Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section Newsletter Society of Critical Care Medicine Section Officers Message from the Chair Gail Gesin, PharmD, Chair Gail Gesin, PharmD (gail.gesin@carolinashealt hcare.org) Past-Chair Jeff Barletta, PharmD, FCCM (jbarle@midwestern.edu) Chair-Elect Lance Oyen, PharmD, FCCM (oyen.lance@mayo.edu) Secretary/Treasurer Karen McAllen (karen.mcallen@spectrum health.org) Members-at-Large Ishaq Lat, PharmD (Ishaq.Lat@uchospitals.ed u) Omar Badawi, PharmD (obadawi@gmail.com) Amy Dzierba (ald9012@nyp.org) It’s hard to believe I’m writing my last Message from the Chair. As anticipated, this year has been both a busy and rewarding one. I can say without a doubt that the CPP Section membership displays a dedication to and enthusiasm for critical care that is second to none. I would like to extend my appreciation for the work of those serving on a CPP or SCCM committee or task force this year. Furthermore, I would like to recognize the CPP Section Committee Chairs and Chair-Elects for their leadership. Finally, I owe a sincere thank you to the members of the CPP Steering Committee, including Jeff Barletta, Lance Oyen, Karen McAllen, Steve Martin, Amy Dzierba, Ishaq Lat, and Omar Badawi for their support and guidance (and tolerance of the numerous emails and conference calls I have subjected them to throughout the year). A special welcome to the 2013 CPP Section Committee Chair-Elects! They include Deepali Dixit (Communications), Jorie Frasiolas (Education), Laura Aykroyd (Membership), Lisa Harinstein (Patient Safety), Moo Sultan (Program), and Erin Frazee (Research). Thank you to those who planned, participated in, and attended the successful 2012 SCCM Pharmacotherapy in Critical Illness conference. Comments were positive and the topics were well-received. Informative dialogue was shared during the question and answer sessions, allowing for the provision of insight and clinical practice pearls. The CPP Communications Committee was successful in coordinating a joint CPP/AJHP publication. This work was initially published as a pharmacotherapy article in the CPP Section Newsletter and then expanded for publication in AJHP. The article, written by Rachel Kruer and Christopher Ensor, is on the use of colloids in the ICU (Am J HealthSystem Pharm. 2012;69:1635-1642). Keep in mind several deadlines that will approach quickly after Congress. The submission process for educational Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 sessions at the 2014 Congress in San Francisco is open until March 1, 2013. Anyone can submit an idea via the following link: http://www.sccm.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/2014%20Congress%20Session%20Proposal%2 0User%20Form.pdf. SCCM committee and task force applications for 2014 appointments are due May 1, 2013. More information can be found in a document titled CPP Members with Appointments to SCCM Committees and Task Forces: 2012 Update, which is located in the CPP Section iRoom. You may also refer to http://www.sccm.org/Membership/CreativeCommunity/Pages/VolunteerOpportunities.aspx. It has been a privilege serving as the 2012 CPP Section Chair, and I look forward to seeing everyone in San Juan! CRITICAL CARE PHARMACOTHERAPY TRIALS NETWORK UPDATE The Critical Care Pharmacotherapy Trials Network (CCPTN) was formed in 2007. The overall goals of this enthusiastic and productive network are to advance science and improve the outcomes of critically ill patients through excellence in pharmacotherapy-related clinical and translational research. To date, the CCPTN has facilitated the conduct of four multicenter studies, including more than 100 intensive care units and over 1,750 patients. Benefits of Participating in the CCPTN For the principal investigator, the CCPTN provides opportunity to actively engage and utilize a multidimensional critical care research network. Specifically, the CCPTN can broaden study enrollment, applicability, and collaborative contribution. In addition, it offers pharmacotherapyand research expert-level protocol review and facilitation, including considerations for formal grant submission. For a co-investigator or member, the CCPTN provides opportunity for active research collaboration, including patient enrollment, data collection/analysis, and scholarly contribution. The CCPTN also invites volunteers to serve on organizational committees. General Procedure for Proposal Submission All research proposals submitted to CCPTN for consideration will undergo a formal review by the CCPTN Proposal and Grant Review Committee with final approval by the CCPTN Steering Committee. Formal submissions are transmitted using the CCPTN Proposal Submission template, which includes investigator biographical sketches; concise and focused research plan, including specific aims, background and significance, preliminary studies (where applicable), and research design and methods; Institutional Review Board approval; and a statement confirming that all investigators named on the project have read the proposal and agree to participate. If you would like to submit a proposal for consideration or participate as a coinvestigator/member of the Critical Care Pharmacotherapy Trials Network, please contact Jeff Gonzales (jgonzale@rx.umaryland.edu) or Eric Mueller (eric.mueller@uchealth.com) for more information. Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 CPP COMMITTEE CORNER Communications Committee Kathryn Connor, PharmD, BCPS (Chair), and Xi Liu-DeRyke, PharmD (Chair-Elect) The CPP Communications Committee will continue to provide summaries of various educational sessions from the upcoming Congress; these will be published in the April 2013 newsletter. A call for volunteers has been sent out to all members, and we encourage residents’ involvement as well. If you are interested, please contact Xi Liu-DeRyke at xi.liu@orlandohealth.com by January 8, 2013. A summary of CPP members involved in educational sessions and abstracts is attached to the end of this newsletter. Our section has over 300 abstracts accepted for the 2013 Congress. Congratulations to all on your hard work! Great job! If you are a Communications Committee member or would like to become one, please join us at our meeting during the Congress. We will meet on Sunday, January 20, 2013, from 11 am to 12 pm in the Luna Boardroom at the Sheraton Hotel. If you have any questions regarding membership in the Communications Committee or contributions you would like to make to the CPP Section newsletter, please contact Kathryn Connor at Kathryn_connor@urmc.rochester.edu or Xi Liu-DeRyke at xi.liu@orlandohealth.com Education Committee April Miller, PharmD, BCPS (Chair), and Aimée LeClaire, PharmD, BCPS (Chair-Elect) The CPP Education Committee has partnered with the SCCM-wide Education Committee to create educational modules with a multidisciplinary focus. The CPP Section will help provide materials related to pharmacotherapy as part of larger disease state modules. The committee is also partnering with the Patient Safety Committee on the development and implementation of patient/family education materials related to commonly used medications in the ICU. Membership Committee Brian Kopp, PharmD, BCPS (Chair), and Jenni Morris, PharmD, BCPS (Chair-Elect) Mentor-Mentee Program The Mentor-Mentee Program was developed to provide pharmacist members of the CPP Section with guidance in a variety of areas, such as clinical practice, research, career advancement, and teaching. All members of the CPP Section are eligible to participate in the program in either a mentor or mentee capacity. There has been a wonderful response for participation in this program for both mentees and mentors. Based on the popularity of this program, we will need additional mentors. The Membership Committee is actively seeking CPP members who are interested in serving as a mentor. While mentors are needed in all areas of critical care, there are particular needs in the area of emergency medicine to support the growing number of pharmacists in this field. Anyone interested in serving as a mentor should contact either Brian Kopp (Brian.Kopp@uahealth.com) or Jenni Morris (jmorris@iuhealth.org). Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 Members interested in being mentored are encouraged to contact us at any point. Matching will resume at the end of January following the 2013 Congress. Please contact either Brian Kopp or Jenni Morris if you have any questions regarding the program or are interested in participating. We look forward to working with our current and prospective mentors and mentees and to the continued success of the program. SCCM CPP Congress Orientation for New Members and First-time Attendees The CPP Membership Committee would like to invite all new members or first-time Congress attendees to the new member reception and orientation on Saturday January 19, 2013, from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Bahia 1 at the Sheraton. The new member reception is a great way to learn about the different CPP Section meetings and activities held during the Annual Congress. In addition, it is a great way to network with other new section members and members of the Advisory Board and Committee Chairs. If you would like additional details about the orientation, please email either Brian Kopp or Jenni Morris. We look forward to seeing all the new members and first-time Congress attendees at this orientation. Thank you to Leanne Current and Brittany Romine for their planning efforts! Residency Directory The CPP Membership Committee continues to work on the pharmacy residency directory. This directory contains critical care, emergency medicine, and pediatric residencies. Once the annual update is complete, it will be posted in the CPP iRoom. This directory will help pharmacists identify colleagues in their specialty areas and provide networking opportunities. Please contact either Brian Kopp or Jenni Morris with questions related to the directory. Networking Opportunities One of the charges of the CPP Membership Committee is to improve networking within the subspecialty pharmacy groups within our section. For 2013, we will focus primarily on emergency medicine and pediatric pharmacy subspecialties. We are interested in receiving your input on strategies that would be helpful in improving networking capabilities with CPP Section members who also practice in your subspecialty. Please contact either Brian Kopp or Jenni Morris with any suggestions you may have. Finally, we would like to welcome and congratulate Laura Aykroyd (laykroyd@iuhealth.org) on becoming the incoming Chair-elect for the CPP Membership Committee Patient Safety Committee Pamela L. Smithburger, PharmD, BCPS (Chair), and Eric W. Mueller, PharmD (Chair-Elect) The Patient Safety Committee solicited submissions for the second annual Patient Safety Awards. The CPP Medication Safety Award recognizes a health system or an individual for designing a successful and novel program that minimizes medication errors and improves medication safety in the ICU. The goal of this award is to sensationalize the medication safety improvements and to disseminate the objectives, methods, and outcomes used to achieve the innovation. This year’s recipient is Ananth Anthes, PharmD. The objective of Dr. Anthes’ project, “Improving adverse drug event detection in critically ill patients through screening intensive care unit transfer summaries,” was to compare frequency and type of adverse drug events (ADEs) detected in ICU transfer summaries to those detected in hospital discharge notes to demonstrate the effectiveness of ICU transfer summary surveillance in the identification of ADEs. Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 He concluded that the use of ICU transfer summaries is an effective tool to increase ADE detection since the rate of detection was 5.5 times greater in ICU transfer summaries than in the hospital discharge summaries. The use of an ICU transfer summary should be considered as an adjunct method to an existing ADE surveillance system for heightened pharmacovigilance. Dr. Anthes will present his project at the SCCM Annual Congress. The award is administered through the CPP Section of SCCM. The winner will receive a plaque and a SCCM annual tuition allowance of $225. Program Committee Heather Bockheim, PharmD (Chair), and Joseph Aloi, PharmD, BCPS (Chair-Elect) SCCM CPP Pre-Congress Symposium On behalf of the Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, we would like to invite you to attend the CPP Pre-Congress Symposium, to take place at this year’s upcoming SCCM Annual Congress. The symposium will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2 – 4 pm in room Bahia 2 at the Sheraton in San Juan, Puerto Rico. There is no registration required and no fee to attend! The program will include the following: 2:00 pm – 2:20 pm Credentialing Pharmacists to Practice in the ICU – Mary Hess, PharmD, FASHP, FCCM 2:20 pm – 2:40 pm Staff Development in the ICU – Stephanie Mallow Corbett, PharmD 2:40 pm – 3:00 pm Marketing Clinical Pharmacists – Jeff Barletta, PharmD, FCCM 3:00 pm – 3:20 pm Drug Shortage Management – John Lewin III, PharmD, BCPS, MBA 3:20 pm – 3:40 pm HCAHPS Scores: Pharmacist Involvement – Steven Martin, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, FCCM 3:40 pm – 4:00 pm Questions for the Panel Pharmacy Year in Review The Pharmacy Year in Review session has been scheduled for Monday, January 21, 2:15 – 3:15 pm (room TBD). The topics that will be covered this year include the following: Infectious Diseases Simon Lam, PharmD, BCPS Nutrition Scott Mueller, PharmD, BCPS Anticoagulation Todd Miano, PharmD, BCPS SCCM CPP Member Reception This year’s CPP Member Reception at the Annual Congress will take place on Saturday, January 19, 9 – 11 pm poolside at the Sheraton, San Juan, Puerto Rico. This reception serves as a great opportunity to network with established practitioners, get to know our newest members, and catch up with your old friends. We would like to thank PharMEDium for graciously sponsoring our reception for a THIRD YEAR in a row! Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 CPP Section Program Committee Meeting If you are a Program Committee member, or would like to become one, please join us during Congress at our meeting, to be held Sunday, January 20, 2013, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm in the Luna Boardroom at the Sheraton. We look forward to seeing you there! Research Committee Russel Roberts, PharmD (Chair), and Seth Bauer, PharmD (Chair-Elect) The CPP Research Committee would like to update you on several important and exciting processes. One of our charges is to support, facilitate, and/or assist with research projects and explore new domains (e.g., quality improvement) consistent with the goals and mission of SCCM. Through joint efforts and collaboration between the CPP Section and leadership, the following outcomes have been achieved. A procedural document for conducting research within the CPP Section has been finalized and approved by both the section and SCCM leadership. The standardized processes outlined in this document are intended to foster the generation of multidisciplinary research and provide a resource for CPP members needing assistance in developing and conducting research. Any CPP member desiring assistance with collaboration or with the design or conduct of research should begin by reviewing the procedure document, which is posted in the CPP Section iRoom Research Committee folder. A pathway to gain more visibility within the research world has been established. CPP Section members conducting research that is submitted to the CPP Research Committee for review and approved by the CPP Steering Committee now have the opportunity to associate their research with the SCCM-CPP name and may acknowledge this affiliation in the manuscript as long as certain criteria are met (see research procedural document). Results of a member database survey soliciting important demographic information has been compiled to help foster professional growth of the CPP Section. The survey is open on a continual basis to CPP Section members and is located at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CPP_Survey. For those who haven’t yet completed it, or need to provide updated information, please consider doing so. I would like to remind you about the peer review of manuscripts, a service created to provide CPP members with an opportunity to have their journal manuscripts reviewed by an experienced clinician to potentially increase quality prior to submission. This review may improve the likelihood for acceptance and help junior clinicians foster a better understanding of the review and submission process. I encourage everyone to consider using this service to enhance journal acceptability and to gain a better understanding of the peer review process. Remember, this service is for all CPP members, so be sure to remind your CPP colleagues about it. Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UPDATE Tudy Hodgman, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Just a reminder… A new online virtual communications center is available through the SCCM website. This is an individualized SCCM go-to place for members. Each member can designate where items such as blast emails, journals, upcoming events, and section information should be delivered. It should facilitate communication with members in all sections. SCCM has updated the website and wants members who may have had a negative experience to try the revised version and provide comments. Please pass this message along to others within your institution who may not have received it. If you or anyone you know does NOT receive SCCM blast mails, please have them contact me at thodgman@nch.org or thodgm@midwestern.edu so we can investigate the issue. If anyone is interested in helping to find individuals who do not receive SCCM or CPP Section emails, please let me know. Sleep Enhancement in the Intensive Care Unit Katarzyna Adamczyk, PharmD, BCPS, and Joanna L. Stollings, PharmD, BCPS Extrinsic and intrinsic factors are associated with sleep disturbances in the intensive care unit (ICU). Environmental factors, routine nursing care, patient procedures, and mechanical ventilation modes are all extrinsic factors that contribute to sleep deprivation. Intrinsic factors -such as pain and discomfort, severity of illness, and commonly administered medications -have also been associated with sleep disturbance in the ICU. Consequences of sleep deprivation include agitation, delirium, decreased pain tolerance, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), impaired immune response, arrhythmias, nocturnal hypertension, and delayed ventilator weaning.1 The majority of patients who experience sleep deprivation also experience delirium. Although the relationship between sleep deprivation and delirium has never been studied, a number of mechanisms, risk factors, and symptoms co-exist in both disease states.2 The following review will address some non-pharmacologic interventions that can be considered in critically ill patients to promote sleep enhancement and potentially decrease delirium. Commonly Administered Medications in the ICU As pharmacists, the very first thing that should come to mind when trying to consider how to promote sleep in the ICU is medications. Many medications commonly used in the ICU, such as benzodiazepines, opiates, inotrope infusions, antihypertensives, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants, have all been associated with sleep disruption. Benzodiazepines and narcotics are commonly given to provide comfort and enhance sleep in mechanically ventilated patients; however, these agents have been shown to decrease rapid eye movement (REM) and slow sleep, thus not providing the physiological benefits of sleep.1 A prospective, multicenter, double-blind study randomized 336 mechanically ventilated patients to a spontaneous awakening trial (SAT) combined with a spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) or to an SBT alone. The results of this study showed a statistically significant reduction in ventilator days (11.6 vs 14.7, P=0.02), ICU days (9.1 vs 12.9, P=0.01), hospital days (14.9 vs 19.2, P=0.04), and mortality rates (hazard ratio [HR]=0.68, P=0.01) in the SAT/SBT group.3 Pharmacist promotion of SAT/SBT conduction and coordination can decrease the amount of sedation and analgesia used in the ICU, resulting in better quality of patient sleep. Early Mobility Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 A prospective, controlled study randomized 104 mechanically ventilated patients to early exercise and mobilization during the SAT or to SAT with physical therapy ordered by the primary team. Twenty-nine (59%) of the patients in the intervention group returned to baseline functional status at hospital discharge compared to 19 (35%) of the control group (P=0.02). The intervention group had a shorter duration of delirium (2 vs 4 days, P=0.02) and more ventilatorfree days (23.5 vs 21.1 days, P=0.05).4 Therefore, early mobilization endorsement by pharmacists is yet another way that we can potentially decrease the rate of sleep deprivation in the ICU. Pet Visitation Pets are often considered to be a member of the family. Potential benefits of allowing pet visitation in the ICU include decreased heart rate and blood pressure, relaxation, and faster recovery. However, no available studies have evaluated pet therapy in the ICU. If such program is going to be considered, specific policies and procedures must be developed with regards to patient selection, infection control, therapy pet choice, and limitation of exposure for animal-allergic patients. All pets must be certified through the Animal Assisted Therapy Program, which ensures that all pets are clean, vaccinated, and undergo regular evaluation for health or behavioral matters.5 One concern with pet visitation in the ICU is an increased patient infection risk, although a zoonotic infection has never been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Animal Assisted Therapy Program.6 Thus, pet visitation is another option to decrease patient agitation and likely improve sleep quality in ICU patients. Music Therapy Music therapy has been shown to promote restful sleep, decrease anxiety in mechanically ventilated patients, reduce physiological and psychological responses, and increase comfort in critically ill patients.5,7 A pre-/post-test design evaluated the ability of music therapy to decrease anxiety and promote relaxation in 54 mechanically ventilated patients. A significant reduction in anxiety (10.13% vs 6.15%, P<0.001) was found in the intervention group. A randomized, controlled study in 65 adults undergoing cardiovascular surgery who listened to music during and after surgery showed significantly lower levels of anxiety postoperatively (F=5.57, P=0.022). Twenty mechanically ventilated patients were evaluated in a randomized study to receive either 30 minutes of music then uninterrupted sleep, or 30 minutes of uninterrupted sleep and then music. Anxiety scores following the music therapy in both groups were significantly lower than after the rest period (53.51 vs 49.67 and 52.67 vs 38.67, P<0.01). Levels of epinephrine, growth hormone, interleukin-6, and mean arterial pressures (MAP) were compared in five patients who listened to classical music and in five patients in the control group. Epinephrine levels (P=0.05), growth hormone levels (P <0.05), interleukin-6 measurements (P <0.05), and MAP were all decreased in the intervention group compared to the control group. Thirty-nine critically ill cancer patients had significant reduction in distress levels when comparing pre- and post-music therapy scores (4.6 vs 2.5, P =0.001). When using music therapy, the patient should be involved in the selection, if possible, and use headphones. The music should have predictable dynamics, regular rhythms, fluid melodic movements, and include flutes, strings, piano, or specifically synthesized tones.5 Music therapy is another intervention to decrease anxiety and promote restful sleep in critically ill patients. Earplugs and Eye Masks Light and noise are commonly highlighted factors contributing to poor sleep quality in critically ill patients. A limited number of studies have evaluated the role of earplugs and eye masks in the ICU environment. Subjective sleep experiences and patient satisfaction were commonly measured outcomes. In general, earplugs and eye masks were found to improve quality and quantity of sleep in critically ill patients.8-14 Patients perceived that they slept for longer hours compared to patients who were not in the intervention group.8-11 In most cases, earplugs and eye masks were comfortable and easy to apply12; however, mixed feelings have also been Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 reported with this intervention.8 Polysomnography was used only in three studies, most likely due to cost and training time involved. A small study by Wallace and colleagues measured the effect of earplugs on sleep in seven mechanically ventilated patients. They found no improvements in REM sleep with earplugs (sleep period time 6.7% vs 3.9%, P=0.07) and no difference in sleep efficiency indices (0.5 vs 0.4, P =0.14)13 Another small study in healthy participants exposed to ICU noise found that earplugs improved sleep period time, REM latency, and percentage of REM sleep (P <0.05 for all variables).12 A more recent study using a simulated ICU environment demonstrated that earplugs and eye masks improved REM sleep (P=0.005), resulted in fewer arousals (P =0.04), and increased melatonin levels (P=0.002).14 Interestingly, fewer patients showed delirium or confusion with the use of earplugs (HR 0.47, P=0.008).11 Earplugs and eye masks have been shown to be a reasonable option for promoting sleep in some critically ill patients. Most of the studies were restricted to non-ventilated, nonmedicated patients, however, limiting their generalizability to the entire critical care population. Massage Massage is another intervention used to promote sleep in critically ill patients. Back massage has been shown to be safe, to induce physiological and psychological relaxation, and to decrease perception of pain.15,16 The effect of a back massage and combined muscle relaxation, mental imagery, and a music audiotape on sleep was measured in men with cardiovascular illness admitted to a critical care unit.17 Sixty-nine patients were randomized to receive a back massage and relaxation or to the standard nursing care. Patients in the backmassage group slept for approximately one hour longer and the sleep efficiency index was 14.7% higher compared to the control group. The intervention group spent 35 minutes in REM sleep compared with 25 minutes in the control group. None of the findings; however, were statistically significant. Groups did not differ in percentage of combined stage of three and four non-REM sleep. Back massage and relaxation techniques may be considered as an alternative or adjunct to pharmacological treatment of sleep disturbances. Conclusion Non-pharmacological interventions directed towards promotion of sleep in critically ill patients include early mobility, music, and relaxation therapy, as well as the use of earplugs and eye masks. Many of the interventions have been evaluated only in small studies; however, the role of each intervention continues to evolve. Sleep in ICU patients is often abnormal and fragmented; non-pharmacological efforts to restore it seem reasonable. Pharmacists play a vital role in promoting sleep and decreasing the risk of delirium not only by promoting proper and minimal medication selection, but also in recommending non-pharmacological therapies. Large, prospective, randomized studies evaluating the effects of non-pharmacologic effects on sleep enhancement and delirium prevention need to be conducted. References 1. Tembo AC, Parker V. Factors that impact sleep in intensive care patients. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2009;25(6):314-322. 2. Kamdar BB, Needham DM, Collop NA. Sleep deprivation in critical illness: its role in physical and psychological recovery. J Intensive Care Med. 2012;27:97-111. 3. Girard TD, Kress JP, Fuchs BD, et al. Efficacy and safety of a paired sedation and ventilator weaning protocol for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care (awakening and breathing controlled trial): a randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2008;371(9607):126-134. 4. Schweickert WD, Pohlman MC, Pohlman AS, et al. Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2009;373(9678):1874-1882. 5. Lee D, Higgins PA. Adjunctive therapies for the chronically critically ill. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2010;21(1):92-106. Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 6. Cullen L, Titler M, Drahozal R. Family and pet visitation in the critical care unit. Crit Care Nurse. 1999;19(3):84-87. 7. Chan MF, Chung YF, Chung SW, et al. Investigating the physiological responses of patients listening to music in the intensive care unit. J Clin Nurs. 2009;18(9):1250-1257. 8. Richardson A, Allsop M, Caghill E, et al. Earplugs and eye masks: do they improve critical care patients’ sleep? Nurs Crit Care. 2007;12(6):278-286. 9. Scotto CJ, McClusky C, Spillan S, et al. Earplugs improve patients’ subjective experience of sleep in critical care. Nurs Crit Care. 2009;14(4):180-184. 10. Jones C, Dawson D. Eye masks and earplugs improve patients’ perception of sleep. Nurs Crit Care. 2012;17(5):247-254. 11. Van Rompaey B, Elseviers MM, Drom WV, et al. The effects of earplugs during the night on the onset of delirium and sleep perception: a randomized controlled trial in intensive care patients. Crit Care. 2012;16(3):R73. 12. Wallace CJ, Robins J, Alvrod LS, et al. The effects of earplugs on sleep measures during exposure to simulated intensive care unit noise. Am J Crit Care. 1999;8(4):210219. 13. Wallace CJ, Ronins J, Walker JM. The effects of earplugs in critically ill patients. Sleep. 1998;21(Suppl):234. 14. Hu RF, Jiang XY, Zeng YM, et al. Effects of earplugs and eye masks on nocturnal sleep, melatonin and cortisol in a simulated intensive care unit environment. Crit Care. 2010;14(2): R66. 15. Bauer WC, Dracup KA. Physiologic effects of back massage in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Focus Crit Care. 1987;14(6):42-46. 16. Ferrell-Torry A, Glick OJ. The use of therapeutic massage as a nursing intervention to modify anxiety and the perception of cancer pain. Cancer Nurs. 1993;16(2):93-101. 17. Richard KC. Effects of a back massage and relaxation intervention on sleep in critically ill patients. Am J Crit Care. 1998;7(4):228-299. MEMBER SPOTLIGHT by Kimberley Berger, PharmD Gourang P. Patel, PharmD, MSc, BCPS Pharmacy Supervisor, Adult Critical Care & Operating Room Medical Intensive Care Unit Clinical Specialist Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 Rush University Medical Center is a 664-bed not-for-profit academic medical center located in Chicago, Illinois. The mission of Rush University Medical Center (RUMC) is to provide the very best care for its patients. The education, research endeavors, community service programs and relationships with other hospitals are dedicated to enhancing excellence in patient care for the diverse communities within the Chicago area. In January 2012, Rush opened a new 376-bed hospital building, known as the Tower, which is part of the medical center's major renovation of its campus and consists of adult critical care and acute care units. With the opening of the Tower, the pharmacy department underwent significant change with the implementation of new processes and a new pharmacy practice model. Dr. Gourang Patel played a vital role in the successful transformation to the pharmacy practice model. Dr. Patel serves as the pharmacy supervisor for the adult critical care and operating room services. Additionally, he is the medical intensive care unit (MICU) clinical pharmacy specialist. Dr. Patel, originally from the suburbs northwest of Chicago, obtained his bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri. Following graduation, he obtained his doctor of pharmacy degree from St. Louis College of Pharmacy. His interest in critical care initially stemmed from personal experiences, but was strengthened by his rotational experiences as a student and a resident. He felt that critical care was a challenging, progressing field of medicine and particularly liked the multidisciplinary interactions and discussions amongst the critical care team. He completed an internal medicine residency at John Cochran Veterans’ Administration Medical Center located in St. Louis, Missouri. Following completion of residency, he accepted his position at RUMC. Throughout his career at RUMC, he has served on numerous critical care, patient care, and quality improvement committees. Critical care medicine is a changing field, and Dr. Patel recognizes the need for quality research to guide clinical decisions. In 2008, he obtained his master of science degree from Rush Graduate College’s clinical research program. He has participated in a number of studies evaluating sepsis, septic shock, vasopressors, and antimicrobial use. Dr. Patel has published a number of peer-reviewed articles on various critical care topics. In 2010, he published “Efficacy and safety of dopamine versus norepinephrine in the management of septic shock” in the journal Shock. Most recently, he published “Systemic steroids in severe sepsis and septic shock” in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. He has also served as a manuscript reviewer for numerous professional journals, including Annals of Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacotherapy. In addition to his clinical practice and research, Dr. Patel is dedicated to the education of fellow and future healthcare professionals. He serves as a preceptor to pharmacy residents and has precepted students from various schools in the Chicago area. He has appointments in Rush Medical College’s Department of Pharmacology, as well as Midwestern University’s Division of Pharmacy Practice. He serves as an assistant professor for the medical pharmacology course at Rush Medical College in which he lectures on pharmacokinetics, the autonomic nervous system, and cardiovascular pharmacology. In addition to his precepting and didactic teaching, he has shown his dedication to education of future healthcare professionals by authoring multiple textbook chapters. Dr. Patel’s passion for providing quality care to patients, as well as his devotion to research and education, has made him a valuable asset to the profession of pharmacy and the field of critical care medicine. These commitments demonstrate the qualities of a successful practitioner, and he continues to serve as an example to his colleagues and current and future healthcare professionals. Communications Committee members are charged with publishing the newsletter. Thanks to the following members: Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 Kathryn Connor (Chair) Xi Liu-Deryke (Vice-Chair) Farooq A. Bandali Kim Berger Kara Birrer Tram Cat Darlene Chaykosky Jessica Crow Garrett Curtis Stephanie Davis Deepali Dixit Amy L. Dzierba Diana Esaian Stacey Folse Payal K Gurnani Tudy Hodgman Lori Lynn Kesteloot Kate Kimborowicz Simon Lam Jim Landzinski Aimee LeClaire Jason Makii Erin Nagle Allison Palmer Kristine Parbuoni Mona K. Patel Greg Peitz Jeanmarie Salonia Joanna Stollings Wyn Wheeler Jim Winegardner Nate Zook Upcoming SCCM Congress Meetings – Save the Date! 2013 2014 2015 January 19 – 23 January 9 - 13 January 24 – 28 San Juan, Puerto Rico San Francisco, California San Antonio, Texas Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 42nd Critical Care Congress January 19 – 23, 2013, San Juan, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Convention Center Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section Meeting Guide **Please check the Program and Exhibition guide at Congress for locations and the most up-todate schedule.** Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:00AM-1:00PM 6:30AM-1:00PM CPP Section Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Crafting Individualized Medication Therapies When Practicing in the Grey 7:30-7:45AM Case Setup: Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Neurosciences ICU Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Neurosciences ICU 7:45-8:45AM 8:45-9:00AM 9:00-10:00AM 10:30-10:45AM 10:45-11:45AM 11:45-12:00PM Case Setup: Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Surgical ICU Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Surgical ICU Case Setup: Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Medical ICU Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Medical ICU 12:00-1:00PM Case Setup: Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Cardiovascular ICU Dilemmas with Drug Therapy in a Cardiovascular ICU 7:30AM-1:00PM 10:45-11:30AM 12:15-1:00PM 2:00-4:00PM 2:00-2:20PM 2:20-2:40PM 2:40-3:00PM 3:00-3:20PM 3:20-3:40PM Current Concepts in Adult Critical Care – Day 2 Antithrombotic Therapy in the ICU Case Presentations CPP Section Pre-Congress Symposium Credentialing Pharmacists to Practice in the ICU Staff Development in the ICU Marketing Clinical Pharmacists Drug Shortage Management HCAHPS Scores – Pharmacist Involvement 3:40-4:00PM 8:00-9:00PM Questions for the Panel CPP Section New Members and First Congress Attendees Orientation Meeting CPP Section Member Reception 9:00-11:00PM Room: San Cristobal (Sheraton) Co-Moderators: Jeffrey Barletta, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM William E. Dager, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Jeffrey Barletta, PharmD, FCCM Karen McAllen, PharmD, FCCM Stacy Alan Voils, PharmD, BCPS Jeffrey Barletta, PharmD, FCCM Tyree H. Kiser, PharmD, BCPS Eric W. Mueller, BS, FCCM, PharmD William E. Dager, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Paul M. Szumita, BCPS Scott Micek, PharmD, BCPS William E. Dager, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Judith L. Kristeller, PharmD Jeremy D. Flynn, BCPS, PharmD, FCCM William E. Dager, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM William E. Dager, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Room: Bahia 2 (Sheraton) Mary Hess, PharmD, FASHP, FCCM Stephanie Mallow Corbett, PharmD Jeff Barletta, PharmD, FCCM John Lewin III, PharmD, BCPS, MBA Steven Martin, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, FCCM Room: Bahia 1 (Sheraton) Room: Poolside (Sheraton) Sunday, January 20, 2013 10:30-11:30AM Safe Medication Use Guidelines 10:30-10:50AM Safe Practices for the Distribution and Administration of Drugs Incorporating Technology into Safe Medication Practices Developing a Medication Safety Surveillance 10:50-11:10AM 11:10-11:30AM Moderator: Sandra L. Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM Mitchell S. Buckley, PharmD, BCPS Sharon M. Bejian, BCPS, PharmD Sandra L. Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM Volume 12 Issue 4 10:30-12:30PM Liver Failure in the ICU 12:10-12:30PM 10:30-12:30PM 11:30-12:00PM 10:30-12:30PM 12:10-12:30PM Drug Dosing Considerations in Liver Failure Anticoagulation and Devices VAD-Specific Therapies Obesity Care in the ICU Dosing Medications in the Morbidly Obese: Is More Better? CPP Section Communications Committee Meeting CPP Section Program Committee Meeting 11:00-12:00PM 12:00-1:30PM December 2012 Moderator: Tyree H. Kiser, PharmD, BCPS Tyree H. Kiser, PharmD, BCPS Christopher Paciullo, PharmD, BCPS Brian L. Erstad, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Room: Luna Boardroom (Sheraton) Room: Luna Boardroom (Sheraton) Monday, January 21, 2013 9:00-10:00AM CPP Section Education Committee Meeting 10:00-11:30AM CPP Section Business Meeting 9:15-10:15AM Controlling Costs in an Era of $100,000 Therapeutics New $100K Therapeutics Are Worth the Cost: Pro The Effect of New Guidelines on ICU Care 9:15-9:45AM 9:15-11:15AM 9:45-10:15AM 10:15-10:45AM 10:45-11:15AM 10:15-11:15AM 10:15-10:35AM 10:35-10:55AM 10:55-11:15AM 11:30-12:30PM 2:15-3:15PM 2:15-3:15PM 2:15-2:35PM 2:35-2:55PM 2:55-3:15PM 3:30-5:00PM 3:55-4:20PM 4:45-5:00PM Insulin Infusion Guidelines: Maximizing Safety and Consistency How to Apply Guideline Recommendations to the Care of Patients Implementation and Beyond: Are You Actually Achieving the Intended Outcomes? Practical Application of Antimicrobial Management Optimal Initial Selection of Antibiotics Practical Application of Pharmacodynamics: Beyond the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Less Is More: Using Objective Data to Guide Duration CPP Section Patient Safety Committee Meeting Quality Metrics: Priorities and Application Year In Review: Pharmacy Infectious Diseases Nutrition Anticoagulation Sponsored Symposium - Improving Outcomes in the Neurological Critical Care Patient with Decreased Sodium Levels A Review of the Guidelines, Existing, and Emerging Data On Managing Serum Sodium Levels Panel Discussion Room: Conference Room 10 (Caribe Hilton) Room: San Cristobal Ballroom A (Caribe Hilton) Moderator: Sandra L. Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM Joseph F. Dasta, MSc, FCCM Moderator: Gilles L. Fraser, BS, PharmD, FCCM Judith Jacobi, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Gilles L. Fraser, BS, PharmD, FCCM Joseph F. Dasta, MSc, FCCM Moderator: Scott Micek, PharmD, BCPS Michael T. Johnson, PharmD Elizabeth A. Coyle, BCPS, FCCM Dustin D. Spencer, PharmD, BCPS Room: Conference Room 10 (Caribe Hilton) Moderator: Sandra L. Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM Moderator: Gail Gesin, PharmD Simon W. Lam, PharmD Scott W. Mueller, PharmD, BCPS Todd A. Miano, PharmD, BCPS Moderator: Mitchell S. Buckley, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Mitchell S. Buckley, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Mitchell S. Buckley, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Tuesday, January 22, 2013 9:00-10:30AM 9:15-11:15AM 10:45-11:15AM CPP Section Research Committee Meeting Critical Complications of Pregnancy Review of Medications Commonly Used in Pregnancy and Critical Illness Room: San Cristobal (Sheraton) Lisa Burry, PharmD Volume 12 Issue 4 9:15-11:15AM 10:15-10:45AM 10:30-12:00PM 3:30-4:30PM 3:30-3:50PM 3:50-4:10PM Update on Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Pharmacologic Treatment for Thromboembolic Processes CPP Section Membership Committee Meeting Management Challenges with the New Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Agents Overview of the New Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Agents Measuring the Effects of New Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Agents December 2012 William E. Dager, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Room: Sol Boardroom (Sheraton) Toby C. Trujillo, PharmD, BCPS William E. Dager, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM Wednesday, January 23, 2013 9:30-11:30AM 9:30-11:30AM 10:30-11:00AM 9:30-11:30AM 9:30-9:50AM 9:55-10:15AM 10:20-10:40AM 10:45-11:05AM 11:10-11:30AM Updates in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Therapeutics Extracorporeal Life Support How Much to Give and When: Managing Drugs in ECMO Clinical Considerations for Drug Dosing in Specialized Populations Heart Failure Estimating Creatinine Clearance: Why Is It So Difficult? Drug Dosing in Renal Replacement Therapy: You Can't Always Believe What Your Reference Says Geriatrics Ethnic Variation in Drug Response: Is It All Pharmacogenetics? Moderator: Scott Micek, PharmD, BCPS Erik E. Abel, PharmD, BCPS Moderator: Jeffrey Barletta, PharmD, FCCM Toby C. Trujillo, PharmD, BCPS Kristen A. Hesch, BCPS, PharmD Michael L. Bentley, PharmD, FCCM Scott Bolesta, BCPS, PharmD, BCPS Philip E. Empey, PharmD, PhD, BCPS Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2012 Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section Member Abstracts 2013 SCCM Congress Abstract Number 1 Title SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF THE ABCDE BUNDLE IN CRITICALLY-ILL PATIENTS RECEIVING MECHANICAL VENTILATION 2 ROAD BLOCKS TO INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL OF A MULTICENTER OBSERVATIONAL CRITICAL CARE STUDY 4 ICU 'SURGE CAPACITY'; COLLABORATIVE TELEMEDICINE COVERAGE CAN SAFELY PROVIDE VIRTUAL ICU BEDS 5 THE ABCDE BUNDLE REDUCES THE INCIDENCE OF DELIRIUM IN NON-MECHANICALLY VENTILATED PATIENTS. 7 NEW DUTY HOURS AND THE EFFECTS ON PRESCRIBING ERRORS IN THE MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PHENYTOIN CONCENTRATIONS ARE ELEVATED IN CHILDREN RECEIVING THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA FOLLOWING TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY. 32 33 TIMING OF ONSET PHENOTYPES OF THE ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (ARDS) AFTER SEVERE TRAUMA 50 POPULATION PHARMACOKINETICS (PK) OF PIPERACILLIN/TAZOBACTAM (TZP) IN CRITICALLY ILL CHILDREN PHARMACOKINETICS OF VANCOMYCIN DURING SUSTAINED LOW-EFFICIENCY DIALYSIS 51 52 53 ALLERGIC REACTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH CARBAPENEMS IN PATIENTS WITH A HISTORY OF PENICILLIN ALLERGY VERSUS THOSE WITH NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES EVALUATION OF SULFOBUTYLETHER-ßCYCLODEXTRIN SODIUM (SBECD) AND VORICONAZOLE PHARMACOKINETICS IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS UNDERGOING CONTINUOUS RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY (CRRT). Authors Michele Balas, Keith Olsen, David Gannon, Joseph Sisson, James Sullivan, Joseph Stothert, Randeep Jawa, Eduard Vasilevskis, William Burke, Wes Ely Carmen Polito, Sushma Cribbs, Greg Martin, Terence O’Keeffe, Daniel Herr, Todd Rice, Jonathan Sevransky Tara Ann Collins, Matthew Robertson, Corinna Sicoutris, Michael Pisa, Daniel Holena, Benjamin Kohl, Patrick Reilly Keith Olsen, William Burke, Gregory Peitz, David Gannon, Joseph Stothert, Randeep Jawa, Suzanne Nuss, William Thorell, Frank Freihaut, Michele Balas Sameer Shah, Donald McKaig, Jim Smith, Mary Cooper, Jeffrey Mazer, Gerardo Carino, Andrew Levinson Philip Empey, Nieves Velez de Mendizabal, Michael Bell, Robert Bies, Kacey Anderson, Patrick Kochanek, P. David Adelson, Samuel Poloyac John Reilly, Scarlett Bellamy, Michael Shashaty, Nuala Meyer, Daniel Holena, Addison May, Lorraine Ware, Jason Christie Jeffrey Cies, Venkat Shankar, Christine Schlichting, Joseph Kuti Nicole Reardon, Keith Olsen, Kimberly Bogard, Troy Plumb, Li Yin, Stephen Nissen, Patrick Fuller, Christopher Bultsma, Amanda Branch-Woods, Gregory Peitz Benjamin Dreesman, Ryan Cassity, Joseph Lovely, Daryl Kor Tyree Kiser, Douglas Fish, Michael Wempe, Robert MacLaren, Isaac Teitelbaum Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 54 55 56 57 60 61 63 104 119 120 December 2012 Title EVALUATION OF CORTICOSTEROID USE IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS WITH ACUTE EXACERBATIONS OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE EVALUATION OF BLEEDING EVENTS WITH ENOXAPARIN FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTATION OF ANTIXA MONITORING DOSE RESPONSE EFFECT OF RESCUE INTRAVENOUS DEXTROSE FOR HYPOGLYCEMIA IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS IDENTIFYING EMPIRIC ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY FOR PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA: AN ANTIBIOGRAM APPROACH COMPARING CLSI AND PK/PD BREAKPOINT SUSCEPTIBILITY BEFORE-AFTER COMPARISON OF A SEDATION PROTOCOL MINIMIZING BENZODIAZEPINE INFUSIONS AND FAVORING EARLY DEXMEDETOMIDINE EFFECT OF ETOMIDATE VERSUS KETAMINE ON INTUBATION SUCCESS IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COLISTIN MONOTHERAPY VERSUS COLISTIN-PLUS REGIMENS FOR TREATMENT OF MULTI-DRUG RESISTANT NOSOCOMIAL PNEUMONIA IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS THE ROLE OF CERULOPLASMIN IN INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSE AND SURVIVAL DURING SEPTIC SHOCK IN CRITICALLY ILL ADULTS EXTENDED INTERVAL FONDAPARINUX DOSING FOR DVT PROPHYLAXIS IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS WITH RENAL FAILURE VANCOMYCIN TISSUE CONCENTRATIONS DURING CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFT AND/OR AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT SURGERY 121 ADDITION OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE TO THE STANDARD OF CARE FOR SEVERE ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL 122 COMPARISON OF TRADITIONAL METHODS FOR RENAL FUNCTION ESTIMATION WITH METHODS DESIGNED FOR ESTIMATION IN ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (AKI) AND THE POTENTIAL IMPACT ON ANTIMICROBIAL DOSING RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATION OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE USE IN VENTILATED ICU PATIENTS IN THE SEDATIONWEANING PHASE AT TWO TEACHING HOSPITALS 126 127 EVALUATION OF QUETIAPINE IN THE TREATMENT OF DELIRIUM IN MECHANICALLY VENTILATED CRITICALLY ILL SURGICAL PATIENTS: A RETROSPECTIVE CASECONTROLLED STUDY. Authors Tyree Kiser, Richard Allen, R Vandivier Stephanie Edwin, Michael Lucey, Kelly McNorton, Jeff Hurren, Michelle Dehoorne-Smith Manasa Murthy, Erin Nagle, Patricia Parker, Jeremiah Duby Nune Zadikian, John Ahern, Christopher Grace, Joseph Aloi, Wesley McMillian Lee Skrupky, Ryan Field, Anne Drewry, Brian Wessman, Linda Varghese, Richard Fagley, Scott Micek, Marin Kollef, Walter Boyle Courtney McKinney, Asad Patanwala, John Sakles, Brian Erstad Nikita Eagleson, Neha Doshi, Charles Cook, Claire Murphy Ralph Fuchs, Sanjeev Noel, Laura Zheng, Rajesh Thimmulappa, Ana Navas-Acien, Shyam Biswal Krista Wahby, Zachary Jerusalem, Stephanie Lazar, Megi Gojka, Steven D. Tennenberg Matthew Hafermann, Tyree Kiser, Clark Lyda, Douglas Fish, Gerard Barber, Michael Wempe, Joseph Cleveland Charles Foster, Scott Mueller, Luke Vanderweide, Tyree Kiser, Douglas Fish, Robert MacLaren April Miller, Brandon Bookstaver Shannon Welch Madeline Stephnes, Neil Ernst, Eric Mueller, Betty Tsuei Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title 128 HIGH DOSE DEXMEDETOMIDINE IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED RISK OF HYPOTENSION 137 DOES A DELAY EXIST BETWEEN TIMING OF ORDERING AN ANTIINFECTIVE AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITS? IMPLEMENTATION OF A DEXMEDETOMIDINE STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM AT A TERTIARY ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER 143 146 149 152 154 EVALUATION OF HIGH RISK MEDICATION INFUSIONS IN INTENSIVE CARE UNITS TO OPTIMIZE CLOSED LOOP MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION. AN ASSESSMENT OF CLINICAL PHARMACY INTERVENTIONS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT GROWTH OF A PHARMACIST-LED CRITICAL CARE PRACTICE-BASED RESEARCH NETWORK: THE CRITICAL CARE PHARMACOTHERAPY TRIALS NETWORK RAPID RESPONSE TEAM PROVIDERS: THE NEW “GRIM REAPERS” 160 IMPACT OF INTRODUCING PHARMACIST SERVICES IN A COMMUNITY HOSPITAL EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 161 IMPLEMENTATION OF A SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE NURSE PRACTITIONER SERVICE. 163 DEVELOPMENT OF A STRUCTURED COMMUNICATION TOOL TO PREVENT UNPLANNED SURGICAL ICU READMISSIONS ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL ADEQUACY IN PATIENTS ON EXTRACORPOREAL MEMBRANE OXYGENATION 166 195 199 230 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PLASMA ESTROGEN LEVELS AND SEVERITY OF INJURY AND DELAYED CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA AFTER ANEURYSMAL SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE EXPRESSION OF MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE TRANSPORTERS IN HUMAN TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY THE PULMONARY INJURY SCORE: A NOVEL SCORING SYSTEM FOR EVALUATION AND RISK STRATIFICATION IN ACUTE PULMONARY INJURY Authors Anthony Gerlach, Danielle Blais, Gary Jones, Pamela Burcham, Stanislaw Stawicki, Charles Cook, Claire Murphy Deb Sherman, Kelly Schoeppler, Bonnie Boller, Lisa Dufficy, Jason Brainard Rachel Cyrus Blum, Craig Stevens, Robert Southard, Danielle Carter, Aaron Hussey, Kathleen Marquis, Heather Torbic, Paul Szumita Lauren Riley, Jessica Jones, Lea Monday, Joanne MacDonald, Angela Milad Vincent Mabasa, Claudia Ho, Douglas Malyuk, Vivian Leung, Jerrold Perrott Seth Bauer, Zachariah Thomas, Farooq Bandali, Sandra Kane-Gill, Stacy Voils, Ishaq Lat Rhonda D’Agostino, Tara Buchholz, Lisa Canecchia, Jibran Majeed, Caroline Shirzadi, Stephen Pastores, Neil Halpern Thomas Johnson Charles Warrington, Michael Weinstein, Patrice Miller, Christopher McMenemy Nathan Smischney, Peter Anderson, Manoj Mittal, Philip Kuper, Francis Whalen Joseph Miessau, Melanie Sion, Pawel Karbowski, Evanthia Fotiou, Hitoshi Hirose, Nicholas Cavarocchi, Christine Feldmeier Elizabeth Crago, P Sherwood, Catherine Bender, Jeffrey Balzer, Dianxu Ren, S Poloyac Anthony Willyerd, Philip Empey, Milos Ikonomovic, Ava Puccio, David Okonkwo, Ashley Philbrick, Christina Hosler, Patrick Kochanek, Robert Clark Andrea Pakula, Sergey Kozyr, Eric vanSonnenberg, Ruby Skinner Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title 234 PILOT STUDY: THE USE OF TRANEXAMIC ACID IN TRAUMA PATIENTS AT A LEVEL ONE TEACHING HOSPITAL 246 PRIMING PRESS GANEY: CAN A SIMPLE PHONE CALL AFFECT THE RESULTS? EFFECT OF ANTIOXIDANT SUPPLEMENTATION ON ATRIAL ARRHYTHMIAS IN TRAUMA PATIENTS AT AN ACADEMIC LEVEL I TRAUMA CENTER THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC IMPACT OF POINT-OF-CARE ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT 247 250 Authors Margaret Fernandez, Christopher Morrison, Gina Pettineo, Mayela Castillo, Ennie Cano, Punam Parikh, Nicholas Namias, Fahim Habib Sara Webb, Eugene Reilly, Amanda McNicholas, Forrest Fernandez W. Paul Moore, Susan Hamblin, Jonathon Pouliot, Judith Jenkins, Mayur Patel, Bryan Collier Amelie Bernier-Jean, Martin Albert, Ariel Shiloh, Lewis Eisen, Jennifer Howes, David Williamson, Yanick Beaulieu Muhammad Syed, Andrew Levinson, Jason Frost, Jeffrey Mazer, Gerardo Carino, Saleem Shahzad, Muhammad Perwaiz, Terrance Healey Sean McMillan, Zachary Bauman, Harriette Mathilda Horst, Marika Gassner, Dionne Blyden, Zeeshan Syed, Ilan Rubinfeld Justin Fongemie, Nada Al-Qadheeb, N.A. Estes, Russ Roberts, Yutthapong Temtanakitpaisan, Robin Ruthazer, John Devlin 259 CONFIRMATION OF CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER PLACEMENT USING ULTRASOUND. 262 COMPUTATIONAL PREDICTION OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT USING EARLY ADMISSION VITAL SIGNS DATA 265 AGREEMENT BETWEEN ICU CLINICIANS AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY CARDIOLOGISTS FOR THE INITIATION OF A QTC-INTERVAL PROLONGING MEDICATION IN ICU PATIENTS WITH POTENTIAL RISK FACTORS FOR TORSADE DE POINTES 282 DABIGATRAN MANAGEMENT IN A LEVEL 1 TRAUMA CENTER: BALANCING SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE Trevor Perry, Harminder Sikand 287 USE OF INHALED EPOPROSTENOL FOR PULMONARY ARTERY HYPERTENSION AFTER CARDIAC SURGERY Joseph Aloi, Cassie Barton, Wesley McMillian, Mark Hamlin 289 DETERMINATION OF FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH BLEEDING IN PATIENTS RECEIVING ALTEPLASE FOR PULMONARY EMBOLISM: A FOCUS ON BODY WEIGHT Garrett Curtis, Anita Reddy, Simon Lam, Seth Bauer 291 RISK FACTORS, PREVALENCE, COURSE, AND COMPLICATIONS OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN CRITICALLY ILL TRAUMA PATIENTS USE OF VASOPRESSORS FOLLOWING ETOMIDATE FOR INDUCTION IN CARDIAC SURGERY PATIENTS Sarah Bajorek, Jeremiah Duby, Shannon Heintz, Brett Heintz, Christine Cocanour Kasey Greathouse, Sarah Bush, Lucy Crosby, Barry Davis, Steve Lysak, John Kudlak, Anna Cass Lina Saliba, Charles Cook, Kathleen Dungan, Kyle Porter, Bruce Doepker, Anthony Gerlach, Claire Murphy Tyler Sledge, Wayne Shipley, Nick Lonardo, Richard Barton 293 296 THE EFFECT OF INSULIN-INDUCED VERSUS SPONTANEOUS HYPOGLYCEMIA ON HOSPITAL MORTALITY IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS 297 EVALUATION OF A STANDARDIZED HYPERGLYCEMIA PROTOCOL USED IN MULTIPLE CRITICALLY ILL POPULATIONS Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 300 301 302 303 December 2012 Title MANAGEMENT OF HYPONATREMIA IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (ICU): INTERIM RESULTS OF A DISEASEBASED REGISTRY PROTOCOL FOR THE TREATMENT OF PEDIATRIC DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS EVALUATION OF A GUIDELINE FOR HYPERGLYCEMIC EMERGENCIES AT A TERTIARY ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER CORTICOSTEROIDS IN BRAIN DEAD POTENTIAL ORGAN DONOR MANAGEMENT : A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS 304 MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO MINIMIZING HYPOGLYCEMIA: THE IMPACT OF A REVISED NURSING DRIVEN INSULIN INFUSION PROTOCOL 309 DE NOVO ADOPTION OF A HYPERGLYCEMIA MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL IN PEDIATRIC ICUS: A MULTICENTER EVALUATION 310 EVALUATION OF SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF A MODERNIZED INTENSIVE CARE UNIT CONTINUOUS INSULIN INFUSION ORDER SET STANDARDIZING GLYCEMIC MANAGEMENT IN A PEDIATRIC ICU: COMPARATIVE OUTCOMES OF PATIENTS WITH RESPIRATORY FAILURE WITH AND WITHOUT HYPERGLYCEMIA IMPACT OF INTENSIVE INSULIN THERAPY PROTOCOL BASED ON LIBERATED VERSUS TIGHT GLYCEMIC CONTROL ON CLINICAL OUTCOMES IN THE ICU TOLERABILITY AND SAFETY OF ENTERAL NUTRITION IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS RECEIVING INTRAVENOUS VASOPRESSOR THERAPY EVALUATION OF HYPOCALORIC PARENTERAL FEEDING IN THE CRITICALLY ILL OBESE PATIENT 314 315 328 331 Authors Joseph Dasta, Sandra Chase, Alpesh Amin, Arthur Greenberg, Joseph Verbalis Brandy Merritt, Nadia Khan, Juliane Bubeck-Wardenburg, Elizabeth Littlejohn, Dianne Deplewski, Frank Chaten Nahal Beik, Allison Forni, Kevin Anger, Paul Szumita David Williamson, Sebastien Dupuis, Jacques-Alexandre Amiel, Mathieu Desgroseilliers, Marc Perreault, Zoe Thiboutot, Karim Serri, Pierre Marsolais, Anne Julie Frenette Claire Murphy, Jennifer MacDermott, Brenda Vermillion, Jamie St. Clair, Michele Weber, Kathleen Dungan, Charles Cook Mark Rigby, Traci Leong, Catherine Preissig, Paulette Johnson, Janice Sullivan, Alexandre Rotta, Christi Rider, Jennifer Morris, Mara Nitu, Kupper Wintergerst Michael Sirimaturos, Bennett Noell, Matthew Wanat, Rebeca Halfon, Archana Sadhu Mark Rigby, Traci Leong, Alexandre Rotta, Jennifer Morris, Christi Rider, Mara Nitu Stephanie Roberts, Jesse Wisniewski, May Wong, Maha Kadafour, Patricia Parker Erin Mancl, Katie Muzevich Alexander Flannery, Tanna CooperHassig, Brian McKinzie 336 DRUG-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN THE CRITICALLY ILL: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY David Williamson, Olivier Lesur, Jean-Pierre Tétrault, Danielle Pilon 337 THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN THE CRITICALLY ILL: INCIDENCE, RISK FACTORS AND IMPACT ON TRANSFUSIONS, BLEEDING, MORTALITY 339 EVALUATION OF PRACTICES FOR DIAGNOSIS OF HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT David Williamson, Martin Albert, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Francois Lauzier, Wendy Lim, Mark Crowther, Ryan Zarychanski, Deborah Cook Jennifer Sutherland, Marina Rabinovich, Zhengjia Chen, Majorie Curry, Sidney Stein Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title 345 MULTIDRUG RESISTANT ORGANISM INFECTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH LEFT VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICES 346 CLINICAL OUTCOME ASSESSMENT OF THREE ANTIMETHICILLIN RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS AGENTS EFFICACY OF SHORT DURATION THERAPY FOR GRAMNEGATIVE BACTEREMIA IN CRITICALLY ILL TRAUMA PATIENTS. 349 350 351 352 353 356 357 360 363 364 365 367 OVERCOMING UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: ADDRESSING INCREASED FLUROQUINOLONE RESISTANCE AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF AN HCAP ORDERSET A COHORT STUDY OF PATIENTS WITH KLEBSIELLA BACTEREMIA WITH CARBAPENEM RESISTANCE COMPARED TO THOSE WITH THIRD-GENERATION CEPHALOSPORIN RESISTANCE CLINICAL OUTCOMES OF PROLONGED-INFUSION PIPERACILLIN/TAZOBACTAM IN PATIENTS ADMITTED TO THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT USE OF A STANDARDIZED ORDER SET FOR ENSURING COMPLIANCE WITH INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PROPHYLAXIS COMPARISON OF TREATMENT OUTCOMES FOR VANCOMYCIN ALONE VERSUS COMBINATION THERAPY IN SEVERE CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTION EVALUATION OF EMPIRIC SINGLE COVERAGE GRAMNEGATIVE VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA PROTOCOL IN AN ACADEMIC LEVEL ONE TRAUMA/SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT EFFICACY OF MEROPENEM EXTENDED INFUSION VERSUS INTERMITTENT INFUSION IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTOR ANALYSIS OF RESISTANT ESCHERICHIA COLI URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE TREATMENT OUTCOMES IN CRITICALLY ILL TRANSPLANT PATIENTS EVALUATION OF EMPIRIC DUAL GRAM-NEGATIVE ANTIBIOTIC COVERAGE FOR SUSPECTED VENTILATOR-ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT AT A RURAL, ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER THE UTILITY OF PROCALCITONIN IN DETERMINING PRESENCE OF INFECTION WITHIN A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM Authors Elisabeth Donahey, Derek Polly, David Vega, Marshall Lyon, Javed Butler, Ann Pekarek, Kristin Wittersheim, Christopher Paciullo Lucas Schulz, Erin Hendrick, David Andes David Hill, G. Wood, Louis Magnotti, Joseph Swanson, Bradley Boucher, Thomas Schroeppel, Martin Croce, Timothy Fabian Kayvan Moussavi, William Liang, Michele Ritter, James Lane, Charles James, Greg Seymann Christina Rose, Safia Kuriakose, Prachi Bhatt, Conan MacDougall, Jason Gallagher Chase Waxler, DeeDee Hu Frantz Hastrup, Bette Bertini Stephanie Bass, Seth Bauer, Elizabeth Neuner, Simon Lam Andy Kim Erin Oh, Teena Abraham, Nasser Saad, Fabienne Vastey, Eric Balmir Abby Bailey, Kyle Weant, Stephanie Baker Whitney Chaney, Mehrnaz Pajoumand, Carla Williams, Anthony Amoroso Lisa Kurczewski, Richard McKnight, Rocco LaSalla, Harakh Dedhia Megan Van Berkel, Justin Usery, G. Morgan Jones, Christopher Finch Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 368 380 387 390 391 396 397 398 402 409 416 419 421 432 December 2012 Title Authors METHICILLIN-RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS SCREENING RESULTS AS A GUIDE FOR EMPIRIC ANTIBIOTIC SELECTION IN MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS TRANSCRANIAL REGIONAL CEREBRAL OXYGEN DESATURATION PREDICTS DELAYED CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA AND POOR OUTCOMES AFTER SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE A META-ANALYSIS AND META-REGRESSION OF RANDOMIZED, CONTROLLED ICU TRIALS WITH INTERVENTIONS HYPOTHESIZED TO REDUCE DELIRIUM: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DURATION OF DELIRIUM AND HOSPITAL MORTALITY Amy McManness, John Lock, Sarah Hittle, Jennifer McCann EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A STRESS ULCER PROPHYLAXIS GUIDELINE IN A NEUROSCIENCE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. ALTEPLASE DOSING AND CLINICAL OUTCOMES IN ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE IMPACT OF PHARMACOLOGIC OPTIONS FOR DRUGINDUCED HYPERTENSION IN ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE ON ICU AND HOPSITAL LENGTH OF STAY EVALUATION OF FUNCTIONAL AND CLINICAL OUTCOMES IN ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE PATIENTS UNDERGOING TREATMENT WITH MECHANICAL THROMBECTOMY DEVICES HYPOFIBRINOGENEMIA AND ABNORMAL INR AFTER TREATMENT WITH SYSTEMIC RECOMBINANT TISSUE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR FOR ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE GRAM STAIN CAN BE USED TO SAFELY DISCONTINUE VANCOMYCIN THERAPY FOR EARLY PNEUMONIA IN THE TRAUMA ICU Jennifer Hogg, Shaun Keegan, Kiranpal Sangha DIAGNOSIS, DISPOSITION, AND DEATHS OF PATIENTS EVALUATED FOR PULMONARY EMBOLISM IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT. AMINOCAPROIC ACID COMBINED WITH HIGH DOSE METHYLPREDNISOLONE MAY NOT IMPROVE OUTCOMES IN CRITICALLY ILL CANCER PATIENTS WITH DIFFUSE ALVEOLAR HEMORRHAGE INCIDENCE AND TIMING OF SPACE RESPIRATORY ISOLATES IN PATIENTS ADMITTED TO A TRAUMAORTHOPEDICS-VASCULAR INTENSIVE CARE UNIT EFFECT OF LOW DOSE CORTICOSTEROIDS ON RESPONSE TO INHALED EPOPROSTENOL IN PATIENTS WITH SEPTIC SHOCK AND ARDS ANALYSIS OF CAUSALITIES AND OUTCOMES IN TRAUMA PATIENTS WHO SELF-EXTUBATE Khalil Yousef, Jeffrey Balzer, Elizabeth Crago, Samuel Poloyac, Paula Sherwood Nada Al-Qadheeb, Gilles Fraser, Ethan Balk, Yoanna Skrobik, Richard Riker, John Kress, Shawn Whitehead, John Devlin Erin Roach, Gretchen Brophy, Stacy Voils Julie Cash, Jennifer Bushwitz, Aimee LeClaire, Azra Bihorac, Anna Khanna Sara Schepcoff, Karen McAllen, Jeffrey Barletta Kathryn Smith, Gilles Fraser, David Seder, Barbara McCrum, Robert Trowbridge, Timothy Hayes, Richard Riker Arthur Vaught, Russell Finday, Ruth Davis, Jennifer Lanz, Lyle Moldawer, Frederick Moore, Peggy Marker, Azra Bihorac, Aimee LeClaire, Philip Efron Genese Lamare, Chee Chan, David Milzman, Andrew Shorr Nisha Rathi, Anne Rain Tanner, Wenli Dong, Menaka Yadav, Lei Feng, Suzy Wallace, Kristen Price, Joseph Nates, Sajid Haque Russell Findlay, Philip Efron, Cassie Bozeman, Arthur Vaught, Karly O’Brien, Peggy Marker, Frederick Moore, Aimee LeClaire James McMillen, Laura Krumenacker, Barbara Faircloth, Anthony Rowe Ana Negrete, Stephanie Thompson, Audis Bethea Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 446 December 2012 Title THE USE OF MECHANICAL VENTILATION IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 448 IMPROVING COMMUNICATION CAN ENHANCE THE COORDINATION OF SEDATION HOLIDAYS AND SPONTANEOUS BREATHING TRIALS 466 ICU-ACQUIRED HYPERNATREMIA IS AN INDEPENDENT PREDICTOR OF INCREASED MORTALITY AND LENGTH OF STAY COMPARISON OF CONTINUOUS INFUSION VERSUS BOLUS SODIUM PHOSPHATE IN SUSTAINED LOWEFFICIENCY DIALYSIS EFFECT OF LOW-DOSE DOPAMINE INFUSIONS ON RENAL FUNCTION POST ORTHOTOPIC LIVER TRANSPLANTATION ABDOMINAL VISCERAL AND SUBCUTANEOUS ADIPOSITY ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN CRITICALLY ILL TRAUMA PATIENTS 468 473 475 477 482 484 488 504 507 513 518 OVERESTIMATION OF ESTIMATED GFR IN OLIGOANURIC NEW ONSET ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN THE CRITICALLY ILL: A MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF RETROSPECTIVE DATA IMPACT OF COMPUTERIZED PROVIDER ORDER ENTRY (CPOE) IMPLEMENTATION ON THE TIMING OF ANTIBIOTIC ADMINISTRATION IN INPATIENTS WITH SEVERE SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK PRESCRIBING PATTERNS OF INTRAVENOUS HYDROCORTISONE IN SEPTIC SHOCK: FINDINGS FROM AN ACADEMIC HEALTHCARE SYSTEM PREDICTORS OF HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATED INFECTIONS IN PATIENTS PRESENTING TO THE ICU WITH SEPSIS THE EFFECT OF SEPSIS ON MORTALITY AND LENGTH OF STAY IN PATIENTS WITH ANEURYSMAL SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE USE OF NON-INVASIVE TISSUE OXYGEN SATURATION MEASUREMENT AS A SCREENING TOOL FOR HYPOPERFUSION IN SUSPECTED SEVERE SEPSIS EVALUATION OF VITAMIN D INSUFFICIENCY IN PATIENTS WITH SEVERE SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK IMPACT OF CLOPIDOGREL EXPOSURE ON OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH SEPSIS Authors Brian Fuller, Nicholas Mohr, Matthew Dettmer, Kevin Cullison, Rebecca Bavolek, Sarah Kennedy, Nicholas Rathert, Christine Taylor, Jacob Gadbaw, Craig McCammon Markos Kashiouris, Andrew Goldberg, Edwin Lee, Anil Paturi, Xun Zhu, Jennifer Elmer, Timothy Aksamit Michael Waite, Steven Fuhrman, Omar Badawi, Ilene Zuckerman, Christine Franey Kyle Dvoracek, Stephen Nissen, Gregory Peitz, Jayashri Sankaranarayanan, Keith Olsen Kaitlin Starosta, Michael Peters, James Kalus, James Fleming Michael Shashaty, Kathleen Cummins, Daniel Holena, Paul Lanken, Harold Feldman, Muredach Reilly, Jayaram Udupa, Jason Christie Erin Frazee, Heather Personett, Vitaly Herasevich, Christina WoodWentz, Kianoush Kashani Angelina Chan, Gerald Toy, Pan Pan Wong, Deanna Horner, A. Kendall Gross Katlynd Contrael, Alley Killian, Sara Gregg, Timothy Buchman, Craig Coopersmith Reba Umberger, Carol Thompson, Ann Cashion, David Kuhl, Jim Wan, Charles Yates, Muthiah Muthiah, Gianfranco Meduri Kevin Hatton, Aaron Cook, Annette Rebel, Daniel Rusu, Scott Mccardle, Deborah Rohner, Justin Fraser Hanh-Nhi Duong, Lucretia Davis, Petra Grami, BeeBee Hu, Ali AlHimyary, John Sabo, Gregory Laine Megan Rech, Todd Hunsaker, Jennifer Rodriguez Paul Dobesh, Donald Klepser, Timothy McGuire, Sloane Schneider, Janelle Weber, Keith Olsen Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 519 521 522 523 524 573 581 597 December 2012 Title Authors EVALUATION OF CATECHOLAMINE DOSE AT HYDROCORTISONE INITIATION AS A PREDICTOR OF SHOCK-FREE SURVIVAL IN PATIENTS WITH SEPTIC SHOCK DIFFERENCES IN TIME TO APPROPRIATE ANTIMICROBIAL ADMINISTRATION FOR PATIENTS WITH SEPTIC SHOCK IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT (ED) VERSUS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WARDS TIME TO INITIAL ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY IN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PATIENTS WITH SEPSIS IMPROVES WHEN A CLINICAL PHARMACIST PARTICIPATES ON THE CARE TEAM DEVELOPMENT OF A COMBINATION ANTIBIOGRAM TO OPTIMIZE EMPIRICAL ANTIBIOTICS FOR PSEUDOMONAS AEURGINOSA INFECTIONS IN THE SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH PROLONGED ANTIBIOTIC USE IN THE SETTING OF SUSPECTED PNEUMONIA AND NEGATIVE BRONCHEOALVELOR LAVAGE CULTURES Seth Bauer, Gustavo Heresi, Simon Lam POST CARDIAC ARREST THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA WITHOUT NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKADE VS. CONTINUOUS OR INTERMITTENT NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKADE TARGETED TEMPERATARE MANAGEMENT IN A COMMUNITY HOSPITAL USE OF HIGH FIDELITY SIMULATION FOR INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN AN ICU ENVIRONMENT 608 SURVEY OF POSTGRADUATE CRITICAL CARE PHARMACY RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAMS 627 KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICES, AND PERCEPTIONS OF ICU NURSES REGARDING USE OF THE CAM-ICU FOR THE DETECTION OF ICU DELIRIUM UTILIZING HIGH FIDELITY HUMAN SIMULATION TO PREPARE DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL STUDENTS TO ASSESS AND TREAT PATIENTS IN THE ICU THE UTILITY OF A PHARMACY DEPARTMENT CRITICAL CARE RESOURCE ON PHARMACISTS' COMPETENCE AND CLINICAL CONFIDENCE ECONOMIC TRENDS FROM 2003 - 2009 FOR PERIOPERATIVE MYODCARDIAL INFARCTION: A RETROSPECTIVE, COHORT STUDY RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS IN PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE: A SCOPING REVIEW 630 631 646 651 Anand Kumar, Ryan Cormier Phillip Mohorn, Rebecca Hockman, Heather Cox, Tina Grof, Stephanie Mallow Corbett Nune Zadikian, Joseph Aloi, Wesley McMillian Marcus Dortch, Jonathon Pouliot, Susan Hamblin, Paul Moore, Matthew Eckert, Jeremy Thompson, Addison May John Snider, Melissa Vandenberg, Wendy Thomas, Heather Bockheim Bette Bertini, Frantz Hastrup Pamela Havrilla-Smithburger, Sandra Kane-Gill, Amy Seybert Mitchell Buckley, Robert MacLaren, Erin Frazee, Sandra Kane-Gill, Pamela Smithburger, Heather Personett Kristin Lunghi, Gloria Cheng, Nancy Hung Kenneth Havrilla, Pamela Smithburger, David Somers Darlene Chaykosky, Cara McDaniel Belinda Udeh, Jarrod Dalton, Chiedozie Udeh, Alparslan Turan, Steven Hata Mark Duffett, Karen Choong, Cynthia Cupido, Lisa Hartling, Kusum Menon, Lehana Thabane, Deborah Cook Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 652 663 680 December 2012 Title IDENTIFYING RISK FACTORS FOR ICU READMISSION ECONOMIC TRENDS FROM 2003-2009 FOR PERIOPERATIVE RESPIRATORY FAILURE: A RETROSPECTIVE, COHORT STUDY CHARACTERISTICS OF INTRA-ABDOMINAL INFECTIONS (IAI) WITH AN ASSOCIATED BACTEREMIA IN PATIENTS WITH SEVERE SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK 693 INCIDENCE OF CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTION IN THE INTENSIVE CARE SETTING: RESULTS OF A MULTICENTER STUDY 694 PREDICTING MORTALITY IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF MACHINE LEARNING TO ROUTINELY COLLECTED CLINICAL DATA 695 PREDICTORS OF MORTALITY IN CULTURE-POSITIVE SEPTIC SHOCK PATIENTS RECEIVING APPROPRIATE ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY THE AGING FACE OF THE TRAUMA INTENSIVE CARE UNIT: THE IMPACT OF OCTOGENARIANS AND ABOVE 701 702 Authors Philip Willsie, Krystal Hunter, Christa Schorr, Barry Milcarek, JeanSebastien Rachoin, Elizabeth Cerceo Jarrod Dalton, Belinda Udeh, Chiedozie Udeh, Steven Hata Bethany Tellor, Eric High, Lee Skrupky, Scott Micek, John Mazuski Scott Micek, Garrett Schramm, Lee Morrow, Erin Frazee, Heather Personett, Nicholas Hampton, Alex Hoban, Eric Dubberke, Marin Kollef Sean McMillan, Marika Gassner, Harriette Mathilda Horst, Zachary Bauman, Dionne Blyden, Zeeshan Syed, Ilan Rubinfeld Heather Personett, David Leedahl, Ross Dierkhising, Garrett Schramm Lindsay Fairfax, A. Christmas, H. Norton, Toan Huynh, Ronald Sing COMPARING WORKFLOW BETWEEN RESIDENT AND A RESIDENT INDEPENDENT ACUTE CARE NURSE PRACTITIONER (ACNP) SERVICE IN A MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (MICU) EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF OBESITY ON CLINICAL OUTCOMES IN AN ADULT TRAUMA POPULATION IMPROVING COMPLIANCE WITH POST-SPLENECTOMY VACCINE ADMINISTRATION IN TRAUMA PATIENTS Kristina J. Williams, Janna Landsperger, Todd Rice, Arthur P. Wheeler 732 AZITHROMYCIN AND PNEUMONIA: OUTCOMES IN THE ERA OF HEALTHCARE-ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA 747 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE PATTERNS IN A SUBSET OF ACUTE CARE HOSPITALS IN PUERTO RICO Andrew Shorr, Marya Zilberberg, Justin Hoffman, Jason Kan, Marin Kollef, Scott Micek Oscar Guzman, Meredith Velez, Kristi Kuper 753 CHARACTERIZING THE IMPACT OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN THE MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT Mark Pangrazzi, Ishaq Lat, John Kress 760 IMPACT OF PRIOR BENZODIAZEPINE USE ON HOSPITAL OUTCOMES FOR ACUTE TRAUMA PATIENTS ADMITTED TO A LEVEL I TRAUMA CENTER EVALUATION OF MICROORGANISMS PRESENT IN EARLY- VERSUS LATE-ONSET BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA REQUIRING MECHANICAL VENTILATION Katherine Bidwell, David Volles, Stephanie Mallow Corbett, Corina Spanu, Kunal Patel, James Calland Lauren Kimmons, April Hurdle, Christopher Finch 707 716 761 John Allen, Robert Parker, Richard Gonzalez, Sidney Brevard, Amin Frotan, Jon Simmons Nora Raynor, Gail Gesin, David Jacobs, Toan Huynh Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title 767 THE CO-OPERATIVE NETWORK OF CRITICAL CARE KNOWLEDGE TRANSLATION FOR THROMBOPROPHYLAXIS (CONECCKT-T): A MULTICENTER AUDIT 769 AN EVALUATION OF THE SAFETY OF ΒETA-BLOCKERS IN PATIENTS WITH SUB-ACUTE COCAINE TOXICITY AND SELECT CO-MORBIDITIES PARETO ANALYSIS IDENTIFIES BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTING SYNCHRONOUS SPONTANEOUS BREATHING AND AWAKENING TRIALS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN CRITICAL ILLNESS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON OUTCOME: EXPERIENCE FROM TERTIARY CARE CENTRE IN NORTH INDIA EPIDEMIOLOGY OF HEPARIN INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT 770 774 775 778 789 790 797 TRANSPORT TIME OUT: IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTRA-FACILITY SAFETY VERIFICATION PROCESS ACROSS AN ADULT CRITICAL CARE DIVISION IMPROVING EMGERGENCY DEPARTMENT TO INTENSIVE CARE UNIT TRANSFER TIME DOES NOT EFFECT MORBIDITY OR MORTALITY TWO YEAR OUTCOMES OF A MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (MICU) ACUTE CARE NURSE PRACTITIONER (ACNP) SERVICE COMPARISON OF MEDICAL RAPID RESPONSE TEAM (RRT) CALLS BEFORE AND AFTER ADDING ACUTE CARE NURSE PRACTITIONER (ACNP) LEADERSHIP. Authors Francois Lauzier, David Williamson, Donald Griesdale, Peter Dodek, Eric Deland, Michael Cox, Michael Jacka, Rodrigo Cartin-Ceba, Richard Hall, Deborah Cook Sloka Manvi, Marci Delossantos, Patrick Aaronson, Justin Tinsley Andrew Goldberg, Markos Kashiouris, Edwin Lee, Xun Zhu, Anil Paturi, Jennifer Elmer, Timothy Aksamit Afzal Azim, Armeen Ahmed, Arvind Baronia, Subhash Yadav Chee Chan, Christian Woods, Theodore Warkentin, Jo-Ann Sheppard, Andrew Shorr Lindsay Fairfax, Toan Huynh, Courtney Kaylor Jason Frost, Muhammad Syed, Jeffrey Mazer, Steven Reinert, Gerardo Carino Janna Landsperger, Kristina Williams, Todd Rice, Arthur Wheeler Susan M. Hellervik, Janna S. Landsperger, Cherry B. Chassan, Todd W. Rice, Arthur P. Wheeler 799 ASSESSMENT OF BOXED WARNING COMPLIANCE WITHIN INTENSIVE CARE UNITS Brian Lohr, Sandra Kane-Gill, Pamela Smithburger, Amy Seybert 803 NURSING CARE OF THE OBESE CRITICALLY ILL PATIENT: EXAMINATION OF THE PROCESSES OF CARE Brenda Vermillion, Gerene Bauldoff, Linda Daley, Edna Menke 830 DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ANTIDELIRIUM PROTOCOL IN THE MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT COMPARISON OF CHARACTERISTICS, INTERVENTIONS AND OUTCOMES OF PATIENTS WITH SINGLE VERSUS MULTIPLE RAPID RESPONSE TEAM (RRT) CALLS DURING A HOSPITAL ADMISSION. EVALUATION OF THE TREATMENT OF DIFFUSE ALVEOLAR HEMORRHAGE IN CRITICALLY ILL CANCER PATIENTS Julie Wilbeck, Edward Eiland, Adam Sawyer, Jonathan Edwards 838 839 844 EVALUATION OF INJECTABLE HALOPERIDOL LACTATE USE AT AN ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER BEFORE AND AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF INSTITUTIONAL GUIDELINES Susan M. Hellervik, Janna S. Landsperger, Cherry B. Chassan, Todd W. Rice, Arthur P. Wheeler Anne Rain Tanner, Sharla Tajchman, Rina Patel, Lei Feng, Wenli Dong, Suzy Wallace, Menaka Yadav, Nisha Rathi Yelena Atlasevich, Sally Rafie, Margie Leung, James Lane, Jennifer Quartarolo Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title 855 PEDIATRIC BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT AND INTENSIVE CARE: HAVE THINGS CHANGED? 859 INTENSIVE CARE UNITS WITH HIGH VERSUS LOW ANNUAL VOLUME OF ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: QUALITY OF CARE AND CLINICAL OUTCOMES AMONG PATIENTS MANAGED BY THE EICU 867 SAFETY OF INPATIENT WARFARIN DOSING IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE FONTAN PROCEDURE 869 UNMET PARENTAL NEEDS AROUND THE TIME OF A CHILD'S DEATH IN THE PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (PICU) CONTRIBUTE TO COMPLICATED GRIEF 876 SHARED DECISION MAKING AND FAMILY CONFERENCES IN THE PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (PICU) THE USE OF FAMILY CONFERENCES IN THE PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (PICU) 882 887 906 PALLIATIVE USE OF LOW-DOSE NITROGLYCERIN INFUSION FOR SHOCK-INDUCED MOTTLING AND CYANOSIS TO MITIGATE FAMILY DISTRESS DURING END OF LIFE CARE. COMPARISON OF INTRAVENOUS COLISTIN WITH AND WITHOUT AEROSOLIZED COLISTIN FOR MULTI-DRUG RESISTANT GRAM-NEGATIVE PNEUMONIA IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS 907 ANTI-XA MONITORING FOR HEPARIN DOSING IN PATIENTS WITH LIVER CIRRHOSIS 909 COMPARISON OF CLINICAL OUTCOMES WITH AZITHROMYCIN AND FLUOROQUINOLONES IN THE TREATMENT OF LEGIONELLA PNEUMONIA AMIODARONE AND THE INCIDENCE OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME AFTER TRANSTHORACIC ESOPHAGECTOMY SINGLE AGENT THERAPY VERSES COMBINATION THERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS (STOP-CDIFF): A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY EVALUATION OF AMIKACIN PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS IN BURN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS EVALUATION OF THE INCIDENCE OF NEPHROTOXICITY IN SURGICAL ICU PATIENTS TREATED WITH VANCOMYCIN FOR >72 HOURS 911 916 918 920 Authors Corrine Balit, Rachael Horan, Helena Frndova, John Doyle, Peter Cox Ammar Nasir, Omar Badawi, Paul Chan, Ilene Zuckerman, Van Hsu, Gary Ripple, Gregory Howell, Vincent Lem, John Spertus, Joshua Stolker Christopher Thomas, Kathryn Taylor, Marcus Schamberger, Alexandre Rotta Kathleen Meert, Wynne Morrison, Kelly Michelson, Richard Hackbarth, Joseph Custer, Thomas Templin Kelly Michelson, Marla Clayman, Natalie Haber-Barker, Claire Ryan, Linda Emanuel, Joel Frader Kelly Michelson, Marla Clayman, Natalie Haber-Barker, Claire Ryan, Linda Emanuel, Frader Joel Maribeth Guletz, Ravi Tripathi, Ellen Gafford, Erik Abel, Michael Firstenberg, Thomas Papadimos Neha Doshi, Kari Mount, Charles Cook, Stanislaw Stawicki, Erin Frazee, Heather Personett, Garrett Schramm, Heather Arnold, Claire Murphy Amaris Fuentes, Jeffrey Hall, Ellen Strapp, David Putney, Sherilyn Gordon-Burroughs, Howard Monsour Rachel Rarus, Alex Crowley, Jerod Nagel, Cesar Alaniz Michael Erdman, Christopher Anderson, Colin Terry Jessica Winter, Eric Mueller Candice Preslaski, Tyree Kiser, Douglas Fish, Robert MacLaren, Gordon Lindberg Mindy Joseph, Natasa Stevkovic, Angela Plewa, John H. Stroger, Jr Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title 921 AN EVALUATION OF VORICONAZOLE AND POSACONAZOLE THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING 922 COMPARISON OF TRANSFUSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH PROTHROMBIN COMPLEX CONCENTRATE VERSUS RECOMBINANT FACTOR VIIA IN TRAUMA IMPACT OF MORE THAN THREE VASOPRESSORS IN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS WITH SEPTIC SHOCK: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY COMPUTERIZED PHYSICIAN ORDER ENTRY (CPOE) INCREASES WEIGHT-BASED DOSING COMPLIANCE WITH VANCOMYCIN PRESCRIBING IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT IMPACT OF BODY WEIGHT ON POTASSIUM REPLACEMENT IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS 927 928 930 931 932 934 935 936 937 939 940 941 COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF PHENYTOIN VERSUS LEVETIRACETAM FOR POST-TRAUMATIC SEIZURE PROPHLYAXIS MANAGEMENT OF SHIVERING WITH NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKING AGENTS DURING THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA CONTINUOUS INFUSIONS OF HIGH DOSE BUMETANIDE TO INDUCE DIURESIS IN VOLUME OVERLOADED CRITICALLY ILL CARDIAC AND CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY PATIENTS A PHARMACOKINETIC EVALUATION OF VANCOMYCIN AND CEFEPIME IN CRITICALLY ILL NEUROSURGICAL PATIENTS TRANSITION FROM INTRAVENOUS TO SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN IS ASSOCIATED WITH WORSENING OF GLYCEMIC CONTROL IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS – A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY DEXMEDETOMIDINE USE IN SEVERE ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL: A SINGLE-CENTER RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF AN ANTIBIOTIC ROTATION PROTOCOL ON SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERNS OF GRAM-NEGATIVE BACTERIA IN A SURGICALTRAUMA INTENSIVE CARE UNIT: A 48-MONTH EXPERIENCE RISK OF HEMORRHAGE ASSOCIATED WITH EXTENDED-INFUSION EPTIFIBATIDE IN CARDIAC PATIENTS COMPARISON OF CALCULATED VERSUS URINE MEASURED CREATININE CLEARANCE IN THE CRITICALLY ILL Authors Kelly Schoeppler, Tyree Kiser, Scott Mueller, Robert MacLaren, Deb Sherman, Douglas Fish Allison Palmer, Joanna Stollings, Martin Zielinski, Daryl Kor, Lance Oyen Eileen Tang, Nasser Saad, Teena Abraham, Liziamma George, Fabienne Vastey Jamie Rosini, Kathryn Calmus Frankel, Brian Levine, Neil Jasani Mary Koors, Victor Truong, Melissa Pleva, Mike Dorsch, Cesar Alaniz, Robert Hyzy Mallory Cruz, Staci Anderson, Melissa Reger Marlena Fox, Sarah Miller, Geisinger Wyoming , Valerie Danesh, Xi LiuDeRyke Brandi Thoma, Kristina Kipp, Nicholas Cavarocchi Lynn Anliker, Tyree Kiser, Scott Mueller, Deb Sherman, Robert MacLaren, Robert Neumann, Douglas Fish Rebecca Adair, Benjamin Dreesman, Arun Subramanian Katherine Jennings, Michael Johnson, Sean Kane, Rosalind Franklin John Allen, Jeremy Smith, Jon Simmons, Sidney Brevard, Amin Frotan, Richard Gonzalez Bryan Lizza, Scott Benken Amaris Fuentes, Joselin Joseph, Husaina Hassanali, Joshua Swan Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title 942 AN EVALUATION OF VANCOMYCIN IN CRITICALLY ILL OBESE PATIENTS REQUIRING CONTINUOUS RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY 943 PERCEIVED SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKERS FOR ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME AMONG MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PROVIDERS PROLONGED EXCESSIVE ANTICOAGULATION WITH ARGATROBAN USE IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS. 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 954 957 EFFECT OF A HYPOGLYCEMIA TREATMENT PROTOCOL ON GLYCEMIC VARIABILITY IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS IMPACT OF FIORICET® ADMINISTRATION ON THE INCIDENCE OF VASOSPASM IN SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE Blood stream infections in patients with an inferior vena cava filter: Implications for antimicrobial prescribing PILOT STUDY OF THE CONTINUOUS INFUSION OF KETAMINE ON THE CYTOKINE LEVELS IN PATIENT WITH SIRS/SEPSIS ANTIPSYCHOTIC UTILIZATION IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM PROPHYLAXIS FOLLOWING CRANIOTOMY IN ACUTE TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY FIRST-DOSE PHARMACOKINETICS OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES IN CRITICALLY ILL HEMATOLOGIC MALIGNANCY PATIENTS EVALUATION OF A DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS TREATMENT PROTOCOL USING SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN ASPART CONTINUOUS LOW-DOSE ALTEPLASE INFUSION FOR CLEARANCE OF PARTIALLY OCCLUDED CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERS IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS EARLY VERSUS LATE VASOPRESSIN IN ADULT CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS WITH SEPTIC SHOCK Authors Mitchell Buckley, Keith Olsen, Erin Frazee, Paul Juang, Russel Roberts, Amy Dzierba, Seth Bauer, Gregory Peitz Erin Frazee, Heather Personett, Sean Caples, Craig Daniels Stephanie Bennett, Michael Johnson Patrick Arnold, Renee Alexander, Kelly McNorton, Stephanie Edwin, Michelle Dehoorne-Smith Rachel Swope, Kelly Glover, Jane Gokun, Aaron Cook Jeffrey Endicott, Cassie Barton, John Ratliff, William Charash, Wesley McMillian Krzysztof Laudanski, Andrew Chalupka, Victoria Nielson, Victor Novack, Daniel Talmor John Marshall, Jennifer Stevens, Julia Kats, Michael Howell Mitchell Daley, Sadia Ali, Carlos Brown Laura Blackburn, Frank Tverdek, Mike Hernandez, Jeffrey Bruno Colleen Teevan, Tudy Hodgman Carolyn Ragsdale, A. Jill Thompson, Melissa Evans David Reardon, Jeremy DeGrado, Kevin Anger, Paul Szumita 958 EVALUATION OF ARGATROBAN DOSE REQUIREMENTS IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS Zahra Hashemipour, Michelle Dehoorne-Smith, Stephanie Edwin 960 CONSERVATIVE VERSUS TRADITIONAL DELIRIUM MANAGEMENT IN SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (SICU) PATIENTS IMPACT OF BODY WEIGHT ON ALBUMIN REPLACEMENT IN PATIENTS WITH SPONTANEOUS BACTERIAL PERITONITIS IMPLEMENTATION OF A BOWEL REGIMEN PROTOCOL IN CRITICALLY-ILL CHILDREN: A PILOT STUDY Megan Cadiz, Lisa Forsyth, Allycia Natavio 964 967 Michelle Harrison, Jenny Leung, Karen Shen, Randolph Regal, Cesar Alaniz Peter Johnson, Megan Andrews, Jamie Miller, Christine Allen, Tracy Hagemann, Donald Harrison Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title Authors 969 PROPOFOL VERSUS BENZODIAZEPINE INFUSION FOR ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL REQUIRING MECHANICAL VENTILATION: A RETROSPECTIVE CHART REVIEW Rose Sohraby, Rebecca Attridge, Darrel Hughes 970 EVALUATION OF BIVALIRUDIN DOSING FOR THERAPEUTIC ANTICOAGULATION Alexis Crawford, Hunter Holmes McGuire 972 IMPLEMENTATION OF GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE (ENDOTOOL®) INTRA-OPERATIVELY IN CARDIAC SURGERY PATIENTS TO IMPROVE POSTOPERATIVE BLOOD GLUCOSE CONTROL AND COMPLIANCE WITH SCIP INF-4 EFFECT OF STATIN MEDICATIONS ON THE INCIDENCE OF POSTOPERATIVE ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AFTER CARDIAC VALVE SURGERY EVALUATION OF RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIOCYANATE TOXICITY IN PATIENTS WITH DECOMPENSATED HEART FAILURE RECEIVING SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE INFUSION INTRAVENOUS ENOXAPARIN USE FOR PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS Michael Denaburg, Earnest Alexander, Maresa Glass DURATION OF DELIRIUM IN CRITICALLY ILL MEDICAL PATIENTS WHO RECEIVE HALOPERIDOL OR ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS: A PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGIC EVALUATION EVALUATION OF EFFECT OF ELECTRONIC DECISION TREE ELECTROLYTE REPLACEMENT PROTOCOL ON NUMBER OF ELECTROLYTE LABS ORDERED FOR PATIENTS IN CRITICAL CARE IMPACT OF ETHNICITY ON VASOPRESSOR REQUIREMENTS FOR SEPTIC SHOCK PATIENTS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Rachel Kruer, Annette Rowden, Haley Goodwin, Dale Needham 977 980 981 982 983 987 989 995 1001 1002 POTENTIALLY INAPPROPRIATE MEDICATION USE IN CRITICALLY ILL ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH NEUROLOGICAL INJURY IMPACT OF PHARMACY CONSULT AND APPROPRIATE ANTIBIOTICS ON ICU SURVIVAL IN PATIENTS WITH SEVERE SEPSIS OR SEPTIC SHOCK NURSING CLINICAL DISCRETION AND DECISIONS IN THE PROVISION OF PHARMACOTHERAPY IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (ICU) PHARMACOBEZOAR IN A LIFE-THREATENING INGESTION: A ROLE FOR ESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY (EGD) Scott Bolesta, Fanhui Kong Mathew Jones, Jessica Crow, Haley Goodwin, John Lewin, John Lindsley Jeffrey Cies, Laura Santos, Arun Chopra Jeffery Spray, Marcia Brackbill, Patricia Baker Keith Killu, Megan Rech, Jenna Bernabei, Alina Tovbin, Victor Coba, Patti Kunkel, Zachary Bauman, Mark Mlynarek Catherine Floroff, Patricia Slattum, Spencer Harpe, Perry Taylor, Gretchen Brophy Farid Sadaka, Matthew Korobey, Alex Bryant, Jacklyn O’Brien, Martin Musumbi, Vinaya Sermadevi, Firas Abubaker, Bhavana Choudhary, John Logan, Danielle Doerr Erin Nagle, Manasa Murthy, Miguel Medina, Kevin Floyd, Dawn Love, Jeremiah Duby Frederick Tecklenburg, A. Thompson, Sally Webb Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number December 2012 Title Authors 1005 LURASIDONE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (ICU)-ASSOCIATED DELIRIUM Rebecca Anderson, Marlena Fox, Garrett Curtis, Mark Vollenweider 1013 TRANSFUSIONS IN SEPTIC PATIENTS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ARDS AND INCREASED MECHANICAL VENTILATION DAYS SEPSIS RESUSCITATION BUNDLE COMPLIANCE AND OUTCOMES IN SEPTIC SHOCK PATIENTS. Paul Dobesh, Donald Klepser, Timothy McGuire, Janelle Weber, Sloane Schneider, Keith Olsen Farid Sadaka, David Tannehill, Steven Trottier, Robert Taylor, Jacklyn O’Brien, Matthew Korobey, Alex Bryant, Vinaya Sermadevi Mallory Fiorenza, Erin Frazee, Heather Personett, Garrett Schramm Farid Sadaka, David Tannehill, Steven Trottier, Robert Taylor, Jacklyn O’Brien, Matthew Korobey, Alex Bryant, Vinaya Sermadevi Heidi Brink, Gregory Peitz, Donald Klepser, Keith Olsen 1018 1019 1025 1027 1030 1031 1035 1044 1049 1064 ASSESSMENT OF A MODIFIED SCORING SYSTEM FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS DO SURVIVING SEPSIS CAMPAIGN BUNDLES BENEFIT ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH SEVERE SEPSIS OR SEPTIC SHOCK? COMPARISON OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE AS ADJUNCT THERAPY TO BENZODIAZEPINES VS. STANDARD BENZODIAZEPINE THERAPY IN TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME SAFETY OF MONITORING UNFRACTIONATED HEPARIN INFUSIONS IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS: ANTI-FACTOR XA VERSUS ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME (APTT) QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND COST SAVING ASSOCIATED WITH IMPLEMENTING A SEIZURE PROPHYLAXIS PROTOCOL IN CRITICALLY ILL NEUROSURGICAL PATIENTS SAFETY OF A LOADING DOSE OF PRASUGREL FOR ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED CLOPIDOGREL HYPERCALCEMIA IN THE CRITICALLY ILL: PAMIDRONATE VS NO PAMIDRONATE A RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATION ON THE USAGE OF IODINATED CONTRAST MEDIA IN AN URBAN HOSPITAL SETTING MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF ALTERED INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE AFTER TRAUMATIC SPINAL CORD INJURY IN BLUNT TRAUMA 1074 HEPARIN USAGE IN POST CARDIAC ARREST PATIENTS UNDERGOING THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA 1080 MANAGEMENT OF UPPER AERO DIGESTIVE TRACT BLEEDING IN ECMO PATIENTS Abigail Burka, Michael Cunningham, Neil Ernst, Chris Droege, Kristen Hillebrand, Lindsey Clark, Betty Tsuei, Eric Mueller Julie Chen, Richard Savel, Danny Lizano James Hollands, Richard Bach Lauren Riley, Janie Faris, Linda Park, Heather Dolman, Lisa Hall Zimmerman Joseph Samide, Nasser Saad, Teena Abraham, Eric Balmir Akram Zaaqoq, Rami Namas, Khalid Almahmoud, Shilpa Krishnan, Nabil Azhar, Cordelia Ziraldo, Qi Mi, Ruben Zamora, David Brienza, Yoram Vodovotz Jennifer Corrigan, Cassandra Bellamy, Amanda Ball, Mark Mikkelsen, Jeanmarie Salonia, Marion Leary, Barry Fuchs Meredith Harrison, Adam Baker, Sudeep Roy, Hitoshi Hirose, Nicholas Cavarocchi Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 1084 1093 December 2012 Title COMPARISON OF SELF-DESCRIBED AND ACTUAL PRESCRIBING PATTERNS OF HYDROCORTISONE IN SEPTIC SHOCK IN AN ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER THE EFFECT OF A SEDATION PROTOCOL INCORPORATING EARLY MOBILIZATION ON PRACTICE PATTERNS OF SEDATIVES AND ANALGESICS IN MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS 1094 PATIENT REPORTED OUTCOMES (PROS) FOR QUALITY OF SEDATION AND THE CORRELATION WITH THE SEDATION AGITATION SCALE (SAS) 1095 COMPARISON OF SEDATION PRACTICES IN MECHANICALLY VENTILATED PATIENTS BETWEEN DAY AND NIGHT-TIME SHIFTS IN A MEDICAL/SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT EVALUATION OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE USAGE AND ADVERSE EVENTS PRE- AND POST- RESTRICTION IMPLEMENTATION AN INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT TO INCREASE USE AND COORDINATION OF THE SPONTANEOUS AWAKENING AND BREATHING TRIALS EVALUATION OF QUETIAPINE FOR TREATMENT OF AGITATION IN THE SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT 1097 1100 1101 1104 Authors Alley Killian, Katlynd Contrael, Sara Gregg, Timothy Buchman, Craig Coopersmith Amy Dzierba, Joseph Dasta, Natalie Yip, Subani Chandra, Katherine Pavlovich, Patricia Rychcik, Ernesto Perez-Mir, Suzanne Boyle, Justin Muir, Daniel Brodie Neal Benedict, Matthew Felbinger, Ty Ridenour, Ananth Anthes, Shoroq Altawalbeh, Sandra KaneGill Lauren Igneri, Craig Whitman, Quinn Czosnowski, Mithil Gajera, Barry Milcarek, Krystal Hunter, Christa Schorr, Antoinette Spevetz Keena Segre, Neha Doshi Joanna Stollings, Patrick Davenport, Julie Foss, Anna Ambrose, Todd Rice, E. Wesley Ely, Arthur Wheeler Tara Holt, Prasad Abraham, Sebastian Perez SLEEP, COGNITIVE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MORBIDITY FOLLOWING SEDATION PROTOCOL AND DAILY SEDATIVE INTERRUPTION VS SEDATION PROTOCOL ALONE IN CRITICALLY ILL, MECHANICALLY VENTILATED ADULTS (SLEAP-SCP) IMPACT OF SEDATION AND ANALGESIA GUIDELINES FOR CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS ON THE DURATION OF MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND INTENSIVE CARE UNIT STAY CONTINUOUS INFUSION KETAMINE FOR ADJUNCTIVE SEDATION IN MEDICAL ICU PATIENTS Louise Rose, Robert Maunder, Jon Hunter, Alex Day, Marilyn Steinberg, Margaret Herridge, John Devlin, Peter Dodek, Lisa Burry, Sangeeta Mehta Vanessa Gleason, Akta Patel, Leslie Schechter, Michael Weinstein 1108 A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF ANTI-DELIRIUM MEDICATION USE IN A MEDICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT Basi Sanuth, Karen Trenkler, Rose Jung 1110 TRANSITIONING PATIENTS TREATED WITH DEXMEDETOMIDINE TO ENTERAL CLONIDINE: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY DEXMEDETOMIDINE VS. MIDAZOLAM FOR FACILITATING EXTUBATION IN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ICU PATIENTS: A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLEBLIND STUDY EVALUATION OF A BENZODIAZEPINE BASAL-BOLUS MODEL VERSUS CONTINUOUS INFUSION FOR SEDATION IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS Elizabeth Glisic, Richard Riker, Andrew Kelner, Hilary Perrey, Gilles Fraser Candice Preslaski, Scott Mueller, Tyree Kiser, Douglas Fish, Robert MacLaren 1106 1107 1111 1112 Heather Arnold, Bethany Tellor, Nicholas Hampton, Scott Micek Christy Forehand, Trisha Branan Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 1116 1117 1118 December 2012 Title CORRELATION OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE DOSE AND DURATION WITH PHYSIOLOGIC WITHDRAWAL AND NEED FOR ADJUNCTIVE CLONIDINE THERAPY IN CRITICALLY ILL CHILDREN IDENTIFICATION OF PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS TO PREDICT EFFECTIVE SEDATION WITH DEXMEDETOMIDINE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN INTEGRATED MULTIDISCIPLINARY TELE-ICU AND BEDSIDE DELIRIUM ASSESSMENT PROGRAM 1120 DEXMEDETOMIDINE VERSUS PROPOFOL AND MIDAZOLAM IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFTING SURGERY 1122 EVALUATION OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE (DEX) FOR PATIENTS WITH RESPIRATORY DISTRESS ON NONINVASIVE MECHANICAL VENTILATION (NIMV) TO PREVENT INVASIVE MECHANICAL VENTILATION (IMV): A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY 1123 CLONIDINE THERAPY IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS TO PREVENT WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS: A DOSE-FINDING STUDY EVALUATING PAIN, SEDATION AND DELIRIUM IN THE NEUROLOGICALLY CRITICALLY ILL: FEASIBILITY AND RELIABILITY OF STANDARDIZED TOOLS: A MULTIINSTITUTIONAL STUDY OUTCOMES OF QUETIAPINE USE IN VENTILATED INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS 1124 1127 1130 1133 1135 1137 1139 1156 1180 ADVERSE EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH IV SEDATIVE USE AND RELATED MORTALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OVER AN EIGHT YEAR PERIOD EFFECT OF SEDATION MEDICATION AND DAILY AWAKENING ON DELIRIUM IN THE MECHANICALLY VENTILATED CRITICALLY ILL PATIENT: A DESCRIPTIVE PILOT STUDY EVALUATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF A DAILY AWAKENING AND SPONTANEOUS BREATHING TRIAL PROTOCOL IN CLINICAL PRACTICE DELIRIUM OR DISEASE? TREATMENT OF DEXMEDETOMIDINE AND HALOPERIDOL CARDIAC TOXICITY WITH LIPID INFUSION THERAPY ALTERNATIVE MONITORING OF ARGATROBAN USING PLASMA-DILUTED THROMBIN TIMES A NOVEL USE OF METHYLENE BLUE IN THE PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT Authors Rajeev Wadia, David Procaccini, Sapna Kudchadkar Pamela Havrilla-Smithburger, Randall Smith, Philip Empey Michael DePietro, Erkan Hassan, Visicu, Omar Badawi, Megan Farraj, Robin French, Maureen Seckel, Anita Witzke, Marc Zubrow Brandi Thoma, Laura Pizzi, Cara McDaniel, Julius Li, Elizabeth Mearns, Cindy Wordell, Nicholas Cavarocchi Michaelia Dunn, Kiran Devulapally, James Jenkins Whitney Moore, Vickie Malloy, Pradip Kamat, Courtney McCracken Toan Huynh, Amy Yu, McGill, Gail Gesin, Jeanne Teitelbaum, Yoanna Skrobik Jeffrey Fish, Laura Hubbard, Tyler Van Schyndel, John Kloke, Michael Schurr Nada Al-Qadheeb, Nicholas O’Donnell, Keith Hoffman, M Dimbil, John Devlin Trevor Perry, Julie Moon, Harminder Sikand Phil Grgurich, Anthony Gray, Emma Palmer Vineesha Arelli, Ajit Moghekar Marcia Brackbill, Jeffery Spray Matthew Wanat, Sara Hart, David Putney, Michael Liebl, Wayne Chandler Chrystal Rutledge, Brian Brown, Kimberley Benner, Priya Prabhakaran, Leslie Hayes Volume 12 Issue 4 Abstract Number 1191 December 2012 Title Authors LEVOSIMENDAN AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE LEVELS IN A PEDIATRIC HEART FAILURE PATIENT NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME ASSOCIATED WITH HALOPERIDOL IN CRITICAL CARE SETTING Wayne Moore, Michael McCulloch, Jeffrey Cies, Deborah Davis 1212 A RARE CASE OF LEMIERRE’S SYNDROME DUE TO FUSOBACTERIUM NUCLEATUM BACTEREMIA 1215 INTRAVENOUS LIPID EMULSION FOR AMLODIPINE OVERDOSE SUSPECTED AND CONFIRMED CASE OF LINEZOLID TOXICITY WITH SEVERE LACTIC ACIDOSIS 1193 Deepali Dixit, Pranabh Shrestha, Marc Adelman 1231 TREATMENT OF DABIGATRAN-ASSOCIATED BLEEDING: CASE REPORT AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Praveen Jinnur, Viswanath Vasudevan, Rana Ali, Farhad Arjomand, Tarkeshwar Tiwary, Qammar Abbas Jeffrey Gonzales, Calvin Meaney, Houtan Sareh Kristen Manzek, Annemarie Brown, Kevin Silinskie, Sarah Hossenlopp, Hajara Yusuf Lisa Harinstein, Joseph Morgan, Nicholas Russo 1237 BUPRENORPHINE INGESTION REFRACTORY TO STANDARD DOSES OF NALOXONE Elizabeth Mack, Greg Swartzentruber, William Richardson 1238 HETEROPHILE ANTIBODY INTERFERENCE IN A GENTAMICIN ASSAY ACUTE IODINE TOXICITY FROM A SUSPECTED ORAL METHAMPHETAMINE INGESTION Lindsay McCann, Cara McDaniel CASE SERIES OF FIXED LOW-DOSE RECOMBINANT FACTOR VII FOR WARFARIN REVERSAL IN NEUROSURGICAL PATIENTS ECG “NORMALIZATION” FOLLOWING INITIATION OF THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA AFTER OUT-OFHOSPITAL CARDIAC ARREST DUE TO BRUGADA SYNDROME ACUTE PSYCHOSIS AND STATUS EPILEPTICUS AS THE INITIAL PRESENTATION OF A 19YO WITH MEDISTINAL TERATOMA TREATMENT OF COMPLICATED PARAPNEUMONIC EFFUSIONS WITH ALTEPLASE + DORNASE ALFA: A CASE SERIES WITH PHARMACOECONOMIC COMMENT Gregory Blank, Serena Harris, Melissa Vandenberg, Karen McAllen NEBULIZED EPOPROSTENOL (VELETRI) VIA MODIFIED FACEMASK AS BRIDGE THERAPY FOR SEVERE PULMONARY HYPERTENSION Walter James, Catherine Grossman, Thomas Iden, Lisa Harrison, Katie Muzevich 1220 1253 1257 1264 1266 1268 1279 Marilyn Bulloch, Vijaya Sundar Vince Faridani, Bonny Moore, Michael Bentley Briana Witherspoon, Justin Calabrace Cara McDaniel, Vanjul Agarwal, Scott Cowan, Boyd Hehn