International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 Power System Contingency Ranking using Fast Decoupled Load Flow Method Sandhya rani.Gongada ,Tegala.Srinivasa Rao,P.Mallikarjuna rao, Shaik Salima,,, Abstract- As power demand is increasing day to day life loading on present power system is also increasing .As a result voltage instability occurs with heavily loaded system .So power system security becomes one of the important aspect where operational engineers need to estimate the unseen contingency .So contingency screening and ranking is one of the important procedure for on line system security assessment .In this paper contingency screening and ranking is done by fast decoupled load flow by using performance index i.e., active power (PIp)and voltage performance index(PIv) for the line outage of the given power system .Ranking is based on overall performance index (PI)i.e., summation of active power performance index(PIp)and voltage performance index (PIv) the highest value of PI ranks first and proceeds in descending order for further ranking. The proposed work is simulated on IEEE 5 bus system on MATLAB environment. Keywords: voltage instability, contingency ranking, fast decoupled method, overall performance index. I. INTRODUCTION It is a known fact that power system is a complex network consisting of various electrical based equipment .Failure of any of the equipment disturbs the reliability of the system .Electric energy demand is rapidly increasing and unending demand so it was really a challenging task to power engineers, to maintain an efficient, secure and much reliable power dispatch to the consumer end without power interruption. In the power system operation and planning the power system security is important aspect .One of the main important aspect of power system planning and operation is to study the effect of line outage in terms of severity .A detailed study of system security assessment is necessary to deal with the possible failures in the system ,its consequences and remedial actions which is known as power system security assessment .Security analysis revolves around the power system to withstand the effect of contingency. There are number of methods for evaluating of contingency of power system.AC power flow or load flow are important part of the contingency analysis .Load flow are necessary to have proper controlling ,scheduling and operation of existing and operating power system and also need for proper planning in future expansion. AC load flow methods in outage case is discussed by the authors in[ 1 ].Decoupled load flow and compensation method to get post outage voltage and ranking is based on performance index is discussed by authors in [2]. The process of identifying the critical contingencies is referred to as contingency selection which uses the complete AC load flow program considering outage of each line or generator[3].On this topic work is carried out which consists of the potential contingencies cases by using ranking methods or screening method i.e., bounding methods [4],distribution method[5],expert and new method for contingency selection [5-10].lot of advancement in the speed of contingency screening was brought in the recent development using Artificial Neural Network[11]. II. CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS Concept of contingency was introduced by Ejebe and Wollenberg. Contingency is termed as a unpredictable events in the power system whereas outage is referred as temporary suspension of power .Contingency therefore defined as possible circumstance or as future outage which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. Contingency analysis need the simulation of each contingency for the given power system model .In order to analyze the contingency analysis easier it comprises of three important steps. 1) Contingency definition: This is the first step of analysis where it consists of all possible set of contingencies that may occur in power system. This step involves the process of creating contingency list. 2) Contingency selection: This is the second step simply known of contingency ranking approach where ranking is given based on the overall performance index which indicates the severity of contingencies .so in this step we get the information of list of contingencies that leads to limit violation in the power flow and voltage magnitude. This step excludes the lowest severity contingency from the list of contingencies. 3) Contingency evaluation: This is the third step and also the important step which involves the necessary control action and security action in order to mitigate the most effective contingencies in a given power system. Power engineers need to concentrate in this analysis for power security purpose to fulfill the motive of supplying power without any interruption i.e. continuity of supply. For contingency analysis need AC power flow program i.e. FAST DECOUPLED LOAD FLOW[FDLF] is used as it provides fast solution and it has a advantage of matrix alternation formula as it is used to simulate the contingency problem and has transmission line outage without re changing the system Jacobian matrix for every iterations. 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 4373 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 III. APPROACH TO CONTINGENCY RANKINIG In order to know the severity of contingency in a number of transmission lines we need to find the severity and need to rank on the base of some formula .Here for this purpose AC power flow solution done in MATLAB environment is used to get active ,reactive power flows in a transmission lines and bus voltage magnitudes. First we will do it for base case used for pre contingency analysis and next done to each line outage case for post contingency analysis. Hence depends upon the severity of contingency measured in post contingency analysis based on overall performance index ranking is done. There are two types of performance index are used widely are 1) Voltage performance index: This index reflects the violation of bus voltage and given as. NB PIv = ∑ (W/m) {(│Vi │-│ViSP│) / ΔVilim}2m (1) i=1 Where, NB =Number of buses in the system W =Real non negative weighting factor and the value (=1) M =Penalty function and the value (=1) │Vi │ =Voltage magnitude at bus i obtained from FDLF load Flow solution │Visp│=Specified voltage magnitude at bus i Vilim =Deviation of voltage limit (In my case=0.1) 2) Active power performance index: This index reflects the violation of active power (MW) flow and given as PIp NL =∑ (W/m)(Pl/Plmax)2m l=1 IV. ALGORITHM AND FLOW CHART OF CONTINGENCY RANKING Algorithm for FDLF load flow method involves the following steps [1] Read the given system’s bus data and line data [2] Set the counter to zero [3] First before considering any line contingency perform the FDLF load flow for base case i.e. pre contingency analysis. [4] Simulate a line contingency or line voltage i.e. removing a line and proceed to further steps. [5] For this particular outage load flow analysis is done, then the calculation of active power[MW] flow is done in the remaining transmission lines and Pmax value is calculated as per equation 3. [6] Calculate the active performance index (PI p) as per equation 2 which indicates active power limit violation of the taken system model. [7] For the particular line contingency voltages of all load buses are calculated. [8]Calculate the voltage performance index (PIv) as per equation 1 which indicates the bus voltage violation of the taken system model. [9]Check if all line outages are simulated .if not repeat steps 4 to 8 is computed till the last line outage of transmission line of the given bus system is complete. [10]Once the whole above process is completed, contingencies are ranked based on overall performance index i.e. summation of PIp and PIv of all transmission line outages. [11]And do the power flow analysis of the most severe contingency case and result is printed. Start (2) Read system bus data and line data Set the contingency counter =0 and perform load flow for base case Where, NL =Number of transmission lines in the given system W =Real non negative weighting factor and the value (=1) M =Penalty function Pl =Active power (MW) flow in the transmission line Plmax =Maximum active power (MW) flow in the transmission line Plma x =(Vi*Vj)/X (3) Where, Vi =Voltage magnitude of bus i by FDLF load flow Vj =Voltage magnitude of bus j by FDLF load flow X =Reactance of the transmission line Connecting bus i and j There is another performance index come into picture when reactive power does not lie in the limits .In this present paper the above mentioned two index are only used. Simulate the line outage contingency 1 2 1 Run the FDLF load flow for the line outage condition 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 4374 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 2 Calculate MW flow and Pmax in all transmission line Compute PIp as per equation 2 and 3 Calculate all bus voltages using FDLF Compute PIv as per equation 1 Last contingency reached? Calculate overall performan ce index (PIp+PIv) Fig 3. Post contingency state of 5 bus system (line 1 outage) Rank the contingency based on OPI Stop Fig. 1. Flow chart for contingency ranking V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Entire analysis is done for IEEE standard 5 bus system which consists of one slack bus and 4 load buses .These 5 buses are connected with seven transmission lines as shown in figure 2.Respective voltage magnitude and active power flows results of FDLF of pre contingency case are also shown fig.2 in per unit representation. In the fig.3 shows the single line outage of transmission line 1 and its corresponding values of active power (MW) flows and voltage magnitude of post contingency analysis of outage of line 1 done using FDLF load flow. So by using the MW flows and voltage performance indexes are calculated using equation 1 and 2.So post contingency analysis is done for every transmission line outage and corresponding performance indexes. And those values are tabulated in table III. Table I. Active power flows in the pre contingency state and post contingency state (Line -1 outage) Line Start bus End bus Pre contingency power flow (pu) Post contingency power flow (pu) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 0.889 0.407 0.247 0.279 0.548 0.189 0.064 0 1.433 0.155 0.039 0.391 0.669 0.223 Table II. Bus Number Fig. 2. Pre contingency state of 5 bus system 1 2 3 4 5 Bus voltages in the pre contingency and post contingency Pre contingency voltage (pu) 1.060 1.045 1.021 1.021 1.011 Post contingency voltage(pu) 1.060 0.865 0.865 0.857 0.829 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 4375 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 Table III. Performance indices & contingency ranking using FDLF load flow Line outage number 1 2 3 4 PIp PIv 0.165 0.022 0.023 0.023 8.614 0.1143 0.2174 0.2034 Overall performance index(OPI) 8.779 0.1366 0.2404 0.2264 5 0.065 1.7482 1.8132 2 6 7 0.018 0.018 0.2473 0.2525 0.2653 0.2705 4 3 Ranking 1 7 5 6 As per table III the overall performance index of transmission line 1 outage has highest value so it is ranked first. VI. CONCULUSION The results can be concluded that the contingency analysis can be done by using performance index and AC load flows by fast decoupled method is most suitable. As the power system is a complex network it is necessary to find the correct contingency selection as it eliminates number of contingency cases and need to focus on the most severe contingency case. Highest ranking of transmission line outage shows that it has got maximum chances of making the system parameters to operate beyond the limit. Operational engineers of power system needs the list of severity of contingencies in the power system used as useful information to operate the power system with safe, secure ,reliable and continuously. [6]P.Maronnino.A.Berizzi,M.Merlo,G.Demartini,"Rule-based fuzzy logic approach for the voltage collapse risk clasiffication",IEEE power engineering society winter meeting,vol.2,pp.876-881,2002. [7] P.R.Bijwe, M.Hanmandulu, V.N.Pande," Fuzzy power flow solutions with reactive limits" and multiple uncertainties, Electric power systems Research,no.76,pp.145-152,2005. 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