For information about Members of Council and to view which ward you live in, visit or contact them at 905-771-8800.
Information about your MP who represents you at a federal level can be obtained at
Information about your MPP who represents you at the provincial level can be obtained at
Who can I report animal issues to?
As of June 2009, the Ontario SPCA York Region Branch will be the Town’s new wildlife and domestic animal contractor and can be reached at 1-888-668-7722, ext.
319. To report animal cruelty, call the York Region Branch Investigation Hotline at
905-898-7122, ext. 327.
Who should I call to report a dead animal on the street for pick up?
Dead animals on the roads can be reported to the Town’s Roads Department at 905-884-8013.
Who should I call if I have a question or concern about natural gas or electricity?
The main 24-hour emergency telephone number for Powerstream (your local electrical utility) is 1-877-777-3810.
The emergency number for Enbridge (your local gas supplier) is 1-866-763-5427.
For service and billing inquiries, please call 1-877-362-7434.
How do I fi nd York Region Transit (YRT) or Viva routes, maps and schedules?
Please visit
What do I need to know about Richmond Hill’s new municipal service hub?
Access Richmond Hill makes it easier to fi nd the municipal service you need, in one central point of contact, allowing everyone access to a wide range of services and information.
The Town’s new one-window contact centre will respond to general inquiries and concerns, as well as process applications, permits, work orders, program registrations and payments.
Some key services currently provided include: tax and water bill payments, parking ticket payments, marriage licenses, tenders, proposal and quotation package pick-up, in-person program registration for recreation programs,
Tree Preservation By-law applications and requests for tree and Town parks maintenance.
Visit Access Richmond Hill on the Ground Floor of the Municipal Of fi ces at 225
East Beaver Creek Road or send an email to or by phone at 905-771-8800.
Where do I fi nd information about getting married?
If you intend to marry within Ontario, you may obtain a marriage licence at the Town. A marriage licence expires three months from the date of issue.
Please call 905-771-2547 for more information. Civil marriage services can be performed by the Town Clerk. To book this service, please call 905-771-2511.
To obtain information about the Town of Richmond Hill in your preferred language, please call Access Richmond Hill at 905-771-8800.
How can I fi nd out about Town recreation activities, facility programs and hours of operation?
The seasonal Leisure Guide lists the various activities offered at the Town’s community centres. A copy of the guide is delivered to all households each season. If you require more information or a copy, call the Parks, Recreation &
Culture’s department at 905-771-8870 or visit
Produced by the Communication Services Division,
Of fi ce of the CAO, last updated August 2010.
Can my overnight guests park their vehicles on the street?
If you are having guests who will be staying overnight or for a few days, or for a family function/party, you can request an overnight exemption by calling the
Parking Control Of fi ce at 905-771-8860. The exemption is up to a couple of days (for a maximum of one week). Parking will only be permitted in areas where there are no signed prohibitions (including NO PARKING ANYTIME, NO STOPPING ANYTIME, etc.).
My neighbour’s grass is exceptionally long, and the yard looks unsightly. Who can I speak to?
Contact staff in the Enforcement Section at (905) 771-0198. Upon receiving the complaints the Town will send enforcement of fi cers to measure the grass on the speci fi ed property before determining the validity of the complaint. If, at the time of the of fi cer’s attendance at the property, the length of the grass and or weeds exceeds the 20 cm (8’’) maximum height requirement, the of fi cer will issue an order to cut the grass/weeds. The of fi cer will reinspect the property for compliance after nine days. If the owner/occupant has not cut the grass to comply with the order, the of fi cer will forward a work order to the Town’s Grass Cutting Contractor to have the grass cut to comply with the by-law. All charges for the cutting and the administration of the by-law will be invoiced to the property owner.
What are the by-laws governing front yard parking in residential zones?
Vehicles cannot be parked or stored on your front yard or exterior side yard other than on a designated legal driveway used to gain direct access to the garage or identi fi ed parking structure. The maximum width of a driveway is less than 3 m for residential lots having frontages of less than 9 m; 6 m for lots having less than 18 m frontage and 9 m for lots in excess of 18 m. A minimum area of 45 per cent of the required front yard shall be landscaped. The access, parking and/or storage of vehicles is not permitted on any landscaped area of any front or exterior side yard.
Where do I pay fi nes?
The type of fi ne will determine where it has to be paid. If the fi ne was assessed by a court for a by-law or Highway Traf fi c Act violation, the fi ne must be paid at a provincial court. If it is a parking fi ne, the fi ne can be paid at the Town unless you choose to go to court. If you have a parking ticket issued by the Town, you can pay through or directly at or simply send in a cheque or pay in-person by cash/cheque on the 3rd fl oor of the Municipal
Of fi ces at 225 East Beaver Creek Road.
Where can I fi nd information for Town of Richmond Hill by-laws?
Please refer to for the Town’s Municipal Code.
Who can I speak to if I have an issue about my fi ne or received a letter from the Town?
Anyone who has a question about a by-law or court, can contact the By-law
Enforcement Of fi ce at 905-771-1098.
What day is my green bin, blue box and garbage collected?
The collection schedule is outlined in the annual waste management calendar, available at most municipal government buildings - including libraries, community centres, the Municipal Of fi ces and the Operations Centre - and online at www. Garbage is collected bi-weekly, while blue box and green bins are collected weekly. Please ensure that your materials for collection are placed at the curb by 7 a.m. on the designated day of collection for your house. However, please do not put out your garbage before 6 p.m. the day before your regularly scheduled pick-up. Watch for your copy of the annual waste management calendar in the mail in December through Canada Post delivery.
What kinds of things can I recycle?
Materials such as newspaper, boxboard, household paper, beverage cartons and drink boxes, glass bottles and jars, metal food and beverage cans (including aluminum foil), plastic bottles and jugs, plastic tubs, lids and trays, empty paint cans
(with lids removed) and empty aerosol cans can all be placed in your blue box for recycling. Material in plastic bags cannot be collected for recycling. Please place material for collection loose in your blue box. Help keep our community clean by ensuring light items are secure in your blue box and are not blown around by the wind.
What can be included in my green bin?
Organic waste include items such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, fi lters, tea bags, nuts/shells, soiled papers, microwave popcorn bags, ice-cream boxes, tissues, paper towels, napkins, meat products, dairy products, egg shells, diapers, animal waste, kitty litter, pet fur, animal bedding and shredded paper (in a clear plastic bag). Please ensure all material placed in the green bin is bagged.
Green bins with unbagged materials will not be collected.
When is my next yard waste collection?
Yard waste is usually collected every other week from the spring to the fall. For speci fi c dates of collection, please refer to the Engineering & Public Works Calendar at
How can I dispose of my appliances or furniture?
The Town offers a free monthly collection of appliances such as a fridge, stove, washer or other large metal item. You can schedule a pick-up online at www. Furniture, including tables, chairs, mattresses, sofas, etc., are collected on your garbage colletion day. For more detailed waste management information, check out our Website at
Why do I have to pay taxes and how is that money spent?
The Town provides a number of services to you as a resident every single day and the money received from tax payments is used to pay for those services. Some of the services the Town provides include road maintenance and clearing, parks maintenance, street light operations, pools and community centres, libraries, and fi re rescue and prevention. The exact breakdown of how the money is spent by department or by service can be obtained by visiting In addition to this, the Town also collects tax monies for upper tier governments. This includes York Region, who provide you with a group of services including health, ambulance, police as well as speci fi c services for seniors and children. Monies are also collected on behalf of the Province of Ontario to pay for education. For a breakdown or explanation of how much of your taxes go to the Town versus the other levels of government, please contact Access Richmond Hill or visit
How do I pay my taxes?
To facilitate payment and avoid penalties for late payment, you may use any of the following methods of payment:
- from home via Internet or telephone banking
- at the bank
- by mail
- via drop-off boxes or
- in person at Access Richmond Hill at 225 East Beaver Creek Road
When do I need a building permit and what is required to apply for it?
A property owner should apply for a building permit for the construction, demolition or addition to any building, including porches, sundecks and fi replaces, etc.
Applications for permits must be made in person at the Planning & Development
Department on the 4th fl oor of Municipal Of fi ces at 225 East Beaver Creek Road.
Please call 905-771-8810 for more information.
fl fl oor of Municipal Of fi ces at 225 East Beaver Creek Road.
The Building Department carries most property surveys depending on the age of your property. Please call 905-771-8810 for more information.