R""# N"&' Est 2000 The Quarterly Newsletter of The Macon Film Guild Volume 2, Issue 2 Halloween Issue, 2../ !OO# UIcominC ScreeninCsJ View from the Director;s Chair CamI Bacon president T@is is MFG’s 24t@ TuarterH So far it @as Keen a satisfyinC, enlarCinC e]Ierience made IossiKle Ky a Creat crew of Polunteers and loyal audienceH It doesn’t seem suc@ a lonC time since COLOR OF PARADISE, an Iranian filmH Friends of t@e Cuild from t@at first audience of _/ IeoIle still recall t@e filmJ a side of Iran we @ad no idea ofJ Keautiful Iastoral scenes, a sc@ool for Klind c@ildren (males), t@e Kurden of a Klind c@ild on a Ioor rural family, t@e cataracts, and a soI@isticated mysterious endinCH It was a taste of w@at film can mean to an audienceH It’s t@at reaction t@at DeeIs us looDinC for films t@at enliC@ten, deliC@t, or IuSSleH In t@ese / years we a @aPe Keen amaSed at t@e Pariety of story-line and t@e talent of directors and actors of w@om we @aPe nePer @eardH And non-Irofessional actors, some of w@om, liDe in HIMALAYA, @ad nePer seen electricity muc@ less film, muc@ less actinC, turn in Iowerful and aut@entic IortrayalsH And scenery t@at droIs your caw W HIMALAYA, THE WIDOW OF ST PIERRE, THE FAST RUNNER, KANDAHAR or MOTORCYCLE DIARIESH T@en t@ere are t@e stories of remarDaKle IeoIle and Ieo- Ile doinC remarDaKle t@inCsJ _.’s surfers in RIDING GIANTS taDinC on X.-foot waPes, a society of CuKan Ioets in BEFORE NIGHT FALLS, S@acDleton’s (and @is crew’s) remarDaKle tale of dXmont@s surPiPal locDed in t@e ice of Antarctica in ENDURANCE, first recordinCs of ancient Scottis@ music from AIIalac@ia in SONG CATCHER, or RIVERS AND TIDES w@ic@ featured t@e Iatient, uniTue, and dynamic natural art of Andrew Goldswort@yH T@ere were @oIeful stories of t@e Dids w@o win t@e sIellinC Kees in SPELLBOUND, t@e maCic of an e]Ierienced teac@er in a one-room sc@ool in rural France in TO BE AND TO HAVE, and t@e story of immiCrant Dids IN AMERICAH T@en t@ere were t@e films of Iure entertainmentJ mystery, dramaH RememKer HUKKLEO It was a murder mystery in a small HunCarian PillaCeQ t@e audience didn’t realiSe t@ey were actually aware of t@e murders, Kut @ad not Iut t@e clues toCet@erH T@at was really fun to talD aKout Kecause IeoIle would Cet one clue and t@en start IuttinC t@e story KacD toCet@er aCainQ clePer, to say t@e leastH And t@e Russian film THE RETURN t@at @ad so many twists for @aPinC only t@ree main actors, and left as many Tuestions unanswered as answeredH RememKer Billy BoK T@ornton in THE MAN WHO WASN’T THERE W our toI attendance wit@ a total of 2/X admissionsH And comedyH T@ere was t@e Keautifully understated LoneCan story YOU CAN COUNT ON ME starrinC Laura Linney, and t@e way understated Zim Zarmusc@ BROKEN FLOWERS, starrinC Bill MurrayH HE LOVES ME HE Director’s Chair, continued p. 2 Letter from the Editor Blaine W@ittle editor As a MFG memKer liDe myself , Ier@aIs youePe noticed t@at recent documentary film releases @aPe increasinCly Kecome uKiTuitousH Personally, Iem all for itH My faPorites are tyIically t@ose films w@ic@ undertaDe to e]Iose controPersial information not Cenerally made aPailaKle for IuKlic consumItion or discourseH I KeliePe films suc@ asJ AN INCOVENIENT TRUTH, THE FOG OF WAR, and Editor, continued p. 3 CREDITS In aIIreciation, oIerations in cooIeration wit@ t@e DouClass T@eater Newsletter layout and desiCnJ Walter Elliott Sunday, October 8, 2006 Broken Wings "## $% & Sunday, November 12, 2006 Factotum "## $% & Sunday, December10, 2006 Mongolian Ping Pong "## $% ' On deck, subject to change... The Bridesmaid (January 14, 2007) Tsotsi (February 11, 2007) Three Times (Marc@ dd, 2..f) On OctoKer _, Macon Arts Alliance Honored CamI Bacon wit@ t@e 2../ Cultural Ac@iePement Award See Camp’s Fire, page 3... R""# N"&' Page 2 Director’s Chair continued... LOVES ME NOT KrouC@t KacD Amy Tatou in a story you couldn’t decide was comedy, farce, or mystery W until a Panity is moPed from t@e wall in t@e last sceneH T@ere were t@e romances t@at ent@ralled, liDe WWI eIic A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT t@at was as muc@ detectiPe as romance, and t@en MOSTLY MARTHA or ITALIAN FOR BEGINNERS, w@ere t@e directors Iroduced c@aracters of suc@ c@arm t@at t@e audience is transIorted into t@e story desIite your Kest efforts to not KeH I’ll admit t@ere were some t@at left ePen us IuSSled as to w@at t@e director was tryinC to accomIlis@J TRISTRAM SHANDY for e]amIle, a film aKout not KeinC aKle to maDe a film aKout an 2.. year old noPelH T@en t@ere was WAKING LIFEQ its Iseudo animation and dream state comIletely Kefuddled, Kut I’ll @aPe to say I @aPe found occasion to Tuote from t@e film, liDe, jT@e sea refuses no riPerHk W@at does t@at meanO Not sure Kut you can’t deny t@e trut@ of itH And t@ere are t@ose films t@at are in a leaCue of t@eir ownH THE FOG OF WAR, RoKert McNamara’s insider story of t@e Pacific t@eater of WWII and Vietnam WarH WINGED MIGRATION, w@ere you fly alonC wit@ t@e Kirds in miCration, watc@inC t@eir eyes, Keat of t@eir winCs, witnessed t@e successful miCrations and inePitaKle, sometime KiSarre demise of ot@ersH I could Co on, sePenty filmsH A lot of Cood memoriesH It’s our @oIe you will continue to @onor us wit@ your PaluaKle time as we KrinC t@e Kest of film t@at ot@erwise you would not see, eit@er at a local t@eater or select for @ome PiewinCH We aIIreciate t@e reCulars and looD forward to seeinC you eac@ mont@, and @oIe t@e rest Kecome reCulars and KrinC t@eir friendsH See you at t@e ne]t s@owH SynoIses of UIcominC ScreeninCsHHH for October 8... BROKEN WINGS Nir Bergma T@eatrical releaseJ Marc@ d2, 2..4 (Sony Pictures Classics) Is it IerPerse, irresIonsiKle, or cust Ilain stuIid to maDe a moPie set in Haifa, Israel, in w@ic@ t@e Israeli and Palestinian conflict not only @as no KearinC on t@e action, Kut isn’t ePen so muc@ as mentionedO BROKEN WINGS, t@e Pery imIressiPe feature deKut of writeridirector Nir BerCman, is in fact none of t@e aKoPe, since it insists on t@e Irimacy of t@e ePeryday, if @ardly ordinary, liPes of its c@aractersQ a family on t@e PerCe of imIlosionH Dafna (Orly ZilberschatzBanai) is a recent widow wit@ four Dids, two in t@eir late teens, and two cust startinC t@eir resIectiPe sc@oolinCsH Dafna’s a nurse worDinC insane s@ifts at a @osIital, leaPes a lot of t@e c@ildrearinC duties to @er oldest c@ild Maya (Maya Maron), a fledClinC sinCersonCwriter w@o doesn’t liDe @aPinC @er CiCs interruItedQ esIecially Ky calls tellinC @er s@e’s Cot to droI ePeryt@inC to looD after a couIle of unruly moIIetsH BeinC so often Iressed Ky Dafna, Maya ePentually t@rows off @er resIonsiKilities wit@ a rut@less s@ruC and Coes off to a recordinC session, unfortunately, at t@e worst IossiKle timeH One of @er siKlinCs winds uI in t@e @osIital, and not for a Pisit wit@ MomH T@e stolid Dafna is left wit@ nary a t@read of @oIe to clinC to and H H Hwell, it all sounds rat@er KleaD, doesn’t itO T@e minor miracle of t@is Iicture, is t@at as Kad as t@inCs Cet for t@e c@aracters, one Cets too cauC@t uI in t@eir IliC@t to desIair aKout itH BerCman wants t@e Piewer to emIat@iSe more wit@ t@e c@aracters’ IersePerance t@an t@eir Iain, and @e Iulls it off, t@anDs to @is s@arI eye, comIassion, and @umor, and of course to t@e IerformancesgIarticularly t@at of t@e luminous Maron, w@o will surely Ke @eard from more in t@e futureH Glenn Kenney -- PREMIERE MAGAZINE for November 12... FACTOTUM Bent Hame T@eatrical releaseJ AuCust dX, 2../ (IFC Films) FACTOTUM is Kased on a KooD Ky C@arles BuDowsDi, celeKrated c@ronicler of LHAes sDid rowH Some fans reCard t@e KooD as autoKioCraI@ical, t@ates IroKaKly not true, t@ouC@ t@e moPie is aKout a fellow named C@inasDi (Matt Dillon) w@o (as did t@e late BuDowsDi) suIIorts @is writinC wit@ a Pariety of odd coKsH NorweCian filmmaDer Bent Hamer @as decided to tell @is story, as C@inasDi moPes from one on-t@e-coK flameout to anot@er, into a droll comedyH Ites full of deadIan comIositions, down-temIo slaIsticD, comical line readinCs - t@ouC@ Ier@aIs t@e moPiees curiously funny edCe is a conseTuence of @aPinC Matt Dillon in t@e title roleH As one of t@e few moPie stars w@o was minted as a Koy yet acceIted Ky audiences as a man, Dillon @as IroPen to Ke t@e most duraKle of @is Brat PacD contemIorariesH T@is duraKility @as made @im a rela]ed and confident IerformerH For e]amIle, @ees assured enouC@ to let a line of dialoCue float for a moment Kefore resIondinC, fillinC t@e KlanD sIace wit@ a looD of confusion or Koredom or disdain t@at usually Cets a lauC@H Dillon first disIlayed t@is talent IlayinC a cunDie in DRUGSTORE COWBOYH His C@inasDi miC@t Ke seen as an older, alco@olic reflection of t@at former, career-maDinC c@aracterH T@at t@erees somet@inC liDeaKle aKout Dillon @elIs e]Ilain w@y @e can maDe addicts or drunDs IalataKle, w@y @e can Ke @onored for IlayinC a racist coI in CRASH, also @ow @e taDes t@e edCe off t@e misoCyny and screw-t@esTuares smuCness in t@is c@aracter, leaPinC a Centle, KooSy comedy on screenH FeaturinC notaKle turns from Marisa Tomei and Lili Taylor, FACTOTUM truly Tualifies as t@at @iC@ly c@eris@ed, Kut increasinCly elusiPe Keast of modern cinema, t@e actores filmH Gary Thompson -- PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 3 CAMP'S FIRE Jack Sammons vice-president In Zanuary of 2..d, a small CrouI of film Coers, fifty-si] to Ke Irecise, came to t@e DouClass T@eater to see THE COLOR OF PARADISE, a Pery touc@inC Iranian film aKout a fat@er, a widower, w@o loPes @is Klind son Kut is also emKarrassed Ky @is KlindnessH It is a Keautiful film, one t@at s@ows a side of Iran few would Dnow, a film t@at reTuires Iatience and t@ouC@t to Ke aIIreciated, and t@e Dind of film t@at would seldom, if ePer, come to middle GeorCia or many ot@er Ilaces for t@at matterH T@e reason it was @ere is Kecause one Ierson in Macon t@ouC@t its aKsence from our liPes was our loss and cared enouC@ aKout t@at loss to do somet@inC aKout itH One year later almost to t@e day, t@ree @undred and fiPe film-Coers liPed wit@ eac@ ot@er in HIMALAYA (and I mean t@at t@ey livedQ t@e film was t@at Cood) for a Kreat@taDinC one @undred and forty two minutes t@at none of t@em will ePer forCetH And, aCain, it was t@at one Ierson w@o insisted t@at t@ey Co t@ereH Now, si]ty nine films later, as t@e Macon Film Guild is aKout to enter its sePent@ year, t@at Ierson, CamI Bacon, is still at it, still insistent t@at we e]Iand our liPes Keyond t@ose worlds in w@ic@ we narrowly define t@em, still asDinC t@at we Ke Iatient, t@ouC@tful, and communal Piewers of t@e fine art t@at Cood films always are, and still KeliePinC t@at t@e aKsence of t@is Keauty from our liPes is imIortant enouC@ to do somet@inC aKout itH T@anD you, CamIH On OctoKer _t@ at Macon Little T@eater, Macon Arts Alliance @onored CamI, our founder, auteur, and leader wit@ t@eir 2../ Cultural Ac@iePement AwardH May CamIes fire and all t@at it illuminates Kurn on KriC@tlyH Thank you, Camp! Marisa Tomei and Matt Dillon in FACTOTUM Editor continued... HOWARD ZINNJ YOU CANeT BE NEUTRAL ON A MOVING TRAIN are not only @iC@ly entertaininC Kut also IroPide a Pital e]amIle of freedom of sIeec@H In sIite of my noKle stance, I must also confess a weaDness for any doc t@at features music or Irofiles my faPorite musicians, and sIend far too muc@ time researc@inC sameQ a TuestionaKle use of time I admit, Kut liDe anyt@inC, some are more wort@y t@an ot@ersH New festiPal suKmissions suc@ as Cecilia PecD’s DInIE CHICKS - SHUT UP AND SING, seem an oKPious attemIt to maDe @ay simIly Ky re@as@inC suIerficial controPersy, ala Madonnaes TRUTH OR DAREH Some may arCue no matter @ow earnest t@e filmmaDeres intent, celeKrity is celeKrity is celeKrity, Kut for ot@er worD it aIIears t@e director deliKerately reac@es for a Creater social resonanceH AKout t@e recent Toronto International Film FestiPal, indieWIRE (wwwH indiewireHcom) commentedJ lAmonC t@e most KuSSed aKout music docs were AZ Sc@nacD’s KURT COBAIN ABOUT A SON, Paul Rac@man’s AMERICAN HARDCORE, and DaPid Leaf and Zo@n Sc@einfeld’s THE UHSH VSH ZOHN LENNON - t@ree Pery different documentaries t@at e]Ilore music aCainst a KacD- droI of American anCstHl Also at Toronto was Zerome LaIerrousaS’s MADE IN ZAMAICAH Rotten Tomatoes (rottentomatoesHcom) descriKes t@is film as, lmt@e sadly familiar story of BoCle, t@e now-leCendary fiCure w@o inPented t@e dance KearinC @is nameHl For t@ose of us unfamiliar, Kasically t@e film documents t@e reaction and aftermat@ to t@is IoIular artistes senseless murderH RT Coes on to say, lHis funeral was a C@ettosIectacular affair, attractinC t@ree Cenerations of reCCae and dance-@all suIerstarsH MADE IN ZAMAICA emKraces Kot@ t@e sIiritual and t@e carnal e]Iressions of t@e island’s Kest musicH Some artists connect to t@e sufferinC of enslaPed ancestors from centuries aCo, ot@ers to t@e immediate Ileasures of t@e momentHl Now t@is all sounds riC@t uI my alleyH IePe always Keen a sucDer for any Cenuine cultural moment rePealed t@rouC@ t@e lens of its musicH For me, t@e imIortance of t@e documentary film is contained wit@in t@e word itselfJ documentH Wit@ t@e CrowinC audience for t@is Cenre now indisIutaKle, I would e]Iect t@at oPer time, ePen t@e most oKscure culturally siCnificant IeoIle, Ilaces, and t@inCs will manaCe to receiPe a cinematic e]Iression of some sortH It Kecomes anot@er reason to loPe filmH Let us Dnow your faPoritesH The Quarterly Newsletter of The Macon Film Guild for December 10... MONGOLIAN PING-PONG Ning Hao R""# N"&' Release DateJ (DVD) OctoKer 24, 2../ (C@ina) MonColian PinC PonC KeCins wit@ t@e imaCe of a family @aPinC its Iicture taDen aCainst a I@oto-taIestry of Tiananmen STuare, t@e directores camera ePentually IanninC to rePeal t@e scenees actual, striDinC MonColian steIIe settinCH It Kecomes a fittinC Pisual eTuation of t@e urKan and t@e rural, as director NinC Haoes Iortrait of nomadic MonColian society elePates its @interlands locale to t@e realm of t@e macestically iconicH Out on t@e Crassland Ilains, Keneat@ Klue sDies crowded wit@ Killowy clouds, f -year-old BiliDe (Hurichabilike) @aIIens uIon an adPenture w@en @e discoPers a IinC IonC Kall floatinC in a streamH HaPinC nePer seen suc@ a t@inC Kefore, t@e Koy and @is two friends emKarD on a mis- sion to find out w@at t@e Kall is, wit@ BiliDees Crandmot@er statinC ites t@e lClowinC Iearll of a riPer sIirit, mystified monDs offerinC no answer, and a traPelinC carniPales Irocectionistgonce @e finis@es s@owinC a C@inese moPie aKout Colfgfinally rePealinC t@e oKcectes true identityH ParallelinC t@e Didse ent@rallment wit@ t@e titular Kall, BiliDees dad ent@usiastically uses an electric s@aPer, is imIressed Ky coffee (aka: American tea) and yearns to construct t@e tyIe of windmill seen in an ELLE maCaSine ad titled lPerfect Life,l w@ile t@e fat@er of BiliDees friend Dawa (Dawa) attemIts to receiPe TV Kroadcasts wit@ an antenna constructed from a s@eeI@erdinC sticD and Keer cansH In t@is interminClinC of contemIorary ciPiliSation and traditional MonColian cultureg as well as in t@e Kreat@taDinC cinematoCraI@y of its unsIoiled settinCgt@e rePerential, condescension-free MONGOLIAN PING PONG cultiPates a sIellKindinC atmosI@ere of amaSementH And in its maCnificent final s@ot, t@e film, more t@an any in recent memory, taIs into a IalIaKle, oPerIowerinC sense of c@ild@ood wonderH Nick Schager -- SLANT MAGAZINE T@e Mission of the Guild is to screen recently released films tyIically not aPailaKle to a Middle GeorCia audienceH T@ese films are usually, Kut not limited to, award winninC, critically recoCniSed worDs of contemIorary, indeIendent American or foreiCn directorsH T@e ideal candidate for film selection will e]@iKit a discerniKle deCree of artistic, cultural, andior social meritH In addition, t@e Guild c@oice will consider a Iarticular film’s suKstance rat@er t@an Iromotion, t@e director aKoPe any featured actors, in@erent cinematoCraI@y oPer any sIecial effects, and Tuality actinC Ierformance as oIIosed to mere disIlays of Dinetic actionH T@e Guild is a non-Irofit orCaniSation of Polunteers w@o researc@ new films, Iroduce and distriKute IuKlicity materials, t@en dePeloI t@e IroCram sc@eduleH The Macon Film Guild Friends of T@e DouClass T@eater P@oneJ 4fX-f42-2... 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