STAFF REPORT PAB 2015-16 (Preliminary Plat) Planning Advisory Board Hearing November 12, 2015 APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT SHELL COVE APPLICATION & SURROUNDING AREA INFORMATION: OWNER/APPLICANT: AGENT: Nick Gillette, P.E. REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat of Shell Cove (48 lots) LOCATION: Citrona Drive (SE Corner of Citrona Drive and Hickory Street) CURRENT ZONING: R-2/ CON with PUD Overlay CURRENT LAND USE: Medium Density Residential/ Conservation EXISTING USES ON SITE: Vacant PROPERTY SIZE: 7.41 Acres (Parcel #: 00-00-31-1180-0020-0000) ADJACENT PROPERTIES: Direction Existing Use(s) Year Built Zoning North South East West Unimproved Hickory Street Right of Way Unimproved Indigo Street Right of Way Vacant/Greenway Citrona Drive Right of Way FLUM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CON N/A Conservation N/A *** All required application materials have been received. All fees have been paid. All required notices have been made. All copies of required materials are part of the official record and have been made available on the City’s website, the City Clerk’s Office and at the Community Development Department Office. *** SUMMARY OF REQUEST AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The applicant is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat for a new subdivision to be called Shell Cove. Shell Cove is a 48 lot single-family residential development. Common amenities beyond the required stormwater management ponds, landscaping, and signage associated with the development, include conservation areas with pedestrian walkways and access to the Egans Creek Greenway which is located immediately adjacent to the subdivision location. Access to the subdivision will be though a one-way street that will enter and exit onto Citrona Drive. The internal streets will become public right-of-way and be maintained by the City. The City approved this property’s use under a Planned Unit Development on October 6, 2015. Subdivision terms/process: A preliminary plat (also known as a site plan or engineering plan) provides for a complete review of the technical data and engineering drawings associated with the construction of roads and installation of utilities and stormwater facilities. The Preliminary Plat is submitted for review and approval. Upon approval, the developer is authorized to move forward with the installation of improvements necessary to support the development (clearing/grading, roads, water, sewer, stormwater, etc.). Once the improvements are completed, inspected and accepted by the City, the Final Plat is submitted for review and approval; the developer may then convey lots and vertical construction can begin. The Preliminary Plat for Shell Cove was submitted for review to the Technical Review Committee (TRC) in September 2015 (SPR 2015-01); the plat received final approval on October 23, 2015 (approval letter attached). In accordance with subdivision requirements of the Land Development Code, the TRC-approved Preliminary Plat is to be considered by the Planning Advisory Board for a recommendation to the City Commission. The City Commission will then consider the Preliminary Plat. PAB CASE 2015-16 (Shell Cove Preliminary Plat) Staff Report: Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT PAB 2015-16 (Preliminary Plat) Planning Advisory Board Hearing November 12, 2015 CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Policy 1.02.02. The approval of all development shall be subject to the availability of adequate levels of service for all facilities and services that are subject to concurrency management requirements. The City has five public facilities that have adopted levels of service: Transportation, Water, Sewer, Drainage, and Solid Waste. While the City’s ability to maintain adopted levels of services for these items was confirmed at the time of the original approval of development rights for this property, the City’s TRC review also confirms service capabilities. The City can serve this property as proposed. At 48 units, the developed density of this site will be 6.48 units per acre (8 units per acre is allowable under R-2 zoning). Policy 1.02.03. The City shall ensure that the location, scale, timing, and design of development is coordinated with the availability of public facilities and services. The City seeks to ensure compact development patterns that integrate neighborhood and commercial activities and promote connectivity through the use of sidewalks, bike lanes and alternative low-speed shared-use vehicle paths in order to achieve a reduction in vehicular trips on arterial roadways. The purpose of this policy is to prevent the proliferation of urban sprawl and to achieve cost effective and energy efficient land development patterns and avoid or eliminate existing patterns that may be described as: a. Areas of urban development or uses, which are not functionally related to land uses which predominate the adjacent area; b. Areas of urban development or uses which fail to maximize the use of existing public facilities; c. Areas of urban development or uses which fail to use areas within which public services are currently provided; and d. Leapfrog/scattered development or ribbon/strip commercial development patterns. The proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan’s direction for compact urban development. The subject property lies in an area of existing urban development. No leapfrog development is occurring. The development is accessed by County improved and maintained roadways. In order to support reduced vehicle miles traveled, the developer will provide a sidewalk along Citrona Drive with a crosswalk connection to the sidewalks located on the west side of Citrona Drive, connecting to the schools. Policy 4.01.01. The following level of service standards are hereby adopted, and shall be used as the basis for determining the availability of facility capacity and the demand generated by a development. Level of Service Standard Facility/Service Area Wastewater Treatment 300 gallons per day per ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) System Solid Waste Facilities Average Solid Waste Generation Rate: 5.9 pounds per capita per day Stormwater Management Facilities See Policy 4.02.01 Potable Water Facilities Water Allocation Level of Service: 350 gallons per day per ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) Fire-Rescue Services 240-second travel time to 90% of the incidents (EMS with AED or BLS) & 480second travel time to 90% of the incidents (ALS Response) PAB CASE 2015-16 (Shell Cove Preliminary Plat) Staff Report: Page 2 of 5 STAFF REPORT PAB 2015-16 (Preliminary Plat) Planning Advisory Board Hearing November 12, 2015 Police and Law Enforcement Services Response Time: 3 minutes or less for emergency calls and 7 minutes or less for non-emergency calls Policy 4.01.02. All subdivisions, multifamily, commercial, industrial, city, and institutional projects shall provide for retention of stormwater resulting from project, unless off-site shared facilities are available. For projects within areas designated for “zero discharge,” storage shall accommodate a ten (10)-year, twentyfour (24)-hour storm event. For all other areas, retention shall accommodate the greater of: (a) the first onehalf (1/2) inch of stormwater within the boundaries of their project, or (b) the first one (1) inch of storm flow from all roofs, sidewalks, paved surfaces, and parking areas (at 100 percent runoff), whether paved or not. The project shall also provide detention for all storm flows. Detention shall prevent peak flows after development from exceeding the peak flow prior to development. All public facilities and services are currently available to the development and each service is able to maintain or exceed its level of service standards as required by Policy 4.01.01 and Policy 4.02.01, specific to stormwater management. CONSISTENCY WITH THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE: 11.01.02 Requirements for Subdivision Plats (Preliminary and Final) A. A preliminary subdivision plat shall be required when new streets, water lines, and sewer lines are required; when three or more residential lots are created; and where one nonresidential lot is created or proposed for development. Where new streets, water lines, and sewer lines are not required, the preliminary and final plat may be combined into a single submittal. A preliminary plat provides for a complete review of technical data and preliminary engineering drawings prior to completion of the final plat for recording. B. In addition to the information required in Section 11.01.03, all applications for preliminary subdivision plat approval shall contain the following information: 1. The name, addresses, telephone number, facsimile number, and email address of the person preparing the plat. 2. The date of preparation and date(s) of any modifications, a north arrow, and a written and graphic scale. 3. The proposed name of the subdivision. 4. Development specifications for the tract: area, proposed number and layout of lots and blocks, location, names, and widths of proposed roadways, consistent with this LDC and the Future Transportation Circulation Map of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. All contiguous properties shall be identified by subdivision title, plat book and page, or, if un-platted, the land shall be so designated, and otherwise identified. 6. Location of land to be dedicated or reserved for public use for rights-of-way, streets, sidewalks, bike trails, pedestrian trails, easements, schools, parks, open spaces, or other public uses. Proposed street names shall be included. 7. Locations of utilities, utility service, connections to existing utility facilities, and easements necessary to provide access to the utility facilities for maintenance or other activity. 8. Location of the nearest available public water supply and wastewater disposal system. 9. A topographic survey, soils report, grading plan, and an erosion control plan. 10. Existing surface water bodies, wetlands, streams, and canals, including the location of the mean high water line for each feature. 11. A preliminary surface drainage plan showing direction of flow and methods of stormwater retention. PAB CASE 2015-16 (Shell Cove Preliminary Plat) Staff Report: Page 3 of 5 STAFF REPORT PAB 2015-16 (Preliminary Plat) Planning Advisory Board Hearing November 12, 2015 12. A floodplain map indicating areas subject to inundation and high groundwater levels up to a 100-year flood classification, and establishing a base flood elevation for all proposed lots within the subdivision. 13. A tree survey showing protected trees, proposed replacement trees, if required, and landscaping and buffering. The applicant has complied with the subdivision requirements of the Land Development Code. The Preliminary Plat has been reviewed for technical completeness and has been approved by the Technical Review Committee. A biological survey has been provided and is included in the back-up materials for this application. The engineer completed a traffic study in September 2015 as part of their TRC site planning process. This study has been provided as part of the backup materials for this application. CONCLUSION: The requested Preliminary Plat is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. Based on the findings of the Technical Review Committee and planning staff’s review of the application, staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat. Following the recommendation of the Planning Advisory Board (PAB), the Plat will move forward to the City Commission for approval or denial. MOTION TO CONSIDER: I move to recommend (approval or denial) of PAB case number 2015-16 to the City Commission requesting that a Preliminary Plat creating the Shell Cove subdivision be approved and that PAB case 2015-16, as presented, (is or is not) sufficiently compliant with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code to be approved at this time. Submitted by: Kelly N. Gibson Senior Planner PAB CASE 2015-16 (Shell Cove Preliminary Plat) Staff Report: Page 4 of 5 STAFF REPORT PAB 2015-16 (Preliminary Plat) Planning Advisory Board Hearing November 12, 2015 PAB CASE 2015-16 (Shell Cove Preliminary Plat) Staff Report: Page 5 of 5 OFFICE USE ONLY V1 REC’D: (? BY: Cl (Q’ APPLICATION #: (9LS OC2 /‘7. bS ho CASE#: ?A’ BOARD MEETING DATE: I 1 iii : PAYMENT: $__________ TYPE: PLANNING A. LI ZONING MAP AMENDMENT LI LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT SUBDIVISION PLAT d — PRELIM ($750) ( 10 acres $850!> lOacres $1,600) ( 10 acres $850!> lOacres $1,600) LI LI LDC TEXT AMENDMENT ($850) COMP PLAN AMENDMENT ($850) LI SUBDIVISION PLAT LI VACATION OF R.O.W. ($850) LI VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION ($1050) — FINAL ($850) APPLICANT INFORMATION Owner Name: ,4 Mailing Address: ,;: bu7.Jd 7Ot’ 0 L LC_ / /r1-?,c,,/, _ 1 90L Telephone: Fax: Email: :7’ /Viaç’ Agent Name: Mailing Address: ‘O9 Telephone: ‘1 rL cf Zôc35 IA / ,a / 1kzfiZ / -5- —.,2() &) J/ 17i in y et—J-, n,( 2 1J - /IAZ,1JIIC - F 2L’I o/ 9 J?zk fZ SZo’y li/A Fax: ;1k’t14jJ5E 5 Email: PROPERTY INFORMATION (II; Street Address: ( cJ 1)1 Ci}rr /Ji74L / 00- 31- J/L) Parcel Identification Number(s): Lot Block Number: Number: Section: / c Township: OO)O -(DOD Subdivision: 3’iV Range: — City of Ferncindina Beach Community Development Department 204 Ash Street Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 P: 904.310.3135 F: 904.310.3460 www.fbfLus/cdd Revised February 2015 Page 3 of 5 . PROJECT INFORMATION Total Number of Lots/Parcels: Less than One (1) acre Sq. Footage: (1) Acre or Greater: 2 tLI) Existing Zoning Classification: Existing Future Land Use Classification: )1 Previous Planning/Zoning Approvals: ]4/iztii7 cüi 1d ‘2Oic ii 4/ ‘?j. z’ ( /‘//i}it) c.:)O J3’ — / Description of Request: //‘/(1 ‘Jiry /Os //i’ f/ t I//, 7 J ? O/JiJLf Ji//S7/ /iJP SIGNATURE/NOTARY The undersigned states the above information is tr /0 / Z and c rrect as (s)he is informed and believes. -, Date --—Siature, of Applicant “II,,,?,, 1. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF NASSAU J ‘‘‘J’ - TAMRA KRUEGER Notary Public State of Florld My Comm. Expires Nov21, 2017 ) Commission # FF 072468 - — — Subscribed and sworn to before me thisj 2 day of / 2O. JI Notary P lic: Signature Personally Known Printed Name OR Produced Identification jjJi}j J j My Commission Expires ID Produced: City of Fernandina Beach Community Development Department. 204 Ash Street Fernanclina Beach, FL 32034 P: 904.310.3135 F: 904.310.3460 Revised February 2015 Page 4 of 5 __ ____ ___ ____ ___ OWNER’S AUTHORIZATION FOR AGENT REPRESENTATION 1&)iUIri TMocJ I /WE (print name of property owner(s)) &i hereby authorIze 5OC4cfc nc I (print name of agent) to represent me/us in processing on application for: (type of appllcati6n) /q is on our behalf. In authorizing the agent to represent me/us, I/we, as owner/owners, attest that the application complete. and made In good faith and that any Information contained in the application Is accurate nareofo1 (Signature of owner) (A%)ILtIA (Print name of owner) (Print name of owner) STATE OF FLORIDA 55 COUNTY OF NASSAU So 9 day of ibeci and sworn to before me thisZ JCiJ1_. ft 2 O p. Notary Public: Signature Personally Know-” My Commission Expires Printed Name OR Produced Identification ID Produced: TRICIA D BOWEN Notary Public State of Florida My Comm. ExpIres Apr 12. 201 Commission a FF 080654 - City of Femondina Beach Community Development Deportment 204 Ash Street Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 P: 904.310.3135 F: 904.310.3460 www.fbfLus/cdd Revised Febnary 2015 Page 5 of 5 Property Details 10/26/2015 NA..SSAli ropery Search A. Michael Hickox, CFA, Cert.Res.RD1941 Nassau County Property Appraiser Recent Sales Search Nassau Home OWNER NAME ROBNSON CREEK 34 LLC PARCEL NUMBER 000031-1180-0020-0000 MAILING ADDRESS P0 BOX 706 TAX DISTRICT FERNANDINA BEACH (DISTRICT 2) MILLAGE 20.6524 PROPERTY USAGE VACANT RES1DENTIAL FERNANDINA BEACH, FL 32035 DEED ACRES ;39 :LOCATIONADDRE5S CITRONADR HOMESTEAD • FERNANDINA BEACH 32034 PARCEL MAP RECORD MAP THIS PARCEL LOTS 20 & 21 NOR 198411346 FPU ESMT IN OR 89111720 TAX COLLECTOR SEARCH NASSAU TAX COLLECTOR LINK PROPERTY RECORD CARD LINK TO PROPERTY RECORD CARD (PDF) SHORT LEGAL 2015 Prellm(nary Va!ues JUST VALUE OF LAND $406,450 LAND VALUE AGRICULTURAL $0 TOTALBUILDINGVALUE $0 TOTAL MISC VALUE $0 JUST OR CLASSIFED TOTAL VALUE $406,460 ASSESSED VALUE $406,450 EXEMPT VALUE $0 TAXA BLE VALUE $406,450 Land Information — . CTWNRNG 7 VAC RES 000000 AC I 53N-29 Building Information There is no BuIding Information for this record. Miscellaneous Information There is no Miscellaneous Information for this record. Sales Information STRUMENTALRIcoN IMPR&M1D? IAT TIME 0512412015 198411346 198411346 375000 SW U N 12/0812004 12791478 U V L;z:zz 12791478 100 QC OR RAYONIER PERFORMANCE RAYONIER INC . 180-0020-0000 ROBINSON CREEK 34 LLC RAYONIER PERFORMANCE FIBERS LLC Gillette & Associates, Inc. Civil & Environmental Enineerin • Mechanical & Structural Enineerin • Construction Manaaement October 12, 2015 Mr. Marshall McCrary Deputy City Manager 204 Ash Street Fernandina Beach, Fl 32034 Re: Letter of Intent — Shell Cove Dear Mr. McCrary: Gillette & Associates, Inc., on behalf of our clients, is pleased to submit the attached plat and associated application for the above referenced project. The attached plat and application reflects the intent to construct 48 single family lots within a medium density residential land use district. Thank you for your time and consideration on this application and please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. Sincerely, Nick Gillette, P.E. PrincipalJEngineer 20 SOUTH 4TH STREET • AMELIA ISLAND, FLORIDA 32034 PHONE: (904) 261-8819 City of 0 octobe parC&S FB. Zoning Land 8, 2015 a 5 5 5 MU-I C-2 - — f€3 - 5 :5 LM j -— HiCKORY R-1G Q 5 — J - R-3 s-I w-i OT-2 OT-1 - Q 5 5 5 5 5 W NA W URER IN BeaCh ZofliflQ F REC CON ps-I RES - I 1:5,387 m P reme P Cop. 5 5 D HER ’ eO USGS e 4 Q ca 9 Japa ME-TI O (CC) Ese (TI MaP’ QSflSUstftM co,r ndTh GS User 8 aP / \ LW L UR Land Parcels October B, 2015 L. 1/ \c 4 %< FLUM mi 5outeS Esri, -ERE, DeLOfle USGS, ltermap, increm° P COP Esr Jan, MET, Esn CPna Øiccg Koig), Esfl (Thaifld M8PWr OpenStTMaP coñ°’ atd the GIS er Cn(rIJTY 1:5,387 PLANNING PAB USE THIS FORM TO: Request actions to affect changes to property (zoning changes, annexations, allowable uses, subdivisions). FEES: See below. Fees ore payable upon application. IMPORTANT NOTES: To guide you through the process and ensure that your application is understood and properly processed, you’ll need to meet with a City Planner prior to submitting your application. Completed applications are due 30 days prior to the Planning Advisory Board meeting date. KEY CONTACTS: The Planning Department will guide your application from start to finish, engaging other City departments or agencies as needed. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD APPLICATION FOR: LI ZONING MAP AMENDMENT ( 10 acres $850!> lOacres $1,600) fl LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT ( 10 acres $850!> lOocres $1,600) LI LDC TEXT AMENDMENT ($850) LI COMP PLAN AMENDMENT ($850) / SUBDIVISION PLAT LI SUBDIVISION PLAT LI VACATION OF R.O.W. ($850) LI VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION ($1050) — — PRELIM ($750) FINAL ($850) 2015 Planning Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Application Deadline (4:30pm) Dec 15 2014 Jon 12 2015 Feb 9 2015 Mar 9 2015 Apr 13 2015 May 11 2015 Jun 8 2015 Jul 13 2015 Aug 10 2015 Sep 14 2015 Jan 14 2015 Feb 11 2015 Mar 11 2015 Apr 8 2015 May 13 2015 Jun 10 2015 Jul 8 2015 Aug 12 2015 Sep 9 2015 Oct Oct Nov 9 2015 Dec 14 2015 Jan 11 2016 Feb 10 2016 Nov Dec 4 9 2015 2015 Jan 13 2016 Feb 10 2016 Mar 9 2016 12 2015 Meeting Date 14 2015 City of Fernandino Beach Community Development Department. 204 Ash Street Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 P: 904.31 0.31 35 F: 904.310.3460 Revised February 2015 Page 1 of 5 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD APPLICATION CHECKLIST: Su)mit all of the following information for a complete application, as applicable: A notarized application filed at least thirty (30) days before the date of the Planning Advisory Board’s public he1ring; current survey of the property (no older than two years); compIeted owner’s authorization for agent form, if applicable; A detailed letter of intent stating the following: o The consistency of the proposed amendment(s) or action(s) with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. o A justification for the proposed amendment(s) or action(s). A map of the area indicating the proposed zoning district designation for the subject property. The map shall show the current zoning district designations and land use categories from the Future Land Use Map in the comprehensive plan for the subject property and all adjacent properties. IMPORTANT NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS: Please see additional Land Development Code (LDC) requirements for specific application types: LI LDC Text Amendment see LDC Section 11.01.08. LI Preliminary Subdivision PIat see LDC Section 11.01.05. LI Final Subdivision PIat see LDC Section 11.01.05. LI Zoning Map Changes see LDC section 11.01 .07. — — — — You will receive a staff report one week before your meeting. STAFF CONTACT: Kelly Gibson Senior Planner 904.310.3135 City of Fernandino Beach Community Development Deportment. 204 Ash Street Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 P: 904.31 0.31 35 F: 904.310.3460 Revised February 2015 Page 2 of 5 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING State of Florida County of Nassau I, Sylvie McCann, being first duly sworn, depose and state as follows: 1. That I am an employee of the City of Fernandina Beach as a Permit Specialist for the Community Development Department; and 2. That part of my duties includes processing Planning Advisory Board applications; and 3. That one of the requirements for processing applications is that notice shall be sent by regular U.S. mail to each property owner within a 300ft. radius of the property located on the corner of Citrona Drive and Hickory Street (PAB Case#2015-16). The list of the adjacent property owners from the Nassau County Property Appraiser’s Office is attached hereto as Exhibit 1; and 4. That on October 30, 2015 mailed the letter attached hereto as Exhibit 2 to each of the property owners shown on the list in Exhibit 1, by regular U.S. mail. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. Sylvie McCann Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the State of Florida this 30th day of October, 2015 4T (Seal) MYCOMMSSON#EE8487O3 EXPIRES; November 12,2016 BdedThu Notarl Public Ureu AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING State of Florida County of Nassau I, Cathy Sabattini, being first duly sworn, depose and state as follows: 1. That I am an employee of the City of Fernandina Beach; and 2. That part of my duties includes processing applications of all types; and 3. That one of the requirements for processing applications is that the notice be posted on the properties located at Bailey Road and Amelia Island Parkway. 4. That on October 30, 2015, I posted the property with the notice of public hearing for the properties located on the corner of Citrona Drive and Hickory Street (PAB Case#201 5-16). FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. -CfJy Sabattini Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary publicln and for the State of Florida this day of October, 2015 th 30 (Seal) JotaorId My Comm Expires Nov 12 20T5 Omrnissin No. EE 850673 c_— // ?Q t S f\LCX - ALLEN MARK BURNS & SONDRA KAY 614 CALISTA DR CHESAPEAKE VA 23320 ANGUSJOHNW&LORETTAM 4167 ROCKY LEDGE WY SNELLVILLE GA 30039 BEACH JOHN F & COLEEN P LIE JOHN & COLEEN P BEACH TRUSTEES OF JOHN & COLEEN BEACH TRUST 861 PARK VIEW PL E FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 BRASWELL GARY JACKSON & SHAVE MARTHA JOYCE BRASWELL C/O 801 PARKVIEW PL 2 FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 EVICK CLAUDIA NORMA 2059 INDIGO ST FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 CZYMBOR MICHAEL & MARY BETH 841 PARKVIEW PL E FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 EVANS MARYANNE D 882 PARKVIEW PL E FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 MORRISS JOANBETH S 821 PARKVIEWPLE FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 LAWLOR MICHAEL C 104 DAHLIA CT KINGSLAND GA 31548 LENTZ TOBY R & ROBIN C 802 PARKVIEW PL E FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 ROBINSON CREEK 34 LLC P0 BOX 706 FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32035 NASSAU COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD (FERNANDINA JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL) 1201 ATLANTIC AVENUE FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 OCEAN VIEW APARTMENTS LTD C/O PROPERTY TAX EAGLE 3338-Li COUNTRY CLUB RD SUITE 236 VALDOSTA GA 31605 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1109 SOUTH MARION AVENUE LAKE CITY FL 320255874 SANDRIDGE APARTMENTS LTD C/O LAMAR MANAGEMENT INC 300 WILLOWBEND ROAD SUTE 200 PEACHTREE CITY GA 30269 SEALS & ASSOCIATES INC 300 WILLOW BEND ROAD #200 PEACHTREE CITY GA 302693349 WOLESHIN SHAUN i 905 PERIMETER PARK RD W FERNANDINA BEACH FL 32034 TRIANGLE INVESTMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP C/O LDI CONSULTANTS INC 881 SPRINGDALE ROAD ATLANTA GA 30306 [PLAIT BOOK “SHELL COVE” SHEET 7 N PAGE OF’ SHEETS 2 A PORTION OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST AND A PORTION OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, CITY OF FERNANDINA BEACH, NASSAU COUNTY, FLORIDA. CAPT/ON: ADOR/7OR AND DED/CA //OR S/S/S TM 0/OS/V 8/AT 8/C //SOER8/OSED, S/G///ASD AS EL 9 8/V LA//SO COOL/N OF 8//LA/U D/SGMB/O 8/ 8/V CAT//OS 5/9/OR 7A0/8/ 0/ALL SLOE/F/OR ME S//C//N AS ‘S/TELL 000/’, AND 8/AT 8/CT SALE CADSED OLE SAME TO ME SSR0/TE0 ANN 8/AND/COLD ANN 8/AT 8/8/V/AT, MADE 8/ ACCORDANCE W8/ SAD S000RT 8/ SEREOT ADOPTED AS 8/E WOE ANN CORRECT V/AT OF SAW LAND. A POR//ON OF SEC SON 27, TO V.8/SHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST AND A POR//ON SF SEC//ON /5, TO/WISH/P 3 NORTH. RANGE 28 EAST. CITE OF FERN/ND/NA BEACH, NASSAU COONEC FLORIDA. BEND ALSO ENOWN AS LOTS 20 AND 27 GE TEI/NONA AS SHOWN IN THE SOAP OF THE NORTH END OF AMELIA ISLAND’ F/LED GCTOBEN 7, /SD/ IN THE GEE/CE GE THE CLERK GE COURT AND BEING MORE PAR//COLARLE DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO NA EON/ER /OOCORPDRA TED BE H/NEON 3. BARER EE AL. 0/TED APRIL 8, /938, RECORDED MAE 6. /948 N DEED BOOR 96 PAGE 520, AFORESAID RECORDS OF NASSAU COUN/7 FLORIDA AND BEND MORE PAR//CU/ARC F OESC8/BEO AS FOLLOWS: /N /78//OS 5/0/0/0/. DC/V/DOER 0/S LA/SEN 8/ISP/AT AOO OEO/OA/ON 8/BC /0/CO/SN NT /8/DOLT V/CE/ED OTT/C/NO AC//SD MT AND 08/ 8/V AO8/00/TT OF 8/C 00/ND 0/ 0/RECTORS. AU A/LETS, VASVMVSTN 8/08/—OF—OAT, AND T000C AR/AS SON/CL ON 8/S V/AT ARC 0/0/CA/ED TO 8/C TOO//O FOR 8/C ON/S AND 0/NON/VS 8//REDS STA/CO. 00/f/ER, S08/00 0/0/8/ N/ALL NV EONS 8/0/0 AS DIVA//SD AS OMEGA//ON LVOS ANT 00//NM//C MOOT TO V/RE/RN ANT ALT RE EONS /ROO 8/N OR MAW/ES/ROE 08//S 0/EN 8/V ROAD 0/COOL-OF-N/AT, DES/COATED /N 8/V 8/AT AS Z0LLL.OO/a000/L.SOOOR...00/CL.ED//ES/OCLCEAUL ANN 8/8/N TA/N’ C/0C/C_/OOOO ARE OEREMT RETA/SED OT 8/C 0000/OTT 0/N/ER TOR /8/ TO//ATE 00/ AND /00 BEG/N AT NE 8//ERSEC//ON OF THE NORTHERLE 8/ORE—OF— 0/AT LNE OF ND/SO STREET (A 60—FOOT R/GHE—OF—WA F) V.7/H THE EAS/ERLE RIGHT—GE—WA F LINE OF C//RORA DR/CE (A 90—FOOT RIGHT—OF— WAE ME USAGE) (FORMERL F KNOWN AS SHELL A VENUE) (BENO ALSO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2/ OF C/NORA’, AFOREMEN//ONED AND RUN THENCE NORTH 0743/7’ EASC ALONG THE EASTENLE 8/ORE—OF— WAE C/NE DF 54/0 C/TNONA DR/GE. A 0/SEANCE GE 400 FEET TO ES /ES 8//ENSEC//OR WITH THE SOUTHERLE RICH T—OE—WAE LINE OF H/CRONE S/NEEE (A 60—FOOT N/ORE—GE— WA E); THENCE SOUTH O2’/0’43’ EASE. ALONG THE SOUTHERL E R/GHF—OF—WAE LINE SE SAID H/CRONE SNEER A DISTANCE OF 779.59 FEET TO A P0/NE ON NE EASEERL E LINE OF SEC//SN /S TOWNORIP 3 NORTH. RANGE 28 EASC THENCE SOUTH DD’22’4S EASC ALONG THE EAS/ERLE LINE OF LAST SAID LINE, A 0/STANCE OF 404.03 EEEE ES THE NONTHENL E R/OHF—OF—WAE LORE OF INS/GO S/REEC AEOREMEN 7/SHED; THENCE NORTH 62/643’ WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLE RIGHT—OF— WAE C/NC A 0/SEANCE OF 63S52 FEET TO THE P0/NT OF BEG8/N/NC. 8/C ONE OF /8/ LEGAL 8/CE/S/DON 8/ N/ER/NT, OR/SOLES ANN ASS//RN 8/0/0050 M/T NOT EM/TED 8/ A RVORON8/ML/ 0900/OTT 00//RE ANSOOANOR AS 50/5 /NTER/S8/ MAT ME ORA///EO ER//CL/ED OR 08/ER 5/SE VNTA8//0//0 AND 0/100./A NT SEPARATE /NN8/00/NT 0/CORDED 8/ 8/V 0/BOO RECORDS OF SAORAO COOSTT, TOR MA/N/NNASE/ 0/ 8/V 000TO—O/-WAT AC/VOL AND DRA/NALE, OR/ED ARC NOW OR 0/N//F/ER CONN8/00//0 8/AETS’A’, ‘F’ (MOTE/M 8/AC/N) ARE N/RENT DORCA/ED TO AND SNA// NV AM//CANON 0/ ‘SNELL /0/V NOMVDORFNS A05000T/ON, NOT 8/ALT ‘N’ (POND, TA8/ / OR/N ORAL/ 8/ACT) 8/ NERVOT 0/0/VA/ED DA/N/ESAA//E ONOLA NOR OF ‘OROLL COLE RON/ON//ENS ASSO0A 7/ON. 8/L’. 8/ALT ‘L’ (0/0/8/N/V NA8/RA/ NO//ER 8/ALT) /R N/N/MT OLD/CA/ED MA/NT/NA//CE OR//LA/ORB’ ‘FO/E// COLE 000CR/N//RN ANSOL/AT/OR, ISV’ 8/V OVRT/8/A/OA/N//NASEV TO AND 8/ /50 0/ALL BE NOA// 0/ 8/V VVRV/8/A/ A T/R7/8/A/ 8/ACT ‘0’ (JSN/SO/E//ORA/ NENANO 8/ACT) 8/ OCREOT D/D/CA/EO TO ANN SNA// ME A VERV/8/A/BA/NTENAN/T 0OL/OA 7/OR 0/ “OR/// VOLE 000VOOR/RS A/NO//A/ON, SC’. 0/ALT ‘V’ (OR/N SOAOF 8/ACT) N N/N/MT 0/0/CA /E0 8/ AND 0/ALL N/A VVR8/8/A/MA/NAS/E OR/NA NOR OF /7/ACT ‘F’ (TARS 8/ACT) 0 N/N/MT 0/0/CA/ED /0 ORD 0/A/C ML A V/0T/8/A/DAN/ENASV/ ON//GA/ON OF CONTAIN/NO E47 ACRES MORE OR LESS SURO/EEOR’S NOTES /.) ED/NOTED T///DAN//T % R/F/OCNL/ MORON/ST (TOM.) (A’AA’ LONOR/TE DOROD/N/) S/S //// 0/SD//S O/RDAN8/T EON/COO TO/NT (0/0.) SET W8/ /OEN/OCA/ON ‘/0 7DA9’. C) AAOR ST 0/No 7/5 LOT SODA/V TOO/ALE (ORONS M N/S/A N/OL/9RLE A/LOUST E) 8/V PROP/N/F 0/OTTO S/REDS/KM 08//N TL000 ZORE ‘/S,A/..M’ AN P/N F/MA, 8/000 SN/N/REV RATE MAP TA//EL IA/MOE 0/A? F, DATED )0/,/7,/2///U 8/DOD ZONE 8/FORM/SON LISTEO AMOO/ AND 500/0/ OR 8/IN 0/N/VT/S T0000ES AS A LOON/ES/AND/S AV0900/DA TEAT N/NT ALL DATA OR0000 N CLENR’S CEROE/CA FE: LEGNE/NOAS C/C. O/OR/N/B 8/ME OROOR V/N OR/V/ER /70 8/OR/DA STA/OTEN NE T/OLS ZORE C/TERM/NA/OR NOTED S/REDS MAT NV NOT/OS/OW/RD/OR NEC//V/ED TROD 7/DC TO 7/DC MT 8/V TED/RAL VM/RL/T//T MAN/SEN/NT AD/SET (ELM.A.) OR NT 8/V A0000VO/ATE LOLAL OR/VRNDVSTA/ 000/ 5) 8//TED/TOE AWL//ORAL NCR/N/COORS SOT RE/SHED OR 8/8/V/AT 8/A/NA/NV T0/NO 08/F//RD/A SU0/TE T7TORT AND N//OLD FOR RE/OW AND 0/OWOLO 8/V/A/MOW 0/LEO) OF 8/V TOM//C RVEONOS NT NAN0/0 CORN/C 8/OR/DO 8//S 0/TOT . 0/VECTOR OTVMVROENL/SE000EES 0/ 8/ED/F OFF/ON/NO/NA C//CO. 8//RD/A L) ‘NO//SE: 8/IS O/A// AS N/LOOSED /S/8/ 0/AVG/C /008/ /S 8/V 0/OR/AL 0/0//NOR OF 8/V 0/MEMO/N LANDS 0/NOR/NED N/NV/N AND TM/L/N/0 0/0/000TAN//S B/ROOT/AS/ED /N /08/OR//FOE/N/ROW 0/A/OIL OR ON//AL /000 0’ 8/C 8/AT 0) 8/V LSNTENT ZONING FOR 8//LA//OS 0/0/7/ ON 8//ST/AT/S 0/ 8//DATE OFRECOROING — /005/—C—/NET (N/ROOM); T5-///T (NA/MOD) (ONDVN NA 0/00000//N/CS 0/AU ALL TA/OR 0//V / 0—EDO/SE/CASE) 0) /0/ LOT /8//S 8/ODD/C//SO LORLEN ARE //OR-N/0AL 0/LEON 08//RN/S/NO/EN 0) ALL 8//ODD /7/0/F 000CO/N8/ 0/ALL ALSO ML LAS/D/N8/ FOR 8/V LOROTNOL/OR. /NSTAUA//ON DA/N/ENA//C/ ANO 00/0//ON 0/ LAN/V 0//MS/ON S/ROSEN 000MOED 00/0/LEN. NO SLOG LONNTN/C//OR. NM/A//AVON. MA/S/EN//SE AND OPERA//ON OF CAM/V TEL/OS/OR SE000EN 0/ALL /NTER/ERV 008/ 8/V TA//OS/S A/N SEAM//S OF/NE//C/N/C, TECEVOONE, GAS SR 08//N VON//C 000//F /0) 8/C .M/ROR/O//ONA0 TV/LANDS AS 0/OW SF0/ON 0/0/ //AORCD ANN /0/N /0/0 MT APPNO I/ED EON NE RECORD: OF RENEW BE C/FE EMPLOEEO/ I S/N/BE CEO NET 8/AT / SALE REM/LEO 8//S V/AT FOR C0/FORD/TT TD COAPTER /70 EN, MOOT AND ACTING S/N/TO AS AN AD/NT 8//R/O/ 8//S //D///0 CEO S/TEA MON AN TO /40/AL /0//FORM//F 08/ 8/V R/000/M/N8/ 0//RATTER /0/5 NOT 8/TENSED 8/N/AND 0/0//N SO/SE CONS 8/LED AS A 0/07/0/A TINS SE 8/V A/C/RA/T OR DOAL/ET OF 8/C /O0//050/ N/N/SEN/ST 0/N/C/I /NJ.R.WDD. /1//SOMBER /08/OR/ZED 8/ /0//N/SOD 0/8/S/NO//OF AO/N0/AED//7//N8/ TO SETERO8// 8/ENE 0/N/SD AN/AN 8/V TOUR//NO /0/7//LEN NA/MV CONTACTED: OS/ROT/DIV GE /RD/SEERS, STATE OF 8/0/8/A, 0/V/RON/N/RE /NONORDE/T/L 000TEC//OR. ANN 8//ST ‘BONN N/LEO EATER OR) WOO MA EON C/N//F/CA FE: NOR/N’ OW/N/C/EN 8/8/F8/( LOON/N//OR OF TERN/N08// N//OR, 7/ASS/U /0/N/F, 8/OR0A, TONS0/NT/DAN/SSEOOOR SOINOEFORS C/ER//F/CA 7/ FAX COLLECTOR EREAR/NOONV/TO REAL TOOTER/F TA//N //0OLEDMLE /0 8/V LANOS S/BA/CT /0 8//SO/AT 8/O N /0 LENS// 8/AT 8//S V/AT/LA 8/0//NO CORRECT 0/OR//EN//A//ON OF 8/C 0/NON 0/00/0/0, V/AT/ED ANO OCS/BMLO /0 8/V /AVOON; 8/AT 8/V 000/V/ WAS MADE ONOEN MT TE/0ONSLNOV 0/0/C SON ANN 0/0/0/8/OR: 8/AT 8/C 5/00/V 0/U /000//N 08//IC 8/C OEORB0AED8/ OF OR/V/ER /00, 8//RD/A GU8//E0 8/AT 8/V 0/0/VT/RN LEGAL SENOR/V//OR /0/ ACE/RATE’ 8/AT VER/AS/NT 0/0/RE//CE DOR/MCN8/ (PEON) 0/CE 0/VS SET AEVOROLNO TO LOAN/ER /7/00/ (7): /00 8/AT//OMAN/NT OW//GO 00008/ (NC/N) 8/00 MC SET ACCORD/SO 8/ 8/V C//A//ER /0000/ (8/: /0/ AVOWO/SO TO 8/V 0/8/ OF 8/F STATE OF 8/08/0//NO//ASS/U CORN/F /OR55 Q! 0/ANT OWV 8/V/V 0/N/SO .0/N/SO/C 7/ORAL 0/A/S OAF 0/NO//ND/DEN/NO 0/0/0/ED /000 00/ /0 RD/NE 8/C /000008/ATE GO/ERSM/RN/ AG/NO/ED /L.) NA ORR8/ER S/MO/OS/OR OF LOTS /5 A/LONER 050/50 N/ED 0/00/08/OR CONFORMS TO NA/SAL 00/S/F SONNI 00/ON N/GO/A/MOO ANO 0/ /0000 LED NT 8/V NASSAO OWN/F MO/RD OF LOON/F OORM/N8/ORERN /0) 8/C U//OS 0/07.7/0/0/OR /0/ 00/A//N M7N// NT/MM S/ROE LA/EDORTX,,A,,3, AN NE/LEO TROD 0/000 /000//N/N MOORE 3 PLATE ,5 NAN/AL CORN/I F/OR/NA, AS/CR /0.0//N (S/A, 0//C AND 00/N/AND 0/00/S FRED 000BED//VS). LA) LED/TAO/V NA8/RA/ 0/8/AND NC//ENS 0/AU M/UA/NTA8/E0 8/ 8/V/N 5/8/0/0 0/0/U/ED OWOL//OR. S///0/ 0/0/U NOR N/DOLED OR O/S/NOTEO 5/8/8/ 8/V 000/TOO NO//FR /N /0/A//OR 0/N//GAO CORN/F 8/ANNA RED/S/CA//ON SO: COOT/RAM/V NA /7/V LED/TA//V 00/0/N AS OWE 0/000/0 OR 00//SO/EU. /08/0/S ANO ZONING CEO//F/CA//ON /00//C V/ANT 0/TERM/S ED//BC 0/000/0 DEAO LED/U NON C/N 0/0/000/0 /MNNG C/S 0/0/0 /78/8/ MO//LOS. 000/0/U 8/AT 8/V/NON TO NE REDO LEO ARE LESS 8/AN 8/R// (A) 8/LNV/ /N 090//ER. L MANZW & Disx LA/co SURTEYNG :77 SORN 8/8/8/ S8//ER EERS/SO//// OF/OR, 0/ 3/030 (MOM) /07—5700 F/C (904) /97—0777 CEO//F/LATE /0’ A08/OR/ZA//GS 5000/9 ‘CM 7030’ ‘OUR 0/MORES ARE ON TI/f FUTURE, SCT YOUR SOT/VS ON US.” ,J T PIS CITRONA DRIVE (lEA ‘SHELL AVENUE’) (90—Poor RIGHT—OP—WAY OP USAGE) Brian L Spahr 424 Peregrine Ct., Jacksonville, Florida 32225 (904) 626-1377 August 28, 2015 Nick Gillette Gillette & Associates Via E-Mail RE: Shell Cove Property Fernandina Beach, Florida Parcel No. 00-00-31-1180-0020-0000 Dear Nick, Pursuant to your request, I have inspected the above referenced property for the presence and extent of jurisdictional wetlands as defined by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and US Army Corps of Engineers (CE). Additionally, the property was inspected for the presence of sensitive species of wildlife. On-site inspections occurred on June 12, 2015 and again on August 6, 2015. The property was found to contain +/-0.96 acre of jurisdictional wetlands. The wetland areas were delineated on June12, 2015 and then reviewed and approved by Mr. Robert Thompson of SJRWMD on August 6, 2015 (Figure 1). In addition to jurisdictional wetlands, the property was inspected for common and potentially occurring sensitive wildlife species. Sensitive wildlife species include fauna listed as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern (SSC) by federal and/or state regulatory agencies. No formal species-specific surveys were completed during the natural resources assessment; however, pedestrian transects were completed for at least fifty percent of the property within each vegetation community. Within each transect, data collected included, but not limited to, plant species, wildlife species, weather conditions, time assessment commenced and terminated and any anthropogenic activity. All vegetation communities were identified according to standard classification systems (FDOT 1999 and FWC 2005) (Figure 1). These methods are concurrent with recognized Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) survey guidelines for a general site assessment. No sensitive wildlife species, or evidence thereof, were observed on the subject property. Due to the surrounding land use, existing community types, and the significant buffer the on-site wetlands and upland buffer create between the proposed project and the adjacent greenway, impacts to sensitive wildlife by development of the proposed project are not anticipated at this time. If a listed species nest or burrow is found on-site prior to any construction, mitigation measures may be recommended by FWC or US Fish & Wildlife Service. Should you have any questions or if you require any additional information, please contact me anytime at (904) 626-1377. Sincerely, Brian L. Spahr WKD & DRAKE MANZIE NG LAND SURVEYI 630.....Wetland Forested Mixed 414.....Pine-Mesic Oak 410.....Pine Upland FLUCFCS Code On-Site Jurisdictional Wetlands +/-0.96 Acre Existing Site Conditions Figure 1 Fernandina Beach, Florida Parcel No. 00-00-31-1180-0020-0000 Shell Cove 410 414 410 INDIGO STREET 414 HICKORY STREET 414 630 630 EGANS CREEK CITRONA AVENUE Prepared for: And Shell Cove Residential Development Traffic Impact Analysis Nassau County, Florida Prepared by: 8515 Baymeadows Way, Suite 401 Jacksonville, FL 32256 904.422.6923 Project # 1005‐150‐015 Date: 09/02/2015 Table of Contents Introduction Study Area Existing Conditions Trip Generation Project Traffic Distribution and Assignment Year 2017 Build-Out Traffic Projections Summary and Conclusions Figures Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Project Traffic Distribution Figure 3 Project Traffic Assignment Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 7 Tables Existing Conditions Trip Generation Study Area – Growth Rate Estimates Build-Out Conditions Link Analysis 8 9 10 11 Appendix Year 2014 – Transportation Analysis Spreadsheet Travel Demand Plots Z-Data Variables to Determine Project Traffic Distribution Historical AADTs and Trends Analysis Plots 12 15 17 19 Shell Cove – City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Page 1 Introduction Chindalur Traffic Solutions, Inc. was retained by Gillette & Associates, Inc. to perform a minor traffic study to determine the impact of the change in density of the proposed Shell Cove residential development. The proposed development will be located on the east side of Fort Citrona Drive and just south of Hickory Street in Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida. The subject property is 7.41 acres and currently allows construction of 29 total single family dwelling units (@ 4 units per acre). It is proposed to increase the density from 4 units per acre to 8 units per acre, increasing the total number of buildable units to 59 single family dwelling units (net increase of 30 dwelling units). This traffic study evaluates the peak hour traffic impact on the adjacent streets due to this increase in development density. Figure 01 shows the location of the proposed Shell Cove development. Study Area The following adjacent roadway sections were included in the study area: Link ID# 33: Citrona Drive – Atlantic Avenue to Jasmine Street Link ID# 111: Jasmine Street – Citrona Drive to S. Fletcher Avenue Link ID# 34: Citrona Drive – Jasmine Street to Sadler Road Link ID#38: Jasmine Street – 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive Existing Conditions The existing conditions data for the above listed study area links were obtained from the latest Year 2014 Nassau County Spreadsheet available on the County’s Growth Management Webpage (Attachment A). The existing conditions of the study area roadway sections are summarized in Table 02. Trip Generation The peak hour trip generation for the proposed residential development was estimated using the rates and equations included in the Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition published by Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). ITE Land use code 210 – Single Family Residential was used for the purpose of estimating the peak hour trips of the proposed development. Table 02 summarizes the AM peak and PM peak trip generation for the proposed development. As shown in table, the proposed development is anticipated to generate a total of 51 AM peak hour trips (13 entering and 38 exiting) and 65 PM peak hour trips (41 entering and 24 exiting). A net increase of 21 AM peak hour trips and 31 PM peak hour trips are anticipated upon increase in density from 4 units per acre to 8 units per acre. CTSi August 31, 2015 Shell Cove – City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Page 2 Project Traffic Distribution and Assignment The project traffic distribution for the propose Shell Cove residential development was developed using the NERPM 42 travel demand model developed by the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (NFTPO) as part of their 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Update. The interim year 2020 socio‐economic data set was used to develop the project traffic distribution. A reasonableness check of area and facility type coding in the model on study links within the project transportation impact area was performed and no adjustments to these variables were required. The model was also verified to ensure all planned and programmed improvements within the transportation study area identified from the following sources are included in the model. FDOT – Current and Future construction projects list North Florida TPO’s Draft – Transportation Improvement Program Upon review, no planned and programmed improvements were identified. As such, no planned and programmed improvements were added into the model. The model refinements include the addition of the proposed Shell Cove development into the model. Attachment B includes details of the proposed project related Zdata Variables used to determine the project traffic distribution. Figure 2 shows the project traffic distribution percentages. 26.65% oriented North on Link ID# 33: Citrona Drive – towards Atlantic Avenue 2.55% oriented East on Link ID# 111: Jasmine Street – Citrona Drive to S. Fletcher Avenue 45.17% oriented South on Link ID# 34: Citrona Drive – Jasmine Street to Sadler Road 20.64% oriented West on Link ID#38: Jasmine Street – 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive (25.64% ‐ 5.00% = 20.64% hand Adjusted with 5.00% assigned to Hickory Street) 5.00% oriented West on Hickory Street – 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive (Hand Adjusted) Attachment C include a copy of the travel demand model plots showing the project traffic distribution percentages. The PM peak project traffic was assigned by multiplying the trips generation (entering and exiting) by the above mentioned project traffic distribution percentages. Figure 03 shows the peak hour project assignment on study roadway sections. Year 2017 Build‐Out Traffic Projections The year 2017 build‐out traffic projections include year 2017 background projections and project trips from the proposed development. The year 2017 background projections were developed CTSi August 31, 2015 Shell Cove – City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Page 3 by applying a growth rate of 1% per year to the peak hour traffic volumes included in the Nassau County’s Transportation Analysis Spreadsheet. This growth rate was calculated using trends analysis of the historic AADTs on three roadways in the Fernandina Beach area. The historic AADTs were obtained from the FDOT Traffic Counts Online portal. Since the trends analysis showed a growth rate of less than 1%, a minimum of 1% growth rate per year was applied to estimate the year 2017 background traffic projections. Attachment D includes a copy of the historic AADT of roadway sections in Fernandina Beach area and the trends analysis plots. Table 03 summarizes the trends growth rate calculations. Table 04 shows the year 2017 background and build‐out traffic projections on the study roadway sections. This table also shows the link analysis of the study roadway sections. As shown in this table, the study roadway sections are anticipated to continue operating at an acceptable LOS or better under the year 2017 background and build‐out conditions. Summary and Conclusions The proposed Shell Cove development will be located on the east side of Fort Citrona Drive and just south of Hickory Street in Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida. The subject property is 7.41 acres and currently allows construction of 29 total single family dwelling units (@ 4 units per acre). It is proposed to increase the density from 4 units per acre to 8 units per acre, increasing the total number of buildable units to 59 single family dwelling units (net increase of 30 dwelling units). The following adjacent roadway sections were included in the study area: Link ID# 33: Citrona Drive – Atlantic Avenue to Jasmine Street Link ID# 111: Jasmine Street – Citrona Drive to S. Fletcher Avenue Link ID# 34: Citrona Drive – Jasmine Street to Sadler Road Link ID#38: Jasmine Street – 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive The existing conditions data for the above listed study area links were obtained from the latest Year 2014 Nassau County Spreadsheet available on the County’s Growth Management webpage. The peak hour trip generation for the proposed residential development was estimated using the rates and equations included in the Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition published by Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). ITE Land use code 210 – Single Family Residential was used for the purpose of estimating the peak hour trips of the proposed development. The proposed development is anticipated to generate a total of 51 AM peak hour trips (13 entering CTSi August 31, 2015 Shell Cove – City of Fernandina Beach, Florida Page 4 and 38 exiting) and 65 PM peak hour trips (41 entering and 24 exiting). A net increase of 21 AM peak hour trips and 31 PM peak hour trips are anticipated upon increase in density from 4 units per acre to 8 units per acre. The project traffic distribution for the propose Shell Cove residential development was developed using the NERPM 42 travel demand model developed by the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (NFTPO) as part of their 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Update. The interim year 2020 socio‐economic data set was used to develop the project traffic distribution. 26.65% oriented North on Link ID# 33: Citrona Drive – towards Atlantic Avenue 2.55% oriented East on Link ID# 111: Jasmine Street – Citrona Drive to S. Fletcher Avenue 45.17% oriented South on Link ID# 34: Citrona Drive – Jasmine Street to Sadler Road 20.64% oriented West on Link ID#38: Jasmine Street – 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive (25.64% ‐ 5.00% = 20.64% hand Adjusted with 5.00% assigned to Hickory Street) 5.00% oriented West on Hickory Street – 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive (Hand Adjusted) The PM peak project traffic was assigned by multiplying the trips generation (entering and exiting) by the above mentioned project traffic distribution percentages. The year 2017 build‐out traffic projections include year 2017 background projections and project trips from the proposed development. The year 2017 background projections were developed by applying a growth rate of 1% per year to the peak hour traffic volumes included in the Nassau County’s Transportation Analysis Spreadsheet. The study roadway sections are anticipated to continue operating at an acceptable LOS or better under the year 2017 background and build‐out conditions. CTSi August 31, 2015 5 8515 Baymeadows Way, Suite 401 Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 422‐6923 | | Figure 1 Location Map Shell Cove – Fernandina Beach Traffic Study Nassau County, Florida Client: Gillette & Associates, Inc. 6 2.55% Project Traffic Distribution 8515 Baymeadows Way, Suite 401 Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 422‐6923 | | Figure2 Project Traffic Distribution Shell Cove – Fernandina Beach Traffic Study Nassau County, Florida Client: Gillette & Associates, Inc. 7 29 PM Peak Project Traffic Assignment 8515 Baymeadows Way, Suite 401 Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 422‐6923 | | Figure3 PM Peak Project Traffic Assignment Shell Cove – Fernandina Beach Traffic Study Nassau County, Florida Client: Gillette & Associates, Inc. 8 Table 01 Existing Conditions Shell Cove, Nassau County, FL Link ID # Count Station 33 111 34 38 C‐19 F‐10 C‐20 C‐24 Roadway Citrona Drive Jasmine Street Citrona Drive Jasmine Street Termini Atlantic Avenue to Jasmine Street Citrona Drive to S. Fletcher Avenue Jasmine Street to Sadler Road 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive Pk Hour Capacity A Count Year AADT K‐Factor 720 670 900 720 2009 2004 2009 2009 3,510 2,390 5,644 3,021 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096 Peak Hour Concurrency Total Peak % Capacity Traffic Reservation Hour Traffic Used B C D = B + C E = D/A 337 229 542 290 14 6 140 43 351 235 682 333 48.75% 35.07% 75.78% 46.25% Available Capacity F = A ‐ D Link Status 369 435 218 387 OK OK OK OK Source: Year 2014 Nassau County Transportation Analysis Spreadsheet CTS1 08/11/2015 9 Table 02 Trip Generation Shell Cove, Nassau County, FL ITE Land Use Code Land (Acres) Density Units/Acre Proposed New Single Family Residential 7.41 8 59 DUs AM Peak PM Peak (T) = 0.70 (X) + 9.74 Ln(T) = 0.90 Ln(X) + 0.51 51 65 25% 63% 75% 37% 13 41 38 24 Currently Allowed 210 Single Family Residential 7.41 4 29 DUs AM Peak PM Peak (T) = 0.70 (X) + 9.74 Ln(T) = 0.90 Ln(X) + 0.51 30 34 25% 63% 75% 37% 8 21 22 13 21 31 25% 63% 75% 37% 5 20 16 11 Proposed 210 Description Units Time Period Equation New Trips Percent Entering Exiting Total Trips Entering Exiting Net Increase AM Peak PM Peak Source: Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition, ITE CTSi 08/11/2015 10 Table 03 Study Area ‐ Growth Rate Estimates Shell Cove, Nassau County, FL Roadway Termini 2014 AADTs S. 14th Street 0.1 Mile S. of Atlantic Avenue 7400 SR 200 E. of 14th Street 7400 SR A1A N. of Kentucky Avenue 5400 Weighted Average Minimum Growth Rate CTS1 Growth Rate 1.39% ‐2.11% 1.50% 0.14% 1.00% 08/11/2015 11 Table 04 Build‐Out Conditions Link Analysis Shell Cove, Nassau County, FL Link ID # Count Station 33 111 34 38 C‐19 F‐10 C‐20 C‐24 Roadway Citrona Drive Jasmine Street Citrona Drive Jasmine Street Termini Atlantic Avenue to Jasmine Street Citrona Drive to S. Fletcher Avenue Jasmine Street to Sadler Road 14th Street (SR 200) to Citrona Drive Pk Hour Count Total Peak Growth Capacity Year Hour Traffic Rate A B C D Year 2017 Bkgrd Traffic E = C *(1+D)^(2017‐B) 720 670 900 720 380 267 739 361 2009 2004 2009 2009 351 235 682 333 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Currently Allowed 34 Proposed 65 Net Increase 31 Project Traffic Bkgrd Traffic Revised Total % Capacity Used Distribution Assignment Pk Hour Traffic (E/A) F G = F * 65 H = E + G 52.78% 39.85% 82.11% 50.14% 68.35% 2.55% 45.17% 20.64% 45 2 29 14 425 269 768 375 Year 2017 Total Traffic % Capacity Used I = H/A 59.03% 40.15% 85.33% 52.08% Link Status OK if I < 90% OK OK OK OK A, B, C ‐ Table 01 D ‐ Table 03 F ‐ Project Traffic Distribution obtained using Interim Year 2020 NERPM42 Travel Demand Model Run 5.00% of project traffic was hand assingned to Hickory Street between 14th Street and Citrona Drive. Project traffic assignment on Jasmine Street between 14th Street and Citrona Drive reduced from 25.64% to 20.64% for assigning 5.00% to Hickory Street. Project traffic assignment on Citrona Drive between Hickory Street and Jasmine Drive reduced from 73.35% to 68.35% for assigning 5.00% to Hickory Street. CTS1 08/11/2015 12 Attachment A Year 2014 Transportation Analysis Spreadsheet (Source: Nassau County, Growth Management Website) 13 14 15 Attachment B Travel Demand Model Plots D SADLER R 7 .6 26 93.13 11.25 39.28 0 0 CITCONA DR 9.12 31.83 3 2.1 5 7.4 26.67 93.13 2.56 8.94 5.33 5.33 5.33 18.62 18.62 2.56 8.94 5.33 18.62 6.71 1.92 0 0 HER A VE 2.56 2.56 8.94 8.94 2.56 8.94 2.56 8.94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.23 2.36 0 0 JASMINE ST 2.56 8.94 JASMINE ST 2.56 8.94 SADLE R RD 5.33 18.62 0 0 0 0 CIT RON A 21.1 DR 1 73.7 21.11 3 21.11 73.73 73.73 0 0 0 0 S 14TH ST 0 0 0 0 18.76 65.51 0 0 0 0 7.71 26.91 6.76 23.59 0 0 0 0 0 0 ATLANT 6.76 23.59 IC AVE 7.71 26.91 0 0 2.38 8.31 0 0 7.71 26.91 S F L ET C JASMINE ST 25.64 89.54 2.56 8.94 349.34 100.03 0 0 2.38 8.31 0 0 5. 5 19 5 . 38 7.71 26.91 2 .5 6 8 .9 4 73.37 256.22 0 0 S 14TH ST 2.38 8.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 73.3 7 256. 22 2.38 2.3 8 8.31 8.3 1 0 0 0 0 9.76 34.1 S 14TH ST 11.6 2.38 40.51 8.31 WILL HARDEE 45.17 157.75 S 14TH ST 4.98 17.4 45.17 157.7 45.17 45.17 5 157.75 0 0 7.89 27.56 43.25 151.0 3 S 14TH ST 4.98 17.4 6.62 23.12 15.88 55.44 0 0 43. 2 151 5 4 .03 3.2 543 .25 151.0 3 S 14TH ST 4.98 17.4 0 0 0 0 38.6 7.89 7.89 27.56 27.56 11.25 39.28 3.57 0 15.88 55.44 43.25 151.03 7 3.57 3.57 3.5 12.46 12.46 CI 0 1.9 15 .88 6.62 55 .44 0 0 0.13 0.45 9.48 9.4 8 9.48 9 .48 9.4 33.09 33.0 8 9 33.09 7.89 27.56 SADLER RD 26.67 93.13 9.35 32.64 DR A ON TC 9.12 3 .8 31 S 14TH 3.5 12.4 7.89 27.56 0 0 0 0 28.08 98.07 0 0 S 14TH ST 4.98 17.4 0 43.25 151.03 S 14TH ST 4.98 17.4 0 0 SR A1A 0 0 0 0 SR A1A 14 SR 49 .25 A1 .7 14.2 A 7 48 49.7 5 14.25 13 .3 7 .83 49.77 48. 3 13. 48.3 48.3 SR 83 A1A 13.83 1.9 6.62 0 0 6.76 23.59 0.13 0.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 14TH ST 0.13 0.45 0 0 0 0 1.9 6.62 6.76 23.59 6.76 23.59 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.76 23.59 0 0 6.76 23.59 N 14TH ST 0.13 0.45 0 0 6.76 23.59 N 14TH ST 0.13 0.45 0 0 0 0 0 N 14TH ST 0.13 0.45 6.76 6.76 6.76 0 3 0.1 5 0.4 6.76 23.59 N 14TH ST 0.13 0.45 AVE SA 6 6.7 9 5 23. ATLANTIC 7.7 7.7 AVE 7.7 7.7 26.88 0 0 0 0 1.9 1.9 1.9 6.62 6.6 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 .2 14 .77 A A1 49 .3 SR 5 2 48 .83 SR A1A 4.25 14. 7 .3 13 1 9.7 48 14.25 .77 4 9 4 49.77 48.3 48.3 3.83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.38 8.31 0 0 0.95 3.32 0 0 0 0 FORT CLINCH 0 0 1.9 1.9 1.9 6.62 0 0 0 0 1.58 5.5 0 0 TRL ER TRL BUCCANE 0 0 0 0 EER BUCCAN 1.8 9 6.6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRL NEER 0.95 0 BUCCA 0.95 3.31 0 3.31 3.31 0 3.31 0.95 0 0.95 ER TRL BUCCANE 0 0 0 1.65 5.76 7.7 26.88 0 0 H LINC 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 6.76 5.33 (Licensed to Chindalur Traffic Solutions, Inc.) 17 Attachment C Zdata Variables to Determine Project Traffic Distribution 18 Attachment - C Shell Cove - Documentation of ZDATA Variables Used for Project Traffic Distribution Single Family New TAZ File Columns Notes Coastal Cove Z-data Variables 578 Nassau County CTSi Development Shell Cove (Proposed) DU's 9-13 59 Pop. 20-24 165 Production Variables Multi-Family DU's 34-38 Pop. 45-49 - Zdata Cals NERPM42 2020 08112015 - Shell Cove.xlsx Zdata Variables Attraction Variables Hotel-Motel Rooms 59-63 - % Occ. 64-66 70% Industrial Hotel Pop. 67-71 - Retail Service Office SF Empl. 9-14 - SF Empl. 15-20 - SF Empl. - 18 Hole Golf Movie Theater Ele School Mid School High School Hotel Rooms Empl. - - Svc. Sum 21-26 Empl. Sum 27-32 - - School School Enroll. 33-38 08/11/2015 - 19 Attachment D Historical AADTs and Trends Analysis Plots 20 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS OFFICE 2014 HISTORICAL AADT REPORT COUNTY: 74 - NASSAU SITE: 9125 - S. 14TH ST. .1 MI. S. OF ATLANTIC AVE. YEAR ---2014 2013 2012 AADT ---------7400 S 7300 F 7200 C DIRECTION 1 -----------N 0 0 DIRECTION 2 -----------S 0 0 *K FACTOR --------9.00 9.00 9.00 D FACTOR -------55.10 56.90 54.70 T FACTOR -------4.30 4.10 4.50 AADT FLAGS: C = COMPUTED; E = MANUAL ESTIMATE; F = FIRST YEAR ESTIMATE S = SECOND YEAR ESTIMATE; T = THIRD YEAR ESTIMATE; F = FOURTH YEAR ESTIMATE V = FIFTH YEAR ESTIMATE; 6 = SIXTH YEAR ESTIMATE; X = UNKNOWN *K FACTOR: STARTING WITH YEAR 2011 IS STANDARDK, PRIOR YEARS ARE K30 VALUES 21 Traffic Trends - V2.0 S. 14th Street -PIN# County: 973215-1 1 Location 10000 Fitted Curve Average Daily Traffic (Vehicles/Day) 0 Highway: S. 14th Street Year 2012 2013 2014 Observed Count 9000 Nassau (74) Station #: 8000 Traffic (ADT/AADT) Count* Trend** 7200 7200 7300 7300 7400 7400 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 Year ** Annual Trend Increase: Trend R-squared: Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: Trend Growth Rate (2014 to Design Year): Printed: Straight Line Growth Option 100 100.00% 1.39% 1.35% 2032 2016 Opening Year Trend 2016 N/A 7600 2017 Mid-Year Trend 2017 N/A 7700 2020 Design Year Trend 8000 2020 N/A TRANPLAN Forecasts/Trends 11-Aug-15 *Axle-Adjusted 22 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS OFFICE 2014 HISTORICAL AADT REPORT COUNTY: 74 - NASSAU SITE: 5012 - SR 200 300' E. OF 14TH ST. YEAR ---2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 AADT ---------7400 C 7900 C 8100 C 8500 C 7900 C 7600 C 7600 C 6200 C 6800 C 9000 C 8400 C 8400 C 9600 C 8300 C 9400 C 7600 C DIRECTION 1 -----------E E 0 E 0 E 0 E 0 E 0 E 0 E 0 E 0 E E E E E E E DIRECTION 2 -----------W W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W W W W W W W *K FACTOR --------9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 12.04 11.44 10.08 11.16 11.41 11.70 11.50 11.00 11.90 12.70 11.90 12.10 D FACTOR -------55.10 56.90 54.70 55.80 58.48 57.12 59.26 57.15 58.30 59.30 58.30 57.60 60.00 59.10 57.50 52.40 T FACTOR -------6.30 7.20 6.30 6.40 6.80 7.10 7.10 6.00 7.20 4.50 9.10 8.00 8.30 8.80 9.50 10.60 AADT FLAGS: C = COMPUTED; E = MANUAL ESTIMATE; F = FIRST YEAR ESTIMATE S = SECOND YEAR ESTIMATE; T = THIRD YEAR ESTIMATE; F = FOURTH YEAR ESTIMATE V = FIFTH YEAR ESTIMATE; 6 = SIXTH YEAR ESTIMATE; X = UNKNOWN *K FACTOR: STARTING WITH YEAR 2011 IS STANDARDK, PRIOR YEARS ARE K30 VALUES 23 Traffic Trends - V2.0 SR 200 -PIN# County: 973215-1 Location 1 0 Highway: SR 200 9000 Average Daily Traffic (Vehicles/Day) Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Observed Count 8000 Nassau (74) Station #: Fitted Curve 7000 Traffic (ADT/AADT) Count* Trend** 7900 8300 8500 8100 8100 8000 7900 7800 7400 7600 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Year ** Annual Trend Increase: Trend R-squared: Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: Trend Growth Rate (2014 to Design Year): Printed: Straight Line Growth Option -160 40.51% -2.11% -1.97% 2035 2016 Opening Year Trend 2016 N/A 7300 2017 Mid-Year Trend 2017 N/A 7200 2020 Design Year Trend 2020 N/A 6700 TRANPLAN Forecasts/Trends 11-Aug-15 *Axle-Adjusted 24 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS OFFICE 2014 HISTORICAL AADT REPORT COUNTY: 74 - NASSAU SITE: 5014 - SR A1A N. OF KENTUCKY AVE. YEAR ---2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 AADT ---------5400 C 5000 C 5600 C 4300 C 5400 C 5700 C 5300 C 5500 C 4800 C 7100 C 7500 C 6200 C 6100 C 6000 C 4900 C 5800 C DIRECTION 1 -----------N 2700 N 2500 N 2800 N 2200 N 2700 N 2800 N 2700 N 2800 N 2400 N 3600 N 3800 N 3100 N 3000 N 3000 N 2500 N 3000 DIRECTION 2 -----------S 2700 S 2500 S 2800 S 2100 S 2700 S 2900 S 2600 S 2700 S 2400 S 3500 S 3700 S 3100 S 3100 S 3000 S 2400 S 2800 *K FACTOR --------9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 12.04 11.44 10.08 11.16 11.41 11.70 11.50 11.00 11.90 12.70 11.90 12.10 D FACTOR -------55.10 56.90 54.70 55.80 58.48 57.12 59.26 57.15 58.30 59.30 58.30 57.60 60.00 59.10 57.50 52.40 T FACTOR -------0.90 1.30 1.60 1.30 0.70 1.20 1.10 2.30 1.60 6.40 6.40 2.20 3.20 3.40 4.70 2.50 AADT FLAGS: C = COMPUTED; E = MANUAL ESTIMATE; F = FIRST YEAR ESTIMATE S = SECOND YEAR ESTIMATE; T = THIRD YEAR ESTIMATE; F = FOURTH YEAR ESTIMATE V = FIFTH YEAR ESTIMATE; 6 = SIXTH YEAR ESTIMATE; X = UNKNOWN *K FACTOR: STARTING WITH YEAR 2011 IS STANDARDK, PRIOR YEARS ARE K30 VALUES 25 Traffic Trends - V2.0 SR A1A -- N. of Kentucky Avenue PIN# County: 973215-1 Location 1 0 Highway: SR A1A 8000 Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Observed Count Average Daily Traffic (Vehicles/Day) 7000 Nassau (74) Station #: Fitted Curve 6000 Traffic (ADT/AADT) Count* Trend** 5400 5000 4300 5100 5600 5100 5000 5200 5400 5300 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Year ** Annual Trend Increase: Trend R-squared: Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: Trend Growth Rate (2014 to Design Year): Printed: Straight Line Growth Option 70 4.57% 1.50% 1.26% 2035 2016 Opening Year Trend 2016 N/A 5400 2017 Mid-Year Trend 2017 N/A 5500 2020 Design Year Trend 2020 N/A 5700 TRANPLAN Forecasts/Trends 11-Aug-15 *Axle-Adjusted