedback coils was used for these experiments. Due to our current dyno set-up, the experiments were run at a constant MAP (manifold absolute pressure) with fixed throttle openings, rather than fixing load. Therefore, a fixed engine load cannot be maintained during a spark retard. Although this may not be the case for real operations, it is considered to be sufficient for control algorithm evaluations. Figure 17 and Figure 18 demonstrate the controllability of the combustion through the proposed controller. In Figure 17, first the mean ion peak location was regulated o to 10 ATDC to show the regulation performance of the retard limit controller. Around 50 seconds, the adaptive seeking is enabled with the goal of bringing the o confidence level to 30 ATDC. Note that the mean target is adapted to drive ignition to a new level at which the o confidence level is in the vicinity of 30 ATDC as desired. In Figure 18, the system is started at a retarded ignition timing, which results in high combustion variability. From correlations, it has been observed that the ion peak o location should be located before roughly 5-10 ATDC to assure a good combustion quality. To this end, the retard limit controller was activated to regulate the mean o value of ion peak location to 10 ATDC as an initial mean target. At the resulting ignition timing, the confidence o level was about 17 ATDC. Around 60 seconds, the adaptive seeking loop was enabled to bring the o confidence level to 10 ATDC this time. At the new spark level, the covariance of IMEP reduces to below 3% at the steady state. Figure 19-Figure 20 show responses from a cold-start run. For that, the ionization distribution location parameter was used as the feedback signal and the control was activated with all features to drive the o confidence level to 110 ATDC. The confidence level was also included in Figure 19 as a performance o measure. Note that it was kept around 110 ATDC at the o steady state and did not exceed 124 ATDC, which was the exhaust valve opening timing for the particular engine. Therefore, the combustion was over before the exhaust valves were opened and the controlled high retard was safe in terms of engine-out HC emissions. Figure 20 demonstrates the corresponding fast exhaust temperature rise-up during the run. An open loop temperature profile was also included in Figure 20 to show the improved temperature rise-time with the control. For the open loop case, the ignition timing was held at TDC, which was the initial ignition timing for the closed loop controller. Based on Figure 20, the time it takes the exhaust temperature to reach 500 C was reduced to 12 seconds from 17 seconds with the closed loop controller. )LJXUH5HWDUGOLPLWFRQWURO&DVH )LJXUH5HWDUGOLPLWFRQWURO&DVH Downloaded from SAE International by Brought To You Michigan State Univ, Thursday, April 02, 2015 REFERENCES )LJXUH&RQWUROIRUFROGVWDUWUXQXS 1. N. A. Henein and M. K. Tagomari, Cold-start Hydrocarbon Emissions in Port-Injected Gasoline Engines, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 25, pp. 563-593, 1999. 2. J. Zhu and S. C. Chan, An approach for rapid automotive catalyst light off by high values of ignition retard, Journal of the Institute of Energy, pp. 167173, 1996. 3. P. Tunestal, M. Wilcutts, A. T. Lee and J. K. Hedrick, In–Cylinder Measurement for Engine ColdStart Control, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, pp. 460-464, 1999. 4. R. Isermann and N. Muller, Design of Computer Controlled Combustion Engines, Mechatronics, pp. 1067-1089, 2003. 5. Guoming G. Zhu, Chao F. Daniels and Jim Winkelman, MBT Timing Detection and its Closedloop Control Using In-Cylinder Pressure Signal, SAE 2003-01-3266, 2003. 6. Chao F. Daniels, Guoming G. Zhu and Jim Winkelman, Inaudible Knock and Partial Burn Detection Using In-Cylinder Ionization Signal, SAE 2003-01-3149, 2003. 7. Guoming G. Zhu, Chao F. Daniels and Jim Winkelman, MBT Timing Detection and its Closedloop Control Using In-Cylinder Ionization Signal, Submitted to SAE Powertrain and Fluid Systems Conference, Tampa, FL, 2004. 8. Lars Eriksson, Spark advance modeling and control, Ph.D. Dissertation, Linkoping University, 1999. 9. J. B. Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill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brahim Haskara, Visteon Corporation, 17000 Rotunda Drive B-360-172, Dearborn, MI 48185. E-mail: DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS MBT: TDC: o ATDC: o BTDC: BMEP: IMEP: EGR: SI: PDF: HC: PI: MAP: Minimum spark advance for Best Torque Top Dead Center Degrees After Top Dead Center Degrees Before Top Dead Center Brake Mean Effective Pressure Indicated Mean Effective Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation Spark Ignition Probability Distribution Function Hydrocarbons Proportional and Integral Manifold Absolute Pressure