HABIT-CHANGE Automatic regional climate monitoring (BUNPD) 11/2012 This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF Title: 11/2012 Date: Automatic regional climate monitoring (BUNPD) Author: Dr. Judit Cservenka Project: HABIT-CHANGE – Adaptive management of climate-induced changes of habitat diversity in protected areas CENTRAL EUROPE 2CE168P3 Project Number: 3/2010 2/2013 End date: Output Number: Programme: Start date: Lead Partner: Project Partner: Contact: Further information [2] 4.2.7. Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development (IOER), Germany University of Vienna, Austria National Academy of Sciences, Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, Ukraine Thuringian State Institute for Forestry, Game and Fishery, Germany Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate, Hungary Szent Istvan University, Hungary Biebrza National Park, Poland Environmental Protection Institute, Poland Triglav National Park, Slovenia University of Bucharest, Romania Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Romania SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Slovenia University of Maribor, Slovenia European Academy Bolzano, Italy Marco Neubert, m.neubert@ioer.de, +49 351 4679-274 Sven Rannow, s.rannow@ioer.de, +49 351 463-42359 www.habit-change.eu Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Placement and Location 5 2.1. Szentbékkálla 5 2.2. Nyirád 7 Display of data 8 3. This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [3] 1. Introduction The Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate has not owned any instruments to obtain meteorological data relevant for the designated investigation areas (Nyirádi Sárálló, Sásdi meadow and fens around Tapolca and Lesencetomaj). The Hungarian Meteorological Service has been operating stations in Keszthely (precipitation and temperature) and in Sümeg (only precipitation) since 1901. In the frame of the project two meteorological stations were established; in the near of Nyirád, and at Szentbékkálla, both of them are approximately two kilometre far from designated the investigated area. The supplier of the meteorological stations was the BOREAS ltd. Specifications: Type EnviroMetX-5 BIS-06 GSM adapter XBee-Wifi Preparation Szentbékkálla Preparation - Nyirád Short description System-6 Environmental Station with the following sensors: - BHP-06 temperature, humidity and air pressure; - BES-06 amount of precipitation; - BWS-06 wind direction and –speed. BCULite-S6 with datalogger, with local power-supply, free S6ReadStation software, 5 m meteorological coloumn. Sensor for the measurement of global radiation (piranometer): it measures the strenght of radiation in W/m2. It also gives the number of sunny seconds, the threshold can be programmed. The extended treshold is 2000W/m2. GSM adapter joint to the station, configured + antenna (in case of Nyirád) Wifi module 2,4 GHz freuency, communication 802.11b/g/n (in case of Szentbékkálla) - Informatical development, development of electric supply and holding structure at the location of the station. Concrete base and holding stucture, soil cable and its laying, constuction of a receiver box and establishment of a separate electricity consumption meter Advantages of using System-6 stations: - there is no need for local computer and an operator for the collection of data and their processing, because they directly get onto the central server of the BOREAS Ltd. via wifi or GPRS adapter. - Continuous operation (and/or quick repair) of the stations are guaranteed, because the stations automatically get into the long-distance control system of the BOREAS Ltd. There is a possibility for sending alarm emails to any email address. - It is possible to forward the measured data regularly, automatically to any email address in Excel or in other format (free service). [4] 2. Placement and Location 2.1. Szentbékkálla In case of the Sásdi meadow investigation area, relevant regional meteorological data are served by the station established in the village of Szentbékkálla. Its coodinates (Hungarian EOV): 537,327.90; 172,844.57. This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [5] The red point shows the location of the meteorological station. It is standing on the secured property of Sárvári Ltd. It is approximately 2 km far from the middle of the investigation area. The data are forwarded to the server of BOREAS Kft. via wifi connection. We agreed for ensuring placement for out station the data can be shown also in the homepage of the village of Szentbékkálla. Regular check of the precipitation collector is done by the staff of the Ltd. [6] 2.2. Nyirád In case of Nyirád, the safest placement of the meteorological station close to the investigation area could be ensured in the station area of the No. 37 of North-Transdanubian Drinking Water-Supply Service. Hungarian EOV coordinates: 526,540.45; 184,633.23. The red point shows the location of the meteorological station. Placement of the meteorological station. This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [7] 3. Display of data Data can be read from the following website: http://met.boreas.hu/agrar/ név (user name): cservenka jelszó (password): judit In the upper left corner can the “Mérőrendszerek” word seen, that means “Measuring systems”. If you click on it, the name of the Balaton Uplands National Park (“Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park”) appears. With another click on this, the names of the two installed station can be seen (“Szentbékkálla” and “Nyirád” – Kunszentmárton does not belong here, it is just a reference station that has been operating since several years). The opening screen shows the table of actual state (“Aktuális állapot tablója”), where the wind direction and -speed, the humidity percentage, the actual temperature, the amount of precipitation on the actual day, and the day before, and the amount of monthly precipitation in mm can be seen. The last two bars show the state of power supply and electric field intensity. Detailed data and diagrams can be obtained under “Elemi mérések” (elemental measurements) and “Napi statisztikák” (daily statistics). The duration of period interested can be set at the top of the table. The stations have been operating from August 15, 2012. Under “Elemi mérések” (elemental measurements) we can get information about basic data, wind, air pressure, global radiation and operation. Under “Napi statisztikák” (daily statistics) data can be obtained at different timescale for air temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, amount of precipitation, duration of sunny seconds (hours), global radiation, wind, positive sum of heat, active sum of heat, effective sum of heat, atmospheric aridity and for potential evaporation. [8] E.g. the above diagram shows the minimum (blue line), maximum (red line) and average (green line) daily temperatures at Szentbékkálla from the time of installation August 15, 2012. The above diagram shows e.g. the amount of precipitation from the time of instalment at This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [9] Nyirád. The total amount of precipitation is also designated at the top part of the diagram (sum amount of precipitation – “csapadék halmozott összeg”). The same diagram for Szentbékkálla can be seen above. [10]