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Our July weekend schedule is: July 3, 17 and 31 from 9:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To be fingerprinted, please come to The Zone check in area. Weekly Schedule is Tuesday-Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by appointment. Contact sarah@calvarytemple.org. LADIES SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Ladies - Our Summer Connection series continues on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. through August 11. We are watching inspiring messages from the 2015 Women of Faith Farewell Tour and having great conversation afterwards. Just $1 per session - come as your schedule allows. No homework; childcare available by preregistration. For more information, visit the Women’s page on our website, the Women’s kiosk in the lobby, or contact Marci at x124. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page - look for CTCWomen. MEN’S WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY Men’s Bible Study meets on Thursday nights from 7:00-8:15 p.m. in room 101. This is open to all men 18 years and over. Join us and let’s grow in Christ together! CTC SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE Open enrollment for 2016 Fall Term courses happens July 23 through August 7. Beginning the 23rd, visit the CTCSB kiosk in the lobby or the CTC website to obtain enrollment forms and detailed information for courses that begin in September. On-campus classes available Sunday mornings or Tuesday evenings. For more details, contact Pastor Ken at ken@calvarytemple.org. ESPAÑOL CRECIENDO EN CRISTO Creciendo en Cristo Escuela Dominical en el cuarto #103 a las 8:30 a.m. ven alabemos a nuestro Dios y estudiemos el libro de Daniel juntos. Te esperamos. Para mayor informacion comuniquese al email español@ calvarytemple.org. CONCIERTO DE ADORACIÓN Acompanenos al primer concierto de alabanza y adoracion, totalmente gratis. Viernes 5 de Agosto en el centro de alabanza y adoracion a las 7:00 p.m. No habra cuidado de ninos. Habra refrigerio. NOCHE DE CINE ESPAÑOL Noche de Cine En Español “Dios No Esta Muerto”. Viernes 22 de Julio a las 7:00 p.m. en habitacio 220’s (video cafe), haba palomitas to do gratis. No habra cuidado de ninos. calvarytemple.org like us on facebook/CTCconcord CHILDREN [k-5th grade] Luke 2:52 (NIV) Lessons “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature Wk 1: SPEAK in Wisdom // Luke 12:12 and in favor with God and man.” Wk 2: TEACH Each Other // Proverbs 9:9 Wk 3: Hear/Listen/Obey // Luke 9:35 Wk 4: LIVE Out Loud // Ephesians 4:11-16 BABY / TODDLER CARE 5 mos - 2 1/2 yrs (Early Childhood) Located to the left when entering the church building. Our caring workers provide excellent care for your children during the weekend service. For children 5 months to 2 1/2 years. SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 1/2 yrs thru preschool (Early Childhood) Located to the left when entering the church building. For ages 2 1/2 years through preschool. Our caring volunteers provide biblical teachings and fun crafts for your children during the weekend services. Parent volunteers are always welcome. Contact lucy@calvarytemple.org for more details. GOD GIRLS & ROYAL RANGERS Boys and girls - 3 years to 5th Grade - Wednesday night ministries - we are taking a summer break from June through August. Have a great summer! We’ll see you in the fall! KID’S SUMMER CAMP 2016 July 11-15 - Camp Castaway is for all children entering the 3rd - 6th grade this fall. Cost is $449. Your child will not want to miss this amazing experience. Camp counselors are needed! We are looking for adults and junior counselors to partner with us. Register online at calvarytemple.org/kidscamp or email sarah@calvarytemple.org for more information or call 925-458-9100, x144. MOVE UP DATE July 30/31 - All kids move up to their new grades! PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Parent volunteers are needed for our weekend services. Small group leaders, assistants, worship leaders, puppetry and check-in greeter positions are available. Join our great team, make a difference in the lives of kids, and show your own kids how to serve others! No experience necessary; training will be provided. Pick up an application at The Zone check-in. FACEBOOK We are on Facebook! Like us at facebook.com/ctkidsconcord. There you will find information about what our kids are learning and info on upcoming events. See the amazing videos our weekend service team creates! > > Questions or for more information visit calvarytemple.org/ctckids or email amy@calvarytemple.org MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL facebook.com/CTResistance MIDDLE SCHOOL Service times for The Gatherings middle school are every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30 a.m. in the Student Ministries Center (SMC). Visit calvarytemple.org/students for more information. HIGH SCHOOL Service times for high school are Sundays at 6:00 p.m. in the Student Ministries Center. Also, join us at High School Hangout every Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. in room 223. Visit calvarytemple.org/students for more information. MIDDLE SCHOOL SMALL GROUPS We will be having our small groups every other week in the summer! Join us on the following Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the SMC (lower parking lot of the church): July 20 & 27 and August 10 & 24. We will resume our regular meetings in September. ID HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT LEADERSHIP This new ministry will help transform students into fully-devoted Christ-followers that mirror the image of God and who will walk in the purpose/mission for which they were created. To sign up, come by the Student Ministries Center or High School Hangout. CLOTHING SWAP Our Middle School girls will be having a clothing swap on Saturday, July 9 at 10:30 a.m. in the SMC. This is going to be a great time for the girls to come together for some great food, fun and friend time. Come get an amazing breakfast and some new clothes! Cost is $10. > > Questions or for more details regarding middle & high school email desiray@calvarytemple.org CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (CTCS) ENROLLMENT TIME IS NOW! The fall session will be here before you know it! There is still time to enroll for preschool-8th grade in our accredited school. Applications and information are available at www.ctcs1.org. SUMMER DAY CARE CTCS has you covered for 1st through 8th grade summer care! Summer Sail runs daily from June 13 August 18 and includes field trips! Call the school office at 925-458-9870 for more information. MINISTRIES / SERVING OPPORTUNITIES CARING FOR THOSE Stephen Ministry is here to listen and care for those who are going Bob & Judy Wintermute IN CRISIS through a life crisis. We will walk along side you in full confidence and (925) 360-9287 hope. If you are in need or if you would like to join our ministry team please contact us. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Are you dealing with abuse, anger, behavior issues, chemical dependency, Pat Fisher 925-207-3667 relationship or thought issues? Are you co-dependent? If so, we meet cr.pat.f@gmail.com every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. downstairs in room 103. Newcomers welcome! ADOPT-A-SCHOOL Want to make a difference in a child’s life or brighten a teacher’s day? adopt-a-school@ Consider volunteering with our Adopt-a-School group. For more details, calvarytemple.org contact us. HOPE2HOME Hope2Home meets the third Saturday of every month at 9:30 a.m. in hope2home@calvarytemple. room 101. Join our team as we serve our community with practical acts org of service in order to share the love of Jesus Christ. We need you! Find out how you, your family, or your small group can volunteer to bring hope one home at a time. Or, are you a single parent or elderly and would like to have a Hope2Home team come to your house? To volunteer or request aid, please contact us. LAUNDRY SERVICE TO Clean Start (providing laundry service and a hot meal to the homeless). cleanstart@calvarytemple.org THE HOMELESS We meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at Calvary Temple Church at 7:00 a.m. Stop by the Compassion kiosk to donate quarters...every coin helps! MEALS2HEAL Meals2Heal helps families during times of crisis due to illness or meals2heal@calvarytemple. hospitalization. Please contact meals2heal@calvarytemple.org. If you org would like to volunteer to provide meals to someone in need, please contact us. STREET TO SEAT Do you have a heart to serve others during service? Street to Seat Ministry calvarytemple.org/weekendis looking for greeters, parking lot attendants, hospitality helpers, and experience ushers. What is Street to Seat? Go to our website, under the “Connect” tab choose “Weekend Experience” and click on Street to Seat tab. There are many great opportunities to serve. QUILTING FOR FOSTER Come join the fun in making an easy to assemble quilt for the foster kids diane.greaves@gmail.com KIDS who attend Royal Family Kids Camp. We meet the second Sunday of every month at 11:30 a.m. in Conference Room 3 (downstairs). WEEKLY CLASSES AND GROUPS GRIEFSHARE Meets each Monday at 7:00 p.m. in room 223. For people grieving the Terry Brown death of someone close to them. stagerightsouth@yahoo.com DIVORCECARE Are you going through a divorce or separation? Are you divorced? lori@calvarytemple.org DivorceCare meets each Monday at 7:00 p.m. in room 222. WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY Adult Bible study led by Dwayne Fisher Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in room dnafisher@sbcglobal.net 101. RELATIONAL CARE Young, old, married or single - we are called to be in relationship with Ron/Jean Nichols others. How can we do them better? Come explore with us on Sunday 925-778-9509 mornings at 10:00 a.m. in Room 101 as we seek God’s answers to this nicholscms@gmail.com question. SUNDAY MORNING Men’s Bible Class meets at 8:00 a.m. in room 114 ADULT BIBLE CLASSES Active Adults (ages 50+) meets at 8:30 a.m. in room 223 Creciendo en Cristo (Spanish) - Cada Domingo a las 8:30 a.m. salon 103 Thrive Singles (30 to 60+) class meets at 11:30 a.m. in room 103 Adult (all ages) study meets at 10:00 a.m. in room 103 victor@calvarytemple.org johnmcclendon@calvarytemple. org gloria.tremaine@gmail.com boblingo7@gmail.com ADULTS COMPASSION BAGS This month we will be collecting school supplies to put into backpacks. Pick up a bag and fill a need! Contact compassion@calvarytemple.org for more information. THRIVE SINGLES (AGES 30 TO 60+) Fellowship and program every Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in room 103. Small group 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Sundays at Jenine Volker’s home in Concord, with a 5:00 p.m. potluck dinner and 6:00 p.m. program. Special events and activities each month. Questions? Contact BobLingo7@gmail.com PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES Weekly prayer opportunities here at CTC: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the SMC and Sunday mornings during all services downstairs in the Library. Contact prayer@calvarytemple.org for more information. WOMEN'S PRAYER TIME Our women’s Wednesday morning prayer group continues to meet weekly at 6:50 a.m. in the Mom's Room to pray for our church, community and beyond. Join us for a powerful time of worship and prayer! HANDS MINISTRY PICNIC Hands Ministry for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired is having a picnic on Sunday, July 24. For more information and to reserve your spot, please email hands@calvarytemple.org. CLEANSING STREAM ONE DAY SEMINAR Come receive the freedom you were designed to live in! This one-day seminar on Saturday, November 5 will teach you about your identity, power, authority and destiny in Christ Jesus. This class will help you find healing, wholeness and greater freedom in your walk with God. Sign up at the kiosk in the lobby starting July 23. Or sign up online at calvarytemple.org/cleansingstream. For more, call Paul & Kathy Martin at 925-459-0525 or email ctcleansingstream@gmail.com. For Spanish, call Gloria Tremaine at 925-709-1191. HANDS MINISTRY MOVIE NIGHT Our Hands Ministry for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired invites you to a special Deaf Social Pizza & Movie Night on Saturday, August 6 at 7:00 p.m. in room 223. We will be showing the closed-captioned movie, “Uncle Buck”. Pizza, salad and beverage - $2 donation. For more information or to reserve your spot, email hands@calvarytemple.org. COLLEGE + YOUNG ADULTS YOUNG ADULTS FALL RETREAT Mark your calendars for October 14-16 for this year’s Young Adults Fall Retreat at the beautiful lake front hotel, Beach Retreat, in South Lake Tahoe. This retreat will be an amazing opportunity to let loose, relax and refuel, while connecting with friends and loved ones. If you are ages 18-35 and single, married, a parent, or a college student, this is the perfect retreat for you. Childcare is available. For more information about the retreat, payment plan options or to register, go to calvarytemple.org/ youngadultsretreat. FOOD TRUCK MONDAYS Please join our young adult ministry this summer every 2nd and 4th Monday in June and July for a food truck frenzy in Todos Santos Plaza in Concord. Meet up with us at 6:30 p.m. outside of CREAM. Don’t forget to bring a blanket to sit on. We can’t wait to see you there! Come hungry and bring a friend! SANTA CRUZ BEACH DAY We will be having a beach day on Saturday, July 23 at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk! Meet at the corner of Cliff and Beach at 11:00 a.m. If you come after that, come find us on the beach and look for our pop up tent/banner. STAY INFORMED! SIGN UP FOR OUR TEXT LIST Want to stay in the loop with the events and activities we have going on for college students and young adults? Sign up for our event text list! To join text youngadults to 25827 > > Questions or for more information regarding Young Adults email asunda@calvarytemple.org For weekend teaching notes visit: youversion.com/groups/calvarytemplechurch Notes updated weekly. CHURCH OFFICE / 925-458-9100 / info@calvarytemple.org CALVARY TEMPLE CHURCH . 4725 EVORA ROAD . CONCORD CA 94520 real church for real people calvarytemple.org OUR VISION Loving God, loving people OUR PURPOSE To become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism OUR VALUES Full devotion to Christ / Loving relationships / Biblically centered / Every-person ministry / Lost people matter / Life Stewardship