Note: All questions are compulsory All questions carry equal marks

Sociology of Informal Sector
Note: All questions are compulsory
All questions carry equal marks
All questions have internal choice
Time: 2.5 hrs
Q1.Write an essay on the theories of the informal sector (15)
Q1.Write an essay on the meaning, characteristics and problems of workers in the informal
sector (15)
Q2.Write an essay on the issues of contract workers with special emphasis on women (15)
Q2.Write an essay on the problems of women workers (15)
Q3.Write an essay on microfinance and self help groups in India (15)
Q3.Write an essay on social security for workers in the informal sector (15)
Q4.Write an essay on the feminization of the work force (15)
Q4.Write an essay on the problems of women as ‘plantation workers’ (15)
Q5.Write short notes (attempt any 3 out of 6) (15)
a) Decent work agenda
b) Worker cooperatives
c) Naka workers
d) Informalisation of work within the formal sector
e) Problems of workers in the formal sector
f) Labor activism in the informal sector