Name and logo reference guide February 2016 Color palette Using the Piper Jaffray color palette strategically and consistently will help us continue to build brand recognition in the marketplace. Gray is the primary brand color while supporting colors are intended to be used as accent colors. Whenever possible, choose one color to accent the primary gray rather than using several colors at once. This helps communicate our brand in a focused, refined and intentional way. PANTONE 7540 PANTONE 7459 PANTONE 7752 PANTONE 166 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 85 RGB 74, 79, 85 HEX 4a 4f55 CMYK 73, 27, 21, 0 RGB 63, 151, 181 HEX 3f97b 5 CMYK 20, 27, 100, 1 RGB 209, 175, 34 HEXd1af 22 CMYK 5, 81, 100, 1 RGB 230, 84, 0 HEX e65400 70% In most cases, our color palette should be used at 100% opacity and not tinted. In circumstances where a lighter color is needed, the palette may be tinted to 70%. Typography Helvetica Neue is our primary font and integral to the overall brand. Using it correctly and consistently builds brand equity. HELVETICA NEUE HELVETICA NEUE BOLD & BOLD ITALIC AaBbCcDdEdFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789 HELVETICA NEUE ROMAN & ROMAN ITALIC AaBbCcDdEdFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789 HELVETICA NEUE LIGHT & LIGHT ITALIC (USE SPARINGLY) AaBbCcDdEdFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789 1 Logo The Piper Jaffray name and logo reflect our firm’s history and dedication to serving clients based on our core values of integrity, trust and partnership. These guidelines will help us present ourselves consistently and help each of us communicate clearly what distinguishes and differentiates us as a company. Please follow these guidelines and do your part to be an ambassador for our brand. NAME AND LOGO LOGO COLORS Our company name is at the core of our identity, and the Piper Jaffray logo is the centerpiece. The logo can appear in gray, black or white. When placing a logo over an image, be sure there is adequate contrast for readability. Our logo must be used in its entirety; please refer to the examples below. LOGO: Contact Jenna Bauer if you have questions: Jenna Bauer Assistant Vice President, Marketing Communications Manager 612-303-6311 PIPER JAFFRAY LTD. (EUROPE): PIPER JAFFRAY ASIA: The registration mark (®) must accompany the Piper Jaffray logo in all communication materials, as shown here. 2 Logo (continued) LOGO AND TAGLINE LOCK-UP AREA OF NONINTERFERENCE MINIMUM SIZE When possible use the logo and tagline lock-up. To protect the integrity of our identity and ensure optimal readability, maintain an area of empty or clear space around the logo. The minimum unit of measurement of this space is the height of the “J,” as shown in the diagram below. No type or graphic element is allowed in this space. Make sure the logo meets the minimum size requirements listed below to ensure it is readable when reproduced. When sizing the logo smaller than 0.75" wide, the tagline should be dropped. When scaling, use caution not to distort the logo in any way. When using the logo and tagline in a horizontal format, the Piper Jaffray namemark must precede the tagline. The standard version of the logo (without the tagline) is used primarily on specialty items, official statements and documents. In rare instances when the logo and tagline lock-up do not fit, use the standard version. Always use the bar element above the tagline. The bar element above the tagline exists in three different colors (blue, gold and orange). The color you choose should correspond with the accent color you are primarily using in your design piece. 0.75” 1.375” minimum width with tagline minimum width with tagline 0.5” minimum width without tagline Logo and tagline lock-up Bar element color options 3 Note: Outside the U.S., the Piper Jaffray mark must be placed immediately adjacent to and preceding the Realize the Power of Partnership mark. The following additional tagline must appear within your communication materials when the above logo and tagline are used: Piper Jaffray Realize the Power of Partnershipâ„ Nomenclature guidelines Abbreviations Our name should always be spelled out: Piper Jaffray. Do not use informal versions of our brand name (e.g., Piper, PJ, PJC). Consistently using our full name helps build our brand. Possessive forms The Piper Jaffray brand name cannot be used in possessive form, for example, use “Piper Jaffray fixed income,” not “Piper Jaffray’s fixed income group,” which is not legally protected under U.S. patent and trademark law. Splitting our name For consistency and impact, try not to split our name from one line to the next in marketing or communications materials. First use of our name If you have the logo and the SIPC line on your document, you do not need to use our full legal name on the first reference in your body copy. However, if you do not have the logo in your document, you need to use our full legal name, Piper Jaffray & Co., on first reference. SIPC line The SIPC line will appear on all marketing, research and corporate communications materials. It should read like this: Since 1895. Member SIPC and NYSE. If for some reason the logo isn’t used in a document, Piper Jaffray & Co. needs to appear in the SIPC line. It should read like this: Piper Jaffray & Co. Since 1895. Member SIPC and NYSE. Piper Jaffray trademark A trademark is any word, name, symbol, device, design or phrase adopted and used by Piper Jaffray to identify its goods and services and to distinguish them from the goods and services of others. Trademarks and service marks are usually marked with either a ™ or an ® symbol (the ™ and SM symbols designate unregistered trademarks and service marks, while the ® symbol designates a registered trademark). Trademarks must be used as adjectives, not nouns or verbs. The Piper Jaffray trademark may not be used within non-Piper Jaffray trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, product names or logos. Third parties may not use any stylized Piper Jaffray trademarks or logos without a trademark license from Piper Jaffray. Please check with the Piper Jaffray marketing department for more information. Copyrights Certain employees are permitted to create or to distribute in-house marketing materials, research reports, and other works which bear the Piper Jaffray brand and are subject to the firm’s own copyright protections and usage restrictions. Works created by other companies, people, or legal entities in any medium (e.g., digital, electronic, print, recorded, etc.) should generally be presumed to be protected by copyright law, regardless of whether the work displays a copyright notice, the symbol “©”, or any other express reservation of rights. Computer software, research periodicals and newsletters, market data, training materials, and similar works all typically have copyright protection and usage restrictions with onerous penalties for violations. Employees must not copy, reproduce, forward, create, or distribute any such works or create derivative works, or otherwise circulate or compile materials either externally or internally without a written license or subscription agreement which expressly permits such activities. There are certain exceptions to copyright restrictions including materials in the public domain (i.e., where a copyright has expired or where materials are offered for free usage) or works created by the U.S. government. However, these exceptions would rarely apply at Piper Jaffray. All licenses and subscription agreements which involve copyright-protected works must be reviewed by the legal department in advance and may only be executed by a manager authorized to sign such licenses and subscription agreements. If you are uncertain of your rights to use or to reproduce any materials, please contact Dean Nelson in the general counsel department at 612 303-5530. For questions related to in-house marketing, research, and other works that display the Piper Jaffray brand, please contact Jenna Bauer in marketing at 612 303-6311. The Piper Jaffray registration mark ® must appear on the first most prominent use of Piper Jaffray. Using the logo fulfills this requirement. Use of this mark protects our legal trademark rights. The registered trademark may not be required on some items. Please check with the Piper Jaffray marketing department for guidance. 4 Since 1895. Member SIPC and NYSE. © 2016 Piper Jaffray & Co.