Workforce transformation ATP and AP

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transformation ATP and AP
Workforce transformation ATP and AP
Workforce transformation and the development of new roles are key priority areas. The
following information sets out some of the key activities Health Education within Yorkshire and
the Humber are involved with in relation to this important agenda.
Advanced Practice
Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) are staff members within professional healthcare
groups who have undertaken additional training in order to become expert in specific areas of
work. The benefit of these roles is that they can carry out tasks or procedures that would
traditionally be done by other staff groups (such as doctors), which gives those other
professionals more time to dedicate to more serious cases, and assists in reducing workforce
costs. For a brief overview of our work relating to advanced practice, view the short case
study document (at the bottom of the page).
An initial event was held on 26 June 2013 across Yorkshire and the Humber to progress work
on Advanced Clinical Practitioner roles. The event brought together a wide variety of
stakeholders from around the region to share best practice, create a network around
advanced practice, and to work to devise a regional way forward for this important agenda.
The Task and Finish Group
Following the event the Yorkshire and the Humber Advancing Clinical Practice Task and
Finish Group was established to guide the development of an Advanced Practice
Framework (see document at bottom of the page) for use within the region?s NHS trusts and
primary care organisations.
One of the first tasks of this group was to agree the following standard multi-professional
definition of advanced practice:
?An Advanced Clinical Practitioner is a professional who has acquired the expert knowledge
base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for expanded practice, the
characteristics of which are shaped by the context and/or country in which s/he is credentialed
to practice. A master?s degree is essential for entry level?.
A key aim has been to ensure a move away from a focus on Advanced Nurse Practitioners,
recognising the multi-professional nature of the role.
The Task and Finish Group worked on on several work streams that fed into the framework:
Seeking to ensure a more consistent approach with regard to regional job descriptions
and bandings.
Developing a standard education framework for advanced practice across the region.
Providing clear evidence of the positive outcomes that advancing practice can achieve.
Identifying factors that contribute to organisational readiness for implementing advanced
practice roles.
We committed over £5m to the development of AP roles in 2014/15, with approximately 200
developed across the region, and are working closely with organisations to monitor their
progress. An additional focus for 2015/16 is the development of ACPs in primary care,
particularly those professionals from an AHP background.
Find out more about the trusts and service areas developing advanced practice
roles (see document at bottom of the page).
Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber Advanced Practice Framework
The Framework is intended to guide the development of advanced practice roles in Yorkshire
and the Humber. In addition, it links this regional work to other national frameworks and
toolkits such as those produced by the Royal College of Nursing, Department of Health, the
Scottish Government and NHS Wales. Its key purpose is to provide advice and guidance to
organisations introducing advanced practice roles, spread best practice and ensure a level of
consistency and standardisation with regard to Advancing Clinical Practice across the region.
The Framework is intended as a fluid resource that will be updated as work progresses.
For more information please contact Lyndsay Hamilton, Project Manager at
Document Repository (see documents at bottom of the page)
An evaluation of the implementation of Advanced Nurse Practitioner roles at Barnsley
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
South Yorkshire Advanced Practice Forum January 2013
York NHS Foundation Trust Advanced Clinical Practitioner Evaluation Report
Y&H primary care template job description
Physician Associates
Physician Associates are:
A new healthcare professional who, while not a doctor, works to the medical
model, with the attitudes, skills and knowledge base to deliver holistic care and
treatment within the general medical and/or general practice team under defined
levels of supervision.
There are currently approximately 200 Physician Associates working in the UK, with a small
number in our region. Interest in these roles is growing and several Yorkshire and Humber
universities are currently developing courses that will commence in 2015/16. In addition, we
are supporting small numbers of students from the University of Birmingham to come on
placement in our region.
For more information, please contact Kirsty Baldwin, Locality Lead for Postgraduate General
Practice Education at HEYH
Calderdale Framework
calderdale framework logo
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We are also working with Effective Workforce Solutions to enable the introduction of their
Calderdale Framework into organisations. The Calderdale Framework is a transformational
workforce development tool that provides a systematic and objective method of reviewing
skill, role and service design. It empowers & engages the whole workforce to:
Optimise the use of registered staff band 5 and above, including Advanced Practice
Review skill mix and reshape the workforce to include bands 2-4
Improve service efficiency
Ensure quality is maintained or improved
Manage costs
This addreses the need to 'do better for less' with an effective and productive workforce.
The Calderdale Framework comprises of two components:
An ever-expanding competency library
A seven-step transformational tool to improve the way people work
The framework approach has been 10 years in development with the principle aim of ensuring
safe and effective patient centred care. It is internationally recognised as a quality assurance
framework, having been first developed and implemented in the Rebabilitation Directorate at
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust.
The Calderdale Framework Facilitators Network brings together facilitators and leads from
organisations across the region, to support each other in implementation and ensure best
practice and sustainbility.
Sharon Burrows and Cathy Skilbeck.jpg
Sharon Burrows and Cathy Skilbeck
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Sharon Burrows from Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust and Cathy Skilbeck from
York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust received their Calderdale Framework
facilitator certificates at the meeting of the Facilitators Network in July 2015.
Case Studies
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (see document at bottom of the page)
Find out more about the Calderdale Framework and facilitator training [2].
For more information please contact Lyndsay Hamilton, Project Manager at HEYH [3].
Related Documents
Advanced Clinical Practice Case Work (.pdf)
1.06 MB [4]
Advanced Practice Framework (.pdf)
715.34 KB [5]
An evaluation of the implementation of Advanced Nurse Practitioner roles at Barnsley
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (.docx)
112.09 KB [6]
South Yorkshire Advanced Practice Forum January 2013 (.pdf)
525.51 KB [7]
York NHS Foundation Trust Advanced Clinical Practitioner Evaluation Report (.pdf)
1.82 MB [8]
Y&H primary care template job description (.docx)
30.99 KB [9]
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (.pdf)
521.11 KB [10]
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