ENGR 34 Section 0747 STATICS TTh 10:30-11:50 Fall 2016 Room 1783 Instructor: Vince Bertsch, Rm 1776, 527-4621, vbertsch@santarosa.edu Office Hours: MTWTh 8:30-9 AM, MTWTh 12-12:30 Homepage: profiles.santarosa.edu/vince-bertsch Text (recommended): Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics Statics, any edition, Pearson Pub. Workbook for inclass: Engr 34 Statics Workbook (at SRJC Bookstore) Homework: www.MasteringEngineering.com Hibbeler, Statics, any edition, no ebook. Register for course BERTSCH34F16 Course Website: canvas.santarosa.edu/courses/17349 (on your canvas dashboard) Assignments Homework for this class requires each student to purchase access to the MasteringEngineering.com online tutorial/homework system. It is recommended that each of you also purchase a hardcopy version of the Hibbeler Statics book (any addition) as a reference. Online assignments are due at 11:59 pm on Monday and Wednesday nights per the schedule on the reverse. Do these homework problems carefully and neatly on paper, because your handwritten solutions will be turned in before each exam (HW Journals #1, #2, #3). Late online assignments will be penalized 10% per hour to 50%. No late assignments after the corresponding exam. Keep extra sig figs in computations to avoid rounding errors. No penalties for failed solution attempts and you get 6 tries. Start the first homework right away to work through the challenges of registering and learning the software. Three excel assignments at the end of the semester require the use of a spreadsheet program, such as Excel. These problems have specific documentation and presentation standards that will be discussed in class and are available through the course website. Exams The midterm exams are closed book and closed notes except for one side of a 3x5 card and are to be taken when scheduled. In the event of an unavoidable absence, the instructor is to be contacted BEFORE the next class so a makeup can be arranged. The midterm exams and final are required to receive a passing grade. Any announced or un-announced quizzes will count with the homework. For the final you may use your workbook, journals, exams, and hand written notes. Grading Grading will closely follow the standard 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% cutoffs for A’s, B’s, C’s, and D’s. If you think you are struggling, be sure to check with me to get another appraisal and some pointers. The student “Standards of conduct” are outlined in the college catalog. Violations of Dishonesty (including cheating) will result in disciplinary action. Scores and excel solutions will be posted in the display case next to 1781. If you prefer complete grading privacy, contact me. Course grade will be weighted according to the following percentages: Homework, Journals, & Quizzes 26% 2 Exams (22% ea.) 44% Final Exam 30% Extra Materials There are also other statics textbooks on reserve in the library. Schaum's outlines and other workbooks with solved problems (key word- Statics) are available online for cheap.