Summer Science
Maths – It’s Not That Scary - 9th July, Monday, 11.00 – 12.30
The session will provide a recap on simple Maths that you may have forgotten. You will be able to
talk about Maths and any difficulties you have with the subject in a relaxed environment, and
interact with Maths through games.
Physics with Paul - 16th July, Monday, 11.00 – 12.30
What is Physics? How is it used? In this class, you will be able to carry out simple and fun physics
experiments, and see in what ways Physics is used in everything that we do.
DCU Campus Trip: BDI Lab - 17th July, Tuesday, 14.00 – 15.00
You will be given a tour of the Biomedical Diagnostic Labs on DCU campus, where you will be shown
what research is carried out in the centre, and be able to participate in some activities in the lab.
Meeting place: DCU in the Community, Shangan Road 13.30 sharp.
Maths in the Community - 30th July, Monday, 11.00 – 12.30
Terry Maguire will give a talk on how Maths is all around us in the community, and in what ways you
can develop your “Maths Eyes”.
Health and Sports
Understanding Mental Health - 10th July, Tuesday, 11.00 – 12.30
This seminar will provide you with information about what mental health and mental illness are.
Mary Farrelly will also give a talk about the symptoms, treatments and how to maintain good mental
Sports and Nutrition - 13th July, Friday, 11.00 – 12.30
We are what we eat! This session will focus on nutrition dos and don’ts and how food affects our
physical wellbeing. The workshop will be particularly useful to those who like exercising, as it will
discuss how to eat for better performance.
Stress Management and Mindfulness - 17th July, Tuesday, 11.00 – 12.30
Mindfulness is an effective way of addressing a number of concerns: concentration, motivation,
memory, stress, anxiety, depression, challenging situations etc. The session will introduce you to the
basics of Mindfulness Approach.
Sports and Community Development - 24th July, Tuesday, 11.00 – 12.30
This talk will focus on the role sports play in community development, the betterment of body, mind
and spirit and building leadership skills. Join us also if you are interested in encouraging your
children to get into sports!
Digital Media
Photo Editing – 11th July, Wednesday, 11.00 – 12.30
An interactive talk about a range of photo editing software packages. You will be able to try
manipulating photographs, resizing and cropping them, as well as adjusting colours. Some tips on
storing and organising digital photos will also be provided.
Introducing Social Media – 18th July, Wednesday, 11.00 – 12.30
What are social media and how to use them? This workshop will cover the basics of working with
social media, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, smartphone applications, blogs and other.
Using the Internet – 25th July, Wednesday, 11.00 – 12.30
In this session, you will explore various uses of the Internet e.g. booking holidays, watching TV and
videos, getting directions, planning your bus routes, reading newspapers, and job seeking.
Communicating via the Internet – 1st August, Wednesday, 11.00 – 12.30
This session will be useful for all those who would like to know more about how to stay in touch with
friends and family over the Internet. Introduction to Skype, Google Talk, instant messaging and chats
will be provided.
All Things Green
Introduction to Horticulture – 12th July, Thursday, 11.00 – 12.30
This session will introduce you to the art and science of plant cultivation for human use, both for
food and non-food purposes. You will also find out what courses in horticulture are provided at
Dublin City University.
Botanic Gardens Tour – 19th July, Thursday, 11.00 – 12.30
A morning of leisure, recreation and education. You will have a chance to explore and admire the
beautiful plants at the Botanic Gardens and learn about their importance. Before the tour, staff at
Botanic Gardens will deliver a short sustainability workshop. Please call to confirm meeting
Biodiversity and Community Gardening – 26th July, Thursday, 11.00 – 12.30
This hands-on session will run in Community Garden beside Virgin Mary Church in Ballymun
(weather permitting!). Máire, GAP’s Community Gardener, will introduce you to what biodiversity is
and provide information about community gardening and allotments in Ballymun.