2016 2016 International Conference on

2016 International Conference on
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
2016 International Conference on
Coastal Ecology and Marine Biotechnology
ICBB 2016 & ICCEMB 2016
8-10 December 2016 Bangkok, Thailand
 General Information
Organized by
Asia-Pacific Asso. of Sci.,
Engin. & Tech. (APASET)
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you
to Bangkok, Thailand to participate the 5th International Conference on
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (ICBB 2016) & International Conference on
Important Dates
Coastal Ecology and Marine Biotechnology (ICCEMB 2016) during Dec. 8-10, 2016.
Abstract submission deadline:
The conference has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive
extend to Oct. 20, 2016
overview of biotechnology and bioengineering. A focus will be given to major
Early Registration deadline:
Nov. 10, 2016
biotechnology, medical biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, plant and
Conference days:
environment, and many more. It is anticipated that researchers, industrialists
Dec. 8-10, 2016
and academicians from around the world will attend this conference to share
Full paper submission deadline:
the latest findings and breakthroughs.
Dec. 30, 2016
 Conference Themes
Mandarin Hotel Managed by
Topics of the conference include but are not limited to:
Centre Point; 662 Rama IV
Topic 1: Biotechnology - Tools and Methods
Rd., Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Program Committee Chair:
Topic 2: Coastal and Marine Biotechnology
Topic 3: Medical Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Se-Kwon Kim,
Topic 4: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Topic 5: Bioresource, Ecology and Environment
Pukyong National University,
Topic 6: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Republic of Korea
Topic 7: Industrial Biotechnology
Conference Secretariat:
Topic 1: Tools and Methods in Marine Biotechnology
Cathy Zhang, APASET.
Email: icbb@apaset.org
0086-153 4657 6558
Topic 2: Marine resource: research and applications (drugs,
bioactive compounds, etc.)
Topic 3: Coastal agriculture and fishery
Topic 4: Coastal ecology and biodiversity
 Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit original scientific papers in English for oral or
poster presentation. After peer review and author's revision, selected papers
will be published in related journals.
Oral presentation: The speaker will have 20 min (15 min for presentation,
5 min for questions and answers). Speakers are requested to submit a
Power Point presentation, if any, one day before the conference.
Poster presentation: Posters will be displayed as a portrait of
approximately 90 cm x 110 cm/A0. Text should be written in English.
Conference organizer will provide the equipment needed for mounting
Organized by
Asia-Pacific Asso. of Sci.,
Engin. & Tech. (APASET)
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline:
extend to Oct. 20, 2016
Early Registration deadline:
Nov. 10, 2016
Conference days:
Dec. 8-10, 2016
While authors should indicate their preference for Oral or Poster presentation,
the final decision will rest with the Conference Scientific Committee.
 Call for Sessions
We invite proposals for Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia. The deadline for
proposal submission is Oct. 20, 2016. More information about proposals, please
visit our conference website, or email to the conference secretariat.
 Registration
Full paper submission deadline:
Dec. 30, 2016
1. Please feedback the registration form of attendee confirmation to conference
secretariat before Nov. 20th, 2016.
Mandarin Hotel Managed by
Centre Point; 662 Rama IV
Rd., Bangkok 10500, Thailand
2. After receiving your registration form, we will send you the detailed payment
invoice and invitation letter immediately.
3. The copy of the remittance should be sent to the secretariat before the
conference to confirm a valid registration.
4. All printed conference documentations will be allocated on the conference
Program Committee Chair:
check-in date.
Prof. Dr. Se-Kwon Kim,
Pukyong National University,
Republic of Korea
Conference Secretariat:
Cathy Zhang, APASET.
 Contact
Cathy Zhang
Secretariat of ICBB&ICCEMB
Email: icbb@apaset.org
Email: icbb@apaset.org
0086-153 4657 6558
Web: http://icbb.apaset.org (ICBB)
0086 153 4657 6558
http://iccemb.apaset.org (ICCEMB)