Weekly Market Performance Report Market Highlights1 (March 29–April 4) • The average DLAP price in the integrated forward market was $46.71. The maximum and minimum DLAP prices were $94.65 and $28.27, respectively. The maximum and minimum PNode prices in the integrated forward market were $391.24 and -$66.30 respectively. • The top two interties congested in the integrated forward market were PACI_ITC and IID-SCE_ITC. Congestion rents in this week totaled $14,913,822.16. • The average day-ahead ancillary service prices were between $0.09 and $19.96. • Approximately 95.46 percent of the RUC requirements were met from RA units. • The average real-time DLAP price was $45.56, with a maximum price of $2,156.22 and a minimum price of -$31.83. The maximum and minimum PNode prices in the real-time dispatch were $2,920.07 and -$2,284.34, respectively. • Out of the total 2,016 five-minute intervals, 40 intervals saw DLAP prices above $250 and 13 intervals saw DLAP prices below -$30. • Root cause for daily high price events are noted below. Trade Date Apr 02, HE 7 Root Cause Congestion on SCE_PCT_IMP_BG, load change, and re-dispatch of resources Congestion on BARRE_LEWIS NG and/or SCE_PCT_IMP_BG, and re-dispatch of resources Congestion on SCE_PCT_IMP_BG, load change, and re-dispatch of resources Congestion on SCE_PCT_IMP_BG and re-dispatch of resources Congestion on 7820_TL 230S_OVERLOAD_NG and re-dispatch of resources Congestion on 7820_TL 230S_OVERLOAD_NG and load change Apr 02, HE 10 Load change and re-dispatch of resources Apr 02, HE 12 Congestion on SOUTHLUGO_RV_BG Congestion on 7820_TL 230S_OVERLOAD_NG, load change, and re-dispatch of resources Congestion on SOUTH_OF_LUGO and 7820_TL_OVERLOAD_NG, and load change Load change, congestion on SOUTH_OF_LUGO, and generator outage Mar 29, HE 7, 17, 18 Mar 29, HE 21 Mar 30, HE 22 Mar 31, HE 21, 24 Apr 01, HE 20 Apr 03, HE 9 Apr 03, HE 20 Apr 04, HE 13 1 A description of the metrics presented in this report is available at http://www.caiso.com/205c/205cb4c74bc40.html Market Quality and Renewable Integration/Q.Yu 1 Weekly Market Performance Report Figure 1: Day-Ahead (IFM) LAP LMP 100 90 80 Price ($/MWh) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 PGAE SCE 4-Apr 3-Apr 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar 0 SDGE Figure 2: Day-Ahead Congestion Rents $4.50 Congestion Rents (in Millions) $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 Flow-Gates PACI_ITC Market Quality and Renewable Integration/Q.Yu IID-SCE_ITC NOB_ITC 4-Apr 3-Apr 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar $0.00 Other Interties 2 Weekly Market Performance Report Figure 3: Day-Ahead (IFM) Average A/S Price 25 Price ($/MWh) 20 15 10 5 Reg Dn Reg Up Spin 4-Apr 3-Apr 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar 0 Non Spin Figure 4: Day-Ahead Average RUC Price 14 12 Price ($/MWh) 10 8 6 4 2 0 Market Quality and Renewable Integration/Q.Yu 4-Apr 3-Apr 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar -2 3 Weekly Market Performance Report Figure 5: Real-Time (RTPD) Average A/S Price 300 250 Price ($/MWh) 200 150 100 50 Reg Up Spin 4-Apr 3-Apr 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar 0 Non Spin Reg Dn Figure 6: Real-Time (RTD) LAP LMP 2500 2000 Price ($/MWh) 1500 1000 500 0 PGAE Market Quality and Renewable Integration/Q.Yu SCE 4-Apr 3-Apr 2-Apr 1-Apr 31-Mar 30-Mar 29-Mar -500 SDGE 4